Native American and European Differences Mueller, H12014-15

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Native American and European Differences

Native American and European DifferencesMueller, H12014-15

Do NowWhat does it mean to own something. Are there things that we can and cannot own? Please explain yourself in 4-5 well-written sentences.

Property-the Native American ViewTo many North American tribes of indigenous peoples, the land (and any plant, animal, or other resource on it) was not something one person or group of people could own.How does the picture at right represent the Native American view of who owns the land?

Property-the Euro-American ViewAmerican law of property follows the traditional European laws in which land (and any plant, animal, or other resource on it) can be bought, sold, and owned by one person or a group of people.How does the picture at right represent the Euro-American view of property?

Before we go Any FurtherThe Native American view of property is not to say that they shared anything and everything with anyone and everyone. This is a simplistic and nave view. Native American views on property were that property was a resource to be used by a particular community, thereby, if you aint in our community, you aint gettin our resources. In fact most Native American tribes fought brutal wars against other Native American rivals for access to resources (hunting/fishing grounds, farmland, etc.). This is like any group of people any place in the world at any time in history!

Stop and ThinkWhat do you think is the better way to view land? The Native American or the Euro-American? Please explain.

Lifestyle: Hunter-GatherersMany Plains Native American Tribes were hunter-gatherer societies.Hunter-Gatherers make their living off of hunting animals for food, clothing, shelter, and other hand-made goods as well as gather wild plants for food, medicine, and trade.

Lifestyle: Hunter-GatherersHunter gatherers are often nomads.Nomads are people who dont have permanent homes and are moving around.Many Native American tribes of the Great Plains were nomads that followed the path of the bison herds that used to roam freely in the middle of the country.

Lifestyle: SettledMost Euro-Americans lived in settled societies.People in settled societies make their living off of farming (plants and animals), services (stores, hospitals, banks, schools, etc.), and industry (factories).

Stop and ThinkWhat society would you rather live in, a hunter-gatherer or settled one? Why? Please be sure to explain yourself.