Greenland hockey stick plot How to make one the Mann way - Derek

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  • We will come back to thispart of the plot later..

  • Figure 2. Black - Lamb 1965 CET (with update); red - digitized IPCC 1990 Figure 1c.

  • Look at the following reconstruction data by Judith Lean of the Naval Research Library and charted from her data at NOAA by Junkscience.com shows that interestingly, the sun's output does appear to be higher today than they have been in many, perhaps hundreds of years.

  • Look at the following reconstruction data by Judith Lean of the Naval Research Library and charted from her data at NOAA by Junkscience.com shows that interestingly, the sun's output does appear to be higher today than they have been in many, perhaps hundreds of years.

  • Figure 4. Reproduction of a chart in MM05a. Histogram of Hockey Stick Indexes of PC1s from red noise under conventional PC algorithm and under Mann PC algorithm. use a dodgy algorithm..

  • Figure 9. Removal of the bristlecone pines from the AD1400 network changes the results from the red line to the pink line, thereby removing the characteristic hockey stick shape and leaving behind mere noise. Source: Wahl and Ammann (2005) http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/ammann/millennium/recon/WEB_examples.jpg (unpublished). omit data

  • Fig. 2. Combined northern Eurasia tree ring chronology.

  • Fig.4.Comparison of large-scale temperature reconstruction (1) and Eurasian tree-ring chronology(2).

  • There are reasons to believe that tree ring data may not capture long-term climate changes (100+ years) because tree size, root/shoot ratio, genetic adaptation to climate, and forest density can all shift in response to prolonged climate changes, among other reasons (Broecker, 2001; Falcon-Lang, 2005; Loehle, 2004; Moberg et al., 2005).Data in each series were smoothed with a 30-year running mean. All data were then converted to anomalies by subtracting the mean of each series from that series. The overall mean series was then computed by simple averaging.Data were obtained for long series that had been previously calibrated and converted to temperature. No tree ring data were used. After an extensive search, all data were used that had at least 20 dates over the 2000-year period.None of these types of data have the temperature calibration problems inherent in tree rings. Whatever temperature calibration issues exist with these proxies are not common across the different proxies.

  • Figure 2. Corrected reconstruction with 95% confidence intervals.Data for this graph is online at

  • Figure 2. Corrected reconstruction with 95% confidence intervals.Data for this graph is online at

  • Figure 2. Corrected reconstruction with 95% confidence intervals.Data for this graph is online at Mann et al Time period.

  • Figure 2. Corrected reconstruction with 95% confidence intervals.Data for this graph is online at Mann et al Time period.

  • Figure 2. Corrected reconstruction with 95% confidence intervals.Data for this graph is online at

  • Two data pointsfurther moved629783(-0.05), and51961 ( + 0.1).

  • Two data pointsfurther moved629783(-0.05), and51961 ( + 0.1).

  • This is the effect of one data set that Mann deliberately misinterpreted..It is obvious why he did so.

  • This is the effect of one data set that Mann deliberately misinterpreted..It is obvious why he did so.

  • This is the effect of one data set that Mann deliberately misinterpreted..It is obvious why he did so.

  • This is the effect of one data set that Mann deliberately misinterpreted..It is obvious why he did so.

  • This is the effect of one data set that Mann deliberately misinterpreted..It is obvious why he did so.

  • This is the effect of one data set that Mann deliberately misinterpreted..It is obvious why he did so.

  • In only the last century or so..