By: Bella Kviten Grammer Book

Grammer book

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Page 1: Grammer book

By: Bella Kviten

Grammer Book

Page 2: Grammer book

• preterite, • preterite trigger words• car/gar/zar• spock verbs• snake verbs and snakey

verbs• cucaracha irregulars• imperfect• imperfect trigger words• imperfect irregulars• preterite vs. imperfect• ser vs. estar

• verbs like gustar• comparatives and

superlatives• transition words• future• future irregulars• future trigger words• por• para

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-Specific events-To express events that are viewed by the speaker as complicated-To express the beginning or end of past action-To narrate a series of past actions or events


-er/iríisteióimosisteis ieron


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• Words that indicate preterito is being used

Preterito Trigger Words

•anoche•ayer•anteayer•el año pasado•la semana pasada•hace…que…

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Car Gar ZarIrregular in the yo form


qu cgu

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Spock Verbs







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Snake Verbs•Snakey VerbsOnly changes in 3rd person

•e>i•Pedir, preferir,

competir, repetir, ser, vir, sentir, venir

•o>u•Dormir, morir

•i>y•oir•e>y• leer, creer

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Cucaracha VerbsAndar- anduvEstar- estuvPoder- pudPoner- pusQuerer- quisSaber -supTener- tuvVenir- vinConducir- condujProducir- produjTraducir- tradujDecir- dijTraer- traj


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EL IMPERFECTIVO-Background information (time, weather, location)-To describe an ongoing past action with no references to its beginning or end-To express habitual past actions or events-To describe physical and emotional states or characteristics


-er/iríisteióimosisteis ieron

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El Imperfecto Trigger Words

•Frecuentamente•Siempre•A veces•De vez en cuando•Mientras

•Muchas veces •Los lunes•Cada dia•Todos los dias

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iriba ibamosibas ibaisiba iban

serera éramos

eras eraisera eran

verveía veíamos

veías veíaisveía veían

Imperfecto Irregulares

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Ser vs. EstarSerD-description O-originsC-characteristicsT-timeO-occupationR-relationshipP-possesionE-eventD-date

EstarH-healthE-emotionsL-locationP-present conditonI-N-G-ING-ando, iendo

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Verbs like Gustar•use singular form when followed by one or more infinitives•often used in conditional tense to soften a request

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Comperlatives Superlatives•comparison of one thing to another (more, less, or as…as).

•indicates that one thing is the –best, worst, most, or least of all.

Bueno > MejorMalo > PeorViejo > MayorJoven > Menor

Mas de…Menos que…Tan…como

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Transition Words•a pesar de – in spite of•anunque – even though•mientras – while•pero – but

•por lo tanto – therefore•sin embargo/no obstante – nevertheless•tambien – also

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El Futuro•I, you, he, she, they, we you all will•infinitive + ending



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El Futuro Irregularsdecir → dirhaber → habrhacer → harhay → habrápoder → pondrsaber → sabr

querer → querrsalir → saldrtener → tendrvaler → valdrvenir → vendr

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El Futuro Trigger Words

el proximo… (horas…)mañanaen (dos, tres...) (horas…)

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Por•general, not specific•location (Portugal)•passing through (portal)•an exchange (import, export)•cause of something (porpuse)•how long something lasts (porever)•means pf transportation (transportation)•doing something instead of someone else (I’m por, pay for me)

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•destination (paraguay)•for whom something is done (surprise paraty)•purpose for which something is done (parasites)•to express an opinion (paradon me,)•to express idea of deadline (paramedic)•conpare/contrast (compara)