Evaluation Activity 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation Activity 3

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Evaluation Activity 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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What does a production company do?

A production company assists in the production, marketing, and exhibition of a film. They perform roles such as acquiring a suitable director in order to make a film; as well as finding an appropriate cast for their film. However they are also responsible for if anything were to go wrong with the film such as injuries to the cast. Other areas in which they provide assistance in are budgeting, scheduling, and scripting.

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What order are the opening credits shown in?

Typically the opening credits of a film role in order of importance of the person, therefore the first title is the production company. The next name mentioned is the director who is just as important as the company who made the film. Following this is the names of people who were in charge of casting and production itself. After this is the director of photography who is charge of capturing footage in order to meet the director’s intentions. Next is the director of sound as well as the editor whose job is to compile together the footage shot by the cinematographer in order to meet the director’s original intention. The last names played are who’s starring in the film itself. In our film we have reflected this as we have put our titles in this order allowing it to look more professional.

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Who would distribute our film?

The distributor of a film is generally an organisation who is in charge of the advertising the media product to a mass audience. They do things such as setting release dates, and how the film will be available for viewing purposes. This can be done through things such as theatrical release or video on demand. In order to distribute my film it’s essential for me to use a UK based film company who also distribute low budget films of the horror genre. Two independant film companies that would distribute our film are Film 4, and Bedlam Productions.

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Who wouldn’t distribute our film?

Distributing companies that wouldn’t distribute our film are Universal Studios and Lionsgate. This is due to factors such as them both not being independent film companies, as well as being American. Therefore they would be less likely to have an interest in distributing my film. Furthermore, distributing our film would be more beneficial to do in the UK rather than through American based companies.