Creating and sharing Open Educational Resources for language teaching and learning. Tita Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn, Bea De Los Arcos, Hélène Pulker Department of Languages, The Open University Eurocall Conference 2011 31 st August – 3 rd September, Nottingham, UK

Eurocall 2011 workshop_intro_to_oer

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Introductory session to the workshop Creating and sharing Open Educational Resources for language teaching and learning delivered at Eurocall 2011, 31 August - 3 September, University of Nottingham

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Creating and sharing Open Educational Resources for

language teaching and learning. Tita Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn,Bea De Los Arcos, Hélène Pulker

Department of Languages, The Open University

Eurocall Conference 201131st August – 3rd September, Nottingham, UK

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Day outline

9:30 What are OER & main considerations(break 11:00 – 11:30)

11:30 Finding OER for language teaching(lunch 13:00 – 13:45)

13:45 Using a repository to share resources(break 15:15 – 15:30)

15:30 Benefits and challenges of sharing

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What are OER?• Open Educational Resources• Digital Resources (big and little OER)• Openly available for reuse and repurposing• Creator indicates that they are for public use

and reuse through a Creative Commons license or similar

For more info on Creative Common licenses, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DKm96Ftfko (a

useful 3 m introduction) & http://creativecommons.org/

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But you need to think about…

• Usefulness and discoverability of your material

• Copyright (images in particular)• Attribution and ownership• Licenses• Quality assurance & peer review


, from University of Nottingham is a great introduction

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• To get over the copyright problem• Enable the 4Rs:

Reuse – make exact copies

Revise – make adaptations

Redistribute – share copies

Remix – combinations / mashups

(see http://creativecommons.org)

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(see full information at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/)

More about IPR and licensing at http://www.web2rights.com/SCAIPRModule/rlo2.html

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Sorting game from Chris Pegler, National Teaching Fellow, The Open Universityhttp://www.slideshare.net/orioleproject/chris-pegler-reusable-card-game

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Is content the teaching or just a part of it?

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Tutorial: Using a search engineLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own account

of using a search engine, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the Library guidelines; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their account in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

Tutorial: On a system or processLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own account

of the system/process, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the resources provided; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their animation in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

Tutorial: The water cycleLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own

animation of the water cycle, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the OER cycle; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their animation in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

Tutorial: The water cycleLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own

animation of the water cycle, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the OER cycle; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their animation in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

OE Patterns libraryTutorial: Using a search engineLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own account

of using a search engine, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the Library guidelines; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their account in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

Tutorial: On a system or processLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own account

of the system/process, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the resources provided; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their account in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

Sharing pedagogical patterns

OER repository

By Diana Laurillard, at http://www.slideshare.net/alanwylie/the-critical-role-of-teachers-in-optimizing-technologies-for-open-learning

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Sharing pedagogical patternsTutorial: On a system or processLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own account

of the system/process, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the resources provided; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and collaborating to produce a better animation to post on their website

Tutorial: On a system or processLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own account

of the system/process, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the resources provided; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their account in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

Tutorial: The water cycleLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own

animation of the water cycle, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the OER cycle; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and revising their account in the light of the tutor’s summary of the discussion

Tutorial: The water cycleLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own

animation of the water cycle, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the OER cycle; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and collaborating to produce a better animation to post on their websiteTutorial: The water cycle

Learning Outcome: A clear understanding of the role of the critical factors in the system

Summary: through preparing their own animation of the water cycle, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the OER cycle; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and collaborating to produce a better animation to post on their website

and collaborating to produce a better animation to post on their website

Tutorial: Using a search engineLearning Outcome: A clear understanding of the

role of the critical factors in the systemSummary: through preparing their own account

of using a search engine, to demonstrate the role of the critical factors, using the Library guidelines; presenting it to their group; defending it against questions and comments; and collaborating to produce a better account to post on their website

OER repository

By Diana Laurillard, at http://www.slideshare.net/alanwylie/the-critical-role-of-teachers-in-optimizing-technologies-for-open-learning

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Creating OER

• To create digital resources: – LOC Tool http://www.llas.ac.uk/projects/2770 – Xerte http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/xerte/

• To find reusable images: – Flickr Commons http://www.flickr.com/commons – Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org – Google Advanced Image search > usage rights

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Online communities: types of users

• Passive• Active• Creators

• The 90-9-1 rule

• Web 2.0 turns us into ‘prosumers’

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Jakob Nielsen (2006) “Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute”

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Jakob Nielsen (2006) “Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute”

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(break 11:00 – 11:30)

11:30 Finding OER for language teaching(lunch 13:00 – 13:45)

13:45 Using a repository to share resources(break 15:15 – 15:30)

15:30 Benefits and challenges of sharing