Digital Overview SEM/PPC…Brief Overview Google Analytics Brief Overview Take Away hints You Can Implement

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Digital Overview

SEM/PPC…Brief Overview

Google Analytics Brief Overview

Take Away hints You Can Implement

Also referred to as PPC….Where can you buy PPC Ads?

Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter….just to name a few

Let’s focus on Google since they are king!

• You have much more controlKeywordsAd CopyBidsLocation TargetingURL address specified to take you to exactly where you are looking for

• You see immediate results• Tends to convert at a higher level than organic results (indicating a greater

intent to purchase)• Greater flexibility

More keywordsMore locations

• Easier to measure results• You only pay when someone clicks on your ad…wait how does this work?• Is a powerful source of supplemental traffic for those already investing in SEO

Benefits of SEM

When you buy keywords, what are you buying?

It’s an auction. The highest bid gets the first placement on the page (assuming quality scores are equal).

Bidding is the maximum amount that you’re willing to pay per click.

You are bidding on keywords, keyword phrases, geographically modified keywords and long-tail keywords (may be dozens of words).

You are reaching people who have “raised their hand” – they are actively searching for your product or service.

You don’t pay for your ad to appear.

You only pay when someone “clicks” on your ad.



Keywords Ad CopyGeographic Targeting

How to get the click?

And why is getting the click important?

ROIHelps to determine the budget & where the money will be allocated.

Through reporting and analysis it helps the advertiser determine the effectiveness of an ad campaign.

Helps measure the profitability of the campaign!

Keyword Bid + Quality Score = Position

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5 Practical Reasons You Should Consider PPC Marketing

1. You only pay when an interested person clicks. 2. You set your budget to control costs.3. You can reach your target consumer at the right time with the right ad. 4. Unlike organic search, PPC can show results very quickly. 5. PPC data can inform your other marketing channels.


Google AdWords…things to know & common mistakes:The system will default to both Text and Display PPCShould I buy my Name?Not using the right Keywords Matches (Broad, Exact, Phrase ,Dynamic Insertion)Not using Negative KeywordsNot Grouping Keywords correctly


Let’s Talk About Keywords

Google Analytics Overview

Home tab: takes you to the list that you have analytics access to

Reporting tab: takes you to what you will work most in

Admin tab: access to admin features

Date selection in upper right corner.

Option to compare:

- Custom (specific dates you choose)

- Previous period (same amount of days as selected dates, just in the period directly prior)

- Previous year (same time frame of year previous)

Left side navigation pane

Real time: current things happening on website

Audience: information about the people coming to your website

Acquisition: how people came to site

Behavior: how people are engaging with your site/content

Conversions: did people perform the desired action on your website

Go Live…..

Audience Interests Overview Affinity: higher in purchase funnel

In-Market: lower in purchase funnel, almost at end

Other: more granular categories

Acquisition Traffic Source/Medium

Conversions Goals Overview Source/Medium

Conversions Goals Multi-Channel Funnels Top Conversion Paths

3 Things to Remember

PPC give you more control, flexibility & immediate results compared with any other Search Marketing (Compared to SEO)

Remember the common mistakes made when doing your Google AdWords so you DON’T make those mistakes

Set up Conversion/Goals in your Analytics to measure your ROI of ANY marketing campaign.

Take Away from Today’s Meeting:

Try some kind of version of PPC/SEM

Google AdWords – Do a test month and see what your rate of return is, but remember to:

Set your keyword Groups, set up negative on the keywords, don’t let the system default to Display/Text

Google Analytics

Make sure your Analytics is set up

Use it as your Blueprint for all of your marketing

Spend most of your time in Audience/Acquisitions/Behaviors

Set Up Conversions/Goals to measure your results