Different countries, different destinies - one university

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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Peoples´ Friendship University of Russia – an international classical university has a mission of:

uniting people of different nationali-ties, race and religion by means of knowledge;

training highly-qualified specialists in various fields of activity;


forming individuals who love their native countries and are friends of Russia, who are familiar with the achievements of world culture; who boost the ideals of humanism, de-mocracy and peoples’ friendship;

training young people, capable of working in any country of the world and using their creativity in the con-text of interconnection of civilizations and diversity of modern society.

Scientia unescamus! Let knowledge unite us!

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Different countries, different destinies – one university



PFUR history goes back to February, 5, 1960. Today PFUR is one of the leading universi-ties in Russia, known in Russia and abroad as a great science and educational cen-tre. More than 90,000 PFUR graduates are working all around the world. The University has a multi-profile structure of faculties and majors, typical for classical universities of the world. The university provides training in the spheres of humanities, social and economic sciences, natural science, engineering and technology, medicine, agronomy and many others. This gives a chance to receive elite classic education and knowledge in the

most perspective spheres of politics, eco-nomics, social and cultural matters as well as in the spheres of contemporary achieve-ments in medicine, physics, chemistry and technology.

By Russian President’s Decree of March, 12, 2012, PFUR was granted a right to devel-op and implement its inner educational pro-gram standards.

Today there are over 28,000 undergradu-ate, graduate and post-graduate students, clinical residents and interns. They represent more than 500 nations and nationalities of the world.

It is the only University in the world training students from more than 152 countries from all over the world annually. University Aca-demic team consists of about 2,300 people, including over 500 professors and holders of Doctorate degree, over 1,200 associate pro-fessors and holders of PhD degree. University teaching team consists of 57 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other state and public academies, 28 Honored Scientists of Russia, 10 Honorary workers of the RF higher school.

Peoples’ friendship university of Russia is holding a leading position among clas-sic universities of Russia, according to inter-national rating agencies. PFUR is in World QS rankings TOP-500 universities. According to the results of the Interfax News Agency Rankings, the Peoples' Friendship University ranks 7th among the Universities of CIS coun-tries, Baltic states and Georgia. Moreover,

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annual National rating of higher education institutions in Russia has been ranking PFUR 5th among 1,000 higher education institu-tions in Russia for the last several years.

It is due to active scientific work done by the PFUR researchers, that provides the Uni-versity with high ranking positions in the Rus-sian and international ranking systems. Ac-cording to Russian science citation index (RINC), PFUR is ranked 6th in the total num-ber of publications among 10,500 higher ed-ucation institutions and scientific centres in Russia; – 4th among 1,000 higher education institutions in Russia, – 3rd among the univer-sities in Moscow, 17th in the index of works cited in Russia and 5th in the index of works cited in Moscow.

Not only fundamental sciences are be-ing developed at PFUR, but such topical applied research as telecommunication systems, mathematical forecasting, phar-

maceutics, nanobio medical technologies, geoinformatics, agrarian sciences, aero-space engineering (Roscosmos granted PFUR the license to carry out research in space engineering) are also being worked out at PFUR. Traditionally, PFUR has built up great expertise in mathematics, chemistry, medicine, international law, pharmaceu-tics, linguistics, Russian as a foreign language and others.

The University has established long-lasting and firm international ties with universities as well as international organizations world-wide. PFUR is a member-university of Inter-national Association of Universities (IUA), Eu-ropean University Association (EUA); Eurasia University Association; European Associa-tion for International Education (EAIE). PFUR takes an active part in the programs and projects of the European Council, UNESCO, Organization for Economic Cooperation

Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation with PFUR students, 2014


President of RF V.V.Putin and PFUR Rector M.V. Filippov, 2013

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and Development and has signed more than 250 agreements of cooperation with foreign universities a scientific centres.

Years pass, times change, new genera-tions of students come to the University. 55 years after its foundation, PFUR dwells on its aspiration to preserve the spirit of kindness, respect, friendship, mutual understanding; the cult of science and education, the for-mation of high professionalism. The memory of the University's first generation, its profes-sors and staff members who were at the cradle of its creation, the first rector, Sergey Rumyantsev, the second rector, Vladimir Stanis, as well as of those who founded the University's faculties and departments, is of great significance for the development of PFUR. This also distinguishes our University, its qualitative status as that of a big educa-tional and scientific center – an inseparable part of the world science, culture and edu-cation.

The experience gained over decades, coherent work of the faculty, modern aca-demic base, relevance of the specialties, opening of new areas of training, expansion of strategic partnership in the context of in-ternational cooperation, broad intellectual fund of the University enable the PFUR team to look to the future with optimism and suc-cessfully train the future world elite.

V.M. Filippov Rector of PFUR, Academician

of the Russian Academy of education Chairman of Higher Attestation Commission

Awarding of PFUR Diploma of the Doctor Honoris Causa to the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry E.M. Primakov, 2011


President of RF D.A. Medvedev (2008-2012) with PFUR Rector M.V. Filippov, 2011

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In the QS World University Rankings 2014 PFUR is again in the World Top-500: 20 positions higher than in 2013 (only 10 Russian Universities are in Top-500).

QS World University Rankings 2014: PFUR is in Top-100 of more than 7,000 universities of BRICS states: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South African Republic.

Annual national University ranking in 2011/2014 (“Interfax” Agency and “Echo of Moscow”) ranks PFUR:■ 4th–6th among universities of Russia■ 1st for the international activities development (internationalization).

The “Interfax” rating PFUR ranked 7th among the CIS, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia Universities.

PFUR ranking by the Russian science citation index:Among more than 10,500 scientific institutions and universities in Russia PFUR is ranked: ■ 6th in the total number of publica-tions;■ 17th in the number of works cited.Among more than 1,000 scientific institutions in Moscow PFUR is ranked:■ 3rd in the total number of publica-tions;■ 5th in the number of works cited


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according to Tomson&Reuters agency PFUR is ranked 2nd in the number of patents for the period of 2002-2012 (following State corporation "Rosatom", followed by the Ministry of industry and trade of RF) in 2014.

In accordance with the Russian Federation Government Decree No. 160p of February 12, 2013, PFUR Rector was appointed Chairman of Higher Attestation Commission.

PFUR Rector V.M. Filippov is appointed the President of the Executive Committee of the UNESCO Global program “Education for All” for the period of 2012-2014.

In April 2013, PFUR joined the Association of the leading universities of Russia.

PFUR scientists received 25 grants of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation(RHSF).

Granted RISO 9001:2008 Russian state standard Certificate of quality.

24 educational programs received international accreditation by Higher Education Accreditation Agencies.

The Certificates were verified by AFNOR Certification audit in 2012 and 2013.

In December 2013, Rosobrnadzor confirmed PFUR educational programs accreditation till 2020.


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PFUR CAMPUS:– Winner of Russia and Moscow Best Campus Contest (2009-2010; 2013);– Winner of Moscow Student Dor-mitory Contest in the nominations “Our Student Home” (2011-2013) and “Student Dormitory Best Infra-structure” (2012);– Winner of the Ministry of Education of RF contest in the nomination "Best system of educational work in streng-thening international relations" (2013);


– Winner of All-Russian Higher Edu-cation Institutions Contest “Healthy Life Style University” in the nomi nation “Best Fitness and Sport Facili ties Contest” (2011)– PFUR Student council is the "Best student self-government body" (2012, 2014, RF Ministry of Education contest)– PFUR Women’s Committee is the "Best student self-government body" among universities in Russia (2013, RF Ministry of Education contest).

Women's Committee “Tasty festival”

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Winners of the All-Russian competition in the sphere of development of student self-governance “Student activity”, 2012

PFUR students were awarded with Letters of Gratitude for their input in the organisation and holding of the XXII Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi


Winners and prize-holders of the XIV All-Russia Youth Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity (YSTC-2014)

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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

PFUR prepare global competitive specialists

PFUR – elite universityPFUR is international classic university with programs conforming to the highest world standard. More than 90,000 PFUR gradu-ates work in almost all countries of the world.

PFUR multi-profile structure PFUR has a multi-profile structure of facul-ties and majors, typical for classical univer-sities of the world. The university provides training in the spheres of humanities, social and economic sciences, natural science, engineering and technology, medicine, agronomy and many others. This gives a chance to receive an elite classic educa-tion and knowledge in the most perspec-tive spheres of politics, economics, so-cial and cultural matters as well as in the spheres of contemporary achievements in medicine, physics, chemistry and tech-nology.

Foreign languages in PFURStudents of all majors and lines of study can master not only widespread Euro-pean languages- English, Spanish, Italian, French and German but oriental too: Ara-bic, Chinese, Persian, Hindi, Japanese and even Old Greek. At the end of the course students receive diploma in translation in 2-3 languages along with the major qualification.

Studies abroadCurricula in foreign languages are one of the university’s priorities. We have close contacts with Asian, African, Latin Ameri-can and European countries, CIS, USA and Canada. There are 280 academic exchange programs with universities-part-ners.



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Unique Master’s programs in PFURHaving more than 100 joint Master’s pro-grams with famous universities of the world, PFUR is the leader among Russian universi-ties in double-diplomas programs. There are more than 30 Master’s programs in the English, Spanish and French languages.

Internationalization – geopolitical advantage of PFURAlmost 40% of PFUR graduates, post-grad-uates, clinical residents and internship residents are international students. 100

national students’ associations actively promote cultures and traditions encour-aging tolerance and mutual respect.

PFUR – an active participant of the Bologna processSince 1989, the University has been em-ploying the multilevel system of higher edu cation (Bachelors- Masters- Ph Ds).

PFUR has introduced the ECTS (credit transfer system) and started giving Diplo-ma Supplement in Russian, English, French and Spanish.


PFUR students with the PFUR Rector V.M.Filippov

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PFUR – initiator of the CIS Net UniversityThe Net University unites 28 leading HEIs from 9 CIS countries. The Net University creates common education space, de-velops joint academic programs, and provides “inclusive education”. A lot of students are awarded with scholarships and grants.

PFUR – synonym for education qualityHigh quality education is proved by ra-tings- for many years PFUR has been among top 5 best Russian universities. It is a large scientific center for fundamental and applied research. Priority direction of the education process is the integration of Russian higher school in the world aca-demic space.

Academic freedom in PFURPFUR observes classical university tradi-tions and develops its own. Curricula al-low for a lot of subjects to be chosen by

students themselves. Faculties and de-partments organize the teaching process constantly striving to improve the learning environment.

Academic mobility in PFURPFUR was initially intended to be an inter-national university and today it still pre-serves the traditions of international co-operation, exchanging graduate and postgraduate students and academicians with hundreds of universities from Asian, African and Latin American countries, as well as leading universities of Europe, the USA, China and CIS countries in the recent years.

Continuing education in PFURPFUR Institute for Continuing Education is a dynamically developing department. They offer a great number of programs both for PFUR graduates and post-graduates, clini-cal residents and people who have long graduated HEIs and wish to get refresher training or another qualification.


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PFUR social infrastructurePFUR Student Campus is the winner of the Moscow Student Dormitory Contest in the nomination for “Student Dormitory Best In-frastructure”. The university has also won the title “Best student hostel” at the All-Russia contest. The campus occupies 50 hectares of land near a large park and hosts university buildings, sport and medi-cal facilities, hostels and shops.

Accommodation in PFUR13 comfortable dormitories have cozy rooms and well-equipped kitchens, elec-trical appliances and refrigerators. There is TV and Internet in every room. At the disposal of students are laundromats, dry-cleaners, ateliers and beauty salons. All buildings are a walking distance from each other.


PFUR Campus

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Corporate solidarity in PFURAbout 200 actively developing national student associations, as well as student councils of faculties and dormitories and international organizations assist students in solving various problems. The University has adopted Codes of Honor for teachers, students and employees.

Complex security in PFURThere are more than 2,000 video cameras in all university buildings working 24/7. The university is proud of 3D computer layout of all buildings in order to provide security.

Employment of students and graduatesPFUR graduates are in high demand among employers since they have several

qualifications, which is an obvious advan-tage in the conditions of market economy. PFUR employment center helps students and graduates get temporary and perma-nent jobs.

Good health – PFUR life styleIt’s always good to stay healthy, but if stu-dents happen to fall ill, the university poli-clinic will have everything for high level free medical assistance. The medical and rehabilitation centers are equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities. In the frame of the “Student health” program all students and employees undergo an-nual medical check-up. PFUR is the win-ner of the all-Russia contest “University with healthy life style”.


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Superb conditions for doing sport in PFURThe sport complex occupies a huge terri-tory of the University Campus. You can do sport all the year round despite weather conditions. One of the traditions of the international university – regular “small world championships” in individual and team sports. One of the most impor-tant events is the annual PFUR Olympic Games. PFUR students and student teams are the winners of Moscow and all-Russia competitions. The range of sport facilities offered at PFUR is constantly expanding, thus, PFUR students can take up any ac-tivity they want starting with football to yoga.

TV in PFURPFUR TV is an active team of students from various faculties. TV programs, TV bridges, films and concerts are made and recorded in a big studio with the latest equipment.

PFUR international culture centerAt university you can "tour" different coun-tries without leaving the campus. For this reason there is an International Culture Center functioning, i.e. Interclub. There are art groups from Latin America, South-East Asia, Africa and Russian regions working. Classes and rehearsals are di-rected by professional dancers and sing-ers, directors and accompaniers.

KVN in PFUR (Club of the Funny and Inventive)PFUR KVN team is the most famous of all: the Champions among the Champions of the Premier Champion League. The club has existed since 1996 and unites teams of different faculties. Each team fights for a title of a University champion. The most talented members participate in the competitions of the International KVN union.

PFUR – the best launching padThe university is always happy to wel-come new students. Students commit-tees are ready to stand by and support first year students not to let them get dis-oriented during the first year of studies. In response the students are quite happy to study here. According to opinion polls 95% of graduates would enter PFUR again if they had to make a choice.


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Peoples' Friendship University was found-ed on February 5th, 1960, at the decision of the USSR Government. On February 22nd, 1961, the University was named af-ter Patrice Lumumba – one of the symbols of the African peoples’ struggle for inde-pendence.

Professor Sergey Rumyantsev, Honored Scientist of RSFSR, doctor of technical sciences, became the first rector of the University. The University headed by Ru-myantsev from 1960 to 1970 was created under his leadership.

Classes at the preparatory department for teaching Russian to international students began in 1960, and at the six basic facul-ties of the University (Engineering, Histori-cal and Philological, Medical, Agricultural, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Economics and Law) on September 1st, 1961.


Students of the University at the opening of the VIII Summer Spartakiad of USSR Peoples at Luzhniki

In 1964, the University became a member of the International Association of Univer-sities (IAU). In 1965, the graduation of the first 288 young professionals from 47 coun-tries took place. In the same years, inter-national construction teams (ISCT) were established, KVN teams appeared, which gave birth to the united PFUR KVN team famous all over the country. In 1966, the construction of a new educational com-plex of the University in the South-West of Moscow was started.

The rector of the University was V. F. Sta-nis, Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Economics, Professor, who proclaimed the "cult of knowledge" at the Univer-sity. He headed the University from 1970 to 1993. PFU became a major, world-re-nowned educational and research cen-ter. By as early as 1975, the University had trained about 5,600 professionals inclu-

PFU First Rector S.V. Rumyantsev

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ding 4,250 graduates from 89 foreign countries. In the same year, the Univer-sity was awarded the Order of Peoples’ Friendship for its contribution to the train-ing of specialists for countries of Asia, Af-rica and Latin America.

On February 5th, 1992, at the decision of the Russian Government, the Univer-sity was renamed Peoples' Friendship Uni-versity of Russia. The founder of Peoples’ Friendship University is the Government of the Russian Federation. From 1993 to 1998, Vladimir Filippov, a 1973 graduate of Pa-trice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship Uni-versity, was PFUR rector.

From 1998 to 2004, Vladimir Filippov worked as Minister of Education of the Russian Federation in four RF Govern-ments, and in 2004-2005, he was assistant of the Chairman of the RF Government (in the field of education and culture). Dur-ing this period, a 1966 Patrice Lumumba PFU graduate, RF Honored Worker of Sci-ence, Professor, Doctor of Medical sci-ences Dmitry Bilibin was acting rector (1998-2004) and from 2004 till 2005 – rec-tor of the University. On March 4th, 2005, V. Filippov was again elected rector and remains in this position now. V. Filippov is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sci-ences, Professor, academician, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education, President of SCADT.

First PFU Building in Ordzhonikidze street

In the 1990s, new faculties were foun-ded Ecological, Economic, Law, Philo lo-gical, Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences, Faculty of Advanced training for teachers of Russian as a foreign lan-guage, Faculty of Advanced Training for Health workers; as well as training insti-tutes: Institute of Foreign Languages, Insti-tute of World Economy and Business, Dis-tance Education, Hospitality and Tourism, Gravitation and Cosmology. Systems of pre-university and secondary vocational education were created. In 2014, Medi-cal and Law faculties were transformed into Medical and Law institutes of Peo-ples’ Friendship University.

In 2006, the 50,000th PFUR diploma was awarded. It was received by an Engi-neering Faculty graduate Jose Atiencia Villagomes (Ecuador).


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PFUR in the world is: member of the International Associa-

tion of Universities (IAU); member of the European Association

of Universities (EAU); founder and member of the Eurasian

Association of Universities; member of the Francophone University

Association (AUF); member of the European Association

for International Education; member of the «N+I» Network of Engi-

neering Universities (France); member of the Organization for Eco-

nomic Co-operation and Develop-ment’s Program on Institutional Ma-nagement in Higher Education (OECD PIMH);

member of the Russian Society and International Association of Russian Language and Literature Teachers (RSRLLT, IARLLT);

member of the Institutional Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe;

member of the UN, UNESCO and Coun-cil of Europe’s programs and forums;

founder and member of the Interna-tional Network for Cooperation among the Universities of Europe and Central Asia (UNINET-ECA);

founder and member of the Academic Network of the Universities from East and South Europe(AIMOS);

member of the European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN);

Member of the European Union Program;

founder of the chair of Comparative Educational Policy having the status of a UNESCO chair;

founder and national coordinator of the BRICS Network University;

PFUR is a site of the Coordination Council of CIS member state;

PFUR rector is the President of the Coordination Council of the CIS Net-work University;



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The international rectorate of the SCO University (Shanghai Cooperation Or-ganization) works under the auspices of PFUR;

PFUR rector is the President of the SCO University’s board of rectors;

PFUR rector heads the Expert Coun-cil for International Activity under the Committee for Education of the RF State Duma;

member of the Observatory of the Great Charter of Universities;

member of the Black Sea Universities’ Network (BSUN).

International inter-university cooperation includes: more than 400 agreements on coop-

eration with foreign universities and sci-entific and teaching centers;

140 network “double diploma” pro-grams and inclusive education with for-eign universities;

internships of teachers and students; student and teacher exchange;

joint scientific supervision of masters’ and postgraduates’ dissertation re-search;

Russian language centers.PFUR annually receives from foreign fel-

low universities as part of the Academic Mo-bility Program: about 200 professors and teachers; more than 300 students and postgradu-

ate students.PFUR also annually sends to foreign fellow

universities as part of the Academic Mobility Program: more than 300 professors and teachers; over 500 students and postgraduate

students.PFUR is a leading University of the Consor-

tium of Higher Education Institutions imple-menting a master program “International Human Rights Protection” supported by the Office of the United Nations High Commis-sioner for Human Rights. Annually honored guests including royal persona, presidents, prime ministers, prominent politicians and public figures pay visits to PFUR.

Delegation of fellow universities from China, France and Germany before the start of the Grand Diploma Delivery Ceremony for PFUR masters of double-diploma programs. June 2012

Awarding Rafael Correa Delgado, Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador a degree of PFUR Doctor Honoris Causar


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Peoples' Friendship University has always been associated with a classical school teaching foreign languages. Since the early days of the University, students had the op-portunity to acquire a diploma and qualifi-cation of an interpreter in one or even sev-eral foreign languages, along with the basic specialty.

Today at PFUR the fundamental training of linguists with knowledge of foreign lan-guages is implemented at the Philological Faculty and the Institute of Foreign Languag-es, there is also a Faculty of Advanced Train-ing for Foreign Language Teachers. Overall, 9 Departments of foreign languages provide scientific and educational activities as struc-tural units of PFUR departments and insti-tutes.

PFUR educational standards for under-graduate and specialist programs include

compulsory 800-hour study of foreign lan-guages. PFUR faculties and institutes also im-plement translator training programs in vari-ous fields of professional activity and fields of scientific knowledge. Labor intensity of rel-evant professional development programs providing a translator’s qualification and a diploma is 1,500 hours. Students have the opportunity to learn English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Persian, French, Japa-nese, Arabic, taking into account the specif-ics of their future profession.

Every year, hundreds of graduates of PFUR full-time training graduate programs get a translator’s diploma along with diplo-mas of higher education.

PFUR annually holds student round tables in foreign languages, foreign language fes-tivals, competitions in foreign languages, the International Translation Day is observed,


Graduates of the Institute of Foreign Languages – 2013 and Cadets of President military college

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the volunteer movement of students-inter-preters is actively developing. For lectures and organization of round tables in foreign languages, teachers from fellow universities, native speakers – participants of interna-tional conferences, symposia, members of foreign delegations are invited. From year to year, the number of PFUR undergraduate and graduate students defending theses in foreign languages is increasing.

PFUR has functioning centers for prepa-ration for taking and conducting interna-tional certification exams in English and French. The PFUR Departments of Foreign Languages train for international qualifica-tion exams in Spanish (DELE), French (DELF, DALF), English (TOEFL, FCE, BEC, CAE, IELTS, etc.), German (DAAD, DAF, OSD).

PFUR Departments of foreign languag-es actively cooperate with European and

North American universities, universities of Latin America, Arab countries and China in programs of academic mobility and scien-tific and applied projects. Departments have designed and implement in collabo-ration with foreign fellow universities "double diploma" master programs in "Linguistics" in foreign languages.

Foreign language teachers conduct sig-nificant scientific work, publish articles in international journals indexed in WoS and SCOPUS. The Departments of Foreign Lan-guages of the Philological and Economic faculties publish scientific journals indexed in the RISC. Professors of Departments of Foreign Languages of the Philological, Eco-nomic, Engineering faculties, Institute of Law are members of the PFUR dissertation council and those of other leading Russian universities.

Final attestation on the master program “Legal Translation”, Institute of Law, 2014


Teachers and students of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Philological Faculty at the forum “Moscow as a Metropolis of Linguistic and Cultural Tolerance”

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Russian language is a means of communica-tion of 28 thousand students, postgraduate students and trainees of Peoples' Friendship University, representatives of more than 500 nations and nationalities of 152 countries of the world. PFUR is widely known in Russia and abroad for its unique school of teaching Rus-sian as a foreign language. The quality of teaching Russian to different contingents of students is ensured and a competitive scien-tific school has been created.

Currently, teaching Russian at Peoples’ Friendship University is undertaken by 10 de-partments, members of the university’s facul-ties of the University and the Faculty of ad-vanced training for teachers of Russian as a foreign language, which was established in 1967 as the country’s first center capable of satisfying professional and educational

needs of philologists specializing in the Rus-sian language.

The educational process is provided by about 300 teachers, of which 20 are doc-tors, 6 are full members and corresponding members of state and public academies of sciences of Russia. The Russian language textbooks created at Peoples’ Friendship University are widely used, both by Russian universities and abroad.

Experience in teaching Russian as a for-eign language has been praised in the country and in the world, evidence of this was participation in the program "Inter-Kosmos". Communication problems be-tween Soviet and American cosmonauts arose during the execution of the program "Soyuz-Apollo". In this connection, the man-


Starting from 1978, almost all foreign cosmonauts training at the Y. Gagarin Center for Cosmonauts’ mastered the Russian language due to the help of PFUR Russian language teachers

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“Dear PFUR! Thanks a lot for teaching me Russian! This is the first and most important step on the Orbit!”. Garrett Reisman

agement of the Y. Gagarin Center for Cos-mo nauts’ Training addressed Peoples' Friendship University, where one of the best schools of teaching Russian to foreign citi-zens was successfully operating. For more than 30 years, PFUR Russian teachers have been carrying out Russian language train-ing for foreign astronauts in the Cosmonauts’ training center at the Zvezdny Gorodok, thereby contributing to the cause of space exploration. At the root of this cooperation were twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut A. Leonov and professor of Peo-ples' Friendship University of Russia E.I. Mo-tina.

PFUR teachers taught the Russian lan-guage to astronauts from France, Germa-ny, Japan, Syria, the United Kingdom, the Czechoslovakia, Poland, India, Austria, Unit-

ed States, Cuba, Canada, Mongolia and other countries. Linguistic space program to-day is also realized by PFUR specialists, and not only for cosmonauts, but also related to space tourists.

With the increasing interest of foreign citi-zens in the Russian language, PFUR develops and offers new educational program, imple-ments various Russian language courses in a convenient form and at any level of trai-ning, organizes seminars, workshops, meth-odological contests, competitions, trainings and conferences. As part of Moscow Sum-mer School, students can attend not only intensive training, but also participate in the cultural and entertainment program, which allows to get acquainted with the capital of Russia, its history and culture.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union General-Major A.A. Leonov and PFU Professor E.I. Motina


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PFUR IS A MINIGLOBEToday PFUR is made up of students from 152 world countries

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ABBAS YUSUF SALEHRepublic of Chad Prime Minister of the Republic of Chad (2008-2010.)

ABDRAMANE SYLLARepublic of Mali Malian Minister in Charge of the Diaspora abroad and African Integration of the Republic of Mali, President of the Malian-Russian Friendship Community

ANTOINE SOMDAHBurkina-Faso Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Burkina-Faso to the Russian Federation

ACHIENG ONGONG’A Republic of Kenya Managing director of the Kenya State Tourist Board

WOUBESHET SENEGIORGISUnited Republic of Tanzania Director General of G&S Media Consultants Dr. in Philology

GIDEON JUMA MOHAMED SHOOUnited Republic of Tanzania Director General of G&S Media Consultants

KALUMBI SHANGULARepublic of Namibia President of the National Council for Higher Education of Namibia

KANTE KABINERepublic of Guinea Head of the National Direction for Scientific Research and Technology of the Republic of Guinea (resigned)

MAYE NSUE MANGUE RUBENEquatorial Guinea Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Equatorial Guinea to Ethiopia

MBEREYAHO LEOPOLDRepublic of Rwanda Dean of the Engineering Department at the Institute of Science and Technologies in Rwanda

MUJAWAMARIYA JEANNE D’ARCRepublic of Rwanda Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Rwanda to the Russian Federation

NAPOLEON ABDULAI (Imoro Abdulai Alhassan) Republic of Liberia Head of the UN Peacemaking mission in Liberia, Politician

OBASEKOLA BASHIR OLALEKAN Federal Republic of Nigeria Deputy Chairman of the Guardianship Board of the Nigerians In Diaspora Organization Europe (NIDOE)

ODINGA OBURU Republic of Kenya Member of the National Assembly of Kenya

PETER JOHNSON KUGA MZIRAY United Republic of Tanzania Chairman of the National Committee of the Progressive Party of Tanzania

PRETIDEV RAMDAWONRepublic of Mauritius Director of the International Center of Info-Energetic Laser Medicine, Dr. in Medicine, Professor

REGINA KESSY United Republic of Tanzania Philanthropist, film director and a cross-cultural scientist

SAMUEL TITO ARMANDO (1957-2009)Republic of Angola Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Angola to the Russian Federation (2006-2009 )

SATTEEANUND PEERTHUM Republic of Mauritius Ambassador of the Republic of Mauritius to the UN (1987-1996)

SIMON SEVA MBOINYRepublic of Madagascar Director General of the state radio and television of the Republic of Madagascar

TOURE PEGNOUGO PIERRE (1944-2011)Republic of Cote d’Ivoire President of the Bank of African Development, Director of the UN African Department on AIDS

HILARY OBALOKER ONEKRepublic of Uganda Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees in Uganda

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AngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-Bissau DjiboutiDRCZambiaZimbabweCape VerdeCameroonKenyaComoros islandsCongoCôte d'IvoireLesothoMauritiusMadagascarMalawiMaliMozambique

NamibiaNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSwazilandSeychellesSenegalSomaliaSudanSierra LeoneTanzaniaTogoUgandaCARChadEquatorialGuineaEthiopiaSouth AfricaEritrea

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Different countries, different destinies – one university


AGUSTIN PALADINESRepublic of Ecuador Advisor on geology of President of Ecuador

ARMUELLES QUINTERO PABLO MARCIALRepublic of Panama Director of the Institute of the Panama Canal and International Education of the University of Panama (2003-2009)

AUGUSTO FABREGA AURELIO DONADO Republic of Panama Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Association of Russian-speaking writers (IFRW) in the Republic of Panama Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Acting Consul of the Republic of Panama in RF and CIS (2005-2009)

BHERI SYGMOND RAMSARAN Co-operative Republic of Guyana Guyana Health Minister (2006-2011)

BHARRAT JAGDEO Co-operative Republic of Guyana President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana (1999-2011)

VICTOR ALEXANDRO RUILOVA ACEVEDORepublic of Ecuador Director of the Department of Specialized projects in the development of mineral resources and petrol search by EP PETROECUADOR

DIA NADER DE EL ANDARIBolivarian Republic of Venezuela Minister Counsellor, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Venezuela in Serbia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Syrian Arab Republic (2006-2009)

KAMUS ARANSIBIA HUAN ALEHANDRORepublic of Chile Professor at the University of Playa Ancha

LEONOR BUSTINZA CABALA Republic of Peru Vice-rector of the Peruvian «Union» university, Head of its branch in Juliaca, Peru Rector of Peruvian University 'UNION' (2002-2009)

MARIA LUISA RAMOS URZAGASTE Plurinational State of Bolivia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the Russian Federation

MERLIN UDHO Co-operative Republic of Guyana Ambassador of Guyana to Brazil and Chile

OSWALDO LU IZAR OBREGONRepublic of Peru Member of Congress of the Republic of Peru

OSCAR JAIMESBolivarian Republic of Venezuela Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Venezuela in the Russian Federation, Dr. in Agronomy

PABLO MIGEL MEDINA HIMENES Dominican Republic Assistant Minister of the Environment of the Dominican Republic

PLUTARKO TEATIN Republic of Colombia International Consultant on oil and gas

RAMONA ISABEL KRISTINA FABIO AVILARepublic of Paraguay Head of Children’s Dormitory “Evita”, State Sports and Cultural Complex “Children’s Paradise”

RUBEN DARIO FLOREZ ARCILARepublic of Colombia Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia in the Russian Federation

SALOMAO GURGEL PINHEIROFederative Republic of Brazil Member of Parliament. Mayor of Janduis.

URIEL MEDINA BARAJASRepublic of Colombia Head of the Geology sector at Lukoil Overseas Colombia Ltd

FRANK CHRISTOPHER STANISLAUS ANTHONYCo-operative Republic of Guyana Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports of Guyana

HARDAT PERSAUDCo-operative Republic of Guyana Member of the Medical Council of Guyana, main pediatrician of the country

CHAPARRO ZAPANA FRANCISCORepublic of Peru Vice-rector of the University of Sгo Luiz Gonzaga

ELVIS OHEDA CALLUNI Plurinational State of Bolivia Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Bolivia to the Russian Federation

ERIAS ENTRALGO HERRERO (1943-2003)Republic of Cuba Vice-principal of the United Institute of Nuclear Tests in Dubna (USSR)


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Antigua and BarbudaArgentinaBoliviaBrazilVenezuelaHaitiGuyanaGuatemalaHondurasGrenadaDominicaDominican RepublicCanadaColombiaCosta RicaCubaMexicoNicaraguaPanamaParaguayPeruSalvador

Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesUSAUruguayChileEcuadorJamaica


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Different countries, different destinies – one university


ARJUN BAHADUR THAPAFederal Democratic Republic of Nepal Secretary General of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

SOMARANTE WIJAYADASASri-Lanka Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, or UNAIDS, and UNESCO representative to the UN (1995-2000 )

BANEDZHI RADZHANAIndia Professor of the Russian language, literature and culture in the Deli University

GANESH SHAHFederal Democratic Republic of Nepal Chief-counsellor in Water Supply and Sanitation Project HIMCCA

JAYANT HONMODEIndia Rector of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Dr. (Biology), professor

NAVEEN SAXENAIndia President of International Pharmaceuticals Group

PALLEKANDE RATANASARA MAHA THEROSri Lanka Deputy-head of the Amarapura Maha Nikaya Deputy-head of Sri-Lanka-Russian community

RAGHAV JUGENDRA SINGHIndia Chairman of the Board of directors ‘Ural-met’ Corp.

RAJESH RAJAN MDIndia Director of a hospital in Kerala, India President of association of Cardiology Society of India President of PFUR Alumni and friends Association in India (Thiruvananthapuram)

SUDHIR GUPTAIndia Founder of ‘Amtel’ Corp

HECTOR WEERASINGHESri Lanka Counsel General of Sri Lanka in Los-Angeles (California 2011-2014)

CHORN PROLYNGKingdom of Camboja President of Royal Academy of Judicial Professions in Camboja, Dr (Law)

SAXENA DHIRENDRAIndia Consultant at Engineering company "Multi-Tech" President of Alumni Association of Russian (Soviet) Higher Education Institutions in India

NAZIFA WIDADIslamic Republic of Afghanistan Financial department officer at Municipality of The Hague

HASAN SHAHIDIslamic Republic of Pakistan Director for international development Habib Rafiq Com. International PVT LTD President of Alumni Association of Russian (Soviet) Higher Education Institutions in the South Asian countries


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AustraliaAfghanistanBangladeshVietnamIndiaIndonesiaIranCambodiaChinaDPRKRepublic of KoreaLaosMalaysiaMongoliaMyanmarNepalPakistan


ThailandTaiwan (within China)PhilippinesSri LankaJapan

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Different countries, different destinies – one university


ABDEL ZAHRA KADEM EYFARIRepublic of Iraq Academician of RADCR, current member of the Academy of Safety, Protection and Public Order Problems, Doctor of economic sciences, Professor

AL-RABAKI KHALEH AVADH SALEMRepublic of Yemen Deputy Vice-rector for work with students at the Hadhramaut University of Science and Technology

ALHAJ MOHAMAD ISMAILSyrian Arab Republic Military Construction Factory

BARGHOUTHI MUSTAFA Palestinian Authority Member of the Palestinian Parliament

TABUK MUSALLAM AHMED SUHAILOman Director for Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing of Oman

TARSHAHNI MOHAMMAD ABDULLA Palestinian Authority Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentionary of Palestine to Uzbekistan

TAUFIK MAHAMMED YUSEFPalestinian National Authority Head of the project LLC Serebryansk Cement Factory LLC “BazelTsement”

FA'ED MUSTAFAPalestinian Authority Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentionary of Palestine to the Russian Federation


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Algeria BahrainEgyptIsraelJordanIraqYemenQatarLebanon

LibyaMauritaniaMoroccoUAEPalestineSyriaSudanSultanate of OmanTunisia


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BERUCHASHVILI TAMARA GURAMOVNAGeorgia Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

BURIAN ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICHRepublic of Moldova President of the Association of International Law of the Republic of Moldova Director of the Institute of Strategic Research at the European University of Moldova, Doctor of Law, Professor

DZHUMADILDAEV ANUAR SERKULOVICHRepublic of Kazakhstan Vice President of the Committee of State Profit of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan

YERMEK MAKASHEVRepublic of Kazakhstan Executive Director of the Association “Bolashak”

ISMAILOV SAJDIGANIHODZHA IBRAGIMOVICHUzbekistan Director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Republic of Kazakhstan Member of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

KABDRAKHMANOV TLEUKHAN SAMARKHANOVICH Bulgaria Main expert of the department of “Training Programs and Projects” of the Diplomatic Institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria

KESCHYAN ARARAT GEVORGOVITCH Republic of Abkhazia Comedian Champion of the Higher League of the KVN International Union

KESCHYAN ASHOT GEVORGOVITCH Republic of Abkhazia Comedian Champion of the Higher League of the KVN International Union

KRUPETS LEONID FYODOROVICH Republic of Beorussia Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentionary of the Republic of Belorussia to the Federative Republic of Brazil

KOUZALIS ANASTASIOSRepublic of Cyprus Chairman of the Commission on Education of the Republic of Cyprus

MASIMOV KARIM KAZHIMKANOVICH Republic of Kazakhstan Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Doctor of Economics, honored doctor of PFUR

JIRI MASTALKACzech Republic Member of the European Parliament from the Czech Republic, Questor

PAPOYAN GAJKRepublic of Armenia Director of regional projects in the CBRE department of global corporate service

RUSTAMYAN ARMEN EZNAKOVICH Republic of Armenia President of Permanent Commission for Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

SATYBALDY TLEMISOVICH IBRAGIMOVRepublic of Kazakhstan Public Person of the Republic of Kazakhstan

SERIKBAEV AMANKULRepublic of Kazakhstan Vice - Director of the Institute of Parliamentarism of the People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan"

HINTBA IRAKLIJ REVAZOVICHRepublic of Abkhazia Deputy Foreign Minister of Abkhazia (2012-2014)

SHAYAKHMETOVA UMUT BOLATAKHOVNARepublic of Kazakhstan Chairman of Board, member of the Board of Directors of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan


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Albany BulgariaBosnia HerzegovinaUKHungaryGermanyGreeceGeorgia




FinlandFranceCroatiaMontenegroCzech RepublicSwedenEstonia

Abkhazia Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Moldova Tajikistan TurkmenistanUkraine Uzbekistan South Ossetia

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The Russian Federation consists of 85 equal Fed-eral entities, including 22 republics, 9 territories, 46 region, 3 cities o federal significance, 1 auto-nomous region, 4 autonomous districts. Peo-ples’ Friendship University of Russia is made up of students from every corner of Russia!



Amirbegishvili Mikhail MikhailovichMoscow Region Government’s Minister of Foreign Economic Relations (2000-2002)

Aleksey Andreev PetrovichMember of the Russian Federal Assembly State Duma of the second calling (1995-2000)

Boris Dmitrievich AntonyukMember of the Board of Directors of OJSC “Ural svyazinform” Deputy Minister of the RF Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication (2004-2008)

Balykhin Grigory ArtemovichMember of the RF State Duma Member of the RF State Duma’s Committee for Education Head of the Federal Agency for Education (2004-2007), Doctor of Economics

Belokon Oksana MikhaylovnaMember of the Federation Council from the Republic of Tyva

Gilazov Ilgiz IdrisovichPresident of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan

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Dyachkovsky Aleksey ProkopievichDeputy PM of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Klishas Andrey AleksandrovichPresident of the Federation Council’s Committee for Consttutional Legislation and State Building, Doctor of Legal sciences, Professor

Korostelev Yury ViktorovichAdviser and mentor of the Mayor of Moscow Minister of the Moscow Government (1992-2010) Honored economist of Russia, corresponding member of RANS

Levchenkov Dmitry Anatolievich Minister of Investments and Innovations of the Moscow Region Government (2012-2014)

Mailyan Samvel SurenovichHonored lawyer of Russia, Doctor of Legal sciences, Professor, major-general of the police

Mayorov Aleksey NikolaevichVice President of the Central Office of the Russian State Duma’s Committee for education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Otke Anna IvanovnaMember of the RF Federal Assembly Federation Council from the Chukotsk Autonomous District

Platonov Vladimir MikhaylovichPresident of the Moscow City Duma (1994-2014), Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor

Tarbaev Sangadzhi AndreevichMember of the RF Civic Chamber President of the Commission for Support of Youth Initiatives of the RF CC Champion of the Higher League of the KVN International Union, Captain of the PFUR KVN team

Hakamada Irina MucuovnaMember of the Council under the President of Russia for Civil Society and Human Rights Development Vice President of the RF State Duma (2000-2003)

Chekunova Marina AnatolievnaHead of the Administration of the Moscow Region Governor

Shishkhanov Mikhail OsmanovichMember of the Board of Directors of OJSC “Binbank”

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Bezbakh Vitaly VasilievichArbitrator of the International Commercial Court under the RF Trade and Industry Chamber, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor

Donskikh Evgeny GennadievichVice Principal of the Board of main producers of “Rossiya 1” TV Channel Champion of the Higher League of the KVN International Union Founder of the PFUR Picked KVN team

Egunov Maksim GennadievichPresident of the JSCB MOSOBLBANK

Zelentsov Aleksandr BorisovichVice-president of the Eurasian Academy of Administrative Sciences, Doctor of Legal sciences, Professor

Kapustin Anatoly YakovlevichFirst Vice Principal of the Institute of Lawmaking and Comparative Legal Studies under the Government of the Russian Federation President of the Commission for International Law of the Lawyers Association of Russia, Doctor of Legal Sciences, professor

Kibeka Anatoly IvanovichHead of the Company PA “Agroecology”

Makaryan Artur PetrovichIndependent member of the Board of Directors “Rambler Media”

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Mikhailov Aleksey NikolaevichHead of the Moscow IT Department Laureate of the RF Government Award

Pilipenko Yury SergeevichFirst Vice-President of the RF Federal Chamber of Lawyers Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor

Pinchuk Viktor NikolaevichFirst Deputy Director-General of RTRN for network management, exploitation and development

Remchukov Konstantin VadimovichOwner, Director General, Main editor of the “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”

Sanyuk Valery IvanovichLaureate of the RF President’s Award in the field of education, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Smoly Sergey IvanovichHead of the town of Moskovsky of the Moscow Novomoskovsky Administrative District (2004-2014)

Fedoseev Anton VladimimrovichVice-President of the Suisse Bank Group

Horunzhy Aleksey ValentinovichPresident of the Technical Council of the “ALOR” conglomerate, Deputy Director-General of LLC “ALOR+”

Shcherbakov Mikhail ViktorovichProsecutor if the Moscow South-East Administrative District

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Artyukh Konstantin YurievichVice President of Rosbank

Akhanov Dmitry SergeevichManaging director – director for cooperation with companies from the US and Canada of OJSC “ROSNANO”, President of RUSNANO USA, Inc.

Voskoboeva Galina OlegovnaMaster of Sports of international class of Russia in tennis

Golubev Leonid Evgenievich Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Bolivia (2008-2012)

Goncharov Aleksandr VladimirovichDirector General of LLC “SPII “GIDROSPETSPROEKT”

Gusakov Vladimir AnatolievichPresident of “Group CIG” Ltd. Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC “Russian Railways” Member of the Supervisory Council of OJSC “Agency for Mortgage and Housing Credit”

Zverev Dmitry StanislavovichDeputy Head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA)

Kascheev Nikolay IgorevichDirector for Research and Analysis of Promsvyazbank

Korchagin Yury PetrovichAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentionary of the RF to Spain and Andorra concurrently Permanent representative of the Russian Federation under the World Tourist Organization in Madrid, the Kingdom of Spain

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Krakhmalyova Anastasiya AnatolievnaMember of the main lineup of Russia’s Picked trap-shooting team, Master of Sports of International Class

Kuznetsov Valentin AleksandrovichDirector General of LLC “GidrostalMontazhStroy”, Honored Energy worker of the RF and CIS

Kurochkina Vera IgorevnaMember of Board of Directors of the “Rusal” company, director for public relations, executive director

Papyn Aleksandr SergeevichProducer of ANO “Sports Broadcasting” Awarded a medal of the order “For Merit to the Fatherland” of the 2nd rang

Rudenko Leonid AnatolievichDJ, musician, producer, DJ at the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi

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Abramov Aleksey YurievichDirector of the PFUR Medical Institute

Balykhina Tatyana MikhailovnaDean of the Department of Advanced Training for Teachers of Russian as a Foreign Language, academician of IASPE, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Barabash Viktor VladimirovichDean of the Philological Faculty, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Bilibin Dmitry PetrovichAdvisor of the PFUR Rector for International Activity, Honored man of Science of the RF, PFUR rector (2004-2005), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Gladush Aleksander DmitrevichVice-rector for Work with PFUR Students

Grebennikov Valery VasilievichMember of the RF High Judges’ Qualification Board Member of the Parliament Assembly of the Council of Europe Deputy of the State Duma of three callings Main RF State Arbitrator (1990-1992) Honored Lawyer of the RF, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor

Davtyan Mikael AnushavanovichDean of the Faculty of Economics (PFUR) Doctor of Economics, Professor

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Davydov Victor VladimirovichHead of Department of Education Policy(Academic Department) Dean of the PFUR Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1988-2013), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Efremov Aleksandr PetrovichFirst Vice-Rector –PFUR Vice-Rector for Educational Work Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology’ Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Kovalenko Aleksandr GeorgevichDean of the PFUR Philological Department (2008-2013), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Martynenko Evgeny VladimirovichDirector of the PFUR Department of International Protocol

Martynenko Elena ViktorovnaPFUR Vice-Rector for Public Relations, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Plyushchikov Vadim GennadievichDean of the PFUR Department of Agriculture, Doctor of Agricultural sciences, Professor

Ponka Viktor FedorovichDean of the PFUR Law Department (2010-2014), Doctor of Legal Sciences

Sorokina Tatyana SergeevnaHead of the Course on History of Medicine of the PFUR Medical Institute Academician of IAS HS, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Filippov Vladimir MikhailovichRector of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia President of the HAC of the RF Minister of Education and Science

Minister of Education of the Russian Federation (1998-2004)

Academician of the RAE, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Hodorovich Aleksandr MikhailovichMain doctor of the State Medical Center #25 Honored Doctor of the RF

Shaklein Viktor MikhailovichHonored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the RF, Academician of RANS, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Shchesnyak Evgeny LeonidovichFirst Vice-Rector – Vice-Rector for Economic Activity, Doctor of Economics

Yastrebov Oleg AlexandrovichDirector of the PFUR Law Institute Doctor of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

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Abashidze Aslan KhuseinovichHead of the PFUR Chair of International Law, Doctor of Legal Sciences,Professor

Atabekova Anastasia AnatolievnaHead of the Chair of Foreign Languages at the PFUR Law Institute, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Bocharov Pavel Petrovich (1943-2003)Honored Man of Science of the RF, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Vorobyov Vladimir VasilievichHead of the PFUR Chair of the Russian Language, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Gusakov Nikolay PavlovichDean of the PFUR Economic Department (1994-2012), Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Denisenko Vladimir NikiforovichVice-Rector for the PFUR International Work (2008-2012) Dean of the PFUR Philological Department (1998-2008), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Zavgorodny Nikolay VasilievichHead of the Center of Endoprosthesis Replacement at the Pirogov CITO, Honored Man of Science of the RF, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Kobalava Zhanna DavidovnaHead of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases (PFUR), Doctor in Medicine, Professor

Koshechkin Vladimir AnatolievichHead of the PFUR Chair of Tuberculosis, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

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Krivoshapko Sergey NikolaevichHead of the PFUR Chair of Materials and Constructions’ Strength, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Malyarchuk Valery (1953-2005)Head of the PFUR Chair of Surgery (1998-2005) Honored Man of Science of the RF, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Matyushok Vladimir MikhailovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Economic and Mathematical Modeling, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Ponomaryov Aleksandr MikhailovichMember of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly of the second calling (1995-2000)

Popadyuk Valentin IvanovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Otorinolaringology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Pochta Yury MikhailovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Comparative Politology, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor

Protsenko Vladimir DanilovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Health Informatics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Rogov Vladimir AleksandrovichHonored Inventor of the RF, Head of the PFUR Chair of Engineering Technology of cutting machines and instruments, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Samuylov Konstantin EvgenievichHead of the PFUR Chair of Telecommunication Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Svintsov Aleksandr PetrovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Project-making and Construction of Industrial and Civil Buildings, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Serov Yury MikhailovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Tishchenko Andrey LeonidovichHead of the Chair of Skin and Veneral Diseases at the PFUR Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Tokmalyov Anatoly KarpovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Infectuous Diseases with a Course of Epidemiology Honored Doctor of the RF, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Trofimova Galina NikolaevnaProfessor of the Chair of Mass Communications at the PFUR Philological Department Honored Worker of Culture of the RF, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Filimonov Georgy UrievichDirector of the PFUR Institute of Strategic Research and Forecasting World Kickboxing Champion of 2001 in Slovenia, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Doctor of Political Sciences

Frolov Mikhail AleksandrovichHead of the PFUR Chair of Eye Diseases, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the HAC of the RF Minister of Education and Science Minister of Education of the Russian Federation (1998-2004) Academician of the RAE, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor


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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Agrarian Faculty (PFUR) is one of the oldest faculties of the University. It was founded in 1961. That was the time when the Faculty of agriculture was training specialists in agron-omy and agriculture taking the cultural and climate peculiarities of Asian, African and Latin American counties into consideration. Today the faculty consists of 9 departments. It offers a highly-qualified teaching and aca-demic team, great scientific and technical potential, modern equipment and innova-tive technologies.

Latest research technique are being used at the faculty: vet students study in special-ized classrooms with ultra-sound equipment, X-ray and biochemical lab equipment. Stu-

dents undergo training in agro-holdings, pri-vate and state vet clinics. GPRS-equipment and electric meter have been procured for landscape and landscape design classes. Joint master’s programs are offered by PFUR in cooperation with Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin.

What differs students of the PFUR Agrarian faculty from graduates of other universities? It is intensive language and multi-profile ed-ucation. Our students study several foreign languages at a time and use a chance to take up exchange and internship programs abroad as well as receiving a European Di-ploma Supplements.

Agrarian Faculty

Classes at the Agrarian faculty lab57

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Our Courses: Agronomy Veterinary Veterinary sanitary examination Landscape design Standardization and certification Land regulation and land register Economics (‘Economics in Agronomy’) Zootechniques Management

Joint master programs in the English language: Integrating plant protection Land fertility management

Agro-ecological assessment and geo-graphical informational system

Economics of premises in agricultural industry

Students undergo educational and experience-based practices: Veterinary: in the clinics and institutions

of the Italian vet associations (head scientist – Prof. Jancarlo Belucci), in the Centre of vet neurology and neuro-surgery in Austria (head scientist Prof. Verner Takk), Clinic for equine illnesses, Munich, Germany.

Veterinary sanitary examination: in the institutions and expertise commissions (chief representative – Prof. Jancarlo

Agrarian Faculty

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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Belucci), institutions (slaughtering and meat processing plants, dairy factory, labs), Italian Vet-expertise committee (head scientist- Prof.Dino Mastrocollo), biggest Austrian meat processing com-pany (head scientist- Prof. Alexander Mittermeier) and others.

Standardization and metrology: on the basis of leading companies: the “Danone-industry" company, OJSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann", OJSC "Ramensky" Meat Packing Plant, AIC "Mosselprom", OJSC "Confectionery concern" Babae-vsky"", OJSC "Ostankino"; of scientific and research institutes of meat and dairy industry, state regional centers for standardization and metrology, certification bodies, accredited testing laboratories.

Landscaping: "Moszelenstroy" Ltd, Sere-bryanyi Bor forestry, Sochi National Park, Ulyanovsk State Farm of ornamental horticulture, Kirov St. Petersburg State University of Forestry.

Economics: in Russian and international food, processing and trade enterprises; in economics departments of manage-ment structures of small and medium companies and large agricultural hold-ings; in auditing and consulting compa-nies.

Centre for continuing education is function-ing at the Faculty.

Landscape design project by the Faculty students

Dean of the Agrarian faculty, V.G. Plyuschkov with his colleagues. A trip to Abkhazia, 2014

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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences

Faculty of humanities and social sciences was founded in 1996 after re-organization of the Historical-Philological faculty.

While a new faculty was being created, the faculty concept was being developed that would meet the demands of the so-cial and political, economic situation in the country and new trends in the humanities and social sciences.

14 faculty departments provide bachelor and master degree programs in the field of humanities and social sciences.

Направления подготовки■ History■ Philosophy■ Sociology■ Political sciences■ Arts and the Humanities

■ International relations■ Public administration■ Regional studies of foreign countries

("specialization "China", "East Arab countries")

Modern scientific and technologic inno-vations are employed in teaching: all class-rooms are equipped with multimedia devic-es; computer classrooms with laptops and interactive boards have been opened; ex-clusive software for conducting research has been purchased. Module language classes are functioning: English, French, Arab, Chi-nese, Persian, Spanish, German. There – is bachelor’s and master’s thesis defence.

Faculty students have experience of working in state government bodies (the Federation Council, State Duma, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries, prefec-

Dean of the Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Professor V.A.Tsvyk with the PFUR graduates

Delegations of university-partners during Graduation ceremonies


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Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences

tures, municipal agencies), specialized labs, archives, science and research centre of the Russian Academy of sciences, interna-tional companies; undertake internships in China, Spain, France, Germany, the Nether-lands, Czech Republic and other countries.

Within the framework of academic mo-bility our students have a chance to obtain double diplomas in a number of master programs due to joint program agreements signed between PFUR and partner-univer-sities, such as Pierre Mendès-France Univer-sity (Grenoble, France), Paris 8 University (France), Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), University of the Balearic Islands (Pal-ma, Majorca, Spain), University of Potsdam (Germany), Beijing University of foreign lan-guages (China), Shandong University (Chi-na), L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univer-

sity (Kazakhstan), Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Learning foreign languages is of special priority at the faculty.

Our students have a chance to:■ Travel to summer and winter camps in

Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, China, Spain, Ireland;

■ Have internships offered by the universi-ties of Egypt, China, Taiwan, France;

■ Participate in ‘inclusive programs’ at universities of Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Morocco and others.

The faculty offers a certificate and diplo-ma in translation (Eastern and European lan-guages).

Extracurricular activities. Amateur talent groups62

Extracurricular activities. Sport

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"Miss Faculty of Humanities and social sciences"

Master programs in English:■ Global politics: political processes and

provision of international security■ Comparative philosophy

Continuing professional educationIt’s been more than 7 years since the Cen-ter for Continuing education started its work at the Faculty of humanities and social sci-ences offering over 50 programs in continu-ing education.

The Faculty also offers:■ Evening and full-time education pro-

grams■ PhD and doctorate degree programs

Diplomat worker day at the Faculty of humanities and social sciences63

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Engineering Faculty

Engineering faculty is one of the major uni-versity faculties that started its work in 1961. Today the Engineering faculty is character-ized by its variety of majors it offers: 16 fac-ulty departments prepare future specialists in the spheres of manufacturing, assembling, operation and management.

Every year new equipment is used in the learning process in order to maintain up-to-date experience with the newest tech-nologies; science and research labs are equipped with unique assets that would allow to carry out innovative scientific re-search.

The goal of the faculty is to prepare high-ly-demanded specialists who will be able to manage complex manufacturing process-es. That is the reason why our students can chose to take up a second higher educa-tion degree program: most popular pro-grams are in law, economics or ecology.

The faculty researchers constantly partici-pate in all-Russia and international scientific conferences, symposiums, workshops. The faculty cooperates with the world biggest education and scientific centres.

Students of the faculty have an opportuni-ty to get hands-on experience and take up internships: At foreign universities and companies

supported by IAESTE (International Asso-ciation for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience);

Getting Unicredit scholarship for an ex-change program between Russia and Serbia («Study Abroad Exchange Pro-gramme»);

Summer courses of the German lan-guage for foreign students in Germany;

In Microsoft in the sphere of software development in Redmond, Washington DC, USA;

In France (French Government Scholar-ship).

Graduates of Engineering Faculty. 200965

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Fields of studiesBachelor programs: Architecture Design of residential public and indus-

trial buildings Construction Automation and control Oil and gas industry Economics and management at enter-

prises (trade-wise) Technology, equipment and automa-

tion of machine building factories Power-plant engineering Automobiles and motor industry Nanoengineering

Master’s programs Architecture – Architecture of residential public and

industrial buildings Power-plant engineering – Steam and gas turbine plants – Combustion engines Construction – Theory and design of buildings and

constructions – Theory and practice of organizational,

technological and economic solutions in construction

– River and underground hydro-techni-cal constructions

– Computational civil engineering (in English)

– Architecture, geometry and design of long span 3D constructions

Management of technical systems – System research in control tasks – Intellectualization and optimization of

control processes Technology, equipment and auto-

mation of machine building factories – Automated engineering technology – Automation and management of

technological processes and produc-tions (in machinery production)

– Automated and automatic machine systems and complexes

Geology – Innovation technologies in oil and gas

exploration and prospecting – Innovation technologies in solid miner-

als exploration and prospecting Management – Production organization and man-

agement – Subsurface resources management

audit – Subsurface resources management

innovation technologies – Management in oil and gas business – Management of oil and gas business

(in English) – Innovations in Business Creation and

Management (in English) Nanotechnologies and microsystem

engineering – System research in control tasks – Intellectualization and optimization of

control processes – Engineering and physical technolo-

gies in nano-industry

Engineering Faculty

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Lecture are the Department of Hydraulic engineering and hydraulic engineering constructions

Teaching team, Department of oil geology, mining and oil and gas

Students of the Engineering faculty working on hand-made robot


Specialties Mining – Mine surveying – Open mining work

Applied geology (2 specializations)

– Geological survey, research and in-vestigation of natural resources

– Oil and gas geology

Joint programs are offered at the fac-ulty due to the joint-programs agreements signed between PFUR and the universities of Jonkoping, Switzerland and SCO.

Department of machine systems op-eration carries out research in the following fields: ecological safety provision of ma-chine complexes; technological processes and organization of technique operation; re-pairing and auto-service; technical diagnos-tic and engine testing.

Our graduates work at factories and companies in the sphere of machine com-plexes; engineering and technological and research organisations; automative repair; machine services; official autocompanies and dealer centres.

Engineering faculty team (department of Machine systems operation) "Formula Stu-dents PFUR" has been the winner of interna-tional contests among engineering faculty students.

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Faculty of the Russian language and general educational disciplines

The Faculty of the Russian language and general educational disciplines was found-ed in the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia as a preliminary faculty in 1960. Since its foundation this faculty has prepared more than 20 thousands internationalstu-dents.

8 departments of the faculty are aimed at preparing international students for their further successful education at the main Rus-sian Language faculties and further success-

ful education at the main faculties of PFUR and other Russian universities. Every year more than 1,000 students from more than 100 foreign countries study here.

Foreign students have a 6-month or a one-year intensive course of Russian and general educational disciplines accord-ing to their major. The faculty improves ex-isting traditions and develops new fields of activity: new educational programs, stan-dards and tests for students and professors

Dean of the Faculty of the Russian language and general educational disciplines


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Faculty of the Russian language and general educational disciplines

are elaborated, innovational educational technologies and concepts which lay the foundation for new textbooks including in-teractive ones are worked out and unique methodologies of teaching the Russian lan-guage are successfully implemented.

The departments organize methodical seminars, scientific study groups for students, special contests, and international scientific conferences devoted to different problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language and interdisciplinary coordination. The fa-culty places high emphasis on educational

work since it is the most important element of the educational process.

All departments hold traditional lessons in the format of concerts “We speak Rus-sian and sing in Russian”. The lesson “Day of Victory” which is one of the main university events has become a hallmark of the fac-ulty. Students and veterans are invited to participate in it. Student conferences are traditionally conducted in Russian. The fac-ulty also organizes special lessons in order to familiarize foreign students with Russia as a country of residence and with its culture.

Faculty students during the visit to the All-Russia exhibition centre

President of RF D.A.Medvedev (2008-2012) helda meeting at PFUR on the matters of student life, September, 22, 2011


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Festival dedicated to the peoples' traditions in the world

First Russian language classes at the language labs Classes at the Faculty of the Russian language and general disciplines


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Institute of Medicine

PFUR Faculty of Medicine was founded in 1961 and in 2014 evolved in the Institute of Medicine of PFUR The Institute is equipped with the most modern diagnostic and sci-entific instruments, students learn the bases of functioning of human body, how to di-agnose correctly, how to treat and prevent diseases.

44 departments and 2 courses are re-sponsible for multifaceted theoretical and practical education of our specialists.

Nowadays the Institute of Medicine is equipped with up-to-date clinical laborato-ries with training educational system based on information and computer testing and TV broadcasting. For practical classes there are sub-departments of computer tomog-raphy, lever fiberscanning and andrology as well as dentistry sub-department where students and interns can gain practical skills.

PFUR is the first Russian university equip-ped with the machinery that allows to study the functioning of human body in 3D for-mat.

The advantage of studying here is that except for recommended subjects we take into account specific needs of the countries our students come from. Of course great attention is paid to foreign languages studies, which opens to our stu-dents all the doors.

Scientific research conducted by the sci-entists of the Institute encompass almost all the problems of biology and medicine. Our medical students not once became the winners of local and international competi-tions and contests.

Presentation of the virtual anatomic table


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Institute of Medicine

The Institute is actively cooperating with leading universities in order to enhance academic mobility of our students and our faculty, scientific cooperation and raise the number of joint publications in high-profile editions.

The Institute has scientific and student community where students from the very beginning can get in touch with scientific research: community of young doctors: stu-dent theatre “Hippocrates” and lectures on music, literature and history.

As a preliminary course of education we have medical–biological school “Medic”

Preliminary courses: Treatment Dentistry Pharmacy Nurse business Management (second higher educa-

tion, Management in Healthcare)

Museum of anatomy at the Institute of Medicine Future medical workers at a class


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PFUR Institute of Medicine successfully implements joint educational programs with Berlin Institute of Economy (Germany) and French Conservatory of Arts and Trades (France), as well as with London South Bank University (Great Britain)

Continuing professional education:Since 2009, for specialists with higher and specialized secondary education Centre of Continuing Professional Education for profes-sional development in medicine and phar-maceutics is opened.

Performance of the Student theatre "Hyppocrat" (Medical institute)

Winners of the MBS "Medik" Competition


PFUR Students (Medical institute) at the Dent design contest

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Faculty of Science

The faculty was founded in 1961. It embod-ies a classical combination of disciplines typical for European universities. 12 depart-ments of the faculty develop innovative programs in the field of physics and physical science, telecommunications, optical nano-structures, organic and inorganic chemistry, applied mathematics and elaborate edu-cational and methodological materials in these areas.

During their studies students are engaged in scientific work, they communicate with fa-

mous Russian and foreign scientists, partici-pate in internships held by leading universi-ties and take part in scientific conferences, which increases their professional capacity and broadens their scientific outlook, mak-ing them competitive in the labor market.

The number of students who want to ma-jor in “Physics” is steadily rising since nano-technology nowadays becomes a strategic priority. “Fundamental informatics and infor-mational technologies” also awakes a lot of interest.

Innovative equipment purchased for the classes at the Faculty


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Lines of study Mathematics. Applied mathematics Mathematics. Computer sciences Applied mathematics and informatics Information technologies Physics Chemistry Radio physics and electronics Business informatics

Faculty of Science

Students of the faculty have internships in different research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in Russian com-panies, participate in international scien-tific events, international professional com-petitions and projects and also take part in contests for grants.

The faculty works closely with foreign partner universities in Israel, Portugal, France, Sweden, Finland, Kazakhstan, Can-ada, Germany, Italy and USA. It also has a joint educational program with the Univer-sity of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Practical classes at the Chemistry lab

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Theoretical Physics Chemistry of the Environment Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds

The faculty students have the opportunity to obtain an additional professional educa-tion "Translator in professional communica-tions" in the field of physics, mathematics and natural sciences.

At the research lab 'Plasma physics and gas discharge'. PhD student at the department of experimental physics is trying the diagnostic system of plasma generator Project work at the lab

The faculty publishes an international jour-nal “Modern mathematics. Fundamental areas” which is also published in the USA in English by the largest international publisher Springer.

Master’s programs in English: Functional Methods in Differential Equa-

tions and Interdisciplinary Research


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Faculty graduates with the Dean V.V. Barabash and the professor G.I. Zubkov (Department of Mass communication, Philological Faculty)

The Philological Faculty was founded in 1996 as a result of reorganizing the Historical and Philological Faculty. Today, the Faculty consists of nine Departments and one train-ing course. Students are offered a variety of forms of education and continuing educa-tion programs that allows graduates to work in different sectors of Philology.

The Faculty actively introduces innova-tive programs, new electronic tutorials, class-rooms for listening and conference inter-preting. Several scientific clubs are working

at the faculty, educational newspapers are published, the faculty has its own television center.

The faculty leads an active scientific life: the main research areas are developed, students regularly apply for grants, com-petitions of scientific and research works organized by ministries and departments, teachers and researchers of the faculty participate in international, national and in-dustry conferences, seminars, symposiums; doctoral dissertation councils in philology,

Philological Faculty


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Philological Faculty

council for the defense of doctoral disserta-tions on pedagogical and psychological sci-ences operate within it.

Great importance is attached to the study of foreign languages – English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese.

For more than 5 years, the program "Inter-preters at Sports and Entertainment Events" in cooperation with the Directorate of Sports and Entertainment Events of the Moscow Department of Physical Education and Sport has been implemented at the faculty. Dur-ing this time, students have been involved as interpreters in more than 120 events, includ-

ing the most large-scale ones, such as Euro-vision – 2010, the International Forum "Russia is a Sports Power", the 2013 World Athletics Championship.

The Philological Faculty has signed agree-ments, work programs, and actively co-operates with fellow universities: Graduate School of Business and Social Sciences, Ma-drid, Spain; International University of Cat-alonia, Barcelona; University Bordeaux 3, France; Southern Federal University; CIS Net-work University and other universities in Ger-many, France, China, Spain, Belgium, Aus-tria, Italy, Senegal.

Delivering a speech of the Vice-rector for PR El.V.Martynenko to the Faculty students

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Students of the faculty undergo practi-cal training in the leading Russian media, PR-agencies, public institutions and commercial structures.

Fields of training: Philology Linguistics Journalism Psychology Advertising and Public Relations Television

Master programs in English Applied International Journalism Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

The Center of Continuing Professional Education, which deals with all kinds of supplementary education from pre-univer-sity training to advanced training courses and retraining of specialists in various fields, including psychology and business com-munication, operates within the faculty; language courses and courses of profession-oriented translation work on its scope.

Winner of the "A minute of Glory" at the Philologicalfaculty

PFUR TV on-air


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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Ecological Faculty

Since the opening of PFUR Ecological fac-ulty more than 20 years have passed. It has become the first Russian systematic faculty in this field of knowledge. The main idea of its creation was not only to provide with thorough in-depth education in ecology, but also in a whole range of special disci-plines that can be of use to an ecologist in his practical and scientific activities in the framework of a classical university.

The faculty has 8 departments and 7 unique innovative labs, including a mobile one, equipped with unique instruments and devices which allow to carry out modern scientific research. Computer classes have up-to-date equipment.

To read lectures at the faculty we en-gage leading foreign experts from interna-tional ecological projects and specialists that work in international companies that are represented in Russia. Our faculty is in-volved in ecological expertise of interna-tional organizations as well as programs and projects in geoecology, ecology and ecosystem exploitation.

Our students undergo internships at the universities of USA, Italy, Germany, France, Mexico, Ireland, Sweden, Cyprus and have a possibility to graduate both from PFUR and Palermo University of Italy or from one of the universities of SCO countries.

Students of the Ecological faculty with the Prof. A.A. Nikolsky (Dr.in Biology)


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Ecological Faculty

Students especially like “Natural ecologi-cal systems” internship, which they undergo not only in Moscow, but in Tver and Mos-cow regions as well.

The faculty has 5 scientific study groups. Our students work in expeditions and labs in different organizations, in MSU, RAS, par-ticipate in scientific conferences, including the annual student conference in foreign language which has been held at the fac-ulty for many years. Our students undergo internships in WWF.

Students of ecological faculty on the celebration of the Land Day

Lines of study: Ecology and ecosystem exploitation Energy and resource saving processes

in chemical engineering, petrochemi-cal and biotechnology


Master programs in English: Management of natural resources Ecological biotechnology

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Center of continuing professional educa-tion, based at the faculty, carries out about 50 professional advancement programs. Department of radioecology in coopera-tion with “Radeco” scientific research center have elaborated a program of professional advancement «Radiation safety when work-ing with radiation sources».

Workshop on the work with the Mind-machine equipment and "Psychophysiologist"

Inaugural of students at Ecological faculty

Classes at multimedia lab

Listeners of CCPE program with their teacher V.V.Glebov


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Faculty of Economics

PFUR faculty of Economics is well-known in Russia and abroad as one of the most im-portant educational centers which prepares professionals in the sphere of economics, management and finance. The high qua-lity of education is proved by the competi-tiveness of our graduate economists at the emerging labor market who are welcomed in bodies of state administration, scientific institutes and universities, as well as in banks, financial companies and international or-ganizations. One third of all the students is represented by foreign students. The faculty embraces 12 departments and 3 laborato-ries the work of which fully reflects the reali-ties of the current economic situation in Rus-sia and in foreign countries.

Knowledge of foreign languages is the barest necessity of young people especially if they plan to build their future in the sphere of business and economy. Students of the faculty can learn six foreign languages in the framework of the main educational pro-gram: English, German, French, Spanish, Ital-ian and Chinese.

The faculty foreign language department prepares students for Cambridge English Language Assessment exams. The faculty students constantly participate in interna-tional conferences, contests and seminars devoted to the problems they study.

The students of the Faculty of Economics undergo internships in USA, France and oth-er foreign countries and have an opportuni-ty to participate in Double Diploma Program elaborated in cooperation with National Uni-versity of Science, Technology and Manage-ment in Paris, France, and with CIS Network University.

Lines of study: Management (major fields of study:

“Management”, “Marketing”, “Human Resources Management”, “Production management”)

Faculty of Economics. Mid-term attestation

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Faculty of Economics

PFUR students participating at the World Business Week

Lecture at the Faculty

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Economics (major fields of study: “Eco-nomics”, “Insurance”, “Finance and credit”, “Accounting, Auditing and Analysis”, “Enterprise economy”)

Advertising and PR (major field of study: “Advertising”)

Customs Activities

Master’s programs in foreign languages: International Marketing (in English) Marketing of Innovation in the Context

of Global Technological Trends (in Eng-lish)

International Trade (in English) International Business (in English) International Business (in French)

Additional professional education Center for Additional Professional Educa-tion of the Faculty of Economics offers ad-vanced training of specialists in the field of accounting, HR, psychology, translation and in many other areas of professional acti vity. The Center also offers the opportunity to study a foreign language which allows you to reach a whole new level of oral and writ-ten language proficiency even in highly spe-cialized areas of professional activity.

Lecture for the faculty students VTB bank

Classes at the Faculty of Economics


Students of the Faculty of Economics at the International exhibition "Moscow Design Week"

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Institute of Law

In 1960 when the University was founded, it was decided that future lawyers will be prepared at the Faculty of Economics and Law, which was reorganized into the Facul-ty of Economics and the Faculty of Law lat-er in 1995. In 2014, the Faculty of Law was re-organized into the Institute of Law. There are 8 -Departments and 2 service depart-ments (of the English and Russian langu a-ges).

Major goal of the Institute is to prepare highly-qualified future specialists-lawyers to work in the RF and abroad. Besides the RF law system and constitution, students are to know other legislative systems of the world. These are: Anglo-American and continental European, as well as the legislation of de-veloping countries.

Students of the Institute of Law take part in professional legal practices including work experience in the RF State Duma, Fed-eration Council, Moscow City Duma, Mos-cow public prosecution office, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. While working at the Students’ Advisory Bureau at PFUR, students gain experience working with the public and local authorities. Lead-ing Russian and foreign lawyers regularly give master classes at the Institute of Law.

Law students participate in international exchange programs and internships on a yearly basis. They undergo study courses at universities in France, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, the USA, Finland, Austria, China and other countries.

After graduating from the University, law students go to work at educational institu-tions, law-enforcement agencies, govern-ment and state administration agencies, internal and external agencies of foreign relations in Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad and at international organizations. A lot of them have made brilliant careers in their sphere of activity. At present, some of them are ministers, well-known politicians or public figures.

Student of the Law institute at the immitational court session


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Partners of the Institute of Law are Euro-pean Parliament of EU (Belgium), European Community for public rights (Greece), the European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA, Belgium), the European Law Students' Association, European Youth Parliament, University of JAN EVANGELISTA PURKYNĚ in Ústí nad Labem (Czekh Repub-lic), the Law and history faculty of South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria), Sal-zburg University (Austria), University of Niš ( Serbia), Petru Maior University (Romania), Science and Research Centre of financial law of the Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Office of the United Nations High Commis-sioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (Geneva, Switzerland).

Institute of Law

Lecture is given by Vladimit Mikhaylovich Platonov, a Russian politician and state agent, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma

Guest at the Institute of Law – Navanethem Pillay New High Commissioner for Human Rights (on the right)

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The Institute offers dual master programs in cooperation with the L.N. Gumilyov Eur-asian National University.

Fields of studies Law (specialization "International law",

"General studies")

Master programs in English International human rights law Private international law Translation Translator in the state government bod-

ies and institutions

Dissertation Councils: D 212.203.36 D.212.203.29 D.212.203.24

Participants of the summer school on the human rights


Director of the Law Institute, professor, Dr. in Law and Economics O.A. Yastrebov with PFUR Rector V.M. Filippov

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Institute of Hotel Business and Tourism

Lines of bachelor’s studies Tourism Services Hotel business

Master’s program Tourism planning and development Intercultural communications in tourism Tourism planning and development at

the state level

Mission of the Institute – complex highly qualified specialists training for the hospital-ity industry: creative, socially responsible, ca-pable to be fully functional in the competitive landscape.

Students’ life at the IHBT■ choir “Rose of Winds”;■ tourist club “Wind of Wanderings”;■ club “Visit to IHBT”;■ international students’ club (FSC) “KIS”;■ professional students’ society “Hospital-

ity Workshop”.

IHBT graduates■ over 1,000 specialists in the sphere of

tourism and services;■ more than from 20 countries of the

world: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vietnam, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Georgia, India, China, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Moldova, Namibia, Oman, Tanzania, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia, etc.;

■ speak two foreign languages: English and (optional) Spanish, German, Italian, French, Chinese, Arab, etc.

The Institute is a member of a number of international organizations: World tour-ism organization UNWTO; World Association for Training in Tourism AMFORHT; European Schools of the Hospitality business and Public Catering Association EURHODIP.

Institute’s partners– Groups of hotels: “Marriott Hotels” (“Ritz

Carlton”, “Marriott Royal Aurora”, “Mar-riott Grand-Hotel”, “Courtyard Marri-ott”, “Renaissance Monarch”), “Ararat Park Hayat”, “Lotte”, “Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya”, etc.;

– Travel agencies: “Sodis”, “Alean”, “Vand International Tour”, “Viking Travel”, “Natali Tours”, “Sunrise Tour”, “DSBW”, “TUI”, etc.;

– International exhibition companies “Eu-roexpo”, “ITE”, the international sporting events company Jet Set Sports.

IHBT awards■ 2003 – best higher education institute

in the field of tourism in Europe;■ 2007 – winner of the competition

“1,000 best enterprises and organi-zations of Russia”;

■ 2010 – best education partner of the hotel “Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Mos-cow”;

■ 2013 – letters of gratitude from the Tou-rism and Hotel Industry Committee of Moscow;

■ 2014 – letter of gratitude from the Tou-rism Agency of the Yaroslavl region;

■ 2014 – Certificate of honor from the Federal Tourism Agency of the Russian Federation.


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Institute of International programs is one of the leading PFUR subdepartments, has a 17 year’s history which is connected with the trends of development of higher education in Russia.

Institute actively participates in educa-tional programs, successfully elaborates and implements new educational products, ex-ports educational services, cooperates with educational institutes abroad.

Main lines of study Implementation of main educational

programs of higher professional educa-tion, including special programs for stu-dents from other universities during one semester.

International cooperation with foreign educational institutes in different fields and elaboration of joint educational programs

Collaboration with PFUR affiliated societ-ies in organization of educational pro-cess

Specially designed schools and intern-ships

Implementation of advancement pro-grams in information technology, inter-national innovations and modern man-agement.

Institute of International Programs

Scientific research in the sphere of in-formation technology and methodologi-cal and educational materials and devel-opment of the system of export of Russian educational services. Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University, Karaganda Economi-cal University, Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages European University of Moldova, Moldova State University of inter-national relations as well as partner-univer-sities from SCO countries are among PFUR’s foreign partners.

Lines of study Foreign regional studies, profile “Russian

studies” (Bachelor and Master);■ Law (Bachelor and Master);■ Management (Master);■ Economy (Master).

Since 2004, the faculty has been publish-ing on the basis of “PFUR Vestnik” a series titled “Informatization of education”, recom-mended by Higher Attestation Commission for publishing basic scientific results of the theses for obtaining the degree of Doctor of sciences and PhD.

The Institute has educational, method-ological and technological basis with multi-media and web technologies. The Institute is equipped with computers and licensed soft-ware for educational process.


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Institute of Foreign Languages

Institute of Foreign Languages is the head PFUR subdivision on the implementation of linguistic and foreign languages teaching programs.

The institute carries out fundamental aca-demic training in the areas of linguistics, in-ternational relations, translation and trans-lation studies, psychology, pedagogy and management.

Innovative techniques, the latest infor-mation and communicational technologies and modern multimedia courses, as well as qualitative training materials are used during the educational process. IFL gives a possibil-ity to prepare for the international certified examinations.

Within the scientific students’ associations and vocationally-orientated groups students are engaged in scientific research activities.

IFL carries out educational projects with the support of the embassies of European, Asian, African, Latin American countries and the USA, universities of Europe and over the world, national cultural centers and interna-tional organizations.

Students of the Institute participate in dif-ferent programs of language schools in Aus-tria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, China, the USA, France, etc., gaining international diplomas and certificates.

There are joint educational programs at the Institute: for masters – Université Catholique de Lille, France; bachelors and masters – Edinburgh Napier University, Great Britain.

While studying at the IFL, students can engage in different types of arts – music, vo-cal, choreography, theater. They are prize-

winners of national and international com-petitions. The Institute is proud of its students' sports achievements – they are winners of the University, All-Russian and international competitions.

Lines of study “Linguistics”: Bachelor degree profiles –

“Theory and Methods of Foreign Lan-guages and Cultures Teaching” and “Translation and Translation Studies”; major of Master program “Communica-tion Theory and International Public Re-lations (PR)”

“Foreign Regional Studies”: Bachelor degree profile and major of Master program – “European Studies – Euro-pean region”

“Psychological-Pedagogic Education”: Bachelor degree profile “Psycho logy and Social Pedagogy”; major of Master program “Psychological and Pedagogic Basics of Organizational and Managerial Activities”

Master programs in English “Communication Theory and Interna-

tional Public Relations (PR)” “European Studies – European region”

Continuing professional educationIn the IFL a whole range of programs of for-eign languages, psychology, pedagogy and management is realized for students of the institute and third-party listeners.

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Institute of World Economy and Business

Institute of World economy and Business is a great education centre which is one of the first business-oriented education institutions in Russia.

The Institute has been a member of the Russian Association of business education (RABE) since the first days of its work; it is a member of the Association of management development in East and Central Europe. One of the most important features of the In-stitute is the fact that it meets the demand in business education which exists not only in Russia but in the CIS countries, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Another great ad-vantage of the Institute is a huge network created by the PFUR graduates who work in most countries of the world.

The Institute gives a special priority to learning foreign languages. This is quite reasonable considering that the most de-manding specialist on the labour market is the one with the knowledge of foreign lan-guages.

The Institute students have a great op-portunity to practice foreign languages not only with the teaching team of native speakers and experts in economics but also to travel to foreign countries and take up internships in the USA, Great Britain, Germa-ny, France, Spain, Italy and China.

The Institute offers dual programs in co-operation with the London Metropolitan University (Great Britain), Edinburgh Napier

IWEB Specialists of high qualification Joint program classes

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University (Great Britain), University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), Riga International School of Economics and Business Adminis-tration (Latvia).

Fields of studies Public relations (specialization in “PR”,

“Advertising”) Economics (specialization in “World

Economy”) Management (specialization in “Inter-

national management”) Linguistics

Institute of World Economy and Business

MBA programs: МВА– General МВА – World business МВА – Financial management МВА – Marketing and effective sales МВА – Advertising and PR-industry МВА – HR management МВА – Modular program

Institute graduates, 2013

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Master’s programs: Joint research: Latin American studies

(in Spanish) Foreign economic activity International business management Foreign language for professional com-

munication and technical translation Advertising management PR management World banking and financing

Continuing professional educationContinuing professional education offers short-term courses for upgrading qualifica-tions, i.e. business-seminars and workshops in corporate financing and law, advertising and PR which would help the listeners to up-grade their personal skills as well.

Annual conference "Advertising vector"Extracurricular activities105

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Institute of Applied Technical and Economic Research and Expertise

Institute of Applied Technical and Economic Research and Expertise was founded in 2013 with the assistance of Roskosmos for the pur-pose of implementation of priority research projects in the field of economy, mathemat-ics, programming and engineering, as well as training of highly qualified specialists for the enterprises of the knowledge-intensive branches of industry. The Institute has the perpetual Roskosmos license for conduct-ing space activity and acts according to the long-term agreements and plans with Roskos-mos and the State corporation “Rostec”.

Lines of scientific researchThere are three Institute divisions carrying out scientific research works in behalf of ministries, departments and various organizations: division of applied engineering and

mathematical research; division of applied economic research; division of research in the field of foreign

economy activity.

Lines of studyIATERE is a pioneering institute which trains specialists in the field of knowledge-intensive branches of industry management and in-novative economic processes satisfying the requirements of the XXI century and realizes educational process in the following direc-tions: Management; Economy; Management in Technical Systems; Fundamental Informatics and Informa-

tion Technologies.

Institute comprises 8 departments, and each of them incorporates scientific re-search sector in the direction the depart-ment’s major. Innovative management and foreign

economic activities in the industry (joint PFUR and Rostec Group);

Mathematical modeling in space sys-tems (joint PFUR and Federal State Uni-tary Enterprise TsNIIMash);

Organization of space activity (joint PFUR and Federal State Unitary Enter-prise TsNIIMash);

Applied economics (joint PFUR and Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNI-IMash);

Management of the space enterprises competitiveness (joint PFUR and Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO “Tekhno-mash”);

Physico-mathematical methods of complex technical systems of aero-space equipment engineering (joint PFUR and JSC Russian Space Systems);

Economy of space activity (joint PFUR and Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Agat” Organization);

Strategic management in the fuel and energy complex

Studying at the Institute combines funda-mental students training in the higher edu-cation institution with their specialization at the leading Roskosmos enterprises and the State Corporation “Rostec”.


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The University is a recognized large scientific center, a generator of new ideas and de-velopments. In 55 years, PFUR has given the world many famous names and important scientific discoveries. For over 15 years, the University has been in the top 10 best univer-sities in Russia for research and innovation.

Over the past 5 years, PFUR has been ranking 6th among 10,584 scientific institu-tions and universities of Russia by the number of scientific publications; 17th among 10,584 scientific institutions and universities of Russia by the number of citations; H-index in RISC (h-index) is 38; 500 employees are inventors and innovators; 870 copyright certificates, 160 patents of the Russian Federation; two scientific discoveries; 45 research and edu-cation centers, 150 scientific and educa-tional laboratories; two Centers for collective use; a Scientific and educational center for the specialty "Nanotechnology" have been created and upgraded; the University ranks 10th by the number of RFBR grants, 4th by the number of RHF grants among the 105 leading universities in Russia; it has received 10 RF Presidential grants for young scientists. PFUR ranks 2nd largest scientific organiza-tions in Russia, following only the state cor-poration "Rosatom", in terms of the number of national patents received within 10 years (2002-2012)".

PFUR has one of the largest in Russia sys-tems of 30 dissertation councils for the cer-tification of the teaching staff – awarding academic degrees of PhD and doctors of sciences. Every year, defenses of about

400 master's and doctoral theses take place in PFUR.

Peoples' Friendship University in collabo-ration with leading fellow universities in Eu-rope, China and other countries is involved in more than 100 joint research programs.

More than 500 professors and doctors, more than 1,200 assistant professors and PhDs, 57 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Scien-ces and other Russian state academies, 60 Honored Scientist of Russia, distinguished inventors of the Russian Federation, Honored Geologists of the Russian Federation , hon-ored Environmentalists of the Russian Fed-eration, honored Workers of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyers of the Russian Federation conduct scientific and pedagogical work at the University.

PFUR has been actively involved in carry-ing out research and development work on priority scientific areas in close cooperation with leading universities of Russia and foreign countries, 35 institutes of the Russian Acad-emy of Sciences and industrial research insti-tutes, the Research Center "Kurchatov Insti-tute"; it also conducts applied research and implements projects on commercialization of the results of intellectual property, tech-nology transfer and development of small business in science and technology with Russian authorities and companies: ROS-COSMOS, ROSATOM, RUSNANO, ZARUBEZH-GEOLOGIYA, Russian Technologies, Lukoil, Gazprom, ALROSA and others as part of the private and state partnership. Research

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work is carried out in accordance with the main research areas of the University in the field of basic and applied research within the priority areas of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation, especially such as industry of nanosystems and materials, information and communica-tion systems, environmental management, energy and energy conservation. During the period from 2010 to 2014, the list of areas in which extensive scientific development is conducted, was extended significantly.

Priority areas of research in Peoples' Friendship University Biomedical Technology in living systems Nanoengineering, energy- and re-

source-saving technologies, new mate-rials

Reasonable use of natural resources, Information and telecommunication

technologies, software systems for nan-otechnology and bioinformatics tech-nologies

Socio-cultural and economic dynam-ics of innovation development of the Russian Federation in the context of in-ternational cooperation

Management of competitiveness of high-tech industries

Problems and prospects of the RF space industry development

Innovative development of the CIS

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PFUR was founded half a century ago and soon took its rightful place among the most famous universities of the world. Over the past 5 years PFUR has created several scien-tific clusters based on the network principle which are aimed at establishing ties with the industrial sector in order to encourage funds and business communities to participate in joint research programs with subsequent commercialization of results:

Biomedical Technology and Life SciencesCluster solves critical problems of improving health and lifestyle factors which influence


health, including more efficient prevention of emerging diseases and meeting of more severe requirements for new biomaterials and methods of treatment. It is aimed at de-veloping and implementing breakthrough projects in main areas of science and inno-vations.

Nanotechnologies for the study of advanced materialsThe nanotechnology cluster is focused on advancing science and technologies in such areas as biomedicine, catalytic pro-cesses, nanotribology, optoelectronics, computational nanotechnology etc.


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Ecology and environmental managementThe main activity of the scientific and edu-cational cluster is establishing vertical and horizontal communication between educa-tional institutions, research institutes, govern-ment agencies and relevant enterprises and business in order to tackle the challenges of sustainable development.

Information Technologies, computer simulation and artificial intelligenceThe main objective of the cluster is to study and develop the scientific basis for informa-tion and telecommunication systems and net-works, to advance mathematical modeling and computer simulation and to tackle prob-lems of artificial intelligence. IT cluster provides PFUR educational programs with quality and competitiveness through the exchange of projects, knowledge transfer and expertise.

Theory of construction and computational civil engineeringCluster brings together scientists who are working on the development of new and ef-ficient models of construction and methods of their calculation, and are also conducting research in the field of computer technolo-gy and construction. Scientific cluster stands out for its interesting projects in the ana-lytical equations of new surfaces for use in parametric architecture and attracts expert practitioners from the industrial sector. At the lab studying reactions in materials

At lab of the optical nanostructures

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Comparative studies of human and social dynamicsThis cluster contributes to the deepening of our understanding of the cultural, social, economic, legal and political life in Russia in the context of international cooperation with different countries including the coun-tries of the CIS, Asia, Africa and Latin Amer-ica. In practice, it helps to get the idea of the results of social research in various fields.

In order to ensure the modern level of R&D and fundamentalization of education-al programs PFUR has established a center for collective use (Research and Education Center) and the SEC with "Nanotechnology" as a major field of study and with high-tech

and unique equipment, and has founded as well the Institute of Biomedical Problems and the Institute of Applied and feasibility studies and examinations.

In 2012, PFUR started to implement its Program of Strategic Development (PCD) after winning the contest of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2011. The main objective of the Program is to strengthen PFUR’s leading positions in Rus-sia and abroad as a university which pro-vides scientific and educational services of the international level. As part of the PCD which is aimed at modernizing the research process and innovative activities, PFUR ful-fills its project on developing and supporting R&D, stimulating its effectiveness, populari-

Practice in the lab of Agrarian faculty using the modern technologies

Working in the Centre of collective use



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Fixing equipment at PFUR CCT

zing experience and research results of PFUR at a regional level, in Russia and abroad. For example, in 2012 a Center for collective use named “Physico-chemical study of new materials, substances and catalytic systems” was established, in 2013 “Research and Edu-cation Center of innovative medical tech-nologies” was created and several labo-ratories were opened up and modernized including "Hydrological and technical safety of hydraulic structures", "Clinical Veterinary and Animal Health" and others.

In compliance with the Decree #218, to encourage in industrial enterprises the use of the potential of institutions of higher educa-tion for development of high-tech produc-tion and innovations in Russian economy on a competitive basis, the state supports complex projects for organization of high-tech production, carried out jointly by IHEs and the enterprises. In 2013 PFUR submitted its project for the above mentioned contest on elaboration of high-tech production of unique medicine and won. The project was titled: “Production of medicine on the bases of biotechnology for treatment of socially relevant diseases”.

At the lab of pharmaceutical technology

Lab of Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry


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Cosmology was founded in 1999 as a struc-tural subdivision of PFUR in order to realize target programs, scientific research in the field of theory of gravitation, cosmology, relative physics, development of promi-sing gravitation experiments on Earth and in space, conduction of experimental and the-oretical research in the field of fundamental physical constants and natural-scientific phi-losophy (interpretation and analysis of the results of recent physical research) as well as professional training (master and postgradu-ate studies) in the field of fundamental phys-ics. Our first master students finished their studies in 2005.

In accordance with the decision of PFUR Academic Council in 2008 and 2009, the scien tists of the Institute obtained the status of scientific-educational group of interna-tional level.

Our students each year take part in in-ternational scientific-research programs in compliance with bilateral agreements with teams from: USA (Tennessee University, Houston University), Germany (University of

Potsdam), Brazil (Brazilian Center for Physics Research, Espiritus Sanctus University), South Korea (Seoul University), Italy (International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics), Japan (Nara University), Greece (Aegean Univer-sity), France (Marseille University, Lion Univer-sity), Poland (Copernicus Science Centre), China (Beijing university), etc. in cooperation with Russian gravitational society.

Lines of study Physics (with major in Pure and Applied

Physics "in cooperation with the Faculty of Scienc) At PFUR Institute functions postgraduate program for obtaining the PhD degree, given by Higher Attestation Commission in "Theoretical Physics".

English master program Gravitation, cosmology and relativistic


In cooperation with Russian gravitation-al society “Springen” publishing company, based at the Institute, publishes an interna-tional journal “Gravitation and cosmology”.

Academic-research Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology


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The Institute carries out comparative re-search of educational policies of different countries and based on its conclusions pre-pares specialists in management of higher education. Department of comparative educational policy is a part of the Institute of comparative educational policy and has the status of International department of UNESCO (UNITWIN/UNESCO).

Lines of study Management (master major “Higher

education management”)

The main aim of the Department is scientific substantiation, informational support of the policy in the field of higher education, assis-tance in creation of common educational space of the CIS and European countries by means of: study, generalization and populariza-

tion of positive experience in reforming and modernization of the systems of higher education institutions abroad;

preparation of recommendations, ana-lytical, informational and methodologi-cal materials according to the depart-ment activities;

elaboration and implementation of projects, aimed at conducting research in different fields of educational poli-cies;

training of management personnel of educational institutions.

Based at the department is the Centre of comparative and international education of the Ministry of Education of Russia, which has a status of basic organization of the CIS member states for research in educational policy.

Educational and Research Institute of comparative educational policyDepartment of comparative educational policy

Head of the Department, Dr, of Science Professor V.M. Filippov with the graduates

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"Development and approbation of pro-grams, teaching aids and materials for the training and retraining of employ-ees of educational institutions devoted to the organization of work to preserve and improve the health of students and the creation of culture of healthy and safe lifestyle" (jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Rus-sian Federation).

“Health literacy” – “Healthy Moscow”

The Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBP) was founded in 2011 as a structural unit of PFUR. IBP is aimed at conducting scientific research for the study, implementation and development of innovative approaches and technologies in the field of biomedical problems as well as at making use of the ob-tained results in the educational process.

The Institute is actively involved in inter-national research and development of na-tional projects in the field of biomedical re-search including biosafety issues, and works out proposals and recommendations on im-proving state policy and systems of strategic planning of Russia on the basis of the results of research including those aimed at im-proving biomedical education in Russia and abroad.

The Institute helps to implement several social projects "Production of drugs based on biotech-

nology for the treatment of socially sig-nificant diseases"

The objective of the project is to develop a high-tech production of new drugs aimed at prevention and treatment of cancers of the reproductive system of humans and to establish on its basis favorable conditions for developing PFUR’s potential as a research institute (developing and engineering cen-ter).

Institute of Biomedical Problems

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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, be-ing internationally-oriented, improves its system of training of highly qualified staff, based on the best Russian scientific and ed-ucational traditions with account to the de-mands of local and international labor mar-ket, which ensures high competitiveness of our graduates.

Our postgraduates and PhD graduates, who defended their scientific theses, are highly-qualified professionals, creative and are in great demand in scientific circles and in the labor market all over the world.

Training of highly qualified staff is carried out in following ways:145 specialties in grad-

uate school, 58 doctoral specialties, 22 spe-cialties in internship and 54 in residency. Cur-rently about 3,000 people from 85 countries study at the University. The results of their re-search postgraduates and PhDs may submit to 30 councils for doctoral and master's the-ses at the university. During the years of the existence of dissertation councils at the uni-versity our graduates have defended about 1,000 doctoral and 6,000 master's theses. Annually about 500 graduates from Russian and foreign medical universities undergo in-ternships, training and retraining and enroll in residency. Peoples' Friendship University ranks 1st among Russian universities in the share of training highly-qualified staff.

Training of Highly Qualified Staff

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Continuing professional education at PFUR

Being one of the recognized leaders among the Russian institutions of higher education, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia has been actively developing a wide range of programs of continuing professional educa-tion during the last few years. 30 divisions of CPE: educational centers, institutes and fac-ulties of training of PFUR prepare specialists in compliance with rapidly changing labor market needs.

The University offers more than 1,500 training programs and retraining pro-grams of various kinds and duration from 72 to 1,500 hours. A number of programs are implemented through distance learn-ing methods. Using the unique experience (more than 65 thousands graduates from 160 countries of the world) PFUR together with its foreign partners elaborates and im-

plements international programs of supple-mentary programs including programs in foreign languages.

All supplementary professional educa-tion programs are aimed at practical appli-cation of the obtained knowledge. Classes are taught by experienced professors of the University and highly skilled professionals from leading companies – partners of PFUR. The University cooperates with business enti-ties and government agencies in the area of the organization of supplementary edu-cation.

PFUR partners in the field of supplemen-tary education include the following cor-porations: Rosnano, Rostech, Gazprom and Domodedovo holding.


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PFUR CPE programs on foreign and Rus-sian languages, psychology, management, new information technologies and medicine are of special demand on the Russian mar-ket of educational services.

CPE structural unit (including pre-university education) Institute for Advanced Studies and Re-

training (IASR) Faculty of Training of Medical Employ-

ees (FTME) Faculty of Training of Teachers of Rus-

sian as a Foreign Language (FTTRFL) Faculty of Training of Foreign Language

Teachers (FTFLT) Higher School of Management and

Economic Security (HSMES) SPE Interdisciplinary Center «Perspec-

tiva» Teaching and Research Centre for Ra-

diation and Environmental Control (TR-CREC)

International Institute for Contractual Systems Development (IICSD)

International Academy of Television and Information Business (IATIB)

Institute of Oriental Medicine Center for Education and Training (CET) Driving School Department for Special Education

Main Russian Language Testing Center for Foreign Citizens

Computer testing center "TEST-COMP" of the Department of Computer Tech-nology

Institute of Continuing Medical Educa-tion and socio-demographic research

School educational attainment for mi-grants

CPE centers at the faculties and Institutes: Institute of Law CPE Faculty of Humanitarian and social sci-

ences CPE Ecological faculty CPE Agrarian faculty CPE Philological faculty CPE Faculty of Economics CPE Institute of Foreign Languages CPE Institute of World Economy and Business

CPE Institute of Hospitality Business and Tour-

ism CPE Institute of International Programs CPE SPE SEC «Nanotechnology»

Pre-university preparation:Bio-medical school «Medic»CMSE «Unikum»

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PFUR Campus is the winner of Moscow Stu-dent Dormitory Contest in the nomination “Student Dormitory Best Infrastructure”. This is a unique place, no similar can be found in Russia. Student PFUR Campus is:

comfortable well-planned; more than 8, 000 students living in

13 buildings of students’ hostels; research library with branches at facul-

ties (with a fund of more than 1,8 mln books);

internet-café; supermarkets, student canteens

numerous cafés and restaurants with exotic traditional dishes of different countries

sports complex laundries electronic surveillance system outpatient clinic and medical center PFUR police station security and automatic fire alarm vehicle fleet electronic access system in all buildings

and students’ hostels PFUR publishing center sanatorium children's health camp “Yuventa” kindergarten PFUR museum

Student Campus


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University is the globe in miniature. It gives the students a unique opportunity to travel across the cultures of different countries. The skill to achieve mutual understanding is formed in Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in many different ways: from groups and public organizations to hostels, amateur art groups, and foreign communities.

At present there are more than 200 differ-ent active student groups and committees: University student council PFUR campus student council, regu-

lated by the Dorm councils; “Druzhba” (Friendship) sport club coun-


University Women’s Committee; Interclub Council; 4 regional associations of international

students; 107 foreign students fraternities; 16 Russian students associations; 12 student committees of faculties and

institutes 13 student dorm councils 73 professional student associations.

Student life at PFUR


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new issues by implementing innovative tech-nologies.

In 2011 electronic database was initiated and registered as an official database and MEDIA. PFUR electronic database has an access to other databases and facilitates search system. Students can access the Internet using their IDs and personal pass-words. Wi-Fi is operating on the territory of the library. In 2011 PFUR library founded a new reading hall "Rare book". The collection includes unique units published in the XVII-XIX c.

Everyone can get access to all the ser-vices and informational content of the Re-search library at the website lib.rudn.ru

Study and research Information Librarian Center (RESEARCH LIBRARY)


PFUR Research Library has been working since PFUR foundation. It is one of the most important departments at PFUR. Among the major aims of the library are: storing and giving information on all fields of university activity; study and research support; mod-ernizing library resources management and helping international students to master the Russian language. Library has 1, 800 000 unit in 70 languages in stock. Lending depart-ments and reading halls are situated in the five university buildings. The lending depart-ment uses the automated book lending sys-tem and RFID technologies.

In February 2008 Research library was turned into Study and research information librarian center in order to solve old and

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Medical service centre at PFUR

Peoples’ friendship university of Russia takes care of students and teachers’ health. It pro-vides medical service within the free health insurance to all the students, who get quali-fied medical assistance in the clinic of the PFUR Medical centre throughout the year. Medical centre employees are developing their skills at the faculty of Refresher training for health care professionals.

The consultations in PFUR Medical centre are held by the professors and the teachers of more than 40 departments of the Medi-cal faculty, including the faculty of refresher training for health care professionals. The Medical Centre has instrumental diagnostics offices (ultrasonic examination, endoscopy, and arthroscopy).

As part of the realization of the innova-tive educational program the Medical cen-tre has opened a computerized tomogra-phy unit and liver fiber scanning laboratory. To that end administration has purchased a 16-slice spiral computer tomograph that carries out more than 20 different types of examinations and a fiberscan for determin-ing liver fibrosis degree and controlling treat-ment efficiency.

In PFUR there is a sanatorium with ad-vanced medical equipment, including some state-of-the-art devices: apparatus for endoscopic diagnostics

of ENT diseases; shockwave therapy apparatus for

treatment of the locomotor system; specialized automatic massage tables; vertical turbo solarium; electromechanical infrared beds for

the locomotor system treatment; multifunctional equipment for aroma-,

oxi-, and reflex therapy (spa-capsule).

The sanatorium provides PRUR students and staff with free-of-charge preventive treatment of all kinds of diseases, including organization of dietetic nutrition.

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Students can take up any kind of sport in 45 sport facilities of the PFUR complex start-ing from democratic arm wrestling to ex-otic yoga. For those who prefer team-type of sports the PFUR complex offers to join the PFUR sports club to play football, basketball and volleyball. Other can do athletic gym-nastics, tennis and swimming. Sport facilities of the complex host PhT classes and trai-nings held in 40 kinds of sports, various sport events.

Annual Olympics competitions between the university faculties are held in 10 kinds of sports and unite thousands of students.

PFUR physical recreation complex Stadium with grandstands capable

of hosting 3,000 people; Football and baseball stadium hosting

300 people


2 covered artificial turf fields for mini-football in “Megasphera”;

2 sport halls (each 680 square meters); Run track (200 m); 6 open air and 3 covered tennis

courts, 6 covered tennis courts in “Megasphera”;

4 halls for athletic gymnastics (2 female, 2 male);

2 Fitness halls; Ski’s (450 pieces); 2 halls for martial arts; 2 basketball and volleyball grounds in

“Druzhba”; Football-hockey rinks; Badminton area; Chess-club; Cardio area: 10 athletic tracks,

4 elliptical machines and 10 stationary bicycles;


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The International student construction team movement at PFUR started in 1964. First con-struction teams travelled to investigate new grounds in Kazakhstan, to work in Karelia, Siberia and at the construction of the Bai-kal-Amursk highway. Student construction teams provided great help in building up the PFUR buildings and students hostels. PFU International student construction team had existed until 1990 when student movements lost the government support.

In 1999, under the initiative of the PFUR Rector and PFUR trade union, International student construction team “Friendship Me-ridian” revived. In 2008, Youth Centre for student construction teams “Friendship Me-ridian” was initiated on its grounds. Today the Centre unites different volunteering con-struction teams that would benefit the Uni-versity (doing all kinds of repairing in the hos-tels and University buildings, gardening and designing the PFUR territory).

The student construction teams “Friend-ship Meridian” have continuous annual work. Special attention is paid to reviving

the traditions of travelling to new untouched grounds.

Our students have worked in Sochi, St. Pe-terborough, Krasnoyarsk region, Astrakhan region, as well as at the construction of Bo-guchansk GES.

Annually PFUR student construction team participates in the contest of student con-struction teams held by the Department of Culture of Moscow City, and always wins in nominations “Best student construction team”, “Best student construction team for commissioning”. The work by the PFUR stu-dent construction team has been noted by the Moscow Government many times.

Team members received the highest award among the Russian construction teams for “Active work in the construction teams”.

Annually, the Forum of international stu-dent construction team “Friendship Meri-dian” is held, where the outcomes of the third working semester are summed up.

International student construction team “Friendship Meridian”


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Our University gives every chance to its stu-dents to develop their creative potential. To do so we have created the International culture club (“Interclub”) of PFUR.

At present there are 14 permanent ama-teur talent groups: International dancing group “Rhythms

of friendship” Musical plastic studio “Isadora” Folk studio “Raduga” Academic vocal studio "Orpheus" Pop vocal studio Stage plastic group Word art studio Pop dancing studio “Gloria”

International culture club “Interclub”

Modern dancing studio “Adel” Exotic dance show “Amaren”

Dancing group “Legends of the moun-tains” Student pop miniature theatre Intellectual game club “What? Where?


Moreover, there are Latin-American, Southeast Asian, African and Russian ama-teur groups in the International culture cen-ter. At present more than 1,000 students from all over the world are engaged in amateur talent groups. Professional and experienced teachers, choreographers, stage directors and accompanists train the students and ar-range rehearsals.


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Different countries, different destinies – one university

PFUR has long standing KVN traditions. It was back in 1960s when first students KVN teams were created.

The glorious path of the PFUR KVN began in 1996.

PFUR KVN team "Children of Lumumba" initiated the beginning of the national hu-mor in the International KVN Union which was followed and developed later by the Joint PFUR KVN team which became a three-time champion of the Higher KVN League, the Moscow League (2006), Sochi Summer Cup (2007), where the PFUR KVN team became the Champion of the Cham-pions. By doing that they have once again proved being the best.

The international PFUR team «RUDNiK» have also contributed to the existing suc-cess. PFUR team «RUDNiK» playing today is participating in the Higher Open Ukrainian KVN League and the Premier League (Mos-cow).

The University has the biggest collection of the MS KVN awards: Moscow Cup ("Chil-dren of Lumumba" – 1999), awards of the Higher KVN league: bronze medal (2003),

silver medal (2004), gold medal – Joint PFUR KVN team (2006). There are also some unique Cups from Kazakhstan, the Chechen Republic, Prague, certificates, diplomas and letters of gratitude.

PFUR KVN teams are permanent partici-pants of the annual Sochi International Fes-tivals (1998-2014). They participated at the International music festival of KVN teams in Jurmala ten times. The PFUR KVN team has won a number awards in Jurmala: "Big KiViN in light" (1998) – "Children of Lumumba", "Big KiViN in Dark" (2002, 2004), "Small KiViN in gold" (2003, 2005), "Big KiVin in gold" (2006, 2011), – Joint PFUR KVN team, "Small KiViN in gold" (2013) – Joint PFUR KVN team (junior).

PFUR KVN team are the five-time winners of the Interuniversity tournament for the Cup of Prefect of South-West Administrative Dist-rict Prefect Cup.

Today a Joint PFUR KVN team (junior) is pathing high rapidly. It has already become the prize-holder and the winner of many KVN tournaments, including Higher KVN League (Moscow), thus, proceeding the best traditions of their senior mates.



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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


The PFUR Museum was founded in 1993, and has a unique collection of artifacts from all over the world of traditional character re-flecting the centuries long traditions and spir-itual culture.

PFUR Museum has gathered photos and documents which display the history of the foundation and development of PFUR. Among the Museum artifacts are: national costumes, writings in different languages,

flags, seals, anthems, coins and bills, African masks, and other objects.

The University museum familiarizes its guests with famous public and cultural fig-ures, public officials, ministers and diplomats. The Museum is open for visitors, schoolchil-dren and University guests. Conferences, round tables, thematic evenings, meeting with the veterans and foreign students take place at the Museum.


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Different countries, different destinies – one university


PFUR MISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

RECTOR’S ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

PFUR ACHIEVEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

PFUR STRENGTHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

STAGES OF PFUR DEVELOPMENT HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

PFUR INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES AT PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Foreign languages at PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Russian language at PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

PFUR IS A MINIGLOBE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Prominent PFUR graduates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

FACULTIES AND INSTITUTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Agrarian faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Engineering faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Faculty of the Russian language and general disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Medical institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Faculty of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Philological faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Ecological faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Faculty of Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Institute of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Institute of Hospitality business and Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96


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Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Institute of International programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Institute of Foreign languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Institute of World economy and Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Institute of Applied technical and economic

research and expertise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS AT PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Science at PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Innovations at PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Academic-research Institute PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Academic-research Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Educational and Research Institute of comparative educational policy . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Department of Comparative Educational Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Institute of Biomedical Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Training of Highly Qualified Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Continuing professional education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

PFUR INFRASTRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 PFUR Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Student life at PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Study and research information librarian center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Medical service centre at PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Sport at PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 International student construction team "Friendship Meridian" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 International cultural center "Interclub" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 KVN PFUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 PFUR Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

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