@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www ISSN No: 245 Inte R Cloud ba Health Rec Abinay Departme G.K.M College of Eng ABSTRACT The disabled persons need help fro maintaining their medical details. To dependency, all health care centres us database for storing and sharing the p details among them. So, patients can acc of medical history like past surgeries, allergies, laboratory test etc., in the d anywhere and anytime with user’s comf proposed system, the user (both physicia can be able to view access and update using the android application through phone in a secured way. Firebase storag uploads and downloads for firebase ap of network quality. The developer can images, audio, video, or other user- gene Firebase storage is backed up by storage. The DES algorithm is used patient medical information by encryp This enables only authorized persons details, which prevents hacking of p health details. In addition, we have al feature which will reveal the live locati persons in case of emergency, even if yo your location or can’t speak. This age the importance of secured storage and r patient health record information from storage via an android application. Keywords: EHR (Electronic Health R (Patient Health Record), Mobile app (Data Encryption Standard). w.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 56 - 6470 | www.ijtsrd.com | Volum ernational Journal of Trend in Sc Research and Development (IJT International Open Access Journ ased accessibility of Electronic cord from android application ya R, Devapriya A, Purushothaman R ent of Computer Science and Engineering, gineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu om others for decrease their ses a common patient medical cess the details s, medications, database from fortable. In the an and patient) the details by h their mobile ge providesfile pps, regardless use it to store erated content. google cloud to protect the pting the data. to access the patient private lso included a ion of disabled ou don’t know enda discusses retrieval of the m the firebase Record), PHR plication, DES Introduction The proposed project is an e application which will store th details. This is a web based which patients can be able to details by using the android a mobile phone in a secured wa past, the people used manual store the patient’s record in an a hospital, clinic, dispensary unit. The health care provid also not allowed to access an record history which could be would be helpful for the pa future. To overcome these developed a web-based EHR by physician or hospital to c information (e.g., past s allergies, laboratory test, p etc.). This information could b hospital and could be used by for patient treatment. Once patient’s medical information generated automatically and al to that particular patient’s mo code, the patient can view thei prevent hacking of medical security, we have used DES patients’ medical details that are stored in the firebase in When doctor or patient need information, then the detai automatically and will be d r 2018 Page: 551 me - 2 | Issue 3 cientific TSRD) nal n u, India electronic health record he patient’s past medical android application by o access and view their application through their ay from anywhere. In the l methods and papers to ny healthcare centre such or any other healthcare ders or physicians were nd keep patient medical e used in the future and atient’s treatment in the challenges, we have system that can be used collect a patient’s health surgeries, medications, physician’s information be available anywhere to y the patient’s physicians the physician adds the n, a unique code will be lso the code will be send obile number. Using this ir own health record. To details and to provide encryption. So, all the are entered by doctors n an encrypted format. d to access the medical ils will be decrypt ed displayed to the users.

Cloud based accessibility of Electronic Health Record from android application

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The disabled persons need help from others for maintaining their medical details. To decrease their dependency, all health care centres uses a common database for storing and sharing the patient medical details among them. So, patients can access the details of medical history like past surgeries, medications, allergies, laboratory test etc., in the database from anywhere and anytime with users comfortable. In the proposed system, the user both physician and patient can be able to view access and update the details by using the android application through their mobile phone in a secured way. Firebase storage providesfile uploads and downloads for firebase apps, regardless of network quality. The developer can use it to store images, audio, video, or other user generated content. Firebase storage is backed up by google cloud storage. The DES algorithm is used to protect the patient medical information by encrypting the data. This enables only authorized persons to access the details, which prevents hacking of patient private health details. In addition, we have also included a feature which will reveal the live location of disabled persons in case of emergency, even if you dont know your location or cant speak. This agenda discusses the importance of secured storage and retrieval of the patient health record information from the firebase storage via an android application. Abinaya R | Devapriya A | Purushothaman R "Cloud based accessibility of Electronic Health Record from android application" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd10980.pdf Paper URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/computer-science/other/10980/cloud-based-accessibility-of-electronic-health-record-from-android-application/abinaya-r

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Page 1: Cloud based accessibility of Electronic Health Record from android application

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com

ISSN No: 2456


Cloud based accessibility of ElectronicHealth Record from android application

Abinaya R, Devapriya A, Purushothaman R

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,G.K.M College of Engineering and Technology

ABSTRACT The disabled persons need help from others for maintaining their medical details. To decreadependency, all health care centres uses a common database for storing and sharing the patient medical details among them. So, patients can access the details of medical history like past surgeries, medications, allergies, laboratory test etc., in the database from anywhere and anytime with user’s comfortable. In the proposed system, the user (both physician and patient) can be able to view access and update the details by using the android application through their mobile phone in a secured way. Firebase storage providesfile uploads and downloads for firebase apps, regardless of network quality. The developer can use it to store images, audio, video, or other user-generated content. Firebase storage is backed up by google cloud storage. The DES algorithm is used to protect the patient medical information by encrypting the data. This enables only authorized persons to access the details, which prevents hacking of patient private health details. In addition, we have also included a feature which will reveal the live location of disabled persons in case of emergency, even if you don’t know your location or can’t speak. This agenda discusses the importance of secured storage and retrieval of the patient health record information from the firebase storage via an android application.

Keywords: EHR (Electronic Health Record), PHR (Patient Health Record), Mobile application, DES (Data Encryption Standard).

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018

ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | www.ijtsrd.com | Volume

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal

Cloud based accessibility of Electronic Health Record from android application

Abinaya R, Devapriya A, Purushothaman R

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, M College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

The disabled persons need help from others for maintaining their medical details. To decrease their dependency, all health care centres uses a common database for storing and sharing the patient medical details among them. So, patients can access the details of medical history like past surgeries, medications,

the database from anywhere and anytime with user’s comfortable. In the proposed system, the user (both physician and patient) can be able to view access and update the details by using the android application through their mobile

irebase storage providesfile uploads and downloads for firebase apps, regardless of network quality. The developer can use it to store

generated content. Firebase storage is backed up by google cloud

orithm is used to protect the patient medical information by encrypting the data. This enables only authorized persons to access the details, which prevents hacking of patient private health details. In addition, we have also included a

reveal the live location of disabled persons in case of emergency, even if you don’t know your location or can’t speak. This agenda discusses the importance of secured storage and retrieval of the patient health record information from the firebase

EHR (Electronic Health Record), PHR (Patient Health Record), Mobile application, DES


The proposed project is an electronic health record application which will store the details. This is a web based android application by which patients can be able to access and view their details by using the android application through their mobile phone in a secured way from anywhere. In the past, the people used manual methods and papers to store the patient’s record in any healthcare centre such a hospital, clinic, dispensary or any other healthcare unit. The health care providers or physicians were also not allowed to access and keep patient medical record history which could be used in the future and would be helpful for the patient’s treatment in the future. To overcome these challenges, we have developed a web-based EHR system that can be used by physician or hospital to collect a patient’s health information (e.g., past surgeries, medications, allergies, laboratory test, physician’s information etc.). This information could be available anywhere to hospital and could be used by the patient’s physicians for patient treatment. Once the physician adds the patient’s medical information, a unique code will be generated automatically and also the code will be send to that particular patient’s mobile number. Using this code, the patient can view their own health record. To prevent hacking of medical details and to prosecurity, we have used DES encryption. So, all the patients’ medical details that are entered by doctors are stored in the firebase in an encrypted format. When doctor or patient need to access the medical information, then the details will be decryptautomatically and will be displayed to the users.

Apr 2018 Page: 551

6470 | www.ijtsrd.com | Volume - 2 | Issue – 3

Scientific (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal

Health Record from android application

Tamil Nadu, India

electronic health record application which will store the patient’s past medical details. This is a web based android application by which patients can be able to access and view their details by using the android application through their mobile phone in a secured way from anywhere. In the

manual methods and papers to store the patient’s record in any healthcare centre such a hospital, clinic, dispensary or any other healthcare unit. The health care providers or physicians were also not allowed to access and keep patient medical

ry which could be used in the future and would be helpful for the patient’s treatment in the future. To overcome these challenges, we have

based EHR system that can be used by physician or hospital to collect a patient’s health

(e.g., past surgeries, medications, allergies, laboratory test, physician’s information etc.). This information could be available anywhere to hospital and could be used by the patient’s physicians

Once the physician adds the ’s medical information, a unique code will be

generated automatically and also the code will be send to that particular patient’s mobile number. Using this code, the patient can view their own health record. To prevent hacking of medical details and to provide security, we have used DES encryption. So, all the patients’ medical details that are entered by doctors are stored in the firebase in an encrypted format. When doctor or patient need to access the medical information, then the details will be decrypted automatically and will be displayed to the users.

Page 2: Cloud based accessibility of Electronic Health Record from android application

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 552

Moreover, to help for the handicap or disabled people in the case of emergency, clicking on a button will automatically reveal the user’s current location as a message to the intended recipient (may be ambulance and some person). This may rescue a person’s life.

Learning Model

The healthcare units around the world are encouraged to develop a new computerized system to keep the patient medical record history, which could be used in the future and could be accessed from hospital across the country. The system which was developed is called Electronic Health Record Systems. But from time to time, the demands and requirements of people or medical providers become changes and they tried to introduce a new version of this EHR system in which the patient’s records could be accessed remotely. They called it web-based EHR system.

Android provides freely its software development kit (SDK) to the developer community which minimizes the development and licensing costs which is very difficult and expensive by using the traditional technologies. The API Level expressed by an application will be compared to the API Level of a given Android system, which may vary among different Android devices. Despite its name, this element is used to specify the API Level, not the version number of the SDK or Android platform. Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development,

based onIntelliJ IDEA . On top of IntelliJ's powerful code editor and developer tools, Android Studio offers even more features that enhance your productivity when building Android apps.

Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service — BaaS — that started as a YC11 startup and grew up into a next-generation app-development platform on Google Cloud Platform. Firebase frees developers to focus crafting fantastic user experiences. We don’t need to manage servers and don’t need to write APIs. Firebase Storage provides a simple way to save binary files — most often images, but it could be anything — to Google Cloud Storage directly from the client!!!Firebase Storage has its own system of security rules to protect your GCloud bucket from the masses, while granting detailed write privileges to your authenticated clients.

Proposed System

An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart. EHR are real-time, patient-centred records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users.It is designed for any hospital to replace the existing manual paper-based patient’s medication and health details adherence. Having an app is becoming increasingly important for any business in today’s mobile age. In today’s world most of the people are carrying their mobile phones wherever they go.

Page 3: Cloud based accessibility of Electronic Health Record from android application

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com




Disabled person

Our proposed system is to build an android application which can be accessed through smart phones as 77% of the world’s populations are online and using smart phones and tablets. It is mainly focused for users to view patient’s medical history at anywhere and anytime. To prevent hacking of medical details and to provide security, we have used DES encryption.The additional option can be used for disabled person, because they need help from others.In case of any emergency they can press the alarm and it will send message to the mobile numbers that are updated in their application.

Objectives of EHR:

Online accessing of Patient Health Record save money and time. Because there is no need for patients to go to hospital for collecting their health reports.

Add medical details

Enter Id

View details

Emergency button


International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018

Our proposed system is to build an android application which can be accessed through smart phones as 77% of the world’s populations are online

and tablets. It is mainly focused for users to view patient’s medical history at anywhere and anytime. To prevent hacking of medical details and to provide security, we have used DES

The additional option can be used for because they need help from others.

In case of any emergency they can press the alarm and will send message to the mobile numbers that are

Online accessing of Patient Health Record save cause there is no need for patients

to go to hospital for collecting their health reports.

Instead they can view their report through mobile application at anywhere and atconnection. Here, Firebase stores the uploaded medical details.

Influence of android EHR application

Nowadays mobile phone is very frequentpeopleandalmost uneducated people also usphones.Still we don’t have anyfor the disabled pepole. So, this record application will be very saves thetravelling time, costdisabled person. This project is helpand for the disabled person in case of hope our project will reachto most ofuser level is increased suddenly2016.

Add medical Generate Unique Id


View details Decryption

Current Location

Cloud Firebase


Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

Apr 2018 Page: 553

Instead they can view their report through mobile at anywhere and at any time using internet

connection. Here, Firebase stores the uploaded

Influence of android EHR application:

Nowadays mobile phone is very frequently used by all uneducated people also using smart

any applicationparticularly So, this electronic health

will be very useful for people as it travelling time, costand also useful for

project is helpful to all people in case of emergency. We

to most of the people as the is increased suddenly by 20-40% in 2015-

Page 4: Cloud based accessibility of Electronic Health Record from android application

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 554


This paper emphasis the security for patient's EHR by encrypting the data as it avoids hacking of PHR details. The user can view the patient medical history through their mobile phone from anywhere and at any time. Our smart phone will send a message to the ambulance or the contact number that is entered to help them in emergency situation.


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