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CC in the Creative Sectors, Emerging Business Models, and How to use CC - Application, Search and Attribution

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"Creative Commons in the Creative Sectors, Emerging Business Models, and How to Use CC licences" presented by Cheryl Foong as seminar 2 of 4 in the Creative Commons and the Digital Economy series, 2012. For full details see event page at http://creativecommons.org.au/events/digitaleconomy

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  • 1.Cheryl FoongCreative Commons AustraliaCreative Commons and the Digital Economy Seminar 2 of 419 October 2012

2. How to (1) Use CC licensed content: a) Find CC licensed content b) Attribute CC licensed content (2) Apply a CC licence to your content 3. Attribution1. Title of Work (if provided)2. Creators Name or Other Attribution Parties3. Source of Work (URL/hyperlink)4. Copyright Notice, Licence (URL/hyperlink)5. Changes to the source work (if any) 4. AttributionWhoWhatWhere 5. AttributionWho is the author/creator?What CC licence is it available under? What is the name of the work? What changes have been made?Where can you find it? 6. Attribution In a manner reasonable to the medium youare using If you were the copyright owner, how would you wish to be attributed? 7. http://www.zoo-m.com/flickr-storm/ 8. Source URL Licence + URL Creators name/pseudonym (nickname) http://www.zoo-m.com/flickr-storm/ 9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/35468148654@N01/509789392 10. Event flyer 11. Attribution Image: crop of SparkFun by Jared Tarbell available under Creative CommonsAttribution (CC BY) 2.0 Generic licence . 12. *Who+ Creators name Image: crop of SparkFun by Jared Tarbell available under Creative CommonsAttribution (CC BY) 2.0 Generic licence . 13. [What] Licence + URL Image: crop of SparkFun by Jared Tarbell available under Creative CommonsAttribution (CC BY) 2.0 Generic licence . 14. [What] Title Image: crop of SparkFun by Jared Tarbell available under Creative CommonsAttribution (CC BY) 2.0 Generic licence . 15. [What] Changes Image: crop of SparkFun by Jared Tarbell available under Creative CommonsAttribution (CC BY) 2.0 Generic licence . 16. [Where] Source of work (URL) Image: crop of SparkFun by Jared Tarbell available under Creative CommonsAttribution (CC BY) 2.0 Generic licence . 17. Find CC licensed materialCreative Commons, The Power of Open, available at http://thepowerofopen.org/, licensed under CC BY,http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. 18. 200 million of 6 billion photoslicensed under CChttp://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ 19. Generic 2.0 Self-conscious robot by NASARobonaut (Kris Kehe), http://www.flickr.com/photos/nasarobonaut/5161876882/ 20. Photos FlickrBrowse http://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/Advanced search http://www.flickr.com/search/advanced/ Flickr-Stormhttp://www.zoo-m.com/flickr-storm/ Ide Inc. Multicolr Search Labhttp://labs.ideeinc.com/multicolr/Generic 2.0 Everyone needs a getaway by kennymatic (Kenny Louie), http://www.flickr.com/photos/99472898@N00/3875936992 21. http://www.flickr.com/search/advanced/ 22. http://www.flickr.com/search/advanced/ 23. http://www.zoo-m.com/flickr-storm/ 24. http://labs.ideeinc.com/multicolr/ 25. http://labs.ideeinc.com/multicolr/ 26. http://labs.ideeinc.com/multicolr/ 27. Music SoundCloud Browse: http://soundcloud.com/creativecommons Search: http://soundcloud.com/tracks/search Free Sound Archive http://www.freesound.org/ Opsound http://opsound.org/index.php ccMixter http://ccmixter.org/ Magnatune http://magnatune.com/ Jamendo http://www.jamendo.com/enGeneric 2.0 Elvis! by Kevin Dooley, http://www.flickr.com/photos/12836528@N00/4464019859 28. Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/tracks/search - select Show advanced search options 29. Video Vimeo http://vimeo.com/search YouTube http://www.youtube.com/editorGeneric 2.0 Afghan Air Force and Afghan National Army Combine Combat Training Exercises by isafmedia , http://www.flickr.com/photos/29456680@N06/5413482056 30. http://vimeo.com/search 31. http://www.google.com.au/advanced_search 32. Always check the usage rights Do not assume that the search filters are perfect 33. a. CC licence selectorb. Software licence injectorsc. Platform upload settings 34. Generic 2.0 The Best Things in Life Are by LASZLO ILYES, http://www.flickr.com/photos/laszlo-photo/437476999/ 35. Simple Cheryl Foong 36. More information 2012 Cheryl Foong. This work is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia License. 37. Even more information 2012 Cheryl Foong, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial3.0 Australia licence. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/au/.You may use this photo for non-commercial purposes only. For further permissionscontact Cheryl at [email protected] attribute this photo as 2012 Cheryl Foong, licensed under CC BY NChttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/au/ 38. Website copyright policies/licensing statements Unless otherwise specified Except for third party material content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. Content that does not originate from Joe Bloggs doesnot fall within the scope of this licence. Best practice CC badge on each individual item 39. CC Licence Selector http://creativecommons.org.au/ 40. http://creativecommons.org/choose/ 41. http://creativecommons.org/choose/ 42. Generic 2.0 Betamax by Steve Jurvetson, http://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/489257240/ 43. http://creativecommons.org/choose/ 44. Wordpress example 45. Software licence injectorhttp://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/search.aspx?q=creative%20commons 46. http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/ccooo 47. ABS http://sourceforge.net/projects/licmanager/ 48. Social Media Platform settings http://www.flickr.com/photos/upload/ 49. And many more QUT ePrints 50. http://creativecommons.org/choose/ 51. http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Publish 52. Collaboration / remix gros bon ange by jacinda espinosa (Boulder, US) CC BY-NC http://ccmixter.org/files/jacindae/19234 Hear Us Now (poptastic mix) by scottaltham(Amsterdam, Netherlands) CC BY-NC http://ccmixter.org/files/scottaltham/20747 gros bon ange (life after lofi mix) by khidir(Singapore) CC BY-NC http://ccmixter.org/files/khidir/19278 53. Children of Men (2006) 54. Iron Man (2008) 55. Generic 2.0 Andy in the VAB by adactio, http://flickr.com/adactio/301112397 56. CC BY SAMost of Wikipedias text and many of its images are dual-licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) and the GNUFree Documentation License (GFDL)The small print: Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details ....Information for text contributors to WikimediaprojectsTo grow the commons of free knowledge and free culture,all users contributing to Wikimedia projects are requiredto grant broad permissions to the general public to re-distribute and re-use their contributions freely, as long asthe use is attributed and the same freedom to re-use andre-distribute applies to any derivative works. Therefore,for any text you hold the copyright to, bysubmitting it, you agree to license it under theCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0Unported License. For compatibility reasons, you arealso required to license it under the GNU FreeDocumentation License. Re-users can choose the license(s)they wish to comply with. Please note that these licensesdo allow commercial uses of your contributions,as long as such uses are compliant with theterms.As an author, you agree to be attributed in any of thefollowing fashions: a) through a hyperlink (where possible)or URL to the article or articles you contributed to, b)through a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to analternative, stable online copy which is freely accessible,which conforms with the license, and which provides creditto the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit givenon this website, or c) through a list of all authors. (Any listof authors may be filtered to exclude very small orirrelevant contributions.) 57. http://www.mosman.nsw.gov.au/events/2704/living-mosman-photography-competition 58. http://pool.abc.net.au/ 59. http://pool.abc.net.au/content/pool-special-conditions-use 60. http://pool.abc.net.au/media/about-my-tribe 61. NINE INCH NAILS Generic 2.0 Trent Reznor en vivo desde el Poliedro by Edvill, http://flickr.com/photos/edvill/3129811144 62. United States 2.0 Ghosts I-Iv (cover) by Nine Inch Nails, http://ghosts.nin.com 63. 36 CC-licensed tracks5 payment options 64. $300 ultra-deluxe pack2500 units onlysold out in 30 hours $750 000 United States 2.0 Ghosts I-Iv (cover) by Nine Inch Nails, http://ghosts.nin.com 65. 36 CC-licensed tracks5 payment options$300 ultra-deluxe pack2500 units onlysold out in 30 hours$750 000in the first weekgrossedUnited States 2.0 $1.6 million+Ghosts I-Iv (cover) by Nine Inch Nails, http://ghosts.nin.com 66. The business model Connect with Fans (CwF)+ Reason to Buy (RtB) = $$$ Mike Masnick, Trent Reznor and the Formula for Future Music Business Models, presented at the Midemnet conference on 17 January 2009, available at http://techdirt.com/articles/20090201/1408273588.shtml See further Cheryl Foong, Sharing with Creative Commons : a business model forcontent creators (2010) Platform : Journal of Media and Communication 64-93, available at http://eprints.qut.edu.au/40800/ 67. Generic 2.0 cd jewel case by Creativity103, http://www.flickr.com/photos/creative_stock/3540043003/ 68. Generic 2.0 I Giovani e la Musica by Super UbO, http://www.flickr.com/photos/14443853@N07/5362778675 69. A perspective Creative Commons doesnt make people love your work in one spread. It gives the tools to people who love your work in one spread to do something. The artists enemy is obscurity, not piracy. - Cory Doctorow 70. Cory Doctorow Most people who download the book dont end upbuying it, but they wouldnt have bought it in any event, so Ihavent lost any sales, Ive just won an audience. A tiny minority of downloaders treat the free e-book as asubstitute for the printed book those are lost sales. But a much larger minority treat the e-book as anenticement to buy the printed book. Theyre gained sales. Aslong as gained sales outnumber lost sales, Im ahead of thegame.Cory Doctorow, Giving it Away, Forbes, 12 January 2006, http://www.forbes.com/2006/11/30/cory-doctorow-copyright-tech- media_cz_cd_books06_1201doctorow.html 71. CC BY- NC-SA http://magnatune.com/ 72. http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/tokyo-tokyoinst/ 73. 50% to artists https://magnatune.com/artists/license/project 74. http://wiki.creativecommons.org/CCPlus 75. Cost 15,000 euros five unemployed Finnish students 300+ extras, assistants and supporters On-location shoots in public places Private space = bluescreen studio was a piece of bluelinoleum in the creators living room seven yearsAUSTRALIA 76. Star Wreck debuted online under a CC BY-NC-ND licence (http://www-fi.starwreck.com/download.php) By the 2nd month, had 2.92 million downloadsAUSTRALIA 77. Earned over 200,000 euros aired on TV in Finland, Belgium, and Italy DVD distribution deals in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark (by Universal Pictures),Japan, UK and US. DVD contains extra material unavailable elsewhere (making-off,deleted scenes etc; cf downloading for free and burning a DVD) Sold over 5000 DVDs, placing it among the top 5 Finnish moviesin 2005AUSTRALIA 78. business model TraditionallyTheatre/TV DVD Free (Piracy)(costs $$)(costs $$)AUSTRALIA 79. Upside-down business model TraditionallyTheatre/TV DVD Free (Piracy)(costs $$)(costs $$) Star WreckFree (CC) DVD TV (+ new production)AUSTRALIA 80. More examples of how CC is being used: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Case_Studies Other resources (fact sheets etc.):http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Documentation On business models, see further Cheryl Foong, Sharing withCreative Commons: a business model for content creators (2010)Platform: Journal of Media and Communication 64, available athttp://eprints.qut.edu.au/40800/ My publications are available athttp://eprints.qut.edu.au/view/person/Foong,_Cheryl.html) 81. CC Australia More information at www.creativecommons.org.au Twitter: @ccAustralia Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ccAustralia Cheryl Foong Publications:http://eprints.qut.edu.au/view/person/Foong,_Cheryl.html Twitter: @cherylfoong