B.Y.O.D recreation By Jona

Byod Student work sample

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Page 1: Byod Student work sample

B.Y.O.D recreationBy Jona

Page 2: Byod Student work sample

What on Earth am I doing?

In this presentation I will be recreating a unit of work

we did earlier in the year but using B.Y.O.D. I will be

recreating our study on Egypt in History. I have

chosen this to recreate this because although I

thoroughly enjoyed the subject, it was obviously not

the most engaging thing for my classmates. Now, I

will be re-creating the parts we did on the pyramids

and the tombs.

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From here on in

From here on in I will be talking and presenting to

you in two different forms. In one I will be referring

to you as students and in the other marked by a star

(*) I will be referring to you as who you really are.

First I will be talking about the tomb of the Pharaoh


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The King, His tomb and the person who discovered itHoward Carter found him.

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The King

So who is this Tutankhamen? He was son of

Amenhotep IV and Pharaoh of Egypt. He ascended

to the throne at the early age of 10 and died at the

age of 19. There have been many theory's about

the young kings death, such as malaria, an infected

leg and assassination. These theories are all valid

but it is currently impossible to tell witch one is true.

Could it have been a combination of these things or

was it something else all together?

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His tomb

The tomb of Tutankhamen was the only fully intact

tomb with golden treasure and other sparkly things

ever discovered. The tomb’s official name is KV62

in archeological terms. The tomb was like all other

tombs of its time. It had a treasure chamber, a

Antechamber, a Annex and a shrine. This tomb is

the most famous of all Egyptian tombs due to the

fact that it has all of its treasure in it, all the other

tombs had been looted!

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The person who

discovered itNow it is ready to stop reading and start doing! Now

I want you do do some research on the person who

discovered KV62, Howard carter. Afterwards I will

post a quiz on Edmodo and we will see who gets the

most answers correct. I also want you to draw A

diagram of the dig site on a computer design

program and post it to edmodo for todays


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*What just happened?

Finally I can talk to you as yourselves again. What I have done here is delivered information to the students in a variety of ways. By getting people to look something up and remember it for a quiz they will be able to remember the same information long term. By drawing something they can notice the details and these are the things that help people remember places. The way I delivered the information then was pretty plain right? So for the next bit I will be delivering information in a way only available if everyone has a computer, online. The bit I am next presenting would be on a website.

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The great pyramid of Giza

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The great pyramid of Giza

Know we have all heard of the great pyramid of Giza, but why is it actually that great? Well to start it is the largest Egyptian pyramid of all time, it is right next to the capitol Cairo (Greatness must allways be convenient) and it also has a shrewd of mystery surrounding it. When people discovered the pyramid there was NO MUMMY inside it! This led people to some priety stupid assumptions like that the pyramid was made by ALIENS! It is actually not that hard to believe since the pyramid is 146.5 meters tall and has a square area of 230 meters. Imagine building that without any electric tools!

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The interior

The interior consisted of a few things like the grand

gallery, the queens chamber and the kings chamber.

After the funeral workers blockaded the grand

gallery with large slabs of granite as to keep people

away. These were VERY heavy and would have

been nearly impossible to push up all the stairs and

then it would still be nearly impossible to then push it

over. Even thoughh it was done and all the loot was


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Research task

Know I want you to split up into pairs and research

how the pyramid was built and the architect who

designed it. Then make a 2 minute electronic

presentation to show the class. Be ready to take

notes on everyone else's presentations and

compare it to yours. This task is to be done in class

for the next 2 periods.

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I want you to create a table using Microsoft excel or a similar program to compare the pyramids and tombs based on some of the things that the Egyptians thought were important in the burial tomb of a king like:

• Large

• Safe place for the king

• Noticeable

• A door to the afterlife

• Able to deter robbers

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And what on planet earth was that

amassing way of getting

information over to kids?That my friends was teamwork, usage of a table and a website. On the website I would also embed some video and images. By getting people to work together they will most probably talk to each other thus leading to them taking in more information. You might not of noticed but I didn’t specify the type of electronic presentation which leaves people free to do a presentation using a software that they are comfortable with and if you present using something that you are comfortable with you can generally do better work with it. I also asked the students to make a table. Tables are used in many jobs for many different reasons and they are VERY important. Getting people to practice them in High school is very important. To show what the table would look like I have created a quick version.

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The table

Area Tomb Pyramid

Size 6 8.5

Safety 9 6

Noticeable 2 6

A door to the afterlife 8 8

Able to deter robbers 9 3

Total out of 50 34 31.5

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