A Brief History of Content Joe Gollner Gnostyx Research Inc. www.gnostyx.com www.gollner.ca @joegollner

Brief History of Content (J Gollner 2014)

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Page 1: Brief History of Content (J Gollner 2014)

A Brief History of Content

Joe Gollner

Gnostyx Research Inc.



Page 2: Brief History of Content (J Gollner 2014)

In the Beginning

Content was really staticIt was the polar opposite from today – people travelled to view the content

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And then there were

… table(t)s…



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Paperwork: The Empire of Documents

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Memex & a New way to Look at Documents

Adapting to the Exponential Growth in

Knowledge Resources

Seeking a new

medium in which

documents would

become more

manageable &

more dynamic

1940 1960 1980 2000

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Knowledge Application with Technology

Leveraging Knowledge through Automation

The modern organization cannot survive

without automation as a means to

encapsulate & leverage knowledge

1940 1960 1980 2000

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Augmenting Human Intelligence

Leveraging Automation to Assist Personal and Team Productivity

Douglas Engelbart

Workstation - 1966

Workstation - 1968

An integrated working environment

in which “paperwork” was

performed electronically

& with great efficiency

1940 1960 1980 2000

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The Internet & the Flow of Information

Connecting Organizations

to form Knowledge Enterprises

Combining the capabilities

of research facilities to undertake

more challenging projects

1940 1960 1980 2000

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A Vision of Hypertext Documents

Theodor (Ted) Holm Nelson

1940 1960 1980 2000

Exploring the Anatomy of Document Content

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Standards for Digital Document Exchange


Supplier and Client



Supplier ClientSupplier



1940 1960 1980 2000

Continuous Acquisition & Lifecycle Support (CALS)

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SGML: A Grammar for Document Content

1940 1960 1980 2000

Charles Goldfarb

The Father






This was when content was first truly considered as

something that could be managed as a precursor

to multi-channel information events

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The Web as the Triumph of Simplicity

Sir Tim Berners-Lee

The Father

of the Web

1940 1960 1980 2000

“to allow


sharing within


dispersed teams”

Hypertext Markup

Language (HTML):

a simple application of SGML

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Elevating the Intelligence of Web Content

Yuri Rubinsky

Spiritual Father

of XML

1940 1960 1980 2000

The Extensible

Markup Language

is a simplified profile

of SGML designed to

support Web applications

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XML in the Wilderness

The driving force behind XMLimmediately became facilitating new ways to integrate, adapt & deploytechnology applications

Represented the accumulating pressure to build truly open & extensible applications

This focus explains a great deal about the character of XML

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The Rapid Rise of Social Media

1940 1960 1980 2000 2010


enabled by

the integration


provided by XML

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The Semantic Web

Introducing a formal, interchangeable

expression of meaning suitable to

automated processing.

Essential for marshalling radically

distributed services.

1940 1960 1980 2000 2010

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Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)

Distilling two decades of experience in applying markup languages

to content resources that exhibit high levels of reuse & are delivered in many ways

1940 1960 1980 2000 2010

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Office Open XML (OOXML)

1940 1960 1980 2000 2010

ISO/IEC 29500:2008

(not without protest)

Ubiquitous XML

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The Mobile Revolution & Adaptive Content

The mobile revolution has been enabled in part by the widespread

deployment of standards for adaptive content (XHTML/ePub/HTML5)

and integrated services leveraging interface standards & semantic technologies

1940 1960 1980 2000 2010

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The State of the Content Art: Content Solutions









ent Know





Documented & Integrated


bal &



Open &


Content Solutions

leverage portable & processable

content to bridge gaps that

cannot otherwise be bridged

Content Solutions

integrate the three

key enterprise domains:

- Knowledge

- Business

- Technology

Historically, the inability

to move content across

boundaries has thwarted

all efforts to fully integrate

the modern enterprise.

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The Anatomy of Content Solutions

Content Technologies






Content Engineering

Content Solutions

The Content

Life Cycle balances

four primary activities

- Acquisition

- Delivery

- Engagement

- Management

under the direction

of Content Strategy

Content Engineering

marshals Content

Technologies to build

scalable & sustainable

Content Solutions

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Content Engagement

Stands out as the

most novel element

in the core Content

Life Cycle

It focuses resolutely

on how content is used

& and how the user

community can become

actively engaged in a

process of continuous

& constructive change

The Radical Element: Content Engagement

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ContentIs what we plan, design, create,

reuse & manage so that we can

deliver effective information


Content is potential information

(an asset).

InformationIs the meaningful

organization of data

communicated in a

specific context with the

purpose of influencing others.

Information is a transaction

(an action) that contains & delivers Content.

An Inescapable Definition of Content Emerges

An information transaction is composed

of numerous content components

coming together to create effective

information events. From this insight,

all else can be derived.

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Moving Forward

The Content Disciplines

Are approaching

a point of maturity

& convergence

that makes it possible

to enable highly

efficient & responsive

Content Life Cycles

The Next Phase

We will see what

happens when content

is unleashed & when people can leverage this capability

to make a whole new world of connections…