I get to click the Next button! 5 ways to make linear navigation more interesting Yay!

5 ways to make linear navigation more interesting

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Stuck with producing a linear course? Here are 5 ideas that add some life to the boring Next button.

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Page 1: 5 ways to make linear navigation more interesting

I get to click the Next button!

5 ways to make linear navigation more interesting


Page 2: 5 ways to make linear navigation more interesting

Sometimes, we can’t get what we want for our learners.

We don’t have the budget for

that.We don’t have

the time for that.

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As a result, you might be stuck with this:

Unfortunately, the path through a linear course can feel like this...

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Conveyor-belt courses let learners click Next without thinking.

But isn’t thinking the whole point?

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If you have to create a Next-button course, you can use the button to your advantage. You can encourage learners to:

1. Pause at the Next button.2. Think.3. Want to click the button.

So the path through the course becomes more like...

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In most linear courses, a slide contains a complete idea. It tells you everything you need to know.

You click Next simply out of obedience.

OK, click the Next button now.

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Instead of finishing every thought on a slide, what if we made learners feel like...

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5 ways to make learners want to click Next

1. Ask a question 2. Use an incomplete sentence3. Suggest a sequence; build a list4. Compare & contrast5. Create a dilemma

The following techniques work because they make a slide incomplete. They keep the learner a little off balance.

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1. Ask a questionEnd the slide with a question.

What kinds of questions work well?

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Questions that work well

Make learners gauge their existing knowledge:

How do most identity thieves get their information?

Ask them to predict what’s next:

What could happen to Stella’s data?

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More questions that work

Set up a mystery that will unfold through several slides:

(A client discovers her identity was stolen.) Was it the firm’s fault?

Ask for advice:

(A worker sees a colleague install what could be a keylogging device.) What should she do?

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Questions to avoid

Questions no one cares about:

How many times per hour is someone’s identity stolen?

Questions that the next slide won’t answer:

Do you know someone whose identity has been stolen?

You could end every slide with a question, but...

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...that would get annoying fast. So here’s another technique:

Sarah opened the attached file and discovered...

You might think that shredding the document is good enough, but...

3 more tips to go!

2. Use an incomplete sentence.End the slide with the beginning of an interesting sentence.

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First, the spear phisher researches his victim online. Then...

3. Suggest a sequence; build a listThis is easy to combine with other techniques, like the incomplete sentence:

You could also use this technique to build a graphic.

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4. Compare & contrastFollow one slide with a slide that contains contrasting information. Do this in a series so the learner recognizes the pattern and tries to complete it.

For an example, see http://www.slideshare.net/jclarey/meetcharlene

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5. Create a dilemmaSomeone just

bought Antarctica with my credit card! What can

I do?

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1. Ask a question 2. Use an incomplete sentence3. Suggest a sequence; build a list4. Compare & contrast5. Create a dilemma

What else should go on this list? Share your ideas and get more tips here:


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