Operations Plan

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Page 1: Operations Plan
Page 2: Operations Plan

Pre-opening (07.00am – 08.00am) Cleaning the floors, tables, chairs: CS 1, CS 2 Prepare the money: Cashier1-2 Check the inventory: B arista1, B arista2 Do the checklist: M anager

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Operation Hours (08.00am – 11.00pm) Cleaning the floors, tables, chairs per 4 hours: CS 1, CS 2 Cleaning the floors, tables, chairs when a customer spoil

the drinks: CS 1, CS 2 S atisfy ing customers and respect them: B arista1, B arista2,

B arista3, B arista4, B arista5, B arista6, Cashier1-2, CS 1, CS 2

Do the checklist: M anager

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Closing (10.00pm – 11.00pm) Not receiving anymore customers: B arista5, B arista6,

Cashier1-2 Use all unused items for the latest customers: B arista5,

B arista6

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Closed (after 11.00pm) Cleaning the floors, tables, chairs: CS 1, CS 2 Check the inventory: B arista 5, B arista6 Take the money in the cashier box and count: Cashier1-2 Do the checklist: M anager

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Pre-opening B efore it opens we’ll get the staffs do some trainings to

service the customersTraining once we’re open When there is a customer, service them as the training

beforeS ystematic Training (M inor Change) Training every month to attract more customers with

acceptable ideas

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Training Certificate S taffs are tested for doing their jobs, and will eventually

get the certif icates if they doing wellTraining Follow-Up (M ajor Change) S taffs are valued based on the customers’ satisfaction and


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Daily M eeting Need courage!! Talk about the customers’ satisfaction and complaintsWeekly M eeting Talk whether the target in a week is accomplished or not

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M onthly M eeting Talk about the accomplishments in this 4 weeks S taffs which do more or get higher than normal, usually

get bonus, which is not get probationY early M eeting Discuss what we have been through this year If each months we get decreasing performance, then we

should be able to get rid of them; find the mistakes, correct them, try something new

The target will be changed

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Full-time workers: B arista 1, B arista2, B arista5, B arista6, Cashier2, Cleaning S ervice1-2

Part-time workers: B arista3, B arista4, Cashier1 M onday-Friday: B arista1-6, Cashier1-2, Cleaning

S ervice1-2 S aturday-S unday: B arista1, B arista2, B arista5, B arista6,

Cashier2, Cleaning S ervice1-2 Notes: This is just a temporary schedule of the workers, it

could be changed suddenly but usually there will be an announcement

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Inventory check: if they are enough let them be, if not let the manager knows about this and ask him/her to get more inventory

Money check: in the morning before open, the cashier box must be filled with money that could be change for customers who need it, if the cashier box is not filled with them the cashier must ask the manager as soon as he/she knows (or usually before the café opens)

Customers: none of the staffs can do anything else beside their jobs (eg: turning on their cell phone, make the customers wait, etc.) when there is a customer or not during their work time (except the break)

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B reak time: Use the break time efficiently (an hour between 12.00pm-01.00pm) and mustn’t late to go back to the jobs

Punishment: if the target that has been decided by the manager to the staffs is achieved, there will be a bonus to them; otherwise, there will be probation for them

Petty cash: It is allowed for the manager and those who are trusted by the manager to have this right; this will be taken as the other expenses in a different note

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S ystem of coffee making: the coffees will be made per customers (It is up to the customers when they want to get the drinks)

M eeting: all kind of meetings are everyone’s duties as the part of the coffee shop unless they are servicing the customers

Notes: The inventory check can be done during all the time but money check must be done during the pre-opening hours

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Paid A d: A sk Jawa Post for advertising our coffee shop on the front page even though it is small (highly cost)

M outh to mouth: Telling our friends and tell them to tell their friends