Massaro final project career planing

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• 1st Enterprising- A person with an Enterprising Personality tends to be Persuasive, Energetic, Sociable, Adventurous, Ambitious, and Risk-taking.

• 2nd Social -A person with a Social Personality tends to be Helping, Informing, Teaching, Inspiring, Counseling, and Serving.

• 3rd Investigative - A person with a Investigative Personality tends to be analytical, intellectual, reserved, independent, and scholarly.

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Start by getting a Bachelor’s DegreePut in two years as a financial analystObtain a MBAThree Years as an AssociateVice President of a divisionAfter 6 years of being a Vice President become a DirectorAfter 10 years of being a Director become a Department Head

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• There are numerous reasons why I want to peruse a job in investment banking. The most important reason is that I enjoy the work that investment bankers do. This is the most important reason because if you have found a job that you enjoy going to everyday then you will excel in that field. The Second reason that I chose this field is because there is a always going to be a need for investment bankers, and the salary for this job is very beneficial.

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• Communication

• Working in teams

• Time management

• Organizational

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• In this career, your success usually will depend on your ability to communicate with clients and get deals done. At this level it is also important to have a good understanding of market trends, the political and macroeconomic environment and deal mechanics.

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• A crucial success factor in investment banking is teamwork. Being able to pull together persons with large egos to get a presentation together for a client is a challenge and is likely to be rewarded highly.

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• Starting off in an investment bank, you are usually responsible for getting projects done well and on-time, whether it be writing reports, running spreadsheets, trading, doing research or coding programs. Later, once you get involved with clients and ideas for generating revenue, you will be rewarded greatly if you can bring in business. At higher levels you are exposed to much greater risk. At this level, people are often fired for non-performance, whereas at lower levels you may not be scrutinized as closely.

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• In Investment Banking organizational skills are essential. It is very important to keep your information for each client separate and organized. This will make it easier to conduct your job and succeed in the field.

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• Investment bankers advise their clients on high level issues of financial organization. They manage the issuance of bonds, recommend and execute strategies for taking over and merging with other companies, and handle selling a company’s stock to the public. The work thus involves lots of financial analysis, and a strong background in finance and economics is a necessity. Personal and strategic skills are vital to investment bankers as well, for they serve as strategists for their clients, helping them develop their financial plans as well as implement them. At the profession’s highest level, investment bankers serve as crucial figures in the shaping of the American and world economies, managing mergers of multibillion-dollar corporations and handling the privatization of government assets around the world. All this is time consuming, and investment bankers work long hours. Work weeks of 70 hours or more are common, and all night sessions before deals close are the rule rather than the exception. Still, the work is extremely interesting, and those who stay in the profession report high levels of job satisfaction.

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• Though the stock markets have their ups and downs, companies always require expert advisors to help them sell stocks and bonds and to make strategic financial plans; investment bankers fill this need. Employment in the investment banking industry should remain strong over the foreseeable future.

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Job Level Salary Range Degree/Years Experience

1st Year Analyst $90k-$150k Bachelor’s

1st Year Associate $150k-$250k MBA

3rd Year Associate $300k-$500k MBA

Vice President $350k-$1 Million 3-6 Years

Department Head $800k-$70 Million 10+ Years