
XV.N° 4.414. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1855.


U PaeLiiMtP EVERT MORNINO a»o EVMNINO, (Sub-net Kxir.rrcoj

BT HRKF.LEY k Mi I.I.RATH,mm TWm Tg|gtr*t aVILPIVCf, CotNBB or *A»SAf AVD iTIt'CB-


tad I» eVnvteod to t~'l7 Pub-crlber* at I2te- pet week. Singleaaaaaj Tw<>Crota. Mai. SuU-cribert, #41 p«: annum, 10 advance.

f^rna. aatwth», #*. Pot hroe montba, $1 .50.


tg.Bsjb.itbed every SaTUBDav MoBMvr.. a the pric of (2

Caanam. tn advar.o-. Three cepie* for #5. FW« eopie* forTea aopwa for #12, toil a paper >¦ in no eaae aoui inaed

allwl the -tan'- for which ll i* paid. Advertisement* fur thiaaaawt wUi he charted FIFTY <?ENT8 PER LINE for e*ca


THE DEMl-YYKKKLY TRIBl \EI* pab kwiod er r» Ti r «luv ai d F*lo*v Moaviv... Price) #3per aim nan Two copie* for fi Five for #11 25. Advertise-

110 cent* a line for each insertion.


(a pabImhed on the departure of each Mail Stonmer f B Liver

foot, at #5 per annum, posUa- inc aded. Single copiea, Six

Cent*. _

THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNECALIFORNIA, OREGON *«d tm SANDWICHND3, I* publish' ri no the departure of aeea Ma.1 Steamer

A*piiiwail, at #1 50 per annam. Sintie ci.pi,», Six Ceng*.itnl

Special Poncet».MM Stuten Mnil Boxen.. POST-OFFICE, New-

Yuk, Jure 9 1856..The Postnia/.tei-Oeue.-aJ h.iving aut'io.-.gxia large wartete la the ntxmber of rloge* stationed throughout8h« city. for toe rec.'itiou ot 1- tt- r» to be forwarded in the mtilaor d< livt rtd in the atari and having al»o directed that auchBoxt * le opened and their content* brought to toi* omo* fourOJaaee a way i aad that the delivery by earrier* of mail and cityWileii thai, be at leaal three lime* a darin every part a* Hie

cry tenth ol Aiih tt..Notice i* hereby given la persons desiringto have ItOXt * «lationed at tb» ir place* ol busmen* for the accom-

bmk ai on of llieir < i-toii.em and, mat «pplica ion*tber fin sh< ulu bcaddrttacrtin wr ting to SI LSOM L YY i I KKHI i. 1 A»*i»**nt-i'u*Ilo*t er, on 02 belore the 2tth day id Junobvlaa*.No < omptneelion I* paid for the rare of Boxe«, bnt for the

anloiuiat.nn of tut-pub.ic a lit ot the places at ttiey are

atat.ined will be pubuabed in ali tho d- ily paper.. In no eaae

will a Pix b- p seed in any More at wbie toy o ber box is keptW.r the teat pt...n oileiter« to be tent by tti> mailt or delivered in ISAAC V., Pos ma*ter.

Dr. ( elicit, up.n'IHE PHYSIol VMi ,AHS(jHl ALI II i mtiaied by beautiful to* Paintings, Model«,Manikins Ac. EACH BVEMNÜ, (except ,-at urdav) of thi*week, it toeeeaet ilui.i'.u g. corner of Hleeckerand M".rton»t«Isi.or* open el If. Lecture at 8. Admission only Uj ceut*.

Brooklyn Y onnit .Writ'* I hrialnin Unaa I lallaet.The stgulcr u.r.nilnv unetiug take vl.w- TUH (Tuesday)EVENING, »t lbs I.-.ture RaejB of tbu t loircii of the Pil¬grim-. Ken . rj-at. cr.mmeucing at 7j o'clock, Kasay by Prof.A. WATSON. Subject! AUTHORITY ASH REASON.1 be public g< nrraliy are invited to attend.

Now.York MeeUrtt! ( olli-tii-, Bawl l3lB**>t.8LMM1 K t til KSK ot LEI II RES, wi 11 commenceoa TUES¬DAY, June LS, at II o'clock A. M. by Prof

Lectures w..1 be de.iven d DAIL i from 10 to 12 o'clock A.M.,a* BSYwwajGn Therap'uiics, bl Prof. DAVIS,Go Pttarpt ral Diseaae*. by Prof. IIA II K FX.On Ptaei. »1 < bemi«try. by PtoC DOREM 8.On ihr >mgic»i Opetatlaat of the Eye, bv Prof. CAR

Not HASOn Di»ra»es ft liildrrn, ly Prot. COX.Gn the Micriacope a* applied to the Diaguinu of I)i*eb>e, by

Piot. R, II. PARSEROn Autrul ation and Percussion, by J. HANCOCK HO! (i

LAH. M. I).On Miniial Juriiprudmre. by DAVI'i MIL .M.I).

R. Ol.DK.N DGREMUS, M l)., in un of the Faculty.

SeboolrvV PaBMM I'rfntTvlntt 1'roi-e-hh, applicable to

Retngerators An.Important to HOI SKI, F.F.PF.RS MAKKKTMF.N FRI'IT-


Talx ti ot all kind* i t M« at*. Huller. Mi k, Fruit* Vs>getahie«Sr. Ti e tattntee de.ire* lo dispoae of the MANHFACTUR-1NG klOHl tor thia ( ity. Great inducement* are oSered to

any uianntartuiri who i* a!r< ady ««l.e in ;ln- busnn »s.

On* ot these Ri frigrrator« rau Ih- «eeii in lull oner ,lion a

.ear day* at the e*titbiiahm*nt of Meaer*. Cbilaon, latBatStea ScCo. No b*74 Hroadvt ay where u full explanation of tbo inven¬tion, in all it* applit ations, may !>.- otil.nue.L

JOHN C. Si HOOLEY, Pat.nts-e.

Amern im 11,-1111111 Pa ratera' ( Inf*.- \ met tin* willbe lo li. a' (lie Itepoaitory, No. BH ll.oadway. on TUESDAY,June 12, lit noon. Sublet 1, (ir'ip-cuil'if.Market Oanlenlug and Market <»r.ln. uc.

" Strenger« are al-way« rpeciallv welcome. Admiaeion !>..<. to all.

_H. MEIGS, Secretary.Tribun«* l(on<l«*rs> ia«jaBIa| PRiNTINQ of any kind

whether the wort he large or «mall.from a Cird to a nook-will hnd HA Kl 11. OOHWIN a Co.'*ofKce TRIHI'NI BITI.DINOS, oue of 'bo a>o«t completeand «atiefartory in the ( nion.Older* from every part of the country promptly executed and

forwarded Mb FxpreaaBAKER, GODWIN A Co., Printer*,

Tribuul- Building*, Kn'muee No. I Spruce-«t-

ftiBtiBaN DIbIbb atBBf. TTTld i. <;iti>\thank bit« and tonner pal runs for their pa*t favors and

papat lo «iill merit the .ame at In» n-w place, No. 121 Cham¬ber» «t.. FarfAdabatl Bet m* to Let by :b>- week at a fair rate.

T» Nervous. psullt-rt-rN.-A rrtirod l lergymaa, lewtored80 b*alth in a frw dav* afur many yea.* of grea' nerv-.n« «ufler-tng. la anxiou« to make known the m «tat of luie. Will send

(free) the pre cri( lion used. Hiie.t the Rev. JOHN M. UAO-NALL No, :\> Fu.t. u st., Brooklyn. N.T.

KrinlllnnrfM to I own.MONEYS r!e|h»ited, to the credR of the BB leraignerl. with

Meeei* Kilt HIM hOl,FH>a H FMK NT. No. 4o William-Bt,New-York; AMERICAN EXCHANGI HANK Wall «1.,hew York; EXCHANGI HANK,, Hi.«tou. eau bedrawn IN (K)Ll>,wiib a premium at the Itauk of

I. S JRBS17PA I o Dubuiue, Iowa.

M Honit* aru not built in 11 iluv " ELLSWtill'lHS SUPERlOB HAIR TUNlt the pro.u. ion of anhour. 8. u t-lit kt own.Ue an.! ong | reel al invea icttioti

Bawa eaaw«B|*41* prtBut that GREAT fOlLET ASTlCLR,aneijiiali d tli. i.n-i 1.1 Improvitu and Beautifying theHa 1 A., i.-- f. r N. » i ..|. t K NFR A C ... No..1 Baiclay-st.; UTHiKIIFAD V HKi I HER No. 152 Groeu*ricl;-«t iRRBTELL. BCRIBNSR A Co., No. 114 1 h«mbon-«t.Sold by Ilruggi*!* »nn Uealera in Perfumery generally.

Kante-rnnt Inlelllgjonco OfBre «nd Labor KxrhnngeB Hiii.i.i'' I Iron No 17 Ctnai *t lo the corner of Cex ire

Canal,.. New-York, The OUioe la eatsbliahed by lb*ui rs of Emigrutiou. wheer can alwav* be found large

er« 01 LAHORERS ami SERVANTS at very low rare* ofWage*, and per*oo« ran have m.-tr order* filled by writing 10

tba Supermtetident, aod tending h. ami unt neceaaarr lo paythe iwaaage ol the parti.-a f-jcired No f.-es charged to eoi-

aaoyer*. JAMES P. PAGAN, Superintendent.-.



BENEFIT OF Sit,NOR HAHIA1.I.Firet appearance if Ml!.. /OE and Mona WIETHOP at thi*

r ubl'.bm. nt.WEDNESDAY F.\ ENING, J ne IS,

when will le pnloimeil, for the latt time in Nx-w-Y'ork, Riw-aiiP* chef d'u uvie of

WILLIAM IT 1.1.,¦ffaaraSTBFFANONF BEHTÜCCA MARFT7.EK. sigooriBoLClt'Nl, HADIAI.I, SOOCO «n,l COLETTI in tne ptVlBpal».

Muaicai Director ano Conductor.Max Marelaek.Act S-Pa* Tyrolian bv M ile. ZoE and Mou*. WIETHOP.

Oiand I'as MUBaite by the enllre Corp* de Ballet.Price* f Admiaeion: Parqoettr, Parquette I irele and Pirit

Circle, Ü| Secured. #1 H| Second Circle, oticeot*, Amphi-tbeater. ki cents.Door*open at 7) o'clock; tbo Opera to commence at 8.

AC A D EM Y OF MUSIC.The Committee of Management have |.V honor to inform

the Put.:;, the* tbev have »et apart THURSDAY, 14ib tn*t., forthe bnt appearance in tht* country of

Ml** ELIZA BEM8LEB of Boat ¦who wtt auddrnly eon.gelled by a launly atlt.. tUin to abandonbeeeaaagemetit a* I'nmi Donna at La S. alt", Milan, andreturn lo thia c. untry. Mia* Hentli r will a> ->e*r in Douiieur*adjuli<*d Opera ot

LINDA DE CaaAMOTJNlX,"In wbls-h «So olitained a signal aucroa* during tbo paat Winterat Milan. 1 h> l ou.mittce ot M niag.-meut are g-atitied at thisopportunity of atforiin g encouragemt ut to an iutiaa. e of Aaaa*>lean Talent which require* only the warmth of public favor to

rip*n into higher excel.euce.

METROPOLITAN THKATKK - Broadway,oppswite Bond -t. ¦

ISIDORA CLARK,the An .m an Prune Dotma. will «vre b.-r tjjir*] and latt GRANDCONCERI m thi* c.ty oa TIESDAY 1.\ ENING, June 12,aoaltte bv tl.e -. llow ng arri*t*:SIGNdK ARNOLDE Tenor.

MGNOK BERNARDI, harilivne.SlGXt'K G.VSl'ARONI, Baaao,

Mr. HENS Y Al'l'Y, the celebrated Vioiimrt, andA FI LL ORCHESTRA.

Wrector.Mr. rgri R rgtnanPkoukav mi PtRT I.

L Grand Overture. " La Grgga Ladia". .RoauniJ. Rouianaa. " A Tan-,. Amore," from the ojiorar'*foti>..I.LXmiaetrJ

A Scene et Cavatina, " Krnani! Ernani Iuvolanu"-Frnaiil.Verdi

A YioliB Solo,'' La Ma Celine". ...Hauinanu& Enal tab H**i*d.The Drean.".Mullorb» Liberty Duel," Sauna la Trvml.n"-] Puiitaal.H. llim

|7. AD. " Rati.ta r* Tu» lij<^." wi h variation..SalJoniA Gverturr, " /arietta '.A überI. Seen* el Ana, " Auch lo Duciuose.' from the

oner* N»buc. ilooo*i>r.VerdiTA Violin Solo. La M-lancoli. ".Prüm*11. Ana for Barit.-ne from tbo open, Emani.Verdi12. LaSerei italTle.Scronaoei.Scbnhenh13. Uantettr from Ibo opera. Lucia dl Lie mrrmoor.Don>a*tti^Frka* of admiation.Parquet Circle and Parqu-1, #1; Family^Jjj*. 5* cent*.

Private Röxe«, accommodat'iig «ix persons. #10 and #6.g**t*»txur»d *t the box omce without exfr* charge.

\.|Ln,ui,u.nAN TUEATFK.Mr. HACK-."".»*cU""y ackoowledge* tho aaeeBB af ranoai

e*n.plinionta»y csax»a>»nicatio*i* and entreaties tor hit repe-titxm before withdraw, of hi. tw, W,te and original Amiri-%TnnSi»T^hil^^, Wl*RLE and Con NIMRODW ILDMRE (ef 1815j-whuh were received on lhair revival 1«

Salnrday with extraord-uary dem-.n*lration* of tatUfection byan over-crowded nee-and wouW BBBBtaB that he will havetb* t. nor ol lomplving wah roia^st on

THURSDAY EVE.NINiJ nextIBA in»t-, that being tho only oceeaion when it will be eoti-veaieat to re-op**) tb* Iheater for tut k purpoae.Other entertainment* will be added and announced hereafter.Pmat« Hoie*. Orcbe*tre t hair*, Seat* ia th* Baseon* and

***** Circle may new b secured at the Bos Office.

NIBLO" GARDEN.Tine f ( (jmmfn'fmnit: Door* op -n at 7 o'clock; Over

.ure «* tun » nc-. »I If. Certain Haea at I o'clock.PISE AND IIA RK1 SON ENOLISB OPEHA COMPANY.


Zerllna.Mia* Louisa Pro«U 1DNESDAY, Dociaetti * DAUGHTER OE THE REGI¬

MENT.THCRSnAY.RallV. HOHEMIAN GIRL.IRIDaY, Äther'» CROWN DIAMOND-.SATURDAY, Wallace'! MARITAS *..TckittV) cent*; Orcheatra Arm Chair* 4>l; Private Bole*

ti B< a Office open from 8 A M. to t P. M.

National theater.aITpURDY. Man-ager and Propr <..":.- Or- «. Crne. .ft e»n-t Pit. i«<J r-nta

Orcheatra Cham. SO cent* Doura open at 7 o'clock; Perform¬ance« con metre at 1,..THIS EVENING,

UNCLE TOM'S ( ABIS.St. flair.Mr. G. C Howard ETa..Litne CeslsBa II-wardI njtion Cute.C. R. Fox | Top«y... .Mrt. O C. Howardlie aeon FeaTJ.G. L. Eox Eliza.Mit« Hathaway

Sai.or't Hornpipe.Mr. W. WoodFOUNTAIN 0' BEAUTY.


URDAY, Jnrel'i l<eo, AND POSITIVELY THE L\-*TU t Er. HI GRAND NATIONAL BABY SHOW; ALLII E l'Ki/E BABIES, will he exhibit'd on thia rcraeioa

» diaf.ngi.islied hi bedaec, Inelod rig eapecial y the PRE-Mll M BAB. iiE TDK ENTIRE SHOW, a« well aa theTU ISS, TRIPLETS, and EAT CHILDREN, among whomwere ciet ilot. the>'' in Premiums. The Children willall he a.ratfe-1 on l.nrh platform* where they ran im MS-TINCTLY sEI N AND NOT HANDLED 'EVERY DAYrr. r. II A. M. to U P. M. Moat of ihern r-maining ti be »eeu

heaidea fiom 7 t/. 9 o'clock in the EVENING* PERFORM¬ANCES IN THE LEI TUBE-ROOM, ar 3 is th- AFTER¬NOON »nd *l.o at8..'dock In tbe EVENING. The LIVINGOSTRK HEB, the LIVING OUUANG OUTASO, MAINEGIANTESS, Meet high. DWARE LADY. 27 inchei high,MAMMOTH GIRL, 1« IN SIMPERS IS yar« Id, FEJEEMERMAID. Ac, are here. Admittance is cenU; Childrenander ten. 1-4 cent*.


OPERA every night.


Ticket- fj r.ntaAllIn... hv If. WOOD.

PERHAM'1 I.TIII01TAN TROUPE, No 863I. Broadway.. I i.ii rth andlaat we. k of Baby Show. EVERYEVENING at 8 and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF¬TERNOONS at 3. Alas NEGRO MINSTRELSY. DANCING,Ac. Ticketa z.-> cetta. Gift Ticket« admit four peraoue each.

/1 B V s T A L PALACE ONCE MORE..Tin»grand dlaplay of the Work« af Getiua and of Art yet an

E itiou at the'Cryttal Palace matt positively be RE rUK.NEIlto El ROPE in a few day*. Another week an I our Citizen« cmnever again feaat their eye» on the «ame G«ll»rie« of ITAT-I'ARY and PAINTING beeide rarieaa stTlrlae cd htai heati tlSkill Bud ati in'erittia* a.-l.ction from the Mineral World. Weluvte eveiv person to take a hnal farewell look at the Sew-Jork ( ry-tal Palace. BAMCTEL BREVGOB f.

Actin« Superiutendenr.

DHhSEIaDORP GALLERY No 107 Broad¬way.Open from 9 A. M M: I0o>.,,<k P. M...laity. Ad-

mittue e .ft rente. One hundred and titty >.( ih» r -ir.«tPAINTINGS ever collected together ouw a'i irn the w-i a oftbie <..- erv. It ie «U|ienor to »nv Bakes SSatt SBa t on 'in« nontVBent Vo be *ppreciata>ii. it ne> f* kaat n> he a. .:.

JR. SMITH" TOI'R OF EUROPE äSße BIEGE OF SEVA8TOPtlL.-The .rioat lliisiislal| Ex-

hihitioL In New-York, abowing I**" »iew« to feet wide, of theprincipal object* of mtereat in EefOM At tJi» ('lineae K ... .,«,

No. .Vi9 Broadway, EVER. EVENING at a oUJCl, andSATURDAY at a o'clock. I il¦disease, as eeawa

THE CRYSTAL PALAI B til remain optii totbe pub ic, at a »mall charge autil farther noticA. Mo«t d

the p.noting* and Statuary are »tili on exhibition.


Will be- pub.i.heil To Morrow:THE OONBORIPT;

A TaAB oi im: Empibc.It v AlllilSII Dl'NII,

In offe t eeiitiful Umo. vol. of over 400 pp. Price *>1.Since the ippearance of " 'lhe Count of Monte Cnato"the

author I.aa written no work equal to thia In brilliancy and power.Tbe original title waa " ftieu St Diable," changed by the tran«-

lator to .' 'lhe- Contempt." It la ea*. ntiaily a atorv of p'-aaant-life in coutra.-t to the rreationa of the writer'» previon»produetiena. wherein the principal figuriaweru King», Duki »

and i'iinrea, and net the bunib.ei member* of Ute great - 11

ayat. m. All lhe J.lia*. a ot exiatcocu in the cottage hörne« ot

Eratice ; the di mealic ml-ery produced by the conacriptiun andtbe tenor* of the drcaOfnl cmmj.aign ot the tirat invaeion ofEranee, ti rrr.lontiiig in the firet occupation of Paria by th>- AI-

lira; toe terrible bait lea in tbe eaat of Eraure. and the arrival of

Napol* en like a tuundeiboit to üiaturb tin brief tn.impb of Ah-aclutiim are moat graphically portrayed. The rouune-lifu ofEn rich peasantry the life of tlier humble .ol.iier lu thet;.- !;alto where he i« rare ly tbe boapitul.are fai.lif. lynarrated it. the maiterly manner for which the author ¦ «o StaVebra'eti. 1 lie whole hook tuttaitia ami t.-arh. i a moralitywhich will go lar to remove the wholeaalc itupvta'iout »"in¬

time« cut en Erench novel' and their morality. Smco laSi.n.tir.e and Chat« aubriand't romaneea, nothing «uper.or hatlieen w iitio in the Erench language.

SiRlNtiER a TOWNSESD. l*ub i«her»,Na 222 Broadway, New-York.

N. 15..Orde'f honld he ferwarde-d without leiay. that theymty be'y rilic-d by the day of pchlirati.-n.

rpHE MORE TEACHERS OSE IT THE BET-1 '1 ER THE. LIKE IT.To *vety Teacher and every School Committee we would «uy.

exan ine TOWER'S 1 LEMEN IS )E .RAMM AR, and If

you have a child or a claaa commencing the atudy of Grammar,

ler i ore at lettt try it.A ce py ot the woik w .il be aeut by muil. postage paid, on re¬

ceipt of J> ceutt.

DAMEL BURGESS A Co., Publithera,No. 60 John-aU, New-York.

Ei urth Thouaand aiuce the lat of May:rp HE A M E RIC A N l> E It A T B K.1 .Emhrarii g Rnlea fur Debate and Parliamentary I'rac'ice.

Y xaa Bias at Debate* in Enli and iu Outline. Near.v mi hundredUli htn n« tor D. hali E. rn.a t.f Conati-uti. n for lie itirg Si<-i-etiet. Club, Ac.; and numeroua valuable Rute» and Sugg t'ioritfor tbe aconlaition ot »kill in Debate and ExtemporaneonaSjn king, the conduct ol Deliberative Aaaemhlie*. Ac. Bv J.N. McEll.gott, LL. P., kav, M page*, with tteel portrait ofDaniel Webater deliveiing a tpeech. Price tftl. Sent by mail.

soTii 11 PA thi rai st:

A book which the Youtg Men si America will appreciate."I l.t/t lltuttrated.

" Fumiahee a convenient manual for all peraun* who wiah to

prepare theu.aehet to take part in popular Debate. It it pre¬pared with con»cieuti..iia tiOt.ity." 'JE K Trihunt.

'The rulet and tuggettion«, arrai geJ and elaatified in 'heclearest manner, embrace nearly all irnagiaable cxrcamttanceait \> ch a apeak, t u likely to Is p.a, 1.

[/Vexwratar Petti." Eull of valuable inforuttiei. taai inatruction."

ff i«(w Alia-." It i» weil ei nanlered and w.- e;. ,i wi i be e Bera ly n *J

axd partieblariy practiced." I f'Ai.-n<70 Dui/f/ Jvurmni." lt« rlear »tyle. compreben« ve rarm-a.iJ n <\ -I e-me-jr*

make It an attractive work. The v Lol, is *f S pracn, a. e:.«r-

acter."J.V. E. rramjtlü!

Now a day* it become* * man to be we.', at ivn cd BrfctA allthe matten contained in thw book."

r IBoef>a P.»jf.'An eeaential aid to ecr Youn- Amcrcvrit. hey may letrn

from it tint ft which it is a great tux.rtiticama as wel. a* au b>convenience to be igcoraat et"

[»"»eiatua Mie.oe PorU.lnd.W e can rec. mmend tbe b ..k a« a mo«t v.iuab.eaij and

coin c* guide to tte ttudv of oratory and public -p aaoig "

j He Ufrn lAiglt." Eu.inenlly practical and tuggea-ive In itt chaiaaer."

[Jf 1 t' mntrrn.ll Adrtrtittr." W e adviae every Young Man to prmu.e a e py."[Il'jiitrnd Ea-jU" A valuable fet'ure in tbe work an ex ea-it« coilecuot; of

quertioua lot the ute of Debating Soc e n -

I It Anekj« rk-rynxd*"It give* clear in»tnict Ion in Pariiamej-i..-> iaw."THE AMERICAN DEBATER Is p-ib. «ücd bylviSdN A

rtUNNEY, No. I7* Etilten-at,. Sew-Y.-x. and :*n be hadihn. lb lhe llooknore«, or aent by mail for »?!.

XV ~Ö"~ M A N '

T v Tut Tiusn Tueittan Rxadv.W e c»l aa«JI : etil ordert for ibis ex'raoriiiaary work, bv

M.\Kli IRET El l nER OSSOLIwoman in im 10TH CKNTUBY.( .1 luiler, of lhe New-York Mimr, »p.-ik« that of thia

wendertol woman and of thia book:" The book b a remarkable one, an.! more philoeonhiaally *ng-

g- mir en the W orten quettn n 'hen anything the: baa hithertormtnated tri m the pen . f » Oman.

"Margaret Fuller we* a decided character.a veritable en-

tity - an tpt«i.noa upon tbe boriun et humanity not euoa to beforgotten." A» atcholtr. we hive never known her equal among her

tea aa a writer, ahe baa few if any aaperio** iu phiioeophic-alfi n e and poet . auggesCH cue** i and aa . talker, haar at* |«cnc*anrpateed anythiug we have ever beard from the Up* of woman.

Her naabe* of clouaenee had tbe «tartlicg tpontaseity of inspi¬ration. It ae. me.! a* if tbe opaque creaiion a.tUen.y bec-.oe

t:«n*f.a ent to her vitiori and, lik- the rapt apoetle when caughtap into the aeventi. beaten, abe taw th

* Bot lawful tor manto utter'.not poteible tor mertal« 'o ui J- rataad."Publiabedby JOHN P. IEWETT A Co..

No. 117 Wathiugtoti-*;.. Boatoo.Eor aa:e bv all Bookte ltra.

Take it with yoa to tbe Watering Place..


\"OST! l\ba*ber.',"No.' '«iv kat^ket-ti, Pl^aakakpaXia.0 A Novel of Philadelphia good society. Road/

June 1A i vol. Itmo.,401 pee**. Price $1 Si whilt &

" Accurate Orn*rn»ntal and Vrnttul"

DB COOKS A Co" U.U..WAY HAPS .. On k I O,00O Solo Surs Jan. 1, 1155.

Wholeta'e Eastern and Western Merchant* will Sod tb<

Railroad Mspa of Ohio, Indiana and Hanoi*M INDISPENSABLE TO THE UUUWUN ROOM.'

Each Map show* th-exact location of every Rnürotd. eiih*rprojected or completed, with all station* and distance* fonination to »tauen.

Pr ce of each Map. cither on card-board for oSce rue tr In

neat ca*e* for the pocket, 00 cent*.

THr.v sac wriL ar.cEivca tv *li~

The Nsw-York Tribune «a>>: " They areac<nrat»an 1 usefu."The Pjctfalo Advertiser says: " To traveler* and baaiu.-** mtn

they are invaluabls."Tbt Cinrinr.a-i Oatette **yi: M Th»y are published in th- be*

.ty!e. arid the mi-' ac< crate an . omp'e'e we have seen. Titawriaeaea*i'ti< of ;hre«.cne for each of tb» three (treat Statu,

Ohio, In'l.'.n* and Illinois.' The rond* are laid on: correctly,anlall the n portatt 'tat.« n.« are ar. uran ly marke.L A, it i* not

likely any more roiii* will bo built for some y.irs, th»»e

Mai I not »oon become obsolete, bat will rim tin vs u ,b!e

for reference fi r a Ion« tin e. They are ban Itornely pri-. ej in

p*per enameled, and wi.l bee me ii dispen«ab!'- to the orhce andthe counting-room. We have had our* framed and hone up in

our (.flic e, w I ere they can be seen by tho«e interested.''Patties at a distance where w* have no Agent*, will r-oeive a

copy of each Map. »ecnrely wrapped op, per Mail, tree ml post,age, upon remitting * 1 50 to ns. Address

danif.l bit.oess a Co..

_No. 60 John st., New-York.

T?OUB llBIIsLIAlfT NEW NOVELS forJ main kf.-.ding

Now Rrstiy.From the prcs* of TICKNoR a FIELDS, Boston, and fjr

¦ale by an Bookse..ors.

PEG WO F P I N OTON.By ( Hiiti t io am

1 volume, lfimo. 75 cents.


Hy CsxAsUJM It*IM.1 volume, Itimo. «5 cents,


By Ans* M*kv Howitt.1 vol., 16mo. 75cent*.


By t'HARt.FS Kivost.r.y/1 vol.. llmo. » 25.

From The Boston Transcript."'Christie .lohnsnne' has already sprnn.- through six edi¬

tions in London, and Peg Wofriugton ' is viug likewise a* fastas tine and th-.- Fitlish reading public will rush »long with it.It is no n rt of < on-e.pirr,. e what si:cli s man us < bare*Heede uiiy write ab< nt. where he may lay his scene* and howhe may ski tel. bis 1 baracters, hi. Looks will grapple to th»rctdor with hook sent steel. Brilliant an 1 sententious, rail offpigreiMi.01i< j int and wisdom. I,is work, will be eagerlysoaght tor and read with aviuity. \\ e hav s-.-n Eng ish copn-sof' Peg' and .Ihriatie' so absorbed in the peru«si bv many

eyr* that a w'iole uttoiln'. leaf could not be f >u^d tu ths Kuk.I It will be erriou* to watch th>s author's career to fame and for-

tone, fl r 11 >c are lifTore him; and to those who vre wai-iug f >r

a sentatit n iu nj-rs'ure in the >ath of novel writing we com-f mtnd these two charming books."

From The Dally Advertiser." A book announced from any of the Howi'.tt 1« generally all

that is reqniied to u.e up a first Ia ail .iucerity wehave not tead a wer« Irom tbe pen of Mi.s >lowi:i tor a longtime, if ever, that so completely pk-*«e.l us as this 'School ofLife." Hr.,lira I eing most entettainiaj und amusing ii it inter-woven with a generous amount of good t. rise »ad ».'II calcu¬lated in i-s way to interest and pr tit the mil ion. It will havea ureut sale "

Fr:>m The Hartford Courant." ' Amyas Leigh' I* one of the most powerfully written novel*

of the pn m iii lay, and one which will make a powerful sensa¬tion in the irerary world. It ia founded upon the ndv*nturou*h. kary ol aaa Oi the sea captains of Que-n Elizabeth's reiguand hi- . x| lotations it, America and hostility to tbe Spaniard*.Die whi It plot, arrangement of the inc'dems and developmentof the s'ory *r* highly rxtiticg. It will add murk to tbe al¬ready » nie »i>rs ad fa 11,e of'.he author of Hyuitia.' "

Tin-irate supplied by EDWARD P. II I'D d.No. 13 Ann-tt., New-Yora.

Copies si ct free of postage upon receipt of price.Take It with yoa to the Wstering Places.

..AÜB II IS B T FAMILIE 8".vF a Novel of Philadelphia good SOCIETY. Ready

June If, 1 v.d. 12mo.,-im pages. Price *-l .'5. WHIoiiYost. Puloubers, No. aoy afiiiaitt, Pa*.

rr B E (. B E A 1 B.v ol tin AGE..J "(.I'll FIRST FAMILIES;"

A Novn or Philapclmiia Good Soctütv.I ha-ten to intoro my cuttom. is throughout toe (nited Sta--1,

tlitt I ie made srMt c l'.' t.t- wi'li M'.-r-. WH! LT A YO> Vto furnish dl R FIRST FAMILIE.-. . in a.lvance of the

publica' .- n at M. strt. Whilt a Yost's lowest cash prices Sendon your ordert early. T. B. PETERS'Si

No. 102 Chestnut st., Philadelphia.Lesp in with mo int.. this angry r! »od.Ami rwi/.i to y.ader point.'* ( Sbaksp.-re.


nCULAI 1NST1U ( THIN Tu LEA 11 NE US. Illustratedwith Engtavirgs. By *u experienced Swimmer. Price only 12cent*. Put iislie.i by

FOWLERS AMD WELLS, No. 308 Broadway.Trie ii tvBl V. n to the U ttering Place*.

*? / . D B 1 I B 8 T Pi M I L l E S".\/ A ReWal ot Phi ad-Ipn.a Gin ill Sin IETT. Il-aiy

Jana IA I vol. 12mo., <X8 page*. Price »125. WHILT 4i OS Publishers, No. 300 Market »t-, I'ln.a n If ..a.


fJfA Fine .-. ey,2. MILTON' K vols. half calf. gi!'. Pickering's fin-edition.... OOl.l'SMI l H. Mnriav's e..itl"U- 4 vols. Cvo.4. ADDISON'a sPEtTATOR i v..a. bill calf. gilt.5. A.MAI IS OF GAI L. TrauilatcU by South.). 1 vol*.

Ritre.a. PAL.MER1N OF ENOLAND. Very rare. 4 fall, half

Busala. v\ U U iU B. PARS.Hanoyer-at., No. 27 Merehanta' Exchange,

six doo. t from Wall-*t.


Rt l.Ki N hl RR MR i E-SFLL.. Tbe he«t New Novel before th Public." [N*. Y. Expre**." 1 Le l<-»t Acirrican Novel of the Seatou."

|N. Y. Daily Time*.Cloth *> 1; paper T5 ct*.

¦CXC1 A BROTH I R, No UR N'a»**o-itt.. N. Y.

Take ;t yon to th» Wats-rng I'.-.c. t.

/ a T K FlJtBT FA m [lie 8 -

Ks A Nov. t GOOD SOI lETY. R*adjJure is. I vol. I2mo.,408 pagoa Price Bl tx WHILT kioSI, Pnl iish.r», No. 3L» JMarkot-M., Phila-lelphla.

IiH)üb BRIULLiNT new \« »vr.l.s km sum¬mer rf.ADINO-Nowre.vdy. From the press nf Tick-

it- k F.e s- u and for **!< l.v O. P. PI tn V.M x Co.I. PEG WOh-FlNOTON. By Cbariet lUade. 1 ,oL Kmo.

75 rent*.II. CHRISTIE JOHNSTON!'. By Cbarle* Read*. 1 voL

liOM.. o.trnta.III. A SCHOOL UP LIFE. By Ann* Mary HovntU 1 v«L

lan>o. 751 eats.IV AI.Y VS LEIGH. Bv Kingslev. 1 vol. lJmo.

Bl BLA twetaatta cataVgne of the puMi,ari.«t of TICKNORA

Fl r LD0, ctn be had grati* on »pplic*tion.0. p. putnam A Co No. 10 Pxrk place,* fur all of TICK NOR A FIELD'S Pnh.kat.ons.

Take il with you to the Watering P.a.eeM tf| t r t ib ST pa m I l i i s".

\ ¥ A Novel of PbLtdeipbta OooD SOCIETY. r»»dyJune 15. I vol 12aio..4t8 pagea. Price »125. WHILT a.

Van, Putlisb. rs No. »9 Market st,. Phila eiphia._Will be Readv on tbe 1st of Jaiv:

TH E OLD 'FARM-HOUSE.Bv CttoLikC 11. Hi rug LaBsB,

ll.ustralod with tiuc cngravmp by v ,n legen from deaigns byVv m r 451' p-ge.. IJnuu extra muslin gilt, Bl 25.The above work it a beautiful demesne story of deep iiilaieet

Tbe go, d ar.d » I character* the charming' view¦« if countrylife, the f..Ili't t-f a tathionable ci'y life and all the varied topicstringh* apt n the tcrne of :be story are de ten >ed in tbe bap-j i« ::jr cor. A copv wi, be »rnt to every part of tbe Cuiontree on receipt of the price. CHAS. H. DAVIS, Pabiisber,

N". 3» South 4th-.t- Phiiadrinb.a.

Literati be -daouebseh 'TYPISTS.To he S<»L!>- BAR-.AINS.-London Edition*. THE

PENNY LNO i Li »PEIiI \. wit Supplement, boaai halfRussia; t NIV ER > A L HISTORY. Anuent »od Modern, bOvols., calf and other miscellaneous Books. A nrtt-rite CAM-t HA Coating box Ac. comple e Apply to Mr. WEBB. No.IN Nattea st.. between 1C and 3 o'ti-ck daily.



byW. 0<'WANS. No. ITU FultoaiaC

ECROI'E ia 1855 .Traveleri ta Earope cansee or paichaae of the undersigned. Am-ncan Boot* and

h v ,; siers. Ouide-Book* for Pan* and the Corttinent, and allEnglish Hook», i ttentaon will be devoted to Amencan viator*.

at afcratati I g.adlv riven

SAJtPSON" LOW,BOH A Co., -menran and English Book-»< rs and Publisher*. V Ladgate Hill, thy St. Pault) Luaann

WUJJAM K. CO^^Eli. No. 331 PeBrl-ft,v v Harper*' Building*, offer* Ut *aia at kiweat rate* a geueras

assuttment of BOORS and STAilONERY. Graeta receiveprou pt »ttention. INDCCEMRNTS of a peculiar natare willbe eflared [ urcnaeer* ofSCHOOL BOOKS lb manone*.

An 0 0 K THAT TALKS'.Hauler are yon of a toeaaJ turn.firm to hilarity and

exuberance ot feeling ' Don't delay to (et et once a copy of

BE] « Hl its STAU PAPERSand upon im..- c r« t yoa will think thia advertiae-meut f. r the in'rodart ion. It la a hook yea caot help that will prove a moat delightful companion and «n^«k to

yoa in the >tiB| 10c oeure of veur taactam tinti! yoa are a!moatmade to Mjawa that yon are'eloee'ed with the most obeervautand charming story-teller yoa ever met. Perbap* yoa hate a

tawe for the beautifal in N«tnre and the »x in Art. If *>,thr volume to questi n will be like the glate of thj naturaliatthat ittia'a 'he »isden to

S I \\ HI M"i IKS AND NEW WoVDTRS.Or, if i' be th it vou dote on rural aeenea and the old e*a*..«-

ttona cf bouit and ehiidhood, it will be, a lamp n the chamberit wm n en orv h: it ting to light 'he thoatand hal: forg >ttenaataea cf other day*. But y,->u maybe a votary ot 'he Ma*e«,or a diaciple of Apollo. Then here, at iast. among 'he tboutan.1-and-cne bookt " ju»t pub isbed" it the book for It will addnew wmrt to yonr imtgina ion and aid your (light throuh theret m» of f.ncy, prompting yoa to the raoaf beaat.-'u and tnb-ume conception*. In .bort, whatever bo vour habit of loind or

rendition in i f, if von wtr tA COMMON SENSE BOOK,

an tnimiftble delineator of what every man of g'nial toul Bjsltruthfi.l heart hi. ae.n and felt, though rarely or nevet de-tcribei'.a bo< k thtt addrt ate* year better nature, and torn-he*your living «ympa'hie,.a book'thst flavldent. elevate*, and re-

fine., then di n't fax! to provide tor yonraelf. your family, or

your triendSTAR PAPERS;

tlr,Exrrairvcrt or Abt aiti N.Tt-ar.

One elegant 12mo. Price f I\Tii Titoi.ixu Rcxnv "Pitta Dev!

For «ale anywhere. Single asfies tent by mail on rec -ip? ofpr o J. C. DERHY. Publisher,

No. 119 Nattau at

ÖBOKEX BOOKSTORE No. 191 WasMng-tonal., above Eif-h-tt..See Morning pai>er», ririx-e* of

Hi tot-u.t.' Pit.i - Announcement* of NEW WORKS,then i»ll '. r them at YOUR OWN BOOKSTORE, at above.The Mcnttiy and Weekly Li'-rary Paper* on hindp-. ni it, *.. n at ia» tome in advance of theirpab a-atlon n New York City. WM. PATTOkt



Both of the above Marhinea. which are decidedly the hettever In ught before the public, are now ready, and mav be hadel the Piuicipal Stationer* and Fancy Dealer*, arid wholeaale by

AMES, HERRICK st BARNES.Mat-., net., War-'hotiae So 7« J. Im-.f.

kj|lll> VI.IMMi'H AI. I KTTER-COPIEBk^ - cheap, lithf, portable, dutahle, and will copy a letter

?Barker and rn...-e neatly than any of the #1" or *>I5«. Price *>l tth *>3 with Pook. By Exprea* or Mail.

Adaree* D. T. STILES. Baflalo N. Y.

CLOTE eV JANES, StAtmteri, No 06 ftütosvat£3 Setaef I'.LASK HOOKS, of the beet paper, aiwaytoahan.l or n *.!.. to older of any pat'eru at the .horteat notiea.

f\nc IXrts.

\Y 8CHAUS LMPORTEB of ENOB Wixi:sFT a and ARTISTS" MATERIAL**, kasriaaavadAeeaNe.

t3f 3 Hr. a.lwr y 11 the spacious atore No. J11 Broadway, wkerebe will be happy to BBS hit patron*


AWIDOW LADT, Vni.Ti.-iti. who wm formerly reaided in < a ilornia w.ihe« tu» n'tum there in com¬

pany with forue family (r gen*'emat. about ji.eng out . ither a*

t I lit pa s ION or LAD* '.- MAIM. 'She ha* meant on arriving¦ t San Erat.cum to pay bark her travel.rig ex;iere>e*. Shi* wouldlike to return by th* «teamer of the ZHh Jnn». Any one lawent if «och mill aildree* a no'e to Mt<. am ANDHELEN. I'ott-Omce. New-York.

ARESPECTABLE rYtrteateUii yotmg Wownwant«a ntnation a< PROFESSED COOK |

all kindt of game andCoeikioi, Hiking and Paitry.andall kind* ofd« starts. Ti e hi at ot reference given. Call at No. 1 A) St. Mark s

pl.ire. Cth-tt. Can be aeeu for two .lay*_AS HOUSEKEEPER..A highly rnnpectahK'

I.adv wiabet ro -ake charge of an eluerly Oentieman'sHeute or that of a Widower. Nj nbj>¦ ro cliildreo. Ada¦in aa HOME. I 1.1 m «quare PiMt-Othce. Unexceptionable« given.

A|{1 Sl'I.CTAllKK Woman wantK a situationin a n >p-cttble private ftmlly; ahe la a gwx' COOK and

unHeratanda her buaineaa: ahc it alao a good BAKER; hae no

objictiou to auiat in the Wathing and Ironing, or to gu a abort.¦...I. ir tin com. try. Heat of ref.-ience g.van by applying at

Ne. M N >t- t an he <> en for two daya.

APITUATlOfi WANTED \>y ¦ mpot^lflyoung Er.gliati Woman a< SE VMSTKESS in i r- p c-.. ile

l .m lv. I,«. «. ,t its re'en i.ce; can be seen tor two lay* atNo. 61 Ctu:;lar;.:t in tlie Candy Store.

ASIT1 AT 11 »N WANTLI) an MMi nn.lSEAMSTRESS by a Protestant young Wnman; can give

city reference; would go ro the country for the Summer monthawirh a family who return« in tie' W nter. C.,n be grata for twoday-at No. i Ii I aat ih-.t.. between ,d aud Jd-ava.. third floor,RJem No. ti

AYnl N*Q WrNBU wieheti a wifuation asWAIIElt in a private family; i* a Prot-a an-. and ha*

good city r» ten BSaVA Lquire h i Mrt. OKI). So. VI 5th at.

AMIDDLE-AG] D AnMtieoa Woman wteikss ¦t taadka a. NURSE, or t o.mpasios to an INVALID

LADYi Tie beat of ref rencet will be given. A note addreaaedt. S. B., Tribune Othee, will be attended to.

VVER] ri-a|ieet,iM»'(lerman (rirl u ishes a ait-u ,r i, i'her -E \MSTRESS or CH 4mbekM MI), or

t do OENEHAL HOUSEWORK in a «ma Umily. Ca.UtSo. 1*0 Faat I'ith at.. room So. 6.

ARESP] I TABLE l'n.t.-ataut r00E| Wminnwant, a situation as good COOK in a private family; la aa

exi client Wa-fci rand Ironer. No objection :o go to th-s Coun¬

try. Would be willing to do H lusework in a genteel family.Can produce goed city refe-euee. Call at No. 77 Woat J8th-at-,n- SB "lb av. Car. be teen lb: two day*.

SITUATION WANTED.By m rerj rtmeotaabMi) y ur g W Baaa at CH \Mi:EItMÄlD »nd' WAITER; nn-ilet.tanea V\ a lung and Ironing, no objection to the country.Can give good refereuce. Call at No. ttJ Bowery.

SITUATION WANTK1) B> » mn-t r.-sp.-etable-i» Protestant Oirl; m a fir-t-rate Ml SDRESS. aSSat plainL'OOK and ItAKER: willing and obliging lo pleate her em-i v. r in every retpect. Salary not to much an object a* a goodhome. Call at No. 281 Bowery.QlTVATIi >NS WA.NTKI).Hv two Prut.-ntantkJ voang Women.«Itter«.one ia capable of filling any SI ITATlbN in a tomilv but that of Cook, and the other either a*

CHAMBERM.Mf). WAITER or CHILD'S NURSE in a .millprivate ran., v. So objection to go into the country during therummer. In ,u re of their present employer, No. 1 liramercy-I ark, corner af '.Tit »L, to whom they reter.

kJITl'A'l l< »X WAXTKD Mv an experieiiö-t]k3 iTere.ttnt viiung WouJan aa i'HAMnF.RM.'. ID. I- -

to mtke hencY therwiae uacfal in a private family. Can beseen at net presx-nt «itaation No. IHB \\'e»t J3th-«C. Fitzray-place, where ehe no l e well recommended.

SITUATIONS WANTED.Al a good 0001k3 ami t. ft ASH and IRON in a private familv by a very ex-

I-iienied O r! with gi-o.1 city retereuce; and a* "LAUSDRESSor at CHAMBERMAID and LAUNDRESS by a very compe-

> uLg Weinan. t all ar No. 72 t>th av., in the Boekrtore.

SITUATIONS WAXTKD.In the city or r-onn-tr» Lv two verv -xj. nei.e. ¦! Otr;« with good cut reference;

ne *»'( fioK and'to U ASH and IKON rd.. the HoUSE-MOKK of a i rivate family: the other aa NURSE andSEAM-STKEss r.-i FlAMHERMAIli and SEAMSTRESS; itanicehind at Children'* Clothisg. Call at No. 7.' 6th-av., la theBookttorr.

SITI A riON WAXTKH.Bv a n-spe-r-tat.!...-'.ot. hOW a* CHAMBERMAID and WAITER in a re-

. p>. table family. The best of city reference*. Can be teen fortwo dtyt at No. J3S 7tb-av. between 3d:h and äSch-tt*., eecundfi.^r. trtnt room.

"W'AXTKli.B\ a restxrtable Woman, a situa-v v -. i t. i uoK "WASHER and 1ROSER is a amelI pri¬

vate faniJv. (.ood cltv reterencea. Inquire at So. 123 A3ch-«r_,betwe. n Ihe i -h end 7th ava. No objection to go in the eoantry.Can be seen t <r tw o daya."i\'AXTKl>.A Hitiiation. bY a resp*3ct*bleTY Woman a* food COOK, WASHER aad IRONER easi

good BAKER. No objection tu go a tuort dittaoc- Ui the conn-. y. I« wn.frg to make herself uaeta G»od eitv ref-r-nee.t ac be »een I r two daya Apply at No. 1S7 9th-et., between7d tw -d-ava. rjnt floor.

\VAXiKl).A a tuatitin b\ a renpectiihle rouiigv t Woman at CHAMBERMAID aad LAUNDRESSWAITER and to do PLAIN SEWINO. Haa no objection togo a ikort distance in the country. Can give most respectablecity r*frrr*aa*, having been six year* in her laat place. AddreatSo. .tL-av. between £th and 3B-h-«ta. Can be teen fortwo dtyt.YV'AXTKD.A situation bv a retspectable votingTT (,irl to COOK. WASH and IRON in a email pnvate

ftmi.y. No objection to do t.eaerxl Houeework. The beet ofcity reference an be given from her laat place. Can he teen fortwo d.v*. Cat tt No. 238 7th bv., between £xh aad JSth-eu.fcuth floor, back room.

\\*ANTED. By a respectable Woman of inany* v year-.' experience a dtuation aa COOK in a piivate familv.U ndrmtandt iha t ookinc of Meau and Soup* of til kindt. al« itl e max icg i f B read aad Biecah. Can be highly recommendedly oer !e« eaipaeyet. Can be eeen kit two daya at No. Udav.,in tie Etney a-ore.

YrVA^^L^Sitiiations by two respectAbloyoun«v T Wosja«rn.oii*e**e»Jpl»JoCO<)K,waoratrate Wtab'rand

Ircaer. the other t* CHAMBERMAID aad WAITRESS ; itbeywveld warb hi live in one bouee. Rock Proeaataata. Have g- .ei

city rcfeTTL-ce. Co objection u> go to the country; can be «een fu*two day* at bo. MS Mott»t..fixat floor, back room*? betwee*Hwufton and blecker-eta

WANTED.Pv a vouatz GRfL a situation M"f CHAM3ER M.\IDendWAITER I» . goad Pl*.n Sewerlist ao ohjecticn to «o in the eiBarry i ha» good city rerereace.Call at No. 2Sä Ka*t i;-th-«f.. between Aftn« A and «*.__WANTED.Bv two Girls, Situation«; ont* a«TT CHAMBERMAID and WAITER or to a»ai«t in \\ tab

ir.gard Irvting; the o-her m NTRSE and SEAMSTRESS; an-erstand* *ii kind* of fetniiy Sewing. Noobj'Otion to tratel.Can te te»n at their present employer'*. No. 7 9th at._"WANTED-A situation by Trespei-table WoT T man to COOK, WASH ant IRON and to *> GENERALHOl'SEWoRK in * tmali private family. Wage* not *oi nrb an object aa a home. Can he aeon for two day* at No.

9 Mott between Houston and Rleecker.

YVANTED- Bv a l*n»t«'t?tunt Woman a situa-T v lion as LACKDRESS ot to da GENERAL Hot'SE-WORK, or to TAKE CARE of CHILDREN and aiaka herselfgenetal.y useful. A good borne more ot an object than wage*.Can be seen for two days at No. 362 10th-sL. 4th floor, bar*room.

W ANTED. A sttuati <n in a small privat.- fami-V I \ Bl mti COOe. i» a tirst-rate Wa«her and Irouer, and

can do the l.aki isif re.ioired. The host of city refVreucee ran

I- »n -i.. a at No. 173 West Eth St., betwtea 7tit and 8thsys. I sn be aeeu for two day*.

"WANTED.Hy a respectable Womaa, a aittu*v* ti. n a. I >t )h in a private family. I'udenstand« CoaatsBfj

ii all ts hranchee. Wonid assist with the WASHING »' ¦¦.

IRONING Has good city ref-ienre. Hi* no objsitiou to thee> untrv. Apply at M Weist ioth-sf., between 6tli and 7'h-ava.

\\' ANTED.Bl a respectable Protestant WonnnT T , .ti; ti. as i (")( IK alfo |.t a respe. vb e I'r -- stant Girl

a 'cattoo u i H AM HE H MAID and SEAMSTRESS or a«

Nl'R.-F. and SEAMSTRESS. Apply at No. 7« istb-et., a fewaes ¦ frcm nth av. Can be seen tor two Jay* from DAM. to

I P. M._W ANTED.A rittttioti bv a «mart, capableT I Irl at LAUNDRESS, or a* CHAMBERMAID tBsi to

aatiel i the WASHIMGaaa IRON'iNG. The Inxt of city re-rrecces. Call at No. -Ml lst-av.. between 14th and Vina, iuthe Sl.SH-store.

WANTED iU a respectable Protestant Girl, aM .-11 ATION in * jnivite familv. Can Wash Iron anCcok and .!o General Hou.ework. Call at No. .*<: Mott*'.fiot.f bas*nv nt l.'w. eu Bleeder and Honst ju-tu. Can beteen tor ihre- days.

W A N T E D.A situation by a reapeeta!.!--ii 'Annan a* COOK; is a mo*t excellent Baker. WaahertuJ Inner; best ot city ref-rrnce*. Ajpiy at No. .lAi llthtt.,between it an-1 od-avt., first M.-ot. back room.

W \ Vi D- Bj a reapcctable Protestant (Jirl.TV a situation a* Nl'KSE and SEAMSTRESS. Can give

good city reference. Apply at No. 212 26:h it.. between 8thand !>'. b-av*.

W>NTED..A situation by a respectable wo-*

e uanat good an excellent Waaher an-i Iroo' a good Baker, bat n.. objection to go a abort dittmce tr. theii.untry. Good city reference can be given. Apply at No. 1*'v\ .e'th-st., between7ih tnd8tli-av*.. can be ses n lot-two days.

\\'.\V'I ED.A situation bv a most experience,!TV Girl as SEAMSTRESS and CHILD'S NI'RSE. Canmake Sbir'a neatly; is a most c mne'ent (tircheron Linen j will wash and iron lor the Baby, or travel with a Lady.He* the brat of citv refe.-enc ; will take BA toM a month.A ... a neat Girl of 14; em MIN'Da CHILD. WAIT (at a LAD V¦8*1 II W. Waget «2 AU. Call vt 217 East AM st., fancy store.

WAN ! ED.Bj n tTii.!.ll.'-,u'",| Woiimu. I situa-TT ti. ii to WAIT* <IN a LADY or TAKE CH AR'iK ofCHILDREN .nddo LIOH1 WORK genendiy. lutureat No.M l.owery.

W ANTE I.Bj :i KtpBtTteblfl rouBf Woman, aTT ritnation a* GENERAL HOOEMAID. ilso bv ir-

spectabl. v.ung Woman. ... CHAMBERMAID; woull astlst inthe WasAtts] in.i Ir.iuing. Best of city re.'erenee* given. NoabBtCtiaa ta no a short aHaMtl in the Cjnutry. Apply at No.218 Bowery.\\\aV!I I'.\ ti'.i'ionb) a respectable vmin-:V T V .man a.- NI'IISE .^uo SE IMSTUESS or at CÜV.M

I ERM A ID and WAITER. GjosI i Uv refer, nces. Apply atNo. .41' W est |*tt -t., between nh and lOth-avs.

\\'AM EH.H\ a KsmectRblfl I'r.itfstdtit Wont-TT ta, I aBaaHoa at COOK. CntltrvtarJ* Baking and is a

t r t- ate WatBet and Honor Be*: city referenae given. Callit N". RR Bt. a.lway, cor. of ith-st., iu tie Druggist s store.

W ANTED.A situation b\ it resp.-ctiilil.' fBVBfTT Womaa to do WAITING ind CHAMBRBWDRK andABS18T in WASHING and IBONINfA Beit of reference*.Apply at No. 4 Horatio at,, room No. 14.

\\'AN I'F.l).By a ri'spectalile TOBBf with Um beet nf dry reBreaee, a »itoatioo at cO"K.IBONRB aad WASHERj ha* no ob,. ctlon to go t that* Htai ce in the country. Call at No. 7 Sth-tt., near the Bowery,t mi le seen tor two .leys.

\\\\\ r"ED.A situation by a Protestant Woman;TT u, aa eiceiieni COOK und I U NDRESB, ttUaasiat

¦ lunos BAKING. The bes* of city rofereu. e given. A shortaBtaaat in the country preferred. Call at No. 12 ClarkaoD at..b. tvtei u Hu.isou anu i'ari.-k-at*.

rANTED.A situation, by a respectable W .>

man. in a private family, a* a good PLAIN COOK and.icellem WASHER and RON ER. Boat of city referencesCell at No. 17J Myrtlc-av., Brooklyn, where she con he rceu fortwo days.

"WANTED. A situation as COOK, bt a youn;:TT W om*u,that understanli li-r liusiDcis per.ectlv. and c...

proo'cre tone of the bett lestimot 1*1* that can be ubtsin*"L In-nr. r i. r.-i by n.-tc. Mrs. ORD. No. 7'J oth tC. between

1st and 2d avt.

\\TANTED.A situation bj a most BBBafBiWlTT Woman as COOK and LA CN DRESS; It * mos eij.e

tieuced Plaiu Cook iu all its branches, a good Baker, and an

tact' eot Washer mid Ironer; b'.s t.i objection to go as GEN-EJLAL IK ll SEM AID In a small genteel family, a* the it fully

n,pe'»ni; baa thir'eeu mi nths' city reterence from hor lastledyj wages. s>6 to *>7 a month. Call at No. 217 Etat *Jd-*t intl.e fancy store.

"\\* A N'i Ell- A aitTWtta) bj U litont biirhlv r-'i'oin-T f BM Bsbttl y.'.n g Womtn, th~ most satisfactory city refer¬

ence, a* PI A1N ( OOR in all it* branches, is a moat eirs-ri-racee p> ¦». n in the dls. barge ot Cooking, Hiking and Pattrv.It fully Competent to do the A\ ASHING am [BONING. ..

private family, or aiaift. Will go in thi country for the Sum¬mer. Call si No. 217 East 23d-at., in the Fancy Store, thi* day

IXTANTED.I?y a respectable young Woman af t doG NERA1 H'lfSEWoRKj i* a ao»l

M.i.n Cie-k Washer an.l Ironer. Can give good reference fruiuher present employer, where the can be teen till engaged.No.244 .3d-tt.. between itth and »th ava.

W'AM LI).Bjra I'rotestant young Woman, aTT dtaatioa aa PLAIN COOK ot CHAMBERMAID, ta a*.

tut with W jibing. Has no objection to go to the country withalan.lly. Good reference. Can be teen at No. 281 Elizabeth-et. for six dayt.1RJ"ANTED. II a IBtpBtatable family a situationT T by au rxpetieuced young Woman as COOK uu ieistands

('nek nt in all its biaechet. No obj-ction to go to the country.It willing to artist in the WASHING and IRONING. Thebe.t of city reference given C*n be seen for two day*, No. cor. b'tb-av., aecmd .... r. back room.

WANTED.By a respectable yuunx Girl KSBR>TT nti ... She is a good WASH KR and IRONER; under-

sands PLAIN COOKING. Is willing to go to anv part of thei.untr-., at LAI NDRESS or PLAIN SEAMSTRESS, or

to do I'HAMLERW ORK. Apply at No. 3tM 2d av. Good cityreference given, if required.

W A I T E D.A situation by a respectableT v U ninaa a* a good COOK one who Mb uoderttandt her

luMoeas. and I* * good BAKER wi ling to assist In WASHINGandlRONIN'. lfre.juired. The best of city references can beBrvaa. I* willing to go a short diftance iu the country. Can beaeea B*J two days at No. 134 West 13tli-tt.. between 7th and 8tb-avi., in the rear.

WANTED.WASHING and IRONING in berIt own bouse, by a comp» rut hand. Beet ot reference.CaR at Rata 26 Amity-**., Brooklyn, Brat floor, back room.

AN ACCOMPLISHED LATIN SOHOUJic*| able of speaking (he Ungntge flu. otjy, i* dettrou* of

giving hit SERVICES to schools or private familiea upon mod. rate term*. Acloirea* CICERO, Tribune Office.

COACHMAN .A steady tingle Man want* a sit-ustion in a private family, would he willing to make him-

self generally awlul. is an excellent Vegetable Gardner, is notatraid to werk, would prefer to go up the North River Can beseen on Thursday at Mr. Thotburn's Seed Store. No. 14 John-*".,between H A. BL and 1 P. M. The very beat of city refereue:.

COAl HMAN..A respectable Proteetant yotngMan, of perfectly temperate habit*, want* a situation a*

Ccacbaun; i* a good Oroo'o *td Dnver, well acsiuaimetl with. he city, and will be fnüud grilling and obliging; woald gotothe country; rtier to hi* last employer. Can be teea for twocays at IK East lltb-tt.. or addrett J. K.. 286 East JSrd tt.

FA KM LAB0KEK8. Mechanics and FemaleDi.mettle* may be eTigigod at the AMERICAN AND

r ORE ION EMHtBANT PROTEI TIVE AND EMPLOt-VI NT SOCIETY, No. 27 Greenwich st, Pro»pectJje* s*nton application. _

FtMALE SERVANTS' HOME, No. 149 Grandst.. a most re»pec^l..ouiet,cleanly. f^S^Jf!

caeap BOARDIN3-HoLSE. it PKMALf. AaaR. t>«

ONLY. For alxrr-i..n apply to the MATRON-beat SitaaBoae in ai*t-cIa**>MsijTiea(^/ ^Ai.DNER..Wanted, a BuBBBRBM bj > »RRffaVe:>.-'\% "Är^c^^^,and VEGETABLES. Gosel city «twoence. Aodxaa* M. C.Herald OSiee.


HFRA] i j_Wanted, a complete file of THERRW-YOBX DAILY HERALD for the laet two year*.

Addreat Boa No. ljmTm*Q*»*._Mrs gkeen resps^trully inform* her patrona

u,dtb**-o"e thai her DOMESTIC AGENCY at RE-MOV ED «" No. 70 Wnite-*t.. ra*C alas, three door* from Broadart* asd reapeetfaily solicit* the* of those wanting Ser-rants of tb* U»f cite*. Wanted 18 Cook*, Ac Ratet tsijc i

\I AY be hail »t the american and kokill «JON FMPLOVMRNT SOCIETY'S OFFICE, Ne. 13i (ata »01.0. FEMALE DOMESTICS ia ceeay .eaiLiti, with< rtt rat* ItBleexca,_PROTESTANT COOKS, NUR8£8a*Tai MAIDS

OK ALL WOlK »r» waotod imriataiuely »* THKJTK-MAU SER\ ANTS' HOME. No, !49 0r**aa*t, aloe a DRESS.MAUA

»al tRVANTS..Tb«j beat look*, i htnib«ngkftjd*kj* and W-t-.r, \ur<«a aad Saarn««rw-ae*. good OMa *>r?Uu*«work, Ac, «r* to be bad at EXBKt.'S Djiasotte Agaa*T,N«. M Daaatt-et,. eaa door tn+t of our. Broadway. »* poereeetatarttbid ta taa baaiaaia Ladiea, give bMB a eaJLl_cebva n ts' owic&TUate^

COOKS, NL'BSES WaITERS. tu. provided fix iv-stecim » .amiiki.cU* or t wry ail HE EMPLOYMN t AUKJtCY( 1 EH r No >* K.m lath m ( aAoaaa «jam

QEWTntT want places in city aavlbJ» COl'STBY..Hoar«a, taji.ful and capable SERVANTS in.11 eefaritiee may be <.«« >i too oWr« beat e~a* tat awad Batttau.24. Y. EMPLot MENT OEEICE. No. «n Rrsjldvrav

T. P. SACNDER».Fort for Trade* wanted. An American Man Waat« wwrk ou

a I arm_

STEREOTYPE hN iTheIT waeted^TÄtNo. 81 ClOT-at hf.b atory. A good workman arlll ba a.-


1*HE raOTESTANT EMPLOYMENT 80-(TETY'SOEEH E. No." t'ar-none-a'., t er Hlcesrker at, m

the oldett eeuhti»h«d and bat the baat er «ottoa af SEEVANTS¦nth, city, >'^~~^~*tfs"tän.A4m*.T. A( HER.A Gndtuto of «m at*? Um Ural

New England Co, lee**, and an experienced Teaebns, d ¦-

.iti a SIT CATION Soai or W«et,. . ilkaRav. C. E. DEEMS UD, iWaaVaa. N.« .

,'**r*n*** } I rr«. HIT BOuClv, D D.. Arabern, Mat*.A.Vree* Boa No. 125 Amherat. Mam


ryo BPÄNIEH l.AW.IT.S. A youknf Nowa i orker havieg heea edailrted to the Bar eb->n' twa year*,who apeak* and write* the Speaiah urrtec it, Wiehre U eat** a

ürtt-ck.» LAW OEEICE, where hi. kaowied. at* the above,Itogutge coull be made of «oeae avail. A dress R. J, P., Tribuee t tSce.


rpÖ PARENTS, fiu-.-An inteliiiz.«nt, weila educated LAD wanted ia a tjiaauibaaaa Maraaaat'a 095c*

. ¦ i.c Apprentce. A jouth of a i.'hy aad pataaeeraac* weal Ibate a good tap. r tnlly of at! rearem »it. AoeW by ka'tee saed Box No. S.Ul Pott-Omct). in handwriting of epplvoaat,¦t mg ige, atutameuts. poaittaa of relative*, Ac. Oepla*. f teei imonialt woa.d be aacful, ao: oiigiaal*.

rpO 1 KINTKKS -Wanted a MAN capable, ..f1 taking charge of the BOOR tad PAMPHLET DEPARTM r n one ot the largest Priitmg Office* in thecaty. Hemuat have nerve enoagh to keep the department which te aader

¦gaal tu order, and .pirit enoagh to get eat taaea tbaa aae

wo.k ttatmie. To >ecb a one a deairetue dtaatiea ia open.Addreta CENTRAL, Tnbone IISlre.

IT S. SC HOOL AOEXOY and TEACHERS'1 e UNION 1X471 b> E. H. Wilcoi A Soft«, No tkiBroadway. .< P*'i tt»al'l»tro4*tT at One f*r C«*t. devoeedte CaivaaaaL Epic«ti.-\ by the invettmaute, SaAeetHpaktoaaad l.oLation« of < knkhoUUr» tn.l F- iradt, woo «Aar* igetel't«Waaraait of7 tekt) a.1 ipo p.-r Cent and incraaaaag a«q**ualai ee with the heat Educator* of All Nation*.

t i- at io\ i* the Horn ot I'aatsT*. of tae Cbvbch, and afOt K 1 ocvtby.

it RBBa*MaBTtva and CoaaBtroxDaaca Daily, dlliugAH Order*. \ tcaeciet and ( banget, tuitnig oearli every Schooltad Eaavlly. inviting the call« and pa rouage of taa Peop e.

( le k« are reaawable and transferable.«<J. BIO, BiJ, .>*!. Ac.So ch rge to pupils or (hr pr<u'.ag Librarl**, raroltor-.Piano Eortet, Ac.

WANTED.A PROTESTANT GIRL, iu a pri-I 1 »ate tan.i v. Must be a g'Kid C.h.k, Washer and ir.Hier.

Nine need apply unlea* weU recommended. Apply at No !9»ICth-et.

VVANTED--A llt^kaika by a yountr Man wboM understand* karining, Oardeniug. ami le eapab e of tat

Big ire . I Hois. s. (I sad reference given. Addree« M. (>., BoxNo. l«o Tribune Ottice.

IVANTKD. Hy a \oudk Man with tho requiaitetII exps rtence, who ha* a large acquaintance with Sretala.-

trade in tfia State, a situation at SALESMAN la a WknletaleOrec. rv boose, the engagement to be made la aaaaoa foe theKali trade. Addir«« PALL TRADE, Tnhaue Ofloa.

\\' ANTED.A eituation M COACHMAN, by aYT in ddle-aged Eutlisbmau who we underetaad* hie bam-

it; 1 as no oloectiouto the country, and can have «ooj r*e ¦

enoea in thw city. Addrea* A. B., ears of I. ASIIBY, Nu. StA11 h at., near Lewi*.

WANTED.A SHOEBINDER, wf,. uu.iertttndt Morocco and Oaitert, 'o work Id the baaaii, if a

1 Onl the etn have a room to herself boaid if r*qair*d| ii a

W low >hc ran have a floor (four«) at t3 a mouth; allycet ta will he peid every day work 1« not found. A «so a Buy whoym old wiah to ni|>row in NAIL l'EU IEWINO. Apply ni

M. It* PP. W a worth at., two doora ir on Myrtle tv., eautUi i' tut Brooklyn.

W kNTED e itry 8ALESMEN cTcaarMa \%\\Y» City aitk a aeei \pply m J. S.McCl BDY, No. «2 Whir, at , iu the rear.

\V ANTED- At No. 341 Hroa.lway, ibaaeraent,)Tl CL1 RR .SALESMEN PORTERS, UARKklvPE la,WAITERS, aeon en 11 i>s |..r Trade«. Ilrsaeiiieu, ElfataMB,ke.; 10 Men lor n Corn Mill, Men on Eartnt and Brick Y irds.

_TriOS. SPINE, Ageat.

11'A.VI KD. A r»?8pertable youni/ Mao (OerIt man) wi«he« to have a tit nation at SERVANT, WAIT

I R, or to ACCOMPAN ^ aOrntleman on jouruoy*. Apply ai

No. .«S3 Bn.ome-it., first flour.

WA.NTl,D^A~aitoa»ion aa COACliii^~b7ar*ta*CtalMe Proteatact Man. The best of reference given.

No objietion to go a »hott distance a the ooaatr*. Cas ba eaea

at Ne. US Ceiiar at., or addreae T. U., Box 101, Tribune Otfiee.

WANTED..A youiiK Man of gooei ability, andwho ia at nre«i i,t it eiiiployiuerit wisliet to get Work

aa COPYIST, ACCOUNTANT, or BILL COIAJUjTVu. Thobeit of refer, ma given at to respectability, Ac A Ira* wldreite.i to C. R, at tin* office, ttatiug name and reetdenee, willmeet attention.

WANTE]A few gtM MKN to eagmge in thoILK ot RAII.IiOtD MAPS. Inqabe et DANIEL

Bt Ri.E-St Co '., No. 60 Jihn «n

Co /ärmere anb («DtbcTti.BONE MANURE..The mtbacribor Bm ood

atu/rtly on hand a very (upertor artiel* ef para BONEDl ST. contietlng of sawing*. Illing« and ground bona.Order* received at the Work*, S8d at Eaet River; or at No.


MOWING an. BEAPING MACHINES atOHE A LY K EDITED I'RICf -s -K.unaaj'*. Barrall't,

1'. bn.h'.. M«/i)'a and other MOWINU iuid RE MMN 1 MA¬CE 1 S ES; alao a general ataortmeut of Agricultural Impie-m. du, Ouano, Bone Daat, Ac. for <ale by

JOHN MOORE, No. 198 Front .t

1TA-FEU .A fertilizer made entirely of nuhtA ss.ll. desiccated, inodorutand raised to a high «taodard by

f «alt« of ammonia, I« offered for sale by THEl.i 111 MAM ft AC it R.NO COM PAN Y at cheaper tbaa groand

f] hoaphate of Line or any o'her f-rtilixer in markst. It iaadapted to any crop.ha* baa uaed with tignal taacea* uponSummer etop«, such aa c.ihhage, turnips, buckwheat, and at taptreeairjg to tome at the i*«t Boeing | ateo apoa Walter grain.I acted in barrel* of about «0 lb*, it will be delivered on beard< f veaatl or railroad In the city, frea of »berge, dir rraekaaa or

cartage, at the rate of a>39 per tun. A circular with turtle r

lorn atlon wiS be (orwarded to any one applying for the mi..".


Coertiandt-tt, N. Y.

Coot anb founb.

IOST.On Satarday afternoon on 5th sr., be-J tween 8th and ."«.¦.... a THREAD LACE VAIL. A

sui able reward a... he paid for It at No. Iff* v.,.rn .t

9o U)t)om it filun Cortrcrti.

AI'KRSONAOK 'feminine jrenden of 17 or

therethoaU. rich y endowed web lurcllecti el gif e, endaooie at baking leant, withea to turn the aaiuamteaee of a nice

young Man. with « new of a Matrimonial alluree. He maat baa p .aide durpoairion, and willing tu remain aiiet f meet af iha

fine. Monev ao objee'(wi'h the applicaut.) A . .p. one fromBarnum's BaLy SI nw a recuimeadaii it Addn a* witb fallparticular*. BETSEY, Box No. 141 Tnbuaa Office.

AN INTERVIEW deoired with aotne Gentl»man of m. abaoical taete who intend* to viate. th« Eahib.-

ti n at Psria. and who woald like to TAKE CHAKOE. apsaaaouie teima, of a late valuable Invention. Addrea* J, D. W ,

Boa No. Uli Poat-OAce.

BOATS .PLKASl'/RE BOATS of all detocrip-tioaa can be found at the celebrated Boat aad Oar Bataar

ot 1NOERSOLLS. No. 230 South *t. N. B.-eU BoatatVoto14 to ¦ feet long can be fitted out at oae day/a aotiee.

CAUTION .All peraona are forbidtlen to pur-chate or negotiate a PROMI-SoRY NOTE, made sent

indorsed by aa, dated Feb. M, 13.'x>, payable to ear order, eagntmi oths alter date, at tkva MerehaatV Exehatuaa Bank ia NmwYtrk City, for Fourteen Hundred Eighty two Dilltrtand ThietvCan ( oti. Said Note wa* mailed May 10, 1*36, as

Erwin a Rundall. Ncru Miiford, Coon., and ba* never

reached them. Payment thereof baa a*»n «Ceiioel. N«w-Tork,Jause». HtSft, LEE, faüatJ»HT bC^o.

MIS- KM .MA BROWN, the youag Wuuimqwho wrote to Maw L of Brooklyn, dated New-York,

bar eddreat or celt oa taa perwan «berrote to.

ISTax CoMMittioiaat' Orrica. i

No. St Chimber* at. baaemeut jf New City Hall. Jc/ricE to tax-Payers..The ajScse-s.

... ME Si ROLLS of thaeeverel Wardaof the CUy of N-w-\ ark will be opened tor extminatloa and review fp.m MoHDAI the 21*t of May. until MONDAY the Jfith day of Janeincituate. AU 1 aa-Ptvert detiroae of tad correctinglive teid Roll* are requested to make appiicatioo to the aadersigned, at rkekr »41 re. between the hoart of 9 A. M. aad 4PM

J. W. ALLEN, )'r* *.

ukm' j";-!*. ;iSK& )T"Coaaaiteännar*.rrKOW- NEW-YORK ( ITY DIRECTOR.* eeamptled by it. WILaoit.OrBee, No. 34 laust., New

'i ***** 11, 1B5A..All person* wbeae anraaaaee oeam-rae«with either ot the letter* E. L. or M. are respectfully moaesttelto c« with or «.-ud the necessary i' formation f.' iiublir.atl.,11 athe < ) Directory. JOHN F. TUoW, Pabileakar.

UaaiiLTOX Wobk*, Newxbk, N. J., Jux»7, laMA

1,(» architects, iiltldkks, Ac.-A »rtvliRinarr Meeting of fh.ate lourested ia the AETTFILIAL

MM.'-.K Ht'SINkriS. earned uo at tU «bore Werkt, will'akaplase at the Metropolitan If., .. Saw York, oa FRIDAYEV ENTNO the IStk tnat., for tb* purpuaa of orjamtiBg aCenu-aaay, to which year atteatioci U rerpectftiliv iaetted.

JOHN wool), Becraeary peaaaaa.
