HEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TU H nCW-TORE DULY TRlBülYea r. fr« '.«r "\P.B1 M0BN1NO »bd BTBNIB6, SSt'BntY UCBPTBD.) ¦ Y fi»KIir,f * M c- .! L llf I, m mm «urii at'ii eiset. coBBcm or aa««*t> abd aratva- BTBBtJTI Pt nYg TAI CITT ti l ga] Aarrvvred la « My Seherrl rr« >t 124 est* par sree*. tartan 4. * a..!, .t-.w.p|-... fgmmmimm.hS, tar \tm mmtm »i M. BBJf> »KW-YORK UKRKLT TH1HA Bit, 4 VERY LA ROE PtPKR f 'R THE COIHTBY. rsery StTuantr Mobbibo si (ba low prten of AT Sbs*b an NTU<*\ »b'ss BOp*** fo* .*! ElTa oot>«S fjl fan ecpiee for B1*; sad* P*P*' ¦ to bo ease eood «N bev Bbe Date for which tl I* p IB *<!«. for *h\t wUl ba barged Sb.VT.NfT FIVE CENTO PEE LINE Of bbbbb ib.i Lorn THE -F.WI-M KF.KI.V T'llI'.VM', pawa;****-! every Trrtotv «Ad rim.T Mi ring Price 03 atgraaasaat Two *o«*e* for O-V Eiva a»pW for $11 S6. AeV f^ibji-'- eaata a !ina for «ach IjaMrtW THK STEW-YORK 1 RI.'IT \»: v9i ¦fBpriAJ CIRCULATION, psebPsiVf »r 'b*set>«*terr» of «ach Mail SteBraer for Ltveraoei at 0* par bbbbbi. pcwUfa ladeded. Single oopiee six Cent*. THB6 NV \\ -. ORK TRTOUrTKI fOB CALIFORNIA, OIF.OOS, AND THE sandwich islands. ¦ aaRBMan er Lb* d*paitor« of each Mall Steamer for Aaplo- mnM at 0' *<* per um». Kregle «rptee ¦ Ceota. Special iVoUrr© r«»f-Offlrr Kottre.-THE MAILS KoR C ALIFORNIA, A- e»r I Bi*eSS«eba* ,u»m<r GEORGE LA w, «rill elote *.- fa*) tSxe an PRi DAY, the 7th day of Oeceo.ber. et I o'clock pav_ISAAC V. FOWLER. PoMrnaeter. Harr 1 bapajl Leetarea.-Tbe Fen'th L-cture of t'je Oaaraewlilb« deltrered on FaIDaY EVENING, Oec. 7 at .it'c.rek. b> the Ree. H. w. BELLOWS, ga'j c'.i " Hinte ¦ Fs'toaa Ccnfaiplatlng the Orand Tear) Or. At what *fe, B iV" eoiiiBaar. bow prepared, end wi ji what expectation* ajal wnt tbtu d we goto Europe.'' Thift* for the C, urae, . | tingle admkatloB, 25 eentf. Mar kesMauedtf ( HARLE-» S PRAMl<t A Co., No. 252 Broad- war. T J.cRuWEN, No. 6M) Broadway, and at the Ac or. Lei as Lire la be I erfnl.-MEt HANK S' INSTITUTE laCTl Rl- ' for 18V. and '.*.-Prof. JuHN W. s Ho WS of Caan Ma College- wil> reiher the Third Lectors of tbe course Mere ire Inetuote a' C lrton Hell, A*tor-pl*ca, on FRIDAY FT EMM; Urceuibei 7, couiuienclna at 7J o'clock. Subject, * a*tk'epatrr'< Tragedy of Joiina ( mar." Ticken of edmis- A*e 10 at at* earl', io be had at tba door Member* can pro fata hbatr .r*.. i. ucbeu fte* from the Librarina at the Institute loeai». (I HAS. H. !)? LANAN. 1 erture Commute. MOHN MARTiN. ( wm. garner. I A Kenn la r .TfantLlv BlnrtlBaj »f lb*> Veteran Corp« af Iii«- W uraf 1 MI .-Will t.. h»ld at deadquartar*, H. 2. BIEL' Star BTaaal No. fit Li*T>>nard *-., PRIOAY EVEN IN'. Dra T. at T|. Baaaataal attendanc« i* reii'ieeted on bai'- a*** rf Impci tance. By order. H. RAYblOiND, CoL Wm. TaVLoa, Adjutant. fjhemli i.l I.tTtarra. Dr. DORK MI'S would n *p»rt felly aceonece tba' be wul deliver Ponr Leetaro* en the im- aatdrrable tore**: Light, Heat. Electtli ity and Mapnetlem. la Be ( ennral l ecture t<x m of the new- York Medical C-d ega Bert Ub.t., near fh- av., ob tbe EVENINGS of SATUR- BAY I'r «; va EDNEBHaT. Dec. IT; RA TUR > AT, D-e. 15; fVEDNE-PAY, U.v at 7J ee-elock. The Leetore. will bi i aatiated with experiment*. Ticket* for the Oaejaaa Bfl .le¬ af*' a.ii n. 15 cent* to obtained at Mee.r*. B. Pike A No. SM Hnadway; D. App eton A Co., No. .1*8 Br lad .aj.C M Francit A Co. No T,2 Broadway, and at the Modi- til. .!. i *aat 13: hit, Tbe Twelfth Annual Krpajn and Dirertory of tn~r Etaaruiilon for lniproTlngj tbf Cuntllilon of the Paar being sow ready, rub.cnoeri will be «applied a* early M praerirable at tb'lr realdencee, or by callia*. on R, K. BARI I F v. No. 3j |!i tie Hinte, Artor place, or on aay of the BRicBii f m . '. M the- A*e- eia'i ie and mem-tera of the Wetd CeaaBBtteea, who ar- author a'd to reciee tuheenptlona, vtai JAMES BROvVN. Pre.i lent, No. 59 vVall-at. GEORGE GAIN VOLI», No. 72 Sonth aL,> JAblEt BOOKMAN.No. » brtnvlway, > V. Pree'U. HOKartO «.I LI N.No. 21CMnton jraee, S ROBP. a. at IN II II \ Seeietary. No. 78 S mth-rt.' let Warrt..Jam** C Rameey No. »s' Cedar *u lid W aid..Geo ge W. Abbe. No. 4J John et¬ il 14 Wam..Wm. I>. Ham. No 3 College p'aee. rVth Ward..Abiah»tn Fard m. Jr , No. lfkt Maiden lane. Vth Ward..A. R Wetmore. Na 81 Veeey-at, Tlth Ward..1*. ('. F-rereit, No. 117 Whlte-et. Til n ^"ard..John H Ori'com, M.D No 233 E. B' 'war. Vllltb Ward..Jwph B. Collin*. No 97 We*t Htn at. IEib Ware., lame* O. PoBd, M. D.. Na. 47 titi-ar. Xth Ward.. Jatnee Horn, No. 9 Chraetie-*t. Xlth Ward..S. P. Pauereoo, No 3A5fi.lnt, Xllta Ward-.t ba*. N. Decker, 117ih at., Bear St ar. XMItb Ward..Lewi* Chicbeeter No. 292 ITaet Broadway. XIA'h «-'ard..Al»x. W. Murray. No. 1M Wumter at. XNlh W*rd..TTiomaa Derna.No. 1' Clinton-place. R\ Ith Ward..Luther Jar aeon, Nj. 19 Waat 22d el. XVM b Ward..8 C. I.. No. 47 S\ Mark'r piace. IVIIItn W.,d-K. E b'rther, No. 144 Eaet Kith «L X Xth Ward..l». W Morrte, No ^" l aat 5t)tti irt. XX'b W.rd..r. II Ru.her, No. If3, Weat 30th *t. XXI.: Ward..ltaac Oibaoo No. 2dlitli ar. Kbild Ward..A. M. Ljcaa, No. 172 Waat 43d et _r. U. HARTLEY, Beeretarr. "rar Ha.aa ! informationjfa'oitonaly given at tha N. V. BAmiAH LEAfalfR, No. 11« Broadway, aua paaeanger* eeat eo* f n.bly .t.d ebeaply. AMCKIC AN HP.rTLF.MK.NT CO. at t»e tame effiee. BM W ALTTR, Oeo. Bop'u Tearhrra' Aaaorlation..The firat Latitaaa of the Conree dorn « ti e pteaent t\ u ter in eld of tbe Teacher.' Libiary Fand wUl le relivrred by Dr. JOHN H. QElBOOM. on SATUR¬ DAY EVENING Rrhinat et 7J i 'cli ck io the Hell of the Board of Fdoce i> n. corner of Graad a'.d Elm-ate. Sabject : "The \ aloe of PVBI Aia and VaXTILATtOBT. dapecially to Teacb»'»and Pnpii. " 11 tat. of admiaaioa 2* oeot*;Seaeon Twkua Al-c*P be obfattifld frixn the Library Committee, the Öftrer, af the Aaaociaium. or at the door on tbe evenira* of the leit. .- JOHN B, FANNtHO, President, LxoSaBti HaxriTON, Ch'n of Library t on.uiittee. !%*> Mrirnpnlttfin Mtrrua rrrata " Katablinbairnt. .Pak iabi in if r>ti .paper*, P*mphleta, vender* of I'.tnnt Meg ':.. and of*-er bn»in*ae flrai» re.inliitig NEAT AND BXFl DITIOI ¦ PEElStVOEK, b Urge ii.-iinali uantitiea. are iuftn-ne1 that the enhacrlbar baa r»a v ei la'gett and Improved'hl* farlii'iee t< r exectitloa RESSWORK ot the ltrgeet ar ama'leat fixe iu ihe Lett and atott ei pert it' mant.ar, by the addition to hi-former large eetab iat.inaBt. of TliRl.r OF HOE'fl LATEST HfPEOVED ''RESSES. Or e d->able cj linder, 40 by 60, aui ab e f-i Newipeperajof kbelargeat alae and two drnm-rt lirdere, for fine PIrtonal* or Bonk »rrk. Printer* havttg feeiliiiea for Conipr-*ition, bnt not for Free« work, will be aeeomiuocatej on rea*oaa>le Mini and ihoit Berfre, *o flat they ras compete with the r more f .rtonai* Miabboia J. THOMAS, No. 59 Aaa-et. Her I h amerimn Klret m.urn.irr t umpiiiit aar, aMtbv BeV'.taai, wltb a large ¦«r(,l»».Otlice No. 6 wail-*L Tetaara aganat Uee or iamage bp P RE at Iba eaUb'.Ubad ^* JAMES w. OTIS, Proatdaut a, BlbBcbbb, Beeretart. NgM'i-liil »oll. ». 11 t ', T !' R S e .! I'!'1'. N t C E V\ bar¬ bs* B ereiMbl« irrfoTti od that several p-reoii* Hi the trace, (whom waren ram*,) to help the aale ff tbeir ajtiaJr*. te.l oartlea the' w have gene ont of buaineae aad that the HEDENBEK \ HP.ATr R ciuiDn'. he had. We take th'e nievtiwl of informing tbe pu>>l c that it * all a base fabticatioo. u.txi by pe-aon* viid af prir.ip'e, who canoot tell tbeir good* «xiept by rnakioc paeipl* lieve ther eaa get oo other Karüieriaote. we wouid Mat*, we wrre awarded at Ute late I air af the Auiencan Inetl- late the blgheM pretr.iame Bf fcOaWBI For the baat P arable Heat. r. allvei medal, for the bc*t Lit Air Knrnare for Coal. mm) for :he beat Hot Ait Fomace for WchiJ, ».her metal. We are precate.^ to wann room* and ball^iuga ot all rliteon the beet ai .1 we.l aarer aine.l a tiiri|il.*. aod we are deter mined that ear wi ik eha'.l be in Die fu'ure what II alwty* hu been, of the eery beat, a'd BBwhrj aecure fmm fl»e. Onrrtxk comprise* aavetitren BMaAfa IDaier*, Pottaiie 11 rna^'o* and Biick Kur- aaore ir c'ndlng both tl e laral t an. emalleat Heating Appara baa ever itlerea the ruble We mtci'. aca.l from partiea who «aet warb tV ne wel . t. L. HEDENBFRO A SON. No Walkar-M.. tone door* wvet of Broadway, N. Y. Mplritaallam.- The eloonent end philo*>phical ler'uraeot JOaL TIFFAmY, who rank* praemiueruv among Spi'itual aapnondei«, *l I root it, ie in Stnyveeant KaaUtaaa on I AI DA Y P.\»N'NG l>e. atT|o'clock. AdmUe'su !0 cent*. Tbeee aartor*. Mir the propl* are atttacting large, intelligent and is Bam ly interested andiescea. . ACatJ. Mr F O. RO :RV woald WBarOtfattj irt ra ibi Lalia* ot bra toik aad brookltn that be may he foend at No, 43t Broadway, ,. rner tl IL v a-ü-at , WBCrt he will be hfippy to aaraa the to « Kb l.a"le*. Cbildreat, Misse* isd chilrsn'* Sbos* ka graat aarteii** n.ane ol the "eet ua.erial by easetior work- Ma. at rsawasble pi,ose. He flatlet* him*-if that h.t loa* eatab'U^ed lepatelion for maunfarn.tiag gont. baadsini* a.d eAeap SLoee. will secure lolai very 'inert, auusni of aatrou age. Evry aariety of Ladiea'Shwea mad* ba order with diipateh. i!Xmnei-mcnt9. I? i <; ii i ii ANNUAL BE HIKi i d I i H I D K A M A T I (. F N D Mi,l tan place a* Die BR >A 'WAY THEATER, on U EI»NI SDAY, Dec. It, \tU>. I ituar iss a pertblssdsocs < f II. O. 8".AK«INS, eaq »tesideti». JAMK.S*r BRADY. rHj1'" w' p. CHAPMAN, ose. , J. BKoiOHAM. a*-,.. J ttiKEON.oto. I PRESCOTT U ALL. ss«j. coMkiiiTaa oa rtatoxMtv a. ¦/.I HLArtl B'^aaa.v Tb-ater. J BR<»1 OH tM Wal talk'., art I MOtiRE Barton's Th'Stsr. A ttiO < a ' actwe b. 1 wil mm prasai. sd. B.x Poxk op»n tae Tlea ¦ aa MJNDAY, Drc. 10. whate aaly tuktit and piecet eaa be aer .reJ. _a¦ C. WEMYgS, Secrataiy. GJBO. CBM1B11 A, WOOD - MlNsiaULS, K..411 BR"»nw«Y **t>**^ oPRN g.Vr.KY r V EN I NO. TVkeas at saau til kaaiu'ie* traaaa by H. W.iyj. LUKLKV* bätBKMAI >i:i:s, No. .>J3 BliOAL)- WaY..O'eat laeoeee; ireaieti" >at tiu'it*'; rr »I i bwaar* 'o wttsaee dtd-tui Tregedv ttj V1LUK1XB b\N0 Iiis DINAH akM 'i I tieauiltul 1 dlCE Huuj£ MA/EPPa. MX RO MINSTRELSY p'reri.e* tfc* Tragedy Coacejrt ooeu Ban-" "} ""* Adnutaiaa 2>enuu. Gli'hAi Ml 1 AX N0VKLTY..The Al.KX- a N Mt BAM1 .V A Tmope of M t'E MILE AMERI¬ CAN nil1 L-RiNtiERt* auai \ oCALIa I'.a-wl'I eoexaiauoe a eeagrie f ti tir sst igutbisg eptartstriBtet Is at Meebaair* tin'. He 47.' Hr adway. en MON 'A^ BY] NJNO Dec 1< and Beat" "* nn'tl furtbet roti'a. rtviii. v KI.vI'aL i'ALACU is ÜPtaV, aud oon- M lalr.t anaoy new BJtl valu'-b e tin<i<tlir*, ma'b'e Matuary, Pais'i'it I Bf 'Vg* in Plafegsnd B ir.i- Ma-h'aary, Arrleal- Bait lir.ai tseois. Model*, Trirs 0 t a Oroanietu, Arteisnt T>set 't tilonrs'''* <f DON Ql IX'irE and valosd at BTMrc eaca tbe property of a BBantah Mooarab. sow la the Caaua... idea AiU'ricao ciuaeav It will repay toe rurwai MM lover* of art te vbrlt tbe CryMal Pi lac* V0L- XV.IY>. 4,566. ACADEMY OF MUSIC- TWENTV-NINTH HIOHT OF THE SEASON. ... Madame DE I. A OR1N1', for the firtt t'ane is tbe role »f I.aere,» Borgia, 10 Donlt5itrg Oiand Opeie, ia tt aete, LUCHE ZT A BORGTA, Ob FRIDAY EVENING. Dec 7, 1AM. MaffeoOrttBi.Mile. NANTIER DIE DEE. Oeaaero.S'gnot BRIGN'iLl. DukeAfoe»o. Slgiur AMGOIli. Vi.elttto (ear eotnpleiaatii *).8i«nor KOVERE. Hgnaii Gl ILIO »i a Ali V 'L :i »Ul aleo appear. NOTICE! Tbe redaction in prWe. to » parte or (he ' >n««. to ONE DOLLAR. Sernred Seat* SO renn Extra. A nip In-heater, 2*» cent*. ¦Bllia! Director end Condoefor.MAX MARKT/ER. Doort rpen at 7; Opera commence! at 8. Re»erved eeeta may be obuined at the Principal Office, eor- ner Bn ad way and Mm. tt. at Danatin'i Ag< ncy. Jolne'a Mo¬ tte ri" re No. Mi* Broadway, and at Hall «V Soti't Piano forte and Mutic Store No. 239 Broadway. NI ß L O" CARD E TZ- THE WONDFRFUL EAVEL FAMILY, and Mile. TH Mil - A ROHEKT. and tbe SAL'-r-T COMPANY. FRIDAY EVENING. Dee. 7, v. The entertalDBiente will commence witb the Comic Panto¬ mime of tbe FOUR LOVERS. CbaracterebytheRAVKL FAMILY. To be totlowed by the Btllet of KarEYiortho VIVANDIF.RE. In which Ml e. ROBr.RT and the Ballat Company will appear, tbe wbo.e to conclude witb ASPHODEL. Chance» by tbe RAVEL FAMILY. raitaa ot- »DMiteiot: TITKETS.FIFTY CENTS Tbe omy Seata that ran be aeeured in advaaee are: Oreheetra Sea a.$1 00 Private Boxet.-.6 oo Boa Office open daily from tin. to 3 p.m., for ereurmg Oreheetra Statt and Private Box tu only. WAlaLACK'-^H^ and Par- qnet, SticeiU; Family Circle. SScenU; Stallt. Bl; Pri¬ vate Boxet, *tt and *7 .Doora open at fij o'clock, performance aommence at 7 .TH a EVENING w '- performed: LITTLE TREASURE. Capf. MevdenMnab.Mr Lteter Lady Florence.Mra. Hoey Mi C. Howard.Mr Su-^ari Mrt. Meddl*tun..Mra Veinon LAVATER: Or. Not a Bad Ji'Dc.r. Mr. II-tu at .M: G Holland I Loulae.Mieo Kate Saxon T. conclude with PERFECTION. VV ALLACK » THEATER.-NOTICE.Mr. v * WaLLaCK bega respectfully to announce that, from nncontrolalde circum»tat reu, HIS BENEFIT, advertieed for To-morrow (TuctCej) Evening, _18 POSTPJNE a. BURTON'". CHAMBERS 8TREET. .FRIDAY.THE SERIOUS FAMILY and TBE TOODLEa. Aminadab Sleek and Toodle...Mr. Bnrton. Capteln Murphv Mannte.Mr. G. forden. Lacy Sower by Creamley and Mr«. foodie.Mr. Hnghea. Ibe new Comedy of FALSE PREIENSES emtimiet to attract crowded and lattiouab.e andirneet, and ellciu gennlne applaute ar.d hrtity langbter. It will be played TO-MOR- RO A , and r.VEIl Y NIGHT next week, Mondty excepted. BURTON'8, CHAMBERS STREET.. Mr GF.OROE IOR DAN, with much rrnpect, Informt bit fritndt that hia BENEFIT will take place on MONDAY NEXT, Doc 10, When will be preterited (firet time at thia Theater) Shakrpeare't ttagedyof HAMLET. Hinutt, Piince of Denmark fir»t time.Mr. (; Jordan Po,onini.Mr. Baitoa Ophelia.Mm E. Thorue With a favorite Farce. Box Book now open. P" RATIONAL THEATER.A H. PURDY, Man- I ager and Proprietor..Dreaa Circle, 2Sc«uta-, Pit, 111 can's Orokaetra Chain,M> eta..THIS EVENING will be performed: CAPTAIN KYD. Robert.Mr. I. H. Allen Elpty.Mitt Hathaway Favorite Daoce and Soot VALENTINE AND ORSON. V alentine.Mitt Hathaway Orton.Mr. G. L. Pox MAGIC ROSE. Pippo Daffodilly...Mr. O. L. Fox Emmt.Miit Angaia BROADWAY THEATER..E. A. Marahall, aole liail.-Boxea and Parquet. S* cent*; Family Circle and I pper Tier, 2.', ceuta; Private Boxea, &S and *)'!. Doora open at ,. commenoa at - o-elock..THIS EVBNINO, will ba per to mtd: MART OF MANTUA. Leon.Mr. C Fiaker I Maty MantuaJulia D.Hayne Ma: ire.....Mr Groe.eaor j Bianca.Mate. Ponaei Herrunaez.Mr. Vincent Lady Ahbett.Mn. Warren A MORNIN* CALL. Sir Edw. At dent. Mr. Feano Mn. Chiilingtea.J alia D.Hayne ÄRNÜM" AME,RICAN MUSEUM.. Per'nimanoe In the LION'S DEN at 24 and 7 p m. The LIVING WILD BEABTB, the l.ioat, IJcreat Tigert Leosarda, Bear, Zebra, Lama, GlnBe, and alao HAPPY FAMILY, may se .ern at all timet. FRIDAY, Dee. 7. Afternoon at 1 I 1U E LOVE, and RACE. FOR A DINNER. ETeniag. *t'1 Tte greet Frenrh play of R AFFAELLE. Admittance 2icenta; Children under 10,1?J can fa. MADAME DE MLLIERS will give a GRAND CONf ERT at the Atheaa-um, Atlantic-**., Brooklyn, f)n MONDAY EVENING l>ec. 10, aaitted by Mad, WALLACE BOUCHELLE, Brother. MO' LENHATKR, Big, BERNARD!, M'a CARL WELLS, Piamat. Tiekett. SOeentt To be had at March'i Bnokatore. A-lat.tu iL, Rote's Book.tore. A'lmtic at ; Meihew'a Mnacatore, Coart at ; Lord A Sinilb'a. Fulton at._ ACADEMY HALL. No. GGu Broadway, oppo.ite Bo'd .i .For poatiivelv twelve night* oa'y, aommancing MONDAY Dee 10. Dk'S. 1 ti-principal memban ot the origi¬ nal and we,l tnotan CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, organlaed In 1P42, cciuptiainr E. H. Pierre J. »V. Raynor, N. W. Ooald, J B. Dcmiker, I.ewit Mao», T. Chrittitn, B. Mal ory, vv f t'ollint, H. Haatington, L. Coodit ai d Jttopb Morph», who mrtt reapertfoilv armoanoe to ibi Ir o'd triepd» ted p«LroBt in pew-Yotk ttt elveot their CHASTE AND FASHIONABLE Ml SICAL SOIREES, at above. Since their I sat appeannce in title city they hate added to their a'reedy exta- tiva repertoire uiany new tonga, Otncat, Ac, tod tbey will now be able to pie- .entaNEW FltOGKAMMFi TrlROL'OHOL'T. replete with new d oelral tern*, aew character aanrea. and new kur.eaquae Tba lintcblneon * amuy. Ten minatet ai the Academy of Ma¬ ne, »ith BMM new. ijuaint, qo'xziaal aad qaiet bon matt.in fact, a little of evervtniag aad e.rrybody. For e tht yean tka above troare penoiiBed at No. 4ft Biotdway, nadnr tae direc- tn n of E P. Chiiity. wh.i uo longer connected with ibecorpa. In fact, their namet are a»iao.iiia- aaboaaehold worda Porpar- .n ulera tee bile. Tickut, cen'a. P»rti, fi.aa NoTltt.. The above tionoe have (now) no roaoectkin with E. P. Chntty. On MONDAk Dec .i thyy parlortu tu Philadelphia D~tjältx>:rf-g^ oooUU.1 160 of the Boeat PAINTINGS aver pot opoa ¦ thlbltion Oaea DAT aad EVENING. AdmltUnae » eta. 4JPIRIT Mg»MEESTATION8 .Mrs. W. B. k^ t CAN. Rapping and Wtitug Tait-Mediu'n. No. UAi Oiaad tt., » few doort we«l pf Rroedway. Pub is flrel** daily fn ¦ 11 to 12 a. m., 3 to 5 and 71 to 91 p at. Admiaaioa *> ceatt. Private Sitting! dai.y from V to II* a. m.. 12 to 3 and 5 to " p. m. lVftrj Uubhcutitmo. VAPOLEON AT BT. HELENA - In HARPER A BROTHERS, Ne. 327 to Paarl-et. (Franklin »onare psbl'th Thia Mornlag, NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA; Or, l*Te*r«ti\w Anipoin »vi> Rimiuiki iCt*tiisi, ok, oi Tin Eatrcioa BaTUBB tuc PtTI ikninill TBABJ Bf Iii» CafTlviTT. C, üerted from tte Memoria.» of Lat Caaaa. O'Mean. Montho- Iod, Antrmmarrl-i, and othera By Jons S. C. Arbott. With llinetretioae. <ivo.. murlio, ML Thia volume ia devoted to an account of '.he leat yean ot Na pol eon, dancg b.a exile ander the eoaamaad of tke Briutk Gov emment. Corrmencing with the vtya^a to St. H am, c. arklek it (ivet an intereeting sanative. . pracecda to deaaiibe ti e |B0| routine of tbe fa en Emperor from hit landing ea the ,rland till Ma death. The record of hit ccavertatioaa on a great vat.ety of topica ia ftll of intr:e»t, and lend* to confirm the » ewa pi'teL'ed hy .Mr. A >koU in bit kiographv of Napelaoa. TJ aKlkaMBja^ ^ be MBawMg tra «el! ac»p»*d to all read--»: 'HREE UvXiD JOUENALS El LIFE ILLUSTRATED; A rtaVST II AM FAMILY PAPER devotee1 to N«we Mi e-j'u-e. S.i'-jcr, the Art*: to rx ra., tainm »»T, iNraJva ».» >t »n<i Pr.-i.ai Pabiihed week'y a: *. a year. THE WATER-CURE JOUBMAL: r»drrp»-hv ita Pln'jt^pbya iP'act'ee: PPvaolofy, Aaat otpy and the Law» ot Life ai d Hea-th. Bl a y»*t THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted t" all 'hce«> Progrea.iv« r)«a»ir»e l»r the E>evaUoa and Itnprovemaat of Mankind. I »»tr»UKi $1 a year. PoaThtB» Dct.l»a», all three w'X be e*a! a year. Adciratt FOWLCl: k W EI LS. No. Broadway, New Yoia. LM.EOAM' Bll LESauJ PRA\ ER i; ><>KS.~ t\j ,l.e»u'" ber baaBOBToa l.jndaiaige ai i keaaiifal a»- a< n at rf IMBIFS t «'1 '. .''¦*,r ol wblth are v«rv rH I.TE« BOO I an rbe ( HURCH akBVlCE in .tfiai'e iai:*tv 'n ivotv, ve'vet, ai d morocco All tbe Ml eel »-,eoo» W>rk» pjbliaBel ie th*a e-«iiatry are rerelvtd i-tu «-S and w! 1 be aald »? tbe loweat pn.a TliOS tt. STANFORD. 'La-e STANFORD eY BWORDS.) No ii37 Brci: tray. \EW MUBIO for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 11 at HAI F PP1CE-Btsatilo'lv S«md I r «1 >'.-UnU J.n ltSk.we offer oar large atock of MUSIC at half price. * ii a ntaaaai to th« ti«-le and pivfeeaion lor oaah. Our lira c'.ae PIANOS will be reuUag at wh .le.aie price* All other » ticJe» at tbe unua ratlociioa. Catalogaee of oar let-ret aad pre lett Butt a«nt free of poatage to a I parte of tbe chantry. Penoaa reoo»*ii » at lo a»leet toy ftdcu tt ttyle of Mutlc aiey rary upon getting tbe f ee» ptec.a t OOE A BRO., Na 343 Broadway. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY ANEW lid CHARMING NOVEL : I R8TELLE GhANTj OB TP I LOBT WIPE. Large !2mo., c ots. P.-i't (1. oiiiicii or tur. nt»». " Bur. hook of the iea»cr." JN. T. D*rpa rh. " Tbe chartetert are aataral to life.'' Set. Ere. UaJoa. Ertex. Mae* Powrr of delineation, with r ear neat Mti aabtle deb racy' are the charaelerietict of tola work.'' [Alb. Era. Joarau. " Tbi» tocrbrj.g work »iL fin ] a fr>n '. in »»e-y hjaath ild where there if a thiating It'-' nr. -.,» «¦ irt heart." [Uome Circle, N. T. " Thi« it a work cf »x'raordiaarr iatarett. one that wilt ea. tiitic tbe mind of the teader from the Mginniag f> the end." C.i einnatl (iatt'e. '- The teener are iWd ted fall ef life " (Leattville Jenraal, " The t hi-"<.:».» are rlrawa by one w»V, verted in tbe vsrioa« pheeri cf human ..atere.- [City Traet, Colnaibar, Ohio. " No one can iced Ettelie Grant' withoot a deep impretnoa beir t left on the mind." | rribuce D- roit. " We fe«i jnatified in pronouncing it a book of anoraa) iaur. tat" [Morning Herald. Harriaborg. "Tbe Heroine of the tale it a moat atnkiog and remarkable chareater." [¦Sa'arday Poet. " Thie it a Morel of thriving internet in which the Minor bat aimed to »bow tbe centra*? between tntoe aad nee." Sunday Atlac " Thi re are few rarrat.ee» even among thoae U u, . np with the cm.rn « tkill ef a Diekena, or a Dnmat. which poteet* g .-eater iaterea than the et citing itory of' The Loat Wife."' I A'atarford Ditpateh. " lu ciitra- 'eia are drawi with a bold and mea-arly hand." [ " n Ameriean. " It will impel the benevolent to aeek forbidden and loatgema af virtue and ttutb in the lowly hovel " (St. Loait Bepab. "Tie totbtr It evidently a peraon of deep thongbt, poaeeaaing a alee peiception of the bumorou* in life, ani a fund of proper aentivent." [Philadelphia Satarday Coarier. " Hii» it a deeply interfiling ttoiy ef the wrongt of ao injurrd *v<m»n.bej trioit. and her repentance " at real Pilot. " ' Eatcie Graut ItWIBttBB w. b mach p;w r and marked ability. Ita { lot it natural, tad ita ttyle diamatic and impreai' iva." [New-York Exprem "The ta> i.« an exceedingly clever and readable one. and rill lind a large aircuiation." [New-York Herald. GARRETT A Co., Pablitbera. No. 18 Ana-rt. Alto, for aale by ail Boobaeilere. T~W~Ö GOOD BOO K~S" 1HE MATCH < . 11'. i.; Oa, LDH SCENES AS TUET ARE. ui'.ra:.id, Pri.-i + 25. OT7B FIRST FAMILIES. A Novel of good-Society. I'lattraieJ. Price *1 25. THREE GOOJ BOOK.": THE ESCAPED KU If. A u itvelation of Convtut Life, which the Jeaoite eta never tappiett. Price t>l. AWFUL DISCLOSURES OF MARIA MONK OF TUU HOTEL DIET' MONTREAL. Price 7 s, ceota. lhia it a work which created great excitement at tbe time Of ita pub i. ation, ani hat never been diiproveC. kit KNE8 IN THE PRACTICE OK A NE W-TORK SUR¬ GEON. Illattrated by Dai ey. Price A>1 25. The preta from all partt of the errantry apeak in tbe highett teimt of Doit trrrk. In Pre«t and nearly Ready: OEOFFBEY MONCTON. By Mat. Moomr, Author of ' Roughing It in The Buah." Piiae »I. THE HUNTER'S FEAST. By Mtvar. Rrti>. Illattrated. Price ft. KATE WESTON. Bv Jr-.au Dt Witt. illnatrated. I'riee *>1 25. DE WITT A DAVENPORT, No*. 160 aad Bjj Naaaan at THE IKIHH ABROAD AND AT HOME.. D. APPLET JN a Co.,Not Uto ard 341 Broadway, Publlab on FRIDA» THE IRISH AUROAD AND AT HOME ; AT HIE in K i AND IN t'ik CAMP. With Souvenir« of the Brigade. Rr.Miaucti.cK6 or an f mk.r»*t Milihih. I vol., 12m©., Cloth. Price, t)l. "Tliaiaavery agrteab y writtea boot, giving aketcbet a' many of the Flrtt Men wbo tigered datie| the la- ht'f e-atnry. Tbe witter watthe l'aiia Correapondent of The Loadon Time* and had in that capacity abunilant oppoituuny tu oeiome acquainted with mtny th'ogt which are utaa 1> vailed from the public eye." Extract trim the Table of Contentt. Fnl'on, Franklin, and Marthel »exe on Steam; Strada an I hi-, trie Telagiapn; Ameiicau Ordar cf Cincinna u«: Laj y To icr rial, Ls:lv ia at rt on Mlaainui t-i England and to Ruatia; The Ca Ira ot F'ankltn; Trial. Conviction aad Exeeacton of Lull); Immorality of ircuia XV. aju hit Uvpocrny; Tie lie gn ol Te.. r Pitt; L( rd Cattle-eagh; William IV. tai tka Tel acion« V- n a of the Kova' Fami y The Fai'nlettneat of INapoleuu toward H.e Int..; Mr Pitt auj Lord Neuwa oa the tub i ct of Ir.va-ior, Napo'e'i.'a Egoiame and Fatal Ingrttttui* to Poland; The I nited 1 lirtimt. o: Tbe Polea, lll-rri-t'ed bv at Napt-1'o». are neglartfd by hit tuceeaejta, Loaii XVill ant Charte« X j Looia Phl'ippe'i rnee io aeenre momenttry Poptj- larity; The Revolution of 1830 and of 1R48 io Parity Ingratitade of Lou la I'l ..pi- to La Feyette; La Feyette't Vitit to tba Unit-d State»; r'reuch Poli eneaa aad Gallantry; Splendid in- rt-..- f It cittd by Lora Palmenton; Weiliogtot.'» Stgtclty and foie-lght; The lritb at Some; Remaika on Edacttljn, and 8ufgi-»iionr for the Ameliore-ion of Ire'and Lord Ca- . trrfielo t .Mite Amlrcee; Tb* Dntheet of Ratland tad tba heautttul Mrt. Dillon; Atthnr O'Cornor; Henry, Lord Paget. (Marqei» of Antleaev); The Pmi-eet Maria Tberett and O'Dontell, aid lie Empraaa Jraepbine and William Harricn of Be Hit-_ JUVENILES for the HOLIUAYS. DiCKJCNS'S LITTLE FOLKS. A teii«e of beautiful Javenilee eelected from Dicken»'« woik«, in hit own Language. W ith llloatraaona by barley. l8nuo. C olo. Pnbliabed Thia Day. Nev. 2«: THE CHILD WIFE. From toe David Copperfieid" of Cbarlea Dick» n». i. mo. Cloth 3R fr.ta. Alrca<*v Pubk-htd in the tame Seriec I. LITTLE NELL. From " The Oid Curioairy Shop' of Charlee Irioena. Cloth. Price 3S Centa. II SM1EE Prom the " Nicholaa Nickleby" of Chartee DUktc«. Clcth. Price 38 crnia. On Tueaday Dee. 4: OLIVER AND TUE JEW EAGIN. From the" Olive* Twitt" of Charte« Dicken«. 16mo. Cloth. Price 33 ceata. On Tharaday, Dec 6: PI.OBF.NCE DGMBEY. From tbe Dombcy and Soa" af CLarlea Diekena. I8a>n. Clotb. Price centa. On Saturday, Dee 8: LITTLE PAUL. From the " Dctnbey and Son" of Charlea Diekena ISao. Cloth. Price 38 een'a. J. 8. REDFIELD, No. 34 Heeks.an «r_ KEADY THIS MORNING, MAN-OF-WAR talFB: A BOY'S EXPERIENCE IN THE 0. STATE". NAVY, Cur .Lg » \ ujage Round tbe Woild in a Ship jf the LLae. One volaa e. lfino. 7J cant*. "We have rare.y teen a book, written eapecia! y for the young betttr taicuiated to an.uM and lnatruct b=y», and aar- UcaJar'y tri give tl»m correct ideaaof a «tilor'« Ufa. No boy wi I be «atuiored ol anon a lite alter teedisg lhia admiraaiy w.UUn iil'le voleme. * Iii« jutt the book to put Ina» the kandaof tlie bey*, wbo wi'l rea£ it with tan time* more pleatore and pitöl ttan tba aanihy p»mby «tcrie« which make ap trt larprt: portion of our juvmi e booka." Cincin. Ota. " To young ladt who have an inkl'.nt for aalt water and a Ilia on tb. o»eaii wave. Una volume would be an appr pria'.e pgr . rat It wi nlii prove an aat-.'.cte. we are tare, to their mania for wande.-ing. Tbe oldtr rt-adrr will nod tbe bo^k foil tt lt:er*»t and trttrncti o. Indeed we have nit picked up a volume for maty 0»)a that we perueed with mjre avidity." [Loaitviila Coarier "He hit the partic ulaiity of Dicken», ao that tne readtx m iLfrccte* well a* »c naed, vrfci.e be aeemt actual y vcya»^* with the tkligbtfui writer tl.rou»h the mial inter* j: g qaarten of g'.l < [Sarinth- iVasL " It ebainung e*ae and eatn;alne»« of »tv « it can »careeiy he tpifUlTJ It jU«t tba bock that bcy« and |üit aad ¦Uar pe a.ua vtlU J?"gSt lb imti-'eA" IWertern CI nr^aa Adv<a£e It la excer Jin-lv we'! written, tad by f»' the beat b >ok rar bw»» il at we have ever reao." [LexInatOB (Ky.) Slateemea. Puhiiaheo bv BJOOKE. WILBTACH, KEVS k Cj. Oailaaail Fir aal» bv D APPLETON A Co.. and by MILLER.OBtfON A MULLIGAN,No. BJ Park -jw i>REM?01T* HISTORICAL WORKS. . I v. rv Pabliebed. Dec It: HI?Tu>RT OF TBE BJ ION OF PHILIP IL Bv H illiaop H Preacott ia two aeon a». 8vo- With Ponraitt Maaa, Ac The woikt of Mr. Ptraco»: are at, w .1 kcj».. mat H . aai ect-aaaiy louo more than t j OaaU «UeB..jn to that njw pab V °l\it<i will be p«bli»hed on tbe »«me day, New and Uaifjrw l .'i'iopa of »ke tu b a pgl . .ci a w rka: HlhTOBY Of THE CONQUESf OF MEXICO 1. H.Vr'oRY Of lih CONQUEST OF PERU la HWüRV or THE FEIGN OP FERDINAND AND 'Vu'Ks\o^a->rMI>U-LLANIES. It I *t\ W .-. a r ' r'li'lLLIPS, SAMPSON A COMPANY PuV «he-v. The Trace ««ppl'ed by J C DEBBT. N»w Toik._ HE PRiM'N OE ^ELTEVTIEPEN : Ob, A Gtaa.i- tt tbk Ea»t iatiaa AacHiriL»crv.Bv Car*. . »!'»» M. GihaoB. Iiloatrated with Ei graving* tn. at origital ketuie», by th» author. ISAM. Cloth B1*A J. i. EtKER. P' blither. No I a FaltoB *.. N«w-1 ork. L'OUR MAUMEI' ENT WAR CHARTS. JJ Ju»i tVepted to tka wanta of Ageata to ml- anivjrttlly. Boey waau them. Adcrtat . _ O F PaJuSONS, Puhl.aber No. I«/1 Ba»eaa-«L, N. T. DECEMBER 7, 1855. rHE GOOD TIME COMING, By T. S. Arth., L>ae vol. 12mjr.-Pr.-4j 91. WJI be i *ee WIXUUWAT, Dec ä, 114J, And feg it i by all WIIWtMl iw »irr-roll. It BBmeJeritto My that tha. id*» eonuieed In !hi« work ,u teen tbe r*"''' rnidlBg-a ax a toe life of the a&tbir; aad tte ibon*andi who have been eo ici-g looting for Uitt l-opcnect .re In btn»»u cxiwenee, wLl eo* oev* ibeix deairea greiiaed by obtaining Ttl£ OO03 TIME CUMIN i. L P. CRO'.VN A C<x^ rNxViabcre. _No. «1 Cornhi I, Boetoa. ROSE C L A B K~, FANNY PETIN'S NEW BOOK. I- Now Rust' Pnea, Si 2\ From Th» Mae-York E VActa. " Ljtea iban 'rar tr&rn;*r* Ptaay *ern e-in-.n>e3c*d her 'ite- rarr crrer. Wi'hfitbre y»ar» ihe «t *>d rmf-M-dlv tb < moat br- Baal lertgrapH« in tKe eotnti j. Of the thoaatod. ml new*, repere »rieb, to the ««!' r -hrt'ii' of Europe, exiar aad etrea- late in An.er*ea It !i r-rnbtble there it not one whvh bieaot c.pied nv re "r le*. of her Eern Le ivee.' A boat tbie »Ime laet yeer bar brat coarttiaoaa wort wee atu .nneed. Aa:' (aid tte rtitice.' now we .hall have t failure. Our duhm t. wire, fear- Ire» reptlr'o«* F*' ny. ren never «t*J in ihn line.ebe lech* r i. mo-Bee, it\'h. peu»nc*; ho'h Ha..' ari. be a feilere ] wbtt t pity »h» bad n ' Meek to her perxgra, bt' The en-.tet were raatahat), aa etitk* rometim»¦ are; tue book did n*t prove a faimte bat, indeed, came near bein| the meet auccaeefnl af all American lcah*a(! »v« htve f rgotten how mtny .cere* of pi¬ per trilla, bundred« of prin iog pr'.i'g.and thoueandi of Va la, tbe pabli.htu adv.tQKd they were obliged to keep ein- yit' ' * I'mand. bur ave ell remember that every- kryread Both Hall, everybody talked about it, and everybody a w^te and dita'ter rried over it. Jul'cua quick eereeognr, oo tbe other iice af tie Atleniie th- manner of tlie ei-it»ment which it prodeeed, and ferthari-h h* eeot nt e Kuti Hall Srhttt'che.' to be folio»ed hj a taarm of polk-a. waitzae, (enge, etc from critpoeert oflart noie-all drawing thrir inapt. ration, or at I' M' t^eir nanet. (ahici ao often etaad in the plare of inrplraiioa in auch tting«,) frrm Rath Hall.' So great wm tbe fan e which thie bxx.k btougbt itt an'h'r-«i >hat >be bt* received daring the laet Mmuar, tot a tt'e coi n'.^t.d to one of tbe New-York papera. one hundred dollar* a r jlama.t price never before paid lor aeaaptper m alter Sa . and aiTain wlit Fanny F'tn. witu a new took it aanoancci. f en ber frn. IM PtM la A«B ly Ro*e Ciark,'and it by ta appear ahoetl tbe f..-at of )ecrrubtr. Ruth Hall railed a brera*.' *e ! a friend abo Km tbe et,tr*e of the literary green room, and h%* had a peep at 'he pro* f (h**t», 'bat Knee Clerk wvirt'-npa liBtricaLe By vhtoe ot an editor* pmilegee we have obttm*d a prmtal oftMi new boob, whi.-h ia to bring >nce a .torm 'ipon tit It l< rettaitly tbe beat thing Aaneric*'* fevorlte aath jien ha* yet done. " Finny Fern pm oA vet tetched the xenitb of her ft"te j her new book will add great.y to it, or we err in jai'grneut. Wheth¬ er It be ttor. m The Net. Tetl Mirror tay* that I! ttt Hail' wa* an tuioblograpby, aad Bote Clark' ie la part a **>ri-l te It. giving antra rhaptert in the life of the a r-«* whioa were cn.Ttted in the fi rrner acok i* none of oat Mieinr**. It certain¬ ly la a dtlitb'fn1 *tery. which rivet* the mention of the tetier fit m Preface to Fim*.' We (bail net be tnrririeed if it prove the moat eureeeafaj of America* fiction* " Pnbllthetl by Bamin BROTHERS. New-Tork. TD E CRITERION, A LITFRART and CRITICAL JOI RNAL, ponliihed every Bttnrday. B3 per tnaam ; tic. per ropy. r. \7tHrj or No. VI.. Die. 8: RF.VIF WS-" The \\ ^rkaofChM Ltrnb' llirto.rede fran. cti.". Baytrd T*tlor» "Poem* ml H me aad Travel" . Hetnetta Robinr n ".NOTICIS.' Nellie of Trero". "Saeb'ogy fcr tbe South"-Juvenile Rookt, Ac, Ac. EDITORIAL. 'An Official Document 'eonttlning reveletiona of ibe myetety of pitting by entbori'y-copiori Literary Intelligence and Literary Oo*a.p. Article* on Pr 'eeaor Loiife'low'a " Railway Libtsriet," be ..SriENTir IC. " Snbniarlpe Tunrel," Ac.FiNE ART Oeeip. MIPCELLaNEA- Literary Ixmgev ty"-' Mr Garden Li¬ brary"- " Ecgllth Jou.nal*" . " Cl'j'ent I n<| irened" . " Wig* trd Toaaeco"." Fielding and flitckeray." A:. NOTES anu QCEKIES." Hv Cock and fie"- Impregoable.' NEW PL Bl.lCATJON5-Aineti»a-Eo*lUb--Oerrnaa BtokMller* and Pabiitbera will find tint journal admirably adapted to their ie.f(mei.i» CHARLES R RODE, No. 113 NaMto *L VKLLIE OF TSDBOl By the Author of IT 'Vara." 12«ro. »I. " A drl'gbtful troiy.eoa e of the eeteacee, indeed, eirel .ay¬ lhing of the kind we have ever re tu. Pittiburgh Dupatca. "A beaatifal and highly interacting tale." |Cbri«tlen Obeerrer. " A work cf a high order of m.ii, and txeetbtia the poreet 'I'M of piety." I Wetelunt*. " A lave of tree artiatlc marit, and well-aautataed Int.reet " I OhMrver. " A hetati/ul velawie." [Cbri. Utrouicle. "Crowded *>)U) lncideati. theln'craat abate* net ia tbe lent, aad b*ieg a religion* romance, it baa all tbe loleraet of en ea- ettiea .*»-.:. '», whtah it i* with tbe valaeUe leeeooe of Cbrie- Uu tt'e iiad iilaaiab*. Atwaaat rrveev pa** t* iilauujatad by .l.e lig it of religioa* exeeneroa" | Lit. Meeeeag-r. " Ta oee who heve read " vara" will aaticioale gratiii»tlon in the petrual ot th . volume, and they mnl not be di*ap- potntrd.' IChri'tiaa Intell<genc*r. "Tbl* * i prodaation of tbe imtginat oa w*il coueaired. beiotlfuliy cxpre**ed, keeping ap the utertat of the reader, aid leading to probtab t n iVcti r. . [ Janaer. ROBERT CARTER A BROTIlk.B.S. No. W> Broadway. THE GO0FEL IN^EZlKIEL. Thoinai Ootbrie, D. D THE PLANT OF RENOWN. By Hamilton. TU'lCAL bUKMb AND SPECIAL ENDS. By Dr. Va- C«b. MEMOIRS OF JOHN KITTO. LL. D. i A ME ON COLLOS91AN3. t'« I N ON HEBRF'.WS. MOORE JN HaGuAI./.ACHAJllAfl AND MALACHIA. .- »:r ON r i, k ¦'. t s. LOttl RT CARTER k BROTHFRS. No 255 Broadway. SEVASTOPOL has FALLEN..Our fcrre*t TIC- TORIAL WAR SHEET, thowin? all aboet SK\ V-> TOPOL and the Battle* there, ia Kill to be bad M I2e cent* per copy. ROSb, JONES i. TOLSEY. No. ICS Naaaau-tt. M OKRI8 at WILLIS'* HOME JOURNAL, for 18%..The following are tbe inducement* to (ab¬ aci ibe : A NEW NOVEL, by N. P. Willi»; . aerte« of SKEICHE8. by Cencrxi Moaait; and . Not ELETrE.by .1. M. Fii i.d. Tenn(, AST a year. OfJiee, No. (7 Ealton-eu, H. f. TILE NEW-VOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ioa cccaxaga A ClrvalailAB ever 117.DUO. Tup Nr.w-York Witkjy Tiiibcne for thii week ccntaiui the following : I. LEADING ARTICLE! laaMIBlll The Sitte of Lurtji*; N tratiia; An Eaplanatia^i: A Meta- moryhoeu not m Ovis ; Kaneaa; Tbe War n ;.aa- mxt; A New Pariv; Ceeutry aad City I'olm-*; Diplomatic Grandaurti american* at the Pan* Exhibition. :i .MR. GREELEY'S LETTERS FROM WASHING 1i'N Corgreaa.Tbe New IIoaM-, The firM Day of 'he Searion ; The Contort for Speaker. III. .TWO WEEKS LITER FROM EUROPE: A rl- v»! of the gtearrnhip« Atlantic aa-' Am«rire: Turk- . I torjiver the laanata; Wax New« oitn- portatt; Peace Kamen Aban-tnt, Tile Nottli dide of bevu'opsl to be Bombarded. IV. .T\MJ WEEKS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA: Arrive: of the it/anubip Star of the N eat; Saxa otmrj of tbe Fcrtmght'e N'ewa \ K.ANt AS : The Caae cfMctreaj Tbe " Law aad flroer" Meetu g; Tte Proepejt tf l reedom 'i.owit, A SiartliBg Metion.BWatona Meetlagi More Vio- tLcc. Tie lLiic u.ent; Troabl* betweea the Eret- S'fe tn* Pro-Slaver» «etiler»-Tb« Mi'ittrvCelled 'u.-stuugle.ltw on Forcui« Slavery btta Baaani The Medea Tr*al. Oatbreak; Ca.l Or Called .-.ate. Inoas: Civil W*r ia Kta*a«: >ecrat Slav- "} >oc:et* in M.aaran; P area aad .-.at.aae-Trr>ep( net Otdcred Out. VI..EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE : Letter from I.oi«-n cn the State of Eorope Let'e: f.ota Ttra oa tbe C oaiag of lbs Fre-ab Expaxruija. VII..NEW PCBLIf'ATIoNS Peeaw of Home aid Ttate..By Bayard Tarier, Peecia-iiy Jihn Hcaard Biyeat; Poetal Reform.By V my Milse. Moflern pilgri«.«.BT George VA »od Tue Staaaar. I'uat Reader.By Er*« Baggeaf. VIII..REVIEW Of THE WEEK; Gtrtag ta a eoBdaa**i -.jTiicuoni ic.-m the lataai aa I u. -.' un.->i-.*al eveata that have teaaupared at t-w. Citv aitad ; :e ti, Menco. N* trag** ;»« iMhaaaa «t PtJtat fct-Bii Pae.LC Coart. IX..POLITICAL INTELLI3E.NCE N^YafhOta- (eafjgMYpMit Whwaanata; N»bra»xa; Kaew Noto- tag Sartorial Corveartoa I ..TILE LATEsT NEWS BY TEleP.ORAPH. XI. DAxaüEROL'S OPINIONS: De«>eiia at Judta LyreE, XII..NICAlAO''At Latur 'rom Onr Own Ca.wtjtc cnt at a atA.btTtea. XIII..THE NEW-YORK HOR^E MAB IT X V..TUT POKT-MrTIE^S. XV..1ROM BoMON : Letter et" aa Oecegiaaei Cor.a- epa.icbnt KYI PDETRr: Tne RapewaU"-By Heatry W. Lwag- fi .i w XVi!..Vi>ci::'.A\T0CS: A C^Bawaa to itoCheyat. Icrai What La.7 ** ' »^Ä1' » -v.o.r the R«» -B-vn, An ESee.: of Pr»- t 0 rajJM Nh:0*' ¦ M'taeJt- .Will. MAE SlAGES izi DEATILi XIX. w HALtl Sr.<k.Mone>.rrt OB.Or.-r ( .J^f"'1 J-*'r Mj' keu, «pec^.y epcr.eu let rbe Tnbame .tlk'l rri>»-One ec?v 'or coe year *'a?t t fee 10» a BJ$fcveco?ie* ANt lea ei>paa*. Il>> Single eopie. «. twen ean be obta'ned »t tie eoajite- ia the Pahfjatiot. i'*Tl, e t' 1- ror-jjg. Peiee t>* e^t*_ 1L>T PLBLISEED, with b eoiored plafe, »" AI M CONSCMPTION Ira Caisii. Paivrxrioa *.d Ct aa 'T Tl"rr.a* Barne't M D. H bAILLIERE Pab i*b*r and Importer of rut.,, aad French BcwBtrac deck* No. 2*» Braadway. tf.,1. M. B. pabliabea a ratarefwe ef Sciearoaa Back*every tea mcBtb* Sent grata. PRICE TWO CENTS. " Save »« to «m. mh be -Silly.- I eayt to hits. *«v»I, * »t " Bo a* . tj mo, mj. he. A'B.e tii poor cnorn _ [!*¦. Wtdjw.p. JV THE WIDOW BEDOTT TAPERS .7 .h*"'!'^',!,J »ad« 4ii lmpr-»»ioii. Ediorain«! pirj 01' the I Ltted Mum iirM tnet it la ib« MOST OKIi.ilNab VEIN OF humor in»- tu yet boon eprr.a m thia aoontry. St). 7. - ".. Loan Mo.) t),.nj<rr»i: Aa Yankee Pao-a -y ire 'art y tuper! r in d l>», eed.netaeaa of pe.caption a, cae mac toof .;Je of ;h»t chafBc er m my ,f u,, ,lwru uf jna-.e MaJ1«trtcn. It'yen ore T »bt«d wi.h dttfneit heat acho :-. itttthtOTty. I ypncoidita; i< voa ara hearted wi h the la'leci' Lit', d that ycc are a post or remarkably fine wnter. aed ara ..«.: gwitfcaheg ¦ 'f at yoar clelrna opin ih» r"»b la »y» and ear hire bean . upidly ign red by ts« blaai-miodeu fr.u:mnyoi the p-ate-put ea-l * ieeor». »et thia bjuk ant if d mm n,.t re ore ycu. yoar caea moat be kopeieaa looead. 'B4*f&aafl .' i tee win. 1 ri ue a w' lo 'egioo . the Ilm re- lion* of ahett etiuBa and paa»IBIhriaa " Saya The N*w-Orl*«bc Cieecnt: " Jb« ni'* origin»i pro- cacth.n of the kind we hate aver teen Bbourdirg Id wit, ho tear Bed -*Uie; oiaaeotli * the cJaiac ort of peop'c eu- at>iu>n- "al nicely, arc ye; with-obo of the tavtt^ aajertt e v ac ad by many wbX titdc.-'aie tae teat; ruotiugote: wiii tuo, and eoa atraiattg tie n.^et k**ae»B4d Cynic to be for a ti.se, a WiaaaipBI of Min- o»" raj* Tue PcrfAaad Argua: "It cotiaiot 'he aery cream of fun- tenaine fan tod if tot hod) e»b read theee ikr.rehe» w tk- M h<arty ..ojiitar. at ear, un.y pity him. Hu caea h -f lata the book ia aaoaai'd a >are rare foi all kiudi and detraea ot hypo, and -a wr b a.a tuuea ita price " r-aya Tb» ft. Y. C.ma«'i:ia. Acvor*i*er: ' Tie WIJjw Btduit ie a rival to fain »Utk, and in tone ratpeeat ia mi *k tbe in.at ludit.-cot ax vl iniith-provoki. g of the two She it m .d< the wihsiil the irre . hunor.ua »kcchei of Vac lee rharater, »Lieh it ia luipoaaibla to rt ad withort lengr.irg t-on-odertreiy." Saja The Ucrc-ater (Maaa.) Palleciura: " fhey opfo up a bread vtln of Yaakr* ch. rector and die jlay it in maatnr aaetchee I nmar ur an: pa. »' hy any wrtt-r; e»u.C'og in the ao'h ra aeag aecaibi itv tt th* ridiiuleaa in human cuara ter and eon- daci, and fmt ncv. r wounding by lippirg with malice tbe abaft a' »atlre," r-ej» ihe Pfci adelpbla PenntyWaafan: " Stich workt are the beat antidote to the trvable-bnrdened heart, tonotaing the taie-wornwr nkl-t cfthe .'ace, ana imparnuf to th* drooping apiii: th' bootetet aj youth" >aya The h»w-Yoik o Hervert "A vnlome more fill of ge¬ nial nutter anc (rrea atihle Yankee character hta not yet b-ea pukliah'd-rof evea extcprng theexpeiiencaa oi tbarenowaad -.-am Siiek.' ¦aya the A haty A:g-i»: " IM humor ia perfeeily lrreaiatib!*, ard tb'te a ho rpen it aloald tir«t loot well to iheir aatt >ni, tor t: ey nay depeed upon it that their tia b e orgtna wilt i'euiinat iih-iai room frr eaereiee " Saya ine i aatee l'i aafe-: " buch another v .I'lnae of lan, wit and eat-aam we be| ave « rrtar pub it*>»d. San Sick haa parpttrati-d a good deal la the hatno oaa !ioe, Jaea 00B> nir* aet tbe arlveraal Yank'e nttio* gjiuning. Doeati.ka w.ola a torca bo<<k and then gia coat,' Ytakee 11». Pale ia budge, /.abdiel Stube*. Mia Pa.üagtoo, Mit Caudle. Mra Sparraar- araaeerd Job See*, haae a!, cuiitrbuttd aomethiog t- m-kf v**> ple ' laaga aad gtow fat;'bat the -Bidow Beeo.i na* dlauutad them ail is the u.ir.h-pn.v.kiog Una " SayaTh' Nee-York Uiapvch: At far a* regarda wit, hu- mci.we way aay a-eniaa. they atupaaa aaytbing of the aind . a been (unlube t ur ytcrtto imuaeaaarany tha cam par- laoo weie folly." Sava The t n-te^ Stataa Jeurral: ' TbUb ok ia a ret*rvair of n il, gaaniae, original fan, and fua tm that made Irtelf. Moat tun-mak-ra »te u> manufacture tbe artic e. have to la- boi op to the el> vagi ^n of an t're'iaeihie ;->ke; bat th» humir of tut boek babbine ap fiom an aVBetfj iwing f lao'ain it fan. i he fair au'hor a'-ii acfai g, faa ax 1 >a dn't he f i'.-Tade frn ot her plaimfe and nalghtaira and got aiolded K it At a later age e pitched into tbe vice* and foliiet that the f tod prevalent all ah. nt her. Goeeipa in attietj kaavea ia rida, nyp<«iitaa in tuo churtL, and l-e n^icu.uua tveryarliere, lor- aial i-.l eihanatlete to! jt ra for her aatlre. and tM WtaM*TaW< dott Papera i* the augnter pruvoking r*aeiL It i* ruatic coun¬ try fit tOaa, Itamacka »f puraoitte, piga t'gia» f- e«, fain yatHt. tea-pertiet, aewii g atcietie*. graaty la-tea. and ear"- Cia If lA* rural cha-cb and the ratrtma th. reof. Codi ry talk, e/untrj maane-a end rauot^y life ate hit off ia a velo of 111 ml ta¬ ble CcULtiy bumor. la aliort, tie book a giving tbe city »od cour'ry e%eiywhere one big laagb Jie btggeat ait;;e Doa- atlfkt..1 The boc.k can be foaad at all Brv katcre*. Prio «1 M Third aditlt n new read}. J. C. DEBBY, Pahiiaher, New Tork, Nettapapc.a Ullerting the above once ara entitled to a cjpy. Ci KEAT KELIUIOU.S BOOK of the SEASON. 1 Now Ready: Thibu EutTioa ef T II K C HUt IHTIAN LIFE* SOCIAL ANO INniVlDC.AU Bt P Urv V a. l.'mo cloth. t)l St. From Robert C Wirtnrop. LI.. i) "It la fui of aoble thmtbt and btllliaat llluatrallon. The aketche» of Howard tad, WPbeifiree aad namoel Bndgett are asuoug th* Btaal chatmiag »pecLucn» ef cjadenaed biogtapby 1 have ev» r ir«t wltb." QUL LD A LINCOLN, H Waahington at. ateetaa. BIBLES ADti PRAYER BOOKS..A heintiral A». -to -- ef HI It I.US and Pit AYF.R H JOKi In PUtio anal Ornamental Rinding. BYuie very elegant one* on hand with double tilt claept andable i. r pre -nt». tlllLHKl-.N'S BjOKS in great variety, a goad aaeorünanl alwaya on hand. Alto, a gtod collection of MHCFLLANEO' S BOORS. In- c'uoing all the i-cent public nii na New B.iokt racelvod aa .tonatpabi abed. JOHN MUNROE A Co., No. 444 Broadway, jutt beJow Grand at. XOITINO TIMES!!! LONDON 1LLUSTRATKD NE AS REDUCED TO Ii CKNTS, At No. 140 NasfAL-tT. _o. f PABiOWl. IIK EN ESS of BILL POOLE- d Onjy 10 ienu par copy. A perftet uk*a«at. Koraale by ross, JONES & TOI'SET, No. 103 Ciaaaau it FOR B LITTLE FUN GET . hai;p ok a raousAjro itaUBoi." '. Spenitt cf jaa* men mad a p*ifeck." P'ice 3 centa. To be had of O. E PARSONS, Pub., No I4<1 Naaean.»:.. N. T NEW Ml sic.-"SPARKING BUNDAT NIGHT;" By S. Markatein. Mr. Markateia ha* cer- taltly given aa Ha thia Hung one of the moot nataiai aad taking Mrlodlet we bav* ever ti.t wi b ia a comic »eng. No on* eta bear the melody aloo* wiiboat laughing. Tbiie ara othar edi¬ tion* of Ulla Seng, Im' all are aa infenor truk c.mpared with thia. Aak for COOK A BRO/< Edition ComDoee.1 by Mark¬ atein, with beautiful lithographig rjtttv Price 2S Canu. .'.'ail free. COOK A BRO , No. 3ii Broadway. _i_ii_<sa 6 la linn erg and farup <5>oob*. E I^IRMS requirins; new BLANK BOOKS can fumUhed with est* already made or mail to order, of tha beat paper, »t tue taorieet notice, by SLOTE A JANtiS, No. 8B faltoa at. CLOTE & JANES, 1' No. M FfiTog nr., Nrw-Toat, bTATIONERj, PRIMERS, .VND LITHOGRAPHERS. Tint Atta. Gl OUPITa A Co. hBY* un «xhibitiou for a «hört I baue "LHEM1CYCLE DU PALAdS DES BEAUX ARTS," (tbe Apctaeoet* of the Art*,) Painting by Pao. de ia Reco* FINK ART GALLERT. No. 3BB Broadway. N. f. Loot an5 /onnD. REWARD..A reward of 1500 ia of- f red hy tbe aabeciibar f r toe return to Mia, pttor to IK February next, in good eoadiiion. of forty Itad War¬ rant» wuch ware n/ailed by him ia a r-wnaCerad latter oa 'Ouh ot Aogaat laat, addrtaaed to Starr dt I'halpe. Bar.aigton, lava. Tie a arianta ara : acribed aa follow! I. Numbar. To whom atanad. A r-« ..;b8....Frt:deiick Heautiuiaou. >V> 7.BT5....WBA, Sprit|>r .. . '-"O ....LemiaS .»jniogar..1» bjai........ L Wa r.. 13" a 894... F ixabeth f uaoa, widow .1 J md Caitoa.. !J> .>atuu»l Ihoaupeoi.. 1*1 17M....Albert Menace. ... W ¦ Li. !*> r>s50....Etalne Clark. 1»» 7 S47....Sajah (emrbell. -^Bl....Bet*ty, ai,:ow o' Giorge Faeie-. ¦ ti J.... Bernard Lcffrlrg. ]*? l^....Wc H MaL. « t**»j_OiwrO Rowley. I*» .J. a ft.. ».. J* 9 110....Ar»'^rl»h Hembree. W r,bid....Wat. W. Garerer. 140 417_Thea. Meyer*. 1*0 toll u.ai.. 10 i.; «3....Hii.i»ua Shew. M *> V".... Ie*. SU:urwhi-e. l^t I -....Hanry Brooaer. 1* £.:U....H*ary H. Tot-k. 14 ;m....v»m c'iBord. 14» It l'3....D»t.i Piu.-ce .... . ltd 1Hetrrr Dtvla. ltM . .«9..../aci.*:iah AJthjuoaw.IM t IT1.... Wtt r. t'aaa.i-r». .Bi 337_Jar*o.i*h Tu'ker. M H7... Jamca A. Avbieoc. . . At T»12....CB*». A. MiiHkac. 470_Lonu L- Cuuiatvck. it) 4 IBS.... Ftekiel Scotth.. \m g 4SJ....J -he Muekey. 13 i_ I' r, v .1 Bl ite. Hi ....i.-w . Far--.If) f " i.... Jame* M. bcotx.. J-u- Eoy. taB .¦..?»*....j-t auah Mcaber. i/B rCB....Buckley Bcvwall. jj lte paektge of r»guttr- i ksBMBB, of which tr a aaove waaoce, wa* tea. rttd at aevar rac>n*d ettAtrat Poet Gt£:e* of CeBaaaa ¦r BarlkagUa t-a th- um* at 'aaroeed to have b*-^ Ibaae aairar.U kai.ug haca ail properiy ataigaad to a tt. a party, tre of to ate to ary o*-e be* the pr.,a»r atogaea. Caveat* have be*n esured at the (reacral Lead Odre vi'< aet pattat can taarea a eoa tataa. aar* .Be cabtenber It now ukif the maeaara* nreaenben by Uta Department p ^uarautrg to .D ¦- .:u f u^j^a:.» tf the n i««ing wtrratJ'. N*" Yeti. Dttcaaiear 1,1A55. W. rj. OILM IN, No jO K_ LOST or >10LEX-On Tueariaj taveaiflk'. «'? Uahervaliec CbBfrh B eeeke-*. a FCt VICfOBIN t*)fV\ REWARD -L09T, on TTJESDtlf, LI tBf> ¦> b.ak Rota. mmjcV, at AM* kfj St* cat *.»», H. J. a boat #..»0 ia *"e oa tbe ramar*1 Beak of ^ ... s j plt« Bell an T>aJ- ewea'e Baak at* ibis * ' otimrM "> etaet e aa-y ketka Tha ahewe re- »,r'1,':'^ ae apci.atMO oi ir-iueder, ay WiLLlAal r' LLERTON, eau,, Me. et Wal.-at, * tjorac», ttarriagee, #c. SEK ICHS. SLEIGHS, SLEIGH*,.A lar«r aa- wrtmentef ccrot twe-eeeied BL'IOHS fee ea* et teas bore**. made In tbe beet n>»eo«r at ih» beet tMternb, aaat fiaal to toy fbretyie, anxkwauabp or urabnity Pleaee eeal i Ua ' be'ote neu;heitre e.eewDer- at Na tr! Wae««, _QKDWaY a eXalUl (Dams. \YOPNG I.A OY tboro.ijjuly ruiiereta^iti* the eee ef tbe Pleno, wema hae u> add a (bar PUPIM ae the i.tn.!-er .he toe irrra t«'n that Inetraiaeat. Fee tbjrtbai art -'in eeMrere TH"v>I OH. Box Ma. f^eaee Office. P«yTk*tTn t^IKlT^ iahes a sitnAtiOB mt 'OOKcr lAlNI'FK B, or woeM bo wBiut» todothat t KIl '. tad WAaHiNO ¦. » laitall r i»»ta ftaa .y. O^ti city rafetor.f. Call «N' H Pop ar at , BroobJyri. HOrSEKpKPEK .rainiatitn ia wajiterd mm HOI SEK« K»KB. or to Jo tee *erh «f a »mall teraiiy. or to «o »Mint-no in a kfata 1 or rt>rr <.» ran men*, an km-n- cen tt'reiu whe h.i had iiverieoee tedeaa aaaAaPalter, Sew, C ob fca. CoTp-rnci^n n a<" ao.nob of ea obia-t ea le get . |Sad j'eee r.tTei»ne-« eteterged. k tdreee C. D. Pi, Box No ».170 Pott-Office. N. Y._ Resident 001ernew . tw b^vf4Uia»r wahet to «e. re tb« err »irr« ofe pioai EAtitah Lady OViarere'lta p'e'tr-edt t o TAKE tTHAttOI ef the »'D0t'%- T ON ol nit Dal ii UTKB> one lalle lui-feaesdirei be: «atiea, ard aMa to tW* ttweegh iaitri«t'on la the F.ei ah araorbaa, blo.ie m..i D awing. Adcreti Box Na. I,M3 Poea- fJCoa New Yo.k. SUVATIONS~WÄNTED.Aa COOK, aad ta> " \<H a..' IRON te a private t.rntly. by a eery etpe- rlevred Cr''' wfh t >d rirv r. awi,'., and at NIRSK nd BEAMSTR'"SS . a. i i a MKF.RttAID aad SKAUSPUtVtA, a ti<iy teure yuuud Woman Call at No. 73 »:a u :ba Bookttore. _ \\'AM ed.Bj A rpSpfOrAblP S'N»tfh ProtlJajtABt ff tv, «o. a rreatloa ae I. AI M»l; . a eanaileeoad ua « -ai Itarrbiai .r.! Krenrh Klalmtj weald (0 ae 'HAMHtR- V. \'V er CLXAl STaKCHKI «MHn.-to make bereelfaear- ertlly ai.fn) no ol lacttoa to toini a ihort dwtaaca in tha aooa- try. Call at Be I Cora it-it., near 4th-et, for two deye. Ot*# lajMaavaaa traaj her *i. plaae. T\"ANTE1>.Ä eitnation bT a rwapftctablB roun« ? V \v.-rear who tin take the piaee of a COOK. f.Al'N- DafaKffl or C9A»B> I ..MAI li Cea glTeeead atry re'i-renoe. tad aea be etta (or two deye at No. HI doietJo at. 'avtf.p--a tiluation at a tirat-rmtw COOK. M.i read IIda*, -..an in ona familr. Call at No. Mil aSaV at kt ih and 1 lih-sra C <n be wi for t*« Aaji "TVANi ed.A cook who thoroimhly uBdar- a'aadi hrr tmir.eiai no rther need epply. Apply tt fa. M 7th-ar. _ Wantep. a >inin^ Wont.tn, whn ia a toeni- bet ol the Pre bj i'ian Cl unli a .itubtloa ia a pritaM) ftaafpftnde HENEHAL Hl lütTEWOBR, taei are'e-eadl Can be well recommended if required. Call at No. 347 iioaar> ton-.t. np ttal.-a. A" itäct uTiTT^ workirn re an. AddaeaaJ C, Box No. 130, Tiibiane OtTaoa. GENT8 WANTED^ExlTBordinBT7~it>anrsv maata' The Beit rbance r*t to rake Moaer AW aae CAMPBELL A C*. Pbl:ae\alpbAa,Pa. A>SOPrtANO of fine capacity witbtvi to liud a eI re ATION in afbureh Cb I. A pule to Vre. S-Hbrf- EMB1 k(. I SONS, aioadwty. corner of 9th at Dr-^K liOOM "WANTEn-At a nitirWaA«» hart in ana et aad u-e.b. PLBLlShINo OrFiuE, In the ait.nit' of T'.e Tr.lm ie wr TIt*i Office, or oo R-aaj- way. between the AKcr Home eud Ckamlere-at. Adarees I)£.-!R ROOM.riii'line Oticu._ Rt^H_fEACH ER!".Wanted"" in a Fe.atlw heniinaiy Bear the city, e FRENCH LADY MT-a-bTdr own Mtutte. Salary it<eral Addreaa V. S. aCilttOla AOF.M.Y No. ?.U Broadway, N. Y., or apply kB] n Vt IADDS WANTED 10 piuua La-lioa nua-ed J to CIECCLAI K a SI BSCRIPTfON BOOK »o rakja moaea for a Duly ben' roleei object to hea< lit Letlee oaly._ l'ba kaataBBi UaaaMel Ooad waget (tlaeo. lnnuieiu't. I' aa »tore. No. bO VV'eiker at., for oaa week ftom !'¦ '. -day. Dae. A.itfob. _ M~ÄCDINE WOKK^WANTED..A Machinibt banal SteBBi taiwir, Slide Leibe, end all tbe tcale aa- .lnired. wooid contrac with parttea 'e do their Ma.bieecr BraM Waik md ratteta uakiaf. Pertooal attea'.loti ajtnn t) rep-vir- mg or boy Ina and t»l at btachuariv Mefereoce grrea if te- quued. AddieaaMACDIMST, No. J: m St j ton et. OTnE THINüIiEEDx^iTTb^^ fconHyis a Vod SKBVANT (. .1 St RV \NS are at 'be PR0TE*V- ANT KMPLOYMV.Nr OFFICE. N't. 7 : Vtuit near HleacA- arat, _ JOHN YOU'NO, Aaeat. S1IUATI0N8 WANTED.By a lar«« a«iiLaMJp of firal-elaaa Proteitaat bervanta both celereJ and white. Alio, by lararal alee Oirli from 14 to 16 Apply at tbe aflkoe. No. 7 llth it, beer Broadway, Re moved from Weelej plaoA. SOPt^'Ol^'l^y^hi» readsi maaie*' at sight dettieia ai'ualh n aa BtlPKANO SINUXa la Cbarab. AaV dreeet ARO LINK, ffiibBM Otlice S1EAM-!.'N(ÜNE WANT1 I)-tirrhonB9 power. .BO ad haad.le «oeil order, wita or wiibou'. Bodere. Ad- d. Ml U, U. C, No. Ul Allantiv it., Brw.klyn. ST E A M-ENGLNE . Wanted, a su horary pewer, eecond haid. otrt-Me S TE A ME-NOINE. Apply to_C. W. C IPE LAND. No. «4 Broadway. TEA' hWwXnTED^A DYlfrtakTelM.rirö of the SFCOND lor intermedia e| DEI'ARTaatNT la tea FREE BCe>0OL at I'.oontoa Mo" la Co N.J. Averaae at- uncanee abi-ut 40 icholart Irea eight to f .intern yeara. Ail tbe c ,'Ujmon E"g lib tnaneue> tat.gti.. ExperieBce a 'I tie ia loveraineut inowpeneab e. I'ear termi of e.evea weeke each, live «ji per tveeb. ttx betire pet uty Compeniatian w'JjO per a> i.nn 'or fir»r year. A.leran, ai:h lefeteaee, Ac SCHOOLi VACATES, Boenti.o, N. J. TEACHER..A Col leg?« Graduate), bow rodent in thie t ity hai a le a hour. iu the week at bia aamuiaod, wbirb te ceaM devote tri the I NSTItlt'TIuN of a PRIVATC PI III.. Audreat At.TA, Hox No. Id* Tribuaa Office. TO ,IEWi:i^Y~DEAj^Rft--A youoR Mao, u o bat hai eeven vean* expeneuee in ee Lug jaw airy, wuhei ¦ . tit' n .. BALI SMAN; f-i!y n-d-ratande baa bull- ceee. f an refer to laM employ or, and will accept a aeoderata laliry. AddreeeSENEX, Tribune Office. T~() SALEf-MEN -XmAN ia^W^AN TED in an old eitnb.iilied whole.!> Straw Oaoci. Hat aad Cap Heute, who eaa inflaenee a gearei coMBtiy trade. SueSaoae may bear of a lieeirableaitua'i' a by t-ldreaang JANUARY, Tribuye Office. WANTED. By a trnitwortby and reapeetabla yci ng Man. a litnatlna ae " i'f r PORTKB. in a ted le otherwie» sieke himielf generally aaafa'| «r ae BO JK- KEEPER or CLERK b any mercantile .e'.ablletm-n'. Cea fo>r lib tbe beat uf city refereeee. Addreea U, BexliaHeralA Office, N. T._ WA NTED.A Stuart, active BOY, in an office. oc* who writci e good hand. Salary AlOU per aaattax. Addrege, in owi baadwri mg D., at thli ctH:e. Co fDijfjttt ti SLat} 'rüiuc .;. IMPORTANT to DE A EE KS in better aad Pi niiCCE.-On and after the lötAlait THE KX*REew »iE ->i .SiiEA wi.i puniiaü irgBiB/ly e- a.y wee, ... Eg «e Agenu' Ri porta of <h.< Eartscra and Da ryaneo'e P-iceeCirreot ia nearly ooe tbeuaaod id'ica.taral wwei in all BBaaJggaL bat Liiactpai v in New Ynrk. Penaey »ar.ia ar 1 ibe Waetaro ^'Mm, icdicat^g'where Bauer. Lard. Meau. Eggg, Poaitry. (araia, Ac, may he U.tubt the cheap.iL Tarug itl per aaa at, or #1 lortUn-ooJia A. L. «rfMS J»f, Pub liber, N». S3 Breadway. MATKIMO.MaJ^. A v'-iii" man of Bnexeejp uocabie charieter. bel'ieglrg to one ef toe iiefieehMg, wufaee to fo.ni a MATRIMONIAL AL'.IaNCE with a yoeng La/y tot cn.y good ookiag and lo'eiligaot, b-tt aecitealiy ami- th a tot !i,i/i. Addreea WM. H H AR.sr<>W, Taabnaaaaak, Wyomtrg. Ca, Paaa. V«7l K ir.TbeAeanifieteiot HOtt\ce WATERS. it kj uuet for the kaBasSj M hu C'eaitort, aartay rtqteeu ail penoei having rlt.r-i BgaaBatt aa-d Wateea v> preaant taa eaxtaa; and ail penoei mdebtea to him by a Ae, nook eeeoaat, or at her vim to call tt an atore. No 33ft Beoadwav, aad eettie arita tbe tubeer'bercr L a i lerk M. KANOL'iE wrta-axt delay. JOii.N I. kai PH, wa»aaawaaatB»MwaaMaaaaaaa»aa»waaa>aiaa>tw .'r:Tji'.':.a tor bcpinees Bltn. AGBIfTLTUPAL IafPLEMEN to, seeds. HOL SE Fl BMSblNO GOODS, aad HARD VARE.- A n efahtlacutient with a . ra.de of B2S,UiO a year.wb'Ca may be necfrnrfely iiicreeeac.la oae of tbe mnet Sotnee.) miaad trftMa ol the 3-ete, it FOl SAL'l. Stock oo bead, abeet AC ero will be d V , e^tcoant. Addreai VORl«;0-rL'R tt< STORE, Tiibnee Oifi'e. Omca oi mt < iMoti tvo Anatne I.aaoCo.,/ ft adelpnia, Nov. *d, 144. I FOli PALE.A H'jTrJL in Atlantie city, at tiva laVai tnettor ef tae Cemoea aad Atlaaiie Aa-'roa 1, r.teetedi within a »hört Jta^asc : ol tad beach. Pee t ildiag i. 'His taet long dOfeet wide. 2* >i*e Mab, coetaieilng M ladglag roama, and one of tte moat roacioaj eud baaa itai Dia ng-rooanaof aap hotel rn the ccan'rv It ii more ellglalr 'ocatel taaa aat ritvaee ontheieJaad and ;n proper beede wul coonintet a prafereaee over any «her. It wiil lABoad Mw4a eerj p«ty t>»,ina f^ciU- t'i -n won B pr-r'r'v. At>D'» W C. MUfctlObM, Ptwrldear eertifW dtb ^ M^ketca. , or ma AC LLJYD. oecrttao Camdea aad At-aattc Laad La., ttm, WaiAatvet. I^ÖrTaLE or EXCHANGE.jl3,000 worth of MA.NLFtCIl AINU STOCK ia a f >enp uay taat la asar ^üir. , .roeperoei buiineei. and lo-.ved wi'bla aagwrt diataawa oMber'ty. feiaAe mercBMuae WtM be taaa* ta axebeaaa. Btaeont for lelltag tad t rma made kuowa by aldraa..ii| M4N- L FACTLRER. Tni'Ojie Ofliea. SO LfBBf --Ä~ GENTLEMAN who can coso- ¦ £>*\J\JyJh n.aad atoro, wiebee to et gar a ia eoaae i.feai.i iegitlaate bu»ic«te, where hie wirtaeawaaad be ra- amraii. A J drew J. A. R., Tribune Office, i^uug (be kind of beeiaeei etc ftaW I \ EOR paMI~wUl S jtflf h}'**'J*\t\ß\J aaaatl baeirwee man el a cbaaaa so bay Wood Lead tear will piy haw . jo.ooo clear groAt, praaidad be can coaniend Ak.Oud. The lead ii exuacutabarad. Taa advar- lieer gagajll im pa eve the chance, bat ajckneee praveatA i nuatre gt Piaac roam Nv. *v vV aiaer-er. W. OSBOBNE A Ca.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-12-07. · a***rf Impcitance. Byorder. H. RAYblOiND,CoL Wm.TaVLoa,Adjutant. fjhemli i.l I.tTtarra. Dr. DORKMI'S would n*p»rt felly aceonece

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r. fr« '.«r "\P.B1 M0BN1NO »bd BTBNIB6,SSt'BntY UCBPTBD.)

¦ Y fi»KIir,f * M c- .! L llf I,m mm «urii at'ii eiset. coBBcm or aa««*t> abd aratva-


ga] Aarrvvred la « My Seherrl rr« >t 124 est* par sree*.tartan T» 4. * a..!, .t-.w.p|-...fgmmmimm.hS, tar \tm mmtm »i M.


rsery StTuantr Mobbibo si (ba low prten of ATSbs*b an NTU<*\ »b'ss BOp*** fo* .*! ElTa oot>«S fjl

fan ecpiee for B1*; sad* P*P*' ¦ to bo ease eood«N bevBbe Date for which tl I* p IB *<!«. for *h\twUl ba barged Sb.VT.NfT FIVE CENTO PEE LINE

Of bbbbb ib.i Lorn


pawa;****-! every Trrtotv «Ad rim.T Mi ring Price 03atgraaasaat Two *o«*e* for O-V Eiva a»pW for $11 S6. AeVf^ibji-'- eaata a !ina for «ach IjaMrtW


v9i ¦fBpriAJ CIRCULATION,psebPsiVf »r 'b*set>«*terr» of «ach Mail SteBraer for Ltveraoeiat 0* par bbbbbi. pcwUfa ladeded. Single oopiee six Cent*.


sandwich islands.¦ aaRBMan er Lb* d*paitor« of each Mall Steamer for Aaplo-mnM at 0' *<* per um». Kregle «rptee ¦ Ceota.

Special iVoUrr©r«»f-Offlrr Kottre.-THE MAILS KoR C ALIFORNIA,

A- e»r I Bi*eSS«eba* ,u»m<r GEORGE LA w, «rill elote *.-

fa*) tSxe an PRi DAY, the 7th day of Oeceo.ber. et I o'clock

pav_ISAAC V. FOWLER. PoMrnaeter.

Harr 1 bapajl Leetarea.-Tbe Fen'th L-cture of t'jeOaaraewlilb« deltrered on FaIDaY EVENING, Oec. 7 at.it'c.rek. b> the Ree. H. w. BELLOWS, ga'j c'.i " Hinte¦ Fs'toaa Ccnfaiplatlng the Orand Tear) Or. At what *fe,B iV" eoiiiBaar. bow prepared, end wi ji what expectation*ajal wnt tbtu d we goto Europe.''Thift* for the C, urae, . | tingle admkatloB, 25 eentf. Mar

kesMauedtf ( HARLE-» S PRAMl<t A Co., No. 252 Broad-war. T J.cRuWEN, No. 6M) Broadway, and at the Ac or.

Lei as Lire la be I erfnl.-MEt HANK S' INSTITUTElaCTl Rl- ' for 18V. and '.*.-Prof. JuHN W. s HoWS ofCaan Ma College- wil> reiher the Third Lectors of tbe courseMere ire Inetuote a' C lrton Hell, A*tor-pl*ca, on FRIDAYFTEMM; Urceuibei 7, couiuienclna at 7J o'clock. Subject,* a*tk'epatrr'< Tragedy of Joiina ( mar." Ticken of edmis-A*e 10 at at* earl', io be had at tba door Member* can profata hbatr .r*.. i. ucbeu fte* from the Librarina at the Instituteloeai». (I HAS. H. !)? LANAN.

1 erture Commute. MOHN MARTiN.( wm. garner.


A Kenn la r .TfantLlv BlnrtlBaj »f lb*> Veteran Corp«af Iii«- W uraf 1 MI .-Will t.. h»ld at deadquartar*, H. 2.BIEL' Star BTaaal No. fit Li*T>>nard *-., PRIOAY EVENIN'. Dra T. at T|. Baaaataal attendanc« i* reii'ieeted on bai'-a*** rf Impci tance. By order. H. RAYblOiND, CoLWm. TaVLoa, Adjutant.fjhemli i.l I.tTtarra. Dr. DORK MI'S would n *p»rt

felly aceonece tba' be wul deliver Ponr Leetaro* en the im-aatdrrable tore**: Light, Heat. Electtli ity and Mapnetlem. laBe ( ennral l ecture t<x m of the new- York Medical C-d egaBert Ub.t., near fh- av., ob tbe EVENINGS of SATUR-BAY I'r «; va EDNEBHaT. Dec. IT; RA TUR > AT, D-e. 15;fVEDNE-PAY, U.v 1» at 7J ee-elock. The Leetore. will bii aatiated with experiment*. Ticket* for the Oaejaaa Bfl .le¬

af*' a.ii n. 15 cent* to b« obtained at Mee.r*. B. Pike A'¦ No. SM Hnadway; D. App eton A Co., No. .1*8 Br lad

.aj.C M Francit A Co. No T,2 Broadway, and at the Modi-til. .!. i *aat 13: hit,

Tbe Twelfth Annual Krpajn and Dirertory of tn~rEtaaruiilon for lniproTlngj tbf Cuntllilon of thePaar being sow ready, rub.cnoeri will be «applied a* earlyM praerirable at tb'lr realdencee, or by callia*. on R, K.BARI I F v. No. 3j |!i tie Hinte, Artor place, or on aay of theBRicBii f m . '. M the- A*e- eia'i ie and mem-tera of the WetdCeaaBBtteea, who ar- author a'd to reciee tuheenptlona, vtai

JAMES BROvVN. Pre.i lent, No. 59 vVall-at.GEORGE GAIN VOLI», No. 72 Sonth aL,>JAblEt BOOKMAN.No. » brtnvlway, > V. Pree'U.HOKartO «.I LI N.No. 21CMnton jraee, S

ROBP. a. at IN II II \ Seeietary. No. 78 S mth-rt.'let Warrt..Jam** C Rameey No. »s' Cedar *ulid W aid..Geo ge W. Abbe. No. 4J John et¬

il 14 Wam..Wm. I>. Ham. No 3 College p'aee.rVth Ward..Abiah»tn Fard m. Jr , No. lfkt Maiden lane.Vth Ward..A. R Wetmore. Na 81 Veeey-at,

Tlth Ward..1*. ('. F-rereit, No. 117 Whlte-et.Til n ^"ard..John H Ori'com, M.D No 233 E. B' 'war.Vllltb Ward..Jwph B. Collin*. No 97 We*t Htn at.IEib Ware., lame* O. PoBd, M. D.. Na. 47 titi-ar.Xth Ward.. Jatnee Horn, No. 9 Chraetie-*t.Xlth Ward..S. P. Pauereoo, No 3A5fi.lnt,Xllta Ward-.t ba*. N. Decker, 117ih at., Bear St ar.XMItb Ward..Lewi* Chicbeeter No. 292 ITaet Broadway.XIA'h «-'ard..Al»x. W. Murray. No. 1M Wumter at.XNlh W*rd..TTiomaa Derna.No. 1' Clinton-place.R\ Ith Ward..Luther Jar aeon, Nj. 19 Waat 22d el.XVM b Ward..8 C. I.. No. 47 S\ Mark'r piace.IVIIItn W.,d-K. E b'rther, No. 144 Eaet Kith «LX Xth Ward..l». W Morrte, No ^" l aat 5t)tti irt.XX'b W.rd..r. II Ru.her, No. If3, Weat 30th *t.XXI.: Ward..ltaac Oibaoo No. 2dlitli ar.Kbild Ward..A. M. Ljcaa, No. 172 Waat 43d et

_r. U. HARTLEY, Beeretarr.

"rar Ha.aa ! informationjfa'oitonaly given at tha N. V.BAmiAH LEAfalfR, No. 11« Broadway, aua paaeanger* eeateo* f n.bly .t.d ebeaply. AMCKIC AN HP.rTLF.MK.NT CO.at t»e tame effiee. BM WALTTR, Oeo. Bop'u

Tearhrra' Aaaorlation..The firat Latitaaa of the Conreedorn « ti e pteaent t\ u ter in eld of tbe Teacher.' Libiary FandwUl le relivrred by Dr. JOHN H. QElBOOM. on SATUR¬DAY EVENING Rrhinat et 7J i 'cli ck io the Hell of theBoard of Fdoce i> n. corner of Graad a'.d Elm-ate. Sabject :

"The \ aloe of PVBI Aia and VaXTILATtOBT. dapecially toTeacb»'»and Pnpii. " 11 tat. of admiaaioa 2* oeot*;SeaeonTwkua Al-c*P be obfattifld frixn the Library Committee, theÖftrer, af the Aaaociaium. or at the door on tbe evenira* of theleit. .- JOHN B, FANNtHO, President,LxoSaBti HaxriTON, Ch'n of Library t on.uiittee.

!%*> Mrirnpnlttfin Mtrrua rrrata " Katablinbairnt..Pak iabi in if r>ti .paper*, P*mphleta, vender* of I'.tnntMeg ':.. and of*-er bn»in*ae flrai» re.inliitig

NEAT AND BXFl DITIOI ¦ PEElStVOEK,b Urge ii.-iinali uantitiea. are iuftn-ne1 that the enhacrlbar baa

r»a v ei la'gett and Improved'hl* farlii'iee t< r exectitloaRESSWORK ot the ltrgeet ar ama'leat fixe iu ihe Lett and

atott ei pert it' n« mant.ar, by the addition to hi-former largeeetab iat.inaBt. ofTliRl.r OF HOE'fl LATEST HfPEOVED ''RESSES.Or e d->able cj linder, 40 by 60, aui ab e f-i Newipeperajof

kbelargeat alae and two drnm-rt lirdere, for fine PIrtonal* or

Bonk »rrk.Printer* havttg feeiliiiea for Conipr-*ition, bnt not for Free«

work, will be aeeomiuocatej on rea*oaa>le Mini and ihoit

Berfre, *o flat they ras compete with the r more f .rtonai*Miabboia J. THOMAS, No. 59 Aaa-et.

Her I h amerimn Klret m.urn.irr t umpiiiit aar,

aMtbv BeV'.taai, wltb a large ¦«r(,l»».Otlice No. 6 wail-*LTetaara aganat Uee or iamage bp P RE at Iba eaUb'.Ubad

^*JAMES w. OTIS, Proatdauta, BlbBcbbb, Beeretart.

NgM'i-liil »oll. ». 11 t ', T !' R S e .! I'!'1'. N t C E *¦ V\ bar¬bs* B ereiMbl« irrfoTti od that several p-reoii* Hi the trace, (whomwaren ram*,) to help the aale ff tbeir ajtiaJr*. te.l oartlea

the' w have gene ont of buaineae aad that the HEDENBEK \

HP.ATr R ciuiDn'. he had. We take th'e nievtiwl of informingtbe pu>>l c that it * all a base fabticatioo. u.txi by pe-aon* viidaf prir.ip'e, who canoot tell tbeir good* «xiept by rnakioc

paeipl* lieve ther eaa get oo other Karüieriaote. we wouidMat*, we wrre awarded at Ute late I air af the Auiencan Inetl-late the blgheM pretr.iame Bf fcOaWBI For the baat P arableHeat. r. allvei medal, for the bc*t Lit Air Knrnare for Coal.mm) for :he beat Hot Ait Fomace for WchiJ, ».her metal. Weare precate.^ to wann room* and ball^iuga ot all rliteon thebeet ai .1 we.l aarer aine.l a tiiri|il.*. aod we are deter mined thatear wi ik eha'.l be in Die fu'ure what II alwty* hu been, of theeery beat, a'd BBwhrj aecure fmm fl»e. Onrrtxk comprise*aavetitren BMaAfa IDaier*, Pottaiie 11 rna^'o* and Biick Kur-

aaore ir c'ndlng both tl e laral t an. emalleat Heating Apparabaa ever itlerea the ruble We mtci'. aca.l from partiea who«aet warb tV ne wel .

t. L. HEDENBFRO A SON. No !» Walkar-M..tone door* wvet of Broadway, N. Y.

Mplritaallam.- The eloonent end philo*>phical ler'uraeotJOaL TIFFAmY, who rank* praemiueruv among Spi'itualaapnondei«, *l I root it, ie in Stnyveeant KaaUtaaa on I AI DA YP.\»N'NG l>e. atT|o'clock. AdmUe'su !0 cent*. Tbeeeaartor*. Mir the propl* are atttacting large, intelligent and is

Bam ly interested andiescea.. ACatJ.

Mr F O. RO :RV woald WBarOtfattj irt ra ibi Lalia* ot

bra toik aad brookltn that be may he foend at No, 43tBroadway, ,. rner tl IL v a-ü-at , WBCrt he will be hfippy to

aaraa the to « Kb l.a"le*. Cbildreat, Misse* isd chilrsn'* Sbos*ka graat aarteii** n.ane ol the "eet ua.erial by easetior work-Ma. at rsawasble pi,ose. He flatlet* him*-if that h.t loa*eatab'U^ed lepatelion for maunfarn.tiag gont. baadsini* a.deAeap SLoee. will secure lolai very 'inert, auusni of aatrou

age. Evry aariety of Ladiea'Shwea mad* ba order with diipateh.


I? i <; ii i ii ANNUAL BE HIKi i dI i H I D K A M A T I (. F N DMi,l tan place a* Die BR >A 'WAY THEATER, on

U EI»NI SDAY, Dec. It, \tU>.I ituar iss a pertblssdsocs < f

II. O. 8".AK«INS, eaq »tesideti».

JAMK.S*r BRADY. rHj1'" w' p. CHAPMAN, ose. ,

J. BKoiOHAM. a*-,.. J ttiKEON.oto.I PRESCOTT U ALL. ss«j.

coMkiiiTaa oa rtatoxMtv a.¦/.I HLArtl B'^aaa.v Tb-ater. J BR<»1 OH tM Wal

talk'., art I MOtiRE Barton's Th'Stsr.A ttiO < a ' actwe b. 1 wil mm prasai. sd.B.x Poxk op»n a« tae Tlea ¦ aa MJNDAY, Drc. 10. whate

aaly tuktit and piecet eaa be aer .reJ.

_a¦ C. WEMYgS, Secrataiy.

GJBO. CBM1B11 A, WOOD - MlNsiaULS,K..411 BR"»nw«Y


oPRN g.Vr.KY r V EN I NO. TVkeas at saautil kaaiu'ie* traaaa by H. W.iyj.

LUKLKV* bätBKMAI >i:i:s, No. .>J3 BliOAL)-WaY..O'eat laeoeee; ireaieti" >at tiu'it*'; rr »I i

bwaar* 'o wttsaee dtd-tui Tregedv ttj V1LUK1XB b\N0 IiisDINAH akM 'i I tieauiltul 1 dlCE Huuj£ MA/EPPa.MX RO MINSTRELSY p'reri.e* tfc* Tragedy Coacejrt ooeu

Ban-" "} ""* Adnutaiaa 2>enuu.

Gli'hAi Ml 1 AX N0VKLTY..The Al.KX-a N Mt BAM1 .V A Tmope of M t'E MILE AMERI¬

CAN nil1 L-RiNtiERt* auai \ oCALIa I'.a-wl'I eoexaiauoe a

eeagrie f ti tir sst igutbisg eptartstriBtet Is at Meebaair* tin'.He 47.' Hr adway. en MON 'A^ BY] NJNO Dec 1< andBeat" "* nn'tl furtbet roti'a.

rtviii. v KI.vI'aL i'ALACU is ÜPtaV, aud oon-M lalr.t anaoy new BJtl valu'-b e tin<i<tlir*, ma'b'e Matuary,Pais'i'it I Bf 'Vg* in Plafegsnd B ir.i- Ma-h'aary, Arrleal-Bait lir.ai tseois. Model*, Trirs 0 t a Oroanietu, Arteisnt

T>set 't tilonrs'''* <f DON Ql IX'irE and valosd at

BTMrc eaca tbe property of a BBantah Mooarab. sow la the

Caaua... idea AiU'ricao ciuaeav It will repay toe rurwai MMlover* of art te vbrlt tbe CryMal Pi lac*



Madame DE I. A OR1N1',for the firtt t'ane is tbe role »f I.aere,» Borgia, 10 Donlt5itrgOiand Opeie, ia tt aete,


MaffeoOrttBi.Mile. NANTIER DIEDEE.Oeaaero.S'gnot BRIGN'iLl.

DukeAfoe»o. Slgiur AMGOIli.Vi.elttto (ear eotnpleiaatii *).8i«nor KOVERE.Hgnaii Gl ILIO »i a Ali V 'L :i »Ul aleo appear.

NOTICE!Tbe redaction in prWe. to » parte or (he ' >n««. to

ONE DOLLAR.Sernred Seat* SO renn Extra. A nip In-heater, 2*» cent*.

¦Bllia! Director end Condoefor.MAX MARKT/ER.Doort rpen at 7; Opera commence! at 8.Re»erved eeeta may be obuined at the Principal Office, eor-

ner Bn adway and Mm. tt. at Danatin'i Ag< ncy. Jolne'a Mo¬tte ri" re No. Mi* Broadway, and at Hall «V Soti't Piano forteand Mutic Store No. 239 Broadway.


Mile. TH Mil - A ROHEKT. and tbeSAL'-r-T COMPANY.

FRIDAY EVENING. Dee. 7, v.The entertalDBiente will commence witb the Comic Panto¬

mime of tbeFOUR LOVERS.

CbaracterebytheRAVKL FAMILY.To be totlowed by the Btllet of

KarEYiortho VIVANDIF.RE.In which Ml e. ROBr.RT and the Ballat Company will appear,tbe wbo.e to conclude witb


raitaa ot- »DMiteiot:TITKETS.FIFTY CENTSTbe omy Seata that ran be aeeured in advaaee are:

Oreheetra Sea a.$1 00Private Boxet.-.6 oo

Boa Office open daily from tin. to 3 p.m., for ereurmgOreheetra Statt and Private Box tu only.

WAlaLACK'-^H^ and Par-qnet, SticeiU; Family Circle. SScenU; Stallt. Bl; Pri¬

vate Boxet, *tt and *7 .Doora open at fij o'clock, performanceaommence at 7 .TH a EVENING w '- performed:

LITTLE TREASURE.Capf. MevdenMnab.Mr Lteter Lady Florence.Mra. HoeyMi C. Howard.Mr Su-^ari Mrt. Meddl*tun..Mra Veinon

LAVATER: Or. Not a Bad Ji'Dc.r.Mr. II-tu at .M: G Holland I Loulae.Mieo Kate Saxon

T. conclude with PERFECTION.

VV ALLACK » THEATER.-NOTICE.Mr.v* WaLLaCK bega respectfully to announce that, from

nncontrolalde circum»tat reu,HIS BENEFIT,

advertieed for To-morrow (TuctCej) Evening,_18 POSTPJNE a.


TBE TOODLEa.Aminadab Sleek and Toodle...Mr. Bnrton.Capteln Murphv Mannte.Mr. G. forden.Lacy Sower by Creamley and Mr«. foodie.Mr. Hnghea.Ibe new Comedy of FALSE PREIENSES emtimiet to

attract crowded and lattiouab.e andirneet, and ellciu gennlneapplaute ar.d hrtity langbter. It will be played TO-MOR-RO A , and r.VEIl Y NIGHT next week, Mondty excepted.

BURTON'8, CHAMBERS STREET..Mr GF.OROE IOR DAN, with much rrnpect, Informt bit

fritndt that hia BENEFIT will take place onMONDAY NEXT, Doc 10,

When will be preterited (firet time at thia Theater) Shakrpeare'tttagedyof HAMLET.Hinutt, Piince of Denmark fir»t time.Mr. (; JordanPo,onini.Mr. Baitoa Ophelia.Mm E. Thorue

With a favorite Farce.Box Book now open.

P"RATIONAL THEATER.A H. PURDY, Man-I ager and Proprietor..Dreaa Circle, 2Sc«uta-, Pit, 111 can's

Orokaetra Chain,M> eta..THIS EVENING will be performed:CAPTAIN KYD.

Robert.Mr. I. H. Allen Elpty.Mitt HathawayFavorite Daoce and Soot

VALENTINE AND ORSON.V alentine.Mitt Hathaway Orton.Mr. G. L. Pox

MAGIC ROSE.Pippo Daffodilly...Mr. O. L. Fox Emmt.Miit Angaia

BROADWAY THEATER..E. A. Marahall,aole liail.-Boxea and Parquet. S* cent*; Family Circle

and I pper Tier, 2.', ceuta; Private Boxea, &S and *)'!. Dooraopen at ,. commenoa at - o-elock..THIS EVBNINO, will baper to mtd: MART OF MANTUA.Leon.Mr. C Fiaker I Maty MantuaJulia D.HayneMa: ire.....Mr Groe.eaor j Bianca.Mate. PonaeiHerrunaez.Mr. Vincent Lady Ahbett.Mn. Warren

A MORNIN* CALL.Sir Edw. At dent. Mr. Feano Mn. Chiilingtea.J alia D.Hayne

ÄRNÜM" AME,RICAN MUSEUM..Per'nimanoe In the LION'S DEN at 24 and 7 p m. The

LIVING WILD BEABTB, the l.ioat, IJcreat Tigert Leosarda,Bear, Zebra, Lama, GlnBe, and alao HAPPY FAMILY, mayse .ern at all timet. FRIDAY, Dee. 7. Afternoon at 1I 1U E LOVE, and RACE. FOR A DINNER. ETeniag. *t'1Tte greet Frenrh play of R AFFAELLE.Admittance 2icenta; Children under 10,1?J can fa.

MADAME DE MLLIERS will give a GRANDCONf ERT at the Atheaa-um, Atlantic-**., Brooklyn,f)n MONDAY EVENING l>ec. 10, aaitted by



Tiekett. SOeentt To be had at March'i Bnokatore. A-lat.tu

iL, Rote's Book.tore. A'lmtic at ; Meihew'a Mnacatore,Coart at ; Lord A Sinilb'a. Fulton at._

ACADEMY HALL. No. GGu Broadway, oppo.iteBo'd .i .For poatiivelv twelve night* oa'y, aommancing

MONDAY Dee 10. Dk'S. 1 ti-principal memban ot the origi¬nal and we,l tnotan

CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS,organlaed In 1P42, cciuptiainr

E. H. Pierre J. »V. Raynor, N. W. Ooald,J B. Dcmiker, I.ewit Mao», T. Chrittitn,B. Mal ory, vv f t'ollint, H. Haatington,

L. Coodit ai d Jttopb Morph»,who mrtt reapertfoilv armoanoe to ibi Ir o'd triepd» ted p«LroBtin pew-Yotk ttt elveot their CHASTE AND FASHIONABLEMl SICAL SOIREES, at above. Since their I sat appeanncein title city they hate added to their a'reedy exta- tiva repertoireuiany new tonga, Otncat, Ac, tod tbey will now be able to pie-.entaNEW FltOGKAMMFi TrlROL'OHOL'T. replete withnew d oelral tern*, aew character aanrea. and new kur.eaquaeTba lintcblneon * amuy. Ten minatet ai the Academy of Ma¬ne, »ith BMM new. ijuaint, qo'xziaal aad qaiet bon matt.infact, a little of evervtniag aad e.rrybody. For e tht yean tkaabove troare penoiiBed at No. 4ft Biotdway, nadnr tae direc-tn n of E P. Chiiity. wh.i I« uo longer connected with ibecorpa.In fact, their namet are a»iao.iiia- aaboaaehold worda Porpar-.n ulera tee bile. Tickut, cen'a. P»rti, fi.aa NoTltt..The above tionoe have (now) no roaoectkin with E. P. Chntty.On MONDAk Dec .i thyy parlortu tu Philadelphia

D~tjältx>:rf-g^oooUU.1 160 of the Boeat PAINTINGS aver pot opoa¦ thlbltion Oaea DAT aad EVENING. AdmltUnae » eta.

4JPIRIT Mg»MEESTATION8 .Mrs. W. B.k^ t CAN. Rapping and Wtitug Tait-Mediu'n. No. UAiOiaad tt., » few doort we«l pf Rroedway. Pub is flrel** dailyfn ¦ 11 to 12 a. m., 3 to 5 and 71 to 91 p at. Admiaaioa *> ceatt.Private Sitting! dai.y from V to II* a. m.. 12 to 3 and 5 to "

p. m.

lVftrj Uubhcutitmo.VAPOLEON AT BT. HELENA -

In HARPER A BROTHERS, Ne. 327 to 3» Paarl-et.

(Franklin »onare psbl'th Thia Mornlag,NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA;

Or, l*Te*r«ti\w Anipoin »vi> Rimiuiki iCt*tiisi,ok, oi Tin Eatrcioa BaTUBB tuc PtTIikninill TBABJ Bf Iii» CafTlviTT.

C, üerted from tte Memoria.» of Lat Caaaa. O'Mean. Montho-Iod, Antrmmarrl-i, and othera By Jons S. C. Arbott. With

llinetretioae. <ivo.. murlio, MLThia volume ia devoted to an account of '.he leat yean ot Na

poleon, dancg b.a exile ander the eoaamaad of tke Briutk Govemment. Corrmencing with the vtya^a to St. H am, c.

arklek it (ivet an intereeting sanative. . pracecda to deaaiibeti e |B0| routine of tbe fa en Emperor from hit landing ea the

,rland till Ma death. The record of hit ccavertatioaa on a greatvat.ety of topica ia ftll of intr:e»t, and lend* to confirm the» ewa pi'teL'ed hy .Mr. A >koU in bit kiographv of Napelaoa.

TJ aKlkaMBja^ ^be MBawMg tra «el! ac»p»*d to all read--»:



e-j'u-e. S.i'-jcr, the Art*: to rx ra., tainm »»T, iNraJva».» >t »n<i Pr.-i.ai Pabiihed week'y a: *. a year.

THE WATER-CURE JOUBMAL:r»drrp»-hv ita Pln'jt^pbya iP'act'ee: PPvaolofy, Aaat

otpy and the Law» ot Life ai d Hea-th. Bl a y»*t

THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL:Devoted t" all 'hce«> Progrea.iv« r)«a»ir»e l»r the E>evaUoa

and Itnprovemaat of Mankind. I »»tr»UKi $1 a year.

PoaThtB» Dct.l»a», all three w'X be e*a! a year. AdcirattFOWLCl: k W EI LS. No. Broadway, New Yoia.

LM.EOAM' Bll LESauJ PRA\ ER i; ><>KS.~t\j ,l.e»u'" ber baaBOBToa l.jndaiaige ai i keaaiifal a»-a< n at rf IMBIFS t «'1 '. .''¦*,r ol wblth are v«rv

rH I.TE« BOO I an rbe ( HURCHakBVlCE in .tfiai'e iai:*tv 'n ivotv, ve'vet, ai d morocco

All tbe Ml eel »-,eoo» W>rk» pjbliaBel ie th*a e-«iiatry arererelvtd i-tu «-S and w! 1 be aald »? tbe loweat pn.a

TliOS tt. STANFORD.'La-e STANFORD eY BWORDS.) No ii37 Brci: tray.

\EW MUBIO for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS11 at HAI F PP1CE-Btsatilo'lv S«md I r «1 >'.-UnUJ.n ltSk.we offer oar large atock of MUSIC at half price.* ii a ntaaaai to th« ti«-le and pivfeeaion lor oaah. Our lirac'.ae PIANOS will be reuUag at wh .le.aie price* All other» ticJe» at tbe unua ratlociioa. Catalogaee of oar let-ret aadpre lett Butt a«nt free of poatage to a I parte of tbe chantry.Penoaa reoo»*ii » at lo a»leet toy ftdcu tt ttyle of Mutlc

aiey rary upon getting tbe f ee» ptec.at OOE A BRO., Na 343 Broadway.



OB TP I LOBT WIPE.Large !2mo., c ots. P.-i't (1.

oiiiicii or tur. nt»»." Bur. hook of the iea»cr." JN. T. D*rpa rh." Tbe chartetert are aataral to life.''

Set. Ere. UaJoa. Ertex. Mae*Powrr of delineation, with r earneat Mti aabtle deb racy'

are the charaelerietict of tola work.'' [Alb. Era. Joarau." Tbi» tocrbrj.g work »iL fin ] a fr>n '. in »»e-y hjaath ild

where there if a thiating It'-' nr. -.,» «¦ irt heart."[Uome Circle, N. T.

" Thi« it a work cf »x'raordiaarr iatarett. one that wilt ea.

tiitic tbe mind of the teader from the Mginniag f> the end."C.i einnatl (iatt'e.

'- The teener are iWd ted fall ef life " (Leattville Jenraal," The t hi-"<.:».» are rlrawa by one w»V, verted in tbe vsrioa«

pheeri cf human ..atere.- [City Traet, Colnaibar, Ohio." No one can iced Ettelie Grant' withoot a deep impretnoa

beir t left on the mind." | rribuce D- roit." We fe«i jnatified in pronouncing it a book of anoraa) iaur.

tat" [Morning Herald. Harriaborg."Tbe Heroine of the tale it a moat atnkiog and remarkable

chareater." [¦Sa'arday Poet." Thie it a Morel of thriving internet in which the Minor bat

aimed to »bow tbe centra*? between tntoe aad nee."Sunday Atlac

" Thi re are few rarrat.ee» even among thoae U u, . np withthe cm.rn « tkill ef a Diekena, or a Dnmat. which poteet*g .-eater iaterea than the et citing itory of' The Loat Wife."'

I A'atarford Ditpateh." lu ciitra- 'eia are drawi with a bold and mea-arly hand."

[ " n Ameriean." It will impel the benevolent to aeek forbidden and loatgema

af virtue and ttutb in the lowly hovel " (St. Loait Bepab."Tie totbtr It evidently a peraon of deep thongbt, poaeeaaing

a alee peiception of the bumorou* in life, ani a fund of properaentivent." [Philadelphia Satarday Coarier." Hii» it a deeply interfiling ttoiy ef the wrongt of ao injurrd

*v<m»n.bej trioit. and her repentance " at real Pilot." ' Eatcie Graut ItWIBttBB w. b mach p;w r and marked

ability. Ita { lot it natural, tad ita ttyle diamatic and impreai'iva." [New-York Exprem

"The ta> i.« an exceedingly clever and readable one. andrill lind a large aircuiation." [New-York Herald.

GARRETT A Co., Pablitbera. No. 18 Ana-rt.Alto, for aale by ail Boobaeilere.

T~W~Ö GOOD BOO K~S"1HE MATCH < . 11'. i.;


ui'.ra:. id, Pri.-i + 25.OT7B FIRST FAMILIES.

A Novel of good-Society. I'lattraieJ. Price *1 25.THREE GOOJ BOOK.":

THE ESCAPED KU If.A u itvelation of Convtut Life, which the Jeaoite eta never


HOTEL DIET' MONTREAL. Price 7 s, ceota.lhia it a work which created great excitement at tbe time Of

ita pub i. ation, ani hat never been diiproveC.kit KNE8 IN THE PRACTICE OK A NEW-TORK SUR¬

GEON. Illattrated by Dai ey. Price A>1 25.The preta from all partt of the errantry apeak in tbe highett

teimt of Doit trrrk.In Pre«t and nearly Ready:OEOFFBEY MONCTON.

By Mat. Moomr,Author of ' Roughing It in The Buah." Piiae »I.


Illattrated. Price ft.KATE WESTON.

Bv Jr-.au Dt Witt.illnatrated. I'riee *>1 25.

DE WITT A DAVENPORT,No*. 160 aad Bjj Naaaan at

THE IKIHH ABROAD AND AT HOME..D. APPLETJN a Co.,Not Uto ard 341 Broadway,


AT HIE in K i AND IN t'ik CAMP.With Souvenir« of the Brigade.

Rr.Miaucti.cK6 or an f mk.r»*t Milihih.I vol., 12m©., Cloth. Price, t)l.

"Tliaiaavery agrteab y writtea boot, giving aketcbet a'many of the Flrtt Men wbo tigered datie| the la- ht'f e-atnry.Tbe witter watthe l'aiia Correapondent of The Loadon Time*and had in that capacity abunilant oppoituuny tu oeiome

acquainted with mtny th'ogt which are utaa 1> vailed from thepublic eye."

Extract trim the Table of Contentt.Fnl'on, Franklin, and Marthel »exe on Steam; Strada an I

hi-, trie Telagiapn; Ameiicau Ordar cf Cincinna u«: Laj yTo icr rial, Ls:lv ia at rt on Mlaainui t-i England and to Ruatia;The Ca Ira ot F'ankltn; Trial. Conviction aad Exeeacton ofLull); Immorality of ircuia XV. aju hit Uvpocrny; Tielie gn ol Te.. r Pitt; L( rd Cattle-eagh; William IV. tai tkaTel acion« V- n a of the Kova' Fami y The Fai'nlettneat ofINapoleuu toward H.e Int..; Mr Pitt auj Lord Neuwa oa thetub i ct of Ir.va-ior, Napo'e'i.'a Egoiame and Fatal Ingrttttui*to Poland; The I nited 1 lirtimt. o: Tbe Polea, lll-rri-t'ed bv

atNapt-1'o». are neglartfd by hit tuceeaejta, Loaii XVill antCharte« X j Looia Phl'ippe'i rnee io aeenre momenttry Poptj-larity; The Revolution of 1830 and of 1R48 io Parity Ingratitadeof Lou la I'l ..pi- to La Feyette; La Feyette't Vitit to tbaUnit-d State»; r'reuch Poli eneaa aad Gallantry; Splendid in-rt-..- f It cittd by Lora Palmenton; Weiliogtot.'» Stgtcltyand foie-lght; The lritb at Some; Remaika on Edacttljn,and 8ufgi-»iionr for the Ameliore-ion of Ire'and Lord Ca- .

trrfielo t .Mite Amlrcee; Tb* Dntheet of Ratland tad tbaheautttul Mrt. Dillon; Atthnr O'Cornor; Henry, Lord Paget.(Marqei» of Antleaev); The Pmi-eet Maria Tberett andO'Dontell, aid lie Empraaa Jraepbine and William Harricnof Be Hit-_


A teii«e of beautiful Javenilee eelected from Dicken»'«woik«, in hit own Language. W ith llloatraaona by barley.l8nuo. C olo.

Pnbliabed Thia Day. Nev. 2«:THE CHILD WIFE. From toe David Copperfieid" of

Cbarlea Dick» n». i. mo. Cloth 3R fr.ta.Alrca<*v Pubk-htd in the tame Seriec

I. LITTLE NELL. From " The Oid Curioairy Shop' ofCharlee Irioena. Cloth. Price 3S Centa.

II SM1EE Prom the " Nicholaa Nickleby" of CharteeDUktc«. Clcth. Price 38 crnia.

On Tueaday Dee. 4:OLIVER AND TUE JEW EAGIN. From the" Olive*

Twitt" of Charte« Dicken«. 16mo. Cloth. Price 33 ceata.On Tharaday, Dec 6:

PI.OBF.NCE DGMBEY. From tbe Dombcy and Soa" afCLarlea Diekena. I8a>n. Clotb. Price 3« centa.

On Saturday, Dee 8:LITTLE PAUL. From the " Dctnbey and Son" of Charlea

Diekena ISao. Cloth. Price 38 een'a.J. 8. REDFIELD, No. 34 Heeks.an «r_


A BOY'S EXPERIENCE IN THE 0. STATE". NAVY,Cur .Lg » \ ujage Round tbe Woild in a Ship jf the LLae.

One volaa e. lfino. 7J cant*."We have rare.y teen a book, written eapecia! y for the

young betttr taicuiated to an.uM and lnatruct b=y», and aar-

UcaJar'y tri give tl»m correct ideaaof a «tilor'« Ufa. No boywi I be «atuiored ol anon a lite alter teedisg lhia admiraaiyw.UUn iil'le voleme. * Iii« jutt the book to put Ina»the kandaof tlie bey*, wbo wi'l rea£ it with tan time* more

pleatore and pitöl ttan tba aanihy p»mby «tcrie« which makeap trt larprt: portion of our juvmi e booka." Cincin. Ota." To young ladt who have an inkl'.nt for aalt water and a Ilia

on tb. o»eaii wave. Una volume would be an appr pria'.e pgr .

rat It wi nlii prove an aat-.'.cte. we are tare, to their maniafor wande.-ing. Tbe oldtr rt-adrr will nod tbe bo^k foil tt

lt:er*»t and trttrncti o. Indeed we have nit picked up a

volume for maty 0»)a that we perueed with mjre avidity."[Loaitviila Coarier

"He hit the partic ulaiity of Dicken», ao that tne readtx m

iLfrccte* e« well a* »c naed, vrfci.e be aeemt actual y vcya»^*with the tkligbtfui writer tl.rou»h the mial inter* j: g qaartenof h»g'.l < [Sarinth- iVasL" It ebainung e*ae and eatn;alne»« of »tv « it can »careeiy he

tpifUlTJ It 1« jU«t tba bock that bcy« and |üit aad¦Uar pe a.ua vtlU J?"gSt lb imti-'eA"

IWertern CI nr^aa Adv<a£eIt la excer Jin-lv we'! written, tad by f»' the beat b >ok rar

bw»» il at we have ever reao." [LexInatOB (Ky.) Slateemea.Puhiiaheo bv

BJOOKE. WILBTACH, KEVS k Cj. OailaaailFir aal» bv D APPLETON A Co.. and by


i>REM?01T* HISTORICAL WORKS. .I v. rv Pabliebed. Dec It:

HI?Tu>RT OF TBE BJ ION OF PHILIP ILBv H illiaop H Preacott

ia two aeon a». 8vo- With Ponraitt Maaa, AcThe woikt of Mr. Ptraco»: are at, w .1 kcj».. mat H .

aai ect-aaaiy louo more than t j OaaU «UeB..jn to that njw pab V

°l\it<i will be p«bli»hed on tbe »«me day, New and Uaifjrwl .'i'iopa of »ke tu b .» a pgl . .ci a w rka:HlhTOBY Of THE CONQUESf OF MEXICO 1.



'Vu'Ks\o^a->rMI>U-LLANIES. It I *t\ W .-. a

r ' r'li'lLLIPS, SAMPSON A COMPANY PuV «he-v.

The Trace ««ppl'ed by J C DEBBT. N»w Toik._HE PRiM'N OE ^ELTEVTIEPEN : Ob, AGtaa.i- tt tbk Ea»t iatiaa AacHiriL»crv.Bv Car*. .

»!'»» M. GihaoB. Iiloatrated with 4» Ei graving* tn. at origitalketuie», by th» author. ISAM. Cloth B1*A

J. i. EtKER. P' blither. No Ia FaltoB *.. N«w-1 ork.

L'OUR MAUMEI' ENT WAR CHARTS.JJ Ju»i tVepted to tka wanta of Ageata to ml- anivjrttlly.

Boey waau them. Adcrtat . _

O F PaJuSONS, Puhl.aber No. I«/1 Ba»eaa-«L, N. T.

DECEMBER 7, 1855.


L>ae vol. 12mjr.-Pr.-4j 91.WJI be i *ee

C» WIXUUWAT, Dec ä, 114J,And feg it i by

all WIIWtMl iw »irr-roll.

It i» BBmeJeritto My that tha. id*» eonuieed In !hi« work

,u teen tbe r*"''' rnidlBg-a ax a toe life of the a&tbir; aad

tte ibon*andi who have been eo ici-g looting for Uitt l-opcnect.re In btn»»u cxiwenee, wLl eo* oev* ibeix deairea greiiaed byobtaining Ttl£ OO03 TIME CUMIN i.

L P. CRO'.VN A C<x^ rNxViabcre._No. «1 Cornhi I, Boetoa.


I- Now Rust'Pnea, Si 2\

From Th» Mae-York E VActa." Ljtea iban 'rar tr&rn;*r* Ptaay *ern e-in-.n>e3c*d her 'ite-

rarr crrer. Wi'hfitbre y»ar» ihe «t *>d rmf-M-dlv tb < moatbr- Baal lertgrapH« in tKe eotnti j. Of the thoaatod. ml new*,

repere »rieb, to the ««!' r -hrt'ii' of Europe, exiar aad etrea-late in An.er*ea It !i r-rnbtble there it not one whvh bieaotc.pied nv re "r le*. of her Eern Le ivee.' A boat tbie »Ime laetyeer bar brat coarttiaoaa wort wee atu .nneed. Aa:' (aid ttertitice.' now we .hall have t failure. Our duhm t. wire, fear-Ire» reptlr'o«* F*' ny. ren never «t*J in ihn line.ebe lech*r i. mo-Bee, it\'h. peu»nc*; ho'h Ha..' ari. be a feilere ]wbtt t pity »h» bad n ' Meek to her perxgra, bt' The en-.tetwere raatahat), aa etitk* rometim»¦ are; tue book did n*t provea faimte bat, indeed, came near bein| the meet auccaeefnl af allAmerican lcah*a(! »v« htve f rgotten how mtny .cere* of pi¬per trilla, bundred« of prin iog pr'.i'g.and thoueandi of Va l¬la, tbe pabli.htu adv.tQKd they were obliged to keep ein-

yit' '* I'mand. bur ave ell remember that every-

kryread Both Hall, everybody talked about it, and everybody aw^te and dita'ter rried over it. Jul'cua quick eereeognr, oo

tbe other iice af tie Atleniie th- manner of tlie ei-it»mentwhich it prodeeed, and ferthari-h h* eeot nt e Kuti HallSrhttt'che.' to be folio»ed hj a taarm of polk-a. waitzae,(enge, etc from critpoeert oflart noie-all drawing thrir inapt.ration, or at I' M' t^eir nanet. (ahici ao often etaad in theplare of inrplraiioa in auch tting«,) frrm Rath Hall.' So greatwm tbe fan e which thie bxx.k btougbt itt an'h'r-«i >hat >bebt* received daring the laet Mmuar, tot a tt'e coi n'.^t.d toone of tbe New-York papera. one hundred dollar* a r jlama.tprice never before paid lor aeaaptper m alter Sa . and aiTainwlit Fanny F'tn. witu a new took it aanoancci. f en berfrn. IM PtM la A«B ly Ro*e Ciark,'and it by ta appear ahoetltbe f..-at of )ecrrubtr. Ruth Hall railed a brera*.' *e ! a

friend abo Km tbe et,tr*e of the literary green room, and h%*had a peep at 'he pro* f (h**t», 'bat Knee Clerk wvirt'-npaliBtricaLe By vhtoe ot an editor* pmilegee we have obttm*da prmtal oftMi new boob, whi.-h ia to bring >nce a .torm 'ipontit It l< rettaitly tbe beat thing Aaneric*'* fevorlte aath jien

ha* yet done." Finny Fern pm oA vet tetched the xenitb ofher ft"te j her

new book will add great.y to it, or we err in jai'grneut. Wheth¬er It be ttor. m The Net. Tetl Mirror tay* that I! ttt Hail'wa* an tuioblograpby, aad Bote Clark' ie la part a **>ri-l teIt. giving antra rhaptert in the life of the a r-«* whioa were

cn.Ttted in the fi rrner acok i* none of oat Mieinr**. It certain¬ly la a dtlitb'fn1 *tery. which rivet* the mention of the tetierfit m Preface to Fim*.' We (bail net be tnrririeed if it provethe moat eureeeafaj of America* fiction* "

Pnbllthetl by Bamin BROTHERS. New-Tork.


every Bttnrday. B3 per tnaam ; tic. per ropy.r. \7tHrj or No. VI.. Die. 8:

RF.VIF WS-" The \\ ^rkaofChM Ltrnb' llirto.rede fran.cti.". Baytrd T*tlor» "Poem* ml H me aad Travel". Hetnetta Robinr n ".NOTICIS.' Nellie of Trero"."Saeb'ogy fcr tbe South"-Juvenile Rookt, Ac, Ac.

EDITORIAL. 'An Official Document 'eonttlning reveletionaof ibe myetety of pitting by entbori'y-copiori LiteraryIntelligence and Literary Oo*a.p. Article* on Pr 'eeaorLoiife'low'a " Railway Libtsriet," be ..SriENTir IC." Snbniarlpe Tunrel," Ac.FiNE ART Oeeip.

MIPCELLaNEA- Literary Ixmgev ty"-' Mr Garden Li¬brary"- " Ecgllth Jou.nal*" . " Cl'j'ent I n<| irened" ." Wig* trd Toaaeco"." Fielding and flitckeray." A:.

NOTES anu QCEKIES." Hv Cock and fie"- Impregoable.'NEW PL Bl.lCATJON5-Aineti»a-Eo*lUb--OerrnaaBtokMller* and Pabiitbera will find tint journal admirably

adapted to their ie.f(mei.i» CHARLES R RODE,No. 113 NaMto *L

VKLLIE OF TSDBOl By the Author ofIT 'Vara." 12«ro. »I." A drl'gbtful troiy.eoa e of the eeteacee, indeed, eirel .ay¬

lhing of the kind we have ever re tu. Pittiburgh Dupatca."A beaatifal and highly interacting tale."

|Cbri«tlen Obeerrer." A work cf a high order of m.ii, and txeetbtia the poreet

'I'M ofpiety." I Wetelunt*." A lave of tree artiatlc marit, and well-aautataed Int.reet "

I OhMrver." A hetati/ul velawie." [Cbri. Utrouicle."Crowded *>)U) lncideati. theln'craat abate* net ia tbe lent,

aad b*ieg a religion* romance, it baa all tbe loleraet of en ea-ettiea .*»-.:. '», whtah it i* with tbe valaeUe leeeooe of Cbrie-Uu tt'e iiad iilaaiab*. Atwaaat rrveev pa** t* iilauujatad by.l.e lig it of religioa* exeeneroa" | Lit. Meeeeag-r." Ta oee who heve read " vara" will aaticioale gratiii»tlon

in the petrual ot th . volume, and they mnl not be di*ap-potntrd.' IChri'tiaa Intell<genc*r.

"Tbl* * i prodaation of tbe imtginat oa w*il coueaired.beiotlfuliy cxpre**ed, keeping ap the utertat of the reader, aidleading to probtab t n iVcti r. . [ Janaer.


THE GO0FEL IN^EZlKIEL. ThoinaiOotbrie, D. D



LOttl RT CARTER k BROTHFRS. No 255 Broadway.

SEVASTOPOL has FALLEN..Our fcrre*t TIC-TORIAL WAR SHEET, thowin? all aboet SK\ V->

TOPOL and the Battle* there, ia Kill to be bad M I2e cent* percopy. ROSb, JONES i. TOLSEY. No. ICS Naaaau-tt.

M OKRI8 at WILLIS'* HOME JOURNAL,for 18%..The following are tbe inducement* to (ab¬

aci ibe : A NEW NOVEL, by N. P. Willi»; . aerte« ofSKEICHE8. by Cencrxi Moaait; and . Not ELETrE.by .1.M. Fii i.d. Tenn(, AST a year. OfJiee, No. (7 Ealton-eu, H. f.


ClrvalailAB ever 117.DUO.

Tup Nr.w-York Witkjy Tiiibcne for thiiweek ccntaiui the following :

I. LEADING ARTICLE! laaMIBlll The Sitte ofLurtji*; N tratiia; An Eaplanatia^i: A Meta-moryhoeu not m Ovis ; Kaneaa; Tbe War n ;.aa-mxt; A New Pariv; Ceeutry aad City I'olm-*;Diplomatic Grandaurti american* at the Pan*Exhibition.

:i .MR. GREELEY'S LETTERS FROM WASHING1i'N Corgreaa.Tbe New IIoaM-, The firM Dayof 'he Searion ; The Contort for Speaker.

III. .TWO WEEKS LITER FROM EUROPE: A rl-v»! of the gtearrnhip« Atlantic aa-' Am«rire: Turk-. I torjiver the laanata; Wax New« oitn-portatt; Peace Kamen Aban-tnt, Tile Nottli dideof bevu'opsl to be Bombarded.

IV. .T\MJ WEEKS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA:Arrive: of the it/anubip Star of the N eat; Saxaotmrj of tbe Fcrtmght'e N'ewa

\ K.ANt AS : The Caae cfMctreaj Tbe " Law aadflroer" Meetu g; Tte Proepejt tf l reedom 'i.owit,A SiartliBg Metion.BWatona Meetlagi More Vio-tLcc.Tie lLiic u.ent; Troabl* betweea the Eret-S'fe tn* Pro-Slaver» «etiler»-Tb« Mi'ittrvCelled'u.-stuugle.ltw on Forcui« Slavery btta BaaaniThe Medea Tr*al. Oatbreak; Ca.l Or Called.-.ate. Inoas: Civil W*r ia Kta*a«: >ecrat Slav-

"} >oc:et* in M.aaran; P area aad .-.at.aae-Trr>ep(net Otdcred Out.

VI..EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE : Letter fromI.oi«-n cn the State of Eorope Let'e: f.ota Ttraoa tbe C oaiag of lbs Fre-ab Expaxruija.

VII..NEW PCBLIf'ATIoNS Peeaw of Home aidTtate..By Bayard Tarier, Peecia-iiy JihnHcaard Biyeat; Poetal Reform.By V my Milse.Moflern pilgri«.«.BT George VA »od Tue Staaaar.I'uat Reader.By Er*« Baggeaf.

VIII..REVIEW Of THE WEEK; Gtrtag ta a eoBdaa**i-.jTiicuoni ic.-m the lataai aa I u. -.' un.->i-.*al

eveata that have teaaupared at t-w. Citv aitad; :e ti, Menco. N* trag** ;»« iMhaaaa «t PtJtatfct-Bii Pae.LC Coart.

IX..POLITICAL INTELLI3E.NCE N^YafhOta-(eafjgMYpMit Whwaanata; N»bra»xa; Kaew Noto-tag Sartorial Corveartoa


LyreE,XII..NICAlAO''At Latur 'rom Onr Own Ca.wtjtc

cnt at a atA.btTtea.XIII..THE NEW-YORK HOR^E MAB IT

X V..TUT POKT-MrTIE^S.XV..1ROM BoMON : Letter et" aa Oecegiaaei Cor.a-

epa.icbntKYI PDETRr: Tne RapewaU"-By Heatry W. Lwag-

fi .i w

XVi!..Vi>ci::'.A\T0CS: A C^Bawaa to itoCheyat.Icrai What La.7 ** ' »^Ä1'» -v.o.r the R«» -B-vn, An ESee.: of Pr»-

t 0 rajJM Nh:0*' ¦ M'taeJt-


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Ct aa 'T Tl"rr.a* Barne't M D.H bAILLIERE Pab i*b*r and Importer of rut.,, aad

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PRICE TWO CENTS." Save »« to «m. mh be -Silly.- I eayt to hits. *«v»I,* »t

" Bo a* . tj mo, mj. he. A'B.e tii poor cnorn


[!*¦. Wtdjw.p. JV

THE WIDOW BEDOTT TAPERS.7 .h*"'!'^',!,J »ad« 4ii lmpr-»»ioii. Ediorain«! pirj 01'the I Ltted Mum iirM tnet it la ib«

MOST OKIi.ilNab VEIN OF humorin»- tu yet boon eprr.a m thia aoontry.St). 7. - ".. Loan Mo.) t),.nj<rr»i: Aa Yankee Pao-a -yire 'art y tuper! r in d l>», eed.netaeaa of pe.caption a, caemac toof .;Je of ;h»t chafBc er m my ,f u,, ,lwru uf jna-.eMaJ1«trtcn. It'yen ore T »bt«d wi.h dttfneit heat acho:-. itttthtOTty. I ypncoidita; i< voa ara hearted wi h the la'leci'Lit', d that ycc are a post or remarkably fine wnter. aed ara..«.: gwitfcaheg ¦ 'f at yoar clelrna opin ih» r"»b la »y» and earhire bean . upidly ign red by ts« blaai-miodeu fr.u:mnyoithe p-ate-put ea-l * ieeor». »et thia bjuk ant if d mm n,.t reore ycu. yoar caea moat be kopeieaa looead. 'B4*f&aafl .'

i tee win. 1 ri ue a w' lo 'egioo . the Ilm re-lion* of ahett etiuBa and paa»IBIhriaa "

Saya The N*w-Orl*«bc Cieecnt: " Jb« ni'* origin»i pro-cacth.n of the kind we hate aver teen Bbourdirg Id wit, hotear Bed -*Uie; oiaaeotli * the cJaiac ort of peop'c eu- at>iu>n-"al nicely, arc ye; with-obo of the tavtt^ aajertt ev ac ad bymany wbX titdc.-'aie tae teat; ruotiugote: wiii tuo, and eoaatraiattg tie n.^et k**ae»B4d Cynic to be for a ti.se, a WiaaaipBIof Min- o»"raj* Tue PcrfAaad Argua: "It cotiaiot 'he aery cream of

fun- tenaine fan tod if tot hod) e»b read theee ikr.rehe» w tk-M h<arty ..ojiitar. at ear, un.y pity him. Hu caea .» h -f

lata the book ia aaoaai'd a >are rare foi all kiudi and detraeaot hypo, and -a wr b a.a tuuea ita price "

r-aya Tb» ft. Y. C.ma«'i:ia. Acvor*i*er: ' Tie WIJjwBtduit ie a rival to fain »Utk, and in tone ratpeeat ia mi *k tbein.at ludit.-cot ax vl iniith-provoki. g of the two She it m .d< thewihsiil the irre . hunor.ua »kcchei of Vac lee rharater,»Lieh it ia luipoaaibla to rt ad withort lengr.irg t-on-odertreiy."Saja The Ucrc-ater (Maaa.) Palleciura: " fhey opfo up a

bread vtln of Yaakr* ch. rector and die jlay it in maatnr aaetcheeI nmar ur an: pa. »' hy any wrtt-r; e»u.C'og in the ao'h ra

aeag aecaibi itv tt th* ridiiuleaa in human cuara ter and eon-

daci, and fmt ncv. r wounding by lippirg with malice tbe abafta' »atlre,"

r-ej» ihe Pfci adelpbla PenntyWaafan: " Stich workt are thebeat antidote to the trvable-bnrdened heart, tonotaing thetaie-wornwr nkl-t cfthe .'ace, ana imparnuf to th* droopingapiii: th' bootetet aj youth">aya The h»w-Yoik o Hervert "A vnlome more fill of ge¬

nial nutter anc (rrea atihle Yankee character hta not yet b-eapukliah'd-rof evea extcprng theexpeiiencaa oi tbarenowaad-.-am Siiek.'¦aya the A haty A:g-i»: " IM humor ia perfeeily lrreaiatib!*,

ard tb'te a ho rpen it aloald tir«t loot well to iheir aatt >ni, tort: ey nay depeed upon it that their tia b e orgtna wilt i'euiinatiih-iai room frr eaereiee "

Saya ine i aatee l'i aafe-: " buch another v .I'lnae of lan,wit and eat-aam we be| ave « t« rrtar pub it*>»d. San Sickhaa parpttrati-d a good deal la the hatno oaa !ioe, Jaea 00B>nir* aet tbe arlveraal Yank'e nttio* gjiuning. Doeati.ka w.olaa torca bo<<k and then gia coat,' Ytakee 11». Pale ia budge,/.abdiel Stube*. Mia Pa.üagtoo, Mit Caudle. Mra Sparraar-araaeerd Job See*, haae a!, cuiitrbuttd aomethiog t- m-kf v**>ple ' laaga aad gtow fat;'bat the -Bidow Beeo.i na* dlauutadthem ail is the u.ir.h-pn.v.kiog Una "

SayaTh' Nee-York Uiapvch: At far a* regarda wit, hu-mci.we way aay a-eniaa. they atupaaa aaytbing of the aind

. a been (unlube t ur ytcrtto imuaeaaarany tha cam par-laoo weie folly."Sava The t n-te^ Stataa Jeurral: ' TbUb ok ia a ret*rvair

of n il, gaaniae, original fan, and fua tm that made Irtelf.Moat tun-mak-ra »te u> manufacture tbe artic e.have to la-boi op to the el> vagi ^n of an t're'iaeihie ;->ke; bat th» humir oftut boek babbine ap fiom an aVBetfj iwing f lao'ain it fan. i hefair au'hor a'-ii acfai g, faa ax 1 >a dn't he f i'.-Tadefrn ot her plaimfe and nalghtaira and got aiolded K it Ata later age e pitched into tbe vice* and foliiet that the f todprevalent all ah. nt her. Goeeipa in attietj kaavea ia rida,nyp<«iitaa in tuo churtL, and l-e n^icu.uua tveryarliere, lor-aial i-.l eihanatlete to! jt ra for her aatlre. and tM WtaM*TaW<dott Papera i* the augnter pruvoking r*aeiL It i* ruatic coun¬

try fit tOaa, Itamacka »f puraoitte, piga t'gia» f- e«,fain yatHt. tea-pertiet, aewii g atcietie*. graaty la-tea. and ear"-Cia If lA* rural cha-cb and the ratrtma th. reof. Codi ry talk,e/untrj maane-a end rauot^y life ate hit off ia a velo of 111ml ta¬ble CcULtiy bumor. la aliort, tie book a giving tbe city »odcour'ry e%eiywhere one big laagb Jie btggeat ait;;e Doa-atlfkt..1The boc.k can be foaad at all Brv katcre*. Prio «1 M Third

aditlt n new read}. J. C. DEBBY, Pahiiaher, New Tork,Nettapapc.a Ullerting the above once ara entitled to a cjpy.


Thibu EutTioaef


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From Robert C Wirtnrop. LI.. i)"It la fui of aoble thmtbt and btllliaat llluatrallon. The

aketche» of Howard tad, WPbeifiree aad namoel Bndgett are

asuoug th* Btaal chatmiag »pecLucn» ef cjadenaed biogtapby 1have ev» r ir«t wltb."

QUL LD A LINCOLN, N» H Waahington at. ateetaa.

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.tonatpabi abed. JOHN MUNROE A Co.,No. 444 Broadway, jutt beJow Grand at.



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IIK EN ESS of BILL POOLE-d Onjy 10 ienu par copy. A perftet uk*a«at.Koraale by ross, JONES & TOI'SET,

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taltly given aa Ha thia Hung one of the moot nataiai aad takingMrlodlet we bav* ever ti.t wi b ia a comic »eng. No on* etabear the melody aloo* wiiboat laughing. Tbiie ara othar edi¬tion* of Ulla Seng, Im' all are aa infenor truk c.mpared withthia. Aak for COOK A BRO/< Edition ComDoee.1 by Mark¬atein, with beautiful lithographig rjtttv Price 2S Canu. .'.'ail

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I^IRMS requirins; new BLANK BOOKS can b«fumUhed with est* already made or mail to order, of tha

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Tint Atta.

Gl OUPITa A Co. hBY* un «xhibitiou for a «hörtI baue "LHEM1CYCLE DU PALAdS DES BEAUX

ARTS," (tbe Apctaeoet* of the Art*,) Painting by Pao. de iaReco* FINK ART GALLERT. No. 3BB Broadway. N. f.

Loot an5 /onnD.REWARD..A reward of 1500 ia of-f red hy tbe aabeciibar f r toe return to Mia,

pttor to IK February next, in good eoadiiion. of forty Itad War¬

rant» wuch ware n/ailed by him ia a r-wnaCerad latter oa 'Ouhot Aogaat laat, addrtaaed to Starr dt I'halpe. Bar.aigton, lava.Tie a arianta ara : acribed aa follow! I.Numbar. To whom atanad. A r-«

..;b8....Frt:deiick Heautiuiaou. >V>7.BT5....WBA, Sprit|>r .. . '-"O

....LemiaS .»jniogar..1»bjai........ L Wa r.. 13"a 894... F ixabeth f uaoa, widow .1 J md Caitoa.. !J>

.>atuu»l Ihoaupeoi.. 1*117M....Albert Menace. 1»... W ¦ Li. !*>r>s50....Etalne Clark. 1»»7 S47....Sajah (emrbell. >»

-^Bl....Bet*ty, ai,:ow o' Giorge Faeie-. 1»¦ ti J.... Bernard Lcffrlrg. ]*?l^....Wc H MaL. «t**»j_OiwrO Rowley. I*»

.J. a ft.. ».. J*9 110....Ar»'^rl»h Hembree. W

r,bid....Wat. W. Garerer. 140417_Thea. Meyer*. 1*0

toll u.ai.. 10i.; «3....Hii.i»ua Shew. M*> V".... Ie*. SU:urwhi-e. l^tI -....Hanry Brooaer. 1*£.:U....H*ary H. Tot-k. 14;m....v»m c'iBord. 14»It l'3....D»t.i Piu.-ce .... . ltd1Hetrrr Dtvla. ltM. .«9..../aci.*:iah AJthjuoaw.IMt IT1.... Wtt r. t'aaa.i-r». .Bi337_Jar*o.i*h Tu'ker. MH7... Jamca A. Avbieoc.. . At

T»12....CB*». A. MiiHkac.470_Lonu L- Cuuiatvck. it)

4 IBS.... Ftekiel Scotth.. \mg 4SJ....J -he Muekey. 13i_ I' r, v .1 Bl ite. Hi

....i.-w . Far--.If)f " i.... Jame* M. bcotx.. 1»

J-u- Eoy. taB.¦..?»*....j-t auah Mcaber. i/BrCB....Buckley Bcvwall. jjlte paektge of r»guttr- i ksBMBB, of which tr a aaove waaoce,

wa* tea. rttd at aevar rac>n*d ettAtrat Poet Gt£:e* of CeBaaaa¦r BarlkagUa t-a th- um* at 'aaroeed to have b*-^

Ibaae aairar.U kai.ug haca ail properiy ataigaad toa tt. a party, tre of to ate to ary o*-e be* the pr.,a»r atogaea.Caveat* have be*n esured at the (reacral Lead Odre vi'<aet pattat can taarea aeoa tataa. aar* .Be cabtenber It now ukifthe maeaara* nreaenben by Uta Department p ^uarautrg to .D

¦- .:u f u^j^a:.» tf the n i««ing wtrratJ'. N*" Yeti.Dttcaaiear 1,1A55. W. rj. OILM IN, No jO K_

LOST or >10LEX-On Tueariaj taveaiflk'. i» «'?Uahervaliec CbBfrh B eeeke-*. a FCt VICfOBIN

t*)fV\ REWARD -L09T, on TTJESDtlf,LI tBf> ¦> b.ak Rota. mmjcV, at AM* kfj St* cat

*.»», H. J. a boat #..»0 ia *"e oa tbe ramar*1 Beakof ^ ... s j plt« Bell an T>aJ- ewea'e Baak at* ibis

* ' otimrM "> etaet e aa-y ketka Tha ahewe re-

»,r'1,':'^ ae apci.atMO oi ir-iueder, ay WiLLlAalr' LLERTON, eau,, Me. et Wal.-at,


tjorac», ttarriagee, #c.

SEK ICHS. SLEIGHS, SLEIGH*,.A lar«r aa-wrtmentef ccrot twe-eeeied BL'IOHS fee ea* et teas

bore**. made In tbe beet n>»eo«r at ih» beet tMternb, aaatfiaal to toy fbretyie, anxkwauabp or urabnity Pleaee eeali Ua ' be'ote neu;heitre e.eewDer- at Na tr! Wae««,

_QKDWaY a eXalUl


\YOPNG I.A OY tboro.ijjuly ruiiereta^iti*the eee ef tbe Pleno, wema hae u> add a (bar PUPIM ae

the i.tn.!-er .he toe irrra t«'n that Inetraiaeat. Fee tbjrtbaiart -'in eeMrere TH"v>I OH. Box Ma. 1» f^eaee Office.

P«yTk*tTn t^IKlT^ iahes a sitnAtiOB mt'OOKcr lAlNI'FK B, or woeM bo wBiut» todothat

t KIl '. tad WAaHiNO ¦. » laitall r i»»ta ftaa .y. O^ticity rafetor.f. Call «N' H Pop ar at , BroobJyri.

HOrSEKpKPEK .rainiatitn ia wajiterd mmHOI SEK« K»KB. or to Jo tee *erh «f a »mall teraiiy.

or to «o »Mint-no in a kfata 1 or rt>rr <.» ran men*, an km-n-cen tt'reiu whe h.i had iiverieoee tedeaa aaaAaPalter, Sew,C ob fca. CoTp-rnci^n n a<" ao.nob of ea obia-t ea le get. |Sad j'eee r.tTei»ne-« eteterged. k tdreee C. D. Pi, BoxNo ».170 Pott-Office. N. Y._Resident 001ernew .tw b^vf4Uia»r

wahet to «e. re tb« err »irr« ofe pioai EAtitah LadyOViarere'lta p'e'tr-edt t o TAKE tTHAttOI ef the »'D0t'%-T ON ol nit Dal ii UTKB> one lalle lui-feaesdirei be: «atiea,ard aMa to tW* ttweegh iaitri«t'on la the F.ei ah araorbaa,

blo.ie m..i D awing. Adcreti Box Na. I,M3 Poea-fJCoa New Yo.k.

SUVATIONS~WÄNTED.Aa COOK, aad ta>" \<H a..' IRON te a private t.rntly. by a eery etpe-

rlevred Cr''' wfh t >d rirv r. awi,'., and at NIRSK ndBEAMSTR'"SS . a. i i a MKF.RttAID aad SKAUSPUtVtA,

a ti<iy teure yuuud Woman Call at No. 73 »:a u :baBookttore.


\\'AM ed.Bj A rpSpfOrAblP S'N»tfh ProtlJajtABtff tv, «o. a rreatloa ae I. AI M»l; . a eanaileeoad ua

« -ai Itarrbiai .r.! Krenrh Klalmtj weald (0 ae 'HAMHtR-V. \'V er CLXAl STaKCHKI «MHn.-to make bereelfaear-ertlly ai.fn) no ol lacttoa to toini a ihort dwtaaca in tha aooa-try. Call at Be I Cora it-it., near 4th-et, for two deye. Ot*#lajMaavaaa traaj her *i. plaae.T\"ANTE1>.Ä eitnation bT a rwapftctablB roun«? V \v.-rear who tin take the piaee of a COOK. f.Al'N-

DafaKffl or C9A»B> I ..MAI li Cea glTeeead atry re'i-renoe.tad aea be etta (or two deye at No. HI doietJo at.

'avtf.p--a tiluation at a tirat-rmtw COOK.M.i read IIda*, -..an in ona familr. Call at No. Mil aSaV

at kt ih and 1 lih-sra C <n be wi for t*« Aaji"TVANi ed.A cook who thoroimhly uBdar-*« a'aadi hrr tmir.eiai no rther need epply. Apply tt fa.M 7th-ar.


Wantep. b» a >inin^ Wont.tn, whn ia a toeni-bet ol the Pre bj i'ian Cl unli a .itubtloa ia a pritaM)

ftaafpftnde HENEHAL Hl lütTEWOBR, n» taei are'e-eadlCan be well recommended if required. Call at No. 347 iioaar>ton-.t. np ttal.-a.

A"itäctuTiTT^workirn re an. AddaeaaJ C, Box No. 130, Tiibiane OtTaoa.

GENT8 WANTED^ExlTBordinBT7~it>anrsvmaata' The Beit rbance r*t to rake Moaer AW aae

CAMPBELL A C*. Pbl:ae\alpbAa,Pa.

A>SOPrtANO of fine capacity witbtvi to liud aeI re ATION in afbureh Cb I. A pule to Vre. S-Hbrf-

EMB1 k(. I SONS, aioadwty. corner of 9th at

Dr-^K liOOM "WANTEn-At a nitirWaA«»hart in ana et aad u-e.b. PLBLlShINo OrFiuE,

In the ait.nit' of T'.e Tr.lm ie wr TIt*i Office, or oo R-aaj-way. between the AKcr Home eud Ckamlere-at. AdareesI)£.-!R ROOM.riii'line Oticu._Rt^H_fEACH ER!".Wanted"" in a Fe.atlwheniinaiy Bear the city, e FRENCH LADY MT-a-bTdr

own Mtutte. Salary it<eral Addreaa V. S. aCilttOlaAOF.M.Y No. ?.U Broadway, N. Y., or apply kB] n


IADDS WANTED 10 piuua La-lioa nua-edJ to CIECCLAI K a SI BSCRIPTfON BOOK »o rakja

moaea for a Duly ben' roleei object to hea< lit Letlee oaly._ l'bakaataBBi UaaaMel Ooad waget (tlaeo. lnnuieiu't. I' aa

»tore. No. bO VV'eiker at., for oaa week ftom !'¦ '. -day. Dae.A.itfob.


M~ÄCDINE WOKK^WANTED..A Machinibtbanal SteBBi taiwir, Slide Leibe, end all tbe tcale aa-

.lnired. wooid contrac with parttea 'e do their Ma.bieecr BraMWaik md ratteta uakiaf. Pertooal attea'.loti ajtnn t) rep-vir-mg or boy Ina and t»l at btachuariv Mefereoce grrea if te-

quued. AddieaaMACDIMST, No. J: m St j ton et.

OTnE THINüIiEEDx^iTTb^^ fconHyis aVod SKBVANT (. .1 St RV \NS are at 'be PR0TE*V-

ANT KMPLOYMV.Nr OFFICE. N't. 7 : Vtuit near HleacA-arat,_


S1IUATI0N8 WANTED.By a lar«« a«iiLaMJpof firal-elaaa Proteitaat bervanta both celereJ and white.

Alio, by lararal alee Oirli from 14 to 16 Apply at tbe aflkoe.No. 7 llth it, beer Broadway, Re moved from Weelej plaoA.

SOPt^'Ol^'l^y^hi» readsi maaie*' at sightdettieia ai'ualh n aa BtlPKANO SINUXa la Cbarab. AaV

dreeet AROLINK, ffiibBM Otlice

S1EAM-!.'N(ÜNE WANT1 I)-tirrhonB9 power..BO ad haad.le «oeil order, wita or wiibou'. Bodere. Ad-

d. Ml U, U. C, No. Ul Allantiv it., Brw.klyn.

ST E A M-ENGLNE .Wanted, a su horarypewer, eecond haid. otrt-Me S TE A ME-NOINE. Apply

to_C. W. C IPE LAND. No. «4 Broadway.

TEA' hWwXnTED^A LÄ DYlfrtakTelM.riröof the SFCOND lor intermedia e| DEI'ARTaatNT la tea

FREE BCe>0OL at I'.oontoa Mo" la Co N.J. Averaae at-uncanee abi-ut 40 icholart Irea eight to f .intern yeara. Ailtbe c ,'Ujmon E"g lib tnaneue> tat.gti.. ExperieBce a 'I tie ialoveraineut inowpeneab e. I'ear termi of e.evea weeke each,live «ji per tveeb. ttx betire pet uty Compeniatian w'JjO pera> i.nn 'or fir»r year. A.leran, ai:h lefeteaee, Ac SCHOOLiVACATES, Boenti.o, N. J.

TEACHER..A Col leg?« Graduate), bow rodentin thie t ity hai a le a hour. iu the week at bia aamuiaod,

wbirb te ceaM devote tri the I NSTItlt'TIuN of a PRIVATCPI III.. Audreat At.TA, Hox No. Id* Tribuaa Office.

TO ,IEWi:i^Y~DEAj^Rft--A youoR Mao,u o bat hai eeven vean* expeneuee in ee Lug jaw airy,

wuhei ¦ . tit' n .. BALI SMAN; f-i!y n-d-ratande baa bull-ceee. f an refer to laM employ or, and will accept a aeoderatalaliry. AddreeeSENEX, Tribune Office.

T~() SALEf-MEN -XmAN ia^W^AN TED in anold eitnb.iilied whole.!> Straw Oaoci. Hat aad Cap Heute,

who eaa inflaenee a gearei coMBtiy trade. SueSaoae may bearof a lieeirableaitua'i' a by t-ldreaang JANUARY, Tribuye Office.

WANTED.By a trnitwortby and reapeetablayci ng Man. a litnatlna ae " i'f r PORTKB. in a

ted le otherwie» sieke himielf generally aaafa'| «r ae BOJK-KEEPER or CLERK b any mercantile .e'.ablletm-n'. Ceafo>r lib tbe beat uf city refereeee. Addreea U, BexliaHeralAOffice, N. T._WA NTED.A Stuart, active BOY, in an office.

oc* who writci e good hand. Salary AlOU per aaattax.Addrege, in owi baadwri mg D., at thli ctH:e.

Co fDijfjttt ti SLat} 'rüiuc .;.

IMPORTANT to DE AEEKS in better aadPi niiCCE.-On and after the lötAlait THE KX*REew

»iE ->i .SiiEA wi.i puniiaü irgBiB/ly e- a.y wee, ... Eg «e

Agenu' Ri porta of <h.< Eartscra and Da ryaneo'e P-iceeCirreotia nearly ooe tbeuaaod id'ica.taral wwei in all BBaaJggaL batLiiactpai v in New Ynrk. Penaey »ar.ia ar 1 ibe Waetaro ^'Mm,icdicat^g'where Bauer. Lard. Meau. Eggg, Poaitry. (araia,Ac, may he U.tubt the cheap.iL Tarug itl per aaa at, or #1lortUn-ooJia A. L. «rfMS J»f,

Pub liber, N». S3 Breadway.

MATKIMO.MaJ^.A v'-iii" man of Bnexeejpuocabie charieter. bel'ieglrg to one ef toe iiefieehMg,

wufaee to fo.ni a MATRIMONIAL AL'.IaNCE with a yoengLa/y tot cn.y good ookiag and lo'eiligaot, b-tt aecitealiy ami-th a tot !i,i/i. Addreea WM. H H AR.sr<>W, Taabnaaaaak,Wyomtrg. Ca, Paaa.

V«7l K ir.TbeAeanifieteiot HOtt\ce WATERS.it kj uuet for the kaBasSj M hu C'eaitort, aartay rtqteeu ailpenoei having rlt.r-i BgaaBatt aa-d Wateea v> preaant taa eaxtaa;and ail penoei mdebtea to him by a Ae, nook eeeoaat, or at hervim to call tt an atore. No 33ft Beoadwav, aad eettie arita tbetubeer'bercr L a i lerk .» M. KANOL'iE wrta-axt delay.

JOii.N I. kai PH,wa»aaawaaatB»MwaaMaaaaaaa»aa»waaa>aiaa>tw

.'r:Tji'.':.a tor bcpinees Bltn.


A n efahtlacutient with a . ra.de of B2S,UiO a year.wb'Ca may benecfrnrfely iiicreeeac.la oae of tbe mnet Sotnee.) a« miaadtrftMa ol the 3-ete, it FOl SAL'l. Stock oo bead, abeetAC ero will be .« d V , e^tcoant. Addreai VORl«;0-rL'R tt<STORE, Tiibnee Oifi'e.

Omca oi mt < iMoti tvo Anatne I.aaoCo.,/ft adelpnia, Nov. *d, 144. I

FOli PALE.A H'jTrJL in Atlantie city, at tivalaVai tnettor ef tae Cemoea aad Atlaaiie Aa-'roa 1, r.teetedi

within a »hört Jta^asc : ol tad beach. Pee t ildiag i. 'His taetlong dOfeet wide. 2* >i*e Mab, coetaieilng M ladglag roama,and one of tte moat roacioaj eud baaa itai Dia ng-rooanaof aaphotel rn the ccan'rv It ii more ellglalr 'ocatel taaa aat ritvaeeontheieJaad and ;n proper beede wul coonintet a prafereaeeover any «her. It wiil lABoad Mw4a eerj p«ty t>»,ina f^ciU-t'i -n won B pr-r'r'v. At>D'» W *« C. MUfctlObM,Ptwrldear eertifW dtb^ M^ketca. , or ma AC LLJYD.oecrttao Camdea aad At-aattc Laad La., ttm, 3» WaiAatvet.

I^ÖrTaLE or EXCHANGE.jl3,000 worth ofMA.NLFtCIl AINU STOCK ia a f >enp uay taat la asar

^üir. , .roeperoei buiineei. and lo-.ved wi'bla aagwrt diataawaoMber'ty. feiaAe mercBMuae WtM be taaa* ta axebeaaa.Btaeont for lelltag tad t rma made kuowa by aldraa..ii| M4N-L FACTLRER. Tni'Ojie Ofliea.

SO LfBBf --Ä~ GENTLEMAN who can coso-¦ £>*\J\JyJh n.aad atoro, wiebee to etgara ia eoaaei.feai.i iegitlaate bu»ic«te, where hie wirtaeawaaad be ra-amraii. A Jdrew J. A. R., Tribune Office, i^uug (be kind ofbeeiaeei etc

ftaW I \ EOR paMI~wUlS jtflfh}'**'J*\t\ß\J aaaatl baeirwee man el a cbaaaa so bayWood Lead tear will piy haw . jo.ooo clear groAt, praaidad becan coaniend Ak.Oud. The lead ii exuacutabarad. Taa advar-lieer gagajll im pa eve the chance, bat ajckneee praveatA i nuatregt Piaac roam Nv. *v vV aiaer-er. W. OSBOBNE A Ca.