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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-07-02 [p 7]....impciiuil>nbk'asaSalamander, ho paanB RBI per» aeaBWrth «t serene tenacity which is rare even in < n Ban. Hriggs«aid

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-07-02 [p 7]....impciiuil>nbk'asaSalamander, ho paanB RBI per» aeaBWrth «t serene tenacity which is rare even in < n Ban. Hriggs«aid


«.-_. Oar Owe Castre«r-oodent.

Havana, \Ved_e«d«y, Jan

The emancipation movement meet» with a fir

more« general advocacy than I had dared hopefot when I first wrote you on the subject. A

§ rery f. w evcoioK« «¡noc an elderly gentleman.the «»euer, a« I wa« to'd, of a large number of

slave«.-was hiuhly elated on the «nbject beingmei t.ooed to bim. He «u«¡«Te«te(l to at ooce

«take known to tbe «laves that it was intended to

«rt tbem free, and it wa« some time before be couldbe routined that it would be unwise to do eo.

Vet danta* all this, tbe Creole« are) «o fickle andso li*«ble-mii)de>d, tha» it will be well not to be too

«anguine upon the matter.Son«- twelve or fifteen of the remaining Creoles

who were chargiad with being concerned in the late

alleged eon«pirarv Lere were tried in the lastthree dave of lagt week before a military court,and were all, *av« three who aro eeverally sen¬

tenced tc fo-tir and two to two ynr«' irapn«oment. in .-»pain, acquitted. One of the latter, named

Yroapa. i»a «.¡fir-em of the I'nited States.Va a have had heavy rain« each »fteriioon for sev-

Tal cay« past, except ye»terday, although themoroinit« areextromely warm. The general healthit nevertheless unusually good.

BRWG8.The first session of the renowned Hriirf-g ComadBB

¦inra?. the- decision ef Judge Daly that the contti na-

< ious w.!n<ts>es must answer, was eiuiouncod to beli« Id on i«ietur«.'st/ nff'-rnftea nt I ft cl»'"k.Wiih Be hour arrived the Coutumaciou« Three

and the ineorruptib e Alderman; his fellow-mom-

bei» ot tlie 0-.mmitfea -, howev.r, were not pres¬ent. A «inarter of an bom pa.-«»'l, anl Ungir* togIB

(t.. ¦;'..»* uneasy, swelterim,' I ¡g_'"Ste<l an

oejouri merit t. tlie 1st ot IspSI miter, and iutitna'.edtt nt tin-was a topic aJtogatikor t o exciting to be

\i rBght forward Lu aaeh n eaeoedtagly etoraiad itato(,f the Ibifimuii'lfr. Bui Ilrigg-was calm »ud un«

rio» «I. F ver anxious tor the wel'are oi bia country,rMag. in m' t» be datorred _*¦ tarriag fa » by anytl.cimom« toral fieak, however npnoodaaledi This( oi.tun.iKK.u.s Three, »ml nil CotooBOtrloae Thiaoe,ftfted i.«v«i Iftttoi tin ui-el»<« t»inl any pooaiblo bight<.' t« n i-cri-lurc in «ny shoda of theirs will »ecure them

agahW the just oioli of the heroic Jinggs. Cool and

impciiuil>nbk'as a Salamander, ho paanB RBI per»aeaBWrth «t serene tenacity which is rare even in< n Ban.

Hriggs «aid that if none of h;« ansociafe« arrived hewould eyjourn, bu' previous to adj.«uniment rie had

ar. affidavit to be teed. Batata, hoatve-, the readingr.iii m« t,«« d Aoti-maii Tinker mide his BppOOIOOOO,ahtoh put an (tii! to the bnvanal taataBtton of the(ni tnmaoious that Brig,*« wi.s aot in him-o.f all pow-orful to compel them to answer.that BHgga, a host inI.init-t'll. wsa not a ijii.itum «,f th«. Committee.

Aident,an Tuck« rtook bis ae».«, ami Bngg« s'lii fh"yanuid peonad« The eoutumaci'iiin fBBgB visi'ilyelongated at their «ppro'ich'iig doom. lir.¿ .- prnOOOd-rd to -ay that he wan aware ol the importun-'»» of theeaiji.t ead the weight ef wapisadbi.ty whirl restedupon liiin. He had a «tatouwut which the Clerk wouldtend. lloOeik read n« follows:

I did not know iiitii af'er I had «ent notiitee for theO.lilUUi.c.oli» v» ill er «es lo ftppftftl lielbrc the C -tamilto to-day, thai «Indigo Daly iwho is now in lo»/ u ¡,r.>b-ably («ilnmit'eil nil Middle I'lolial mistsA" in liis m le;dir. etn g the contiinincious witaeaaee t» n.,1,.1« ir at mycull ami tieiify toothing aov ami Ovary imiter enbrace«! in the nativity icsolution ftdopB by tbe B eir.l<>f AUennea, Men h is, IBU; aracft to doebtbnatean l.at they should appear and t « « t f v- Boder dBfraud ami « atraptioe n eola'ioa, odeptod by the l> Midof AMeofttea Apt Oa.«e th«««».« <-ir-uin»eruneis. i am BnwtUing to nroeeed wi'ti the luveotigetiim until .Imlge Pal» lOtariM liom lo»ra.The BOdlag o' BO -ta'i mi nt »»«it Koeivod nith

etetit sati.sfseiion by all gtjntloBSO ptOftOat .Mr M ic-

lichur thought «hit IMggB must have employe 1 brightc»i.n-cl and Mr. MeCaaa wae very sorry ttiit BriggiI it or theagh he could n. i pr»i¦«-cd. BHg ¦ reliar«» - SCI«se ot the importance of the ¡uvestig itioB, aud

foie the hapaataaree of oaettoa in ooooaottog it.||.« biiiioiiikikI that an iilii invit wo aid bft lead. Itft fta ti nil s« toll.

I, Lsta a M Huai., e !.-»< inairlrri l.amr wa« Hoirtr I. and nowS r.»e in .1 (lei va «li 'a .«tl VI.

Hri « t'en, >'i!» n ¦« in 1,'t.t; tarin 1S03lu r n hi' Howard,,. lii « be

f m \ v. r .! let ii.cl »li.i, "Il i la Mr. t.' 'a »he ha«

i.. r.tiv «. ut tumi Loiidnu lo reside perm .u -i. I. in Bran-a, »«.nil a- Mr Mata U »a^sIii rulaead to u-hosai.l

..in .1 Maiy, who w »s

''iu»i -Im u< niv ng«. who v« ae hi., ¡o ITI »«.rivarj».i.t. j with Mary M i», , Su »au ami William, who

«rere all the children Mr Mai....1. I aridoo;ll,»i I have haul Ml Mats« I say that I. tofRor-

BMJ i-a Bad, n> Lu II a ._, lui t h at

li. w ni i.'/aiii il. a aller li martled gal batial lu« list »tifain I.i don In win m h h«. bo hi «Iren, »ml h»t .

»mi» l'III, «."¦ i, Se g )'

nis-ited »gain in Norto'k «'«unit.- »kr» lie had th¬ill »TA*

i lier lu.¡i.eiit: in Hr««. in, and ofrei Blapt «'I! .11V

'1« r'» ri»:iin r in brandon, «I

(wuh nie ti in y laiu-r' h m.r, tdai Alm, ai,.! layaetT han ofteai b together j that Mr. Maaal), i!i- Chief o

< t th. «iivol Nr» \,ik. .*»» «.unit «rasB he sta ed beforedir l'oli«.'Ii imittee, bal he was beta la 1011,bel «bat aa trae basa la art pe.l .- la Braalan,

-. .. la lili, n ». art ,,f Auieiiit «« be »t»im. |.» ti ..i hilo, ihn I ilainrly t in-inl.r him n

, r he left ftraadoB ari li In« jut-«n'» iu the. «.! llii'j ill.i I dUiiaet!) ram«

I !/. 1-ill M ai wi aba were ta mv kaowt!|ta' dou. af »i he iiirtl, t U.Bree Bad tit at I «

tit 1,1 ll" » »rt l.r«.iu\ r. u. l: .t "Wa.li-'itgtt' awaabi I to aie a* i' todoo,

;, ,!,».- I--

.il u.h»hi »t t». tu.«! that inr M-f-.l la .....

Ífan n tí---, was .m'!« i knoa . the toara ; that-t' inw, Ml Mais-ii. h » I uaa trat

-;,.blr,i Mra. i « r.-:_hie. n. drs. Mat»sell,) Mtiy, »u.an. Will..iMat*» . without aa_ oaa kaowiafl ll.» apt tht tu«, »e«. »in! ««i,- u..i beard ,.t ar erward.letter wee faaalvea Itsbb IBsis la Braa.lua frun Am-ri a: that

» tamily Bamarl I aver keen or bear*]Rag km ei An »rase; thai leii Eagleed a tk my no..-

au.I ha» re»ii|"U ii 'irn-v«.Ne» ' ¦sriaaj t'i«' ay ba»li c »

»I...- i Mil il ^ii ¡.er«, n at a .ll.t- Bsa an ha», asaaftatal earaalasa lariag

a, I try «'an raai y learn to.

fiber era| tha' I ex¦hailhar. n«i gives «hi« órlala»»ted il thi» v» »t : a Mr. Mr .,1, w|.»nd in «iru. v«. i«»t« »nioeih»! he h..'. tx-.m :»diii«in the New ink ttw.pt|. i. -ii.it Mr. .Alt- li. ibe i

I ad n turned li ihm it in au .-ll.. ial if «rowi. i. I BBS n at a nany .

e Hoe laveeUxadus Commltiae that "hi» m -th t' tolil h.li. eo," Slid Hal he ilid I. I kl...» «»!,«'.. hi. fathet" rt« «1'n b< Bare hr eesaa 'o A.eric» '.t*»_. ..u h»««uu to « l»i.t»

'-., li.i»l.«i «i a-iy naturally eii.«r.i-<l m ti »u-|Mi Msaaskl«hoallIts« »ahila satry.s.laaj limb«:aaart il« a aaiisiaj is Mi Mi »d »uir ..t as facas m tkái »rt» la

»n, ili»i .'.Ir M«»J wuh, B« r..n»ult n* m-,-ri",- m MiaraaseHun«, t I.tu in <f lb- I. .e in Sow t

li«ta tug hi- of Ihr.e leer» Ui.-t rerrn v a peraon >a .B| ht.n-e« Meph-n H. bnorh caai« M ir«»»"» w::b «ir 1-ttor lb »tjWt. Urad wrote as ASeraian B'lgsa as evulr.ic» nt hi» aalüority.mra site» hen g uilroil-ct d to l by Mr. Mesd i» ,uo.i:«¿ m- .j

g re this «eUUvtt, which I have v, ry rr a : «n'.iy g.» n, t. <

stron» dear-no't. »o nutari'y e >re Mi. M.Uril m aayb.lyal»» i i»- .. \ kii.ti.i reach U_s I eassaia aot eaa.a

t»b tl U«»e bei- »t»:e.! ie«i»r, in< Mr. Kate*.I'SBag.T-. i l.. f r» a inagtirat- aftl l" u ste.l aiaiost

it ai.«l ih . li - wifr h_; |i»rti her »rrid««it « irarsIn-' heraaat-tftata tr> a-»..f Aid»i»m aud i.. th» r«.-»nt

!, m» nu.!' ,nd Bad arta «i velv readlatvrr -. » W| ,: »-ue»»; l,.t Mr, »iraní

Si "'I'.It «inn» ~» aili tart ae

an ha« liben *>» j-riiiim m ol my- n,«.».if wi hrb'i« rxpreaadoao» "V

DM.IMe la the afhr-.avi« J w-nt (,.««,r»i a mtxiaTue aid nade a»v- sen . .»r-i y tros.

A o«. e.

I.HTTTIA M1I.LK »Alf,and «worn to i>f et- m», t:. June.

B f the t'eaoe in aa.l fu: Du¬la:.. I

Mi. N Coon stated that Ll" any more testimony was

««ry to prove that the Chief was born in Kmf/lasd beoouM find plenty of it at short notice, andofTeiarvt hi» aerricee.

BritTjte. however, tbotiirbt the «luetation was settle I.The «xsritumaciou« Policemen bade üriggg au aff»v

alónale ads u, and the patriotic AMcrm-in a«ljouruedthe» CtaianiiU»»» to tbe call of tlie Chairman.A aytNilleinau came .u njftd aunounced |a Brig«-« that

oneof the Mayors newly appointed Policeinea hadjuA btwti taken to tbe |__laa>hVM by two of his« «.n.pati-kits in arms, ano that in a fit of remorse bebad made aeTtral deeper-a« attempt« I» take bia ownhie with his jack-knife, th« rteuit of which will proba-->.) be that he will need a new uniform.

ATTsarr at G*»a»d Lar< ist. -RoVrt Dale, a




i Fi Horr .Tbe Vanderbilt «tearner Ariel andtie mail «tramer Union sailed at noon on Saturdayfor Havre. The fornn-r rejiorts 1?0 pai-eentrer» ao-l

ilO.tvo o specie. Th« latter had ' » panaen-r*'» anda.'o.'...44" in ep»-««'»*.O» a Vi-it..The pilot-boat E. K. Collins sailed

fn m this p«r.rt on Thursday for Boston, where »be » ¡11

n main until after the itb inst. Tlie pilots on board

tl. Collins, we learn, »en» on for the nurpose of wi'-r.« Bg Law repatta which i« to take place in Boston on

Independence Day.


About 0J o'clocJt Saturday night a fire occurred in

the bnildin** No. 31 Attorney it. occupied by Solomonantl Isaac Frederick", snuff and dear boi manufac¬turen». Thr fire was diacovered at an early momentby the n» if-bbors who j*ave the alarm, to which thefiten en j.ron atJy r»-ej»on ¡ed. The flatne« were ettin-ruieb'-d before the building wa? much dama/red. Losaab. ut 1150. No insurance. The fire is «uppoaed to

have bivn eauaed by the machinery becomin;heated aiid thiir igniting the woodwork.

Fin», ii » ii/ i » r H-« r.

Tha same iiij-ht b fire broke out in the attic of thedweilinir bouse No. 44 Elizabeth-st.. but the flame«were pjtincnished befora the premieee bad «usUiuodany matt-rial dau.npr.




A de»«i erate afl'air. involvirif» tlie death of one man.

and the woundine" af tara others, eM of whom i« not. X] M e»l to r» c ver, ItsMWIBa "n the e rin r of Fulton-av. and Baymondst., ii'mut 1| oil eh on Sundayinornit c. The a'tention of ofliecre (,'rv-h-r. Sk'nlmeire-,r«

.Ne,-. n, ('nitnnn ami Huit-, of the Fourth Di-'r'n t po¬lice, was nttracti-el by th** cry af murder. Ou htsteu-

ba| to th»* ejmt they found a ion ("man tiani"d Char »

Johnson hint» on the pavement w-elieriu!" in blool,and Kobert Johnson and Patrick M Uontiu^h, hision panions, ap».sreiitly mtirtally itabbas»

Ii Bpj-ear« that thi»»- m»u named respectivelyM ii, el Gorman, Michael M »¦( it»-, and Patrick S »r-

iey, were hin** Lear the curb of the pavement, appa-nntly stupid from drink. The thr-e companion», wer»-

pBaWisg Olí their way to the (.»,», 111trading t-. accom¬

pany Mcl)onoti--h to Crow Hill, in the Ninth »Vard.Charle*' .loht.roti, evitiently dcairiiia" to indue« the mento (.*( t up out of the («utter, tock hold of (» »rinan andahaah baa», whei<«up»»n hajaaapeal ap aad .-1n)<'»«--»1 bbain the iibdoijien, gIBBB, and tin» other piaces. Henieil out''I ni munii-rcd, I in murdered, and fell,whea li- bert .h hnsoti, his brother and McDonough,who had walked on some distance, came up to his aid.fioin.i.n thticupnii etalil.ed Kobeit John»»o'i iu two

pho «.!.. in tt'<- ab»|..men and in th<* back, and cut a

seiioun (.'nsb in Mel>oiiou'*li « let*. The cried of the

pattj biougbt tooi the r the above p'licim'n, and (} »r-

lnar, -tart»d off on a run up Fult»»ii-av. He was pur¬em d by piivate watchman Uvitlgaton, but ma»le' n h« flotirieh with hit r. nil»- that le wm» unabli» t<» arresthim. toaween Bhidmore and Casier followed in thedinctioii hev.entnii'1 took hirn into custody on the

rni r of Fulton-til. and «"«ohl-«t.. n ter a d.-p.mtee, m which Casier wad injuied no »i verely that

be was \e«U-rd»ty en ;.e led to hfatafl hk hou-ie. Tl.e-,found it impossible to brtag (Sorinan to the sUtiouhous» until they had severely batteic-tl bun with theirclubs.

Previous le his arrest Gorman itn¡iiire,l of mmmtI wh'iii he met where he could find a Polieo-

mnn, BB thne men hatl been «tabbed. This was c-vi-tli liliv u rtn-c to enable him f.i |l t out of the way, butit did not avail.WaB B ancM» tl he wantetl to know what they ivre

after him for, as be had n.»t done nnvthiüí*. Tnekniic witli wiiich heenmmitic tho deed is a white-hail.Ill tl dirk, the blade about 4 or S Inchee in laagth.It w lie t-nht II from hie pocket »nul >v»i» f,.nu.l tliioklv

A c-A lt.»! with blood. He acklloWli-e);*e,! (hit he didstab tbe men, ami «aid he would like to kill sume tuu

runic IAbatte* [ha is un Iri. liman hiin-ell ), includingîle i tin i r« win» to. k Mm inlo u«t...ly. Il» irai -t ..

ly locked np in that l)i«.tiii t St-ttioii-h'.usc. M arc

n BO Mu l.aei Miller eueI I'ntiick Soi lei who,stranget-. sa\, M-vir arose fiom the i*uttcr until alter the offitirs mrived. fluy wire probably too drunk toki. v. what was i*oni!.' on.

Oeranaa i« ah al n yaatn of a-_*e, i trat lor IBinch's ¡ii hii-ht, iltnk eoinplt¦.\ion. i'.íii!», sha¿r*y hair,ni tl i.« u biink-d¡!.*(.'cr by occupation in theemploi t'l.tiiictoi Lamed BagltJ in Fn-t l!r....Üyii.

I he w.»i,i,.h d me Ii we:i' teiki'li to the City Hosp:falahortly after the oo itureai e. Charlea Jehaaoa diedin tin hours aftt r Bat atai brought in. Hh. a»fü whs

IT years, born in County IVtolnil Bib, leland, an aj.-pientice to the blaiksliiilhiiif" busin». Hi« injurie«aie »es» ril»ed «s n punctii'i «j woiiu'l iu the abdomen,in the pit lira, buttock and arm.

I.'obett Johnson, .«in^'le. Bgee>B3 years, a japannerVy trade, bntn in \Vi>tinca'h. Ireland, reshled withbis brotlit rThoiiifis in Lafaye h-st. He was "t l'ibelin the bhek and at'domeii. »-«ittiation critical.

Patrick McDonouch. aped 1H, born in I. »nftford,Ireland, apprentice ta the hatting hu-i m-es in the-es¬tât.l,~hn cut of J. H. l'retitiss, Kaymoud-st , live I

¦Barlj opoosite the JaÜ. Im ir-t-d nuuud iu thetl ¡¡:h. He may recnvi r.

Capf. Call took tha déposition of aaObCti JiaaaafrOa attl.e Hc»spital and ch.'ited the hela hi the case, ofw h.ch fi.e hliove de tail is the euhstance.Coiuian state» in extenuation that the iJei-eased

took held of his le^'s and had ¡>.evioi'.«h ruhbol thecars af bin.sill and companion«, and that ho at-tea I'ted to steal bis t.cn»ts.A 1 e«t i"oit* m examination was held at the Hos-

j'ital dt-ad-house in tl.e ufu-riioon u.ou the b >dy of(h»rhs Johnson by l>r. Kno«, Atteu Ihag r>;iri»i*on,l>r. lîubcoik. Iloune Surgeon, and Dr. Siinuol Hovel.

I'oioiier Kidtliiii" iineanneleel the BjBjjeaaifBj Jury,wl m the laajaeal was pustl»oued nftU Minday after-notui at I o clink: John Smith, Samuel Johnson,tltirret Xan Uuync, Win. (îascoi-i II. l> marl.N n l.olas Ainu.ei innn, Henry Witt». Jolin DafTon, Jo-e« ph KdwaeiN, Pavid Fithian.

Tl.e severe wound« sustained by Kobert Jo'tarhifj the hope of h.s recovery. Tin re was no

chati»,© up la last eveniiur.. '¦

CITY ITEMS.Our fust heated period is upon us in all its fury.

r v» a.« mostopprcseivt'lr hot in thcl'ity,though net marked Upon the thermometer as h.»t as

s. nn »la.>s ltv-t S.mmer We believe tho mit Btavagaiii«tk in our naiiiet ri.eema was about :>: , but comingas n did directly tifier the ci»ol day« and night« of the

lirst talf ti Juta, tbe heat »c».*med to tie veri

sive upon a larger cla.«a of people tlmn at on*» timelast season. There is probably something in kfettiii'ui-edto a thin»,'. ('n Salu'tlay we It-ft the City iu a sort oft aJlucination that if we pot into he country im<iu'

the t i*4 ? arid new-mown hay, where we could »null ¡u

frngmnce and see the grass and K'ain wave, we

rloi.'el not ft «T the beat as we did the diy r>efor»» oa

tbe pavement aid by the brick wall«. What a fal¬

lacy ' I'tibaps we did not "jumo out of the rryin**-" pan ii to the tire, but we certainly did not jamp in¬to an ii e-bouBt-. We took tbe cam of the. HudsonKiicr Uaiiroad at 7 oi-lock, and ia two h»>ari were

fiity uiilt-t* north- k'niug o part of the time at áftyu.iir« an hoar. Iff comae that gave us a breeze andlulled us into th« belief that it i vine from the north.So it did: but oh, how penile we found it when we

started in an o**n boat to cross the river. The beatwaa terrible. We tai'ed to find a cool «pot in thewood«, and in tbe hay-field the sun waa fairly scorch«iiif", which from the water and tbe towrwin,» piltraof rock« on eaxh aide of the river, the rerloo-tion (rave tbe aun s raya a doable iateai.ty. We

hurried htv k to rnevet the «ea-bree-e that come«

np ©very day to frohen our atmosphere of CityI'nwn« and save us from epidemic». Tnte, it wits

awfully bot, bnt out ujon 'he boti«e-tope, five «tories.i. _ii, '.¡.ere we met tbe wind from the sea, !re«h,«weetend cool. How many thousand- of the panting pe»->-

New-York were out thn' nieht an the roof» ?

Ale», hr>T» tunny went tlown to ««»e ter a'l night in

Igle swan aoltod berdrooroe, where rentilation is oa-

kt own Vainly we looked hoping'y at the in licati >ni

of a otorm of thundtr, lightning, win'l ami rain that

burg'ff in the far diaunce al around. Its coolinginfluence van» ut felt in th»* l»wer part of »be City aud.Tuiv ftpeaed ts first day w.th a brazen heat more se¬

verely telt than either of its predocevors. Happily it

wag ft day of rest for the working rxnir, who «weltered¦"ut tbe hour» «s be-st they e«ul 1. Sundsy eveningbrought again the «ea-bree7e, and m-n, women andchildren, drei»eed in pereet Summ r costume, came

out on tlie ¡-treet t» m« ct it face to face.rot to walkI but sit about the door-step*. We do not reflectever to hive-eer) «lnh ii'imber* »f resr^tabe r-poploeeeepyhaj ti»- oohdde of their beaan It aaitobafyh« betii « rery hot throe dayi parladi but it i» ju«tBBOh WaahVarUWO most need. HOW the crn willstict(h up it« leaves.bo-v BOR the pataaRM .ill growi to «-at.bow the laapharrha now ti¡»ening will come

BBTWaid tod al,«ve all, what perfectly gloriousweatl er f r tl." wheat Let u« endure it wi?h all pa- jÜaaea, rince it will give M hot cake, next Winter.Our reporters fun.i.«h ft e'..11 .win.' aceosnt« of fa-

. >r.« e Saturday BMWaiftglie following name<l [aiison win- sun struck on

."»««unlay, and BOaa «ton 'lied- Inquests have also

I.« « n I.« Id iii-nii their hftdhOlAnthoi v Kohl, a <«( rman. "i veo« of Bge, who re»

Sin.il hi No 1 W i.l'll--t.An aahnc en anas, aha. I body now lie« at BcUevue

lb -; ilOsl.Owea Karlv, a native of Iteland. :::; year« of age,

who lived Bt ISO, 33 1'iiri" -etMi.ry «) lirón, ftfjooh i'i Oofllingi Bftlooe, Bread«

way,l.ii/abetii Atora, o Bftttoe of baloBd.ll years afage, who lived at Ko. - llîliialMiaai ibehard Pata*gemid, a nativi »i Ireland, S3 yean oí age«An unüiiown i-olorcd mnn. about 67 year« of ego, B

h i,. i. ', board the i'iirh Ceaoaaaaae, lying al ptorI.: M i;iv(r.

At m known mini nl.out 30 years ef «:.'<'. whodiadfi! ll.i t'ily 1', .run in.in th« »-th p re .u idlhe beat of the wteticr combined, fi" had in hi«uabet oa oioVr oa Mr Saiifoid. m the Psesarylvaala« i.i I I '«.ii] any, tor'-'-'tons ot coal. This and other

impf» who h were to hie poshcB cftft !».. »<«'ii at the»ewer PoBoo Court, i »mbs.An unknown man. having tie- BppOBTBBOe of t la-

Otl ai o died nt the N< w-\ nrk Hospital.I ft ph KtiL-t r. a n ri'tent of Oak-si. He wns bom

in Ir« lu L ato M year- el BayMniml ( «-»ten», laieiy residing nt No. HI West

Thirty-»«¦¦ ond--t.. »»»» on Bftttvtlai afternooe found inthe yftrd ot .N». iri We»! 1 '« enty -e'l'.'hth-st. c» n letely).io-irhi(.l tram ii e etbtoB »f b stroke of tlie eaa, «mi(lieu root, afterward al bia rteidi oe, whi i.e. to .>.»-

t K Corottei Hi'ion yeBterdav bed aaiaqaeotoethe body, aad ¦ ft rdlct oi daath by reap if» eaaal wu»

relé t ret! bj lhe .III! ' «

An unknown inaii win found the Base «fernoon, attl«- corner ot StvcLiy «a veiith uiei Ki.-ht«" nth ft«..

eufferiiijj from ibe exc« reive bent. Be «ah- eo i»eyedto the Sistt inth Ward 1 »lire Station, and BOOC« t»

tht Ni» V»rk Hospiioj, »In r»* In« now lies iu a eiticalCo ili loi .

lob« i iiimii fliih n of bVe Se« oi '1 Ward v» »e nun-struckthe »aim a t. inoon in Nassau nt. and fell ««oru-l«-»*« in

tin laviT.Kit. He was eonveyeii, bv two gt>-itleinenwho Wen pftftobntotO a «ton« in the neighborhood«i n eon leciiVdiV He wo« erroneously leporte l t»ban «li d.

The fta-MMpbere bt tbe City i- fairly heavy whfti a

eiekening »'euch i'i'i tiüi'.r to this «oas'in of the »e.ir.

Wehen ott'-n told tha people, aad win Bltheseagain of its peinaoai na!iiii an I still tluv woo t be¬bt '.« it, beeaase it moom froa a hworite ma an las»potted trie; ft lioeering tre«. a tree ef benity; anof rapid growth thutgiveth early shade, und therefon it must ii< t be ehaiged with lhecrime of poUatiagthe air. 1'hysiciiuis with.tit number hiv lotdthe inlviM nt. | .f this ioiil-br« atlii'.l tree flint it was

an Baheolthy ton, but «!::l aa tot ¡t breath".Oooof ttobeetberticnltnristg vi r ben in Aaserieohod krag before areBBaraodb ... the victimsol _B Henry Cay «tranter pobliíbed to the worldlue fini, n hfttthaaj»iil il I lilt i.'.-«».i'tiier

mtnic m tu c-iiilture was the in; "t it: n ofthil »ciitiot the deadly ajas, r^till we u*» OB planting tin :

nccurn 'I thing. Our BtrOOtB, yard.», en iyv» here are

foil ..t them, nml BOO in the last week in .lune Wt

«.«. full of the ib M'lly miasma generate by thenu'.ii' r-

ooa beeasoaa of then toon With ttothertaoa mi.t n in the C'dlcst »had«-. Bad a brisk si u-brc.

re, ifwe eaa gel oat ofthe way of the «bal pe-ti¬ll that »arnaadi theai hi.«-».uii« bed with Bot!.i toometer anywhere al » <¦ tbe freezing point, andao air stirring, to be obliged to aleep with wiad w.»

g directly lato too topa ol th.- »ataos, art Csirty«ii'i-ii. the wtsrde we hearever] day ehoal "each a

giei able eaiell «li over the City.' Beoderi do pookt »w what makes that etwuh ' vTe aid Billyean o

n.i ir, ftad « lb*1 I viti will not plant any more.per»

lit.ps yoBinay try to kill what y»u ha»e but in that «*e

f«-i.f Voll will lint t«c -lie« «»»ful, a» the tree i| »yunier-

fully it nehm af Dae; it b your t'.-t\.«rit»- "tree of'. In Hv» ti. the Aiiaiithu.«, i hat is what büfouli tin.« airaad Babee t otoayeicb« iftetboagbtheybftd toaottodthe feliil air »I wilne m.'kliir »'is swamp.it i« theb i.. m »I the Ailatithus tree. Bow h'tigy-hall such a fullthu _. be ¡ ¦cimittc'i t» envdanthne beautiful tree* ofnative irr.wtli that mak«- n-wietainl hi-.ilt.iy «hule,and si nu of w!.u h bon BJ ri i :.» f MoOMBB i»r m nb< ftutifui thnu tin ««. !¦ t«-i_n latrodan apea our «»ii '

Where ara toa Kaew-lto htagi Iton i» atogithaatofi« id tor tkem: it t them rid us of this ton "gn tr«, andin it» ( !i.< I we w il, bavt ,.ie- that diM,-« not .»link -. 11 .

ef Ami ti' ni grtrwto,Finno-ks have come t» be as essential tothocele-

Vratiob of the Fourth of «July a« ginger-bread race»» i.» t» a gt nerai training ¡u the country. No d>ubtwi »hell have enough if ''noise and confusion" on

\\ euLi -'-ay f»i Toaftg America is never «o hippy a«

w to I making ¡m uprear: and ut nicht, as at the birth«d (ilendower, the Iront of beav« t. will be full of tiery-«bapes. F»r flu- l-enetit »! those wh» wi«h t» inda |8Hick pyroAtochaie taates, aoetoernthnHr. J. II.

Hftlhry. No. MjohasOC, keep, or rather seh, an ci-

tii.r.v« n.»r-A.ntm.( i.t ot Loiay and beautiful c«uiibu»ti-t 1» ». of nil »«viol* and form», -uitable for puoln- or

jr'vnt«' exliibition. The game may tu- subi of tbe«t lebiftted aTOOaj h G. A Isaac Klgc, matiufacturer«at Jaasay City, when agaaay i» a' N». Hl(ue, New-Y-ik. Airo of Mr. Bennett« ol.I-i-st-.b-tohed tohoratory, No. i .--¦ ..f <;. a. LiliteudehJ, at No. IM W:iham-«t.; and oi Hsdi-au A Kock»wtod, No. -¦ \\ asbinrrton-«t.

(. v. Clark on Saturday n.OM.in,: at IJ ,.'«.!,,ek vis¬ite«! the l»»«f and Humb A-ylum with «me » tw..

». A' iij o'elooi towMoseaetod totha Baft-read rtaticn by C"in. I'uroy, «¡»-ij. l'hamber*. and Mtj.Ihaaapi >¡*. am! t«i. k hi. Hi has etpr«-e««edliim« 1! lighly please 1 n:d o. igbtl d w ,tl. his risit totie City. Bl stoppe*, during bis V/toft with Mr. JohnThou p«or.. rifUi-av. an, Tmrtieth-st.

t _p I » I ;:. B th lloa :-meet thi» evening: . the «lu y term, «he Beard »d Super-"¡sore aleostand adjourned to this afteraoou.

OoOBKBeaeetaae 00 r.i.icr..Tbe furth.-r bearingin t!.«- a»«- of I'ol.ienian Dan Linn was continued on

Saturday before Hecorder Sinith at his office inChambers-it., when considerable testimony was takenin support of tbe charge a_aiast tlie a» cased.namely,of aiding and asaisting in tlie escape of Lewis Baker,charged with lelony. I'pon tbe completion of the«videi.ee tbr Mayor and Recorder will render theirdecir ion in the ca«e.

Mr. A. O. Smo, the oriirinal c»ntract<>T with therni'ed Statee (îoTernment for carrying the maito to

ChaATTve, has instituted pwiiTecxhrig» in the CircuitConn of the United «Staeetor the8oathern Distria ofBew-Yaeh, against Oe».r_e> Law and «rerteia dtetr par-In with whom he (.ntn»cte_ to carry out his coatract,

i CavtaVging them with a a loiatioa of the eene. This

day, at I P. M., om of the firm witrh wh »in s»id con¬

tract a a« tr sd>, will h«, cxaraioe»! at the offic* of tbeI'ritett S>att-* Marahal. If anyb«.dy dcsirsa) in!".nna-tioc, tl-ey car be prewr t aod l4»«vrn boar bn«in«**«i is

laaa hf ccr''practical' roen. It is «uppone«! therevelation« tht t, and there made will be interee-üng.

Tbe " lief r» politan Academy and Jyrnoaae.trri, in.«»¡ith-ev ,r^>BtWe\4rley-pl»r-e, ba« now n the \»-ad»m-|fj r¡. * tarta ent i uplift, turd in the Physical depart-n ei * C male«, and |BJ temalea. »V« are aasared thatthe in-ti:ut.on is ti. i¡iL.hir.iT finely under a «ysutm of

» which n akes pere»»ual exertiou and meritIt« stepp'rA*-nt«.ir*» t. Bilvance-mrrnt, and pretty mu"h¡t.r,,.. of] ore«! punisbm«*nt as a mean« of eorrecti >n

Th»re'.-a course o; public lecturr« durinf* tr.e year,in "The Art of I*ti.Ionpine Life,'' which a»tel con»i«l-«table lo ihi ii.ternt and i nine ti tile School.

At N¡bio's this e-enin«: will be pn»duo»»d a n»»w

o|*ra c» aafaBai »»y K. Fi'/wiilian, libretto by Buck-B»a»oe, »i'lied the " ('ueen of the Day," principalparts by tie Mie-cs Pjne and Mr. Harrison. Itarin«?i!,ffMti-L' ¡fast I.. Pvr.e will introduce her fumou«aontr oi "TLe Sky Lark.'

We notice a concert to bei?iv"n this evenin," a:

Haitforu, Conn., by Mrs. G«Jor**"iana K. Stewar*.

V. .«-tihted Cms..Tbe car» npon the ll,id«onHivir K.iüroad on Satur.iay.the bot I iturday w»»re

perfectly vetiti aU-d, All the window» were »»¡ven, l«»t-

lit j; in all the air the»t could be eieaired, aud with iteuch a «Lower from the pile wood fire of the locomo¬tive tl at every passenger wa« completely dusted over

nith charcoal, from she size of pretty i*o ! Bktnklun«!, to ¡u palpal.le powder, tha» insinuate«] its.lt' into

i at*, t, oiitl.s, noetiiis, and inixed itself with thepis] rutin ¡n a very tealthy thouch not a very

cemi'y con pound. The worst ctT.'ct perhapsit the injury doi.e the e\e-, ai.'l that is bad enough.True, n tiny a 'nne-i-coloie.l tire-« that wont bear

Waawjiteg get« an additional color not bacied by thewtaie*. TI e pe-riou thut adherís t.» the akiu can bewtuhed off, and the u«e of charcoal this hot weatherasBelenehei I fllj healthful; but we must own

tl at we el .-nid like to trilif. i| in a elilTert-nt way. H a*

laMaaal »aba eempeBai to tike it in thiiform'An-we never to l.a\»' «1 Bttlat .>'. cars, in which are

car brn.tl.e without «wallowing a p«-ck of dum in on«.

day i:.-'e »id ofttaWtag H ''"'",'""'

At the- late Convente a of the Census Marshals thefollow» i; Kxci nt.M Committee wan announced b,- the

De tpati i.s Ir» in thr-several Wauls, w.th full powerle a't'iiti to «11 pitvaaoea aa4 eaaplaiati in thatrifft rent Waul-, and to tran«act other Executive1 Bah» -s, mu h a.« the callini" of the »Marinais of theirow i. \\ a: dl together for the purpose of consultation,find thus to aid ¡nM-ciiriiig uniformity in tin c,r> paraaaTraand aaayiag af tha stati-tu-al schedules, and forarriviii«- at other important re.-ults:

IM. B/TTvi CiiMumi i.

Il .»»i«. ilur,an,'tI..Jarea M. (ir tin. Ne. 41 Whitehall-«!.II..Jeaepb »Lin, a«. *.> '." ''"" *'¦

I !.. «I> ISBl* -' '¦¦ i h TCli'ltI V. U ,i.ni |.» riman. N»i 1« »nvrr-».» .We --r n Savarje, Ma. »1 Timtia» «t.

VI..( ii>i.< h ri--- IÜ te-tr.% If i.'.nr.- M. I.T- cb N» 'i'-l .% a »rit.

\ iif..Womi lie amp. No. lie Sprini-'t.l\..««i au McOlbb .d. .'»r». Twelf h et.X.. * (¡ward H. romlLic«, >o a» (Irinlit.M..Jinb\V. f. man. Nu tu Kour ù it.MI..A. I Juclt n.\f II.. Jiibt. '. .' me «t.M» ..Mb bael 9aaJ b. No. 130 He.i-r »t.XX..B, Walises Vau IVU ¡fa. 1-1 Min«: a -'

W i..i bsritt J I>.y, Ne, 113 K ihib av.XVIi'.K, win A. W,re. S'. : M -l'.t.«'X v I J. loin, H. l'.i. » ..n-av

MX (le, r««- W. De d «».

XX. .-li IV- laaa* N . v-ri-'-r,-«-.\M Jan.e. M II 11. S irtTWXth tt.

/ rfiit,!, »l-ail.rr.--.;.,_JABF7. i.lhh« E -vu li W*rri

«e»i«*s«»'t-D. I (¡r. »l'I »SON s».. Il'e h--ii.--» «t.

The (on mttee iiri-.nriî.les th..» M.n.ltiy a;terno»»ii

ht tbe «fier e ef Tl.. ('elk of the 1 .«»ni «i of Cotiu'iltni-nat 4 P. M foi tie j ur j o-«. ..f pre-etitinf» tilO memorialof tht-Marshni t»i tho ('oir.nion Council Mirshalswt.,1 tin! ¡ut attend tr.o Convention nt the Broadwaylions.- art ti oiie-ic»cl t». t iioiiiiuiii al«i tli.-ir re«nl»«ue«*»lo tl » S r, tary. «» il i« impoitaut 'lia' the 'ti ret»« of.o.| il'tllvelnal MB«l»al Sle.eil.l I». L no v.u. lleillfjoffnn.i.iis ii«.w nir of town ttiav aedn ss tneir st u'

to tie Hanhalaof thatt »N'.ir.i-, to whomall itvpiirieashoi.1'1 \x- in»..»- m n .'eii-i c«. to Wart: s'atistic-t.

\\ etui, fron, the City ln«]Mi'i»r« lo pert that therewe-e Ml tttattha iu the <'ity 'luiin.' Uta |.aat week.-anii cre-Hse of :u over the pievioua week. Amon; tie

ptin.-ipali au«cs of lieatliionsuiniition carrie I .ill' |B|coin ul.«im».«, liiituiitile.l Ur cholera iufiii'iin, It, Baarrhea, *. dropa» in the um»A\ 10; «tyaaatary, ~; iaat«let fever, M; typhoid f'eier, :'»; inHitnin it.oti of the

beweis, '.; ¡ntlanimation of lunfrs, '-, infantil maras¬

mus, 1.'.; «nd iiieiisle», 10. There were 1J ih.itlis ir.mi

viol»it eaaaaa, pieaaaEaie hirtha, aad 19 i«»*e ot*still-botn. Of the entire inimlier lui wen- a iulrs an 1I I hinhe n, i ot wtioin were under one year; -.'1!

wen-inmates of our pubic institution* The folio w-the claaaitication ot dim asr«: Unlit.«, ¡oiir- '

1 biain and nervi i-rative o'o.in«, .; he-artund l.lootl vessels, in; lull»»», iiroat, Ac, 7-'; old ae»e,I; t-kin, .Ve.,ai:d eruptive fevers, B3| -tilll orn andpu mature birth». Ii"; stomach, bowels and other el¡-

- Tie. iii.eiTin. M-at ami ¡¿encrai fever«,Mj cikieiwii, 1] uritiary ru'ans, l. Th«' nativity tvtata «i"«* BBS to hau- Ix-en native« of the I'nited.s'ac«. tl of Ireland, 31 of Germany, s of Kn'land. -2

of Fmu. i, .; .it .Sct.tittud. 1 of »Switzerland, and 1 ofWul.e.

The bri ks and other ma'cnuls of the ruins of thehtw City Han-'teatrujed some timo airo by tirewe,-,» | i|fj go Satur.iay, by pul.lie auction, in the I'ark.Very few peiBi.ne were prest-ut to tak" an interevt in

|b| a if vi h'cll tt-e follow int" ¡S tl'C res'i ItLot No 1 BMBrUl ifataUatBi It as» rim up t» $00.

aid knock e.: «IbarB tu Mr Hittfii... Lot NlUiiolll.« ».- J'.. »te|l» &c, tu Mr. W B, llu 1

Irj.l, t- « I HOB«, -ame SS N ', tel M -

. for +.."». I..' Kn 4 I ,i<i bn. i« ti Mr. Mitfin«, t-irNu. I »ii «11 u" ol 'n. on-1 «tour, to Mr. Ihiria«. Bff

¿I*'. Lot No. I ihre« pli»« . *.. ^eaa*. sa 11 Mr üuU't,. | «« -Mr llllJBBi. f« e«t. L>.

No. 8, lot ul itoLe Ct t.tinujtlurj, tu Mr IIiiiibí, t.r *VJ.

I'ltrn: IM»:..Ratio-*..Tbe followin*r rnicintiiiiea-tion« fn in the National .-ot ie-ty of fre-ruiin Kn -**«-

ticen in Laifflae to the An e-rie-an Consul iu that citylave I -ii n tran-etnittce! tot.'.e Mayor:7o II» l n.sU fj thr I »it'H -illtt ..J S'irth Amrritn, Or J.

tl. > levaa*, at l.rspne M i '-y ''in I. 185*»,W e fee! ho» creel io r-vici v nil »c f «a«wer 11 varierai

fJUer'.UI I » . i^f.-Uint..i f »! «ax, lt. It iar.r,,.t br dr^ied ;L»t f»i «rnn »

t.n.. tn aVatfcBawBat ef«a. tkaia», aoá atae tae aa»*Bi>«a»a« utkn.ii...I..I.-I. :.». dt-c; it culi u»eoi-

»lin.'t u il.nr |tvaB*n I v «l.-t,;. rittl.ei u Ui tb-'' nit i- ,~

Je I* alteaste lout that chmiiiai» af r» baviug mn.«r , h.v-, ka «BeaBBBe asaaaar I-¦ ItofJaaVastawsaatta alia a rVvw la free tae »»BBMBalty eftaasi «aravar. lae» rjeiiueAC« of IL.» a »«M.SB Cri r.:i.ij.ini» waaaUeepcecl pci've'iT»otui iv i.-ablr n Is «-the. i", -rii'inL «i w r--np»'l e»t wtûne »K oi< OeT»ririir»»tit t.r the ravinent .1 tLetr pa*.*t*e«, «ne.h«mcr oi. H »tr «r a] «t eiitun ¡«r«, »>. m - of »Il

n . Baal*¦- _im ¦. ii rey *

f r aio »i n «er»- th. r»t, re ref.re.ed a* very i»»-l ot -

:r c- « trr c -ir. y »» id*. .:lju¡ a« f »» »re rm' .-r-ment ut .«aioLv !¡»t nut »¦ nr y t'.vi» bal

.'lave beeo t*ior'afhli'ac ui : iiercaiiT f.r the '«»te-..lit r */«.

¿ui Lk wL-.-l t.zu- i . era ;B «jj ,:j lia ,,. 4> aeK.:. -i ,1, :,) il. mili ataaBB b*t ever Come Wlli.ti onr

ka» » »r Un Le lOLir.r» ,-. ia » . .birrt of rr^ret to n« batWill »r »I . .ur .oi. ¦ t h«-1 r» »or aeaxsf thesa -

> » t\,.lr|- a, «t »r »«-»t ni-. Loue». W-, iberrfor laataaf] sfaaxetaf. ." I '.' '.' ¦ le«» í ".'ni. n« .»'" -i«» i«r«, «o 1 f the beet

lure«»«' tod Diet« iilnab» ¡rii'B«. A« ¡I .

ibe i.eirr-srj »niifTsrieD »o llie In'te.t Staree it herotami toipowrroJ ci rroaS ew.rue, yon m»j i»«nre Ihe ..-n« ir.» a

tie thai a «tr» «y ebanre b> thi» re»pect i* tnut..i ¦».->:.. r*he«rcrtnie cf e tr.i»ra ion is «jene-«:, a a to N >r-b Aiteriea la par-UeaBaT du.tLi ihr :a*t year hat beerrtae *> appa-e-t that ws».- warren'eo ta a**trt n -bat the rmUitiotj of thii y¦01 p half »o Lam»roa» «» tiiat of l«v year. Tbe «ai^ortt pra-Bfaa BJBBaS B .'.en-iut. »f.re rar.ee at the otua' tim .¦' e-tai«ratier» lot the ««Coun'i wliUL, we rereire f om .;, he ;m.-n -

par «ot Ge Oiaxy cf the «Teal rbatia io eroi« anoo, i« tti.1 m..ra

rema, k a) 1- Ii i.mired, of tbau*ar>-l* wbu introJed to -m «jr»c-blie . «Iirei» »li.nilonrd ehe notion. Mutt t««»p-«*l'i iy, theDurcur» ol the Nations. Society of Germsa Km f-aoca

«.. -Hti.rTE.To tie rerun/o/ far f'-nlrrj Mele», Dr. Ftt't-r L, l.esfemt, Jan»

i». 1BV:I b« | leave to add I few reamrfcj t<» the «naj'et of our versal

eeaiariricD It rixnot be drmed rhat K»ti«^t»e»-i OoT'rtTra*R>t*sad rrtrdp-li-lei bit« bee« ia tb- rnactieri o' t-ee-rn*, them-t. irr* *':i re their paap-r» »nd eras of therr mor» or l»»*i «ra»!-yeria.m»l«. bj *er»dtr.| them to Arcenes »ad peyin« dl« cost oftjveir Toy»»* ta tae »eafrort* *x»d iLe p«siia* taer.ee te »Vaunci,with. i«i Bi«kin« proTiiioa for >he want* of tas aahspp« r's« ofpr«.ple to er-»bf* ttvee» ta enaameeee «a b-avart teat*» Witaoaisa, mea»« of «upport tswy b» nía* a b-uúen to the aathonueeelevad, aod I' it to a» wortderrd at tluat meatarv»« bar« aot eretale heen taars to pot a stop to thi* arar "ira Bot I am happyo state last our Fstserlead, Saaotry, i* tree freer »uch «a imp»

«am i- The emigrant» from her» w«-r» «11 aireag, h-»le«. 7 »adirdeelio«s people, saf-püel with mean«, yea», «ve« weti-hy»neb aw I roe d »ee Imt kef»' only with afseiing »f «ad»«*».ard *eafa a* Amerce wU. receive e-l»h opea arm«, Fjt tarea fI have DfT»r takes r»«rt In the »bore ena.aratM aSTure »a Iwt.M rot gfre mi axncnoa «e them. Aetvp 'he e«-»iaoeef_yhighe.test.em. Your». 0BOR0B SCilOF.BIBERO.

Genera. Agent for 'he Oermaa KudgraiiseBseaStj.

Tlie July Term of the Court of (>tieral Seeeon»

betin« to-'lav, Jm ge Stuart presiding;. Nona b.'

pn-s n case* wi.l be tne»l and it is expwtod that the

businovs of the Court will be despatch«*.! iu the Beamof a few days The following ¡« th« calk-dar f.ir theterm, itr-d for it we «re indebted to M'. J >hn II. Whit-

tmore. Chat af «-be City llBBRBi Oread larceny,s-: n'bhery, fi; feloniorjj assault. 3; false pret»»n»ee,'.. burglary. IU: forgevry, ¦'; murder,.', misdemeaner,1; pt'.inry. 1; disorderly house, 1 ; abandonment,.';mayhem, 1. Total, 76.

We are iedebted to Mr. 1". D. Jon«*« the sculptor toi

a very handsome copy of hi« much admired bust ofthe Her. li. U. Chapín.We eoiiytlie to-owing from The Richmond Dispatch

af the Uto ult:A\'» nske no flaSOBB fr r»farrit»x to » grand nuptial <»-»«-«»l«)»n

whi« b is u> lake piece n-it mouth in N-w V >rk. I» i» <."»-.

op uc « stale i-t n»t. n-»ti"t: an.i mnalficep»e r-reeaari'.y «»lnge a por. inty that wi 1 f. res tlverepo-'er*.in »uite of thsi' wel.knee irpait tnr» fur -ueh thinp '.'o -orice it ts » part of th«.Tv r'. -. n t to be arhhbeld tro- the ¡.b'te. Th» patrie« are

w-a thy. The hp.'ie«' om i« a Loa.lana a eater,Jsosarj aadthe f-ife t« «hr daui»"trr f a New York Judre. The preparati as «re «4 the emplee' kirie. No I'r-si lential 'oír wu »ter ao

fir' firrn"y r-ror-ded for, eren In the Bey day of Old Hicki'r.There are i'(C ice«*i ir-Ti-rd. ill of «vboae expense» are 11 o»home by the inviter». The bridegroom :« to be ecc.mp«-: -1 by!» pun of young l,d!«i» n.J tenth men fion» tbe Svu h aadwi'l («ta th-onib thn ci v aboat Ja y ¿ I - hf» route h« will h«j. un by r.crei» in »«.» rv city; for th» tttraiti nit wi 1 ut» ilrthrow in th» *h*_» ibe tl- »n pot* of the wsiltiy ''ai_»oh.> '

1 bei-b»ÍLX no p_«i!.: i fi.-. u,. i.-lim« ih um ilnlr at I

(ilvt'e n aus'ou »b- St, N'clnea» floiel ha« b-eu'««ite«l at

«* iff » «»»for f.ni .tat» .'urii « whvh thet»» wll b« royaltr«»t n«. Tl ejimet «ll«tlD«ui.br.l i-*t.«i*r n Rww> Y»rk ba« been

.t.i fi! ibe jo.i t pu.»eyi.r f"r th- s»»t »«wtnb age efkU-.is. Kveiy «r» and ev-ry rxt««"-!^^ that ran «'IT »" .he,..tt p and < ¡ret"m «true» of the even! wt I be -Bipl reeA W«tllhI.. r» i« in «hoi .'ai re sud th» pa-ti- a ar- e)t»te»tiilo»d that h

i----pir.v at .ii »!,»t"lirg crcnn sfane-a shah ex-e l ir g»snd»n»Ba; 11» rt"»ha- b»a en r jr-r-d-d it. Vv> wi'l n)t 'or 'ht. presenlet «en ._» retdert into th-«erret "f who »he» people ar« whoare i«y.nr ro re-erne «o notable; »t woniJ diminish the interest

ot the »ttair to tell th e_ a.! abuut it at once."

Tnr Lati B-MMHiaa hfiail in Di lam >-sr.Cor¬ot .r Hilton held an ante mortem etamina'ion at N

l »caney-«t.. ahn Margaret Fur-Ang made a veryhephty statement, corroborating all that has bo«n

!.«d. The defence «ct tip by accused is, thatwhile ac» tired wa« holding the pistol up to defend himr. It' tu m the husband, the wife struck it. who;i it»».it MLDaoerBBB vvtiiii: IUtiiing. Diedricb Direb, a

B tie i u an.S y-ar« sfafB, wa» drowned while hathln« on liter-la«, al the f«x't of Forty niti'i.-ai., N" R. »I a body was rearne.1«i,d t«kt u lu lh» reeldem-e of li« m'thrr, No. ¿12 Forty ninth »t,whe.etu Inqus.t wesbrld »in it.

Cbami of Biosan Jeooh Todor, Bogbeor ou

one ot the Arun» fërry-ri at*, wa» y-»t-rday arrested by Officerho ti- t the Third D-trtrt Pollr-Co 'rt, charged wiih »liguuv.. ftiirc in AagaM laat BMrriel K'.iia UntaTf, hi« fir»' wife be-in« i«t i alive, and be undivorccd from bar. ju.tico A\',«j<l gam.nutted him for t lamination.

Th* iatv ArrtoKNT oa the HOBOM Riviii.I! an loiAi'.. I roast AVy || » ni y-aterdty h»ld an ini«i»it upon(h-t».l> of" I hri»ii»n Milbn » native of (.e-many, B y-ars ,)t

««- aha WseiBB aver «al kil e.l on the Hudson Riv-r Rail-i. » aa BaBrlay, TtosvUsao« w«-nt f «hi'w triar Tec-a. .ii»nd a man anktu-wn wrtt w»Iking near the Irack at an ear'y

niing. when he was either pmhel or finiOf on the track juit a» a train wat »j pruachin« and wu ran

.it killed. The Jnry rendered a verdict nt u ei la I ».

d« »th and t .vi red the opinion that dreeaaed was pushed upon.h- trtck by tbe anknown man.


Fit HoM A ClIIKiH Iloul'..»foh'l Co-irtollv, S

r, fell from the root Ut 'he l luir h r.,rt. ruf Henry indMarket-eta.. OB Saturday afterno.ui, and was d i.ii'-rousiy in-

j.rtd. He wat convi-yeá to the New- Voik Ho -peel.

Acciaan raoa thk KaoLoeioa »f a Purrot»..Jau e* Met hiland a bo» eli-ren year» old, had on- of hi» h »ni««iM.kiiiïly mai «led on .-»».unlay by ih» |.r»«oii»t.ir- .iiacbargfafa ; -i. 1 -.'ill «aliuli be v. a» playing, at th- rorn-r of tftmrntand HaetsaaSta H- wa» tak.n to t'he New-Yurk Hoepital.

Ciniiii »i iti'Koi art..Joha 0 Mara waa yes¬terday airest'd. charged wiih havinx ou Saturday m«Ti! Im «I ir-

t..!,-:> i,-««'«! th- linn», it (.nriii I'.uat Ro. .Tl K-_im nth *t-, n.t atolru ir<ie!r..u» «lathi s to ih« BBBBSSl -hA).He wa» i.jii.ui. ted by .lia i.- lio Hutu fur trial.

Caaaen or Kapk,.A young man named .lamesg a» a t»»t. .1 .n Fries«, rharged with having on 1'huriday

I nht nimnii'l« d « rsr.- n.-m ih«. ] -»«on af Deborah H-odriekl,igatNe l«1 K! zab-ih it. lhe romrlsinsnt »tat . that

as abe wae walk!» g ia a attett 'h»Dame »f which »h» f.ra-eti,th- accn»rd rolloired b-r at d tTnaily drax|e«l bsr tu o a bateaar*t»hi p. wbeie ti' | laue aicuaed was heldIt justice l'earcj tu answer the chame,

| Adverttsemeo'J.Dtt Blair oh ni Bts.Larm no. ft

i .'. I dilor af The Lribune.Mist In tueerdance wrh my proml'e if Kritay, I will to- tiy

BBsaa of «oiijuiirtniti», or trior» coiiianinly koowo aa Acute(.| lili.-lliii« ; »li.! lir.t «if Ihr cause« uf till» .iLa-aar, »o |irevalrQin otg all elMKae, tij-ecaliy ih> puor r.

1 hr ia.meihs.ie or exci iu< eniiei »re direet injury, turh is

aoiiiiil« or violence aataWM in »niirieai operati .n«. Aleo, by»>.'-t ,r «r« <i u.iig in coital M selling inn the eye. inc. a*

. i.! »t.r. ic T«.-»« ma» iij'.in in eh inical! », uth«raghi ti »)') Aim.I-«- tie lafer c »««, it may t. w-li .o -ici Ha¬

iti' a f. w of Ihn many »i |> n a irni« uia.ie to in« eye in thef. »m f reui- .!.-.. Su h fu inai-iie- a* a<-it«i. ,,f ir-n,^ whits»i ,1 r«.! ¡.nal« i.iirai- of «ti-r« nrv, ox yd f zi'ir BfteaBMif 'ii e »ml i.p-t, si t«te -/divas, ai «I nó' uno- m-itly d>>w- t in ea-r: l'ie lii'"i (Ui.l 'ini'latir ar-1« an mull c .!'anti-n eny ti.ett AiU It w..o d «a«SB a« if 'he mixt d-li'ate and «in-

»i iv' «iigtn of the uo:y liad been »elrcted tor trying lhe m.til on«

lle.it-|l- fact of their b-c g called r»m"dta* m k-i'bentrite ! ir'l»ti of any of than» being

ajj.ieili -he »oond e»e of a L«slrhj penin wuotd pro Im- ¦. »

go ater or li « rgre of in! .inuia'iun Ag«iu, expmur*¦al Ct»| a (Ci -. l.e e, liv i.g in damn hasumeuta, or lu.Meu

uf f. in;,« it ure, div.rler of tne di»»»!ive or¿ti,a, i->

loi.| uLtii.ued exe.-ciae by «a« light or un.m mmmtt .' bri«|,t« i.i .ear] ih.-r aaaaara asjgbl ae aieatioaa I, batnu«rtiie Tbe ^_r|ftMMa«ereeeaat. whici i» *a¡»«riiris'.

aniart.i.« «aha, hr«'. ». i.auied with «hg it nea.la.bn»L.l tr.ri. »in! but Iltlfn lulnlniai.ee n| light, tu«; thor Wlt«l s

fee IBI a» ft ih-r- erst. or g avel m tu- ry «. Tfir«- »y-iip--ii.ii ».iaht et Int, may lucre«»* in severity, an 1 caaso

iraiiii niiiu eftbe i«-«, .r piiru-nt i phthalmi i th to.-u.-r eatia-

ii k . fr- iit.f as if 'lina wer- gtt__U| tb- hau of the eye Tbetr-t ti - -a-, acrnrdi'.g to the uoiaj tie d-, t bl-miii g. leeching, jo'i'tice». «r.itication nf the c-injurie'iva. mercu-

rj tu-té:; *,kc VA heren. if tmld, eonttittitional treain mt.l'ii-'hrvi n ». uitntz appitcafi tia ar» midi' uie of. very manyt tir lu {el> i« es ta wh ch we now meet migh'have b en re¬

it-»ee. »r.d tavid truii. hnpett-at bllnili e»». But, isyi one. yontha prescrit)«.i rule» a« lui 1 down tt tundir»1 worki

« -il yriara experii-nc- hay taught m»thai to hr» I muât nui r ak to <f-»tr.y. m.r pull duwn to bit: 1-1BB| bag latSei »In n»theu su» «.«.th« ibe inflamed or»an »hat Lsw««k Baal ibatsby rsss - it t., its uaiural vi«nr and activity. rn

'.i - tinlay will speak of purulent oph'halmi*ti iniai.t-. l nur obd'!. se'rvsnl AV. D. SlaIS It. O.

:,t and Anritt, No. 7rl«l Broadway.

B ¦ A K I ¦ 1)0 I N E T SY-,r »_e by Idr, FlLT At ITtLL,

No*. 3 aud 11 l'ark-plaae.

[Adv-nU-mrnf |Tanks, G o r l ii & Co.

HaveBO puiil »hedCoMMrvTtaii » oa Eat 11 r Jtxurnnrvcr,

«jJohn AVnard, lih.U.

L-«- n- nf the lutti.r, ..» th-Hip-em« ("onrt of" New-Vork.Thi, work it very eonip,e(e comsimnx fO page» frier ft'» SB.

Thx Ajucxica«. Law i i Hi al fxcrtsTT.ByKraccu Ili.'liard.

Third Edition.irresf!y enlirx».! ar.d improved. In 2 vola Price OU.Fur aa.» «t Nu. 114 Nassau.at,, N V and No. IU -roadwty,

AjlaifN. V.a.

[Advert|»*!!,rn .]Phki.voi.ih.v anu IHK Focht h of Jt.LV..

The Phreto.'igliai CabmeU of fowLtgi and AVgLLl, No.*»Bros/way New-York No I4J AA'a»oirigton-*., Boron, »'rd NoBl Arn.IL, Fhi adelpbia wfll remain Opea and Free in

A mtor» BB*, itciuditx 'he KotxTH ef ft-lt. Chart* aalVA"ritten Deeenp»io_i of Ch»r»c»»r x+ren when de«ired.

[Adreru^fnaot.]Foaalfk and Win lk\ No. ii'JO Broadway, New-

A.ix lave al. worktoa Fbyi.oligy, Hrdiopathy. Pbreno ogy,Ph' rcsrapby and (h* Narnral Setenes* generallyThx VA'aTi-i-rixr Jociaai. and Tut pHsgsoi,o<.iCAL Joex-

Sal sis published c_»nih y at 01 a year.Lirr In tiTxiTXO, a bnt-ciaa* family aeeipapai. weekly,

at 02 a year. Agen'« wanteo st No. 308 Broadway, N. Y.

fAd-.ert.e.wiJt-lTO AI I Ar.lT. St FFERER8.-New l^lNf-rPT,C '.

New Rraxt.y'.No PottOB !.Ncvga Fail»'.The aew" Antidata lo Malaria" called " Bhooii'i Ftrg« as a A s«; g

Cvxr. "u the only remedy la the market that it entirely freefren» m'serti poison». The certificate of tha celebrated chem¬ist. Dr. rhiitoa ittaehed to eesrh bo»lie provee it» laneeeass,aad «vl'eLcr of it* wondert. efieaey eta be had of deal-rtwho hive it for aale. üto. H. Batfi, WhoieeaJe Agent, No.I S Vt sier-et, and for tale by C. H. Bise. C. V. Clickbsi«A Co., and draggiatt generally.

(Adveittsfaat.]" Ki'i-iij ».- Fevek ard Agi e Cire*' never fail-

to Isfiire perfec' health, aad eaahlee say one to inhale Malariawith perfect Hxpaaity. Dr J B. Cbiltob'i Certtfteate aeeo.-

laaies each butte. WheiaeaJa Ag«at ia New-York fixoatisH. Bath, No. IS Water et. Alee for aaie by C. Ii. Bib«,,C. V. Ci.icbibbb a Co an«) dealer« aaeerally.

«t, A. Aneac», l^vrtdaeee, R. I.

(Adrert-1-aat.lR.ARKIR4? ZET-fTR Mi-UNO UNDOUlAea

Tbe warn »»«isrr aaakee a chant-a. ef flatta*«««*««-'« aaeas»

«trv »ad we wall »etftM te taTtte tha «I'eaitoa af eat eaa-

IsaVr» and th» pabla« ts theBtir »m*«.ita»»T g»ta woas ;

eeMMatngliaBeae«. eiestlcvly. «fsrabllltv and ch-SB«»»-.. «alb-tr * a pr. tr-rio« tVoai «B'ideB Besare« «a the «reatBer. Ia el-det_a to lb« tact thai they are

itiviaiatLT iicob»i««i>I!> as rHTtieiaa«,the eonetaatly tscr» a*tag demand t» proof of their »fthty.N<rtwu_Naá__a th« .-prrwton ia ranees depar.a«aft* af

traa*. and ta« backwarataaa» of the eeasse, we troatl «tat« *«th« .» Irfactua of ear tratada, aal aa «vtlease of the e_.BBBIn which our

SvaatB HCIIIXT »KB »IIUMTIare held, thet war trad« la them tha aeesaa haa basethan evrr.For this meed of pabile aver we oSer oar ackaewk

sad by contuniiig to *».i at th« low«at partee*Tat But tiaoBTassr ia ras CifT,

bop« aad expect to »reare a «.««laeaa-a ef th« pilnaajBaUloy« d for more than . quarter uf a .utury.Rtme-.ber the oid stand. No. KM »uwsry

A. Rambib ft Ce.a» ¦

I Adr-Ttisetoeeat. )National Theater..To-NimiT..Mr. Plrdt,

the inda fat igahle mantrer ef thi« H«»n»e pr-ient* t« Si* pétreastwo new paree» eetiiied the Roll or TS« D«ire,u aad theLocal Fxir»»aganra of " Citt i»s<-b«t»." wkh tha seesH/ofAHoiiiv rat VAiii" Thi» i* wiihoat sxesftioa tbe best

enter sinmeat offered in (he Cuy.

[Adrerti»eiaeot.|Kich and Attr.aitive Drfsb Goow..The

rl,»»ii « out *f«_« l k hmm of rapriag and Sammer Paies (>-«rrBSat Cas* HtiiDkUi, No.iV>IOraDdti. has-reared m-ira «basterdiia-v aiteation Irttm «he Ladiee hieb Ssawl». MaanLLaa,<n a« 'BAitùSa, JaOOBBTO, Law« and turn ar te*»on»BÉaUrses OeelB,m-et wi>h a res'y sala in «««aee-iaear« ..f tee aa»

u»n«. v be«, y redu-ti« n. at relber earriar« from tiret price*i balthe chief feerere of attraction ts a epienciid eesortaaent et" nahB»rege» (til woo.) at the unheard ot low prias of I, per yare.


I Adrertiseraeot. |BOM Water and Che» m Sikit«..Made fron

Ire.b I ream.«.m whit g new and «ap-rior M ordinary amps.I-t«iir» »nil « .-nt-n en ar-invted t.« rail and trv it, al Rea.-

rea*«ae_ a Re UT l-r<>edw«y, corner ol Canea N., aad si Ne.10 Altor Mouse, ©orner of H»rci»y st.

( AdvertisementWe call the attention of tbe public to tbe Krhb

Vxii eseaa at araoi Ft «ataa km Moao»r nbbt. Th« p.>-pnrf. r» uf!« r -h-ir very «loanable Lot» «an assy terms. For faBi ertira ar». ti. beta, Ac *pp<y U Babkbb. Ihvioii ft ¡»Mira.Re. Il rBeat., New York.


| A.treitisemeut]Tea»..The beat assortment «)f Fine Tea» wil

»e fi-nnd at «he C'sbton TrA ('oMriBV'a newly «arei-teat a.Ieiexant store, No. 129 Chatham si., (between Pear! aa.l hmieavett-it». 'he oldest Tea nitah Uhrneot in the city. W* SBBBBjurrrail.rt tliey ceo .1'letter hern than eUewae.i, elrftar aftwhoie*ale or retail. No branch atoma

[AdvortUement. )Notice to Gbocerii aro Iikiihiist«..The

trade eau cen'if.iir cat-limy Sk inrtiAM Aromatic Se«s are»under the new Uaset L*w wi'hoot lien ae.

I'Doi.rHu WBftFft, Mlbm Is" " B*BT*e-*»-

[ Advertisement. )Palm of Thousand Flowers.For beatify-

mgthe r.tiiirsiexi.'n md ertdicsfing all tan, pimple* ot fracklaafrom the face, r STBIOe« A Co., Krank.in aai'iare, Naw-Yoa-g«oi ._« by C. 11. Rim-. Broadway, and all Uiuggiata.

Advertisement, | .

PI.AIR ant» Decorative, Paper-Hanoir«««.."satt a. II »xnr.virtiiH, Mannfactcrer» and Importer», Ma»WS Broadway, between Leonard and F»»nklin-»U invite aa»

leniinn to their extensive «took, which i» uneai-peaued by Maytntl.li countiy. FifthfsJ and accomplished workman »s.t Ba

my part of the City or country at abort notloe, and theft watOwarranted, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

BllOOKLYS ITEMS.The total numlrer of death- in this city last week

were o,*, of which 19 were male», and .'7 female«. C*fthese ¦ weic minors, and tl adults. The highest die-cnee on tbe list is consumption, of which '.» died, aadthe next, cliolera inlaiituut, of which S died.

A Floral Concert, by childrea, will be fgivea thia'Monday) evening at the Central CongregfttioaolChuich, Bedtord.

A Hhctai. Son..A woman named llarditnan, re-»idins at Red Rook Point wa* hruurht to ibe (Ttv Hospital yee-t.tilay by i.nlu uf th- A.il-man of the Twelfth vVaid '«wwaat-mei.l levin« been Ultra by «in» of her sin», who infliclel a

fracture i.t tbe null;», »n.l terrrr c.uitiitl.iua nratn her healy. She i» in e very bad wey, hot is expected 10 «arrive

her injurie«.Pasaaravan to a fi.««ma.*«..The. aaaaibeai of

I'i.i'i.I M«ir» luiio« Company No. 4, Eastern District, pta-«i i.te.I to their lain toten.an \Vm. Kruu-dy Esq., a mtgntB-ciii gold huit in« cas- wach, seal aud key mtheihape of aI.i-e,|. ..im ti m p. i ihn whine c atio« ftliO. the eveul wear

il by I ."lit .' got up at the engin» hutías DevilLtalsej 1 »i ii.»iie t),. 11. ..i tatiou n heb» f of tue Osmpaay.Mr K.'i.ii». \ rrpiind m si« appiopriate «peech. A nunber ufAni.ru en »ml piumln-nt u.eu In tbe Fire Department were BB.t tendalnee.

Beat I.tiM H. .M. .i». Xewtnaii »V Kainiall¡.un. h-.l the bo«l named I. D. R. Pu in »in, bull eip.aely fcr11 » girai it «a'le a Bo.« n (.< lake piece ». the Four, h ol J*^,ft. ie their »are al lhe I', k»hp Kerry nti Saiunlay «venina.1h-bueii* a beau«i tul lern ut wo kml'iali'p aad ia bunt far»t«-e.i. T he »bore firm h«»- Itul.t iwii (h-r Boa« for the ea_Mrace, Tb-y »hi an se lasan i« «estaa on Muaday.

lit -innation..Oflicer Feeny of the Nitth Dia-triAl'ullas SB* ir«.«i.e.I hi* office at Pud.eiiiaii. John Culgaawa. kp|.oiiite.l aa riati.iday in til. the vacancy.

Cut". 01 Soi.km...-A (îerman named John Millerwa» »«reck h\ th- MB mi .».ttnnlsy while wotklng at thn ¡Jalee« u ¦.'. ry m sr the Jamaica Plant rue I. II» .n-d In a few oaia»no t afierward. < or« nrr llaudturd hnd an luquest yeatarday,m. ; a aenil. lia Bl c. .".<'.. wa« randered

Two (un i kin itiiovveaa.-Baaaala Kay ami Al-I'-rt Allrn, two buya, »s-.l rr»p-ctl»r y ? and A year*, tiara

kk m U yetta ida» alie, i.., -u «lout ti ur eek, while pleyiug eaaiiiiii-liiai.at tun f. ui.»tiv «us I u»l A'.rd, el the I'. ¦< >a ofNi.nli IKili .1. Tb-par-uf» w-te lakiug'-a on hoar.i ih boatat th- t m-, uni ih- ehihir-n were n<n mi» ed nil their eaftSwi t« b muí Healing in th- water. Th« Imliee wer- both ra-r. v»-r.il. ( niiiiier Haiituiil h'-li! an lu ¡u it, and » reidict «faicidrntal drowmtig waa rrndrn-.l,

St n BraORR. Georaa Covert, aderk in the employof Maflgta. ( o-.eit A Co., lumber .luuler« in (Jraha u av., wlutaai work in Batan »> in th. yard waa pr.»tr»ied by ih» «aa.

...i- 1.1r.ci.i ..i. ked iniii up and r »tried »iimlatu the ef-tii. »li-ir uiiil.c«! iriuedie» wer« applied, and ba was maale.li.ild.

In«i i«A>fE Case..An ac'ion was broo/ht beforethe ( it y Court I lew .la,» sine« by J P. Cuomni. ait The

lire luanianee «u.. foi tbe «in. uut of ao isaaraaaa

[rtlHrj 'SI If« upon aunte «lty ¡ji^nia and IxtarSSSSBBB*asl laii - s'.ne No. IS < iiirt-t«,, on tlie Uih of Jenoary last, wh«a k\v.a» dr.trnyeú by hr» The defense eel up was tbet plaintif sal

\.i'li-il with theeoaditioos of the policy in not faroithhaftth»m wiih piel.n luary pr.iof* m reaglred by th» term*, «ad thatle riti«, utril the aun.un! >.f the Insured property. Tha casawa»e. n< ¡«.den ob Friday, and the .Inry final a rerdlrt for the| » i,.« r. r »sriA eamage» and 021 6n cotta. lb* Court maletr. extra al.«.wanes of *50.

To (Ar r.titur of The N. V. TrtA»««.Sue. lucirthe head of " Hrooklvn,'' in your iaeao

of Fndsy, you bave an item hi a.!r.l " l)i«sraceful Proeeediae«,"Wim h ar (cm will have * »oaftaaef to cast (»fire ions of dsae

I u|«.n 'be mrtnber» «if Paiilti« No. S, K D., if not met la.a fol'aim pr« | nr m»'ner as ibe rlrcometaneea reanire. Now,i.o I su »te »Uno« to 'he wboi» prt«*« nigs doring the»' 11 »r on ine( cccat.on, I c»u with tni b and all impart ali'y,¦'»«it tb»t there wa* not s single mem her ia the room, either aa

Re 1 or Zepbyr No. I, whose rb»r»..!-r sa-i conduct wer« aot

| «i'rclly g.tit iDi.lt. There ws« siiittorbaace tifióme liad laan it ,c Mi* room which -.mid not be «J »yed by tbe* r»> a~ss

int. i » arid c<4nbi_Bd rff. rti of 'he officers«»« Su. «i «ad «»ta*xird» » fiht. or »nyrbiug m» »n spir xiauitlos to one ibw sir-i t.ri,e«_ie n.ust Iw« occuri-d »fier tbe uieailieri nf No. I aal/.(.l.) i No. 4 bad left the ro-iu« ¡ of tin- i »m p »rttlve,. There.-» m* to I«) a deairn en he pert »I your c .aiuni mrat/sr to eaa aun)letive thi.it »t the ( oir.pany of No. I. SitSie- it that a' «ayfufara acaaaiaa aft.a kind No « will kaow her frienda. I eefthi* ia an »t.irvt of kimln« as And at for the «arm mf bre, thatti» n. t ihm un'il sitar tlie rrnaintie. of botb tbe abarre mea»tx.ued Cuupaote« bad left the reoui, «ni tha greater Barter*thru« tbe ht.nte-, and a« lor the troth ot these exptaaadeae, afui' and «nbatatititl proof can be airea by


«aV_5fW-JER8EY ITEMS,CBtRaaawn oa Tnr Pobtrbi <>r Jct.r..to

Jeraey C try a »elate will bm fired at »unrlne, it nsm, aol at saa--¦. and tbe beli» wi, be ram. In he rr-nlag the-, will b» afine cUpUy ef firework« *"' up by J O. aad J. Edge ia VeaAqii'-tqt ire There wul also be masic at tar time of the ¦ rr.


lb« ( ¦ i.tif.»n(»l Onxd. C'ipr. Hwderaon, will aarala at 4k A. M., on ihtt iity.

Ii, HoUkrr. so celebraiiua will take pitre.The peepte of the an. mut baulet of (,' .rumonlpa» Willette-hritr the «}»y hy a Festtrat, D. B. AVakernaa Ktvr»., of J-ree*( ity. will read the Declaration of ladepemlence. aad eh« BeeMr AALitrker.oi laraaf ( ty trid d-liver iba oraiioa. Thecrlrbratka will take piece in .be eerly pert ef tbe lay.


AkitiHT n a CiiARi.g. or Picklig Pockits..Laaievening « «ring the (hronr a' the ferry gatee in Hobohen oftbaaewho were re«Bnung 'o New-York OIBeer McDoaoacb eerseltbiee iB»pkC.ai per»on».two of them yoan« men aad ..oTaU.y dodging ahont in the crowd, «ad upon eeetoe, one a« tha. .rtj et'empt to piek 'he Docket of » l»dy. be a-rrYed Iws ofibem whose mm*« were given a« Fete IsfoOarrey aad KiwantMrbaa,a_ditaredfoc the itarloo-boat»». The. rra_t-d .__

_,t.ü_r7e,t,"^,p*i1 *? ,."«>». °-« »f ki* coat »a | rmt. mrkUtbe left in he Uli of tlia umm-t. Mrham rr^Kad bat tJSànot -ttie«, tad wu cttmltted u jail to await an ex

mmmmmXL T°. "0f°*"---Taere era« an irn-nr-rwecrowd of VtoMB to Hobokea y»««eTdsy-sau-» than dariae *_biB-aUetra^SlVs^,,,? ¡Äff^»The Ntvtrk Daily AdttHimr eavs that

i»,,« r_i,.,._ «j- __ f_,__*Tr "'y 'mmm*

¡tu* gr«->d oat."ed d-runioa, aal BeAn trra oat af «xteea de»eel ta effirit' c^tfeeelon ef

oe, aal Be é-iatar-, af Ba fsst Bat

a t_oio«gh csi,r_a . tha «t»t»». Oaael brCe__Jlb_rvl^_tfne luibosttativ. acuoa TVe«abje« iWfcea^aesarerUBab«ai a.eet-.| of t_e «itate (>>aajf71»_igh m^LimÜrtpuilata th« twrafth sraelar^'