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Term 2 Week 8

21st June 2017


TH July


Ali Colbeck

Deputy Principal

Greg Doig

Assistant Principal

Lisa Gray

Business Manager

Michelle Collins

OSHC Program

Director: Belinda Filkin

Bookings: 0438 761 656



th 2A/2B Planetarium Excursion



Yr3/4 Swimming Week


Hot Dog & Milk Day


July End of Term Early Dismissal

2:05pm Finish


Where Tradition and the Future Meet

Website: Email: [email protected]

247 Main Road Willunga 5172 Telephone: 08 8556 2234 Fax: 08 8556 2398


Formal written reports will be sent home with your child in week 10 this term. The information in these reports will build upon the information provided during interviews. Teachers have been working together to plan and moderate across several curriculum areas, to assist with consistency in grading. The information below has been developed from our Partnership SLLIP (Senior Leader Learning Improvement Primary) Wendy Lithgow and is a useful guide for parents to interpret the DECD A – E reporting criteria.

What do the A to E Grades mean? The DECD parent information provides parents with the following information: Being allocated a certain grade is not a simple matter of students doing a series of tests in order to tick off their achievement with a percentage score against a set check list. There are many complex steps for teachers to consider. At each year level and in each curriculum area, there are three major areas for consideration in assigning the grade that all reference an aspect of curriculum

1) knowledge and understanding How well does the student demonstrate the content knowledge and understanding of the big ideas and concepts that surround them?

2) development of skills and processes How well has the student developed skills as entities in their own right that then enable the student to engage in the learning area processes.

3) use of skills and processes How well can the student demonstrate that they can apply – choose and use - and generalise the use of them in a variety of contexts.

For example, in English, Learners develop skills including spelling, grammar and punctuation at the designated level and by developing these skills they are able to engage in the Literacy strand processes of: • interpreting, analysing, evaluating • interacting with others • creating spoken, written and multimodal texts. The Australian Curriculum: English also incorporates the processes of listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing in an integrated and interdependent way.


0408 727 632

Must include student’s

name, date, reason, class

End of Term 7th July

2:05pm Dismissal

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In defining Thorough, consider - full, exhaustive, absolute, complete, comprehensive, and in-depth New contexts mean that the student is able to apply the learning described in the achievement standard to a context beyond that in which it is originally taught. This means that they have multiple ways of knowing and understanding, and are able to demonstrate it. At A level this transfer of knowledge and skills is demonstrated by the student in the majority of their learning output. Students can achieve a B when they demonstrate good achievement of the year level expectations. This involves: Extensive knowledge and understanding of the content, key ideas and concepts High level of competence in the skills and processes

Uses the skills and processes in some new contexts In defining Extensive, consider - wide, broad, general, and big At a B level, transfer of learning into new contexts is to be demonstrated on some regular occasions. When a student gains a C, they are demonstrating their learning at the appropriate standard for their year level. It means that they have reached the attainment that has been planned for and set in the details of the curriculum. This is the level of achievement that is the bench mark for the particular year level and is an honourable achievement. This involves: Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the content, key ideas and concepts Expected of competence in the skills and processes

Uses the skills and processes in familiar contexts

In defining Satisfactory, consider - acceptable, suitable, reasonable, fitting, agreeable, adequate At a C level, students are expected to be able to use their knowledge within the contexts in which they are taught

Hot Dog & Flavoured Milk lunch

Wednesday week 9 (28th June)

Parent Connection Committee will be using the canteen for fundraising over term 2, 3 and 4 in weeks 3, 6 and 9 (assembly weeks). We have chosen menu items based on ease of management (at this stage!!) and if possible, healthy low litter options that make the use of local resources and our garden. For our

first try we are keeping it simple with hotdogs and Fleurieu milk!!

If you are able to help with this please contact the front office.

Governing Council is raising funds this year to enhance our grounds and explore options for nature or spare parts play.

$5.00 Return slip before Tuesday week 9 (27th June)

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We would like to thank CWA (Evening Branch) for their

$500.00 donation for pantry items that helps our

families in need.

Sue Camac’s News

Masterchef for the 6/7’s is still in full

swing! We had some very creative Bliss Balls. One that

I loved was a savoury one made by Hayden, Jai and

Branson. It was made with: cream cheese, bacon fried

with steak seasoning and rolled in breadcrumbs. It was

really tasty! Challenge no. 4 is making a fruit and

veggie creature that will be judged by the receptions.

Last week I attended two

days of training –‘The Wellbeing Classroom’. In one of

the sessions they talked about ‘threshold’ and how

children can have a different threshold over situations

from day to day. I recognised my own change in

threshold over the two days. The first day while I

travelled home on the train I kept turning my music up,

as the train was very crowded and noisy. The next

morning though it was very quiet with less people. As I

then turned my music on it was so loud and scared me!

I’m sure you’ve had the same in the car sometimes.

What I had got used to and turned up gradually was

then so overpowering the next day! As parents you

have your own threshold as well. What you might be

able to cope with today may be too much tomorrow.

In recognising this it can help us be aware of the

‘volume’ in our life and stopping and pausing before it’s

hard to cope.

SAPSASSA News SAPSASA Boy & Girls Hockey

Congratulations to the following boys and girls who have

made the district hockey teams for week 9

Alexander B, Jasper R, Luka W, Matthew G,Ryan K, Seb H

Elani P, Jodi B and Mia M


Southern District golf held qualifying 15th June at

Willunga Golf Course. Congratulations to Jack M, Luka W

& Isabella W who have made the District Team.

SAPSASA Football

Last week Keely D, Alex M, and Johnny F participated in a

state SAPSASA football event. It was held at West Beach

and our team was called Onkaparinga South and we

were in the Division 1 team. Overall we won 4 and lost 5

games and placed 7th overall from 22 teams. The

competition was very even. Johnny kicked 4 goals, Keely

kicked 3 but unfortunately Alex didn’t score but did

dislocate a finger! We all had fun.

Keely, Alex and Johnny


Last week was a physically hard week for Abby T, Bree M,

Phoebe C & Tallula B as we played 2 games of netball a

day during the SAPSASA netball event that went for a

week. We played at Priceline Stadium which is where the

Thunderbirds play. We played teams from Southern Eyre

Peninsula, East Adelaide, Port & Barker plus more. The

Division 7 team placed 3rd overall and the Division 3 team

placed 7th overall. The first game we played we won and

the score was 52-11. Tallula

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FINANCE NEWS Letters have gone home to families who have not paid

School Fees to date. For further information or if you

need to enter into an instalment plan, please see

Michelle in the Finance Office as soon as possible to

avoid further action.


Year 3/4 Swimming is in Week 9 – Payment OVERDUE

2A & 2B Excursion to Planetarium on 26th June 2017 –


2C & 2D El Shaddai Camp is Week 1, Term 3 – payment is

due Friday, 23rd June 2017.

Why do we have “Payment Due Dates”?

You will see on notices for camps and excursions that we

have a payment due date usually a week before the

excursion or in some instances, such as camps, a few

weeks before the camp. We are required by the

destinations to advise of final numbers to assist them

with staffing numbers to accommodate our classes and

for Camps for catering and staffing numbers.

In the case of Swimming weeks, the centre is required to

give their instructors two weeks notice of their rosters.

Often the difference of 5 student’s attendance can make

the difference of an instructor having a weeks’ work or


So while we try to take late payment wherever possible,

there may be some occasions where we are unable to

accommodate a late payment.

To avoid disappointment, we appreciate prompt

payment of camps and excursions.

Future Radio Stars On Friday 16th June, members of our Orchid Club were

invited to local radio station TribeFM 91.9FM to discuss

their involvement in the Orchid Club. They went with Ms

Best and Orchid Man Trevor (who is also presenter on the

radio station).

Claudia: “We talked about orchids and had so much fun.”

Layla: “It was so much fun. It is very interesting learning

about orchids.”

Alicia: “It was scary at first and then it was fun.”

Summer: “I was scared at first but then I got used to the

radio station.”

Ella: “It was really fun and interesting.”

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded 5

house points for their demonstration

of TEAMWORK in their



Scarlett M

Sage J

Emily H

Brock S

Makayla C

Ruby P

Seth P

Suranne A

Layla M

Kaeleigh N


Saxon C

Brock H

Aden M

Zac A

Roisin R


Ruben N

Emily P

Stella B

Guen L

Baxter O

Charli R

Violet H

Ruben I

Mia M

Summer T

Cathan R

Matildaa J


Kalen H

Lori H

Chelsea P

Alicia A

Lillian F

Liam J

Cooper P

Abby T

Tallula B

Page 5: WILLUNGA PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...Website: Email: 247 Main Road Willunga 5172 Telephone: 08 8556 2234 Fax: 08 8556 2398 FORMAL WRITTEN REPORTING TERM

National Reconciliation Week 2017

National Reconciliation Week is celebrated annually from the 30th of May till the 3rd of June; these dates mark

significant milestones in the reconciliation journey.

May 27th - 1967 referendum

This marks the anniversary of Australia’s most successful referendum which is an important event in our

nation’s history. This gave indigenous Australians the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander peoples, recognising them in the national census.

June 3rd – Landmark Mabo decision

This is an important date which commemorates the landmark Mabo decision which recognised that

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a special relationship and spiritual connection to the land,

prior to colonisation and still existing today. This recognition paved the way for land rights or Native Title.

Reconciliation is about all Australians coming together in unity, showing respect and building relationships

together, to make a shift in our hearts and minds in the way we feel about Aboriginal people and culture.

When all are united, it enables us to work together to close the gaps, and to achieve a shared sense of

fairness, justice and equity.

In honour and celebration of National Reconciliation week

here at our school in Willunga Primary, we had special guest Kat Warren come in on Friday the 26th of May.

She spoke to us about her own personal story and experiences about her family and culture, and gave the

students a clear idea of what reconciliation is and the importance behind the meaning of reconciliation.

She ended the assembly by singing us a song called ‘My Island Home’ by Christine Anu, this song is an

anthem for indigenous culture and symbolizes the connection their culture must land. This song also

represents for all cultures, the importance of staying connected to where you belong.

This year’s theme of reconciliation is ‘Let’s take the next steps’ which symbolizes us as Australians coming

together to take the next big steps into our nations reconciliation journey. We have planned some art

activities around the concept of this theme for the classes throughout the week; some of these activities will

include students tracing their own feet to make footprint designs along with a personal message about what

reconciliation means to them in which reflects this year’s theme around reconciliation. Our seventeen ATSI

students also had the opportunity to attend the annual NRW event that is held at Ramsay Place, Noarlunga

where they also got to bring along a friend and engage in a bunch of different cultural activities. There were

also great live performances and entertainment held, the day was a great opportunity for students to learn

more about the importance of reconciliation and coming together.

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We would like to welcome Hamish and Hope, two new students and hope they enjoy their learning journey at

Willunga Primary School

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

We have commenced the annual nationally consistent collection of data on school students with disability (‘the


This will involve the collection of: the number of students receiving adjustments to enable them to participate

in education on the same basis as other students; the level of adjustment provided to students; and where

known, the student’s type of disability.

Under the Collection model the definition of disability is broad and includes learning difficulties, health and

mental health conditions.

If your child is identified for inclusion in the Collection, the required information about your child will be

included in this year’s data collection.

If you have any questions about the data collection, please contact [insert contact person at school] on [insert

phone number]. Further information about the Collection can be found at:

OHSC NEWS The Vacation Care Program will be available on Wednesday week 8.

If you require care for the July school holidays, you can receive a copy from the OSHC room, front office and on

the school’s website. Completed booking forms that are in by Wednesday 5th July get the early bird rate, so be

quick to secure your days as some days are capped.

Please note; if your children have been before, a completed enrolment form is still required for each Vacation

Care (We cannot accept bookings without a completed form). Please read all information and requirements

that are included with the program. For any inquiries you can contact us on 0438761656.

During the last couple of weeks, our focus has been on our ‘City’ construction. Using a large cardboard base

and recycled materials, children have come up with some great ideas and designs. We have talked about what

type of buildings that you could find in a city, how buildings are arranged and what else you could see in a city

that is not a building.

Some of our City’s attractions are; showgrounds and local swimming pool, a shark museum, a Harbour with a

jetty, light house and a waterslide. There are also factories and a McDonald’s Castle included in our city.

Belinda Filkin, Director

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Almond Blossom Festival

It is nearly that time of year again when the annual

Almond Blossom Festival hits our streets.

This year we are holding a school wide

competition with a family pass up for

grabs. The competition is open to all students and the

whole family can get involved. Get creative and use

your artistic flair to create a poster that represents

the almond blossom.

The choice of medium is up to you, the size can be

A4 or A3, and the only requirement is that it must

depict the almond blossom in some form. Entries

will be displayed in the show hall.

Class performances for the Almond Blossom Festival

will be on the 1st & 2nd August this year in the show

hall. More information to follow

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STAFF REPORT Governing Council Round UP 20/06/2017

1B Reception Nicki McGrath 1B has started to focus on writing. We have been looking at what's included, a margin, date, title, capital letters, finger spaces

and full stops. In reading we have been learning about reading on, retelling and sequencing. In maths we are looking at simple

addition, adding 0, adding 1 and other simple addition.

21A Yr4/5/6

Room 21A are currently moving onto a STEM project where we create beaks that will be able to act as hands. This is linked to

the study we have been doing in Science with biological adaptations.

21B -Yr 4/5 Pete Murphy Amongst many other aspects of learning, we have been raising our skills significantly in Exposition writing, with a focus on

Elaboration. Lots of interest from the students in that, with self-chosen topics of "Why dogs are better than cats" or "Why we

shouldn't be killing brumbys" or Why we should be using less plastic", for instance. Also, we have been learning about why we

use division, and using real life circumstances to calculate division - such as averaging our class house points. Recent CPC

work has been about Relationships, Trust and a Personal Network.

23B Yr 2/3 Lesley Earle We have been sharing our History learning through Powerpoint presentations. In Science we have conducted experiments

about Heat. In Maths we are learning about multiplication and using arrays to show our understanding. The Year 3's are looking

forward to swimming next week.

23E Yr 3/4 Lisa Hunt This term in 23E we have been learning about coding. We have drawn designs with Probots using code. We have a had a few

special visitors to our class. Kieren Moors brought in his drones and we flew them around the classroom and Andy Waller has

taught us how to code Spero robots.

25B Yr1/2 Linda Evans

Both the children and I have been fortunate to have Ms Brooke Heath in our class. Brooke is in her final year at University, studying to be a teacher. She enthused the children with her units of work around Aboriginal studies, our individual cultures, and writing to persuade others. Towards the end of her time with us, we all went to the Migration Museum, and the Aboriginal section of the Adelaide Museum. The learning that every child did on this excursion was amazing…well worth both the time and the money spent! 25D Yr1/2 Lyndsay Sanders We have been learning about Life Cycles. We have Monarch caterpillars and butterflies in our room that we have been watching go through the different stages. In Maths we have been learning all about Australian money and we really enjoyed our excursion to the Migration and SA Museums. Our class have also started Buzz with Sue Camac where we play games and think about how to be a good friend. 2A Yr 5/6 Mogann Nairn Students enjoyed designing and building water filters in technology. We have been coming to grips with fractions in maths and

looking at earth's place in the universe in science. We are therefore looking forward to our excursion to the planetarium in week


2C Yr 6/7 Rochford/Bentley 2C students are busy teaching the class about different areas within the English curriculum area through their 'mini lesson'

homework challenge. It has been fabulous to see the students become experts in an area and share this knowledge with the

others in the class. We have been most impressed with the creative delivery, planning and organisation.

2C students have engaged with reading with enthusiasm and stamina this term, a very popular class novel was read and the

students continue to do the AR and PRC (even entering some PRC competitions). They have wrapped up their Science

learning about separating mixtures and are starting to unravel the mysteries of Ancient Rome. 2C are starting to prepare for a

special market next term and it is creating quite a level of energy and team work. An enthusiastic group of learners in 2C

Specialist Subjects

Japanese Helen Lindquist- So much excitement! Cultural activities, art, language challenges! How is it all done? In Japanese as well as some English

LIBRARY Judy James

Lots of learning is happening in the library with reading in AR and researching in RBL. Ms Giffen's and Ms Sanders' Year 1/2

students have been learning their way around the keyboard using Microsoft Word, a group of Mr Gobbett's Year 6/7 students

have been learning the rules and procedure for debating, and Ms Hunt/Mrs Lindquist's Year 3/4 students are about to

undertake their learning into the importance of environments, including natural vegetation, to animals and people.

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History of Australia focus

Aboriginal Cultural display and discussion …. Migrants to

Australia Having a go with the

didgeridoo….pretty good sound for a beginner!

Writing with a quill and ink. We tried a slate

and pen!

A canoe carved from a tree….Aboriginal Art Work. We discovered all sorts of amazing

cultural items.
