


The slope of

enlightenment ?

4 years after it appeared in the media

vocabulary as

…interactive storytelling has now

entered a phase of negative


This is a normal phase of a cycle

before its rebound

under a deeper form…

… and this rebound

has already started.

Really ?

In March 2000,

the internet bubble


…and then took 10 years

to strongly rebuild itself


Models and curves for this

started to appear:

All innovations seem to follow

the same cycle pattern:

Experimentation Adaptation Adoption

Each innovation starts out with tremendous promise.

Prophets arise to claim that a new world has arrived. We

listen. We dream. We hope. We become disillusioned.

Finally, each innovation becomes integrated to the

methods and innovations that came before.

None is a panacea; all contribute to the whole.QualBlog/ Jim Bryson

The Gartner Hype Cycle reflects

the pattern very well:

Examples :

Cycle des technologies émergentes 2013 (Gartner)

Cycle des technologies émergentes 2014 (QualBlog/ Jim Bryson)

Hype Cycle for Media and Entertainment, 2014:

On the Rise

Programmatic TV Advertising

Programmatic Direct Advertising

Media-Embedded Merchandising

TV App Platforms

Augmented Reality

Transactional Ad Units

Ensemble Interactions

At the Peak

Automatic Content Recognition

Personal Cloud Entertainment Platforms


Data-Driven Marketing

Social Media Analytics

Video Search

Internet Radio

Social Network Analysis

Sliding Into the Trough

Social Analytics

Social TV

Connected Televisions

Social Commerce

Digital Offers

Internet TV

Master Data Management

Over-the-Top Set-Top Boxes

Social Media Distribution

Enhanced E-Books

Mobile News Readers

Social Gaming

Digital Subscription Management

Online Video Publishing Platforms

Media Discovery and Recommendation Engines

Climbing the Slope

Addressable TV Advertising

Music Streaming in the Connected Home

Mobile Ticketing

Social Profiles

Dynamic VOD TV Ads

Mobile Advertising

Connected Portable Media Players


Intellectual Property Rights and Royalties Management Software

Mobile Social Networks

Media Engagement and Viewability Metrics

Entering the Plateau

Rich Media on Demand

Consumer-Generated Media

Game Consoles as Media Hubs

Consumer Digital Rights


Rich Media — Live Streaming

Where is interactive storytelling

today on the Hype Cycle Curve ?

Oh no! In the ditch? But


Inflated expectations

from the media and commissioners

have not been met:

- expected increase in broadcasters

web traffic has not happened

- natural reluctance to change

in major institutions

has a strong passive impact

- naturally passive audiences

have not magically transformed

into a participatory community

- we are still struggling

with the infancy stage of interactive

narrative language, like 100 years ago

with the budding language of cinema…

Where are the signs

of our soon-to-come climb back up

the slope of enlightenment?

Advertisers keep migrating

from TV to the web, forcing TV to

progressively embrace

interactive content.

TV will therefore remain

a key financing source

for interactive content, even though it

sees it still as a marketing tool to

promote its traditional program grid, and

not as native content.

But…other media

are now appropriating

interactive storytelling:

2. Museums: Quai d’Orsay/

Restauration of « L’atelier du

peintre » by Courbet

3. Brands: CocaCola China - Chok!

Chok! Chok! (gamification)

4. Advertising: British Airways

5. Advertising: Adidas Mi Pista

6. Games: Assassin’s Creed

8. Virtual Reality: Dog House

8. Vie réelle

9. Real Life: sécurité routière

10. and many others…


While we, interactive storytellers

and producers, finish our fall

into the trough of disillusions, we can

look forward to our climb on the slope

of enlightenment by diversifying our

platforms and partners.

Thank you.@michelreilhac
