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You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”

- Buckminster Fuller

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The time has come for positive companies to exist. Wildwon is one.

We are building a new business model that showcases the possibilities for socially and environmentally positive business and leads the way for companies of the future.

We are an experience design and event production company. Our approach is rooted in UX and service design, and we work on projects and create experiences that have a net positive social impact.

We are particularly good at helping people have momentous experiences with sustainability, food, community and world-changing ideas and innovation.

At our heart you’ll find new ways of working. We build in broad and innovative thinking through daily #mindapples and regular #inspirationdates. Everyone we work with benefits from the depth of information and breadth of influences we expose ourselves too.

We are masters of our craft and work continuously to re-skill, stay at the top of our game and collaborate for excellence.

We believe in being generous with our ideas, time and knowledge because we care about creativity, sustainability and a higher standard of experiences and events across every industry.

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Sally has international experience in corporate sustainability and social responsibility (CSR), having worked with Triodos Bank, Ecotricity and The Soil Association (UK) and for WWF’s corporate partnerships and markets team (Aus).

She is a commentator on environmental and social issues via various publications including her blog Sustahood, and speaking engagements on the topics of sustainability, food, cities and experience as a catalyst for social change.

Sally’s expertise lies in digital communications and content strategy, with core skills in social media and visual content, informed by an understanding of the complexity of communications around sustainability and social change.

At Wildwon, Sally combines excellent ideas and strong communication to inform the design of experiences and the art of building strong communities online and off.

Yvonne has a background in user experience design and digital project management, having been a senior producer at leading design consultancy, Digital Eskimo. Her event management skills were honed while working on Sydney Design Festival and Art Month.

This combination of skills translates to a highly considered approach to events which serves the end-to-end experience of all stakeholders, from guests to sponsors to clients.

Yvonne executes flawless front line event management that is backed up by strong and integrated communications, content production and promotion.

She has designed and produced acclaimed events from large-scale public festivals through to intimate workshops and retreats. Yvonne now oversees Wildwon’s suite of experiences and events.

Wildwon’s projects are great because we collaborate with a strong network of creative practitioners to make them happen.

We work with only the very best speakers, performers, film-makers, photographers, visual artists, designers, venues and value-aligned food and beverage suppliers.

Depending on the requirements of a project, a bespoke multi-disciplinary team will be assembled and managed to carry out each piece of the puzzle and to create the magic of a Wildwon experience.


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At Wildwon, we apply experience design principles to event planning and production.

We are experts in the end-to-end design of experiences from communications strategy to programming and curation, from execution to content creation and community management.

Careful design makes for a flawless experience and beautiful, meaningful content. An event will be better because we have looked at the experience from every angle. With meticulous design and planning we can achieve exactly what you have in mind for your attendees.

We help people to see better ways of doing things. Let's make an event better, together.

What ever the objectives of your project may be, we create a valuable legacy of online and offline ar tefacts that showcase the experience and demonstrate results. Capturing rich experience through rich content allows others to feel as though they were there and lets the experience you’ve created be felt by a larger audience.

Our events are set up to harness user-generated content which tells the story comprehensively and authentically. To complement this, we also put together beautiful and meaningful video, imagery and words to capture the best of an experience.

To make the most of any event we offer videography, photography, animation and sketch noting, tailoring the capture and dissemination of content to your needs.

Events cost time, money and effort. When an event producer fails to amplify the impact of an event through digital media, this effort is wasted.

By enhancing engagement before, during and after an experience, digital content and amplification ensures that your event lives on well beyond any particular time, place or attendee.

We pride ourselves on taking on projects which have a positive social impact and minimal environmental footprint. Treading lightly as we make a deep impression on your guests is crucial to us.

Whatever the objectives of your event, we work with you to design an experience that meets your strategic objectives, exceeds guests’ expectations, and lets you prove the results.


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• creative and bespoke event design• experience design approach• end-to-end event strategy and production• communications and content scheduling• event management and logistics planning• event aesthetic and venue design• location scouting and venue management• volunteer briefing and management• supplier and vendor management• sustainable and ethical procurement• pop-up place making

• creative communications campaigns• digital communications strategy integrating social media, eDM, digital PR and content• expertise in corporate communications, sustainability and events communications• quantitative & qualitative evaluation• community building & engagement• copy writing and bespoke content production• visual story telling

• digital media and content strategy• digital content production and management• digital publishing• visual media production: videography, photography, graphics, animation• event design optimised for user-generated and professional content production• on-the-day content capture and vox pops• programming and curation of content, speakers, MCs and performers

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REEL FOOD NIGHTSWildwon created a series of events for the Youth Food Movement called ‘Reel Food Nights’. The first film and talks night invited 250 Sydney-siders to ‘Watch. Eat. Think.’

The Food Connect headquarters in Rozelle underwent a transformation from working warehouse to pop-up pedal-powered cinema for the night, complete with festoon solar-powered lighting, beanbags, deck chairs, and the debut of one of Sydney’s new food trucks. The evening saw a diverse crowd take part in a conversation about the future of agriculture in Australia in the context of a discussion of our rapidly ageing population of farmers,. We screened ‘The Greenhorns’, a film about young people in the US returning to agriculture and food entrepreneurship.

The next Reel Food Night will be held in the Rocks Windmill, where film and talks will tie together the themes of this impressive project supporting heritage, sustainability and the arts in The Rocks and Sydney.


• 250 attendees• A pop-up cinema including screen, bike-powered generator, projector, and re-purposed furniture providing seating for 250 guests.• Off-grid energy supplied to projection and the Veggie Patch Van food truck• Instagram booth and farmer-for-a-night ‘prop-up’ projected live onto walls of the venue• Popcorn bags turned into a way to have your say on food issues and collect feedback• Only half a bag of landfill rubbish generated from the entire event• Locally sourced popcorn, beer and organic wine


“I was absolutely blown away by the calibre of the event, from its design, to the event management to the fantastic mix of people attending. Every detail had been considered and the execution of the event was truly impressive.”- Lauren Anderson, Innovation Director, Collaborative Consumption

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- Leon Young, Change2 Sustainability Education and Engagement

In 2011, the Minor Foundation for Major Challenges set a climate change communications challenge to the global creative community. Wildwon’s script was judged as one of the top three in the world and we received a grant and a four week time frame to set about making our first ever animation.

Since then the film has screened in Melbourne’s Federation Square for the Sustainable Living Festival, at the Eco Footprints Film Festival and in Sussex Lane as part of ‘Pop Sydney’.

Studies have shown that not enough people truly understand and/or accept the statement: "Emissions from human use of fossil energy cause climate change”. Our piece surprises, awakens and educates people about this fact.

"Spot on.. beautiful stuff ”

Design for desired reactions:

• ‘Aha!’• ‘So this is what it is all about’• ‘Something has to be done about it’• ‘I have to share this with my friends!’

Find out more and watch the film at


Creative principles:

• nature as character• connectedness• George ‘the everyman’• uplifting


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BEERS AND BARDSBeers and Bards at Yulli’s Screening Room features the best of Sydney’s spoken word poetry, plus craft beers and a dumpling dinner every second Tuesday.

Our community of regulars and crowd of new faces can mingle with the poets, venue owners and brewers who come together to put on this fortnightly event.

All for under $30, Beers and Bards is an affordable, lounge-room style event that gives upcoming poets a stage in a civilised setting, and helps to put Sydney’s spoken word poetry in front of new audiences, supporting this community of artists.

Beers and Bards is held at Yulli’s Screening Room, a new space supporting local artists, performers and designers, as well as food and beverage suppliers. Sustainability is a major consideration for Yulli’s - so it’s a bottle-less bar and all beer, wine and spirits are sourced from within New South Wales, Australia.

“One of the best nights out I’ve had in Sydney”“Awesome night, great entertainment, great chats and always nice to see friends and connect with new ones too. Thanks for organising!”“Had a great night, let me know when it’s happening again!”

- Beers and Bards audience members


Our role

• streamlined ticket sales and check-in by taking both online• professional capture - photography and video• experience design and evaluation• community building via social media and face-to-face• digital promotion and PR• community management and customer service

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The Youth Food Movement (YFM) wanted to educate Sydney-siders about environmentally and socially responsibly ways of living. In particular, eating and getting around.

We set out to demonstrate the ease and fun involved in taking up new behaviours and to equip people with the skills and friendships to implement lasting change. We also set out to grow YFM’s community and their profile in Australia and beyond.

Of course, the day was required to have the lowest environmental impact possible, while having the greatest positive impact on participants, partners and the broader Sydney public.

The event

We invited young foodies and the young at heart to spend a relaxed day on a bicycle, consuming food throughout Sydney’s inner city suburbs. We created a unique experience, a fun day out that brought a group of people together around food and cycling, with talks and skill-sharing around sustainability built into an enjoyable and sought after experience unlike any other.

We guided our group of riders around various neighbourhoods, stopping at selected venues which celebrate local and seasonal produce. Participants learned how to become more conscious consumers. Riders met farmers, gardeners, chefs and peers who share the vision of a sustainable food future.

The day was an urban food adventure, a series of beautiful meals, a gathering of like-minded people, a showcase of local business and an experiential learning experience with measurable sustainability and behaviour change outcomes.

Food was the only fuel of the day with our riders travelling by bicycle, gear and food being transported in a cargo bike, and even a pedal-powered blender bike used to make our lunchtime smoothies. This thoughtful planning made sure this event involved zero use of fossil fuel and zero direct carbon emissions.

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In brief

• two events over two weekends with 50 riders on each Ride On Lunch• guided tour of Sydney sustainable food hot spots by bike• inspiring and stimulating talks and practical workshops at 5 locations• delicious, considered catering from breakfast through to beer snacks• a bike-powered blender let riders whip up their own almond milk smoothies• a rooftop talk on rooftop action: small-space gardening and urban beekeeping• 15 partners including venues, catering and safety partners, speakers, sponsors and council• seamless and safe cycle route over 8 kms mapped, tested and enjoyed• 10 volunteer bike marshalls and 2 bike mechanics on each ride• all run sheets, logistics, briefings and resourcing taken care of• showcased local eateries who practise local and sustainable sourcing and food production• featured as part of 3 festivals: Crave Sydney, Sydney Rides and the Surry Hills Festival• radio, news and consumer magazine coverage


Of participants surveyed..

• 80% agreed ‘I have gained the knowledge to make better food choices’

• 65% agreed ‘I'm inspired to cultivate better food habits in myself and others’

• 50% agreed ‘I am excited about contributing to a better food system’

As a result of the Ride On Lunch:

• 55% are aiming to cycle more regularly• 70% are aiming to eat locally • 65% are aiming to eat seasonally• 50% will be growing their own food

Our guests carried their own reusable cutlery and a One Green Cup with them on the ride. Our caterers were chosen because they appreciate the need to eliminate food and packaging waste - so all food containers were fully compostable - making this a zero waste event.

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“Yvonne and Sally are an inspiring team and a pleasure to work with. They ensured that the Reel Food Night was meticulously planned and executed. They were also able to harness the passion and enthusiasm of a team of volunteers, who transformed our warehouse site into a vibrant event space that entertained, challenged and inspired the guests.”

“Finding the venue for YFM's Reel Food Night was half the fun, only surpassed by the actual event itself. Awesome space, very well setup, warm and inviting. It's obvious the community that the YFM is building is very progressive, personal and committed to improving things for the better. I really enjoyed the complimentary popcorn (3 flavours) and then the quality of speakers. Hearing tales from a farmer to an educator was really interesting and rewarding for all who attended that night.”




"From the moment I arrived at Wildwon’s Reel Food Night, I was absolutely blown away by the calibre of the event, from its design, to the event management to the fantastic mix of people attending. Every detail had been considered and the execution of the event was truly impressive. Sally and Yvonne have set a high standard for what a community event can be, and I look forward to being a part of their projects in the future."


“You guys are AMAZING!!! The work you are doing is having profound and long-lasting impacts on participants, and you're just generally awesome individuals to be around.”“Thank you so much for organising - the day was fun, inspiring, delicious and educational.”“My overall rating of the experience is 10 (out of this world awesome)”“It was overall one of the best events I've attended in Sydney in my time here (2 years)”


“What a freaking amazing day!”


“Inspired work, awesome preparation and clear thinking.”


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