Page 1: Where the wild things are Latin powerpoint



Page 2: Where the wild things are Latin powerpoint

Eō nocte quō Max sē vestiēbat sīcut lupus et molestia faciēbat aliō modō aliōque

mater eum appellāvit “FERŌX!”et Max dīxit “TĒ DEVORABŌ!”

ut in lectum sine cēnā mitterētur.

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Ipse nocte in cubiculō Maxis silva nāta est et crēscit

et crēscit dōnec tectum implicatum est vītibus et murī mutatī sunt in mundō exteriore

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et ōceanus flūctuōse tulit scapham propriam Maxīet navigāvit noctem diemque

et multōs diēs et saepe annumubi ferōcia sunt.

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et cum vēnisset ubi ferōcia sintfremuērunt fremitūs terribilēs et frenduērunt dentibus terribilibus

et volvērunt oculōs terribilēs et exhibuērunt unquēs terribilēs

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dōnec Max dīxit “TACĒTE!”et mansuefēcit dolō magicō

spectandō in oculōs suōs flavōset terruērunt et appellāvērunt eum ferōcissimum omnium

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et fēcērunt eum regem omnium ferōcium.“Et nunc,” Max clāmāvit, “ferus tumultus incipiat!”

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“Desistete!” Max dīxit et mīsit ferōcia in lectum sine cenā.Et Max rex ferōcium omnium et solitarius fuit et voluit adesse

ubi aliquis eum optimē amāret.

Tunc undique ex longinquō trāns orbem olfactāvit bona cibaut omitteret regendum ubi ferōcia sint.

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Sed ferōcia clāmāvērunt, “Eheu, nolī discedere- devorābimus- tam tē amāmus!” et Max dīxit, “Minimē!”

Ferōcia fremuērunt fremitūs terribilēs et frenduērunt dentibus terribilibus et volvērunt oculōs terribilēs et exhibuērunt unquēs terribilēs sed Max ingressus est

scapham propriam et dīxit, “Valēte!”

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et renāvigāvit annum multōsque dieset alterum diem et in noctem suī cubiculī

quō invēnit cēnam remanentem

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et ea adhūc calida fuit.