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Good afternoon. In the spirit of observing the immense value of human labour and how it pushed the world to progress, I am sharing a famous and well-read socio-political article written by Rizal in 1890 and was published in La Solidaridad in Madrid. Please read this one and focus on these crucial points:1. Did Rizal agree with the typical European accusation that the Indios are indeed innately indolent or lazy? 2. How did Rizal characterize and describe the indolence of the natives or early Filipinos? What kind of indolence was it? Was it your usual or typical kind of indolence or was it entirely a different breed?3. In Rizal's own analyses, what were the faulty contributions of the European abuses that led to the worsening of Filipino indolence? Meaning, what were the factors that resulted to the development and intensification of this indolence?4. What were the solutions and remedies that Rizal highlighted to combat this social illness? How to we reduce and eventually eliminate indolence?Please submit an essay type of answers to these questions to my e-mail address not later than 11:59pm of May 05, 2015.Also, I have shared a long piece of work written by Prof. Syed Hussein Alatas that delves into the same issue. You don't have to write anything about this but I highly recommend that all of you read this. It is a more extensive and definitely more academic way of treating indolence as a Western accusation hurled against the indios occupying territories that these same Europeans colonized and exploited.Please do not fail to look at the readings that tackle the European journey of Rizal and his own narratives about this journey.thank you.READ, READ, READ and you will never be lost.