Page 1: What kind of media institution might distribute your

What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product

and why?Usman Majid

Page 2: What kind of media institution might distribute your

Possible Approaches???

Our thriller opening has been uploaded onto YouTube allowing people to see the first four minutes and hopefully this will attract my audience to want to see more. Our target audience ranges from

18-24 year olds, with the main primary source of all people using YouTube is usually on a Pc/laptop via the Internet. Although it can also be accessed through mobile phones. New technology such as the I phone, HTC and Blackberry have encouraged users to browse the internet and use websites

such as YouTube for various purposes. For e.g. YouTube is best regarded for people to share videos for free, their are videos for almost everything weather it be music, how to fix a car, sport clips,

channels, highlights. The bottom line is YouTube is free for the public to view and ultimately to share their videos with the world. YouTube is a well known site especially for teenagers because it allows them to view trailers, music videos and video clips for free and easily YouTube being free is a bonus as not many 18-24 year olds would pay to watch our four minute clip. YouTube also allows people to

comment/like/rate clips, it also shows how many times the clip has been viewed, so we can see if our thriller would appeal to many people, then we can decide how to distribute our film further.

Also YouTube allows embedded codes so can also be posted onto other social network sites. Therefore this would be good way to distribute our thriller film. On social network sites if there is an

advertisement for our thriller it gives the chances for people globally to watch our thriller film.

Page 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your

Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are more than capable of attracting a large audience. More specifically knowing that the majority of teenagers are totally obsessed with Facebook, they are likely to follow the latest videos, tweets/blogs etc and keep themselves up to date. With that in mind if we post our thriller it is more

than likely to gain an attraction and therefore people are aware of our thriller. Moreover this gains attraction and influences others (peers) to do the same. Furthermore if people do start taking a genuine interest its likely to spur people on in this case

Monarch productions to consider producing more films…trailers etc.

The fact that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter is free to view it creates/attracts a much larger audience as oppose to a site where registration and separate fees are required. If for arguments sake suppose RioFerdinand a regular tweeter (a sportsman in Football, Celebrity) recognises such talent he may advise people or he may give funds to continue for inexperienced/relatively low budget

groups/or no Budget groups at all (Monarch Productions) to continue producing films.

Page 4: What kind of media institution might distribute your

KinoFilm11I could also enter my film into short film competitions which would help me distribute my film because I could get funding and be rewarded for my films. If I did this, my film could be recognized among professionals and the broader public which would enable to find future funding.

I have researched competitions being held in the Manchester region and KinoFilm11 seems to be the best option. The reason being is simply because they are an organization looking for potential for Media related filming and the best thing about this company is they are specifically targeting teenagers in the North Manchester region.They require for you to have a film of any genre, they prefer the film being no longer than 20 minutes long, and stated the shorter the better.

This is a very good method of distributing your film there are various advantages that allow you to feel confident in proceeding when entering competition such as KinoFilm11. First of all it’s a free entry to all and secondly they are looking for potential more specifically in the Manchester region (North West). If you were to be selected it would increase the chances for your film to be shown on a much larger scale (European). Furthermore you would have the opportunity possibly to become a future star in the Media industry. You will be given funds and money to help kick start your career if you were to win.