What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Ilona Reed

What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

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Page 1: What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

What kind of media institution might distribute

your media product and why?Ilona Reed

Page 2: What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

After researching BAUER MUSIC, EMAP, BBC, IPC, CONDE NAST AND THRUST AND EGMONT. I decided to choose CONDE NAST. I chose CONDE NAST as I feel that they have a gap in their website for a music magazine. CONDE NAST sell magazines such as ‘Vogue’, this magazine is directed at female teens of whom are my target audience also.

Page 3: What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

This visually shows a gap for a potential new magazine. As there are many genres such as bridal magazines and other fashion magazines then adding a music magazine will appeal to more of a target audience. Also, adding different genres won’t just boost the popularity of my music magazine and other magazines but will boost the websites popularity as a whole as it will then attract a vast range of audiences.

Page 4: What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

Although, this does show quite popular brands and brands that have been out for a while in order to have gained that popularity. These brands are also up market magazines such as ‘Tatler’, ‘House & Garden’ and ‘Vogue’. However, there are good and bad points to this. When visiting the website a customer may ignore the magazine due to the age of it and that the audience isn’t familiar with it. Or this opportunity may help to boost the magazines popularity due to it being on such a website with these brands.

Page 5: What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

My Target Audience

This shows a quick and easy process of getting to a magazine and even subscribing. By clicking on the magazine here, it will then take you to the Glamour page and you can then take a look at the different magazines and products they have to offer. This will especially be handy for my music magazine as it is targeted towards a younger audience and so an easy process is key in order for their requirements to be met quickly and easily.

Page 6: What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

Magazines that CONDE NAST currently produce and distribute:

The colour pink to show a female targeted audience.

Using a popular celebrity on the front cover to attract older teens. Obvious signs

that the magazine is targeted towards a female.

Page 7: What kind of media institution might distribute my magazine?

Why CONDE NASTE would be perfect for my music magazine.• My music magazine is targeted towards females who are around the age range of

15 to 17 year olds. As CONDE NAST provides magazines such as ‘Vogue’ which is targeted towards mainly females either teens who enjoy fashion and are still learning about the latest trends of potentially designers and stylists. This means that my magazine would fit in well with the website.

• I chose this specific distributor as I felt that they had a gap in their website for my music magazine. I think this as there are no other music magazines displayed/sold on/via their website. I also feel that adding my music magazine will help the popularity of the website to increase as they would now have a wide range of genres to suit a range of peoples needs.

• I believe that my music magazine will be successful in the hands of CONDE NAST as I feel that this website provides very popular magazines that are liked by a vast amount of people and so will be beneficial in helping to boost my music magazines popularity.

• As this website provides magazines such as ‘Brides’ and ‘Vogue’ this shows that the website is more female orientated and as my music magazine is targeted towards females then this will help to attract the right target audience to my music.

• Although, this magazine could have its disadvantages as it doesn’t contain a lot of information compared to other websites that I have looked at. This may put a customer off from the website.