What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why? Before thinking about distribution I thought about the kind of magazine publishers that would publish my particular magazine and came up with two different companies. My decision was based on the magazines they already published and I compared them to see if my magazine would fit into their company. Although neither company produced magazines that all had the same target audience as my own magazine they did have magazines which were similar.

What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine

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Page 1: What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

Before thinking about distribution I thought about the kind of magazine publishers that would publish my particular magazine and came up with two different companies. My decision was based on the magazines they already published and I compared them to see if my magazine would fit into their company. Although neither company produced magazines that all had the same target audience as my own magazine they did have magazines which were similar.

Page 2: What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine

The first institution I looked at was Hearst National Magazine Company.One of the reasons I thought this would be an appropriate media institution is because it is such a large and well established company that publishes for lots of magazines. My magazine is aimed at a mass audience because it is about the genre pop and this is an incredibly well known and liked genre. Therefore I would be placing a large order as I would want as many magazines printed because they would hopefully sell due to the large target audience.

“one of the UK’s leading media companies with 20

magazine brands”

Page 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine

Furthermore, Hearst National Magazine Company publishes magazines that are similar to mine. For example two of their magazines are Company and Elle magazines and these are both aimed at teenagers 16 + although neither of these of music magazine they do have a similar target audience: the teenage girl.

My one concern with this magazine publishing

company is that some of their other magazines

such as cosmopolitan and red magazines do have an

older target audience that goes up to women in their 30’s and therefore my magazine would be just slightly under their

target audience which is generally 16+ and my

audience is around 13-16.

Page 4: What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine

The other institution I looked at was the BBC Magazine Publisher. This company has a much wider category for the magazines they publish and they try to cater for everyone, by including magazines for niche, adult, teen and pre-teen audiences. It was for this reason that I thought my magazine would be a good addition to their company because its fits perfectly under their teen category which included the magazine Amy and also the magazine Top Of The Pops. This particular magazine is a music magazine aimed at young teenagers and it is the magazine I based some of my own work on.

Page 5: What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine

Distribution• In terms of distribution, I thought about the most likely places that teenage

girls would buy magazines and whereabouts my audience would live. I thought that often girls who live in towns and cities are often more interested

in things such as music, gossip and fashion because they are exposed to it more than people who perhaps live in very rural secluded areas. Therefore I

would want my magazines to be distributed in towns and cities within Greater London. The types of shops I think that my magazines would be distributed to

would most likely be corner shops and newsagents as opposed to supermarkets like Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s because there aren’t many teenage girls who would specifically walk into a supermarket just to buy a magazine

and since they aren’t likely to be doing food shopping at the age of 14 I thought that corner shops would be a better place because they are much

more likely to walk down to the shops with their mates and would perhaps walk in to a newsagents to get something else and then see the magazine and

buy. I also think that my magazine should be distributed in newsagents or shops like WHSmith in shopping centres because loads of teenage girls will spend their weekends at shopping centres just looking in different shops.