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Using Mobile Advertising to Gain Competitive Edge

Everyone that owns a cell phone – at least in the U.S.

– is familiar with some of the recent attempts at

mobile advertising that show up on your phone. Not

all mobile ads are successful, however.

For example, if anyone tries to talk you into

advertising your business or a product that you sell in

a mobile bannerad, run the other way.

On the other hand, mobile video ads are super

successful with as much as a 120% ROI. And, that

can be done as easily as creating a YouTube video.

In a recent interview, Wesley Yuhn of Tampa explains that there are several very lucrative target

markets for mobile advertising right now and others that are expected grow over the next two


Mr. Yuhn names local advertising as the type he would rate as the best investment for small

businesses with less than 50 employees. After that, for companies with retail outlets in more than

one state, video ads that target the zip codes of areas within a 100-mile radius.

For major enterprises that are either national or international, such as the film industry or

automotive industry, national ad buys designed specifically for cell phones and mobile devices

are the best option.

Small Business Local Mobile Ads

Why should a small operation whose customers are virtually all from the local area go to the

expense of mobile advertising?

• According to Google, 94% of smartphone users look for local information on their phone.

That number alone should stop you in your tracks and make you start a search for a good

mobile ad marketer.

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• One out of six people use a mobile device (even if they have a PC next to them) to help

them make shopping decisions every single week. Furthermore, there is no one day that

spikes higher data than any other which translated means that 1/6 of everyone that

currently has their cell phone or tablet in their hand right this minute is looking for

something to purchase right now.

• According to eMarketer, local mobile searches – which are now at 85.9 Billion–will

exceed desktop computer searches by the end of this year.

• 82 % of those who use mobile devices are influenced to make purchases by results found

using local searches and 70% of all mobile searches are for either products or services.

• 81% of calls and/or purchases from mobile searches and mobile advertising occurs

within 5-hours of seeing the ad!

One way to make sure that your mobile ad shows up on local area mobile devices is by including

the name of your town or city in the ad. That one move alone will increase the number of people

that will look at your ad by 200%, according to Media Post.

Final Thoughts …

If you are lucky enough to have someone in your family or in your employ or a marketing agent

that has someone that can create ads in Spanish … now is the time to go for it!

The fastest growing market for all products in the U.S. in the last 3-years has been the U.S.

Hispanic market and smart local businesses can gain an edge right now.

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