




FP 2018 42







Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

November 2017




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Copyright © Universiti Putra Malaysia




I wish to dedicate this work to my beloved husband, Mohd Azli Bin Sutaman, my two lovely daughters (Afni Saffiya and Amni Safwa) and three wonderful sons (Adam Syahmi, Aidil Syamil and Aqil Syamim), my parents (Mohamed Bin Muda and Maznah Binti Embong), my mother in-law (Fouziah Binti Kassim), brothers and sister in-law, siblings and friends for their patience, support and prayers during my study period.




Abstract of the thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy





November 2017 Chairman : Associate Professor Nur Azura Adam, PhD Faculty : Agriculture An Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, is one of the most problematic tephritid fruit flies due to the severe damages caused to commercial fruits such as mango (Mangifera indica L.). However, the information on biology and ecology of this tephritid species particularly on mango variety is still lacking. Thus, this study aimed to investigate its infestation level through damaged mango fruits collection during mango fruiting season from four Chokanan mango orchards with different management practices in Jitra, Kedah (organic orchard), Bumbong Lima, Penang (unmanaged orchard), Bukit Changgang, Selangor (Good Agricultural Practices orchard) and Pulau Gadong, Malacca (conventional orchard). In addition, population fluctuation of B. dorsalis in the same mango orchards was conducted using methyl eugenol traps from mango flowering stage until harvesting stage. Moreover, the life table and demographic parameters from three cohorts of B. dorsalis eggs as well as the oviposition behaviour and offspring of B. dorsalis females on three different Chokanan mango ripening stages (i.e. unripe, ripe and fully-ripe) at five replication were determined in the laboratory. Results show the highest fruit infestation rate was recorded in Bumbong Lima (93.09±9.00 pupae/kg) due to no proper integrated control of fruit flies was conducted whilst Jitra showed the lowest infestation rate (10.74±1.25 pupae/kg) due to better control of fruit fly populations. Among the total of 5,229 Bactrocera pupae collected from infested fruits and 33,467 male flies collected from methyl eugenol traps, B. dorsalis showed significantly the highest numbers (P<0.05) compared to B. carambolae in all locations indicating that it is a dominant species and a major fruit fly pest of mango in Malaysia. Bactrocera dorsalis populations show similar fluctuation trends in most locations which the flies number start to increase in week 8 to 10 and peak numbers were recorded in week 14 to 16 because at this point the fruits reached the matured and ripe stages, which the most favourable stage for B. dorsalis females to lay eggs. Monthly relative humidity contributed significantly towards the population fluctuation of B. dorsalis in Pulau Gadong, Bumbong Lima and Jitra. However, only rainfall contributed significantly towards the population fluctuation of B. dorsalis in Bukit Changgang. Both abiotic factors are closely related to the B. dorsalis pupae development and adult




emergence which they depend on the moist condition in soil and air. Age-specific survival (lx) indicated that 22.33% B. dorsalis eggs successfully reached to adults. The highest mortality recorded was in the 1st instar larvae (48.59%) with K-value of 0.289 and the pattern of survivorship curves falls in type III. This high mortalities may be regarded as the key factor regulating the population size of B. dorsalis. Age specific fecundity (mx) showed the earliest egg laying on day 35 and the last female died on day 69. The female laid on average 410.0±61.22 eggs. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was 0.06 per female per day with mean generation time (Tc) of 46.39 days. The net reproductive rate (Ro) was 13.68 female offspring per female. Doubling time occurred in 12.38 days. This showed that the population of B. dorsalis has rapid buildup in short period of time. Fully-ripe mango was relatively preferred by B. dorsalis females to visit and oviposit eggs followed by the ripe mango in no-choice and choice experiment. In contrast, unripe mango was the least preferred for eggs oviposition by B. dorsalis in both experiments. This indicated that the fully-ripe stage is more susceptibility in terms of fruit characteristics and nutrient contents.




Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai memenuhi keperluan untuk Ijazah Doktor Falsafah





November 2017 Pengerusi : Profesor Madya Nur Azura Adam, PhD Fakulti : Pertanian Lalat buah Oriental, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, adalah salah satu lalat buah tephritid yang paling bermasalah kerana menyebabkan kerosakan teruk terhadap buah-buahan komersial seperti mangga (Mangifera indica L.). Walau bagaimanapun, maklumat biologi dan ekologi spesis tephritid ini terutama terhadap varieti mangga masih berkurangan. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyiasat tahap serangan yang berkaitan melalui pengumpulan buah mangga rosak semasa musim buah dari empat kebun mangga Chokanan yang berbeza amalan pengurusan di Jitra, Kedah (kebun organik), Bumbong Lima, Pulau Pinang (kebun tidak terjaga), Bukit Changgang, Selangor (kebun Amalan Pertanian Baik) dan Pulau Gadong, Melaka (kebun konvensional). Di samping itu, turun naik populasi B. dorsalis menggunakan perangkap methyl eugenol di kebun mangga yang sama juga telah dijalankan dari peringkat manga berbunga sehingga peringkat menuai. Tambahan pula, jadual hidup dan parameter demografi daripada tiga kohort telur B. dorsalis serta keutamaan kelakuan mencucuk telur dan hasil anak daripada B. dorsalis betina pada tiga peringkat masak mangga Chokanan yang berbeza (iaitu belum masak, masak dan masak sepenuhnya) pada lima replikasi telah ditentukan di makmal. Hasil menunjukkan kadar serangan buah tertinggi telah direkodkan di Bumbong Lima (93.09±9.00 pupa/kg) kerana tiada kawalan bersepadu lalat buah yang sepatutnya dijalankan manakala Jitra menunjukkan kadar serangan terendah (10.74±1.25 pupa/kg) kerana terdapat kawalan populasi lalat buah yang lebih baik. Daripada jumlah 5229 pupa Bactrocera dikumpul daripada buah yang diserang dan 33467 lalat jantan dikumpul daripada perangkap metil eugenol, B. dorsalis telah menunjukkan bilangan yang paling tinggi secara signifikan (P<0.05) berbanding B. carambolae di semua lokasi menandakan ia adalah spesis dominan dan perosak lalat buah utama mangga di Malaysia. Populasi Bactrocera dorsalis menunjukkan gaya turun naik yang hampir sama di kebanyakan lokasi di mana bilangan lalat mula meningkat pada minggu 8 hingga 10 dan bilangan tertinggi telah direkodkan pada minggu 14 hingga 16 kerana pada ketika ini buah telah mencapai peringkat matang dan masak, di mana ia merupakan peringkat paling digemari oleh B. dorsalis betina untuk bertelur. Kelembapan relatif bulanan menyumbang secara signifikan ke atas populasi turun naik B. dorsalis di




Pulau Gadong, Bumbong Lima dan Jitra. Walau bagaimanapun, hanya hujan menyumbang secara signifikan ke atas populasi turun naik B. dorsalis di Bukit Changgang. Kedua-dua faktor abiotik ini adalah berkait rapat dengan pembentukan pupa dan penjelmaan dewasa B. dorsalis di mana ia bergantung ke atas keadaan lembab di dalam tanah dan udara. Kemandirian spesifik umur (lx) menunjukkan bahawa 22.33% telur B. dorsalis berjaya mencapai ke tahap dewasa. Kematian tertinggi direkodkan pada instar larval yang pertama (48.59%) dengan nilai K 0.289 dan corak lengkung kemandirian tergolong di dalam jenis III. Kematian tertinggi ini berkemungkinan boleh menjadi faktor kunci penentuan saiz populasi B. dorsalis. Fekunditi umur spesifik (mx) menunjukkan telur terawal dihasilkan pada hari ke-35 dan individu betina terakhir mati pada hari ke-69. Betina menghasilkan telur secara puratanya sebanyak 410.0±61.22 biji. Kadar pertambahan semulajadi intrinsic (rm) adalah sebanyak 0.06 bagi setiap betina setiap hari dengan generasi purata (Tc) ialah 46.39 hari. Kadar pembiakan bersih (Ro) adalah 13.68 anak betina kepada setiap betina dewasa. Masa gandaan dua berlaku selama 12.38 hari. Ini menunjukkan populasi B. dorsalis meningkat secara pantas dalam tempoh yang singkat. Peringkat mangga yang masak sepenuhnya secara dasarnya lebih disukai untuk dilawati dan bertelur oleh betina B. dorsalis diikuti oleh mangga masak dalam kedua-dua eskperimen tanpa pilihan dan dengan pilihan. Sebaliknya, mangga belum masak paling kurang disukai oleh B. dorsalis untuk mengoviposit telur dalam kedua-dua eksperimen. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa peringkat masak sepenuhnya adalah lebih bersesuaian dari segi ciri-ciri buah dan kandungan nutrien berbanding peringkat masak dan belum masak.





First of all, I would like to express my appreciation to the Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Terengganu and Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia for financial support and giving me this opportunity to pursue my studies. I also thank the Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for providing research facilities.

I am deeply grateful to my supervisor, Associate Prof. Dr. Nur Azura Adam for her kindness, guidance, constructive comments, advice and encouragement throughout this research. Similar thanks go to my co-supervisors, Prof. Dr. Rita Muhamad Awang, Dr. Lau Wei Hong and Dr. Hamdan Ahmad. This work would not be accomplished without their extra ideas and invaluable input.

I am greatly indebted to all my lab mates from the Laboratory of Entomology, Department of Plant Protection; Marina, Athiqah, Audi, Fahmi, Fhara and Siqim who helped and supported me so much especially during the sampling time. This appreciation also goes to the following lab staff; Mr. Hishamuddin and Mr. Tamsil for their technical help and advice. Thanks are also extended to the mango orchards’ owner for their permission, assistance, and cooperation during fruit sample collection.

I am really thankful to my husband, Mohd Azli Sutaman, for his love, patience, support, and understanding for my daily duties of being as a wife, mother and student at the same time. My lovely children; Afni, Adam, Aidil, Aqil and Amni, you are my inspirations and strength all the times. To my parents, siblings and family in law, thank you for your support, love, and prayers.

Lastly, to all my colleagues, friends and all other people who have helped me to this work, directly and indirectly, thank you for everything!






This thesis was submitted to the Senate of University Putra Malaysia and has been accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The members of the supervisory committee were as follows: Nur Azura Adam, PhD Associate Professor Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia (Chairman) Rita Muhamad Awang @ Rita Suryadi, PhD Professor Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia (Member) Lau Wei Hong, PhD Lecturer Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia (Member) Hamdan Ahmad, PhD Lecturer Faculty of Biological Science Universiti Sains Malaysia (Member)

______________________________ ROBIAH BINTI YUNUS, PhD Professor and Dean School of Graduate Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia Date:




Declaration by graduate student I hereby confirm that: this thesis is my original work; quotations, illustrations, and citations have been duly referenced; this thesis has not been submitted previously or concurrently for any other agree at

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Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________________________ Name and Matric No.: Salmah Binti Mohamed (GS34205)




Declaration by Members of Supervisory Committee This is to confirm that: the research conducted and the writing of this thesis was under our supervision; supervision responsibilities as stated in the Universiti Putra Malaysia (Graduate

Studies) Rules 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) are adhered to.

Signature: Name of Chairman of Supervisory Committee:

Associate Professor Dr. Nur Azura Adam


Name of Member of Supervisory Committee:

Professor Dr. Rita Muhamad Awang


Name of Member of Supervisory Committee:

Dr. Lau Wei Hong


Name of Member of Supervisory Committee:

Dr. Hamdan Ahmad






CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 LITERATURE REVIEWS 3 2.1 Mango (Mangifera indica L.) 3 2.1.1 Cultivation of Mango in Malaysia 3 2.1.2 Mango Phenology 5 2.1.3 Mango Maturity Stages 6 2.1.4 Major Pests of Mango 8

2.2 Bactrocera Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) 8 2.3 Bactrocera dorsalis Complex 9 2.4 Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactorcera dorsalis Hendel 10 2.4.1 General Taxonomy, Morphology and

Identification of B. dorsalis 10

2.4.2 Origin and Distribution of B. dorsalis 10 2.4.3 Biology and Life Cycle of B. dorsalis 11 2.4.4 Fruit Damage, Symptom and Infestation

Level of B. dorsalis 11

2.4.5 Management Control of B. dorsalis 12 2.4.6 Parasitoids of B. dorsalis 13 2.4.7 Population Fluctuation and Abundance of

B. dorsalis 14 Abiotic Factors 14 Biotic Factors 15 2.4.8 Life Table Study of B. dorsalis 16 2.4.9 Oviposition Behaviour and Host Stage

Preference of B. dorsalis




3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 Materials and Methods 20 3.2.1 Sampling Sites 20



xi Management Control Practices of Fruit Flies


3.2.2 Host Fruit and Time of Sampling 20 3.2.3 Damaged Fruit Collection 21 3.2.4 Data Collection 21 3.2.5 Fruit Fly and Parasitoid Identification 22 3.2.6 Data Analysis 22 3.3 Results and Discussion 22 3.3.1 Identification of the Fruit Flies Species 22 3.3.2 Identification of Parasitoid Species 24 3.3.3 Comparison of Bactrocera Abundance 26 3.3.4 Infestation Rate of Bactrocera on Mango

and Parasitism Rate of Parasitoids 28

3.4 Conclusion 31 4 POPULATION FLUCTUATION OF Bactrocera dorsalis


4.1 Introduction 32 4.2 Materials and Methods 32 4.2.1 Sampling Sites, Time and Host Fruit 32 4.2.2 Trapping of Adult Male of Fruit Flies 33 4.2.3 Fruit Fly Identification 34 4.2.4 Data Analysis 34 4.3 Results and Discussion 35 4.3.1 Population Abundance of B. dorsalis Males

at Different Locations 35

4.3.2 Population Fluctuation of B. dorsalis Males at Different Weeks


4.3.3 Relationship of B. dorsalis Population with Abiotic Factors

39 Correlation between Population of B. dorsalis and Abiotic Factors in Different Locations

39 Stepwise Regression for Population of B. dorsalis and Abiotic Factors in Different Locations





5.1 Introduction 42 5.2 Materials and Methods 43 5.2.1 Laboratory Cultures and Rearing of

Bactrocera dorsalis 43 Damaged Fruit Collection 43 Damaged Fruit Rearing 43 Adult Flies Rearing 43 Eggs Collection 44 Larval Diet Preparation 45 Larvae and Pupae Rearing 46



xii Maintenance of Test Colony 47 5.2.2 Construction of Life Table 47 Survivorship Study 47 Fecundity and Adult Longevity 48 5.2.3 Data Analysis 49 5.3 Results and Discussion 50 5.3.1 Age-specific Survival Life Table for B.

dorsalis 50

5.3.2 Age-specific Fecundity Life Table for B. dorsalis


5.3.3 Adult Longevity, Preoviposition Period, Oviposition Period and Reproduction of B. dorsalis


5.4 Conclusion 56 6 OVIPOSITIONAL PREFERENCE OF Bactrocera



6.1 Introduction 58 6.2 Materials and Methods 59 6.2.1 Adult of B. dorsalis 59 6.2.2 Fruit Hosts 59 6.2.3 Fruit Characteristics 60 Physical Measurements 60 Total Soluble Solids (TSS)

Determination 60 Firmness Determination 61 6.2.4 Fruit Nutrient Contents 61 6.2.5 Oviposition Preference and Offspring of B.

dorsalis on Three Different Mango Ripening Stages

61 No-choice Experiment 61 Choice Experiment 62 6.2.6 Data Analysis 63 6.3 Results and Discussion 63 6.3.1 Fruit Characteristics and Nutrient Contents 63 6.3.2 Oviposition Behaviour Preference of B.

dorsalis on Three Different Mango Ripening Stages

65 No-choice and Choice Experiment 65 6.3.3 Offspring of B. dorsalis on Three Different

Mango Ripening Stages 67 No-choice and Choice Experiment 67 6.3.4 Correlation of Fruit Characteristics and

Fruit Nutrients on Ovipositional Behavioural Preference and Offspring of B. dorsalis


6.4 Conclusion 71











Table Page

3.1 Mean number of different species of fruit flies recovered from damaged fruits at different locations.


3.2 Total of mango fruits sampled, total fruit weight, mean fruit weight, total pupae recovered and flies emerged at different mango orchards.


3.3 Infestation rate (number of pupae per kg fruit) of Bactrocera, the number of parasitoids emerged and percentage of parasitism at different mango orchards.


4.1 Mean number of Bactrocera species captured in different mango locations.


4.2 Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between abiotic factors and population abundance of B. dorsalis at each location


4.3 Stepwise regression for fruit flies population against abiotic factors


5.1 Formula ingredients for 100 g mango pulp diet


5.2 Definitions and formulae for various life table and demographic parameters.


5.3 Stage-specific pooled life table of B. dorsalis


5.4 Life table parameters of B. dorsalis


5.5 Adult longevity of B. dorsalis


5.6 Reproductive parameters of B. dorsalis


6.1 The techniques employed for each nutrient analysis


6.2 Mango characteristics at three ripening stages


6.3 The percentages (%) of mango nutrients per 100 g sample at three ripening stages


6.4 Oviposition behaviour parameters of B. dorsalis resulted from different mango ripening stages under no-choice experiment


6.5 Oviposition behaviour parameters of B. dorsalis resulted from different mango ripening stages under choice experiment


6.6 Biological parameters of B. dorsalis resulted from oviposition on different mango ripening stages under no-choice experiment.





6.7 Biological parameters of B. dorsalis resulted from oviposition on

different mango ripening stages under choice experiment.


6.8 Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between fruit characteristics and fruit nutrients on ovipositional behavioural preference and offspring of B. dorsalis








3.1 Mean total number of fruit flies recovered from damaged fruits at different locations. Means with the same letters are not significantly different (P>0.05) by Tukey’s (HSD) test.


3.2 Mean total number of fruit fly species recovered from damaged fruits. Means with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05) by Tukey’s (HSD) test.


4.1 Mean population of B. dorsalis captured in (a) Pulau Gadong and (b) Bukit Changgang in 2 weeks interval from February – June 2014. Means with the same letters are not significantly different (P>0.05) by Tukey’s (HSD) test.


4.2 Mean population of B. dorsalis captured in (a) Bumbong Lima and (b) Jitra in 2 weeks interval from February – June 2014. Means with the same letters are not significantly different (P>0.05) by Tukey’s (HSD) test.


5.1 Patterns of survivorship curve (lx) of B. dorsalis for three cohorts


5.2 Daily age-specific survival (lx) and fecundity (mx) of female B. dorsalis








2.1 Mango crop zones (green colour) in Peninsular Malaysia (Source: DOA, 2009)


2.2 Chokanan mango maturity index (Source: DOA, 2009)


3.1 Bactrocera dorsalis and B. carambolae main distinguish morphology features


3.2 Fopius vandenboschi Fullaway whole body (female), dorsal view (a), and Psyttalia sp. Silvestri whole body (female), lateral view (b)


4.1 Methyl eugenol trap, a modified 1.5L mineral water plastic bottle


5.1 Bactrocera dorsalis adults rearing cage


5.2 Papaya fruit domes (a), and B. dorsalis whitish eggs in cluster form (b)


5.3 One-day-old of B. dorsalis eggs calculated under Meiji Techno RZ stereo microscope


5.4 Eggs of B. dorsalis were placed on 20 g of mango pulp diet in Petri dish for larval development.


6.1 Chokanan mango ripening stages. UR- Unripe, R- Ripe and FR- Fully ripe


6.2 Set up for no-choice experiment


6.3 Set up for choice experiment






ANOVA Analysis of Variance cm centimeter cv. cultivar CRD Completely Randomized Design DAFB Days after full bloom DOA Department of Agriculture of Malaysia EPPs Entry Point Projects ETP Economic Transformation Programme FAMA Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority of

Malaysia FR Fully-ripe g gram GNI Gross National Income hrs. hours HSD Honest significant difference IPM Integrated Pest Management kg kilogram L. Linnaeus l liter L:D Light: Dark m meter ml milliliter ME methyl-eugenol MOA Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry

Malaysia N Newton NKEA The Agriculture National Key Economic Area ºC Degrees Celsius PP Percentage of parasitism R Ripe RH Relative humidity T.A Total acidity TSS Total soluble solids UK United Kingdom UPM Universiti Putra Malaysia UR Unripe





INTRODUCTION The Agriculture National Key Economic Area (NKEA) of Malaysia aims to double the agriculture sector's Gross National Income (GNI) contribution to RM28.9 billion by 2020, through 16 Entry Point Projects (EPPs) (ETP Annual Report, 2011). One of the EPPs aims is upgrading capabilities to produce fruits and vegetables for premium markets up to RM1.571 million with 68% of total production by 2020 and this includes mango (Mangifera indica L.). Mango is one of the prominent fruits which has a huge market locally and internationally. It is one of the world major tropical fruits which are fast gaining popularity, especially among the European consumers. In Malaysia, mango fruits are one of the most popular nutritive and attractive tropical fruits to eat. For instance, about 131,279 metric tons of mangoes were consumed by Malaysians in 2012 (FAMA, 2014). Thus, mango consumption in Malaysia has increased significantly from 2000 to 2013 among consumers which included the households, factories, and institutions (FAMA, 2014). Although Malaysia is not one of the major producers of mangoes in the Asian countries, the mango industry in Malaysia is growing bigger from time to time. For instance, in 2010, almost 10,000 ha of mangoes have been planted in Malaysia with the production of around 25,000 metric tons (MOA, 2010). However, Malaysia is still way behind of producing mango at a maximum level compared to its neighbouring country although this fruit has already been commercially produced over the years. For example, in 2012, the production of mangoes was declined to 22,823 metric tons whilst in 2013 the export value was decreased to 5.44% (FAMA, 2014). In order to fulfil the demand of the Malaysian consumers, Malaysia has to import about 35,000 metric tons of mangoes from other countries such as Thailand, India, Philippines and Australia and the import value was increasing to 15.43% in 2013 (FAMA, 2014). One of the major factor contributing to the stated matter is pest infestation particularly fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) that reduced the quality and quantity of the commodity as they prefer to attack the matured and ripe fruits (Badri et al., 2008). Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are great economic and agricultural important pests due to damage caused to commercial fruits and vegetable crops throughout Asia, Australia and the South Pacific (White and Elson-Harris, 1992). It was recorded that economic losses due to infestation by fruit flies can cause more than two billion dollars worldwide (Garcia and Ricalde, 2013). Fruit flies are capable of damaging fruit crops at the severe stage. The severity of the damage is not only because of aggressiveness and high abundance of a species but also due to the competency of a single species to attack many hosts and one individual female fruit fly is capable of laying eggs on many fruits at one




time in her entire life span (Singh, 1988). Therefore, without proper control, the direct damage to fruits can lead to yield loss up to 90% or even worst at 100% depending on the fruit fly population, season, variety and area (Kumar et al., 2011). Fruit flies from the genus Bactrocera is the most serious and problematic tephritid fruit flies reported in Southeast Asia and Pacific regions including Malaysia (Allwood et al, 1999; Tan, 2000). It has been reported that from 1.14 million metric tonnes of fruit which were produced in Malaysia in 2009, the cost of managing the fruit fly infestation was estimated at 29 million ringgit (Norain, 2010). According to Tan (2004), one of the main factors contributing to this matter is the warm climate in Malaysia which allows continuous cultivation of fruit fly host fruits such as mangoes and this is an ideal condition for fruit flies to multiply rapidly. An Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (formerly known as Bactrocera papayae) which one of the related species of B. dorsalis complex and native species of Malaysia (Tan, 2004) is considered the most virulent and serious fruit fly species because it can attack about 209 plant species from 51 different families (Chua, 1991; Drew and Romig, 1997; White and Elson-Harris, 1992). In Peninsular Malaysia, commercial crops such as mango (Mangifera indica L.), star fruit (Averrhoa carambola L.), guava (Psidium guajava L), and papaya (Carica papaya L.) have been seriously attacked by B. dorsalis (Allwood et al., 1999; Wee and Tan, 2005). Due to their economic importance, various research on biology, morphology, physiology, and ecology of Bactrocera fruit flies had been done around the world (Hardy, 1988; Rwomushana et al., 2008). In Malaysia, the first intensive and systematic study of the various species of Bactrocera fruit flies, their host range and distribution was initiated in the year of 1986 (Vijaysegaran and Mohd, 1991) and followed by Allwood et al. (1999) and Chinajariyawong et al. (2000). Tan (2004) studied on B. dorsalis genetic and molecular taxonomic variation while Wee and Tan (2000 and 2005) focused on sexual mating behaviour of B. dorsalis. Moreover, intensive studies have been conducted on growth and development of B. dorsalis on guavas (Mohd Noor et al., 2011) and species composition and infestation on starfruits (Juma et al. 2014). However, information on the bioecology of B. dorsalis mainly on mango variety in terms of infestation level, associated parasitoid, population fluctuation in field, life table study, and ovipositional behaviour preference on different mango ripening stages are still lacking. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the knowledge development on the biology, ecology and mass-rearing of B. dorsalis for the success of fruit fly control programs in the future. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are:

1. To determine the species of Bactrocera infesting mango, infestation rate and its associated parasitoids in mango orchards with different agronomic practices

2. To determine population fluctuation of B. dorsalis in mango orchards with different agronomic practices and relationship with abiotic factors

3. To construct life table and demographic parameters of B. dorsalis, and 4. To determine ovipositional preference of B. dorsalis on different mango

ripening stages.





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