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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2863–2879, 2017© Author(s) 2017. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Understanding hydrologic variability across Europe throughcatchment classificationAnna Kuentz1, Berit Arheimer1, Yeshewatesfa Hundecha1, and Thorsten Wagener2,3

1Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, 601 76 Norrköping, Sweden2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, BS8 1TR, Bristol, UK3Cabot Institute, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

Correspondence to: Anna Kuentz ([email protected])

Received: 21 August 2016 – Discussion started: 29 August 2016Revised: 3 March 2017 – Accepted: 21 April 2017 – Published: 12 June 2017

Abstract. This study contributes to better understanding thephysical controls on spatial patterns of pan-European flowsignatures – taking advantage of large open datasets forcatchment classification and comparative hydrology. Similar-ities in 16 flow signatures and 35 catchment descriptors wereexplored for 35 215 catchments and 1366 river gauges acrossEurope. Correlation analyses and stepwise regressions wereused to identify the best explanatory variables for each signa-ture. Catchments were clustered and analyzed for similaritiesin flow signature values, physiography and the combinationof the two. We found the following. (i) A 15 to 33 % (de-pending on the classification used) improvement in regres-sion model skills when combined with catchment classifica-tion versus simply using all catchments at once. (ii) Twelveout of 16 flow signatures were mainly controlled by climaticcharacteristics, especially those related to average and highflows. For the baseflow index, geology was more importantand topography was the main control for the flashiness offlow. For most of the flow signatures, the second most impor-tant descriptor is generally land cover (mean flow, high flows,runoff coefficient, ET, variability of reversals). (iii) Using aclassification and regression tree (CART), we further showthat Europe can be divided into 10 classes with both sim-ilar flow signatures and physiography. The most dominantseparation found was between energy-limited and moisture-limited catchments. The CART analyses also separated dif-ferent explanatory variables for the same class of catchments.For example, the damped peak response for one class was ex-plained by the presence of large water bodies for some catch-ments, while large flatland areas explained it for other catch-ments in the same class. In conclusion, we find that this type

of comparative hydrology is a helpful tool for understand-ing hydrological variability, but is constrained by unknownhuman impacts on the water cycle and by relatively crudeexplanatory variables.

1 Introduction

Hydrological systems exhibit a tremendous variability intheir physical properties and in the hydrological variableswe observe, such as streamflow and soil moisture patterns(Bloeschl et al., 2013). At the catchment scale, we assume(or at least hope) that the aggregated response behavior, e.g.,the hydrograph, is related to average or dominating charac-teristics and that smaller-scale differences are less relevant.Although the extent of the validity of this assumption can bequestioned (Beven, 2000; Oudin et al., 2010), it is the ba-sis for statistical hydrology, where it allows us to regional-ize certain flow characteristics related to floods or low flows.We generally make the same assumption in the search fora catchment classification framework where our aim is togroup catchments that somehow exhibit similar hydrologicbehavior (McDonnell and Woods, 2004). While the preferredclassification system will depend to a degree on the specificobjective of a study or the data availability, it is generallyagreed upon that even the search for such an organizing prin-ciple is an important undertaking for hydrology (Wagener etal., 2007).

Many studies have attempted to organize the catchmentswe find across our landscape. Approaches include the useof physical and climatic characteristics (e.g., Winter, 2001;

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Brown et al., 2013; Buttle, 2006; Leibowitz et al., 2016), theuse of hydrologic signatures (e.g., Ley et al., 2011; Oldenet al., 2012; Sawicz et al., 2011; Singh et al., 2016), or theinclusion of water quality (Arheimer et al., 1996; Arheimerand Lidén, 2000). The advantage of the first approach is thatphysical characteristics such as topography and land coverare now available for any location on earth (though with vary-ing quality of the data available), while the second approachgroups catchments directly by the characteristic we mainlycare about, i.e., their hydrologic behavior (see the discussionin Wagener et al., 2007). The disadvantages are that the firstframework does not ensure that physically/climatically sim-ilar catchments will also behave similarly, while the secondis not directly applicable to ungauged catchments. Further-more, the two approaches do not necessarily group catch-ments in the same way since the datasets used for the classifi-cation are different. Therefore, one needs to derive functionsthat link flow characteristics and catchment attributes withineach group of catchments classified in either way. Ultimately,we believe that a catchment classification framework has toachieve the advantages both approaches offer to be useful;i.e., it has to be applicable to any catchment and provide in-sight into its expected hydrological behavior.

Here we assume that flow signatures are one relevantway towards quantifying hydrological behavior and thereforeform a sensible basis for a classification framework. Theycondense hydrologic information derived from streamflowobservations (alone or in combination with other variables)(Sivapalan, 2005). The choice of the specific signatures usedfor classification can be guided by (i) the attempt to describebasic hydrological behavior (e.g., Ley et al., 2011; Sawicz etal., 2011; Trancoso et al., 2016); (ii) the need to relate to soci-etally relevant issues such as floods and droughts (Wagener etal., 2008); (iii) the objective to characterize ecologically rele-vant characteristics of the catchment response (e.g., Olden etal., 2012); or (iv) in relation to subsequent hydrologic mod-eling (Euser et al., 2013; Hrachowitz et al., 2014; Donnellyet al., 2016). Studying differences and similarities in flowsignatures as well as in catchment characteristics can alsoimprove our understanding of hydrological processes underpotential future conditions (Sawicz et al., 2014; Berghuijset al., 2014; Pechlivanidis and Arheimer, 2015; Rice et al.,2015). Linking catchment descriptors (physical and climatic)and hydrological response signatures enables the inclusion ofungauged basins and provides the potential for assessing en-vironmental change impacts across large domains.

Despite the significant worldwide research performed dur-ing many decades to both understand and predict hydrologicvariability using physiography, work has largely addressedsmall or medium-sized and pristine catchments when delin-eating regions of similar flow controls (e.g., Yaeger et al.,2012; Ye et al., 2012; Patil and Stieglitz, 2012). Often differ-ent studies have resulted in conflicting relationships betweensome catchment responses and some of their physiographiccontrols, as a result of catchment size and geographical loca-

tion. For instance, some studies have found that forest coverreduces catchment streamflow (e.g., Hundecha and Bárdossy,2004; Brown et al., 2005; Buytaert et al., 2007), while an in-crease in streamflow has been found in some others (e.g.,Bruijnzeel, 2004). It would, therefore, be worthwhile iden-tifying the physiographic controls of catchment responsesand their relationships using a consistent approach across alarger geographic domain, which is subdivided into catch-ments of different spatial scales. A large sample of observeddata from different physiographical and hydrological condi-tions enables comparative analysis of dominant drivers forflow generation (Falkenmark and Chapman, 1989). No studyso far, to our knowledge, has applied comparative hydrologyat the continental scale, i.e., including large rivers with hu-man alteration and ungauged basins.

Our study aims to explore and understand the physicalcontrols on spatial patterns of pan-European flow signa-tures by taking advantage of large open datasets. We ex-plore the relationships between catchment descriptors andflow signatures by analyzing 35 215 catchments which covera wide range of pan-European physiographic and anthro-pogenic characteristics. A database of catchment descriptorsfor all catchments and of hydrologic signatures using 1366flow gauges across Europe has been gathered. Based on thisdatabase, we make use of a set of established classificationand regression approaches to learn more about physical con-trols of flow generation.

Our study is guided by the following science questions.

– To what extent can physiography explain similarities inflow signatures across Europe?

– What spatial pattern can be derived from combiningsimilarity in flow signatures and physiography acrossthe European continent?

– Which flow-generating processes can be attributed to re-gions with similar flow signatures?

2 Data and methods

This paper summarizes a complex workflow including nu-merous datasets, calculations, analyses and interpretations,which are summarized in Fig. 1. The data and methods aredescribed in the following sub-sections.

2.1 Database of catchment descriptors and flowsignatures

A database of catchment descriptors (climate, physical andhuman alteration) was compiled for 35 215 European catch-ments with a median size (total upstream area of the outlet)of 493 km2, ranging from 1 to 800 000 km2 (Fig. 2). The geo-graphical domain (8.8 million km2) was delineated accordingto plate tectonic borders and catchment borders all the way

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Figure 1. Flow chart of the different steps followed in the study.

Figure 2. Spatial extent of the study showing catchment divisionand selected river gauges.

down to the European coast and to the Ural Mountains in theeast.

For each catchment, 48 catchment descriptors were as-signed using upstream topography, climate, soil types, landcover (including human alterations) as well as geology fromopen data sources (Table 1). Descriptors were estimated asspatial means of the upstream area and assigned to eachcatchment outlet.

Flow signatures were compiled using daily hydrographtime series of the Global Runoff data Center (GRDC) andEuropean Water Archive (EWA) databases from initially

2690 flow gauges across our study domain selected based onagreement between catchment size in metadata and the delin-eation in pan-European hydrological model E-HYPE (Don-nelly et al., 2012). A subsample of this database was selectedfor this study according to data availability. In order to en-sure the reliability of the analyses of flow signatures, onlygauging stations with at least 5 whole calendar years of con-tinuous daily data have been selected (2016 stations). Oth-ers subsamples with longer time series (such as 10, 15, 20,25, and 30 years) were extracted for result evaluation. Nomissing data were allowed over the period and the longestcontinuous time series was used at each gauge. This meansthat time periods differ between gauging stations, but consis-tent descriptors of precipitation and temperature were alwaysused to match the observed period. Finally, all hydrographsof the resulting subset of flow gauges were visually checkedfor a 10-year period. This quality assurance mainly elimi-nated heavily regulated stations, obviously erroneous hydro-graphs or wrong time steps (e.g., monthly), still keeping sta-tions with moderately altered flow. After this selection, thefinal set of streamflow stations used in the study included1366 gauging stations.

For each river gauge, 16 flow signatures were computed(Table 2). The choice of flow signatures has been guided by astudy by Olden and Poff (2003), which provides recommen-dations for selection of nine indices describing flow regimeswith importance to hydro-ecology. In addition, five flow sig-natures commonly used in hydrology have been added forcomparability (Qsp, CVQ, Q5, Q95, RBFlash) and two vari- Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2863–2879, 2017

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ables describing catchment response were calculated (Runof-fCo and ActET).

2.2 Cluster analysis for catchment classification

We classified the catchments based on their similarities in(1) flow signatures for gauged sites only, (2) catchment de-scriptors, and (3) catchment descriptors selected from regres-sion tree analysis of the classes identified using method 1.

For the first two analyses, we used the same clusteringmethod. The catchments were grouped into classes of sim-ilar characteristics (of physiography or flow signatures, re-spectively) using a hierarchical minimum-variance cluster-ing method. The method groups clustering objects (catch-ments) so that the within class variability is minimized usinga combination of the k-means algorithm (Hartigan and Wong,1979) and Ward’s minimum-variance method (Ward, 1963).Clustering started with the k-means algorithm with a largenumber of classes (50) and classes were merged hierarchi-cally using Ward’s minimum-variance method. Two classesare merged in such a way that the increase in the sum of thewithin-class variance of the classification variables weightedby the respective class size across all classes is minimal. Af-ter each merging step, the k-means algorithm was appliedto the reduced number of classes. The optimum number ofclasses was established by evaluating the changes in the sumof the weighted variance of the variables across all classesbetween successive merging steps. The point where the rateof change becomes steeper was set as the optimum numberof classes.

We performed classification using 16 flow signatures and35 of the catchment descriptors, which have some correla-tion with flow signatures (correlation significance tested onPearson correlation using a t distribution with a threshold of0.05). In order to reduce the effect of possible correlationsbetween the different catchment descriptors or flow signa-tures, we applied principal component analysis (PCA). PCAenables derivation of a set of independent variables, whichcould be much fewer than the original variables, thereby re-ducing the dimensionality of the problem. The number ofprincipal components selected for further classification wasfixed so that they account for at least 80 % of the total vari-ance of the original variables.

The third classification was done for all catchments – bothgauged and ungauged, using a predictive regression tree, theso-called CART (Breiman et al., 1984), calibrated to matchthe classes identified with method 1. CART stands for clas-sification and regression trees, and gathers algorithms basedon recursive partitioning, aiming either at classifying a sam-ple or at predicting a dependent variable (here the class of theflow station classification) based on a set of explanatory vari-ables (here the set of catchment descriptors). At the differentconsecutive levels (nodes of the tree), two groups of catch-ments are divided based on a logical expression using oneof the explanatory variables (dominant catchment descrip-

tors). Our idea was to obtain a classification close to the onebased on the flow signatures but available for the whole setof catchments. Using CART, a regression tree was first ad-justed to predict the classes of the flow signature classifica-tion using criteria based on catchment descriptors, and thenthis tree was used in a predictive way to classify all catch-ments in the domain. It was calibrated using an automatic re-cursive partitioning based on methods described by Breimanet al. (1984) and provided in R package “rpart” (see Atkin-son and Therneau, 2000). CART has been used previouslyfor understanding controls on groupings of catchments in re-lation to their hydrologic behavior (e.g., Sawicz et al., 2014)or of hydrologic model parameters or model input and theirregional predictors (e.g., Singh et al., 2014; Deshmukh andSingh, 2016).

2.3 Analysis of physiographic controls of flowcharacteristics

To examine the link between physiography and flow regimesacross our geographical domain, matrices of correlation co-efficients between all pairs of catchment descriptors and flowsignatures were computed using three different correlations:Pearson correlation, Spearman correlation and distance cor-relation (e.g., Székely and Rizzo, 2009). Significance of cor-relations was tested based on a t distribution with a thresholdof 0.05. This analysis, whose results are presented in Sect. Aof the Supplement, revealed significant correlations betweensome of the variables, generally consistent with our a prioriknowledge (e.g., Donnelly et al., 2016). However, a numberof catchment descriptors did not show any significant rela-tionship with any of the flow signatures and were thus re-moved from the set of variables for the rest of the analyses.These variables are written in grey color in Table 1.

The correlation matrices were accompanied by a visualanalysis of scatterplots of all pairs of variables for qualitycontrol to avoid disinformation. Statistical distributions offlow signatures were plotted for different subsets of streamgauges according to the minimum length of the period ofcontinuous daily data availability. Unrealistic values, such asrunoff ratios above 1, identified gauging stations that werefiltered out for the following analyses. Similarly, spatial dis-tributions of all catchment descriptors and flow signatureswere plotted as maps. Most of the maps show rather coher-ent patterns across Europe and could thus be compared toother sources and local knowledge for additional visual qual-ity control.

To evaluate the importance of catchment classification,we compared the performance of multiple regression modelswhen developed for the whole domain versus those where re-gressions were derived separately for each class of groupedcatchments. For a given flow signature, models were ex-plored using a stepwise regression with forward selection,starting from a simple model using only the best correlateddescriptor (according to Pearson’s linear correlation) and up

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Table 1. Catchment descriptors and the original source of information. Type of descriptor is indicated in brackets after variable name (T:topography; LC: land cover; S: soil type; G: geology; C: climate). Variables marked with grey color were removed from the analysis becauseno significant correlation was found between these and the flow signatures (see Sect. 2.3).

Variable Unit Data source Description

Area (T) Km2 SMHI: E-HYPE (Donnelly et al.,2016)

Total upstream area of catchment outlet

meanElev (T) m USGS: Hydrosheds and Hydro 1K(for latitude > 60◦; Lehner et al.,2008)

Mean elevation

stdElev (T) m (same as above) Standard deviation of elevationmeanSlope (T) – (same as above) Mean slopeDrainage density(T)

Km−2 (same as above) Total length of all streamsArea

10 land cover vari-ables (LC)

– CORINE; GLC2000 (Bartholoméand Belward, 2005; for areas not cov-ered by CORINE, 2014);GGLWD (lake area, distribution,Lehner and Döll, 2004);EIM (EU-scale irrigation, Wriedtet al., 2009); GMIA (global-scale ir-rigation, Siebert et al., 2005)

% of catchment area covered bythe following land cover types:water/glacier/urban/forest/agriculture/pasture/wetland/openwith vegetation/open without vegetation/irrigated

7 soil variables (S) – ESD (Panagos, 2006); DSMW % of catchment area covered by the following soiltypes: coarse soil/medium soil/fine soil/peat/no tex-ture/shallow/moraine

21 geologicalvariables (G)

– USGS Geological maps of Eu-rope and the Arabian Peninsula(Pawlewicz et al., 1997; Pollastro etal., 1999)

% of catchment area covered by the following ge-ological classes: Cenozoic (Cz), Cenozoic–Mesozoic(CzMz), Cenozoic–Mesozoic intrusive (CzMzi), Ceno-zoic volcanic (Czv), Mesozoic (Mz), Mesozoic–Paleozoic (MzPz), Mesozoic–Paleozoic metamorphic(MzPzm), Mesozoic intrusive (Mzi), Mesozoic meta-morphic (Mzm), Mesozoic volcanic (Mzv), Paleozoic(Pz), Paleozoic intrusive (Pzi), Paleozoic metamorphic(Pzm), Paleozoic–Precambrian (PzpCm), Paleozoic–Precambrian metamorphic (PzpCmm), Paleozoic vol-canic (Pzv), intrusive (i), metamorphic (m), Precam-brian (pCm), Precambrian intrusive (pCmi), Precam-brian volcanic (pCmv)

Karst (G) – World Map of CarbonateSoil (2015) Outcrops V3.0 (Univer-sity of Auckland)

% of catchment area marked as “carbonate outcrop” inthe World Map of Carbonate Soil Outcrops V3.0

Pmean (C) mm WFDEI (Weedon et al., 2014) Mean annual precipitationSI.Precip (C) – Seasonality index of precipitation:

SI = 1R·



∣∣∣xn: mean rainfall of month n, R: mean annual rainfall

Tmean (C) ◦C WFDEI (Weedon et al., 2014) Mean annual temperatureAI (C) – Precipitation, temperature and wind

from WFDEI (Weedon et al., 2014)Aridity Index: PET/P, where PET is the potential evap-otranspiration calculated with the Jensen–Haise algo-rithm (Jensen and Haise, 1963).

to a model including all descriptors. At each step, the de-scriptor giving the best improvement with respect to BIC(Bayesian information criterion) is added, and the algorithmstops when no further improvement can be obtained. The co-

efficient of determination of each model was then plotted andthe final number of variables was determined based on thisplot. For a given classification, as many models as the num-ber of classes in the classification were calibrated for each Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2863–2879, 2017

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Table 2. Description of the 16 flow signatures studied.

Component of flow regime variable Unit Description

Magnitude of Average flow skew – skewness=mean/median of daily flowsflow events conditions Qsp L s−1 km−2 mean specific flow

CVQ – coef. of variation=SD/mean of daily flowsLow flow BFI – Baseflow index: 7-day minimum flow divided byconditions mean annual daily flow averaged across years

Q5 L s−1 km−2 5th percentile of daily specific flowHigh flow HFD – High flow discharge: 10th percentile of daily flowconditions divided by median daily flow

Q95 L−1 km−2 95th percentile of daily specific flowFrequency events Low flow LowFr year−1 total number of low flow spells (threshold equal toof flow conditions 5 % of mean daily flow) divided by the record length

High flow HighFrVar – coef. of var. in annual number of high flowconditions occurrences (threshold 75th percentile)

Duration of Low flow LowDurVar – coef. of var. in annual mean duration of low flowsflow conditions (threshold 25th percentile)events High flow Mean30dMax – mean annual 30-day maximum divided by

conditions median flowTiming of flow events Const – Constancy of daily flow (see Colwell, 1974)Rate of change in flow events RevVar – Coef. of var. in annual nb of reversals

(change in sign in the day-to-day change time series)RBFlash – Richard–Baker flashiness: sum of absolute values of

day-to-day changes in mean daily flow dividedby the sum of all daily flows

Catchment response RunoffCo – Runoff ratio: mean annual flow (in mm yr−1)divided by mean annual precipitation

ActET mm yr−1 Actual evapotranspiration: mean annualprecipitation less mean annual flow (in mm yr−1)

of the 16 flow signatures, and their joint performances wereevaluated. To be consistent, regression models were only an-alyzed for classes with more than 30 gauging stations, andtherefore 17 gauging stations (from 2 classes of the catch-ment descriptor classification and 1 class of the flow signa-ture classification) were removed from this analysis becausethey ended up in classes with fewer stations. In total, 480regression models were developed in our analysis. For eachclassification method and flow signature, we explored the in-fluence of different types of catchment descriptors by exam-ining their partial correlations in the regression.

To gain better understanding of processes behind the hy-drologic variability, we further examined similarities in bothflow signatures and catchment descriptors for each of theclasses based on the CART classification. Each class was de-scribed by geographical locations, most characteristic phys-iography and flow regime. Based on this analysis, hydrolog-ical interpretation was used to identify potential drivers ofhydrological processes, which are dominant in each cluster.The analysis was assisted by several sources of informationfor classes and sub-classes, such as boxplots of variabilityin both flow signatures and catchment descriptors, matricesshowing the median characteristics in each class, visualiza-tion of hydrographs in diagrams, and mapping spatial pat-

terns geographically (most of this material is found in theSupplement).

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Catchment classifications

An automatic clustering based on flow signatures was per-formed first as explained in Sect. 2.2. We found that 11classes were optimal for the database used in this study. Thesame number of classes was then chosen for the classificationbased on catchment descriptors. As described in Sect. 2, thethird classification (through CART analysis) was based onthe classes from the classification of flow signatures. How-ever, class No. 2, which contains only four gauges (all situ-ated in Cyprus), was excluded from the CART analysis forconsistency. As a result, the classification derived from theCART tree only contains 10 classes (numbered 1 and 3–11).

During the CART analysis and classification, we foundthat 20 nodes in the tree was a good compromise to allowall 10 classes to be predicted while minimizing the complex-ity of the tree (to make the relationships between catchmentdescriptors and signatures interpretable) and maximizing the

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Figure 3. Spatial patterns of catchment classification across Europe based on (a) flow signatures at flow gauges, (b) catchment descriptors,and (c) a CART predictive regression tree.

probability of correct classification of catchments (relativeerror= 0.59; cross-validation error 0.69; minimum probabil-ity of correctly classified stations at a node= 0.35). The av-erage percentage of correctly classified gauged catchmentsin each class was 60 % (ranging between 35 and 88 % acrossthe leaf node; see Table A in the Supplement). It should benoted that one node (node 3a; see Fig. 6) contained more thana third of the catchments (13 645 catchments) and only 35 %of the gauges in that node were correctly classified. Efforts tofurther classify catchments in this node through an increasein the complexity of the tree did not result in a good compro-mise. Indeed, to reach a level of 40 % of correctly classifiedgauges at all nodes, the tree had to be detailed up to morethan 400 nodes, making any hydrological interpretation ofthe splits impossible.

The first two classifications, based on clustering of eitherthe flow signatures or the catchment descriptors alone, re-sulted in very different spatial patterns of similarity acrossEurope (Fig. 3; note that there is no correspondence be-tween the numbering of the catchment classes used in mapsa and b). Correspondence between the two classifications isnot expected as the two classifications were performed usingdifferent sets of data. The third classification – where we pre-dict the flow-based classification from the catchment descrip-tors – exhibits spatial patterns that are rather similar to theflow signature-based classification, which is expected sincethe former is derived from the latter through a CART predic-tive regression tree. Detailed discussion of results in terms ofthe classification based on flow signatures will, therefore, befocused on results obtained from the CART-based classifica-tion.

In order to analyze the specific characteristics of the differ-ent classes in terms of catchment descriptors and flow signa-tures, boxplots representing the distribution of each variablewithin the classes were plotted (see Sect. D.1 and D.2 of theSupplement). For the classification based on flow signatures(Fig. 3a), some clear distinctions appear between classes interms of mean specific flow and coefficient of variation ofdaily flow. For example, class nos. 7 and 10 have the highestmean specific flows, while class nos. 2 and 4 have the highest

coefficients of variation. Concerning the percentage of agri-cultural area, some classes cover a wide range of values (nos.3, 4, 5, and 11), while others contain mostly catchments withlow percentages of area covered by agriculture (nos. 1 and7).

The spatial pattern in Fig. 3b (based on catchment descrip-tors) shows geographically coherent patterns, with for exam-ple class No. 6 bringing together mainly mountainous areas,No. 4 gathering southern warm catchments, and No. 7 repre-senting plain regions of the Netherlands, northern Germany,Denmark and Poland. Analysis of the distribution of the dif-ferent variables in the classes (see boxplots in Sect. D.2)showed for example that class No. 5, which is mainly locatedin western Norway and Iceland, gathers catchments with lowmean temperatures and high mean precipitations with a highproportion of open areas without vegetation. In terms of flowsignatures, these catchments have high mean and high flows,high runoff ratios and low actual evapotranspiration. ClassNo. 11 contains 323 catchments (mainly small lake catch-ments in northern Europe), but none of them corresponds to astream gauge included in the study. Thus, no observations areavailable to characterize flow signatures for this class. Obser-vations are limited as well for class No. 3 as only 13 of the152 catchments that belong to this class (mainly large catch-ments corresponding to the downstream parts of big riversflowing to the Black Sea and the Arctic Ocean) correspondto a flow station. These two classes were thus excluded fromfurther analysis.

Only clustering using catchment descriptors or CART canbe applied for the whole domain, i.e., in ungauged catch-ments. The CART-based catchment classification (Fig. 3c)was chosen for more detailed analysis (in Sect. 3.3) of simi-larities in flow-generation processes as the classes were morehomogenous. When looking at the classification based oncatchment descriptors, the average standard deviation of eachcatchment descriptor within all classes was estimated to be0.71, and the average standard deviation of the flow signa-tures was 0.78. For the CART classification, these numbersare 0.76 for catchment descriptors and 0.67 for flow signa-tures. Hence, the former discriminates classes more in terms Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2863–2879, 2017

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of physiography (0.71 versus 0.76 for the CART classifica-tion) and the CART classification discriminates classes morein terms of flow signatures (0.67 versus 0.78).

3.2 Using regression analysis to understand controls onindividual signatures

As explained in Sect. 2.3, multiple regression models forsignature prediction were developed both using the entiredomain and within each group of the three classifications,and their results were compared. The regression constantsare given for each of the 480 calibrated linear models inSect. E of the Supplement. This analysis step provides uswith two insights. First, what are the dominant controls onindividual signatures? Second, how predictable are individ-ual signatures given available catchment/climate descriptors?Figure 4 shows that developing regressions for each of theclasses derived leads to better predictive performance thandeveloping an individual regression for each signature usingall catchments at once. This could be expected as using 10models instead of only 1 increases the degree of freedomas the number of calibrated parameters increases. This re-sult is consistent with previous findings (e.g., Almeida et al.,2016), which also found that single high performing regres-sions across large domains are difficult to achieve. On av-erage, classification using catchment descriptors and CARTimproved the model performance by 14.7 % and flow sig-natures by 33 %. The latter yields the best results since thisclassification is based directly on the discriminating variables(flow signatures). There are few differences in terms of theperformance of the models obtained using either the catch-ment descriptors or CART for classification, the later givingslightly better results for most of the variables (e.g., Q5, highflow discharge, high flow frequency variability, variability ofreversals, flashiness, runoff ratio), but poorer results for base-flow index and low flow frequency. The performance of theregression models for the different flow signatures will befurther discussed in Sect. 3.4.

The partial correlation analysis of the regression modelsshows that there are different controls for the different flowsignatures (Fig. 5). The highlighted controls are rather sim-ilar across the different classification methods; i.e., the pat-terns seen in all three plots are very similar (Fig. 5a–c). Thissuggests that the identification of controls is robust, whilethe performances of the different regressions vary. Climaticdescriptors play the most important role for most of the flowsignatures, especially those related to average and high flows.For the baseflow index, geology is more important and, forthe flashiness of flow, topography is the main control. To-pography also plays an important role in low flow magnitude(Q5), being the main driver for this signature in some of theclasses and for the global model. For most of the flow signa-tures, the second most important descriptor is generally landcover (mean flow, high flows, runoff coefficient, ET, variabil-ity of reversals).

Figure 4. Performance of regression models when calibrated foreach flow signature (Table 2) and applied over the whole domainwith a general model or one per class, using catchment classifica-tion based on catchment descriptors (CD), flow signatures (FS) orregression trees (CART). Performance is evaluated over the wholeset of flow gauges together even if different models are used in dif-ferent classes.

The importance of the different controls varies across theclasses (length of the boxplots in Fig. 5) and the main driversfor a given variable can also differ between classes (notshown in the figure). For example, climate is a strong driverfor almost all signatures in class No. 4 (warm regions insouthern Europe), while other drivers play an important rolein other parts of Europe, for example in class nos. 7 (topog-raphy, land cover and geology are important), 9 (topogra-phy) and 10 (topography and land cover). This shows thatthe drivers behind hydrological responses vary between Eu-ropean regions.

The identified controls for the different flow signaturesare generally consistent with the findings of previous stud-ies conducted in different parts of the world. For instance,Longobardi and Villani (2008) and Bloomeld et al. (2009)found a strong relationship between the baseflow index andgeology for the Mediterranean area and the Thames basin,respectively. Similarly, Holko et al. (2011) found out that theflashiness index is correlated with geology, catchment areaand elevation as well as percentages of agricultural and forestland uses for catchments in Austria and Slovakia. For catch-ments across the US, Yaeger et al. (2012) found out that theupper tail of the flow duration curve is controlled more byprecipitation intensity, while the lower tail is more controlledby catchment landscape properties such as soils and geology.For the same US dataset, Sawciz et al. (2011) showed thatthe runoff coefficient was dominated by aridity, and that thebaseflow index was controlled by soil and geological char-acteristics. The influence of topography on the magnitude oflow flow was also found by Donnelly et al. (2016) through acorrelation analysis of a set of flow signatures and catchmentdescriptors across Europe.

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Figure 5. Partial R2 of different types of descriptors (Table 1) usedin the regression models for flow signatures (partial R2 for the typeof descriptors is the sum of partial R2 of variables from that typeused in the regression model). The boxplots show the range of val-ues among the models calibrated in the different classes using thedifferent catchment classification methods: (a) flow signatures atflow gauges, (b) catchment descriptors, and (c) CART predictive re-gression trees. The black point gives the value for the general modelcalibrated over the whole domain.

3.3 Hydrological interpretation of classes using CART

The regression tree classification (CART) enabled us to un-derstand the main controls driving the separation into classes(rather than individual signatures), as it predicts the classesof flow signature combinations from the available catchmentdescriptors. In the resulting tree (Fig. 6), the main variableseparating the different classes is the Aridity Index (AI) witha separating value close to 1. This purely empirical find-ing is nice, because this value separates the energy-limitedcatchments (AI < 1) from the moisture-limited catchments(AI > 1). As expected for classification over such a large do-main, we therefore find climate to the first-order control.Mean temperature is the second separating variable, followedby variables describing soil types (peat, moraine), land cover(agriculture, open without vegetation, wetland, forest), to-pography (area, mean elevation) and climate (precipitationseasonality index, mean precipitation). This indicates the or-der of importance of catchment descriptors that control flowsignatures moving from climate to other descriptors.

Some of the differences between the hydrographs withincatchment classes and across catchment classes can be seen

in Fig. 7, where we show examples of the observed time se-ries. We found the following characteristics, which are sum-marized in Table 3 and further supported by results figures inSect. C of the Supplement.

Class No. 1 has a rather smooth flow and seasonal flow pat-tern with a very pronounced spring flood peak. Thesecatchments are located in a cold northern part of Europeand some parts of the Alps and Caucasus, characterizedby spring snowmelt with some dampening in lakes andwetlands.

Class No. 3 is a very large (about 1/3 of the catchments)miscellaneous class without any distinct character. Asexplained in Sect. 3.1, efforts to further classify catch-ments in this class (and more specifically in node 3a)did not succeed.

Class No. 4 is characterized by very spiky hydrographs withhigh peaks and low baseflow. The flow regime exhibitshigh winter flows and low summer flows. Catchmentsare located in the Mediterranean region characterizedby arid climate, flow seasonality and human impacts.

Class No. 5 shows relatively low flows with some influenceof snowmelt (spring flood) for some catchments duringsome years. This is the northern part of central–easternEurope characterized by low flashiness due to the largenumber of water bodies, low topographic slopes, andlow elevation, which dampen the flow response.

Class No. 6 has very high peaks, especially during winter,and high flow periods in general: overall, flashy flowwith a tendency to lower flow during summer and geo-graphically scattered humid areas all over Europe.

Class No. 7 shows in general high and flashy flows: for mostcatchments these are higher winter flows, though forsome catchments they are summer high flows instead,due to snowmelt and glacier melt (this is the classwith the most glaciers; see Fig. G of the Supplement).This class encompasses wet and cold mountainous ar-eas along the coasts in northwestern Europe and somehumid parts of the Alps.

Class No. 8 is characterized by peaky flow throughout theyear, with higher peaks in winter. This class consists ofsmaller headwater catchments in some warm and humidparts of central, southwestern and northeastern Europe.

Class No. 9 has rather low flow, with a snowmelt-dominatedspring flood. Low amplitude but frequent short-termvariability. These catchments are mainly in flat landsaround the Baltic Sea and North Sea further charac-terized by forests, lakes and wetlands. Some catch-ments exhibit similar geological structures (Pz, pCmi;see Fig. K in the Supplement). Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2863–2879, 2017

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Figure 6. CART tree adjusted on the FS classification and used as a predictive tree for the CART classification.

Class No. 10 shows high flows with very high and frequentpeaks, some tendency to peaks in spring, but also highflow during winter. Frequent short-term variability iscommon in these wet, high elevation and steep catch-ments across mountain ranges of Europe.

Class No. 11 is characterized by sustained high baseflowand some tendency to spring season peaks in somecatchments, but overall low seasonality of flow. Thesecatchments are close to mountains or in lower parts oflarge river basins. We suspect some outliers in this classwhen extrapolating the CART tree to the full Europeandomain, as parts of the catchments in this class werenot representative of the majority of river gauges in thesame class (see Fig. M in the Supplement, showing thatthe gauged catchments in node 11b have different char-acteristics than those in nodes 11a and 11c).

The hydrological interpretations of the detected spatialpatterns (Table 3) pointed to climate as the main control ofthe hydrological response in most classes (which is consis-tent with the Aridity Index as the main control in Fig. 6).This is highlighted by the notable influence of rainfall-drivenriver flow in class nos. 6, 7, and 8 (western and northernEurope) throughout the year, and during winter in 4 (south-ern and eastern Europe). The latter region is most obvi-ously strongly affected by evapotranspiration, while snow-dominated regimes with a spring melt season are characteris-tic of class nos. 1, 7, and 9 and to some extent also nos. 5 and10. These classes are found in the northern and mountainousparts of Europe.

Regarding landscape influence, dampening effects of riverflow response are found in class nos. 1 and 5, due to the pres-ence of many water bodies and vast flatland areas. Continu-ously strong baseflow is found in class nos. 9 and 11 throughlateral flow, large catchment sizes or upstream mountainousareas. On the other hand, class nos. 7, 8 and 6b show fastresponse and low storage capacity, which could be attributedto their thin soils, high slopes or small catchment sizes.

Impact from hydropower production was found in classnos. 1, 9, and 10, which were all snow-dominated but showed

redistribution of water during the year due to regulation andin some cases influence of short-term regulation. It should benoted that this effect was visible although the gauges frommost regulated rivers were already excluded from the study(Sect. 2.1). Human alteration was also assumed to domi-nate the hydrological response in class No. 4, where the hy-drographs did not look natural and irrigated areas are large(southern and eastern Europe).

Interestingly, some classes were found to have similar flowsignatures but for different reasons. For instance, the damp-ing of peak flows in class No. 5 could be caused by eitherthe presence of water bodies (5b) or floodplains with a widerriver channel (5a).

The insight gained from this classification analysis variesacross the different parts of the European continent as theclasses correspond to different percentages of area (Table 3),and for some classes we learned more than for others. Theclassification highlighted distinct patterns for most of theclasses, some of them showing several outstanding signaturesor physiography (e.g., nos. 1, 4, 7, and 10), while others hadsignatures with more average magnitude (e.g., nos. 6 and 8).On the other hand, about 1/3 of the catchments, covering39 % of the studied area, could not be interpreted hydrologi-cally, as they did not show similarities in flow signature val-ues and showed only little similarity in catchment descriptors(within the 30th percentile of agriculture, moraine and onegeological feature; see Table 3). For this part of Europe, weneed to search for other or more detailed data of catchmentdescriptors for understanding the physical controls.

Previous studies have noted that large-scale databases areconnected with uncertainties and may sometimes even bedisinformative at high resolution (Donnelly et al., 2012;Kauffeldt et al., 2013), which may be a reason for someof the weak statistical relationships and difficulties in catch-ment classification. European hydrology is also very muchaffected by human alteration, which is probably not fullycovered by the descriptors. Hence, there is still a need for fur-ther investigations to better understand hydrologic variabilityacross Europe.

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Figure 7. Three-year hydrographs (left) and average annual hydrographs based on > 5-year daily flows (right) at the stream gauges of theCART classification classes. Grey→ black: all stream gauges belonging to the class; red: stream gauge where the flow signatures are closestto the class median flow signatures. Note that the scales are different for classes 5 and 9 and that this classification does not contain any classNo. 2 as explained in Sect. 3.2. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2863–2879, 2017

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Table 3. Summary of findings when using the CART tree to classify catchments (CART classification shown in Fig. 3c) and extractingthe main features for each cluster. Appointed flow signatures (Table 1) and catchment descriptors (Table 2) have median values in the30 % low/high percentile of the distribution over whole domain. Bold indicates median values in the 10 % low/high percentile. Supportingfigures with boxplots and matrices of flow signatures and catchment descriptors as well as detailed maps of spatial patterns are found in theSupplement (in Sects. C.1, C.2 and C.3).

Class Sample size Flow signatures (FS) Catchment descriptors (CD) Spatial pattern Dominant hydrological processes


No. ofgauges

FS low FS high CD low CD high ( % of map area)

1 6878 112 RBFlash,ActET


Urban, agricul-ture, pasture,Medium AI,DrainDens,Pmean, Tmean,

Water, forest, wetland,OpwithVeg, peat, No-Texture, Moraine, PSI,pCm, PzpCmm

Northern and centralScandinavia, westernIceland, Russia. (22.8 %)

Snow-dominated flow regime with signif-icant snowmelt during spring but rathereven flow during the rest of the year due todampening in lakes, wetlands and low ac-tual evapotranspiration. Flow influencedby some hydropower regulation.

2 – – – – – – –3 14282 536 – – – Agriculture, Moraine,

PzpCmmLarge coverage in west-ern, central and easternEurope. (38.8 %)

4 5112 91 Qsp, Q5, Runof-fCo,BFI

CVQ, const,RBFlash,HFD,LowFr, skew,Mean30dMax

Forest, pasture Agriculture, irrigated,moraine, Tmean, PSI,AI, PzpCmm

Southern and easternparts of Europe. (15.0 %)

High ET and high human alteration ofnatural processes. Winter flow is domi-nated by precipitation, while summer flowis limited by evapotranspiration.

5 1765 72 Qsp, CVQ,Q95, RBFlash,RunoffCo, skew,HFD,Mean30dMax

BFI, HighFr-Var, LowDur-Var, RevVar

meanElev,stdElev, meanS-lope, Pmean

area, Water, Agriculture,Coarse, Peat, Moraine,AI, Cz, PzpCmm

Mainly Poland, Belarus,and Lithuania; some insouthern Sweden andRussia (5.6 %)

Water flow is dampened by large riverchannels and water bodies and flat lands.Some influence of snowmelt-driven flows.One sub-class (5b) is more controlled bywater bodies and the other (5a) by sur-rounding flood plains.

6 3325 261 HighFrVar,RevVar

Qsp, Q95,RBFlash,RunoffCo

AI Pasture, Moraine,Pmean, PzpCmm,

Rather scattered distri-bution: the British Isles,southern Scandinavia,Russia, lower regionsof mountainous areas.(6.3 %)

Precipitation driven frequent peak flows.One sub-class with rapid response duesmall area and high slope (6b).

7 678 33 ActET, HighFr-Var, LowDur-Var, RevVar

Qsp, Q5,Q95,RBFlash,RunoffCo

Urban, Forest,Agriculture,Medium, Drain-Dens, Tmean,AI

stdElev, meanSlope,Wetland, peat, Opwith-Veg, Pmean, Opwith-outVeg, NoTexture,Shallow, moraine,PzpCmm

Southeastern Iceland,Scotland, western Nor-way, some in the Alps.(2.4 %)

Low storage (in soil and water bodies)that generates quick response to rainfall.Most catchments have rainfall dominatedflow but also some are snow and glaciersmelt dominated.

8 670 63 BFI,HighFrVar

CVQ,RBFlash,ActET, skew,LowFr,

area, Opwith-Veg, NoTexture

Pasture, moraine,Pmean, Tmean, Mz,PzpCmm,

Close to class No. 6 re-gions in the center ofFrance, Carpathians andRussia. (1.6 %)

Fast response to precipitation since theyare small headwater catchments with lowstorage capacity.

9 969 52 Q5, RBFlash,ActET

HFD, LowFr,LowDurVar,Mean30dMax,RevVar

meanElev,stdElev, meanS-lope, Pasture,Pmean, Tmean

Water, forest, Wet-land, peat, NoTexture,moraine, PzpCmm,

Around the Baltic Seaand along the North Seaand English Channelcoast. (3.2 %)

Snow-dominated flow regime with sig-nificant snowmelt during spring. Indica-tions of short-term regulations. Continu-ous contribution through lateral flow lead-ing to a more sustained flow.

10 762 79 CVQ, skew,HFD, High-FrVar,Mean30dMax,RevVar

Qsp, Q5,Q95, Runof-fCo, BFI,const

Agriculture,Tmean, AI

meanElev, stdElev,meanSlope, Pmean,OpwithVeg, PzpCmm,OpwithoutVeg, Shallow,Moraine,

Mountainous regions ofwestern Norway, Pyre-nees, Alps, Bosnia, Mon-tenegro, a few in theCarpathians and Scot-land. (2.3 %)

Regulated flow for hydropower produc-tion during winter but still with some ten-dency of spring flow.

11 774 67 CVQ, RBFlash,skew, HFD,Mean30dMax

Q5, BFI – area, meanElev, stdElev,meanSlope, Water, Ir-rigated, OpwithoutVeg,Coarse, Moraine, Drain-Dens, Cz, pCm, Pzi,PzpCmm

SE France, northeasternItaly, western Denmark,southeastern Norway,some in Sweden, largecatchments of big riverslike the Rhine andDanube. (2.0 %)

Flow is governed by continuous supplyfrom upstream storages either from largeupstream areas or upstream mountains.(Note: some catchments (e.g., in Den-mark) are not representative of the gaugesin this class.)

3.4 Application of the results: predicting flowsignatures over Europe

Figure 8 shows the result of predicted flow signatures us-ing the regression models calibrated within each class of theCART classification. As shown in Fig. 4, the performances

of these models are diverse: some flow signatures are wellmodeled (R2 above 0.8 for mean specific flow and the 95thquantile, above 0.7 for the 5th quantile, runoff ratio, skew-ness of daily flow, mean 30-day maximum), but some othermodels perform very poorly (R2 below 0.2 for low flow fre-quency and variability of low flow duration). It is well recog-

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nized that modeling low flows can be difficult (e.g., Nicolleet al., 2014; Donnelly et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2015) andthe correlation matrices (see Supplement) showed that thesetwo flow signatures were poorly correlated with catchmentdescriptors. This highlights the difficulties in understandingprocess and physical controls to predict low flows with thedatasets currently available to us.

The performances also vary from class to class (not shownhere). Models are generally poor (most R2 below 0.4, a fewbetween 0.4 and 0.6) in class No. 3, which is a very large andmiscellaneous class, but also for class nos. 6 and 8, whichbring together mostly humid catchments rather scattered overthe continent. On the other hand, the best performances areobserved in class nos. 7, 10 and 11, containing a majority ofmountainous or close to mountainous catchments. Good per-formances were also observed for at least some of the flowsignatures in classes 1, 4 and 5 covering both northern Eu-rope and arid Mediterranean regions.

Figure 8 shows that some negative values appear when ap-plying the calibrated regression models to predict flow sig-natures. This is explained by the larger range of values of thepredicting variables in the whole domain than in the subsetof 1366 catchments with flow stations. For example, the pre-dicted values for the 5th quantile of daily flow are negativein 2607 catchments (over the 35 215 modeled), most of thembelonging to classes 3 and 4. In class No. 4, the regression forQ5 uses percentage of forest (positive coefficient) and meantemperature (negative coefficient) as the first two predictors.Some negative values appear when the model is applied tocatchments with a low percentage of forest and a high meantemperature.

These mitigated results emphasize the empirical nature ofthese regression models (without process controls) and thatthey should not be applied outside of the observed rangesof catchment descriptors. However, these regression modelshelp us in improving our understanding of European hydro-logical processes and identifying the dominant controls of theflow signatures in different parts of Europe (see Sect. 3.2).This understanding can be useful when building models thatinclude physical reasoning.

One implication of the identified spatial pattern of flowcharacteristics and their dominant physiographic controls isthat one can delineate regions of particular flow characteris-tics, for which part of the hydrograph is important. This couldbe related to the season or component of the hydrographwhere the flow is more sensitive to the controlling physio-graphic attributes. In addition to establishing empirical re-lationships between the flow signatures and catchment de-scriptors, like we did in this work, this has a potential appli-cation in improving dynamical rainfall–runoff models acrossEurope. Design and results of process-based models shouldbe coherent with empirical findings and, when applied on alarge scale, they should thus be evaluated against empiricalobservations of large-scale spatial patterns, like the ones weprovided in this paper.

Furthermore, our results could be applied to improve hy-drological models, as patterns of flow signatures are usedfor defining regions globally for regional model calibration(Beck et al., 2016). We showed that regression predictionsare improved by 15 % when establishing regressions for sep-arate classes of catchment with similar signatures and con-trols (see Sect. 3.2). This knowledge could be valuable whenestimating parameter values for continental-scale hydrologi-cal models. Currently, there is an emerging need for param-eter estimation also in ungauged basins from several model-ing communities (Archfield et al., 2015). For instance, tra-ditional catchment models have recently been applied on apan-European scale, e.g., SWAT (Abbaspour et al., 2015) andHYPE (Donnelly et al., 2016). Accordingly, global hydrolog-ical models are starting to develop rigorous calibration pro-cedures (e.g., Müller Schmied et al., 2014). The new empir-ical knowledge we gained in this work could, for instance,be incorporated into the process description of such models.Processes that control the part of the hydrograph that is sen-sitive to given physiographic attributes can be parameterizedand calibrated separately as functions of the physiographicattributes for the different catchment classes (Hundecha etal., 2016). This could ultimately improve the predictive abil-ity of dynamic models in ungauged basins.

4 Conclusions

We set out to better understand hydrological patterns andtheir controls across the European continent by exploringsimilarities in flow signatures and physiography. Using opendatasets and statistical analysis, we found it possible to at-tribute dominant flow-generating processes to specific geo-graphical domains. From the analysis of catchment classifi-cation using similarities in 16 flow signatures and 35 catch-ment descriptors across Europe, we can conclude the follow-ing.

Physiography is significantly correlated with flow signa-tures at this large scale and catchment classification improvespredictions of hydrologic variability across Europe (15 to33 % – depending on the classification used – improvementin regression model skills). Different physiographical vari-ables control different flow signatures, though climatic vari-ables play the most important role for most of the flow signa-tures (12 out of 16). Topography is more important for flashi-ness and low flow magnitude, while geology is the main con-trol for the baseflow index. All studied flow signatures weresignificantly correlated with at least one catchment descrip-tor.

Classes obtained by clustering of flow signatures can bepredicted from catchment descriptors. On average, 60 % ofthe catchments were correctly classified in each class. In to-tal, Europe could be divided into 10 hydrological classes withboth similar flow signatures and physiography. The most im-portant physiographic characteristic for predicting classes is Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2863–2879, 2017

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Figure 8. Predicted flow signatures using the regression models calibrated within classes of the CART classification (Fig. 3c). Note that thecolor intervals are adapted to each signature and do not have a constant size for a given signature: for a better readability they are based onthe quartiles of the signature distribution. The coefficients of determination of these models are shown in Fig. 4.

the Aridity Index, which separates the energy-limited catch-ments from the moisture-limited catchments. Further ex-planatory variables include soil type, land cover, topographyand other aspects of the climate/weather. The CART analysesalso separated different explanatory variables for the sameclass of catchments. For example, the damped peak responsefor one class was explained by the presence of large waterbodies for some catchments, while large flatland areas ex-plained it for other catchments in the same class.

Interpretation of dominant flow-generating processes andcatchment behavior (such as rainfall response, snowmelt,evapotranspiration, dampening, storage capacity, and humanalterations) could explain the hydrologic variability acrossEurope to a large extent (61 % of the studied domain area).Distinct patterns with characterized flow signatures and pro-cesses appeared for some European regions (e.g., north-ern Europe, arid Mediterranean regions, mountainous areas),providing useful information for predictions in ungaugedcatchments in these areas. On the other hand, flow signa-tures from 1/3 of the catchments (mainly situated in centralEurope) could not be classified or understood based on thecatchment descriptors available for this analysis. These limi-tations of our large-scale study call for more detailed analysiswith additional data in these areas.

Links between flow characteristics and physiographycould potentially be used in spatial mapping of flow sig-natures (for instance, mean specific flow, the 5th and 95thquantiles, runoff ratio, skewness of daily flow, mean 30-daymaximum) for ungauged basins, which might be used in hy-drological modeling in the future. The 10 classes of simi-lar catchments may facilitate model parameter estimation inpan-European hydrological models.

Open data sources enable new forms of comparative sci-ence and show large potential for research to generate newknowledge and hydrological insights encompassing variableenvironmental conditions. However, for Europe there is alack of homogenous datasets for human impact on flows,such as local water management, abstractions and regulationschemes. There is thus still a need for opening up more pub-lic sector data for re-use and, especially, for compiling large-scale databases on the global or continental scales across ad-ministrative borders.

Data availability. Additional information on the experi-ment with protocols and links to data scripts are avail-able at The data that sup-port the findings of this study are available in Zenodo

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with the identifiers et al., 2017g) for the river flow gauge selec-tion (shapefile); et al., 2017a) for the climatologic catch-ment descriptors; et al., 2017b) for the geologic catchmentdescriptors; et al., 2017c) for land use catchment de-scriptors; (Kuentzet al., 2017d) for soil types (catchment descrip-tors); (Kuentzet al., 2017e) for topographic catchment descrip-tors; (Strom-back, 2017) for catchment delineation (shapefile) and (Kuentz et al., 2017f)for the flow signatures.

The Supplement related to this article is availableonline at

Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no conflictof interest.

Acknowledgements. This study was performed within EU FP7-funded project SWITCH-ON (grant agreement no. 603587), whichexplores the potential of open data for comparative hydrologyand collaborative research, and promotes open science for trans-parency and reproducibility. All data, scripts and protocols areavailable in the SWITCH-ON Virtual Water-Science Laboratory at for review. We would like to thankthe Global Runoff Data Center (GRDC) for compiling, maintainingand sharing time series of river flow as monitored by nationalinstitutes. Much of the data used in this study were availablefrom input files of the E-HYPE model; the authors therefore alsowish to thank staff at the Hydrological Research unit at SMHI forprevious efforts on data compilation; we would especially like toacknowledge the work by Kristina Isberg and Jörgen Rosberg.

Edited by: B. SchaefliReviewed by: M. C. Westhoff and two anonymous referees


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