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Page 2: Tuesday Folder for February 7 - St. Katherine of Siena School Folder for February 7... · Tuesday Folder for February 7, 2017 Page 1-Captain Chucky’s Crab cake flyer ... • Pennsylvania

Featuring Capt’n Chucky’s Famous

“Smith Island” Crab Cakes Made Fresh the day of delivery- Each 3 ¼ oz Crab Cake is made from Super Tender Colossal Lump Crab...No filler… sold in 4, 6 and 12 packs

Just in time for the first Friday of Lent Cooking instructions included – Can be stored fresh in the refrigerator for 5 days or freeze them to enjoy later. We will also be offering for sale frozen quarts of “Red Maryland Crab Soup” and Capt’n Chucky’s famous “Crab Critters”, delicious crab ball appetizers that are browned and oven ready.

You may place your order in the back of church after all the masses on Feb 11th, 12th , 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th.

Send thru school or place your paid order in the collection basket. NO ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER SUN Feb 26th

Pick up in McBride Hall on Friday March 3rd between 2 and 6pm Make check payable to St. Katherine of Siena __________________________________________________________________

Name___________________________________ Phone __________________

Crab Cake 4 pack Quantity ___________ x $20 Total _________ Crab Cake 6 pack Quantity ___________ x $30 Total_________ Crab Cake 12 pack Quantity___________ x $60 Total _________ Crab Critters (50 Bag) Quantity ___________ x $15 Total_________ Maryland Crab Soup Quantity ___________ x $10 Total ________ Total money enclosed $ ___________

Lenten Crab Cake Sale

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• StudentoftheMonthProgram:TheStudentsoftheMonthfromJanuary


• St.Katherine’sPrimaryGradesNewRegistration:

WehaveafewspotsleftinPreK-3,KandOne;currentlywehaveawaitinglistforPreK-4.AnyquestionspleasecallSKSat215.637.2181(x103)[email protected]

• SiblingPreferenceRegistrationforNewSKSPrimaryGradeStudentsfor

the2017-2018schoolyear(PreK-3,PreK-4,KindergartenandGradeOne):Ifyouwereunabletoattendthesiblingpreferenceregistrationnight;wedohavesomeseatsavailableinPreK-3,KandGradeOne—wehaveawaitlistinPreK-4.Pleasecallore-mailifyouhaveanyquestionsat215.637.2181(x103)[email protected]

• CatholicSchoolsWeek:thankyoutoallourfamilieswhoparticipatedinourCatholicSchoolsWeekdrivesandactivities.

• SKSWalk-a-Thon:willtakeplaceonThursday,May25,2017,volunteerswillbeneeded.Allvolunteersmusthavealldocumentsandclearancesonfileintherectory.IfyouwouldliketovolunteerfortheWalk-a-Thon,[email protected]

• SKSAllGradesReunion:St.Katherine’sDayontheRiverwillbeheldon

Saturday,May13,2017.Committeesareformingstaytuned;foradultsonly.• PennsylvaniaScienceOlympiad:thestudentteamsarepreparingforthe


• SKSBraceletSaleContinues:ifyouareinterestedinabraceletvisitourwebsite.ThebraceletswouldmakeaniceConfirmationorGraduationgift.EngravingisavailableatInfinityJewelersat3528CottmanAve.,Phila.PA.

• Torresdale/EdenPlaygroundInformation:nonewinformationtoshareatthistime.IfinterestedinservingonthePlaygroundAdvisoryCouncil,[email protected]

• QuestionsorComments:E-mailorcallmeColleenWisler,[email protected](x103)

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VS FlyersCapitals2tickets–Section117 WednesdayFebruary22nd-8pm $5 per chance or 3 for $ 10 All proceeds of this raffle will be used to help defray the cost

of constructing the o’fficial SKS St. Patrick’s Day Float

Name ______________________________ Homeroom_______

Number of Chances _____________ $ enclosed__________

Raffle winner will be picked on Tues Feb 14th


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February 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Let’s turn the world kind! Random Acts of Kindness Week is an annual week, celebrated February 12-18, 2017. A random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by kind people to either help or cheer up a friend, teacher, parent, or random stranger, for no reason other than to make that person happier. This year St. Katherine of Siena School will celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week Monday, February 13-Thursday, February 16, 2017. Our goal is to eliminate name-calling and provide an ongoing dialogue about spreading kindness to our community.

Regrettably, children experience some form of name-calling. Name-calling begins in the elementary school years and peaks during middle school years. That’s why it is important to begin to address the problem of name-calling while children are still in elementary school.

You and your child may enjoy reading some of the following books:

Betty Lou Blue by Nancy Crocker

Teased by other children because of her big feet, only Betty Lou can save her tormenters one snowy day.

Don’t Sit on My Lunch by Abby Klein

When first-grader Freddy decides to try out for peewee hockey, his archenemy and school bully Max decides to also try out of the one slot left on the team.

Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig

With help from his father, older brother, and teacher, D.J. learns how to handle a classmate who claims that his mean-spirited “teasing” is just a joke.

Your Own Safety by Peggy Pancella

Presents a children’s book that offers advice on how to deal with others who might threaten or harm them, when it is okay to say “no”, what to do about teasing, and why it is important to tell an adult.

Also, feel free to check out for some great ways to talk to your children about kindness and empathy.


Mrs. Stephanie Rodgers, M.Ed, NCC

CORA Counselor

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St. Katherine of Siena


February 13-16, 2017

“Let’s turn the world KIND!!”

! Monday, February 13, 2017 o Accepting each other is important, wear RED, WHITE, AND

BLUE to show that we are One Nation under God! ! Tuesday, February 14, 2017

o *Happy Valentine’s Day!! Today we celebrate LOVE. Wear RED!

! Wednesday, February 15, 2017 o Put a cap on intolerance. Wear a HAT to show you accept

others! ! Thursday, February 16, 2017

o Being kind to others is no sweat! Wear your FAVORITE SWEATSHIRT today to show that you can be respectful to everyone!

*Valentine’s Day will be the only day this week that is a PAID dress down day. Please donate $1 to our school!

**Students are required to wear their uniforms on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Students are encouraged to get creative and can wear additional clothing over their uniforms to show their spirit!

***Parents/Guardians: By showing your support for our RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK, you are showing your child that you promote respect for others. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! We look forward to an exciting and fun week.

Mrs. Rodgers

School Counselor

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DearParents/Guardians, Ourschoolishappytoannouncethatwewillbeofferinganafterschoolacademicenrichmentforourstudents.Thisprogramwillallowyourchildtoworkwithourdedicatedfacultyinasmallgroupsettingtoprovideacademicsupportinthecoresubjectareas. Theprogramwillruntwodaysaweekforsevenweeks.Studentswillbeprovidedwithlessons,activitiesandguidancetostrengthenskillsinMathematicsandEnglishLanguageArts.ProgramInformation1. TotalPaymentforProgram:$125–Fullpaymentisrequiredpriortofirstsession.

2. TheacademicenrichmentprogramisprovidedbytheSKSfaculty3. Programtime:3:00p.m.–4:05p.m.4. StartDate:WeekofFeb.21,2017




