Page 1: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before





Grant Scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 “Support for Effective National Marketing of Tourist Product and Improvement of Information Service”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 /001-5 “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of

Destination Bulgaria”

This multimedia brochure is created within the framework of the project “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008/001-5, which is performed with the financial support of Operative Program “Regional Development” 2007 – 2013,

co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The entire responsibility for the contents of this multimedia brochure is brought by the beneficiary – The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and under no circumstances it can be considered that this multimedia brochure presents

the official position of the European Union and the Managing Body.

Operative Program “Regional Development 2007-2013

We invest in your future!

The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fundand the state budget of Republic of Bulgaria

Page 2: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before


Page 3: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before



M ummery is

among the most

vivid Bulgarian

customs. It is derived from

the ancient pagan past of

the Bulgarian people and is

associated with the pursuit of

the people to affect the nature

by means of magic and the


What unites them are their

rituals, their large masks,

decorated with bells and

leather, and the purpose of

their rituals - to chase away the

evil spirits, to purify the society

and nature of evil spirits and

bring prosperity, good harvest

and health.

Only men can wear mummer

costumes. According to the

tradition in some parts of

the country there is even a

requirement for them to be

bachelors. The leader of the

company, however, must be a

married man.

There are various Mummers

in Bulgaria; they even have

different names in the

different regions – kukeri,

survakari, pesyatsi, dervishi,

startsi, etc.

Page 4: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before


Page 5: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before



Page 6: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before


With their fearsome

costumes and

masks, the

mummers try to affect the

supernatural forces of evil or

cause the benignancy of the

good spirits.

Another typical element of

the costume is the string of

bells, which is hung on the

belt and whose sounds can be

heard in the entire village. The

mummers are usually dressed

in thick coats and costumes

made of sheep or goat skins.

Some costumes symbolize

certain characters – old man

or woman, honeymooners and


Led by their leader, the

mummers cross the entire

village and execute their

complicated dances.

In Western Bulgaria mummers

perform their rituals between

Christmas (25 December) and

Epiphany (6 January) and

The most attractive parts

of the clothing are the

mummer masks, whose

construction takes quite

a lot of time.

Page 7: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before



Page 8: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before


Page 9: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before



Page 10: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before


Page 11: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before



this way they intended to

reject the accumulated evil.

In Eastern Bulgaria the ritual

is performed between the

second Sunday before Lent (8

Sundays before Easter) and the

first Sunday (7 Sundays before

Easter) before Lent; the ritual is

believed to bring health, good

harvest and fertility.

In Bulgaria, many mummer

festivals are held, but two of

them are with international

participation - Surva in Pernik

(the last weekend of January)

and Starchevata in Razlog (mid


Page 12: TRADITIONS, CRAFTS AND ETHNOGRAPHYIn Eastern Bulgaria the ritual is performed between the second Sunday before Lent (8 Sundays before Easter) and the first Sunday (7 Sundays before

Grant Scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 “Support for Effective National Marketing of Tourist Product and Improvement of Information Service”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 /001-5 “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of

Destination Bulgaria”

This multimedia brochure is created within the framework of the project “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008/001-5, which is performed with the financial support of Operative Program “Regional Development” 2007 – 2013,

co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The entire responsibility for the contents of this multimedia brochure is brought by the beneficiary – The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and under no circumstances it can be considered that this multimedia brochure presents

the official position of the European Union and the Managing Body.

Operative Program “Regional Development 2007-2013

We invest in your future!

The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fundand the state budget of Republic of Bulgaria
