Page 1: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Toby Johnson Middle School

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)2015 - 2016

Principal (Print Name):


Elk Grove Unified School DistrictElk Grove, California

Approved by the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Education on

*Meets E.C. 64001 Requirements for a Single Plan for Student Achievement

Page 2: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Goal Setting

State PrioritiesConditions of Learning:

Priority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments and credentials, facilities Priority 2 - Implementation of SBE adopted academic content standards, including programs and services for ELs to access the Common

Core and ELD standards Priority 7 - Access, including for subgroups, to a broad course of study

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement - statewide assessments, API, completion of A-G requirements, CTE sequences and AP courses, EL progress toward proficiency, college preparation (EAP)

Priority 8 - Pupil outcomes in specified subject areas


Priority 3 - Parental involvement Priority 5 - Pupil engagement - attendance, dropout and graduation rates

Priority 6 - School climate - suspension and expulsion rates, etc.

A. Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Engagement Process Impact on site LCAP

How have parents, community members, pupils, local bargaining units, and other stakeholders been engaged and involved in developing, reviewing, and supporting implementation of the LCAP? The following opportunities for stakeholder involvement were provided:

During the 2013-2014 school year, we created a school environment and communication survey for parents at Back to School Night.

An additional survey was provided via the school website to gather additional information.

Gathering of input began in October and is on-going.

Input gathered during SSC meetings from teachers, other school personnel, parents, and pupils on January 13th, Feb 3rd, March 3rd , and the Toby staff on March 19th, 2014.

Staff was provided information and input was gathered during the staff meeting on March 19th, 2014, and an open Leadership/SSC/ELAC meeting to finalize input for the LCAP plan on April 1 to which staff, students and parents were invited.

ELAC met February 19th.

During the 2014-2015 school year, we held a general election for School Site Council on August 26th. School SIte Council meetings were then held on OCtober 6th, November 3rd, January 12th, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 13th, and May 4th.

A special School Site Council meeting was held on January 12th to review the LCAP plan. The meeting was open to all stakeholders and information regarding the meeting was sent to stakeholders via the school website and autodialer. At this time, any suggestions for change were given and added to the LCAP form.

The LCAP was also reviewed for input by the school's Leadership Committee on Jan 13th.

In addition, the LCAP was also covered in a staff meeting on August 2th and January 28th, seeking additional input.

Finally, the LCAP was reviewed again by staff and Leadership on April 7th, 2015 for final review, and presented to the School Site Council for ratification on April 13th, 2015.

The SSC and ELAC reviewed input from all stakeholders. They synthesized input to include the following goals in the LCAP over the next three years:

1. Provide extended learning opportunities for students

2. Increase parent involvement

3. Increase opportunities for academic support to enable all students to access college preparatory coursework.

4. To increase specific services to targeted populations: EL coursework, Foster youth support, and focused interventions for SED students.

How have stakeholders been included in the site's process in a timely manner to allow for engagement in the development of the LCAP?

The ongoing inclusion of our stakeholders allowed them to provide meaningful input that we were able to integrate into the LCAP. This process also allowed us to gather feedback from stakeholder groups that had not previously participated

Page 3: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

B. Goals, Actions, and Progress Indicators

During the 2013-2014 school year, our site developed a timeline to ensure that stakeholders are engaged in a timely, efficient manner in the development of the LCAP. Throughout the 2013-14 school year our site has encouraged stakeholder participation to support their understanding of the LCAP. We held informational meetings that allowed stakeholders to engage in a dialogue to deepen their knowledge base, build collaboration, and gather input regarding LCAP.

During the 2014-2015 school year, the LCAP was reviewed by staff on August 27th and January 28th. It was additionally reviewed on January 12th at an open School Site Council meeting to which all stakeholders were invited, as well as during the Leadership Committee meeting on January 13th. Finally, the LCAP was sent to staff for a final review via email, and final input at the Leadership meeting on April 7th, to which all staff was invited, and then sent to the School Site Council on April 13th for final ratification.

in the school plan development process.

What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was made available to stakeholders related to the state priorities and used by the site to inform the LCAP goal setting process?

Data reviewed by the stakeholders included:

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

ELA and Math benchmark results--during the 2013-2014 school year

CST data--whole and subgroups--during the 2013-2014 school year

Attendance and suspension data--whole and subgroups

EL AMAOs 1, 2 and 3

Honors enrollment

Honors course offerings

The data reviewed influenced the goals and actions in the following ways:

1. Addition of a goal around EL instruction

2. Addition of a goal around foster youth

3. Continued and refined goals for subgroup improvement, and whole school improvement

4. Refined the goal regarding parent involvement to include more activities that occur during the school day

District Needs and Metrics 1:

Students need high quality classroom instruction & curriculum as measured by:

Credential/certification auditInterim assessmentsCAASPPCELDTCollege and Career Plan Utilization ReportCAHSEEAP/IB Assessments

District Strategic Goal 1:

ALL students will receive high quality classroom instruction and curriculum to promote college and career readiness and close the acheivement gap.

Site Goal 1.1

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


Increasestudent proficiency in the core subjects through high quality curriculum and instruction.

Site Goal 1.1

1.1 Provide and support high quality classroom instruction that results in increased student learning.

School-wide A 5% increase in students receiving a 3 or 4 on CAASPP testing.

PLCs will refine common assessments based on the common

An additional 5% increase in students receiving a 3 or 4 on CAASPP testing.

PLCs will

An additional 5% increase in students receiving a 3 or 4 on CAASPP testing.

PLCs will continue to share student work and refine the validity

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2


Page 4: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments


As measured through:

Site developed common assessments


Classroom observations


Calibrated rubrics

Increase instructional alignment of curriculum and assessment to the new common core state standards.Use PLCs and professional development to focus alignment of instruction with CCSS.Increase reading and writing strategies across all disciplines: using a variety of strategies.

core state standards.

Full alignment of summative assessments exams 7-8 in all core disciplines.

Specific goals will be created round reading and writing with a focus on structured student responses and academic language which are assessed through on site-based rubrics.

commit to sharing student work regularly and evaluating the validity and efficacy of common assessments, and make adjustments as needed.

Alignment of summative assessments exams 6-9 will begin in all core disciplines.

An increase in student achievement by 5% in specific goals around reading and writing with a focus on structured student responses and academic language which are assessed through on site-based rubrics.

and efficacy of common assessments, and make adjustments as needed.

Full alignment of assessments 6-9.

An increase in student achievement by an additional 5% in specific goals around reading and writing with a focus on structured student responses and academic language which are assessed through on site-based rubrics


Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-wide and

Targeted Subgroups

Level of Service

Indicate if school-wide

or by subgroup

(Ethnicity and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 1.1

1.1 Provide and support high quality classroom instruction that results in increased student learning.

Increase instructional alignment of curriculum and assessment to the new common core state standards.Use PLCs and professional development to focus alignment of instruction with CCSS.Increase reading and writing strategies across all disciplines: using a variety of strategies.

1,2,7,4,8 Provide professional development in implementing the common core curriculum. Provide PLC time for creating of common assessments, calibration of student work, and creation of SMART goals (both formative and summative) based on site, district and/or state assessments and student outcomes. Provide articulation time for 7-12 and K-12 articulation of assessment and curriculum for specified subgroups: at risk, SED, Foster and EL.

School-wide Action/Service:Provide one hour a week of planning time. Teacher Release Time: to review and revise common units and assessments, refine calibration of student work, and assess implementation of effective instructional practices: to align curriculum to new CCSS and NGSS and training in depth of knowledge. Set SMART goals for student achievement based on student data, and review baseline for CAASPP performance. Provide at least two hours with articulation time between TJMS and FrHS, to also include feeder schools if possible. Improve implementation of the DATA decision making framework setting goals with a focus on the achievement gap and students scoring below level 3. Provide at least 2 minimum days for professional development, to include regional members if possible.

Action/Service:Provide one hour a week of planning time. Teacher Release Time: to evaluate and revise common units and assessments, refine calibration of student work, and assess implementation of effective instructional practices: to continue to align curriculum to new CCSS and NGSS and training in depth of knowledge. Set SMART goals for student achievement based on student data, and set increase student performance above standard on CAASPP performance by 5%. Provide at least two hours with articulation time between TJMS and FrHS, to also include feeder schools. Improve implementation of the DATA decision making framework setting goals with a focus on the achievement gap and students scoring below level 3. Provide at least 2 minimum days for professional development, to include regional members.

Action/Service:Provide one hour a week of planning time. Teacher Release Time: to refine and improve common units and assessments, refine calibration of student work, and assess implementation of effective instructional practices: to fully align all curriculum to new CCSS and NGSS and training in depth of knowledge. Set SMART goals for student achievement based on student data, and set increase student performance above standard on CAASPP performance by an additional 5%. Provide at least two hours with articulation time between TJMS and FrHS, seeking input from feeder schools. Improve implementation of the DATA decision making framework setting goals with a focus on the achievement gap and students scoring below level 3 as well as offering support for students at level 3 or above. Provide at least 2 minimum days for professional development, to include regional members.

Funding Source:LCFF; Title II; Donation and General funds

Funding Source:LCFF; Title II; Donation and General funds

Funding Source:LCFF; Title II; Donation and General funds

Site Related State Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Level of What actions are performed or services provided in each year?

Page 5: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Goals Priorities Subgroups Service-By

specific subgroup

What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 1.2

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


Close the achievement gap for lower achieving subgroups through more support and culturally sensitive pedagogy.


As measured through:

Site developed common assessments


Student study teams, and team notes and interventions.

Attendance in tutoring sessions.

Site Goal 1.2

1.2 Increase supports for lower performing subgroups to close the achievement gap.

Increase counseling and instructional supports for foster youth.Develop systems to monitor and support students from lower performing subgroups. Increase number and types of tutoring available for struggling students.

Black or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoSWDELFoster YouthLow Income

Increase in the performance of students in the lowest 5% performing subgroups (as measured by CAASPP and class grades) through focused interventions designed through team meetings.

Increase in the number of Foster youth achieving passing grades by 25% as indicated by class grades.

A 5% increase in the number of at-risk and struggling students who attend tutoring before and after school, and a 10% increase in the number of students referred for during the day tutoring offered by the school TIC.

Increase in the performance of students in the lowest 7% performing subgroups (as measured by CAASPP and class grades) through focused interventions designed through team meetings.

Increase in the number of Foster youth achieving passing grades by an additional 25% as indicated by class grades.

An additional 5% increase in the number of at-risk and struggling students who attend tutoring before and after school, and an additional 5% increase is the number of students referred for during the day tutoring offered by the school TIC.

Continue to increase the performance of students in the lowest 7% performing subgroups (as determined through CAASPP testing and class grades) through focused interventions designed through team meetings.

The assurance that all Foster youth are achieving passing grades by as indicated by class grades.

An additional 5% increase in the number of at-risk and struggling students who attend tutoring before and after school, and an additional 5% increase is the number of students referred for during the day tutoring offered by the school TIC.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-

wide and Targeted


Level of ServiceIndicate if school-wide or by subgroup (Ethnicity

and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 1.2

1.2 Increase supports for lower performing subgroups to close the achievement gap.

1,2,7,4,8 Create and implement systems to better support our foster youth through counseling, team support

School-wideBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoSWD

Action/Service:Increase the supports from the counselor and administrator over foster youth with a focus on counseling, academic support, team foci, and

Action/Service:Evaluate and modify the supports from the counselor and administrator over foster youth with a focus on counseling, academic support, team foci, and mentoring. Use teams to meet and focus on

Action/Service:Evaluate and refine the supports from the counselor and administrator over foster youth with a focus on counseling, academic support, team foci, and

Page 6: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Increase counseling and instructional supports for foster youth.Develop systems to monitor and support students from lower performing subgroups. Increase number and types of tutoring available for struggling students.

and mentoring. Provide time for teams to focus on lower performing/at risk students, and determine best intervention methods. Create and implement a method for sharing information about at-risk students K-12: with a focus on SED, foster, EL and lower performing subgroups.

mentoring. Use teams to meet and focus on lower performing/at risk students, designate best intervention practices, and focus on the lowest 7% of students on their team, with an emphasis on SED, foster and EL students' academics, behavior and attendance. Through teams, increase the number of individual and group conferences and before/after school interventions to help struggling students: with an emphasis on SED, foster and EL students. Expand tutoring opportunities by reaching out to regional and community partners. Meet in departments to review work for students in need and refine instruction. Increase the technological and informational tools and sources to enhance CCSS and NGSS PLC work.

lower performing/at risk students, designate best intervention practices, and focus on the lowest 10% of students on their team, with an emphasis on SED, foster and EL students' academics, behavior and attendance. Through teams, increase the number of individual and group conferences and before/after school interventions by 3%to help struggling students: with an emphasis on SED, foster and EL students. Continue to expand tutoring opportunities by reaching out to regional and community partners. Meet in departments to sustain work for students in need and refine instruction. Increase the technological and informational tools and sources to enhance CCSS and NGSS PLC work in all classes daily. Through teams, evaluate the effectiveness and modify as needed individual and group conferences and tutorials during the day, and before/after school to help struggling students: with an emphasis on SED, foster and EL students. Use small group instruction through RSP instructional aide support for teaching and re-teaching concepts with increased support in math increasing the number served by an additional 5%. Evaluate and refine tutoring opportunities by reaching out to regional and community partners. Refine and evaluate discourse in department meetings when reviewing and reflecting upon overall student achievement in addition to strategizing how to improve achievement for each focus group, or subgroup of need. Increase and refine the technological and informational tools and sources to enhance CCSS PLC work.

mentoring. Use teams to meet and focus on lower performing/at risk students, designate best intervention practices, and focus on the lowest 12% of students on their team, with an emphasis on SED, foster and EL students' academics, behavior and attendance. Through teams, increase the number of individual and group conferences and before/after school interventions by an additional 3% to help struggling students: with an emphasis on SED, foster and EL students. Continue to refine tutoring opportunities by reaching out to regional and community partners. Meet in departments to sustain work for students in need and evaluate and refine instruction. Refine the technological and informational tools and sources to enhance CCSS and NGSS PLC work in all classes daily.

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 1.3

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018

Page 7: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments


Increase the number of EL students who are ready for re-designation, and receive high quality, research-based EL instruction.


As measured through:

CELDT testing


Classroom observations

Formative classroom assessments.


Team goals and objectives

Site Goal 1.3

1.3Meet federally mandates AMAOs for EL students.

Provide greater services, interventions and monitoring for EL students.

EL An expansion of the SDAIE program to include both 7th and 8th grade students who are at levels 1-3 on the CELDT assessments.

A 5% increase in the number of EL students who increase at least one level on their AMAOs.

Refinement of services and instruction for all EL students who are at level 1-3 on the CELDT assessments.

A 7% increase in the number of EL students who increase at least one level on their AMAOs.

Expansion of services to all EL students who are at level 1-3 on the CELDT assessments, as well as SDAIE strategies in all classes.

A 10% increase in the number of EL students who increase at least one level on their AMAOs.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-wide and Targeted Subgroups

Level of ServiceIndicate if school-wide or by

subgroup (Ethnicity and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding


Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 1.3

1.3Meet federally mandates AMAOs for EL students.

Provide greater services, interventions and monitoring for EL students.

1,2,7,4,8 Increase collaboration with student services, our feeder schools, and our high school to create K-12 sharing of information and seamless programming for EL students. Implement district adopted, common core based curriculum for level 1-3 EL students as designated by CELDT testing. Implement a SDAIE program for EL students who need extra support.

AsianFilipinoHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderWhiteTwo or More RacesSWD

Action/Service:Continue work with student services to identify and place EL students in the correct programs, and assess student progress towards AMAO goals, as well as providing professional development. Create a SDAIE strand for 7th and 8th grade students to receive more support to include, but not be limited to: extended day targeted assistance and tutoring, goal setting, and student conferences aligned to state/CELDT and site testing. Provide professional development for SDAIE teachers to better implement SDAIE strategies. Continue CELDT testing and identification of students. Continue to train an onsite EL coordinator to work with students, teachers and parents, and to monitor student success. Create and implement professional development for interested teachers incorporating SDAIE strategies. Supply or develop support materials for SDAIE instruction in non-ELA SDAIE courses.

Action/Service:Continue work with student services to identify and place EL students in the correct programs, and assess student progress towards AMAO goals, as well as providing professional development and program analysis. Refine the SDAIE strands for 7th and 8th grade students to receive more support to include, but not be limited to: extended day targeted assistance and tutoring, goal setting , and student conferences aligned to state/CELDT and site testing, and analyze programmatic success. Provide professional development on SDAIE strategies to all general education teachers. Continue CELDT testing and identification of students. EL coordinator will work with students, teachers and parents to monitor student success. Evaluate support materials for SDAIE instruction in non ELA SDAIE courses.

Action/Service:Continue work with student services to identify and place EL students in the correct programs, and assess student progress towards AMAO goals, as well as providing continued professional development and program analysis. Evaluate and refine the SDAIE strands for 7th and 8th grade students to receive more support to include, but not be limited to: extended day targeted assistance and tutoring, goal setting , and student conferences aligned to state/CELDT and site testing, and analyze programmatic success. Provide continued professional development in SDAIE strategies for all general education teachers and assess implementation. Continue and improve CELDT testing and identification of students. EL coordinator will continue to work with students, teachers and parents to monitor student success. Evaluate and refine support materials for SDAIE instruction in non-ELA SDAIE courses.

Page 8: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Funding Source:LCAP EL Supplemental Funds

Funding Source:LCAP EL Supplemental Funds

Funding Source:LCAP EL Supplemental Funds

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

District Needs and Metrics 2:

Students need high quality programs and services driven by assessment, data analysis, and action as measured by:

Student interim, formative and summative assessmentsDistrict EL walk thru formProgram implementation evaluation protocolsInstructional Rounds Observational dataCELDTCAASPP

District Strategic Goal 2:

All students will benefit from instruction guided by assessment results (formative, interim and summative) and continuous programmatic evaluation.

Site Goal 2.1

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


Increase student proficiency in core subjects


As measured through:

Site developed common assessments


Formal and informal classroom observations

Department assessment of student work.

Site Goal 2.1

2.1 Administer high quality common assessments and evaluate the data to inform instruction in collaborative departments.

Modify instructional practices based on information gathered through formative assessments.

School-wide All PLCs in core areas will develop common term exams based on the common core state standards.

Use of Depth of Knowledge to begin assessing lessons and units.

The use of responses from common assessments to determine assessment validity and to inform instruction.

All PLCs in core areas will evaluate common term exams based on the common core state standards.

Expanded use of Depth of Knowledge to assess lessons and units.

Examine and refine term exams in all core subject areas.

Continue to use data from common assessments to inform and modify instructional practice.

PLCs will meet to share student work, evaluating the validity and efficacy of common assessments, and refine them as needed.

Strengthened alignment of Depth of knowledge 6-9.

Refinement and calibration of term exams 6-9.

Use of data from common assessments to inform and modify instructional practice, and discuss best practices within the department.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State

Annual Actions and Services For

Level of Service

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Page 9: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Priorities School-wide and Targeted


Indicate if school-wide

or by subgroup

(Ethnicity and SWD)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 2.1

2.1 Administer high quality common assessments and evaluate the data to inform instruction in collaborative departments.

Modify instructional practices based on information gathered through formative assessments.

2,7,4,8 Develop grade level common assessments for ELA, Social Science, Mathematics, and Science as related to common core state standards. Meet in PLCS to discuss student outcomes and how outcomes should inform instructional practice.

School-wide Action/Service:Expand use of instructional coaches as well as other professionals to provide support with development of assessments, norming and best practices, with an emphasis on supports for under-performing, at risk, or focus sub-groups. Continue to create formative and summative common assessments with rubrics to better assess student progress and inform instruction.

Action/Service:Expand use of instructional coaches as well as other professionals to provide support with norming, development of assessments and best practices, with an emphasis on supports for under-performing, at risk, or focus sub-groups, as well as help with programmatic and assessment evaluation. Refine formative and summative common assessments with rubrics to better assess student progress and inform instruction.

Action/Service:Refine use of instructional coaches as well as other professionals to provide support with norming, development of assessments and best practices, with an emphasis on supports for under-performing, at risk, or focus sub-groups by evaluating programmatic and assessment tools. Evaluate formative and summative common assessments with rubrics to better assess student progress and inform instruction.

Funding Source:LCFF/use of FTE District Coach Support Title II

Funding Source:LCFF/use of FTE District Coach Support Title II

Funding Source:LCFF/use of FTE District Coach Support Title II

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 2.2

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


Increase proficiency in core subjects


As measured through:

Site developed common assessments

Site Goal 2.2

2.2 Use student responses and data to evaluate the validity of site assessments and instructional practice.

Change instructional practices based on information gathered through formative assessments.

School-wide PLCs will fully develop common term exams based on the CCSS and NGSS and begin to align term exams 7-8.

Meet regularly in PLCs to share student data from common assessments, and make baseline goals as needed. Gain training from CPL in norming and data analysis.

PLCs will refine common term exams and begin work on common formative exams, share student work and evaluate the validity and efficacy of common assessments, and make adjustments as needed, and begin to align term exams 6-9.

PLCs will meet twice a term to share student data from common assessments, refine norming

PLCs will regularly share student work and evaluate the validity and efficacy of common assessments--both term and interim, and refine assessments as needed, and fully align term exams 6-9.

PLCs will meet at least twice a term to share student data from common assessments, evaluate norming and data monitoring methods and make programmatic adjustments as needed and share best practices.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8




Page 10: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments


Informal and formal observations

Department discussions, revisions and data analysis

and data monitoring methods and make programmatic adjustments as needed.


Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-

wide and Targeted Subgroups

Level of Service

Indicate if school-wide

or by subgroup

(Ethnicity and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 2.2

2.2 Use student responses and data to evaluate the validity of site assessments and instructional practice.

Change instructional practices based on information gathered through formative assessments.

2,7,4,8 Use late start Wednesdays to meet in PLCS to discuss student outcomes and how outcomes should inform instructional practice. Team and counseling meetings to discuss individual students of need and create educational plans for success.

School-wide Action/Service:Refine department meetings based on data-driven decision making that reviews student data and modify instruction as needed. Use PLC time to share student work from common assessments, norm sessions, and determine program needs.

Action/Service:Refine and evaluate department meetings based on data-driven decision making that review student data and modify instruction as needed. Use PLC time to regularly share student work from common assessments, norm sessions, and determine program needs.

Action/Service:Refine, evaluate and improve department meetings based on data-driven decision making that review student data and modify instruction as needed. Use PLC time to share student work from common assessments, norm sessions, determine the effectiveness of common assessments and determine program needs.

Funding Source:LCFF/use of FTE: .2 TIC Donation account

Funding Source:LCFF/use of FTE: .2 TIC Donation account

Funding Source:LCFF/use of FTE: .2 TIC Donation account

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 2.3

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


Greater continuity in instructional practice


As measured through:

Number of observations

Administrative Teacher

Site Goal 2.3

2.3 Increase the number of both administrative and peer observations.


An increase in the number of administrative observations by 3%, and the creation of a peer observation system.

An increase in the number of administrative and peer observations by 3%.

A refinement and adjustment to the peer and administrative observation procedures.

An increase the number of peer and administrative observations by an additional 3%.

Review and refine processes for peer and administrative processes and feedback.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8


Page 11: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Priority 3

Priority 5

Priority 6

Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For

School-wide and Targeted


Level of Service

Indicate if school-wide

or by subgroup

(Ethnicity and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 2.3

2.3 Increase the number of both administrative and peer observations.

2,7,4,8 Create specific goals for administrative observations, both formal and informal, as well as creating methods for peer observation.

School-wide Action/Service:Refine informal observations forms with teacher input in response to prior observation notes. Create methods for teachers to do peer observations during preparation periods or at other times.

Action/Service:Evaluate informal observations forms with teacher input and/or EGEA input. Increase feedback through administrative observations to all teachers by 3%. Increase methods for teachers to do peer observations during preparation periods or at other times.

Action/Service:Evaluate and survey informal observations forms with teacher input and/or EGEA input. Increase feedback through administrative observations to all teachers by an additional 2%. Refine methods for teachers to do peer observations during preparation periods or at other times.

Funding Source:N/A

Funding Source:N/A

Funding Source:N/A

Site Goals Related State


Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-By

specific subgroup

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 2.3

2.3 Increase the number of both administrative and peer observations.

2,7,4,8 Provide specific observations and feedback for classes with EL students.

No SubgroupsSelected

Action/Service:Create a plan for EL observations. Be sure to attend 100% of all classes with designated EL and 75% of all classes with R-FEP.

Action/Service:Create a plan for EL observations. Be sure to attend 100% of all classes with designated EL and 80% of all classes with R-FEP.


Funding Source:LCAP

Funding Source:LCAP

Funding Source:LCAP

District Needs and Metrics 3:

Students need a safe and engaging academic, social-emotional, and physical school environment as measured by:

CHKS dataDiscipline dataPBIS dataSISWEB dataStudent, staff and parent surveysFacilities Inspection ToolAttendance dataGraduation rateRetention data

District Strategic Goal 3:

All students will have an equal opportunity to learn in a culturally responsive, physically and emotionally safe environment.

Site Goal 3.1

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018

Need: Site Goal 3.1 School-wide Decrease in the Decrease in the Decrease the Conditions

Page 12: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

A safe and responsive academic, social-emotional, and physical educational environment.


As measured through:

Discipline data

Attendance data

Counseling data

Number of home contacts

Team notes and interventions

3.1 Decrease the disproportionality of disciplinary actions for identified subgroups while maintaining an overall decrease in disciplinary actions.

Use team model to respond to specific student needs. Use administrative and counseling interventions for at-risk students.

Black or African AmericanAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeHispanic or LatinoSWDELFoster YouthLow Income

disproportionality of our most over-represented sub-groups by 5% in disciplinary actions.

An intervention support plan for highest 15 at-risk and focus students (as determined by disciplinary actions.)

disproportionality of our most over-represented sub-groups by an additional 3% in disciplinary actions.

An intervention support plan for highest 15 at-risk and focus students in each grade level team (as determined by disciplinary actions.)

disproportionality of our most over-represented sub-groups by an additional 3% in disciplinary actions.

an intervention support plan for highest 20 at-risk and focus students in each grade level team (as determined by disciplinary actions.)

of Learning:Priority




Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For

School-wide and Targeted


Level of ServiceIndicate if school-wide or by subgroup (Ethnicity

and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding


Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 3.1

3.1 Decrease the disproportionality of disciplinary actions for identified subgroups while maintaining an overall decrease in disciplinary actions.

Use team model to respond to specific student needs. Use administrative and counseling interventions for at-risk students.

5,6 Use teams to conduct conferences reviewing student data and focus on students of need: target subgroups: EL, Foster, and SED, as well as at-risk or underperforming students. Create a system to monitor student outcomes for at-risk and underperforming students relying on administrative and counseling interventions.

School-wideBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoTwo or More RacesSWD

Action/Service:Conduct team conferences with counselors to meet specific student needs and monitor progress of students regularly throughout the year. Expanded instructional, team and school activities for designated students of need (EL, Foster, SED, at risk, under-represented) to highlight achievement and build connectedness to school. Continue support classes during extended day courses. Increase student participation by 5%. Create specific intervention plans for the 15 students with the highest behavioral interventions.

Action/Service:Evaluate team conferences with counselors to meet specific student needs and monitor progress of students regularly throughout the year as well as the efficacy of each team's approach. Evaluate and continue instructional, team and school activities for designated students of need (EL, Foster, SED, at risk, under-represented) to highlight achievement and build connectedness to school. Continue support classes during extended day courses. Increase student participation by an additional 3%. Create specific intervention plans for the 15 students with the highest behavioral interventions.

Action/Service:Refine team conferences with counselors to meet specific student needs and monitor progress of students regularly throughout the year as well as the efficacy of each team's approach. Refine and continue instructional, team and school activities for designated students of need (EL, Foster, SED, at risk, under-represented) to highlight achievement and build greater connectedness to school. Continue support classes during extended day courses. Increase student participation by an additional 2%.

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE

Site Goal 3.1

3.1 Decrease the disproportionality of disciplinary actions for identified subgroups while maintaining an overall decrease in disciplinary actions.

Use team model to respond to specific student needs. Use administrative and counseling interventions for at-risk students.

5,6 No SubgroupsSelected

Action/Service:Continue and refine team conferences with counselors to meet specific student needs. Expanded team activities for designated students of need (EL, Foster, SED, at risk, under-represented) to highlight acheivement and build connectedness to school. Continue support classes during extended day courses. Increase participation by 5%.

Action/Service:Contiinue and monitor team conferences with counselors to meet specific student needs. Evaluate and continue team activities for designated students of need (EL, Foster, SED, at risk, under-represented) to highlight acheivement and build connectedness to school. Continue support classes during extended day. Increase participation by an additional 5%.


Page 13: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Funding Source: Funding Source: Funding Source:

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 3.2

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


increase multiculturalism and responsiveness on campus


As measured through:

Multicultural experiences and discussions in classrooms.

Increase in multi-cultural extra-curricular activities, events, and clubs.

Disciplinary data

Attendance data

Counseling data

Site Goal 3.2

3.2 Increase the cultural responsiveness on campus.

Institute PBIS on campus Build professional development around the diverse needs of ALL students.

School-wideBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoSWDELFoster YouthLow Income

The planning of professional development for all staff based on PBIS.

Begin professional development around diversity and cultural responsiveness.

Implementation of PBIS practices in 100% of all classrooms, as well as increased services to EL, Foster, SED and SWD students.

Continued as well as enriched implementation of professional development around diversity and cultural responsiveness.

Refined PBIS practices in 100% of all classrooms, as well as increased services to EL, Foster, SED and SWD students.

Continued as well as assessed implementation of professional development around diversity and cultural responsiveness.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-wide and

Targeted Subgroups

Level of ServiceIndicate if school-wide or by

subgroup (Ethnicity and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding


Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 3.2

3.2 Increase the cultural responsiveness on campus.

Institute PBIS on campus Build professional development around the diverse

5,6 Expand professional development on the campus to include culturally responsive instruction, instructional differentiation for students of need (EL, SWD, Foster, underachieving, etc.). Begin implementation of PBIS strategies on campus.

School-wideBlack or African AmericanAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianFilipinoHispanic or LatinoTwo or More RacesSWD

Action/Service:Implement school-wide professional development around PBIS, instructional, and/or Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies; begin planning and researching PBIS and allowing for varied choices in developing more personal cultural awareness for staff. Expand professional development on

Action/Service:Continue professional development around PBIS, instructional, and/or Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies; fully implement PBIS in all classes and insure choices for all staff in developing more personal cultural awareness. Expand professional development on Culturally Responsive

Action/Service:Evaluate professional development around PBIS, instructional, and/or Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies; better implement PBIS in all classes and insure rich and varied choices in developing more personal cultural awareness for all staff. Refine effectiveness of culturally responsive PD and PBIS. Evaluate and

Page 14: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

needs of ALL students.

Culturally Responsive teaching, which may include but not be limited to Ability/Disability Awareness Training, and Co-teaching Opportunities, with an emphasis on under-represented and target groups. Articulate the Advocacy program so it builds a better focus on students' personal, cultural and academic needs.

teaching, to include but go beyond Ability/Disability Awareness Training, and Co-teaching Opportunities, with an emphasis on inclusion of under-represented and target groups. Refine and evaluate the Advocacy program so it builds a better focus on students' personal, cultural and academic needs.

refine professional development on Culturally Responsive teaching, to include but go beyond Ability/Disability Awareness Training, and Co-teaching Opportunities, with an emphasis on full inclusion of all under-represented and target groups. Continue to refine and evaluate the Advocacy program so it builds a better focus on students' personal, cultural and academic needs and fully ties to PBIS ideology and needs.

Funding Source:LCFF; FTE

Funding Source:LCFF; FTE

Funding Source:LCFF; FTE

Site Goal 3.2

3.2 Increase the cultural responsiveness on campus.

Institute PBIS on campus Build professional development around the diverse needs of ALL students.

5,6 School-wideBlack or African AmericanAsianHispanic or LatinoSWD

Action/Service: Action/Service: Action/Service:

Funding Source: Funding Source: Funding Source:

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 3.3

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


Decreased disproportionality in suspensions and disciplinary actions for under-represented subgroups.

Increased supports for at-risk students including under-

Site Goal 3.3

3.3 Use and respond to multiple climate indicators including, but not limited to: attendance, discipline, surveys, extra-curricular participation, etc.

Create programs, services and events to better connect students

School-wideBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoSWDELFoster YouthLow Income

Team PLCs will review data for students, and determine 7% of students with greatest need, and create interventions.

Expanded systems for student unity and inclusions.

The beginning of

Team PLCs will review data for students, and determine 10% of students with greatest need, and create interventions.

Expanded systems for student unity and inclusions,

Team PLCs will review data for students, and determine 12% of students with greatest need, and create interventions.

Expanded systems for student unity and inclusions, and refinement of the methods for

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Page 15: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

represented subgroups, and focus groups.


Discipline and attendance records.

As measured through:

Number of classroom, Advocacy and school-wide activities that provide greater discussion and inclusion.


Statewide Testing results

Attendance Reports

Discipline Reports

Number of SSTs and support systems for at-risk students.

to school. programs for regional and community supports for students.

Reach out to regional and community partners to mentor and address student needs.

and the creation of methods for assessing their effectiveness.

The expansion of programs for regional and community supports for students.

Continue to reach out to more regional and community partners to mentor and address student needs.

assessing their effectiveness.

The refinement and evaluation of programs for regional and community supports for students.

Evaluation and refinement of regional and community outreach for mentorship and student supports.

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-wide and Targeted Subgroups

Level of ServiceIndicate if school-wide or by subgroup (Ethnicity

and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 3.3

3.3 Use and respond to multiple climate indicators including, but not limited to: attendance, discipline, surveys, extra-curricular participation, etc.

Create programs, services and events to better connect students to school.

5,6 Increase and refine programs to help support students on campus, academically and socially; and expand enrichment opportunities for all students.

School-wideBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoSWD

Action/Service:Hold a career fair on campus inviting local community members to speak to students. Establish career unit lessons in both the 7th and 8th grade advocacy classes with a focus on college and career readiness, with an emphasis on FrHS pathways and academies. Using PBIS strategies, expand team activities to include luncheons for designated student recognition as well as other activities. Expand the annual Unity day to include more students while focusing on multiculturalism, and support at-risk students and those from targeted subgroups: EL, foster, SED, and students with disabilities, as well as under-represented students. Incorporate college and career components through Advocacy, with an emphasis on HS Academies. Increase the number of classes and clubs that provide services and support for students. Expand the number of

Action/Service:Team career unit lessons in both the 7th and 8th grade advocacy classes with career exploration and coursework in the high school and articulation with FrHS pathways and academies. Using PBIS strategies, expand team activities to include luncheons for designated student recognition as well as other activities, and evaluate their effectiveness. Expand the annual Unity day to include more students while focusing on multiculturalism, and support at-risk students and those from targeted subgroups: EL, foster, SED, and students with disabilities, as well as under-represented students, and evaluate its effectiveness. Incorporate college and career components through Advocacy with an emphasis on HS Academies, and possibly CC and UC components. Increase the number of classes and clubs that provide services and support for students by 3%. Expand the number of students designated as GATE by 2% with an

Action/Service:Hold a career fair on campus inviting local community members to speak to students. Refine career unit lessons in both the 7th and 8th grade advocacy classes with career exploration and coursework in the high school and articulation with FrHS pathways and academies. Using PBIS strategies, refine team activities to include luncheons for designated student recognition as well as other activities, and evaluate their effectiveness. Continue to expand and refine the annual Unity day to include more students while focusing on multiculturalism, and support at-risk students and those from targeted subgroups: EL, foster, SED, and students with disabilities, as well as under-represented students, and evaluate its effectiveness. Refine college and career components through Advocacy with an emphasis on HS Academies, and possibly CC and UC components. Increase the number of classes and clubs that provide services and support for students by and additional 2%. Expand the number of students designated as GATE by 2%

Page 16: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

students designated as GATE, and expand the number of enrichment activities for GATE students. Reach out to regional and community partners to mentor and address student needs.

emphasis on under-represented student populations, and expand the number of enrichment activities for GATE students. Expand outreach to regional and community partners to mentor and address student needs.

with an emphasis on under-represented student populations, and expand the number of enrichment activities for GATE students. Evaluate and refine outreach to regional and community partners to mentor and address student needs.

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE; GATE

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE; GATE

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE; GATE

Site Goal 3.3

3.3 Use and respond to multiple climate indicators including, but not limited to: attendance, discipline, surveys, extra-curricular participation, etc.

Create programs, services and events to better connect students to school.

5,6 School-wide Action/Service: Action/Service: Action/Service:

Funding Source: Funding Source: Funding Source:

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

District Needs and Metrics 4:

Students need parent, family and community stakeholders as direct partners in their education as measured by:

Participation survey (parents, families, community service organizations, businesses and educational institutions) Attendance percentage or rates in programs/events Participation percentage in decision making processesVolunteerismCommunication artifacts

District Strategic Goal 4:

All students will benefit from programs and services designed to inform and involve family and community partners.

Site Goal 4.1

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018

Need: Site Goal 4.1

4.1 Continue to refine and

School-wide Increased number of regional professional development

Refinement of regional professional

Continued refinement of regional professional

Conditions of Learning:

Page 17: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Increase the teaming between regional schools.

7-14 career/pathways system that allows the middle school to feed into Franklin Academies, as well as working beyond to college and career.


As measured through:

Number of students enrolled in career pathway courses.

Number of meetings and activities for vertical teaming and assessments.

Vertical teaming in career-oriented coursework so that there are 7-12 articulation of curriculum.

improve upon regional partnerships.

opportunities and programmatic links: increase focus to include K-12

development opportunities and programmatic links: increase focus to include K-14.

development opportunities and programmatic links: increase focus to include K-14, and creating 7-14 pathways.

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-wide and

Targeted Subgroups

Level of Service

Indicate if school-wide

or by subgroup

(Ethnicity and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 4.1

4.1 Continue to refine and improve upon regional partnerships.

3,5 Regular meetings to articulate curriculum and assessment through the region, and create a vertical educational system that best supports students.

School-wide Action/Service:Vertical Articulation with Franklin Region with an emphasis on aligning common core assessments, and sharing best practices through depth of knowledge training. Create more activities that allow students to visit, tutor and associate with students from other sites.

Action/Service:Expand articulation with Franklin Region with an emphasis on aligning common core assessments, and sharing best practices through depth of knowledge training and PBIS. Continue to create and evaluate activities that allow students to visit, tutor and associate with students from other sites.

Action/Service:Refine articulation with Franklin Region with an emphasis on aligning common core assessments, and sharing best practices through depth of knowledge training and PBIS. Refine activities that allow students to visit, tutor and associate with students from other sites.

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE; minimum days

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE; minimum days

Funding Source:LCAP; FTE; minimum days

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 4.2

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018

Page 18: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

one priority if



Increased parent and student input in the decision-making process.


As measured through:

Parent/Student survey outcomes.

Number of parents/students involved in parent organizations, Back to School Nights, Parent information systems, and volunteerism.

Schoolloop participation

Site Goal 4.2

4.2 Increase the outreach to and involvement of parents and students on campus.

Increase the number and types of enrichment events to bring parents on campus.

School-wide Broader inclusion for SSC and ELAC, and increased parent participation in forums by 5%.

Continued broader inclusion for SSC and ELAC, and increased parent participation in forums by an additional 3%.

Continued broader inclusion for SSC and ELAC, and increased parent participation in forums by an additional 2%.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-

wide and Targeted Subgroups

Level of Service

Indicate if school-wide

or by subgroup

(Ethnicity and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 4.2

4.2 Increase the outreach to and involvement of parents and students on campus.

Increase the number and types of enrichment events to bring parents on campus.

3 Create parent participation through PTO/PTA/Boosters, volunteerism and parent education nights. Regular student and parent surveys, and greater outreach to family, students and community.

School-wide Action/Service:Teams make positive parent contacts and referrals to support agencies and district personnel(as needed) with an emphasis on focus group students (EL, Foster, and SED), as well as any student at risk. Expansion of the PTSO by 5% to include parents and students on the campus with an emphasis on teacher inclusion. Continuation of parent informational workshops with specific focus on "parenting middle school students." Increasing attendance by 5%. Create a regional model for parent invitations to workshops with an emphasis on the inclusion of 6th grade parents. Create a regional model for parent invitations with an emphasis on the inclusion of 6th grade parents. Create student and staff surveys to collect input on family inclusion. Expand parent activity(ies) to bring parents on campus during the school day.

Action/Service:Teams increase positive parent contacts and referrals to support agencies and district personnel(as needed) with an emphasis on focus group students (EL, Foster, and SED), as well as any student at risk. Expansion of the PTSO by an additional 5% to include parents and students on the campus with an emphasis on teacher and student inclusion. Expand the regional model for parent invitations to workshops with an emphasis on the inclusion of 6th grade parents. Refinement of parent informational workshops with continued focus on "parenting middle school students." Increasing attendance by an additional 5%. Expand the regional model for parent invitations with and increase the inclusion of 6th grade parents by 5%. Evaluate student and staff surveys to collect input on family inclusion. Continue to expand parent activity(ies) to bring parents on campus during the school day and ask for parent input about effectiveness.

Action/Service:Teams evaluate and refine positive parent contacts and referrals to support agencies and district personnel(as needed) with an emphasis on focus group students (EL, Foster, and SED), as well as any student at risk. Expansion of the PTSO by an additional 5% to include parents and students on the campus with a continued emphasis on teacher and student inclusion. Evaluate, refine and improve regional model for parent invitations to workshops with an emphasis on the inclusion of 6th grade parents. Continues refinement of parent informational workshops with continued focus on "parenting middle school students." Increasing attendance by an additional 5%. Refine and continue student and staff surveys to collect input on family inclusion. Refine parent activity(ies) to bring parents on campus during the school day based on parent input about effectiveness.

Funding Source:LCAP

Funding Source:LCAP

Funding Source:LCAP

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Page 19: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

subgroup Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Site Goal 4.3

Identified Need and Metric (What needs have been identified

and what metrics are used to

measure progress?)

Goals What will be different and/or improved for students?(based on identified metric)

Related State Priorities

(All priorities in statute must be

included and identified; each goal

may be linked to

more than one priority

if appropriate.)

District Goals and Related Site Goals

(Please identify 1-3 site goals aligned to each

district goal.)

Applicable PupilSubgroup(s)

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017

Year 3: 2017-2018


Create support and informational programs to help families of struggling students.


As measured through:

Number of counseling and team outreach to struggling students and their families. Keep data on outreach.

Attendance at "Parent University" to give instruction in course curriculum, expectations, and school-wide success. Keep data on attendance, and student outcomes; and surveys on effectiveness.

Site Goal 4.3

4.3 Increase the number of opportunities for parents and families of at-risk or under-represented students to participate.

Black or African AmericanAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianHispanic or LatinoTwo or More RacesSWDELR-FEPFoster YouthLow Income

Increase in the number of parents and families involved in parent and family forums by 5%. With a specific increase in ELAC attendance by 5%.

Documentation of the number and types of team intervention for students, and their effectiveness, and set a baseline of data.

Administration of parent surveys about school outreach, student outcomes and effectiveness of interventions specifically for struggling students, and for students in the focus groups: EL, Foster and SED; and modify interventions as needed.

Increase in the number of parents and families involved in parent and family forums by an additional 5%. With a specific increase in ELAC attendance by an additional 5%.

Documentation of the number and type of team intervention for students, and their effectiveness, and increase in the number by an additional 5%.

Administration and 5% expansion of parent surveys about school outreach, student outcomes and effectiveness of interventions specifically for struggling students, and for students in the focus groups: EL, Foster and SED; and modify interventions as needed.

Increase the number of parents and families involved in parent and family forums by an additional 3%. With a specific increase in ELAC attendance by an additional 3%.

Documentation, evaluation and refinement of the number and type of team intervention for students, and their effectiveness, and increase the number by an additional 5%.

Refinement of parent surveys about school outreach, student outcomes and effectiveness of interventions specifically for struggling students, and for students in the focus groups: EL, Foster and SED; and modify interventions as needed. With an additional 5% survey return.

Conditions of Learning:

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 7

Pupil Outcomes:

Priority 4

Priority 8





Site Goals Related State


Annual Actions and Services For School-wide and Targeted Subgroups

Level of ServiceIndicate if school-wide or by subgroup (Ethnicity

and SWD)

What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

Site Goal 4.3

4.3 Increase the number of

3 Increase the ELAC membership and outreach on campus.

School-wideBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoSWD

Action/Service:Expand the site ELAC to better support and discuss interventions for EL students. Create surveys to

Action/Service:Expand the site ELAC by 5% to better support and discuss interventions for EL students. Evaluate and administer

Action/Service:Expand the site ELAC by an additional 5% to better support and discuss interventions for EL students. Refine and

Page 20: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

opportunities for parents and families of at-risk or under-represented students to participate.

Use increased parent outreach, education workshops and surveys to better connect to the wider community.

better inform and refine parent information workshops and other outreach. Document the number and type of team intervention for students, and their effectiveness, create a baseline of data. Administer parent surveys about school outreach, student outcomes and effectiveness of interventions specifically for struggling students, and for students in the focus groups: EL, Foster and SED; and modify interventions as needed to better understand barriers to parental inclusion.

surveys to better inform and refine parent information workshops and other outreach. Document the number and type of team intervention for students, and their effectiveness, and increase the number by 5%. Evaluate and continue to administer parent surveys about school outreach, student outcomes and effectiveness of interventions specifically for struggling students, and for students in the focus groups: EL, Foster and SED; and modify interventions as needed to better understand barriers to parental inclusion.

administer surveys to better inform and refine parent information workshops and other outreach. Document the number and type of team intervention for students, and their effectiveness, and increase the number by an additional 3%. Refine and continue to administer parent surveys about school outreach, student outcomes and effectiveness of interventions specifically for struggling students, and for students in the focus groups: EL, Foster and SED; and modify interventions as needed, increasing the number of survey responses by 5% to better understand barriers to parental inclusion.

Funding Source:LCFF: EL funds

Funding Source:LCFF: EL funds

Funding Source:LCFF: EL funds

Site Goals

Related State Priorities

Additional Actions and Services for LCAP Subgroups

Level of Service-

By specific


What actions are performed or services provided in each year?What are the anticipated expenditures for each action? What

funding source?

Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Year 3: 2017-2018

There are no Additional Actions for this Site Goal

Page 21: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

C. Justification of School-Wide Use of Funds

For sites below 40 percent of enrollment of unduplicated pupils, when using supplemental and concentration (LCAP) funds in a school-wide manner, the site must additionally describe how the services provided are the most effective use of funds to meet the site's goals for unduplicated pupils in the state priority areas. Include a description and justification for the use of any funds in a school-wide manner as described in Actions, Services, and Expenditures above.

TJMS has below 40% of enrollment of unduplicated students. The most economical use of funds is to include low performing and struggling students into intervention classes, create targeted, individualized interventions, utilize strategies to make curriculum accessible and

differentiated for learners, provide tutoring opportunities before and after school, and supports through the advocacy homerooms. In addition, honors, AVID, and high school linked electives are available to all students.

Page 22: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)Year 2015 - 2016

IV. Funding

Toby Johnson Middle School - 420

Object Code Object Description

Secondary Title I


SupplementalProg Services(7240-0000)



EL Tutoring(7405-0000)


Title II(Prof. Dev't)(4040-4035)


Carry Over(As of: 7/1/2015) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Preliminary Allocation(As of: 7/1/2015) $0 $0 $4,000 $11,664 $0 $0 $0 $15,664

Final Allocation(As of: 7/1/2015) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Subtotal $0 $0 $4,000 $11,664 $0 $0 $0 $15,664

1000 Certificated PersonnelContracted Staff $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

3000 Contracted CertificatedBenefits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

1000 CertificatedTimesheets and Stipends $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

3000 Certificated

Timesheets and StipendsBenefits

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

2000 Contracted ClassifiedStaff Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

3000 Contracted ClassifiedStaff Benefits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

2000 ClassifiedTimesheets and Stipends $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

3000 Classified Personnel Non Contracted Staff

benefits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

4000 Supplies and

Non-Capitalized Equipment

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

5000 Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Balance $0 $0 $4,000 $11,664 $0 $0 $0 $15,664

Signatures: (Must sign in blue ink) Date

Benefits Calculator



Staff Amount $

Benefits Amount $

Total $

Principal Jerry Crosby

School Site Council Chairperson Jamille Moens

EL Advisory Chairperson Rossana Medina

Page 23: Toby Johnson Middle School€¦ · Goal Setting State Priorities Conditions of Learning: zPriority 1 - Compliance with Williams criteria - instructional materials, teacher assignments