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Chapter 536. Water Resources Administration537. Appropriation of Water Generally538. Withdrawal of Certain Waters From Appropriation; Special Municipal and

County Water Rights539. Determination of Water Rights Initiated Before February 24, 1909;

Determination of Water Rights of Federally Recognized Indian Tribes540. Distribution of Water; Watermasters; Change in Use; Transfer or

Forfeiture of Water Rights541. Watershed Enhancement and Protection; Water Development Projects;

Miscellaneous Provisions on Water Rights; Stewardship Agreements542. Water Resource Surveys and Projects; Compacts543. Hydroelectric Projects

543A. Reauthorizing and Decommissioning Hydroelectric Projects545. Irrigation Districts547. Drainage Districts548. Provisions Applicable Both to Drainage Districts and to Irrigation

Districts549. Drainage and Flood Control Generally551. Diking Districts552. Water Improvement Districts553. Water Control Districts554. Corporations for Irrigation, Drainage, Water Supply or Flood Control555. Reclamation Projects558. Weather Modification

Chapter 536


Water Resources Administration

GENERAL PROVISIONS536.007 Definitions536.009 Water Resources Department Water Right

Operating Fund; uses; sources536.015 Water Resources Department Hydroelec-

tric Fund; uses; sources536.017 Records of expenditures from Water Re-

sources Department Hydroelectric Fund536.021 Water Measurement Cost Share Program

Revolving Fund; uses; sources;prioritization

WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION536.022 Water Resources Commission; members;

terms; confirmation; compensation andexpenses

536.025 Duty of commission; delegation to WaterResources Director; exception

536.026 Powers of Water Resources Commission

536.027 Rules and standards536.028 Rules pertaining to human or livestock

consumption uses within or above scenicwaterway

536.031 Applicability of rules to completed appli-cation for permit

WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR536.032 Water Resources Director; term; quali-

fications536.037 Functions of director536.039 Water Resources Department536.040 Public records; copies as evidence536.050 Fees; rules; refunds; waiver and reduction

of certain fees536.055 Agreements to expedite processing and

review of applications, permits and otheradministrative matters; fees

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536.075 Judicial review of final order of commis-sion or department; stay of order; scopeof review

536.080 Effect of records of former State WaterBoard and State Water Superintendent

536.090 Ground water advisory committee; duties;qualification; term; expenses

WATER RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION536.220 Policy on water resources generally; inte-

grated state water resources strategy536.235 Policy on minimum streamflows536.238 Policy on water storage facilities536.241 Policy on water supply536.295 Conditions for consideration of application

for use not classified in basin program;rules

536.300 Formulation of state water resources pro-gram; public hearing in affected riverbasin

536.310 Purposes and policies to be considered informulating state water resources pro-gram

536.315 Designation of exact land areas includedwithin auxiliary lands

536.320 Limitation of powers of commission536.330 Water Resources Act as supplemental to

and including existing statutes536.340 Classification of water as to highest and

best use and quantity of use; enforcementof laws concerning loss of water rights;prescribing preferences for future uses

536.350 Delivery of water resources statement tocertain public bodies; effect

536.360 State agencies and public corporations toconform to statement of state water re-sources policy

536.370 Exercise of power in conflict with statewater resources policy not effective untilapproved by commission

536.380 Notification to commission of proposedexercise of power involving water re-sources required; review and determi-nation by commission

536.390 Approval without filing notification536.400 Application to court to compel compliance

with state water resources policy536.410 Withdrawal of unappropriated waters

from appropriation by commission order536.420 Representation of state in carrying out

compacts and agreements with othergovernmental agencies regarding waterresources

536.430 Commission to devise plans and programsfor development of water resources

536.440 Investigations and studies536.450 Assistance by commission to other per-

sons and agencies

536.460 Preparation and submission of informa-tion or recommendations to other personsor agencies

536.470 Coordination of local, state, interstate andfederal programs

536.480 Making available information concerningwater resources

536.490 Attendance at conferences and meetings536.500 Acceptance and expenditure of moneys

from public and private sources536.520 State agencies and public corporations

furnishing information and services tocommission

536.540 Approval of voucher claims

MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS536.570 Moneys and securities of irrigation dis-

tricts in possession of Water ResourcesCommission; deposit with State Treasurer

536.580 Rights acquired prior to August 3, 1955,not affected

536.590 Rights acquired prior to January 1, 1956,not affected

536.595 Department discussions with Corps of En-gineers over operation of Detroit Lake


536.700 “Drainage basin” defined536.710 Policy536.720 Declaration of state authority; Governor′s

power to order water conservation orcurtailment plan

536.730 Effect of emergency powers on vestedwater rights

536.740 Governor′s authority to declare drought536.750 Powers of commission after declaration

of drought; rules536.760 Cessation of actions taken under ORS

536.750536.770 Purchase of option or agreement for use

of water permit or right during declareddrought; application; fee

536.780 Water conservation or curtailment plan;contents; review; effect of failure to fileor implement

PENALTIES536.900 Civil penalties; imposition536.905 Notice; application for hearing536.910 Amount of penalty; rules536.915 Remission or reduction of penalty536.920 Factors to be considered in imposition of

penalty536.930 Consequence of failure to follow order536.935 Disposition of penalties; appropriation

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536.005 [1975 c.581 §13; repealed by 1985 c.673 §185]

GENERAL PROVISIONS536.007 Definitions. As used in ORS

196.600 to 196.905, 541.010 to 541.320 and541.430 to 541.545, 541.700 to 541.990 andORS chapters 536 to 540, 542 and 543:

(1) “Commission” means the Water Re-sources Commission.

(2) “Department” means the Water Re-sources Department.

(3) “Director” means the Water Re-sources Director.

(4) “Existing right” or “vested right” orwords of similar import include an inchoateright to the use of water to the fullest extentthat the right is recognized, defined or de-clared by the commission, the director or anycourt within this state.

(5) “Order” has the meaning given inORS 183.310.

(6) “Person” includes individuals, corpo-rations, associations, firms, partnerships,joint stock companies, public and municipalcorporations, political subdivisions, the stateand any agencies thereof, and the federalgovernment and any agencies thereof.

(7) “Public corporation” includes anycity, county or district organized for publicpurposes.

(8) “Rule” has the meaning given in ORS183.310.

(9) “State agency” includes any office,board, commission or department of a stategovernment.

(10) “State water resources policy” meansthe water resources policy provided for inORS 536.295 to 536.350 and 537.505 to537.534.

(11) “Undetermined vested right” meansa water right claimed under ORS 539.010 ashaving vested or as having been initiated be-fore February 24, 1909, that has not been de-termined in an adjudication proceeding underORS chapter 539 nor is evidenced by a per-mit or certificate issued under the WaterRights Act.

(12) “Waters of this state” means anysurface or ground waters located within orwithout this state and over which this statehas sole or concurrent jurisdiction.

(13) “Water resources of this state”means waters of this state and the followingauxiliary lands whose usage directly affectsthe development and control of the watersof this state:

(a) Potential reservoir sites.

(b) Floodplain areas forming the predict-able channels of floodwater drainage of riv-ers and streams. [1985 c.673 §2; 1989 c.691 §5]

536.008 [1975 c.581 §14; 1985 c.421 §4; repealed by1985 c.673 §185]

536.009 Water Resources DepartmentWater Right Operating Fund; uses;sources. (1) There is established in the StateTreasury the Water Resources DepartmentWater Right Operating Fund, separate anddistinct from the General Fund, to providefor the payment of the program and adminis-trative expenses of the Water ResourcesCommission and the Water Resources De-partment in carrying out the provisions ofORS chapters 536, 537, 540 and 541. Interestearned by the fund shall be credited to thefund.

(2) The fund shall consist of:(a) All moneys received under ORS

536.050 and 537.747.(b) All moneys received on behalf of the

fund by gift, grant or appropriation fromwhatever source.

(3) All moneys in the fund are contin-uously appropriated to the Water ResourcesDepartment for payment of expenses as de-scribed in this section. [1989 c.758 §3; 1993 c.765§106; 1999 c.1026 §19; 2003 c.594 §5]

Note: 536.009 was enacted into law by the Legisla-tive Assembly but was not added to or made a part ofORS chapter 536 or any series therein by legislativeaction. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for fur-ther explanation.

536.010 [Amended by 1955 c.707 §66; 1973 c.792 §23;repealed by 1975 c.581 §29]

536.014 [1975 c.581 §15; 1981 c.545 §12; 1983 c.643 §1;repealed by 1985 c.673 §185]

536.015 Water Resources DepartmentHydroelectric Fund; uses; sources. (1) TheWater Resources Department HydroelectricFund is established separate and distinctfrom the General Fund of the State Treasury.Except as provided in subsections (4) to (6)of this section, of the moneys in the WaterResources Department Hydroelectric Fund:

(a) A portion equal to 67 percent of thetotal moneys received each year shall betransferred to the fund created under ORS496.835;

(b) A portion equal to 10.3 percent of thetotal moneys received each year shall betransferred to an account of the Departmentof Environmental Quality to be used to re-view applications for certification of hydro-electric projects under ORS 468B.040 and468B.045; and

(c) All of the remaining moneys receivedeach year are continuously appropriated tothe Water Resources Commission and theWater Resources Department to provide forthe payment of the administrative expenses

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536.017 WATER LAWS

of the commission and the department incarrying out their responsibilities related tothe issuance of permits, licenses or waterright certificates for hydroelectric projects.

(2) The following shall be deposited intothe State Treasury and credited to the WaterResources Department Hydroelectric Fund:

(a) Fees received by the Water ResourcesDepartment for hydroelectric projects underORS 536.050, 543.078 to 543.092, 543.210,543.280, 543.300, 543.710, 543A.405 and543A.415; and

(b) All moneys received on behalf of thisaccount by gift, grant or appropriation fromwhatever source.

(3) All interest, if any, from moneyscredited to the Water Resources DepartmentHydroelectric Fund shall be credited to thefund and shall inure to the benefit of theWater Resources Department HydroelectricFund.

(4) Application fees received under ORS543A.405 shall be disbursed to the variousagencies in the amounts specified in the costreimbursement agreement executed witheach reauthorization applicant.

(5) Four cents of each 28 cents paid as areauthorization fee under ORS 543A.415 shallbe paid to the Department of EnvironmentalQuality.

(6) Annual fees paid under ORS 543.078shall be disbursed to state agencies pursuantto a memorandum of agreement developed bythe Department of Environmental Quality,the State Department of Fish and Wildlifeand the Water Resources Department. [1991c.869 §2; 1997 c.449 §36; 1999 c.873 §13]

536.017 Records of expenditures fromWater Resources Department Hydroelec-tric Fund. The Water Resources Commis-sion and the State Department of Fish andWildlife shall maintain records of expendi-tures from the Water Resources DepartmentHydroelectric Fund established under ORS536.015. The records shall account for costsimposed against specific operating hydroelec-tric projects and against projects in theprocess of obtaining a state or federal hy-droelectric permit, certificate or license. [1991c.869 §13]

Note: 536.017 was enacted into law by the Legisla-tive Assembly but was not added to or made a part ofORS chapter 536 or any series therein by legislativeaction. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for fur-ther explanation.

536.018 [1975 c.581 §16; repealed by 1985 c.673 §185]536.020 [Repealed by 1955 c.707 §75]

536.021 Water Measurement CostShare Program Revolving Fund; uses;sources; prioritization. (1) The WaterMeasurement Cost Share Program RevolvingFund is established separate and distinct

from the General Fund. All moneys in theWater Measurement Cost Share ProgramRevolving Fund are continuously appropri-ated to the Water Resources Department forthe purposes described in this section.

(2) The fund established in this sectionconsists of moneys appropriated by the Leg-islative Assembly and moneys gifted, be-quested, donated or granted from any personfor the purpose of installing, substantiallyrepairing or replacing streamflow gauges,measuring devices or headgates with meas-uring devices.

(3) The department may use the moneysin the fund to contribute up to 75 percent ofthe moneys needed to install, substantiallyrepair or replace a streamflow gauge, meas-uring device or headgate with a measuringdevice on authorized diversions on the wa-ters of this state where the gauge, measuringdevice or headgate will be used to protectin-stream flow or to monitor water rights andstreamflow.

(4) The department may receive fundsfrom, and may enter into agreements or con-tracts with, any person for the purpose ofimplementing the Water Measurement CostShare Program Revolving Fund.

(5) The department shall prioritize theexpenditure of moneys from the fund forstreamflow gauges, measuring devices andheadgates with measuring devices in the fol-lowing descending order:

(a) Installation.(b) Replacement.(c) Substantial repair. [2001 c.808 §2]

WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION536.022 Water Resources Commission;

members; terms; confirmation; compen-sation and expenses. (1) There is created aWater Resources Commission consisting ofseven members, appointed by the Governor,one of whom the Governor shall designate aschairperson. The members appointed to thecommission shall be subject to confirmationby the Senate as provided in ORS 171.562and 171.565. One member of the commissionshall be appointed from each of the five re-gional river basin management areas setforth in subsection (3) of this section, onemember shall be appointed from east of thesummit of the Cascade Mountains, as definedin ORS 477.001, and one member shall beappointed from west of that summit.

(2) The term of office of a member shallbe four years. Before the expiration of theterm of a member, the Governor shall ap-point a successor to assume the retiringmember′s duties on July 1 next following. Amember shall be eligible for reappointment,

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but no member shall serve more than twoconsecutive terms. In case of a vacancy forany cause, the Governor shall make an ap-pointment to become immediately effectivefor the unexpired term. The members of thecommission shall serve at the pleasure of theGovernor.

(3) For purposes of appointing membersunder subsection (1) of this section, thedrainage basins of the state shall be dividedinto the following regional river basin man-agement areas:

(a) Upper Northwest Region, consistingof the Lower and Middle Willamette, NorthCoast and Sandy drainage basins and thatportion of the Columbia River drainage basinbelow Bonneville Dam.

(b) Southwest Region, consisting of theRogue, Klamath, Goose and Summer Lakesdrainage basins and that portion of the SouthCoast drainage basins south of the mouth ofthe Rogue River.

(c) West Central Region, consisting ofthe Umpqua, Mid Coast, Upper Willametteand that portion of the South Coast drainagebasins north of the mouth of the RogueRiver.

(d) North Central Region, consisting ofthe Umatilla, John Day, Hood and Deschutesdrainage basins and that portion of the Co-lumbia River drainage basin above Bonne-ville Dam.

(e) Eastern Region, consisting of theOwyhee, Malheur, Grande Ronde, MalheurLake, Middle Snake and Powder drainagebasins.

(4) A member of the commission is enti-tled to compensation and expenses as pro-vided in ORS 292.495. [1985 c.673 §3; 1995 c.548§1]

536.025 Duty of commission; deleg-ation to Water Resources Director; ex-ception. (1) It is the function of the WaterResources Commission to establish the poli-cies for the operation of the Water ResourcesDepartment in a manner consistent with thepolicies and purposes of ORS 196.600 to196.905, 537.525, 541.010 to 541.320, 541.430 to541.545, 541.700 to 541.990 and ORS chapters536 to 540, 542 and 543. In addition, thecommission shall perform any other dutyvested in it by law.

(2) Except for the commission′s power toadopt rules, the commission may delegate tothe Water Resources Director the exerciseor discharge in the commission′s name of anypower, duty or function of whatever charac-ter, vested in or imposed by law upon thecommission. The official act of the directoracting in the commission′s name and by thecommission′s authority shall be considered tobe an official act of the commission.

(3) The commission may delegate to thedirector the authority to conduct a publichearing relating to the adoption or amend-ment of a basin program as provided in ORS536.300. However, the commission may notdelegate to the director the authority toadopt or amend a basin program. [1985 c.673§4]

536.026 Powers of Water ResourcesCommission. (1) The Water Resources Com-mission, its members or a person designatedby and acting for the commission may:

(a) Conduct public hearings.(b) Issue subpoenas for the attendance of

witnesses and the production of books, re-cords and documents relating to matters be-fore the commission.

(c) Administer oaths.(d) Take or cause to be taken depositions

and receive such pertinent and relevantproof as may be considered necessary orproper to carry out duties of the commissionand Water Resources Department under ORS196.600 to 196.905, 541.010 to 541.320, 541.430to 541.545, 541.700 to 541.990 and ORS chap-ters 536 to 540, 542 and 543.

(2) Subpoenas authorized by this sectionmay be served by any person authorized bythe person issuing the subpoena. Witnesseswho are subpoenaed shall receive the feesand mileage provided in ORS 44.415 (2).[Formerly 536.029]

536.027 Rules and standards. (1) In ac-cordance with the applicable provisions ofORS chapter 183, the Water Resources Com-mission shall adopt rules and standards toperform the functions vested by law in thecommission.

(2) Except as provided in ORS 183.335 (5),the commission shall cause a public hearingto be held on any proposed rule or standardbefore its adoption. The hearing may be be-fore the commission, any designated memberof the commission or any person designatedby and acting for the commission. [1985 c.673§5]

536.028 Rules pertaining to human orlivestock consumption uses within orabove scenic waterway. In accordance withapplicable provisions of ORS chapter 183, theWater Resources Commission may adoptrules necessary to administer the provisionsof ORS 390.835 pertaining to the issuance ofa water right within or above a scenicwaterway. [1993 c.99 §3; 1995 c.719 §2]

536.029 [1985 c.673 §11; 1989 c.980 §14c; renumbered536.026 in 1999]

536.030 [Repealed by 1975 c.581 §29]

536.031 Applicability of rules to com-pleted application for permit. (1) Exceptas provided in subsection (2) of this section,

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536.032 WATER LAWS

the Water Resources Department may applyonly those rules of the department that arein effect as of the date that a completed ap-plication is made for a permit in decidingwhether to approve, deny or impose condi-tions on the permit.

(2) This section does not affect the appli-cation of any rule of the department that:

(a) Is required by federal law;(b) Is required by any agreement between

the state and a federal agency;(c) The applicant voluntarily agrees to

make applicable to the application; or(d) Is necessary to protect public health

and safety. [1999 c.301 §2]

WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR536.032 Water Resources Director;

term; qualifications. Subject to confirma-tion by the Senate in the manner provided insection 4, Article III, Oregon Constitution,the Governor shall appoint a Water Re-sources Director. The director shall be anindividual qualified by training and experi-ence and shall serve for a term of four yearsat the pleasure of the Governor. The directoror a principal assistant must be a registeredengineer experienced in water-related engi-neering. [1975 c.581 §18; 1985 c.673 §7; 2009 c.259 §28]

536.035 [1955 c.513 §1; repealed by 1975 c.581 §29]

536.037 Functions of director. (1) Sub-ject to policy direction by the Water Re-sources Commission, the Water ResourcesDirector shall:

(a) Be administrative head of the WaterResources Department;

(b) Have power, within applicable budg-etary limitations, and in accordance withORS chapter 240, to hire, assign, reassignand coordinate personnel of the department;

(c) Administer and enforce the laws ofthe state concerning the water resources ofthis state;

(d) Be authorized to participate in anyproceeding before any public officer, com-mission or body of the United States or anystate for the purpose of representing the cit-izens of Oregon concerning the water re-sources of this state;

(e) Have power to enter upon any privateproperty in the performance of the duties ofthe director, doing no unnecessary injury tothe private property; and

(f) Coordinate any activities of the de-partment related to a watershed enhance-ment project approved by the OregonWatershed Enhancement Board under ORS541.375 with activities of other cooperating

state and federal agencies participating inthe project.

(2) In addition to duties otherwise re-quired by law, the director shall prescribeinternal policies and procedures for the gov-ernment of the department, the conduct of itsemployees, the assignment and performanceof its business and the custody, use andpreservation of its records, papers and prop-erty in a manner consistent with applicablelaw.

(3) The director may delegate to any em-ployee of the department the exercise or dis-charge in the director′s name of any power,duty or function of whatever character,vested in or imposed by law upon the direc-tor. The official act of a person so acting inthe director′s name and by the director′s au-thority shall be considered to be an officialact of the director. [1985 c.673 §8; 1987 c.734 §14]

536.039 Water Resources Department.There is hereby established in the executive-administrative branch of the government ofthe state under the Water Resources Com-mission a department to be known as theWater Resources Department. The depart-ment shall consist of the director of the de-partment and all personnel employed in thedepartment including but not limited to allwatermasters appointed under ORS 540.020.[1985 c.673 §§6,203]

536.040 Public records; copies as evi-dence. (1) The records of the Water Re-sources Department are public records andshall remain on file in the department andbe open to the inspection of the public at alltimes during business hours. The recordsshall show in full all maps, profiles, and en-gineering data relating to the use of water,and certified copies thereof shall be admissi-ble as evidence in all cases where the ori-ginal would be admissible as evidence.

(2) Whenever a record is required to befiled or maintained in the Water ResourcesDepartment, the record may be handwritten,typewritten, printed or a photostated or pho-tographic copy and any means of recordingthe information is acceptable, including butnot limited to papers, maps, magnetic or pa-per tapes, photographic films and prints,magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums orother preservation of the document or theinformation contained in the document.

(3) Notwithstanding any provision ofsubsection (2) of this section, the Water Re-sources Department shall maintain a papercopy of each final water use permit, certif-icate, order of the Water Resources Commis-sion or Water Resources Director, decree orcertificate of registration. The copies shallbe retained in a secure location in the de-partment. [Amended by 1975 c.581 §20; 1991 c.102 §1]

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536.050 Fees; rules; refunds; waiverand reduction of certain fees. (1) The Wa-ter Resources Department may collect thefollowing fees in advance:

(a) For examining an application for apermit:

(A) To appropriate water, except as pro-vided under ORS 543.280 for an applicationfor a hydroelectric project:

(i) A base fee of $700 for an appropriationof water through a single use, point of di-version or point of appropriation;

(ii) $250 for the first second-foot or frac-tion thereof appropriated under the permit;

(iii) $250 for each additional second-footor fraction thereof appropriated under thepermit;

(iv) $250 for each additional use, point ofdiversion or point of appropriation includedin the application;

(v) If appropriating stored water, $25 forthe first acre-foot or fraction thereof up to20 acre-feet, plus $1 for each additionalacre-foot or fraction thereof; and

(vi) If appropriating ground water, in ad-dition to any other fees, $300 for each appli-cation filed.

(B) To store water under ORS 537.400 or537.534 (4):

(i) A base fee of $700;(ii) $25 for the first acre-foot or fraction

thereof up to 20 acre-feet, plus $1 for eachadditional acre-foot or fraction thereof; and

(iii) $100 for each additional storage lo-cation.

(C) To exclusively appropriate stored wa-ter:

(i) A base fee of $400; and(ii) $25 for the first acre-foot or fraction

thereof up to 20 acre-feet, plus $1 for eachadditional acre-foot or fraction thereof.

(b) For a permit issued under ORS537.147, 537.211, 537.409 or 537.625 to appro-priate or store water:

(A) A base fee of $400 for recording thepermit; and

(B) An additional fee of $500 if the permitis issued pursuant to a final order that con-tains provisions requested by the applicantfor mitigating impacts to the proposed watersource.

(c) For filing and recording the assign-ment or partial assignment of a water rightapplication, permit or license under ORS537.220 or 537.635, $75.

(d) For copying records in the depart-ment, $2 for the first page and 50 cents foreach additional page.

(e) For certifying copies, documents, re-cords or maps, $10 for each certificate.

(f) For a blueprint copy of any map ordrawing, the actual cost of the work.

(g) For a computer-generated map, theactual cost of the work.

(h) For examining an application for ap-proval of a change to an existing water rightor permit:

(A) A base fee of $900 for a change to asingle water right or permit;

(B) $700 for each additional type ofchange requested;

(C) For a request for a change in placeof use or type of use or for a water exchangeunder ORS 540.533, $250 for each second-footor fraction thereof requested beyond the firstsecond-foot;

(D) $400 for each additional water rightor permit included in the application; and

(E) An additional fee of $300 per applica-tion, if the application is for an additionalpoint of appropriation, a change in a pointof appropriation or a change from surfacewater to ground water or for substitution asdescribed in ORS 540.524.

(i) For examining an application for atemporary change in place of use under ORS540.523, for a temporary transfer under ORS540.585 or for a temporary change in placeof use, a change in the point of diversion toallow for the appropriation of ground wateror a change of a primary right to a supple-mental right under ORS 540.570, a base feeof $600 for the first water right or permit,plus $200 for each additional water right orpermit included in the application and:

(A) For nonirrigation uses, $150 for eachsecond-foot or fraction thereof requested be-yond the first second-foot; or

(B) For irrigation uses, $2 per acre ofland irrigated or, if the application and re-quired map are submitted to the departmentin a department-approved digital format, 50cents per acre of land irrigated.

(j) For submitting a protest to the de-partment:

(A) $600 if the protest is by a nonappli-cant; and

(B) $300 if the protest is by an applicant.(k) For filing an application for extension

of time within which irrigation or otherworks shall be completed or a water rightperfected, $500.

(L) For a limited license under ORS537.143 or 537.534 (2), the fee established byrule by the Water Resources Commission.

(m) For filing, examining and certifyinga petition under ORS 541.329, $300 plus 10

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536.050 WATER LAWS

cents per acre of water involved in the ap-plication. For purposes of computing this fee,when any acreage within a quarter quarterof a section is involved, the 10 cents per acreshall apply to all acres in that quarter quar-ter of a section. Notwithstanding the feeamount established in this paragraph, a dis-trict notifying the department under ORS541.327 (4) shall pay the actual cost of filing,examining and certifying the petition.

(n) For requesting standing under ORS537.153, 537.621 or 543A.120, $150.

(o) For participating in a contested caseproceeding under ORS 537.170, 537.622 or543A.130, $350.

(p) Except for an applicant, for obtaininga copy of both a proposed final order and afinal order for a water right application un-der ORS 537.140 to 537.252, 537.505 to 537.795or 543A.005 to 543A.300 or an extension is-sued under ORS 537.230, 537.248 or 537.630,$20.

(q) For examining an application to storewater under ORS 537.409:

(A) A base fee of $300; and(B) $25 for each acre-foot or fraction

thereof.(r) For submitting a notice of intent un-

der ORS 543A.030 or 543A.075, the amountestablished by the Water Resources Directorunder ORS 543A.410.

(s) For examining an application for asubstitution made under ORS 540.524:

(A) A base fee of $630 for the first wellsubstitution; and

(B) A fee of $300 for each additional wellsubstitution.

(t) For examining an application for anallocation of conserved water under ORS537.455 to 537.500:

(A) A base fee of $850 for the first waterright that is part of the allocation; and

(B) An additional fee of $300 for eachwater right that is part of the allocation be-yond the first water right.

(u) For submitting a water managementand conservation plan pursuant to rules ofthe commission:

(A) $400, if the plan is submitted by anagricultural water supplier;

(B) $800, if the plan is submitted by amunicipal water supplier serving a popu-lation of 1,000 or fewer persons; or

(C) $1,600, if the plan is submitted by amunicipal water supplier serving a popu-lation of more than 1,000 persons.

(v) For examining a new application foran in-stream water right lease under ORS537.348:

(A) $400 for an application for a leasewith four or more landowners or four ormore water rights; or

(B) $250 for all other applications.(w) For examining an application for an

in-stream water right lease renewal, $100.(x) For submitting a claim of beneficial

use under a permit having a priority date ofJuly 9, 1987, or later, $150.

(y) For submitting a request no laterthan 60 days after cancellation of a permitunder ORS 537.260 to reinstate the permit,$400.

(z) For submitting a request for a basinprogram exception under ORS 536.295, $500.

(2)(a) The department may charge a damowner an annual fee based upon the dam′shazard rating as determined by the depart-ment. The fees the department may chargethe dam owner are:

(A) $75 for a dam with a low hazard rat-ing.

(B) $150 for a dam with a significanthazard rating.

(C) $500 for a dam with a high hazardrating.

(D) If the dam owner fails to pay an an-nual fee on or before six months after thebilling date, a late fee of $100.

(b) If a dam owner fails to pay an annualfee or a late fee charged by the department,the department may, after giving the damowner notice by certified mail, place a lienon the real property where the dam is lo-cated for the fees owed by the dam owner.

(3) Notwithstanding the fees establishedunder subsection (1) of this section, thecommission may establish lower examinationand permit fees by rule for:

(a) The right to appropriate water for astorage project of five acre-feet or less; or

(b) The right to appropriate water for thepurpose of allowing the applicant to waterlivestock outside of a riparian area, as thatterm is defined in ORS 541.351.

(4)(a) The director may refund all or partof a fee paid to the department under thissection if the director determines that a re-fund of the fee is appropriate in the interestsof fairness to the public or necessary to cor-rect an error of the department.

(b) The director may refund all or partof the protest fee described in subsection(1)(j) of this section to the legal owner oroccupant who filed a protest under ORS540.641 if an order of the Water ResourcesCommission establishes that all or part of awater right has not been canceled or modi-fied under ORS 540.610 to 540.650.

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(5) The director may waive all or part ofa fee for a change to a water right permitunder ORS 537.211 (4), a change to a waterright subject to transfer under ORS 540.520or 540.523 or an allocation of conserved wa-ter under ORS 537.470, if the change or allo-cation of conserved water is:

(a) Made pursuant to ORS 537.348;(b) Necessary to complete a project

funded under ORS 541.375; or(c) Approved by the State Department of

Fish and Wildlife as a change or allocationof conserved water that will result in a netbenefit to fish and wildlife habitat.

(6) Notwithstanding the fees establishedpursuant to this section, the commission mayadopt by rule reduced fees for persons sub-mitting materials to the department in adigital format approved by the department.

(7) All moneys received under this sec-tion, less any amounts refunded under sub-section (4) of this section, shall be depositedin the Water Resources Department WaterRight Operating Fund.

(8) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of thissection, all fees received by the departmentfor power purposes under ORS 543.280 shallbe deposited in the Water Resources Depart-ment Hydroelectric Fund established by ORS536.015. [Amended by 1961 c.187 §3; 1967 c.36 §1; 1973c.163 §4; 1975 c.581 §21; 1981 c.627 §1; 1983 c.256 §1; 1985c.673 §12; 1987 c.815 §8; 1989 c.587 §1; 1989 c.758 §1; 1989c.933 §4; 1989 c.1000 §6; 1991 c.734 §49a; 1991 c.869 §4;1995 c.416 §1; 1995 c.752 §6; 1997 c.449 §35; 1997 c.587 §1;1999 c.555 §3; 1999 c.664 §1; 1999 c.665 §1; 1999 c.873 §19;2003 c.594 §1; 2003 c.691 §4; 2003 c.705 §7; 2005 c.156 §1;2007 c.188 §1; 2007 c.267 §1; 2009 c.819 §5]

Note: The amendments to 536.050 by section 12,chapter 819, Oregon Laws 2009, become operative July1, 2013. See section 18, chapter 819, Oregon Laws 2009.The text that is operative on and after July 1, 2013, isset forth for the user′s convenience.

536.050. (1) The Water Resources Department maycollect the following fees in advance:

(a) For examining an application for a permit:

(A) To appropriate water, except as provided underORS 543.280 for an application for a hydroelectric proj-ect:

(i) A base fee of $500 for an appropriation of waterthrough a single use, point of diversion or point of ap-propriation;

(ii) $200 for the first second-foot or fraction thereofappropriated under the permit;

(iii) $100 for each additional second-foot or fractionthereof appropriated under the permit;

(iv) $200 for each additional use, point of diversionor point of appropriation included in the application;and

(v) If appropriating stored water, $20 for the firstacre-foot or fraction thereof up to 20 acre-feet, plus $1for each additional acre-foot or fraction thereof.

(B) To store water under ORS 537.400 or 537.534 (4):

(i) A base fee of $500; and

(ii) $20 for the first acre-foot or fraction thereof upto 20 acre-feet, plus $1 for each additional acre-foot orfraction thereof.

(C) To exclusively appropriate stored water:(i) A base fee of $250; and(ii) $15 for the first acre-foot or fraction thereof up

to 10 acre-feet, plus $1 for each additional acre-foot orfraction thereof.

(b) For recording a permit to appropriate or storewater, $300.

(c) For filing and recording the assignment or par-tial assignment of a water right application, permit orlicense under ORS 537.220 or 537.635, $50.

(d) For copying records in the department, $2 forthe first page and 50 cents for each additional page.

(e) For certifying copies, documents, records ormaps, $10 for each certificate.

(f) For a blueprint copy of any map or drawing, theactual cost of the work.

(g) For a computer-generated map, the actual costof the work.

(h) For examining an application for approval ofa change to an existing water right or permit:

(A) A base fee of $400 for a change to a singlewater right or permit;

(B) $400 for each additional type of change re-quested;

(C) For a request for a change in place of use ortype of use or for a water exchange under ORS 540.533,$200 for each second-foot or fraction thereof requestedbeyond the first second-foot; and

(D) $200 for each additional water right or permitincluded in the application.

(i) For examining an application for a temporarychange in place of use under ORS 540.523, for a tempo-rary transfer under ORS 540.585 or for a temporarychange in place of use, a change in the point of diver-sion to allow for the appropriation of ground water ora change of a primary right to a supplemental rightunder ORS 540.570, a base fee of $200 for the first waterright or permit, plus $50 for each additional water rightor permit included in the application and:

(A) For nonirrigation uses, $80 for each second-footor fraction thereof requested beyond the first second-foot; or

(B) For irrigation uses, $1 per acre of land irri-gated or, if the application and required map are sub-mitted to the department in a department-approveddigital format, 25 cents per acre of land irrigated.

(j) For submitting a protest to the department, $350.(k) For filing an application for extension of time

within which irrigation or other works shall be com-pleted or a water right perfected, $350.

(L) For a limited license under ORS 537.143 or537.534 (2), the fee established by rule by the Water Re-sources Commission.

(m) For filing, examining and certifying a petitionunder ORS 541.329, $250 plus 10 cents per acre of waterinvolved in the application. For purposes of computingthis fee, when any acreage within a quarter quarter ofa section is involved, the 10 cents per acre shall applyto all acres in that quarter quarter of a section. Not-withstanding the fee amount established in this para-graph, a district notifying the department under ORS541.327 (4) shall pay the actual cost of filing, examiningand certifying the petition.

(n) For requesting standing under ORS 537.153,537.621 or 543A.120, $100.

(o) For participating in a contested case proceedingunder ORS 537.170, 537.622 or 543A.130, $250.

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536.055 WATER LAWS

(p) Except for an applicant, for obtaining a copyof both a proposed final order and a final order for awater right application under ORS 537.140 to 537.252,537.505 to 537.795 or 543A.005 to 543A.300 or an exten-sion issued under ORS 537.230, 537.248 or 537.630, $10.

(q) For examining an application to store waterunder ORS 537.409:

(A) A base fee of $80; and(B) $20 for each acre-foot or fraction thereof.(r) For submitting a notice of intent under ORS

543A.030 or 543A.075, the amount established by theWater Resources Director under ORS 543A.410.

(s) For examining an application for a substitutionmade under ORS 540.524, $280.

(t) For examining an application for an allocationof conserved water under ORS 537.455 to 537.500, $700.

(u) For submitting a water management and con-servation plan pursuant to rules of the commission:

(A) $250, if the plan is submitted by an agriculturalwater supplier;

(B) $500, if the plan is submitted by a municipalwater supplier serving a population of 1,000 or fewerpersons; or

(C) $1,000, if the plan is submitted by a municipalwater supplier serving a population of more than 1,000persons.

(v) For examining a new application for an in-stream water right lease under ORS 537.348:

(A) $200 for an application for a lease with four ormore landowners or four or more water rights; or

(B) $100 for all other applications.(w) For examining an application for an in-stream

water right lease renewal, $50.(2) Notwithstanding the fees established under sub-

section (1) of this section, the commission may establishlower examination and permit fees by rule for:

(a) The right to appropriate water for a storageproject of five acre-feet or less; or

(b) The right to appropriate water for the purposeof allowing the applicant to water livestock outside ofa riparian area, as that term is defined in ORS 541.351.

(3)(a) The director may refund all or part of a feepaid to the department under this section if the directordetermines that a refund of the fee is appropriate in theinterests of fairness to the public or necessary to cor-rect an error of the department.

(b) The director may refund all or part of the pro-test fee described in subsection (1)(j) of this section tothe legal owner or occupant who filed a protest underORS 540.641 if an order of the Water Resources Com-mission establishes that all or part of a water right hasnot been canceled or modified under ORS 540.610 to540.650.

(4) The director may waive all or part of a fee fora change to a water right permit under ORS 537.211 (4),a change to a water right subject to transfer under ORS540.520 or 540.523 or an allocation of conserved waterunder ORS 537.470, if the change or allocation of con-served water is:

(a) Made pursuant to ORS 537.348;(b) Necessary to complete a project funded under

ORS 541.375; or(c) Approved by the State Department of Fish and

Wildlife as a change or allocation of conserved waterthat will result in a net benefit to fish and wildlifehabitat.

(5) Notwithstanding the fees established pursuantto this section, the commission may adopt by rule re-duced fees for persons submitting materials to the de-

partment in a digital format approved by thedepartment.

(6) All moneys received under this section, less anyamounts refunded under subsection (3) of this section,shall be deposited in the Water Resources DepartmentWater Right Operating Fund.

(7) Notwithstanding subsection (6) of this section,all fees received by the department for power purposesunder ORS 543.280 shall be deposited in the Water Re-sources Department Hydroelectric Fund established byORS 536.015.

536.055 Agreements to expedite pro-cessing and review of applications, per-mits and other administrative matters;fees. (1) The Water Resources Departmentmay, with any person, enter into an agree-ment that sets fees to be paid to the depart-ment for the purpose of enabling thedepartment to expedite or enhance the regu-latory process to provide services voluntarilyrequested under the agreement. Pursuant tothe agreement, the department may hire ad-ditional temporary staff members, contractfor services or provide additional services tothe person that are within the authority ofthe department to provide.

(2) Notwithstanding the fees establishedin ORS 536.050, as part of an agreement en-tered into under this section, the departmentmay waive all or part of a fee imposed for aservice.

(3) The department may not modify ex-isting processing priorities or schedules orcreate processing priorities or schedules fora particular department-provided service inorder to compel a person to enter into anagreement under this section. However,without violating this subsection, the depart-ment may modify its processing priorities orschedules based on the overall operatingneeds of the department.

(4) The department may not require thata person pay more for a service under anagreement entered into under this sectionthan the cost to the department in providingthe service to the person.

(5) The department shall review the re-sponsibilities of the department to identifyservices provided by the department that areappropriate for the department to performunder the provisions of this section. Failureto identify responsibilities under this subsec-tion does not prohibit the department fromentering into agreements under this section.

(6) Fees paid under this section shall bedeposited in the State Treasury to the creditof the department. Such moneys are contin-uously appropriated to the department forthe purpose of reviewing department respon-sibilities to determine those services forwhich the authority provided in this sectionmay be used and for fulfilling the individualagreements entered into pursuant to this

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section, including the processing and reviewof:

(a) Water right permit applications, per-mit extensions, permit amendments and finalproof surveys;

(b) Water right exchanges and transfers;and

(c) Water management and conservationplans required by rule by the department.[2003 c.745 §2]

536.060 [Repealed by 1971 c.734 §21]536.065 [1971 c.734 §77; repealed by 1985 c.673 §185]536.070 [Amended by 1975 c.581 §21a; repealed by

1985 c.673 §185]

536.075 Judicial review of final orderof commission or department; stay of or-der; scope of review. (1) Any party affectedby a final order other than contested caseissued by the Water Resources Commissionor Water Resources Department may appealthe order to the Circuit Court of MarionCounty or to the circuit court of the countyin which all or part of the property affectedby the order is situated. The review shall beconducted according to the provisions ofORS 183.484, 183.486, 183.497 and 183.500. Afinal order other than contested case issuedby the Water Resources Commission or theWater Resources Department must state onthe first page of the order that the order isa final order other than contested case, thatthe order is subject to judicial review underORS 183.484 and that any petition for judi-cial review of the order must be filed withinthe time specified by ORS 183.484 (2). Anyorder other than contested case issued by theWater Resources Commission or by the Wa-ter Resources Department that does notcomply with the requirements of this sectionis not a final order.

(2) Any party affected by a final order ina contested case issued by the Water Re-sources Commission or the Water ResourcesDepartment may appeal the order to theCourt of Appeals.

(3) An appeal under subsection (2) of thissection shall be conducted as provided inORS 183.482 except as specifically providedin subsections (4), (5) and (6) of this section.

(4) The petition shall state the factsshowing how the petitioner is adversely af-fected by the order and the ground orgrounds upon which the petitioner contendsthe order should be reversed or remanded.

(5) The filing of a petition in either thecircuit court or the Court of Appeals shallstay enforcement of the order of the com-mission or the department unless the com-mission or the department determines thatsubstantial public harm will result if the or-der is stayed. If the commission or the de-partment denies the stay, the denial shall be

in writing and shall specifically state thesubstantial public harm that will result fromallowing the stay.

(6) The review by the Court of Appealsunder subsection (2) of this section shall beon the entire record forwarded by the com-mission or department. The court may re-mand the case for further evidence taking,correction or other necessary action. Thecourt may affirm, reverse, modify or supple-ment the order appealed from, and makesuch disposition of the case as the court de-termines to be appropriate.

(7) The provisions of this section shallnot apply to any proceeding under ORS537.670 to 537.695 or ORS chapter 539.

(8) For the purposes of this section, “finalorder” and “contested case” have the mean-ings given those terms in ORS 183.310. [1985c.673 §9; 1999 c.791 §1]

536.080 Effect of records of formerState Water Board and State Water Su-perintendent. The transfer of functions fromthe former State Water Board and State Wa-ter Superintendent to the State Engineer, ef-fected by chapter 283, Oregon Laws 1923,shall not impair the legal force and effect inany water right adjudication, suit, action orother proceeding before the State Engineer,or in the courts or other tribunals of thestate, of the official records of, or any evi-dence filed with, said State Water Board orState Water Superintendent.

536.090 Ground water advisory com-mittee; duties; qualification; term; ex-penses. (1) In carrying out the duties,functions and powers prescribed by law, theWater Resources Commission shall appointa ground water advisory committee to:

(a) Advise the commission on all mattersrelating to:

(A) Rules for the development, securing,use and protection of ground water; and

(B) Licensing of well constructors, in-cluding the examination of such persons forlicense.

(b) Review the proposed expenditure ofall revenues generated under ORS 537.762(5). At least once each year, and before theexpenditure of such funds on new programactivities, the Water Resources Departmentand the ground water advisory committeeshall develop jointly a proposed expenditureplan for concurrence by the Water ResourcesCommission. The plan may be modified, ifnecessary, upon the joint recommendation ofthe department and the ground water advi-sory committee with concurrence by thecommission.

(2) The committee shall consist of ninemembers who represent a range of interests

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536.220 WATER LAWS

or expertise. At least three of the membersshall be individuals actively engaged in someaspect of the water supply or monitoring welldrilling industry. Members shall serve forsuch terms as the commission may specify.The committee shall meet at least once everythree months and at other times and placesas the commission may specify.

(3) A member of the committee shall notreceive compensation, but at the discretionof the commission may be reimbursed fortravel expenses incurred, subject to ORS292.495. [1977 c.749 §2; 1981 c.416 §9; 1985 c.673 §18;1991 c.925 §1; 1993 c.774 §1]

536.100 [1985 c.666 §1; 1989 c.904 §67; repealed by1995 c.690 §§25,26]

536.104 [Formerly 536.110; repealed by 1995 c.690§§25,26]

536.108 [Formerly 536.120; 1989 c.833 §52; 1995 c.690§9; renumbered 468B.162 in 1995]

536.110 [1985 c.666 §2; renumbered 536.104 in 1989]536.112 [Formerly 536.130; 1995 c.690 §10; renum-

bered 468B.164 in 1995]536.116 [Formerly 536.140; repealed by 1995 c.690

§§25,26]536.120 [1985 c.666 §3; 1989 c.833 §52; renumbered

536.108 in 1989]536.121 [Formerly 536.150; repealed by 1995 c.690

§§25,26]536.125 [1989 c.833 §20; 1995 c.79 §301; 1995 c.690 §11;

renumbered 468B.167 in 1995]536.129 [1989 c.833 §21; 1995 c.690 §12; renumbered

468B.169 in 1995]536.130 [1985 c.666 §4; renumbered 536.112 in 1989]536.133 [1989 c.833 §22; 1995 c.690 §13; renumbered

468B.171 in 1995]536.137 [1989 c.833 §24; 1995 c.690 §14; renumbered

468B.166 in 1995]536.140 [1987 c.409 §§1,2; renumbered 536.116 in 1989]536.141 [1989 c.833 §34; 1995 c.690 §15; renumbered

468B.177 in 1995]536.145 [1989 c.833 §35; 1995 c.690 §16; renumbered

468B.179 in 1995]536.149 [1989 c.833 §39; renumbered 468B.183 in 1995]536.150 [1987 c.409 §3; renumbered 536.121 in 1989]536.153 [1989 c.833 §40; 1995 c.690 §17; renumbered

468B.182 in 1995]536.157 [1989 c.833 §41; 1993 c.18 §127; 1995 c.690 §18;

renumbered 468B.184 in 1995]536.161 [1989 c.833 §42; renumbered 468B.186 in 1995]536.165 [1989 c.833 §43; 1995 c.690 §19; renumbered

468B.187 in 1995]536.169 [1989 c.833 §44; 1995 c.690 §20; renumbered

468B.188 in 1995]536.210 [1955 c.707 §2; 1965 c.355 §1; 1975 c.581 §22;

repealed by 1985 c.673 §185]


536.220 Policy on water resourcesgenerally; integrated state water re-sources strategy. (1) The Legislative As-sembly recognizes and declares that:

(a) The maintenance of the present levelof the economic and general welfare of thepeople of this state and the future growthand development of this state for the in-creased economic and general welfare of thepeople thereof are in large part dependentupon a proper utilization and control of thewater resources of this state, and such useand control is therefore a matter of greatestconcern and highest priority.

(b) A proper utilization and control of thewater resources of this state can be achievedonly through a coordinated, integrated statewater resources policy, through plans andprograms for the development of such waterresources and through other activities de-signed to encourage, promote and secure themaximum beneficial use and control of suchwater resources, all carried out by a singlestate agency.

(c) The economic and general welfare ofthe people of this state have been seriouslyimpaired and are in danger of further im-pairment by the exercise of some single-purpose power or influence over the waterresources of this state or portions thereof byeach of a large number of public authorities,and by an equally large number of legislativedeclarations by statute of single-purpose pol-icies with regard to such water resources,resulting in friction and duplication of activ-ity among such public authorities, in con-fusion as to what is primary and what issecondary beneficial use or control of suchwater resources and in a consequent failureto utilize and control such water resourcesfor multiple purposes for the maximum bene-ficial use and control possible and necessary.

(2) The Legislative Assembly, therefore,finds that:

(a) It is in the interest of the public wel-fare that a coordinated, integrated state wa-ter resources policy be formulated and meansprovided for its enforcement, that plans andprograms for the development and enlarge-ment of the water resources of this state bedevised and promoted and that other activ-ities designed to encourage, promote and se-cure the maximum beneficial use and controlof such water resources and the developmentof additional water supplies be carried outby a single state agency which, in carryingout its functions, shall give proper and ade-quate consideration to the multiple aspectsof the beneficial use and control of such wa-ter resources with an impartiality of interestexcept that designed to best protect and pro-mote the public welfare generally.

(b) The state water resources policy shallbe consistent with the goal set forth in ORS468B.155.

(3)(a) The Water Resources Departmentshall develop an integrated state water re-

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sources strategy to implement the state wa-ter resources policy specified in subsection(2) of this section. The department shall de-sign the strategy to meet Oregon′s in-streamand out-of-stream water needs.

(b) The Water Resources Departmentshall work in close cooperation with the De-partment of Environmental Quality and theState Department of Fish and Wildlife to de-velop the integrated state water resourcesstrategy in consultation with other state, lo-cal and federal agencies, with other states,with Indian tribes, with stakeholders andwith the public.

(c) The Water Resources Department, inclose cooperation with the Department ofEnvironmental Quality and the State De-partment of Fish and Wildlife, shall developdata on an ongoing basis to forecast Oregon′sin-stream and out-of-stream water needs, in-cluding but not limited to in-stream, under-ground water, human consumption and watersupply needs, for the purpose of developingand updating the integrated state water re-sources strategy.

(d) The integrated water resources strat-egy shall describe the following:

(A) Oregon′s in-stream and out-of-streamwater needs, including but not limited toecosystem services, water quality and watersupply needs.

(B) Objectives of the strategy.(C) Actions that are designed to achieve

the objectives of the strategy.(D) Plans related to the challenges pre-

sented by climate change.(E) Provisions to ensure communication

and partnership with key stakeholders.(F) Specific functions and roles to be

played by state agencies, including but notlimited to the State Department of Agricul-ture, the State Forestry Department, the De-partment of Human Services, the Economicand Community Development Department,the Department of Land Conservation andDevelopment, the Oregon Watershed En-hancement Board, the State Parks and Re-creation Department, the Department ofState Lands and other relevant state agen-cies.

(G) Public policy options and recommen-dations.

(H) Relevant strategy factors, includingbut not limited to population growth andland use change.

(I) Recommendations of the Water Re-sources Department regarding the contin-uous monitoring of climate change effects onOregon′s water supply and regarding water

user actions that are necessary to addressclimate change.

(e)(A) The Water Resources Commissionshall give the Environmental Quality Com-mission, the State Department of Agricultureand the State Department of Fish and Wild-life notice of the integrated state water re-sources strategy prior to adoption of thestrategy. The strategy shall take effect uponadoption by the Water Resources Commis-sion.

(B) The Water Resources Commissionshall review and update the integrated statewater resources strategy every five years.The Water Resources Commission shall givenotice to the Environmental Quality Com-mission, the State Department of Agricultureand the State Department of Fish and Wild-life prior to adopting any revisions of thestrategy. Revisions of the strategy shall takeeffect upon the Water Resources Commis-sion′s adoption of the revised strategy byreference in rule.

(4) This section does not limit the au-thority granted the Environmental QualityCommission or the Department of Environ-mental Quality under ORS chapter 468B.[1955 c.707 §1; 1989 c.833 §53; 2009 c.907 §44]

Note: Section 45, chapter 907, Oregon Laws 2009,provides:

Sec. 45. (1) The Water Resources Department shall,working in close cooperation with the Department ofEnvironmental Quality, the State Department of Agri-culture and the State Department of Fish and Wildlife,submit a report by February 1, 2011, to the Seventy-sixth Legislative Assembly, in the manner provided inORS 192.245, detailing benchmarks and progress towardthe development of the integrated state water resourcesstrategy. The report must include a discussion ofwhether the Water Resources Department expects tocomplete development of the strategy by December 31,2012.

(2) As part of the report specified in subsection (1)of this section, the Water Resources Department, work-ing in close cooperation with the Department of Envi-ronmental Quality, the State Department of Fish andWildlife and other state agencies, may identify legisla-tive amendments and submit budget recommendations,including but not limited to requests for a long-term,dedicated funding source to implement the integratedstate water resources strategy. [2009 c.907 §45]

536.230 [1955 c.707 §3; 1969 c.695 §12; repealed by1975 c.581 §29]

536.235 Policy on minimumstreamflows. It is the policy of the State ofOregon that establishment of minimum per-ennial streamflows is a high priority of theWater Resources Commission and the WaterResources Department. [1983 c.796 §2; 1985 c.673§13]

536.238 Policy on water storage facili-ties. (1) The Legislative Assembly finds anddeclares that:

(a) The water resources of the state arecritical to the economic and recreationalwell-being of the people of Oregon.

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536.241 WATER LAWS

(b) The future vitality of the state′seconomy depends on immediate planning toinsure future availability of water resources.

(c) Measures to insure adequate waterresources to meet the needs of future gener-ations of Oregonians must be pursued.

(d) The potential for a future shortage ofwater poses serious risks to public health,safety and welfare and therefore is a matterof statewide concern.

(2) Therefore, the Legislative Assembly,in addressing the problem of how to insureadequate water resources for in-stream andout-of-stream uses in the future, declaresthat it is a high priority of the state to both:

(a) Develop environmentally acceptableand financially feasible multipurpose waterstorage facilities; and

(b) Enhance watershed storage capacitythrough natural processes using nonstruc-tural means. [1993 c.386 §1]

Note: 536.238 was enacted into law by the Legisla-tive Assembly but was not added to or made a part ofORS chapter 536 or any series therein by legislativeaction. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for fur-ther explanation.

536.240 [1955 c.707 §4; 1969 c.314 §63; repealed by1975 c.581 §29]

536.241 Policy on water supply. (1) TheLegislative Assembly finds that the avail-ability of an adequate water supply is essen-tial to the continued health and safety of allOregonians.

(2) The Legislative Assembly declaresthat it is the policy of the State of Oregonto ensure a water supply sufficient to meetthe needs of existing and future beneficialuses of water, and to adequately manage thestate′s water resources. Further, in recogni-tion of this policy, the Legislative Assemblydeclares that the planning and managementof the water resources of this state shall beconducted in a consistent and coordinatedmanner. [1999 c.984 §2]

Note: 536.241 was added to and made a part ofORS chapter 536 by legislative action but was not addedto any smaller series therein. See Preface to OregonRevised Statutes for further explanation.

536.250 [1955 c.707 §5; 1969 c.706 §64f; repealed by1975 c.581 §29]

536.260 [1955 c.707 §6; repealed by 1975 c.581 §29]536.265 [1967 c.157 §2; 1975 c.581 §23; repealed by

1985 c.673 §185]536.270 [1955 c.707 §7; repealed by 1975 c.581 §29]536.280 [1955 c.707 §8; repealed by 1971 c.418 §23]536.290 [1955 c.707 §9; 1967 c.156 §1; repealed by 1975

c.581 §29]

536.295 Conditions for considerationof application for use not classified inbasin program; rules. (1) Notwithstandingany provision of ORS 536.300 or 536.340, theWater Resources Commission may allow theWater Resources Department to consider an

application to appropriate water for a usenot classified in the applicable basin programif the use:

(a) Will be of short duration during eachyear;

(b) Will be for a continuous period of nolonger than five years;

(c) Is largely nonconsumptive in natureand not likely to be regulated for other waterrights;

(d) Is necessary to ensure public health,welfare and safety;

(e) Is necessary to avoid extreme hard-ship;

(f) Will provide a public benefit such asriparian or watershed improvement; or

(g) Is of an unusual nature not likely torecur in the basin, and unlikely to have beenwithin the uses considered by the commis-sion in classifying the uses presently allowedin the applicable basin program including butnot limited to:

(A) Exploratory thermal drilling;(B) Heat exchange;(C) Maintaining water levels in a sewage

lagoon; or(D) Facilitating the watering of livestock

away from a river or stream.(2) A permit granted on or before Janu-

ary 1, 1993, for a quasi-municipal use of wa-ter shall be considered a permit for aclassified use under ORS 536.340 if at thetime the application was submitted or thepermit was granted, the basin program iden-tified municipal use as a classified use.

(3) The commission by rule may deter-mine the specific uses permitted within aclassified use.

(4) In making the determination undersubsection (1) of this section, the commissionshall evaluate whether the proposed use isconsistent with the general policies estab-lished in the applicable basin program.

(5) The Water Resources Departmentshall process and evaluate an application al-lowed by the commission under subsections(1) to (4) of this section in the same manneras any other water right application, includ-ing determining whether the proposed usewould result in injury to an existing waterright. [1989 c.9 §1; 1993 c.591 §1; 1999 c.703 §1]

536.300 Formulation of state waterresources program; public hearing in af-fected river basin. (1) The Water ResourcesCommission shall proceed as rapidly as pos-sible to study: Existing water resources ofthis state; means and methods of conservingand augmenting such water resources; exist-ing and contemplated needs and uses of wa-

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ter for domestic, municipal, irrigation, powerdevelopment, industrial, mining, recreation,wildlife, and fish life uses and for pollutionabatement, all of which are declared to bebeneficial uses, and all other related sub-jects, including drainage, reclamation,floodplains and reservoir sites.

(2) Based upon said studies and after anopportunity to be heard has been given to allother state agencies which may be con-cerned, the commission shall progressivelyformulate an integrated, coordinated programfor the use and control of all the water re-sources of this state and issue statementsthereof.

(3) The commission may adopt or amenda basin program only after holding at leastone public hearing in the affected riverbasin. After the commission itself conductsone public hearing in the affected riverbasin, the commission may delegate to theWater Resources Director the authority toconduct additional public hearings in the af-fected river basin. [1955 c.707 §10(1), (2); 1965 c.355§2; 1985 c.673 §14]

536.310 Purposes and policies to beconsidered in formulating state water re-sources program. In formulating the waterresources program under ORS 536.300 (2), theWater Resources Commission shall take intoconsideration the purposes and declarationsenumerated in ORS 536.220 and also the fol-lowing additional declarations of policy:

(1) Existing rights, established duties ofwater, and relative priorities concerning theuse of the waters of this state and the lawsgoverning the same are to be protected andpreserved subject to the principle that all ofthe waters within this state belong to thepublic for use by the people for beneficialpurposes without waste;

(2) It is in the public interest that inte-gration and coordination of uses of water andaugmentation of existing supplies for allbeneficial purposes be achieved for the maxi-mum economic development thereof for thebenefit of the state as a whole;

(3) That adequate and safe supplies bepreserved and protected for human consump-tion, while conserving maximum supplies forother beneficial uses;

(4) Multiple-purpose impoundment struc-tures are to be preferred over single-purposestructures; upstream impoundments are to bepreferred over downstream impoundments.The fishery resource of this state is an im-portant economic and recreational asset. Inthe planning and construction of impound-ment structures and milldams and other ar-tificial obstructions, due regard shall begiven to means and methods for its pro-tection;

(5) Competitive exploitation of water re-sources of this state for single-purpose usesis to be discouraged when other feasible usesare in the general public interest;

(6) In considering the benefits to be de-rived from drainage, consideration shall alsobe given to possible harmful effects uponground water supplies and protection ofwildlife;

(7) The maintenance of minimum peren-nial streamflows sufficient to support aquaticlife, to minimize pollution and to maintainrecreation values shall be fostered and en-couraged if existing rights and priorities un-der existing laws will permit;

(8) Watershed development policies shallbe favored, whenever possible, for the pres-ervation of balanced multiple uses, and proj-ect construction and planning with thoseends in view shall be encouraged;

(9) Due regard shall be given in theplanning and development of water recre-ation facilities to safeguard against pollution;

(10) It is of paramount importance in allcooperative programs that the principle ofthe sovereignty of this state over all the wa-ters within the state be protected and pre-served, and such cooperation by thecommission shall be designed so as to rein-force and strengthen state control;

(11) Local development of watershed con-servation, when consistent with sound engi-neering and economic principles, is to bepromoted and encouraged;

(12) When proposed uses of water are inmutually exclusive conflict or when availablesupplies of water are insufficient for all whodesire to use them, preference shall be givento human consumption purposes over allother uses and for livestock consumption,over any other use, and thereafter otherbeneficial purposes in such order as may bein the public interest consistent with theprinciples of chapter 707, Oregon Laws 1955,under the existing circumstances; and

(13) Notwithstanding any other provisionof this section, when available supplies ofwater are insufficient in the South UmpquaRiver to provide for both the needs of humanconsumption pursuant to a municipal waterright and the maintenance of previously es-tablished minimum streamflows, preferenceshall be given to the municipal needs if themunicipality adopts and enforces an ordi-nance restricting use of the water so ob-tained to direct human consumption uses.[1955 c.707 §10(3); 1979 c.170 §1; 1987 c.546 §1]

Note: The Legislative Counsel has not, pursuantto 173.160, undertaken to substitute specific ORS refer-ences for the words “chapter 707, Oregon Laws 1955,”in 536.310 and 536.330. Chapter 707, Oregon Laws 1955,enacted into law and amended the ORS sections whichmay be found by referring to the 1955 Comparative

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536.315 WATER LAWS

Section Table located in Volume 20 of Oregon RevisedStatutes.

536.315 Designation of exact landareas included within auxiliary lands. Aspart of the water resources policy statementauthorized under ORS 536.300, the WaterResources Commission may designate theexact land areas included within the auxil-iary lands described in ORS 536.007. [1965c.355 §4; 1985 c.673 §179; 1987 c.158 §114]

536.320 Limitation of powers of com-mission. The Water Resources Commissionshall not have power:

(1) To interfere with, supervise or controlthe internal affairs of any state agency orpublic corporation;

(2) To modify, set aside or alter any ex-isting right to use water or the priority ofsuch use established under existing laws; or

(3) To modify or amend any standard orpolicy as prescribed in ORS 536.310 nor toadopt any rule or regulation in conflicttherewith. [1955 c.707 §10(4)]

536.325 [1979 c.319 §2; 1983 c.796 §4; 1985 c.673 §15;repealed by 1997 c.212 §1]

536.330 Water Resources Act as sup-plemental to and including existing stat-utes. Chapter 707, Oregon Laws 1955, shallbe construed by the Water Resources Com-mission as supplemental to existing statutesand not in lieu thereof except to the extentthat existing statutes are expressly amendedor repealed by chapter 707, Oregon Laws1955. ORS 536.220 to 536.540 and the author-ity of the Water Resources Departmentthereunder shall include all laws now exist-ing or hereinafter enacted that relate to oraffect the use and control of the water re-sources of this state. [1955 c.707 §10(5); 1963 c.415§1; 1975 c.581 §24; 1985 c.673 §180]

Note: See note under 536.310.

536.340 Classification of water as tohighest and best use and quantity of use;enforcement of laws concerning loss ofwater rights; prescribing preferences forfuture uses. (1) Subject at all times to ex-isting rights and priorities to use waters ofthis state, the Water Resources Commission:

(a) May, by a water resources statementreferred to in ORS 536.300 (2), classify andreclassify the lakes, streams, undergroundreservoirs or other sources of water supplyin this state as to the highest and best useand quantities of use thereof for the futurein aid of an integrated and balanced programfor the benefit of the state as a whole. Thecommission may so classify and reclassifyportions of any such sources of water supplyseparately. Classification or reclassificationof sources of water supply as provided in thissubsection has the effect of restricting theuse and quantities of use thereof to the uses

and quantities of uses specified in the classi-fication or reclassification, and no other usesor quantities of uses except as approved bythe commission under ORS 536.370 to 536.390or as accepted by the commission under ORS536.295. Restrictions on use and quantitiesof use of a source of water supply resultingfrom a classification or reclassification underthis subsection shall apply to the use of allwaters of this state affected by the classi-fication or reclassification, and shall apply touses listed in ORS 537.545 that are initiatedafter the classification or reclassificationthat imposes the restriction.

(b) Shall diligently enforce laws concern-ing cancellation, release and discharge ofexcessive unused claims to waters of thisstate to the end that such excessive and un-used amounts may be made available for ap-propriation and beneficial use by the public.

(c) May, by a water resources statementreferred to in ORS 536.300 (2) and subject tothe preferential uses named in ORS 536.310(12), prescribe preferences for the future forparticular uses and quantities of uses of thewaters of any lake, stream or other sourceof water supply in this state in aid of thehighest and best beneficial use and quantitiesof use thereof. In prescribing such prefer-ences the commission shall give effect anddue regard to the natural characteristics ofsuch sources of water supply, the adjacenttopography, the economy of such sources ofwater supply, the economy of the affectedarea, seasonal requirements of various usersof such waters, the type of proposed use asbetween consumptive and nonconsumptiveuses and other pertinent data.

(2) In classifying or reclassifying a sourceof water supply or prescribing preferencesfor the future uses of a source of water sup-ply under subsection (1) of this section, thecommission shall:

(a) Comply with the requirements setforth in the Water Resources Departmentcoordination program developed pursuant toORS 197.180; and

(b) Cause notice of the hearing held un-der ORS 536.300 (3) to be published in anewspaper of general circulation once eachweek for four successive weeks in eachcounty:

(A) In which waters affected by the ac-tion of the commission under subsection (1)of this section are located; or

(B) That is located within the basin un-der consideration.

(3) Before beginning any action undersubsection (2) of this section that would limitnew ground water uses that are exempt un-der ORS 537.545 from the requirement to ob-tain a water right, the commission shall:

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(a) Review the proposed action to deter-mine whether the proposal is consistent withORS 537.780;

(b) Provide an opportunity for review by:(A) Any member of the Legislative As-

sembly who represents a district where theproposed action would apply; and

(B) Any interim committee of the Legis-lative Assembly responsible for water-relatedissues; and

(c) Receive and consider a recommen-dation on the proposal from the ground wa-ter advisory committee appointed under ORS536.090. [1955 c.707 §10(6); 1963 c.414 §1; 1989 c.9 §2;1989 c.833 §54; 1997 c.510 §1]

536.350 Delivery of water resourcesstatement to certain public bodies; effect.The Water Resources Commission shall de-liver a copy of each water resources state-ment referred to in ORS 536.300 (2) to eachstate agency or public corporation of thisstate which may be concerned with or whichmay carry on activities likely to affect theuse or control of the water resources of thisstate. Each state agency or public corpo-ration of this state which receives a copy ofa water resources statement shall give to thecommission a receipt for the water resourcesstatement. A copy of any such statementduly certified by the Water Resources Direc-tor to be a full, true and correct copy shallbe received in evidence in any court in thestate and if the certificate recites that a copyof the statement was delivered to a partic-ular state agency or public corporation ofthis state, it shall be presumed that the samewas actually delivered as stated in the cer-tificate. [1955 c.707 §10(7); 1985 c.673 §16]

536.360 State agencies and public cor-porations to conform to statement ofstate water resources policy. In the exer-cise of any power, duty or privilege affectingthe water resources of this state, every stateagency or public corporation of this stateshall give due regard to the statements of theWater Resources Commission and shall con-form thereto. No exercise of any such power,duty or privilege by any such state agencyor public corporation which would tend toderogate from or interfere with the statewater resources policy shall be lawful. [1955c.707 §11]

536.370 Exercise of power in conflictwith state water resources policy not ef-fective until approved by commission. (1)No exercise by any state agency or publiccorporation of this state which has receiveda copy of a state water resources statementas provided in ORS 536.350, of any power,duty or privilege, including the promulgatingor undertaking of any order, rule, regulation,plan, program, policy, project or any other

activity, which would in any way conflictwith the state water resources policy as setforth in the statement, shall be effective orenforceable until approved by the Water Re-sources Commission as provided in subsec-tion (2) of this section.

(2) The exercise of any power, duty orprivilege referred to in subsection (1) of thissection shall be deemed approved by thecommission if:

(a) The commission grants its approvalas provided in ORS 536.390; or

(b) The commission does not notify thestate agency or public corporation within 30days after the filing of the notification asprovided in ORS 536.380 (1) of the intentionof the commission to review the proposedexercise of the power, duty or privilege; or

(c) The commission grants its approvalas provided in ORS 536.380 (4). [1955 c.707 §12]

536.380 Notification to commission ofproposed exercise of power involving wa-ter resources required; review and deter-mination by commission. (1) Except asotherwise provided in ORS 536.390, wheneverany state agency or public corporation ofthis state which has received a copy of astate water resources statement as providedin ORS 536.350, proposes to exercise anypower, duty or privilege referred to in ORS536.370 (1), it shall first file with the WaterResources Commission a notification of theproposed exercise. The notification shall bein such form and shall contain a descriptionof the proposed exercise and such other in-formation as the commission may require.The notification shall be a public record inthe office of the commission.

(2) Within 30 days after the filing of thenotification as provided in subsection (1) ofthis section, the commission shall notify thestate agency or public corporation of the in-tention of the commission to review the pro-posed exercise of the power, duty orprivilege, if:

(a) The commission, in its discretion, de-termines that a review should be undertaken;or

(b) A protest against the proposed exer-cise is filed with the commission within 25days after the filing of the notification asprovided in subsection (1) of this section byany person, state agency or public corpo-ration of this state or agency of the federalgovernment.

(3) The commission, in its discretion, mayhold a public hearing on the proposed exer-cise of the power, duty or privilege. Thecommission shall determine the time andplace of the public hearing, and shall givewritten notice thereof to the state agency orpublic corporation whose proposed exercise

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536.390 WATER LAWS

of a power, duty or privilege is being re-viewed and to each protestant under subsec-tion (2)(b) of this section, if any, at least 10days prior to the hearing. Notice of thehearing shall also be published in at leastone issue each week for at least two consec-utive weeks prior to the hearing in a news-paper of general circulation published ineach county in which the proposed exerciseof the power, duty or privilege is to takeplace or be effective.

(4) After the commission has notified thestate agency or public corporation of the in-tention of the commission to review the pro-posed exercise of the power, duty or privilegeas provided in subsection (2) of this section,the commission shall undertake the reviewand proceed therewith with reasonable dili-gence. At the conclusion of the review thecommission shall make a determination ap-proving the proposed exercise, approving theproposed exercise subject to conditions spec-ified in the determination or disapprovingthe proposed exercise. A copy of the deter-mination by the commission shall be deliv-ered to the state agency or publiccorporation whose proposed exercise of apower, duty or privilege was reviewed and toeach protestant under subsection (2)(b) ofthis section, if any. [1955 c.707 §14]

536.390 Approval without filing notifi-cation. The Water Resources Commissionmay enter into agreements or provide by or-ders, rules or regulations whereby it ap-proves the exercise of any one or more of thepowers, duties or privileges referred to inORS 536.370 (1) by a state agency or publiccorporation of this state which has receiveda copy of a state water resources statementas provided in ORS 536.350, without the fil-ing of the notification as provided in ORS536.380 (1). Each agreement, order, rule orregulation shall specifically provide for themodification or revocation thereof at thediscretion of the commission and upon rea-sonable notice to the state agency or publiccorporation, and may contain such otherconditions, limitations or requirements asthe commission, in its discretion, may re-quire to insure the accomplishment of thepurposes of the state water resources policy.[1955 c.707 §13]

536.400 Application to court to compelcompliance with state water resourcespolicy. (1) As used in subsection (2) of thissection, “violation” means any exercise orattempt to exercise by any state agency orpublic corporation of this state which hasreceived a copy of a state water resourcesstatement as provided in ORS 536.350, of anypower, duty or privilege which would in anyway conflict with the state water resourcesstatement, without the approval of the Water

Resources Commission as provided in ORS536.370 (2).

(2) The commission, may apply to thecircuit court of the county in which a vio-lation is alleged to exist for the restrainingby appropriate process of the commission orcontinuation of a violation, or for the en-forcement by appropriate process of compli-ance with ORS 536.370 to 536.390. [1955 c.707§15]

536.410 Withdrawal of unappropriatedwaters from appropriation by commis-sion order. (1) When the Water ResourcesCommission determines that it is necessaryto insure compliance with the state waterresources policy or that it is otherwise nec-essary in the public interest to conserve thewater resources of this state for the maxi-mum beneficial use and control thereof thatany unappropriated waters of this state, in-cluding unappropriated waters released fromstorage or impoundment into the naturalflow of a stream for specified purposes, bewithdrawn from appropriation for all or anyuses including exempt uses under ORS537.545, the commission, on behalf of thestate, may issue an order of withdrawal.

(2) Prior to the issuance of the order ofwithdrawal the commission shall hold a pub-lic hearing on the necessity for the with-drawal. Notice of the hearing shall bepublished in at least one issue each week forat least two consecutive weeks prior to thehearing in a newspaper of general circulationpublished in each county in which are lo-cated the waters proposed to be withdrawn.

(3) The order of withdrawal shall specifywith particularity the waters withdrawnfrom appropriation, the uses for which thewaters are withdrawn, the reason for thewithdrawal and the duration of the with-drawal. The commission may modify or re-voke the order at any time.

(4) Copies of the order of withdrawal andnotices of any modification or revocation ofthe order of withdrawal shall be filed in theWater Resources Department.

(5) While the order of withdrawal is ineffect, no application for a permit to appro-priate the waters withdrawn for the usesspecified in the order and no application fora preliminary permit or license involving ap-propriations of such waters shall be receivedfor filing by the Water Resources Commis-sion. [1955 c.707 §16; 1961 c.224 §11; 1985 c.673 §17; 1989c.833 §55]

536.420 Representation of state incarrying out compacts and agreementswith other governmental agencies re-garding water resources. (1) The Governorshall designate the Water Resources Directoror a member or members of the Water Re-

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sources Commission to act on behalf of andto represent the state in formulating, enter-ing into and carrying out any formal or in-formal compact or other agreementauthorized by the Legislative Assembly con-cerning the use and control of the water re-sources of this state, between this state orany state agency or public corporationthereof and any other state, any state agencyor public corporation thereof or the federalgovernment or any agency thereof.

(2) The representative or representativesdesignated by the Governor under subsection(1) of this section shall make every effortpracticable to ensure that the compact orother agreement, as formulated, entered intoand carried out, is in harmony with the statewater resources policy and otherwise withthe public interest in encouraging, promotingand securing the maximum beneficial useand control of the water resources of thisstate.

(3) The commission in carrying out aninvestigation pertaining to water resourcesmay cooperate with state agencies ofCalifornia for the purpose of formulating,executing and submitting to the legislaturesof Oregon and California for their approval,interstate compacts relative to the distrib-ution and use of the waters of Goose Lakeand tributaries thereto. No compacts oragreements formulated as provided in thissection are binding upon this state until theyhave been approved by the legislature of thisstate and the Congress of the United States.

(4) Any state agency or public corpo-ration of this state required or permitted bylaw to formulate, enter into or carry out anycompact or other agreement referred to insubsection (1) of this section shall givetimely and adequate notice to the commis-sion before it undertakes any action undersuch requirement or permission. [1955 c.707 §17;1961 c.298 §1; 1975 c.581 §25; 1999 c.59 §169]

536.430 Commission to devise plansand programs for development of waterresources. The Water Resources Commis-sion shall devise plans and programs for thedevelopment of the water resources of thisstate in such a manner as to encourage, pro-mote and secure the maximum beneficial useand control thereof. [1955 c.707 §18]

536.440 Investigations and studies. TheWater Resources Commission, by itself or inconjunction with any person, local voluntarycommittee or association, state agency orpublic corporation of this or any other state,any interstate agency or any agency of thefederal government, may conduct such inves-tigations, surveys or studies, including theholding of public hearings, relating to thewater resources of this state as it deemsnecessary to facilitate and assist in carrying

out its functions as provided by law. [1955c.707 §20]

536.450 Assistance by commission toother persons and agencies. The WaterResources Commission may make availabletechnical advice and information for thepurpose of assisting any person, local volun-tary committee or association, state agencyor public corporation of this state, anyinterstate agency or any agency of the fed-eral government in the preparation, carryinginto effect and properly sustaining any plan,program or project concerning the use orcontrol of the water resources of this statein harmony with the state water resourcespolicy or otherwise with the public interestin encouraging, promoting and securing themaximum beneficial use and control of thewater resources of this state. [1955 c.707 §19]

536.460 Preparation and submission ofinformation or recommendations to otherpersons or agencies. The Water ResourcesCommission may prepare and submit infor-mation or proposals and recommendationsrelating to the water resources of this stateor the functions of the commission as pro-vided by law to any person, local voluntarycommittee or association, state agency orpublic corporation of this or any other state,any interstate agency, any agency of thefederal government or any committee of thelegislature of this or any other state or ofthe Congress of the United States. [1955 c.707§22]

536.470 Coordination of local, state,interstate and federal programs. The Wa-ter Resources Commission may consult andcooperate with any state agency or publiccorporation of this or any other state, anyinterstate agency or any agency of the fed-eral government for the purpose of promotingcoordination between local, state, interstateand federal plans, programs and projects forthe use or control of the water resources ofthis state or to facilitate and assist the com-mission in carrying out its functions as pro-vided by law. [1955 c.707 §21]

536.480 Making available informationconcerning water resources. The WaterResources Commission, insofar as practica-ble, shall make available, free or at cost, tothe public and to any state agency or publiccorporation of this or any other state, anyinterstate agency or any agency of the fed-eral government, information concerning thewater resources of this state or the functionsof the commission as provided by law, in-cluding information relating to the state wa-ter resources policy, to any plan or programdevised by the commission for the develop-ment of the water resources of this state, tothe results of any investigation, survey orstudy conducted by the commission and to

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536.490 WATER LAWS

the results of any hearing held by the com-mission. [1955 c.707 §23]

536.490 Attendance at conferences andmeetings. The Water Resources Commis-sion, or any member thereof or any otherperson designated by the commission, mayattend and participate in any public confer-ence, meeting or hearing held within orwithout this state for the purpose of consid-ering water resources problems. [1955 c.707 §24]

536.500 Acceptance and expenditure ofmoneys from public and private sources.The Water Resources Commission may ac-cept and expend moneys from any public orprivate source, including the federal govern-ment, made available for the purpose of en-couraging, promoting and securing themaximum beneficial use and control of thewater resources of this state or to facilitateand assist in carrying out its functions asprovided by law. All moneys received by thecommission under this section shall be de-posited in the State Treasury and, unlessotherwise prescribed by the source fromwhich such moneys were received, shall bekept in separate accounts in the GeneralFund designated according to the purposesfor which the moneys were made available.Notwithstanding the provisions of ORS291.238, all such moneys are continuouslyappropriated to the commission for the pur-poses for which they were made availableand shall be expended in accordance with theterms and conditions upon which they weremade available. [1955 c.707 §25]

536.510 [1955 c.707 §26; repealed by 1985 c.673 §185]

536.520 State agencies and public cor-porations furnishing information andservices to commission. (1) In order to fa-cilitate and assist in carrying out its func-tions as provided by law, the WaterResources Commission may:

(a) Call upon state agencies or publiccorporations of this state to furnish or makeavailable to the commission information con-cerning the water resources of this statewhich such state agencies or public corpo-rations have acquired or may acquire in theperformance of their functions.

(b) Have access to the records, facilitiesor projects of state agencies or public corpo-rations of this state, insofar as such records,facilities or projects may concern the waterresources of this state or the functions of thecommission with regard thereto.

(c) Otherwise utilize the services, recordsand other facilities of state agencies or pub-lic corporations of this state to the maximumextent practicable.

(2) Upon request by the commission, allofficers and employees of state agencies orpublic corporations of this state shall coop-

erate to the maximum extent practicablewith the commission under subsection (1) ofthis section.

(3) Upon receipt and approval by thecommission of approved claims therefor, anyspecial or extraordinary expense incurred byany state agency or public corporation ofthis state in cooperating with the commis-sion under this section shall be paid by thecommission. [1955 c.707 §§27,28]

536.530 [1955 c.707 §29; repealed by 1975 c.581 §29and by 1975 c.605 §33]

536.540 Approval of voucher claims.All voucher claims for indebtedness or ex-penses authorized and incurred by the WaterResources Commission in carrying out itsfunctions as provided by law shall be ap-proved by the commission or as provided inORS 293.330. [1955 c.707 §31]

536.550 [1955 c.707 §30; repealed by 1985 c.673 §185]536.560 [1955 c.707 §76; 1979 c.284 §164; repealed by

1985 c.673 §185]

MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS536.570 Moneys and securities of irri-

gation districts in possession of WaterResources Commission; deposit withState Treasurer. The Water ResourcesCommission may deposit with the StateTreasurer for safekeeping all moneys and se-curities which may come into the commis-sion′s possession in connection with thereorganization, retirement or settlement ofthe bonds, warrants or other evidences ofindebtedness of any irrigation district withinthe state. When so deposited the StateTreasurer shall safely keep the same subjectto call of the Water Resources Commission.[Formerly 544.050; 1957 c.351 §3; 1985 c.673 §19]

536.580 Rights acquired prior to Au-gust 3, 1955, not affected. Nothing in ORS509.645, 536.220 to 536.540 or 543.225, as en-acted by chapter 707, Oregon Laws 1955, norin the amendments made by chapter 707, Or-egon Laws 1955, to ORS 225.290, 225.300,261.325, 261.330, 509.610, 509.625, 537.170,537.200 (1969 Replacement Part), 543.050 or543.230, nor in sections 38, 41, 43, 45 or 50of chapter 707, Oregon Laws 1955, nor inORS 509.585 shall be construed to take awayor impair any right to any waters or to theuse of any waters vested and inchoate priorto August 3, 1955. [1955 c.707 §55; 1973 c.723 §125;1985 c.673 §181; 2001 c.923 §15]

536.590 Rights acquired prior to Janu-ary 1, 1956, not affected. Nothing in theamendments made by chapter 707, OregonLaws 1955, to ORS 182.410, 536.010 (1973 Re-placement Part), 542.110, 548.365, 555.030 or555.070, nor in sections 58 to 65, 70 or 75 ofchapter 707, Oregon Laws 1955, shall beconstrued to take away or impair any rightto any waters or to the use of any waters

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vested or inchoate prior to January 1, 1956.[1955 c.707 §77; 1969 c.168 §2; 1985 c.673 §182]

536.595 Department discussions withCorps of Engineers over operation ofDetroit Lake. In discussions held with theUnited States Army Corps of Engineers overseasonal operations of impoundments withinthe Willamette Basin reservoir system, in-cluding Detroit Lake, the Water ResourcesDepartment shall:

(1) Specify that the State of Oregon hasdetermined that Detroit Lake is an importantrecreational resource to the citizens of Ore-gon.

(2) Encourage the United States ArmyCorps of Engineers to place Detroit Lake asthe highest priority recreational use lake inthe Willamette Basin reservoir system.

(3) If the United States Army Corps ofEngineers indicates that recreational use ofDetroit Lake will not receive the highestpriority, notify communities that may bedetrimentally affected by such a decision andhold public meetings within the affectedcommunities. [2001 c.837 §1]

Note: 536.595 was enacted into law by the Legisla-tive Assembly but was not added to or made a part ofORS chapter 536 or any series therein by legislativeaction. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for fur-ther explanation.

536.600 [1993 c.765 §104; renumbered 541.345 in 1995]


536.700 “Drainage basin” defined. Asused in ORS 536.700 to 536.780, “drainagebasin” means one of the 18 Oregon drainagebasins identified by the Water Resources De-partment as shown on maps published bythat department dated January 1976. [1977c.541 §3]

536.710 Policy. (1) The Legislative As-sembly finds that an emergency may existwhen a severe, continuing drought results ina lack of water resources, thereby threaten-ing the availability of essential services andjeopardizing the peace, health, safety andwelfare of the people of Oregon.

(2) The Legislative Assembly finds itnecessary in the event of an emergency de-scribed in subsection (1) of this section, topromote water conservation and to providean orderly procedure to assure equitablecurtailment, adjustment, allocation or regu-lation in the domestic, municipal and indus-trial use of water resources where more thanone user is dependent upon a single sourceof supply. [1977 c.541 §1]

536.720 Declaration of state authority;Governor′s power to order water conser-vation or curtailment plan. (1) Because

municipal and other political subdivisionboundaries do not conform with the ge-ographic boundaries of the 18 major drainagebasins, or associated subbasins in the state,and because problems caused by a severecontinuing drought may exceed local abilityto control, the Legislative Assembly declaresthat water resource conservation in time ofsevere, continuing drought requires the ex-ercise of state authority.

(2)(a) After a declaration that a severe,continuing drought exists, or is likely to ex-ist, the Governor may order individual stateagencies and political subdivisions withinany drainage basin or subbasin to implement,within a time certain following the declara-tion, a water conservation or curtailmentplan or both, approved under ORS 536.780.

(b) Each state agency and political sub-division ordered to implement a water con-servation or curtailment plan shall file withthe Water Resources Commission such peri-odic reports regarding implementation of theplans as the commission or the Governormay require.

(3) Orders provided for in subsection (2)of this section and curtailments, adjustments,allocations and regulations ordered pursuantthereto shall be designed insofar as practica-ble not to discriminate within any class ofconsumers.

(4) It is the intent of the Legislative As-sembly that curtailments, adjustments, allo-cations and regulations ordered pursuant tosubsection (2) of this section be continuedonly so long as a declaration by the Gover-nor of the existence of severe, continuingdrought is in effect.

(5) The Governor may direct individualstate agencies and political subdivisions ofthis state to seek enforcement of all ordersand regulations issued pursuant to ORS536.780 and subsection (2) of this section.[1977 c.541 §2; 1985 c.673 §20; 1989 c.87 §7]

536.730 Effect of emergency powers onvested water rights. Except as provided inORS 536.740 and 536.750, nothing in ORS536.700 to 536.780 is intended to permit theGovernor or the Water Resources Commis-sion to hinder the ability of any holder of avested water right to obtain and use legallyassured benefits of that right. [1977 c.541 §4;1989 c.87 §8]

536.740 Governor′s authority to de-clare drought. Upon finding that a need ex-ists for statewide coordination of waterresource conservation measures by municipaland other political subdivisions of this statein order to minimize problems caused by asevere shortage of water, the Governor maydeclare that a severe, continuing droughtexists or is likely to exist. [1989 c.87 §2]

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536.750 WATER LAWS

536.750 Powers of commission afterdeclaration of drought; rules. (1) Notwith-standing any provision of ORS chapters 536to 543A, after a declaration that a severe,continuing drought exists, the Water Re-sources Commission may:

(a) Issue without first conducting a hear-ing under ORS 537.170, a temporary permitfor an emergency use of water;

(b) Allow a temporary change in use,place of use or point of diversion of waterwithout complying with the notice and wait-ing requirements under ORS 540.520;

(c) Notwithstanding the priority of waterrights, grant preference of use to rights forhuman consumption or stock watering use;

(d) Waive the notice requirements underORS 537.753 and the report required underORS 537.762;

(e) Allow a temporary exchange of waterwithout giving notice as required under ORS540.535; and

(f) Utilize an expedited notice and wait-ing requirement established by rule for thesubstitution of a supplemental ground waterright for a primary water right underdrought conditions in place of the notice andwaiting requirement provided in ORS540.524.

(2) The commission by rule may establishprocedures for carrying out the provisions ofthis section and a schedule of fees that mustaccompany a request under subsection (1) ofthis section. [1989 c.87 §3; 1999 c.873 §20; 2001 c.788§1]

536.760 Cessation of actions taken un-der ORS 536.750. Any action taken underORS 536.750 may be carried out only duringthe period of severe, continuing drought. Af-ter the drought, any water use undertakenunder ORS 536.750 must cease or complywith the applicable provisions of ORS 537.110to 537.252, 537.505 to 537.795 and 537.992 or540.520 and 540.530. [1989 c.87 §4]

536.770 Purchase of option or agree-ment for use of water permit or rightduring declared drought; application; fee.(1) The Water Resources Commission or alocal government, public corporation or wa-ter right holder may purchase an option orenter an agreement to use an existing permitor water right during the time in which asevere, continuing drought is declared to ex-ist.

(2) A local government, public corpo-ration or water right holder proposing topurchase an option or enter an agreementunder this section shall submit to the com-mission an application accompanied by thefee required under ORS 536.050 (1)(a).

(3) After approval of the application bythe commission, the option or agreementuser:

(a) Is not required to construct any di-version or appropriation facilities or works;

(b) May use the water acquired under theoption or agreement on property or for a usedifferent than allowed in the permit or waterright transferred under the option or agree-ment, if the water is used to replace waternot available to the local government, publiccorporation or water right holder because ofthe drought; and

(c) May begin use at any time after ap-proval by the commission so long as the totaluse by the water right or permit holder andthe option or agreement user is within therate, volume and seasonal limits of the per-mit or water right. [1989 c.87 §5; 1993 c.349 §1; 1997c.587 §3; 2001 c.788 §2]

536.780 Water conservation or curtail-ment plans; contents; review; effect offailure to file or implement. (1) The WaterResources Commission, upon a finding thata severe or continuing drought is likely tooccur, may order individual state agenciesand political subdivisions within any drain-age basin or subbasin to develop and filewith the commission, within 30 days follow-ing the order, a water conservation orcurtailment plan or both. The commissionmay allow the state agencies and politicalsubdivisions more than 30 days following theorder to file the plan depending on the ur-gency for the plan.

(2)(a) The water conservation plan shallspecify efforts to be made:

(A) To reduce usage of water resourcesfor nonessential public purposes;

(B) To undertake activities consistentwith law designed to promote conservation,prevention of waste, salvage and reuse ofwater resources; and

(C) To establish programs consistent withlaw designed to promote conservation, pre-vention of waste, salvage and reuse of waterresources.

(b) When a state agency or political sub-division files a water conservation plan withthe Water Resources Commission, the com-mission shall review the plan and approve itif the commission finds that the plan satis-factorily promotes uniformity in water con-servation practices and the coordination ofusage regulation, taking into account localconditions.

(3)(a) The water curtailment plan, in or-der to provide water necessary for humanand livestock consumption during a severeand continuing drought, shall specify effortsto be made:

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(A) To curtail, adjust or allocate thesupply of water resources for domestic, mu-nicipal and industrial use; and

(B) To regulate the times and manner inwhich water resources are consumed.

(b) When a state agency or political sub-division files a water curtailment plan withthe Water Resources Commission, the com-mission shall review the plan and approve itif the commission finds that the plan satis-factorily promotes uniformity in watercurtailment practices and the coordinationof usage regulation, taking into account localconditions.

(4) If a state agency or political subdivi-sion fails to file a water conservation orcurtailment plan when so ordered, or if thecommission does not approve a filed plan, thecommission may develop appropriate plans.[1989 c.87 §6]

PENALTIES536.900 Civil penalties; imposition. (1)

In addition to any other liability or penaltyprovided by law, the Water Resources Com-mission may impose a civil penalty on a per-son for any of the following:

(a) Violation of any of the terms or con-ditions of a permit, certificate or license is-sued under ORS chapters 536 to 543A.

(b) Violation of ORS 537.130 or 537.535.(c) Violation of ORS 537.545 (5) or (6) or

of a rule described in ORS 537.545 (8).(d) Violation of any rule or order of the

Water Resources Commission that pertainsto well maintenance.

(e) Violation of ORS 540.045, 540.145,540.210, 540.310, 540.320, 540.330, 540.340,540.435, 540.440, 540.570 (5), 540.710, 540.720and 540.730 or rules adopted under ORS540.145.

(2) A civil penalty may be imposed underthis section for each day of violation of ORS537.130, 537.535, 540.045, 540.310, 540.330,540.570 (5), 540.710, 540.720 or 540.730.

(3) In the event the petitioner knowinglymisrepresents the map and petition requiredin ORS 541.329, the commission may assessa penalty of up to $1,000 based upon guide-lines to be established by the commission. Inaddition, the petition and map shall beamended to correct the error at the peti-tioner′s cost. Affected users shall be givennotice as provided in ORS 541.329 (5).

(4) A civil penalty may not be imposeduntil the commission prescribes a reasonabletime to eliminate the violation. The commis-sion shall notify the violator of the time al-lowed to correct a violation within five daysafter the commission first becomes aware ofthe violation.

(5) Notwithstanding any term or condi-tion of a permit, certificate or license, therotation of the use of water under ORS540.150 may not be considered a violationunder subsection (1) of this section. [1989 c.618§1; 1991 c.869 §5; 1993 c.818 §5; 1999 c.873 §21; 2001 c.788§§6,12; 2003 c.705 §§17,18; 2009 c.819 §2]

Note: 536.900 to 536.935 were enacted into law bythe Legislative Assembly but were not added to or madea part of ORS chapter 536 or any series therein by leg-islative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutesfor further explanation.

536.905 Notice; application for hear-ing. (1) Any civil penalty under ORS 536.900shall be imposed as provided in ORS 183.745.

(2) Notwithstanding ORS 183.745, theperson to whom the notice is addressed shallhave 10 days from the date of service of thenotice in which to make written applicationfor a hearing before the commission. [1989c.618 §2; 1991 c.734 §50]

Note: See note under 536.900.

536.910 Amount of penalty; rules. Af-ter public hearing, the Water ResourcesCommission by rule shall adopt a scheduleestablishing the civil penalty that may beimposed under ORS 536.900 and the time al-lowed to correct each violation. However,the civil penalty may not exceed $5,000 foreach violation. [1989 c.618 §3]

Note: See note under 536.900.

536.915 Remission or reduction ofpenalty. A civil penalty imposed under ORS536.900 may be remitted or reduced uponsuch terms and conditions as the Water Re-sources Commission considers proper andconsistent with the public health and safetyand protection of the public interest in thewaters of this state. [1989 c.618 §4]

Note: See note under 536.900.

536.920 Factors to be considered inimposition of penalty. In imposing a pen-alty pursuant to the schedule adopted pursu-ant to ORS 536.910, the Water ResourcesCommission shall consider the following fac-tors:

(1) The past history of the person incur-ring a penalty in taking all feasible steps orprocedures necessary or appropriate to cor-rect any violation.

(2) Any prior violations of statutes, rulesor orders pertaining to water use.

(3) The economic and financial conditionsof the person incurring the penalty, includ-ing any financial gains resulting from theviolation.

(4) The immediacy and extent to whichthe violation threatens other rights to theuse of water or the public health or safetyor the public interest in the waters of thisstate. [1989 c.618 §5]

Note: See note under 536.900.

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536.930 WATER LAWS

536.925 [1989 c.618 §12; repealed by 1991 c.734 §122]

536.930 Consequence of failure to fol-low order. Any owner or operator who failswithout sufficient cause to take correctiveaction as required by an order of the WaterResources Commission shall be liable fordamages not to exceed the amount of all ex-penses incurred by the Water Resources De-partment in carrying out the department′senforcement duties related to the correctiveaction. [1989 c.618 §7; 1991 c.734 §51]

Note: See note under 536.900.

536.935 Disposition of penalties; ap-propriation. All penalties recovered underORS 536.930 shall be paid into the StateTreasury and credited to an account of theWater Resources Department. Such moneysare continuously appropriated to the depart-ment to carry out the provisions of ORSchapters 536 to 543A. [1989 c.618 §8; 1999 c.873§22]

Note: See note under 536.900.

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