Page 1: Thirlmere Public School · 2020. 8. 28. · Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015 Term4 –Week 4 Ruby Day Presentation Assembly Speech Welcome to Thirlmere Public School. In particular





Relieving Principal’s Message

Well how famous are we! How great was it to see our “little walkathon” became national news. Not only were we exceptionally red for Ruby; we got to share this with the whole country. Friday night, our Ruby Day made the Channel 7 news showing everyone how we support one of our own students. It was a great way to show Australia how fabulous our school, students and community are. I know social media was buzzing with positive thoughts and comments. Then again on Sunday, as our group of 20 walkers took to the streets of Sydney we found it hard not to be excited as the channel 7 cameraman chased us across the Iron Cove Bridge. Unfortunately we missed the opportunity to meet Mark Ferguson personally, but we did all achieve what we set out to do – walk the 27 kilometres around Sydney to support Ruby.

For those families that couldn’t be with us on Friday I have included the speech I made at the presentation assembly at the conclusion of Ruby Day. I believe our day was truly the success that it was because of you our school community. As teachers we can have as many ideas as we can dare to imagine, but they only become reality with the support of students, parents and the community.

I have also included an open letter below from Heath, Kelly, Ruby and Hugo Smith to our Thirlmere families. Thank you again for everything.

Enjoy your week. Selena Gandy Relieving Principal


Mr Karolis and Ms Lea Blatch who both received awards Monday evening at the Ultimo Awards evening for Campbelltown, Macarthur and Wollondilly networks. They both make outstanding contributions to public education.

Numeracy Day

Four of our fantastic Indigenous students represented our school at Tahmoor Public School on Monday. They competed in a series of Numeracy activities throughout the day and came away champions!! Way to go Zander, Kelly, Braden and Jessyca.

Oaks Road

Thirlmere, NSW, 2572

E: [email protected]. P: 4681 8476

F: 4681 8727

The office is open from 8.30am to 3.00pm

Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

Coming Events

27-29 Oct Year 5 Wooglemai 29 Oct Count Us In Music – Taronga Zoo Disco 30 Oct Canteen Bandanna Day Touch Gala Day K-2 Assembly 2 Nov Ruby Day Raffle Drawn 3 Nov Picton HS Orientation Day 3-11 Nov Berry Camp 13 Nov Don a Hat for Dom Day

Page 2: Thirlmere Public School · 2020. 8. 28. · Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015 Term4 –Week 4 Ruby Day Presentation Assembly Speech Welcome to Thirlmere Public School. In particular

Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

Ruby Day Presentation Assembly Speech

Welcome to Thirlmere Public School. In particular I’d like to welcome our guest of honour Ruby. We are SOOOOOOOOO excited that you could be here today. I’d like to welcome your beautiful family Kelly, Heath and my little mate Hugo. I’d like to welcome Steve Thomas and the staff from Glencore and the CFMEU union workers, Phil Costa, Adam and Rhea on behalf of Joan Derk and Caring for Wollondilly, Cheryl and her fantastic Gymtastics staff, Olivia and Chris from Jumpy Monkey, Bernie and Joanne from National Australia Bank, the amazing Thirlmere community including our P & C, parents and students. Wow don’t we know how to paint the town red.

At the beginning of this year I remember receiving a phone call from Kelly just as we were about to start a staff meeting. Kelly shared with me the news our beautiful Ruby had been re diagnosed with leukemia. This hit our staff, the students and the community in general exceptionally hard. I remember speaking to 5/6T through tears and telling them that whilst I love my job this was by far and above the hardest thing I’d had to do. Immediately I had students, staff and parents asking me if we could do something little to support Ruby. Of course I agreed but suggested we leave our “something little” for a while to give Ruby a chance to start her treatment and the family the opportunity to deal with the cruel hand they’d been dealt.

Oh my goodness! I would not have dared to dream our “something little” would grow to epic proportions – channel 7 interviews, newspapers, unbelievable community support from people that had never meant our Ruby and didn’t even know what an exceptionally unique little girl she is. I certainly didn’t imagine in our something little exactly how red one can dress if they tried.

But here we are today, a united community joining together to support one of the bravest, most inspirational and courageous little girls that has dealt with her circumstances with maturity and grace beyond her years.

Before we move on to a series of presentations I’d like to take the opportunity to thank every member of the Thirlmere school staff. There is not one who hasn’t gone above and beyond to make this day amazing. I have learnt along this journey that Michelle Byrne will stop at nothing to fulfil a task to it’s extreme, Michelle Benson could possibly get blood from a stone, Ashleigh Foreman will say yes to anything, the office staff really can collect money for more than 20 events at a time and every other member of staff will dress up for a good cause. Every day I have the pleasure of working with these people and today is an outstanding example of the team spirit and absolute love we have for our job. I mean seriously where else can you get paid to dress like this and encourage others to do it too. Adam from Caring for Wollondilly said to me earlier today “Wow this is so much better than work” and I replied “This is work!”. Thanks also to our P & C – is not there any name Lea won’t shave into her head. Boys and girls can you join me in thanking your teachers.

So in conclusion boys and girls I’d like you to remember this day, remember the reason we did it and remember how great it made you feel to be part of it. I believe you get out of life what you give. Many people today have done great things for a great cause. Perhaps some time in your life you will have opportunity to do great things for others. If you do take those opportunities and make life happen. Listen to your teachers it’s time to have a great weekend.

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Year 6 Disco Our final disco for the year will be Thursday 29/10. K-2 will run from 5-6pm and the 3-6 disco will run from 6:30-8pm. We would like to ask year 6 parents to help support this fundraising event by assisting on the evening by cooking the BBQ or serving in the canteen. The theme for this disco is Ghosts, Ghouls and Ghoblins.

Walkathon Money and Raffle Tickets Please return all walkathon sponsorship money to the school office by Monday, 9th November. The raffle will be drawn next Monday 2nd November at our 9am Monday assembly. Please ensure you have returned all raffle tickets to the office by Friday 30 October to ensure they are included in the draw.

Nominate our Library We know we have an outstanding library here at Thirlmere but we’d like everyone else to know it too. Please follow the link below to nominate our library and put our library in the running to be named one of Australia’s great school libraries. The more nominations the better.

Kindergarten 2016 We are well into planning for Kindergarten 2016 and the upcoming orientation dates. Please contact the school office immediately if you are yet to organise your interview time or enrolment forms.

It’s is great to see more students achieving Gold level each week. As students reach Gold level they are given a note for Gold reward day from their stage supervisor.

The absolute final date to pay will be Friday 13 November. No payments will be accepted after this

date as bookings are made with the cinema on this day and payment processed. Please check with your child’s class teacher well before this final date if you have any questions.

Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

Letter from the Smith Family We are still buzzing from all the love and support we received on Ruby Day. What a day We are so fortunate to be living in such a fantastic community. Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. We are grateful beyond words. As momentum built in the days prior to Ruby Day it occurred to us that it was becoming like something you'd see on telly. Then low and behold that's exactly what happened. We're so happy the world got to see what an awesome community we have. Best bar none! Thank you to all staff and students, the P&C, The Walk for Ruby team, Glencore, Caring for Wollondilly, National Australia Bank, Gymtastics, Jumpy Monkey, the community of Thirlmere, Wollondilly and beyond. Your hard work, not unnoticed. Your generosity, greatly appreciated. Your love and support, priceless. You've given all of us, particularly Ruby, a huge boost to continue on along this road we must travel.

Much love and happiness to you all.

The Smith Family.

Big Fat Smile I have received confirmation from Big Fat Smile that they will not be renewing the licence agreement and therefore will not be operating an out of school hours care facility from the building at the rear of the school beyond this year. The final date of operation will be 16 December. After discussing this with the assets management unit of the Department I have sent home a survey to all Thirlmere families. The purpose of this is to determine if there is sufficient demand for an after school care facility at our school for 2016 and beyond. If it is determined that there is we will begin the process of asking for submissions via tender. Please complete your survey and return it to the school office by Friday 6 November. Given the short timeframe I can not guarantee this process will be completed prior to the commencement of the 2016 school year.

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Principal’s Awards

Jazmin (5/6T), Rose (1H), Rachelle (5J), Carla (KW), Isaac (1/2P), Deyannah (KP), Bridget (3K), Jaxon (1H), Brianna (2S), Billy (KW), Amelie (1/2P), Sophie (KW), Marshall (2S), Markos (1WD), Harry (1H).

K-2 Assembly Roster

Term Four Week 4 KP – Mrs Pearce

Week 6 KW – Miss Wilder

Week 8 Student Leaders

Weeks 9-11 Official school assemblies to be advised

Week 6 is Alopecia Awareness Week at Thirlmere Public School! Alopecia is a common condition which results in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere. It usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth patches and can progress to total hair loss. It can occur in both males and females of all ages, but young persons are affected most often. Dom in Year 1 has had his head shaved bald due to his Alopecia. In support of Dom we are organising a ‘Don a hat for Dom Day’. It is our aim to raise the awareness of Alopecia within our school community. We are asking students to support the day by wearing a crazy hat or hoodie to school on Friday 13th November. No money will be collected. It is purely a day to raise the awareness of Alopecia and show our support for Dom. Be as creative as you can! We look forward to seeing all the crazy hats on ‘Don a hat for Dom Day’.

Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

Attendance This week Ms Mace and I met with Ms Kristen Kable our newly appointed Home School Liaison (HSLO) Officer. We had a lengthy discussion around the number of whole day absences and partial absences some students seem to be experiencing. Over the next few weeks you may receive a letter or phone call in regards to your child’s attendance. Please be mindful that it is a legal requirement for children to be at school.

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Canteen Roster 2015 If anyone can’t make their day, please find your own replacement, remember without volunteers, this canteen wouldn’t run !!!!

Term 4 Fri 30/10 Monique Hunt, Karen Kennedy,

Libby Spencer

Mon 2/11 Lisa Boyce, Tammy Parker Wed 4/11 Lisa Williams, Nicole Lewry Fri 6/11 Mel Ruddiman, Sam Bingham,

Christie Henry

Mon 9/11 Amy White, Amanda Lee Wed 11/11 Theresa Young, Julie Bird Fri 13/11 Belinda Kelly, Louise Casno, Cindy Hale

Mon 16/11 Alison Tarrant, Shannon Apps Wed 18/11 Millie Archis, Sharon Browning Fri 20/11 Monique Liddle, Mel Moroz, Jo Chivers

Mon 23/11 Shannon Apps, Gail Burtenshaw Wed 25/11 Deb Parker, Leanne Armstrong Fri 27/11 Monique Hunt, Karen Kennedy,

Libby Spencer

Mon 30/11 Lee Blatch, Catherine Davidson Wed 2/12 Nicole Lewry, Lisa Williams Fri 4/12 Cindy Hale, Louise Casno, Belinda Kelly

Mon 7/12 Alison Tarrant, Julie Bird Wed 9/12 Dianne Hunt, Vanessa Zahara Fri 11/12 LAST DAY Mel Ruddiman, Christie

Henry, Sam Bingham

Uniform Shop As we are heading towards the end of the year, it’s time to start thinking about what stock you may need for the coming school year. It’s a very busy time for the Uniform Shop and stock does get very low at times. To be sure you do not miss out on any items that you may require, please fill out an order form and drop it back in to me at the shop or leave it at the front office for my collection. Any orders placed can be collected before the end of this school year or at the start of the next school year. Any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30am-9am and 2.30pm-3pm. Amanda Lee

28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

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Gold Medal Presentation Day The Gold Medal Presentation Day will be held on Tuesday, 15 December 2015. Pease note the following important dates for awards to be handed in. Awards handed in after these dates will not be included when allocating Gold Medals for this presentation.

24th November – Last day for Merits Certificates to be given to the Office.

1st December – Last day for Banners and Principal’s Awards to be given to the Office.

Excursions and Notes

Stage One (Years 1 & 2) Notes Home: Spelling Bee Class Winners

Stage Two (Years 3 & 4) Notes Home: Sydney IMAX Theatre and Chinese Gardens

Stage Three (Years 5 & 6) Notes Home: Year 6 Farewell Dinner Invitation

Year 6 Farewell - Student RSVP

Year 6 Farewell – Parent RSVP

Year 6 Farewell – Parent Helpers Request

Selected Students Notes Home: Don a Hat for Dom Day Count Us In Media Release Form

All Students Notes Home: Out of School Hours Care Start Up School Survey

Please refer to the table in the “School Finance and Office” section for

“Last Day to Pay” dates and the cost of events.

Count Us In Music Count Us In is Australia’s biggest school initiative, celebrating music and music education. On Thursday 29 October 2015 at 12:30 there will be a National Celebration Day as over half a million children, right across Australia, sing the same song, on the same day, at the same time. The main national event will be held at Sydney’s Taronga Zoo and will be streamed live across the country on a link to schools. Forty children from Thirlmere PS will join the Program Ambassador John Foreman and Program Mentor Marcia Hines as they lead our celebration of music and music education singing the song ‘Gold’ created by students . School Organiser S. Stewart Rel. Assistant Principal

28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

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Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

SCHOOL FINANCE & OFFICE NEWS Payments and Excursions

All excursions and sporting events have a last day to pay date. Parents are asked to have payments to the office before this date, as our system will not allow payments to be processed after the date. This will avoid any disappointment for your child.


T.B.A Band T.B.A

Ruby Day Raffle Tickets Walkathon Money

$2.00 ticket or 3 for $5.00

Whole school


Week 6

Disco Tickets On Sale Monday 26/10/2015


Whole school

Pre purchased – sold during week 4

Bandanna’s for Bandanna Day 30/10/2015


Whole School

Until sold

Band Fees $135.00 Band Students Week 8 25/11/2015

PSSA Touch Gala Day

$4.00 Selected Students 28/10/2015

Jamberoo $60.00 Year 6 only 6/11/2015

Gold Reward Day Notification Note (Mauve note) $6.00 Movie $3.00 Food(Optional)

Students who have reached Gold Level


School Spectacular $25.00 Selected Students 13/11/2015

Symbio $29.00 Kingergarten & K/1R 20/11/2015


$5.50 Bollywood Dance Group & 1WD Hip Hop


Taronga Zoo $38.00 Year 1 & 2 27/11/2015

Stage 2 Sydney IMAX Theatre & Chinese Gardens

$35.00 Years 3 & 4 30/11/2015

Thank you Administration Staff

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Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015

Term4 – Week 4

Students on Gold Level

KP Casey


KW Sophie Matilda


K/1R Sarah Zoey

William Reginald

1WD Markos

1H Bon

2M Annabelle

Jessie Jenna Evelyn Eliza

Hendrix David Toby

Baxter Tyler

3/4B Bryannon

Keira Olivia

Johanna Kaidyn

Cameron Tyler Colby

Tristan Ryan


4B Katie

Maddison Rylan

Students on Bronze Level

K/1R Destiny

Students on Silver Level

KP Payton Hayden

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Thirlmere Public School 28 October 2015

Term 4 – Week 4

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Term 2 – Week 3

Term 3 – Week 6

Term 4 – Week 7

Term 3 – Week 1

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Extra School Reports

In some households there is a need for a second report to be sent to another parent not permanently residing with the student. Reports go home at the end of Semester One and Semester Two. If you require a second report, please provide us with the following details. Name:_____________________________________ Address:____________________________________ Relationship:_________________________________ Email address:_______________________________

If you have any updated Court Orders/AVO’s that you have not provided to the school yet, could you please

arrange a copy as soon as possible.

We also require you to advise the ladies in the office if the structure at home has changed so that we can

update our records accordingly.

Public School Term 1 – Week 2

School Newsletter

Thirlmere Public School now deliver our newsletter by Email each week.

In the space provided below, please indicate the email address/es you wish to use to receive the newsletter.

The newsletter is also available to view on our school website: [email protected]

Student Name: …………………………………………….. Class: …………………………..

1st Parent/Guardian Email : …………………………….………………………...………………

2nd Parent/Guardian Email : ………………………...…………………………....………………

3rd Parent/Guardian Email : ………………………...…………………………....………………

No paper copies will be issued.

Term 1 – Week 9

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