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The Wrongway Legacy

Generation Five, Part Six: You and I

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LAST TIME… Lavender passed away and a funeral was held, at which Mark showed up to reconcile with his kids. The Wrongways moved to Belladonna, while Lee sorted them out a house. Mayor DeBateau responded to Lavender’s death with legislation against supernaturals in order to protect his citizens, only things seemed to spiral out of control. Lee helped a young witch named Samantha from attackers. Leda was feeling guilty, no matter how hard her siblings tried to convince her that she’s okay, and tried to run into oncoming traffic, only to be saved by a passing stranger – Buck Grunt. The Grunt brothers were on their way to meet Tank, where Ripp revealed he’s been dating Jill Smith, and the boys met Danielle Wrongway. Warning for language this chapter, again no F-words, but some light swearing.

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For Danielle’s birthday, Maddie and Tank threw a party for their family. It was the first time such a large gathering had been thrown in the new Wrongway house, with laughter and cheerful chatter filling the usually-quiet rooms. Plus, it was the first time Mark and his new family had visited the home.

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For Tank, the gathering meant getting to know his brother’s girlfriend, who hadn’t seen for a long time. “Jill! You’re bigger than I remember you being!” Tank said, cheerfully. “Are you calling me fat?” Jill asked him, sulkily, and the smile on Tank’s face dropped. Maybe the fact Tank had never been particularly nice to Jill’s brother would cause problems between them… But to his surprise, Jill laughed.

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“Ripp’s right, you ARE easy to wind up!” Jill giggled, “But no, it’s nice to see you, Tank. You seem happier here than I remember you in Strangetown.” “That’s because I am,” He told her, truthfully, “I feel different in myself now that I’m not in Strangetown.” “Wright, me too,” Jill replied, cheerfully, “It’s nice not having my parents watch everything I do, too. They weren’t pleased about Ripp, as you can imagine.” “Of course not,” Tank smirked, “But he’s treating you okay?”

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“Trust me, I won’t take any crap off him,” Jill said, fiercely, “You have nothing to worry about.” Tank smiled, “Good.”

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The gathering was also a chance to have the conversation with his brothers he had been dreading, “So I called Dad. Let him know where we all are,” “He wasn’t happy, was he?” Buck said, suddenly, “The look on your face…” “You expected Dad to be happy that we’d all ditched him?” Ripp asked, sarcastically. Tank sighed.

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“Well, he told me not to come back to Strangetown, I’m not welcome anymore,” Tank explained, “I was supposed to take over his place as head of the household, and he’s severely disappointed. Something along those lines. You two probably could go back if you wanted to.” “No one wants to,” Ripp replied, “Strangetown is a place you end up, not a place you seek.” “Dad really said that?” Buck murmured, ignoring Ripp. Tank nodded, “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to it. The important thing is, he’ll still let you stay with him if you want.”

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“Well, I’m not going back if you’re not,” Buck announced, “I’m staying with my brothers.” Tank nodded, “If that’s what you want, but here’s another thing: you guys can’t stay here anymore.”

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“If this is about me peeing in your pot plant, let me explain-” Ripp began. “No!” Tank interrupted, before frowning at Ripp, “You peed on our plants?” Ripp shrugged, “Both the bathrooms were full and I really needed to go-” “Ripp, there are three bathrooms.” “This is the first I’m hearing of it.” Tank gave an exaggerated sigh, “Anyway, it’s not because Ripp is disgusting, it’s because Maddie would like her father to move in with his wife and daughter.”

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“Tank, this house is huge,” Ripp pointed out, “Surely we can work something out.” “We could’ve done, but Maddie thinks she might be pregnant again,” Tank explained, “So we’ll need the spare room you guys stay in for the new baby.”

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“We’re going to be Uncles again? Damn, you work fast, Tank,” Ripp went thoughtful for a moment, “Not sure that’s a good thing, bro.” Tank rolled his eyes, “I’m really excited about it, but it’s not confirmed yet, so keep it quiet, okay?” “Fine. Can we enjoy the rest of the party now?”

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“Of course,” Tank replied, with a smile, “But stay away from our pot plants.”

* * *

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Across the room, Mark’s daughter, Susannah, had found the only person young enough to play with. The only problem was, she was too young. “You’re tiny!” Susannah cried, “Daddy said we’d able to play but you’re WAY too small.” Danielle looked up at Susannah, a puzzled look on her little face. Susannah softened a little bit. “You are cute, though. I guess.”

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“I suppose we can play for a little bit,” Susannah decided, and sat down cross-legged, “Hey, Dan Dan, where have I gone?”

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“There!” Danielle insisted, “You there!” Danielle spluttered into laughter as Susannah uncovered her eyes and pulled a face. Smiling to herself, Susannah covered her eyes again. Maybe this wasn’t so bad afterall.

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Maddie was stood a few steps away, watching her half-sister play with Danielle. It was odd having a sister so young, Susannah felt more like a distant cousin or something. Technically, Susannah was Danielle’s aunt. Shrugging her shoulders as if to shake the thoughts away, Maddie smiled. At least the kids got on great.

* * *

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Leda had been learning how to play the piano in her free time, after Maddie had gently encouraged to find a hobby. Leda found she took to it like a duck to water, and Lance speculated it was because their Dad was a musician. Mark, however, couldn’t play any instruments really, so Leda liked to think of her piano-playing as something completely unique to her. Finally, she had something she could consider special about herself.

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What started out as a sad little melody now had a touch of hope to it as Leda pressed the keys down. She didn’t even notice Buck standing close by. “That’s beautiful,” He commented, quietly. Leda jumped and took her fingers away from the piano. “I didn’t realise anyone was really listening,” Leda murmured, turning round to face him. He was smiling at her. “Don’t stop,” He said, but somewhere else Maddie clapped her hands together. “Time for cake!” She announced. Leda rose from the piano.

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Buck turned, still smiling, to follow the others into the kitchen. “Thank you,” Leda said, quietly, so only Buck could hear. His smile widened.

* * *

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After letting her hair out of the pigtails and finding the clothes her mother had laid out for her, Danielle went in search of Susannah, and found her in the garden. “Susannah! I’m old enough to play properly now!” She called.

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“You could play a little before,” Susannah said, cheerfully. Danielle nodded, shyly, locking her hands together. “I just thought it would be more fun that before,” Danielle replied, quietly. Susannah smiled at the other girl.

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“Did you think I was going to say no to having a new friend?” Susannah asked, curiously. Danielle’s face lit up, “You mean we can be friends?” “Of course, Dan Dan!” Susannah replied, “Mum, Dad and me are moving in, so we’ll be together lots!” “That is awesome!” Danielle stated, excitedly.

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“Isn’t it?” Susannah grinned, “What do you want to do first?” “Wanna climb the tower?” “Bet I can to the top before you!”

* * *

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Lee put down the paper, and turned to Samantha, “I think we should do something soon.” Samantha raised an eyebrow, “Because you can get arrested for having me here?” “No!” Lee said, sharply, “Because it’s wrong that people are being treated this way.” Samantha nodded, “My sister’s locked up in one of the institutes.”

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Hex sat down in the armchair, “I think we should find her.” “You’re talking now?” Lee said, curiously, “When did you decide to pay attention to what we’re up to?” “It’s about time I stopped sulking,” Hex murmured, “Right?” “You can grieve as long as you like,” Lee told him, “Just don’t ignore the world completely anymore, okay?”

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“I’m not over it,” Hex admitted, quietly, “I don’t know if I ever will be. But I have to try to move on. Lavender wouldn’t want me to sulk,” Lee nodded in agreement. “What we need to do now is locate one of these institutes.”

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“How?” Lee asked, suddenly, “We have no idea where to begin looking. I know they’re supposedly hidden in plain sight, but where?” Hex shrugged, “I haven’t got a clue.” Samantha, however, smiled.

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“I know where we can begin looking,” She said, confidently, “There’s an underground supernatural bar, I bet somewhere there must know.”

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“How do you know about an underground supernatural club?” Lee asked, curiously. Samantha shot him a look. “Lee, I’m glittery and followed by blue sparkles. How do you think I know?” Hex laughed a little, despite the sadness inside him, “Alright. Let’s do this.”

* * *

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Danielle was a curious child, but she didn’t like to sit still. Her teachers often commented on it, saying she could be brilliant if she just focused. Danielle’s schoolbooks were filled with doodles and adventures, magic and stories. Maths came easily to Danielle, but it didn’t interest her. On a sunny Saturday at the beginning of autumn, Danielle found herself looking for frogs in the pond, instead of doing her homework. If Susannah was here, it would have been more fun, but it was going to be a few more days before she moved in with her parents. Danielle sighed. It appeared there was no life in the pond worth looking at.

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Footsteps from behind her grabbed her attention, and a smile formed on Danielle’s face. She climbed to her feet, turned round and grinned. “Susannah! I thought you weren’t coming over today!”

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Danielle gave a little squeak when she saw a tall stranger standing where she thought her friend was. “I’m sorry, I thought you were my friend,” Danielle said, politely. The woman smiled. “I am. I know your family.”

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“If you’re friends with my Mum and Dad, how come you weren’t at my birthday party?” Danielle asked, frowning, trying to remember what her parents had told her about strangers. “I was busy,” Ariel lied, smoothly, “Your parents knew I couldn’t make it.” “Um…” Danielle paused, “I think I should go inside now.”

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“Oh, it’s okay,” Ariel told her, brightly, “I just came to wish you happy birthday. Sorry I’m so late.” “That’s okay,” Danielle responded, stiffly. “I brought you a present,” Ariel added, with a smile. “You’re not carrying anything,” Danielle said, simply. Ariel forced a laugh, and Danielle’s stomach tied itself into knots. “Do you believe in magic?” Ariel asked.

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“Magic isn’t allowed,” Danielle replied, “That man on the news said so.” “We don’t have to listen to him,” Ariel said, “You could be a witch if you wanted to.” “I don’t want to be anything!” Danielle cried, lip wobbling, “I’m going inside now! I’m sure Dad said not to talk to strangers…”

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Danielle took off running, as fast as her legs could carry her, back to the house. Ariel sighed at her reflection in the pond, before casting a spell and disappearing in a circle of yellow light. She’d get the Wrongways, just not today.

* * *

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In the nursery, Maddie was playing with her youngest daughter, Drew. She had only just become a toddler the night before, and after a rather rough pregnancy, Maddie wasn’t sure she wanted anymore. Still, she appreciated having Drew, who was almost Maddie’s spitting image. “I think it’s time for bed, little one,” Maddie murmured with a smile, picking up Drew. “Song!” Drew demanded, and Maddie nodded.

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“What’s on your mind, Do you ever miss me, Is it too late, Madeline, baby, To tell you how much I miss your smile?” Danielle burst into the room as Maddie finished up the chorus of the song, looking rather flustered. “Mum! A lady spoke to me in the garden and she said she’s gonna turn me into a witch!”

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Maddie set Drew down gently in the crib and turned round to her eldest, “Is this your newest game you’re going to play with Susannah?”

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“No!” Danielle shook her head, fiercely, “This was real! She was tall, with pointy boots and black hair!”

“What was her name?” Maddie asked, suddenly. Danielle shrugged, and Maddie’s shoulders sagged a little, “I’m sure she’s not going to hurt you, Dan,” “What if she comes back?” Danielle wondered, peering out of the window.

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“If she comes back, I’ll take care of it,” Maddie promised, “You let me know if you see her again, okay, Dan?” Danielle nodded, “Do we have any books on witches?” Maddie paused for a moment, thoughtfully, “There might be some in my aunt’s Wronglands books. They’re in the living room.”

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Danielle raced down the stairs to the bookcase, leaving Maddie to continue singing to Drew, and grabbed the first Wronglands book she found. “What? There’s more than one?” Danielle groaned, and poked her way through the books, until she found the first one.

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She settled down with the tale of Rosie-Posie and her kingdom, a land filled with knights and magic. And for the first time in her life, Danielle read a book from start to finish.

* * *

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“It’s just typical that there’s a supernatural bar in the old factory,” Lee commented, dryly, as they walked up to the doors of the bar Samantha had been talking about earlier. “Where would you prefer they have it? The main street, with all the other clubs?” Samantha teased, with a smile. She clearly wasn’t worried about sneaking two humans in. “They have a problem with intoxicated zombies,” Hex said, quietly, pointing to the gleeful zombie laying on her back. “I didn’t even know zombies could get drunk,” Lee added, perplexed. “They’ll never let you two in if you keep that up,” Samantha scolded, but she was smiling.

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The bouncer was not pleased to see them, despite the fact he seemed to have met Samantha before. “You know the rules, Sam,” He was saying, grouchily, “No blanks” “You can’t make an exception just this once, Bane?” Samantha asked, sweetly, giving him another winning smile.

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“No exceptions,” Bane replied, flatly, “Supernaturals only, Sam. You know that.” “My mother was a witch,” Lee said suddenly, “Doesn’t that make me part-supernatural?” Samantha beamed, “See, his mother was a witch!” Bane raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah? Who was your mother?” “A witch named Ariel. She worked with Kimberly Cordial to kill Lavender Wrongway,” Lee answered, cheerfully, “You’ve probably read about it in the paper.” “Ariel’s been here before,” Bane nodded, “Okay, he’s fine, what about him?”

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“Fine, I’ll wait outside,” Hex said, quietly. Lee rolled his eyes. “He used to perform magic. Back when I was younger,” Lee paused, thoughtfully, “A long while ago now, actually.” Bane looked at Hex, his expression unreadable, before he turned back to Samantha, “If I let him in, it’s on your head, Sam.”

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“Thanks, Bane, I owe you one,” Samantha grinned, but Bane’s expression didn’t change. She moved forwards to open the door, and turned to Bane one last time, “You should try smiling more, Bane, it’s good for you.” He snorted as they disappeared into the bar, but once the doors swung shut, the corners of his mouth twitched up, almost into a smile.

* * *

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“Boys, this is the Dawnwolf,” Samantha announced, grandly, as she led them into a dimly lit room. Business wasn’t exactly booming, but Lee put that down to the fact most of the supernaturals were locked away. “Seems…nice,” Lee said, politely. Samantha rolled her eyes and opened to say something, when they were interrupted by someone. “Hex?”

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The voice belonged to a blonde warlock spread out over the red armchairs. Hex approached, curious, “Have we met?” “Something like that,” He replied, “I forget you don’t know me here.” Hex shot a confused look at Samantha and Lee, before turning back to the stranger, “I’m sorry, I have no idea who you are.” “Of course not,” The warlock said, cheerfully, “Take a seat, and I’ll tell you about it. Your friends, too.” “I’ll go get the drinks.” Lee said, suddenly, and disappeared down the bar.

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“Your apprentice?” The warlock asked, gesturing to Lee, as Hex and Samantha sat down. Hex shook his head, “Complicated.” “Everything always is with you, Hex,” The warlock smiled, and looked at Samantha, “I’m Solan, by the way.” “Nice to meet you,” She responded, cautiously, “How do you know Hex?” Solan leaned forwards, “Are you two aware of the multiverse theory?”

* * *

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The bartender had been in deep discussion with one of the patrons sitting on the stool, leaving Lee to contemplate the drinks available in the bar. “Choose wisely, Blank. No knowing what these drinks could do to you,” a voice said. Lee turned round and was confronted by a blonde vampire smiling at him. “How do you know I’m not a supernatural?” He demanded, “I could be a half breed.” “Of what?” She asked, playfully, “A human and a pixie?” Lee blushed a little, and she shook her head at him.

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“I’m just playing,” She grinned, “Don’t be so serious!” “Sorry,” Lee returned her smile, “What’s your name?” “Clarissa,” She replied, in a voice softer than silk, “And yours?” “Lee.” “Well, Lee, can I get you a drink?”

* * *

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“So basically, I exist in another world, and we know each other there?” Hex repeated, slightly confused. Solan just smiled. “That’s it! I taught you magic,” Solan glanced up and down Hex, “Too bad the ability didn’t seem to transfer here.” Hex rolled his eyes, “So what are you doing here?” “Drinking,” Solan answered, simply.

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“No, I mean, what are you doing in our multiverse?” Hex asked. “Beats me,” Solan replied, “I didn’t even know you were here until a few minutes ago, did I?” “This theory makes no sense,” Samantha sighed, “Surely you’d remember something about your purpose here?” Solan shrugged, “I thought it had something to do with all this supernatural nonsense DeBateau is spouting. Now that Hex has shown up, I’m 90% sure that’s why I’m here.”

* * *

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Back at the bar, Lee was caught in an animated conversation with Clarissa, and he was loving it. He hadn’t met a vampire before, and now that he had, he couldn’t understand why people were afraid of them. “So you’re really four hundred years old?” He repeated, awestruck. Clarissa nodded, “I hardly look it, do I?” “The corset gives me a clue,” Lee teased, and Clarissa laughed. “Look whose found his tongue!” Clarissa said, “So blanks DO have a sense of humour!”

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“Gee, thanks,” Lee rolled his eyes, “Humans can be fun too, you know.” “Yes, but they have a habit of dying on me, you see,” Clarissa replied, “What with being immortal.” “I’m on elixir,” He announced, surprised by his own enthusiasm. Clarissa smiled, this time showing her impressive white teeth. “Then you’re the perfect companion for me,” She told him, but he barely heard her. He was captivated by her mouth…

* * *

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“Now you’re here,” Solan was saying, back at the other end of the bar, “We can take down DeBateau together.” “You want to take down DeBateau?” Samantha repeated, “We were just here to find out if anyone knew where the Institute was…” “Oh, those,” Solan said, “Yeah, I can take you there. They’re easy to find, right under your noses in the city.” “Excellent,” Hex remarked, feeling slightly more like his old self.

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“Also, don’t look now, but I think your apprentice got himself seduced into dinner with a vampire,” Solan told them, cheerfully. Hex raised an eyebrow, and Samantha rolled her eyes.

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“I’ll get him,” Samantha sighed, getting up from her seat, “I guess I should have told him who he should avoid in a supernatural bar…” “Right,” Solan commented, “And also not to drink the Pixie Juice. Does wild stuff to your head.” “Yeah,” Samantha replied, and she crossed the room to Lee.

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By the time Samantha had reached Lee, he was practically already surrendered to the vampire, his eyes closed as he listened to her barely audible whispers. She cleared her throat, “Hey Lee.” His eyes snapped open, and for the first time in awhile, his attention was somewhere other than on Clarissa, “Sam?” “We’re leaving,” She told him, cheerfully, “You coming?” He nodded, and scrambled after her, with a quick wave to Clarissa.

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As they crossed the bar, Samantha couldn’t help by giggle to herself. Lee grinned, despite himself, “What is it?” “We’ve been in here barely fifteen minutes, and you were very nearly vamp food,” She told him, “That’s a record, Lee.” “Whatever,” He shot back, cheerfully, “But thanks for saving me.” “Anytime.”

* * *

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Soon it wouldn’t be warm enough to play outside, but that didn’t really bother Danielle too much. Since seeing the witch out here earlier, she no longer liked to go outside. Maddie, however, had told her daughter to ‘make the most’ of the leftover sunshine.

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It wasn’t all bad. Danielle actually really liked the fort, it gave her the best view of the entire garden. In the Wronglands books, they often used lookout towers to see out across the land. Danielle knew if a witch was going to sneak back into her garden, she’d see them from her very own lookout tower. Despite this, someone did manage to sneak up on Danielle.

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“What are you doing up here?” Susannah asked, making Danielle jump as she climbed up the side of the fort. “Lookin’ for witches,” Danielle said, matter-of-factly, “We can see everything from up here!” Susannah frowned at her friend, “Witches are real?” Danielle nodded enthusiastically, “Can you keep a secret?” “Yes, Dan Dan!”

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The girls sat down on the edge of the fort, and Danielle took a deep breath, and told the story of the woman entering the garden and asking strange questions about magic. Susannah said nothing until Danielle had finished. “Are you sure you didn’t imagine it?” Susannah asked, frowning a little, “Like that time we pretended there were trolls in the bathrooms at school?” Danielle shook her head, “No, she was real.”

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Susannah paused thoughtfully for a moment, “Are witches real?” “They have to be,” Danielle insisted, “Otherwise why would the man on the TV keep talking about them?” “But…” Susannah trailed off, “What do we do if there are real witches? They could be evil, like the ones in that book you read.”

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“How do we know a good witch from a bad witch?” Danielle asked, “There are good witches, right?” “Sure. They helped Rosie-Posie when she and William were surrounded robots in the south caves,” Danielle replied, thoughtfully, “They have to exist!” “Well, you know what we have to do then, Dan Dan.” Danielle looked puzzled, “What?”

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“We need to catch a witch!” Susannah exclaimed, cheerfully, “You know everything there is to know about witches, it should be easy!” “You’re right! If we catch a witch, they can answer ALL our questions!” Danielle chimed in, “I hope we catch a good witch.” The girls spent the rest of the afternoon in the fort, making plans and talking excitedly about how exactly they could catch a witch, and what they would ask one when they’ve captured it.

* * *

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It was getting late as Solan led his new friends to the outskirts of Belladonna, the area famed for riches and snooty inhabitants. Until this point, nobody had questioned where they going, but now, outside one of the largest of Belladonna’s manors, the others were beginning to get puzzled. “This is DeBateau’s institute,” Solan said, suddenly. The others traded worried glances. “The manor house?” Hex asked, curiously. “No! The garage. It was a rich guy’s summer house or something. Who knows,” Solan began walking towards the garage, “Come on!”

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They entered without any trouble, Solan explaining that he knew a guy who knew a guy, who had managed to pay off the guard to turn a blind eye to their presence. Opposite the door as they entered were three cells, and none of them contained Kimberly. “How long have they been here?” Samantha asked, suddenly, her voice barely more than a whisper. Solan offered a shrug, “I really don’t know. I suspect quite a while.”

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Lee wandered up to Samantha’s side as she stared sadly into the cell of a werewolf. He thought about touching her shoulder reassuringly, but instead offered a quiet, verbal comfort, “Sam, try not to get overwhelmed. We’re going to help them.” “I know,” Samantha responded, “That doesn’t make it any less awful.” There was no suitable response Lee could think of, but luckily Solan interrupted the conversation.

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“There’s more cells back here, and chances are we’ll find Kimberly back there, too,” Solan said. For the first time since Lee had met him, he noted that Solan was not wearing a smile, “There’s at least nine cells per institute.” “How do you know all of this?” Lee questioned. “I’m a warlock,” Solan folded his arms, “And if I don’t keep hidden, I’ll end up here. It’s necessary to know the facts.”

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Round the back, there were some empty cells, but also a supernatural Hex had never encountered before. He looked at Solan. “I didn’t think faeries still existed…” Hex glanced back into the cell. “They do,” Solan said, gesturing to the one behind the bars, “They’re just incredibly rare.” “Then we should probably save this one.” Hex murmured. Solan nodded, “We’ll get them all out of here after we find Kim.”

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In the cell opposite the faerie, Lee found a vampire. He was cautious of vampires since the one he’d encountered in the bar, and this vampire almost seemed aware of that hesitation. “I can’t bite you from here, you know,” She said, playfully, “It’s okay to talk to me.” “Last vampire I talked to was planning to use me for dinner,” Lee told her, firmly, “Excuse me for not trusting you.” “Can’t let one bad experience cloud your judgement of all of us,” The vampire replied, “You’d be like DeBateau if you did that.” Lee nodded, “How long have you been here?”

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“Long enough,” She murmured, “Though everyone else has been here longer.” “We’re going to get you all out,” Lee announced, quietly, “but we have to find Kimberly Cordial first.” The vampire shook her head, “I don’t know anyone’s name here. No one likes to talk much. Except that faerie. You’d think she was a werewolf just by how much talks about the frickin’ moon.” Lee shrugged, “I’ll be back once we’ve found Kimberly.” “I’m going to hold you to that,” The vampire replied, cheerfully.

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Samantha found her sister in the cell at the end of the corridor, but Kimberly didn’t look pleased to have her imprisonment disturbed, “What are you doing here, Sam?” “Getting you out,” Samantha said, simply, “We’re going to keep supernaturals safe from DeBateau.” “Well, that’s beautiful, sis, but I deserve to be here,” Kimberly replied, bitterly, “Unlike everyone else, I’m not innocent. I helped Ariel charge her wand, and she used it to kill that Wrongway woman in the paper.” Hex scowled but said nothing. Samantha sighed and stepped closer to the bars.

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“You brewed the reagents for the spell, Kim, but you didn’t cast it,” Samantha pointed out, “Ariel should be here in your place.” Kimberly ignored this, “You’re planning to break the law by harbouring supernaturals. You could end up in here.” “I could end up in here anyway,” Samantha explained, “My magic isn’t exactly subtle.” Kimberly snorted, “I see you got that glittery complexion you always dreamed of.” “Kimberly, I need you with me,” Samantha said, suddenly, “It’s been a long time since we worked together, Kim. We achieve a lot if we do this together.”

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“This isn’t a heartwarming film about playing sports,” Kimberly snapped, “This is magic. I chose my alignment, you chose yours. We can’t work together anymore.” “So you won’t help me?” Samantha asked, in a soft tone, “Even though DeBateau’s locking up everyone we knew and pretending it’s okay?” “I just don’t see why I should, Sam,” Kimberly said, exhausted, “My magic only makes things worse. It’s for destruction, not fixing things.” “You could change that,” Samantha pointed out, “Neutral magic isn’t so bad.” “Neutral magic accomplishes nothing,” Kimberly stated in a sour tone.

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“Fine,” Samantha sighed, “We’ll free you, and then it’s up to you what you do.” Kimberly raised an eyebrow, “Really? You don’t care that I’m going to carry on pretending you don’t exist?” “Of course I care,” Samantha replied, in a small voice, “But like you said. I chose my alignment.” Kimberly felt a hint of guilt deep inside her, “Maybe we can work something out.” Samantha’s face immediately perked up.

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“You’ll never be able to get us out of here, though,” Kimberly said, suddenly, “There are magical wards on the doors to keep them locked. DeBateau’s blackmailing the Gypsies into helping him use magic to keep us locked up. They’d be in here too, otherwise.” Samantha shrugged, smiling, “That’s why we brought Solan.”

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“Magic’s different where I’m from,” Solan explained, producing a wand, “We don’t rely too heavily on reagents to make spells work. It’s a piece of cake for me to bring down the wards.” “Not exactly modest, is he?” Kimberly commented, amused.

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“The Gypsies will be aware that the wards are down,” Solan said, “We will have to move out of here quickly once I unlock the doors.”

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The faerie had been locked in the institute the longest, and was the weakest of the supernaturals. She couldn’t keep up with the group, or continue running, and fell into the grass, fatigued. Escape was always just out of her reach.

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But someone came back for her, a man, in heavy boots. His voice was soothing, comforting words filled her head as he stooped down and picked her up.

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Solan lifted the faerie with ease, “We’ll get you back in good health, I promise.” “Thank you,” Was all the faerie could said before she passed out in his arms.

* * *

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Leda had been spending time with her piano since Lance’s wedding, but that hadn’t stopped Buck from calling her a few times. Eventually, the pair had arranged to meet up for a coffee. “How are you feeling?” Buck asked, once they’d settled down. Leda frowned a little, and he continued, “I know things have been kind of tough, like Lance’s wedding. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Leda sighed.

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“I’m…alright,” Leda replied, cautiously, “I still don’t really feel like I’m part of this family. It probably doesn’t make much sense.” “No, it makes perfect sense to me,” Buck answered, cheerfully.

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“Look at it like this,” He told her, “We’re both the youngest child-” “Technically I’m only the youngest by a few minutes,” “We both have to cope with the pressures of having two older siblings, and them being slightly more impressive than us. Like, Tank was always my Dad’s favourite. Ripp used to act out for attention. I’d be surprised if my Dad can even remember my name.” “Buck…” “You know what I mean, though,” Buck said, “We’re alike, me and you. The way you’re feeling makes sense to me.”

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“Really?” Leda felt herself softening, “You have no idea how it feels to have someone understand.” “I think I do,” Buck replied, with a half-smile, “Tank and Ripp don’t really get it.”

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“I’m glad I met you, Buck,” Leda smiled, warmly.

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Evening had fallen over Belladonna, and four friends were gathered in the small kitchenette of Hex and Lee’s apartment. Most of the freed supernaturals had disappeared into the night, but Kimberly, the vampire and the faerie remained. “So what’s our next plan of action?” Lee asked.

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“How are we going to keep these guys hidden in this tiny apartment?” Hex asked, gesturing to the women sitting over in the living area. The Faerie was gazing around the room curiously, “There’s no room for a coffin in here, let alone anyone else.” “Is that faerie still talking about the moon?” Lee questioned, looking past Hex

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“Moonlight is important to faeries, guys,” Solan said, “and she hasn’t seen it for awhile, leave her be.” “Well that clears that up,” Hex rolled his eyes, “But what are we going to do about the space issue? There’s no room here for us all.”

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“Don’t look at me, I rent a crappy flat you guys do.” “Solan, my flat is not crappy,” Hex said, but he was smiling. “I might have an idea,” Lee said, suddenly. They all turned to look at him.

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“What if we use the old Cordial place?” Lee looked at Samantha, “Where you sister lived before the Institute?” Sam shook her head, “I don’t have the keys anymore.” “There are other ways of getting inside,” Lee pointed out, “I’m sure Solan has a spell or two that can unlock a door.” After that, the Cordial sisters and Lee planned how they were going to break in to the old Cordial house.

* * *

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It was a warm Friday. Drew was down for a nap, and Danielle was at school, giving Maddie and Tank a rare moment to themselves. They were sat on the back porch, watching the world go by in silence, when Tank cleared his throat. “There’s something bothering you,” he said, quietly. Maddie glanced at him, and sighed deeply, “Yes.”

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“Danielle is insisting she saw a witch out here this week, Tank. And I don’t like to jump to conclusions, but it sounded like Ariel from what she was saying.” Tank grimaced, “DeBateau’s laws would only be good if they could catch her.” “I know,” Maddie sighed, “I’ve told Danielle not to worry, but…I’m worried.”

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“No one can blame you for that,” Tank told her, “What with everything that has happened.” “But I feel like there’s nothing I can do. I mean, we could move somewhere else, but I don’t want to go away again. Besides, Ariel would probably find us.” “What if we just go away for a little while? Take a break somewhere with the kids.”

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“That could be nice,” Maddie admitted, perking up, “We could go visit some of my old friends or something.” “See, you’re smiling already,” Tank teased, “Where did you have in mind?” “Pleasantview, I think. I was chatting to Cassandra on Simbook, and it’d be awesome to see her again.” “Then we’ll do it. We’ll get away from here, and just have a nice time with the girls.”

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“I love you, Tank,” Maddie said, softly, “You’re always on my side.” “We can do anything together, Maddie,” Tank smiled, “Actually, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. Get up.” “What?” “Just do it.”

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Maddie rose to her feet, but Tank stayed on one knee. Her cheeks instantly flushed when she realised what he was doing. “Tank…” “Maddie, ever since the day you barged into my life, nothing has been the same. It’s be perfect. Wild, crazy, adventurous…but I wouldn’t change anything.”

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“Madeline Wrongway, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” She said nothing for a moment, the words stuck in her throat as she gazed down at Tank on one knee. Eventually, she just nodded, realising the words weren’t going to come out of her mouth. Maddie didn’t consider herself an emotional person, but somehow Tank wanting to spend forever with her had completely thrown her off.

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That’s it for this time! Gosh it feels good to have this chapter out! I borrowed quite a few sims for this chapter, so here, have some credits: Esmiolanthe , for Nanki-Poo Shankel, Oakapple Couderc & Chant Couderc Keika, for Sun, Pepper & Rhea White Ani-Mei, for Solan Sharpe I think that’s everybody, but let me know if I missed someone! See you next time!