The Wrongway Legacy: Recap

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The Wrongway RecapGenerations One to Four-ish

Right, so it was mentioned that things are getting a little confusing because of the massive amount of characters in the legacy. It makes sense to make a recap/family tree type thing, right? Well, I've been meaning to make a recap since my legaversary in December. Finally, I've made one.

Time to relive the reigns of Jim, Liam and Grace as well as the first two chapters of Lavender and generation four, along with a few fun facts that I've not mentioned before.

Well, it all started with a sim named Jim Wrongway.

Fun Fact:Jim was a reincarnation of a sim I made and played a short while after I got the game for the first time. The first Jim was face one and CC-free. I randomised Jim's face this time round.

As for personality, Jim didn't have much of one. Hence why the first chapter was titled 'Average Jim'.

There was something that made Jim different from other legacy founders. He had an older brother, Ralph Wrongway. And Ralph was very jealous of Jim's success.

The thing is, Ralph and Jim both left home, but only one of them can succeed, for unknown reasons this was touched upon in some of the earlier chapters, but has become an important fact in the times of generation three and four.

Fun Fact:Ralph was actually created after Jim as a plot device. Ralph has never existed in my game until this legacy. Ralph is also the same as Jim, but with different hair and eye colour.

So two brothers instead of one. Ralph was jealous of his brother's success, and returned to Rubix when Jim's oldest daughter was a child.

Speaking of Jim's family...

Meet Lindsay Lawson. She captured Jim's heart pretty quickly as is the way of legacy founders.

I originally thought she was face one, but apparently not. Like Jim, Lindsay did not develop much of a personality.

Jim and Lindsay had two children, Ashley and Liam. (Fun Fact: this generation were named after friends from Middle School)

When they were younger, there was a little bit of tension between Ash and Liam, as Ash was older than Liam and spent little time with him as she grew up. Liam was also a little bit of a copycat, but both of them forgot their tensions as they grew older.

As they were growing up, Ralph was trying to make connections with the Supernatural Court lead by Hex. His offers were unsuccessful, and so Ralph made plans to strike while the generation was a uni.

While Ash was at uni, she got herself into quite a situation. As a teenager, Ash had made friends with George, and wanted him as more but her teenage boyfriend, Travis, came along to university.

Stella Torrano, an alien from Ash's dorm, had fallen for Travis, and refused to speak to Ash when she found out they were dating.

With a little help from the uni's self-acclaimed love guru, Talin, Ash was able to figure out she was supposed to be with George, and fixed her friendship with Stella, who no longer wanted Travis anyway.

I also don't have a picture of their kids, but they had three Whitney, Frankie and Julia.

Liam's teenage girlfriend didn't want him when she got to uni, and so Liam was left to find someone else which he did.

Cassidy was an art student, and Liam met her by chance while playing sport at the university facilities. They gradually grew closer.

At Cassidy's art show, at some point after graduation, Ralph staged an attack, which Hex made attempts to stop. During the fight, Ash was turned into a witch, which caused her to give up heirship.

Liam took the role of heir.

Main line generation three was brought in afterwards (Fun Fact: They were named after book characters, Grace Vampirates, Eli Along for the Ride, Elizabeth The Luxe, Alice The Looking Glass Wars)

Life was not easy for this generation Ralph kidnapped Grace when she was a baby, and she practically raised herself at his house until she ran away and bumped into Liam as a child Grace was reunited with her family, which had grown by that point with the birth of the twins, and Cassidy was pregnant with Alice.

Elizabeth grew intrigued by Ralph and his lifestyle, and became obsessed with the idea of being remembered, as she was certain she was not the heiress.

Grace and her cousin, Ash's daughter Whitney, became friends just before Grace ran away from Ralph's. Whitney introduced Grace to the world of parties when they became teenagers which is how Grace met Orlando, the man she would later marry.

On holiday with their grandparents at Twikkii Island, Elizabeth and Eli discovered they were mentally connected which was later nicknamed 'twin telepathy'. This power wasn't really used until a Ralph attack during university.

Elizabeth later auditioned for a part in Sleeping Beauty, only to find herself upstaged by Alice. Like her Uncle Ralph, Elizabeth grew jealous of her siblings. She was certain Alice was going to be declared as heiress, but Alice knew Grace was a more likely candidate.

Grace was struggling to trust Orlando during her teenage years, but eventually decided to take a chance on him, and risked a kiss. This occurred after their friends Whitney and Deidre, mostly had insisted the pair should 'just get together already'.

When Grace went to university, she had to return home on the night of an important date with Orlando to deal with Elizabeth trying to join Ralph. Orlando, who believed he had been stood up, ended up hugging Deirdre (De) who Grace assumed he was cheating with.

During university, Elizabeth met Knut Wheeler, a member of the Secret Society who saw past her jealousy, and to her personality. Elizabeth had a bad reputation after kissing Alice's boyfriend as a teenager, but seemed content with Knut until she tried to join Ralph again. This attempt cost her her life, and she managed to say her goodbyes to Eli via twin telepathy.

Eli and De made plans to get Orlando and Grace back together, while the family was mourning the loss of Elizabeth, and the pair got together themselves. Around the same time, Whitney got engaged to her teenage girlfriend, Debbie King, while Frankie got engaged to his girlfriend, Stella Torrano. At a party shortly after Whitney and Grace had graduated, Hex delivered Elizabeth, resurrected as a zombie. She was immediately reunited with her twin, and with Knut.

This plot summary is very tl;dr, isn't it?

Liam asked Grace to takeover as heiress when she was a teenager, and she returned home with Orlando, and the pair got married.

It had been a bumpy road, but the couple remained together, and stronger than ever.

Eli married De, despite the fact she was a romance sim, and not overly keen on the idea of marriage.

On the night before his wedding, Eli got a tad drunk and bumped into his three-bolt teenage love, Nancy who had said she was going to travel instead of university. The pair spent the night together, and Eli was late to his wedding the next day.

His actions didn't come without consequences Nancy fell pregnant.

Fun Fact:Eli's affair was ACR! Yay!

Eli and Nancy's baby was left on Elizabeth's doorstep Nancy had believed the house to be Eli's. Elizabeth, who had been jealous of her sibling's offspring, decided to raise the boy as her own.

Austin Wheeler grew to a child before he was finally told who his parents were after a note from Nancy was delivered to the correct address, and Eli broke the news to the Wheelers.

Fun Fact:Austin was named after the city, because Nancy travels a lot. I've never been to Austin or anything, it just seemed like a pretty cool name.

Alice kept out of her sibling's business completely, and married Jerry Thompson, a face-two fortune sim dormie.

The pair of them were seldom seen throughout most of generation three's plot.

Fun Fact:This wasn't intentional. Alice just didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the plot lines, or at least, not comfortably. In fact, their son, Owen, is pretty much seldom seen as well. The Thompson line is not one of interest, really.

Recap of Generation Three's Main Plots, in One Boring Slide!

Austin grew further and further apart from his 'mother' after discovering who his true father was. There were hints that his home life was often difficult Austin himself can be rather challenging and difficult to deal with. It's suspected the only reason he remained living there was because of Meadow Wheeler, his younger 'sister', who Elizabeth adopted.

The main line had an interesting time Lavender grew up feeling rather uncertain and unsure of herself, after Hercules broke her heart trying to figure out who he was. He had received unsigned messages, and breaking Lavender was how he earned information.

Rose, Lavender's younger sister, lost herself in a world of fantasy she created with her cousin, Will. She suspected he was going to give up the Wronglands, as their game had been named, when he grew older, and grew worried and protective over their creation. She started writing the story down, with an aim of getting it published.

Forrest grew up to be quite the little trouble-maker, though he was loved by most people he met. His best friend was Meadow Wheeler, and when she seemed to be replacing him with a deep friendship with Henry, a child Hex unknowingly fathered with a vampire, Forrest decided he wanted to head out of Rubix for a while.

Ralph and Ariel a former member of the Supernatural Court who turned to 'the dark side' had twins, also Hercules and Aphrodite, who mixed with the main line during their childhood. Aphrodite remained at the home of Ralph, while Hercules was raised at the Supernatural Court. Hercules ended up with extremely mixed emotions after discovering his true heritage.

During this generation, it was also discovered that Ralph had put down roots, unknowingly, and Robin Wrongway came onto the scene. Two family lines both at generation four meant one was in serious danger but which one? Robin headed to Rubix, and mixed with Jim's descendants, putting things into even more dangerous and unknown territory. This all comes back to the early fact mentioned in the first chapter both brothers cannot succeed, only one can.

Both Ralph and Ariel were banished at the end of generation three's time in power, when a confrontation was held at Ralph's home. Orlando lost his life during the struggle, but both heiresses Lavender and Robin were safe.

Obviously, I would recommend reading the chapters, but hopefully this recap will do if you can't be bothered. Now, I'll run through who is in the fourth generation ->

Lavender WrongwayJim Liam Grace LavenderFourth generation heiress

Lavender is the oldest of the generation, but that doesn't make her the boldest, or the bravest. She tries her best, and is extremely nice to everyone. She believes in giving everyone a chance.

Fun Fact:The main line name scheme for generation four was nature. Apart from Forrest, whose name origin is both nature, and Forrest Gump.

Rose WrongwayJim Liam Grace RoseFourth Generation Main Line

Rose is the daydreaming, imaginative writer of the fourth generation. Although she believes the game she used to play with Will was a collaborative effort, the stories Rose is planning to publish on the Wronglands were her own effort.

Fun Fact:Rose's Wronglands were based on part of my childhood. I used to create worlds, nothing like the Wronglands really, but I never wrote my stories down or anything like Rose.

Forrest WrongwayJim Liam Grace ForrestFourth Generation Main Line

Forrest is one of the youngest of his generation, but also one of the boldest. He's happiest getting into mischief and causing chaos. Forrest is a bit of a wanderer, and left Rubix instead of going to uni.

He also has his own bachelor challenge, which I really need to finish.

Robin WrongwayRalph Skye Jade RobinFourth Generation Heiress

Robin's heritage doesn't play an enormous part in the story other than the fact she's a direct descendant of Ralph. She's fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and a bit of a worrier sometimes. Robin likes to do her own thing.

Fun Fact: She was named after the bird. If she had any siblings, they, too, would have been named after birds.

Austin Wheeler (Shahan/Grove)Jim Liam Eli AustinFourth generation cousin

Austin's a cousin, but his family tree's a little messy. Until he was a child, Austin believe Eli to be his uncle, as he was being raised by Eli's twin, Elizabeth. Austin is the product of an ACR-affair that Eli had on his stag night with ex-girlfriend, Nancy Grove.

Other than that, Austin is a trouble-maker. In university he drank too much, partied too hard, and gave it all up for the girl he loved. Robin Wrongway.

William Will ShahanJim Liam Eli WillFourth generation cousin

Will is Austin's younger half-brother, though the pair have never really been close. Will is also one of Rose's best friends, they ruled the Wronglands together as children. Unfortunately, Will never had the same attachment to the lands that Rose had.

While he's currently not dating anyone, it is rumoured he looks for qualities in a woman that are shared with one of the main characters from the Wronglands series, Archa.

Meadow WheelerJim Liam Elizabeth Meadow (adopted)Fourth generation cousin

Meadow is the youngest of the generation directly linked to the Wrongway line. She's Elizabeth's adopted daughter, as Elizabeth herself is infertile, due to the fact she is a zombie.

She gets along well with her older 'brother', Austin, but is best friends with Forrest, and Henry Lew. She's a simple, trustworthy girl, who knows how to handle Forrest's mischievous nature.

Owen ThompsonJim Liam Alice OwenFourth generation cousin

Owen is from a seldom seen line of the family, the Thompsons. The family hasn't really got involved with the drama taking place over the last generation or so, and Owen himself ended up with very little personality as a result.

He has a tendency to go along with things, and is one of the creators of the Wronglands, although he didn't join the game at its very beginning.

Hero McCarthyJim Ashley Frankie HeroFourth generation second cousin

Hero is an oddball, born to a line of the family no longer seen. Occasionally, she can be found lurking in the background of shots or taking part in large events such as a game of Wronglands.

Ribbon Bonnie McCarthyJim Ashley Julia (adopted) RibbonFourth Generation Second Cousin

No longer directly linked to the first line, Bonnie is not seen very often. She can occasionally be found lurking in the background of shots, or involved in a Wronglands game, which has happened on two occasions.

She is the result of an affair between Julia McCarthy and Matthew Picaso.

Aphrodite WrongwayRalph AphroditeTwins with Hercules

Aphrodite is the agony aunt to both Robin and Austin, the listener, and a good friend of Lavender. The four of them spent a lot of time together. Aphrodite is a truthful, uncertain young lady, thanks to her upbringing in the home of the family villain.

Hercules WrongwayRalph Hercules

Kidnapped as a toddler by Hex in an attempt to break the family curse, Hercules was raised not knowing who his biological family was. When he did discover who his true parents were, Hercules went off the rails slightly, with no regard for how his actions hurt his family.

Henry LewHex HenryHeir to the Supernatural Court

The result of a brief relationship between Hex, the leader of the Supernatural Court, and Kendra Lew, an ex-vampire, Henry grew up in the hills with his mother, and father, Grayson. When his parents split, Henry moved back to Rubix, where he made friends with local resident, Meadow.

He has since found out the identity of his real father.

This recap should take you up to generation three, part eight, so now you can jump straight in at generation four, part one.

Hopefully this recap has been useful, if not, then I hope the Fun Facts were at least entertaining.

Thanks for dropping by!