Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (4) Nov 21, 1962

Log C~in l'tayers Wont NUC Students For Next Two Shows

"Wt deflnn .. 11 Z'EED SIJC 1ludenta for our next two •ho-=a'"

Ot'an Compton, pruldent or the Coeur d'Alene Comm uni 17 Thealrr Loe Cabin Pla.Yera. !Hued a special lo'fltaUoo to all collece atudenta lntereated ID an, part of tbeatze actl'fl13' 10 an•nd lbc n•'>t :eculat meeuac of lbe croup. Thia la echoduled at 8 p.m. on llooda1. No•ember 26 ID tile ba ement or tiw. Elks Club.

"V.e are plannlnc to tan work lmmedla~ly on TAe Con 11 Grtn. Thle wu one or Elhel Barrymore's most Camoua Br1Jedwa1 playa and there a re H•cral 1ood 11ttl4 ror actora and at°llCJl8C8 or CQlleSO aae. Our third show will bt th e folk operetta OW~ Ill tht Vallc11. For tble •e •Ill need sincere. actors and aquare dancers," Coonpton aald.

Collece etudcnta wore re · minded that appl!cauon carda ror t ~aue acu~1ue" arr DO•

a-.llable ID the rcsl~trar'a

VOLU1o1£ XVII. NO. •

orrtcl'. Those ln~rest.Pd are At tM DBI r. eet1nc c.: :• uraed to nil th•a. out .,. oon l.A'tt•r:nan 'a Club on :. ·~~' u POHlble and Jene lh<-rn •. the omcera •uc elected with lb<- rcllatnir u ... I'll u and 11omr o! tho 11,·la"s dt-­mah plaM to atV-nd th<> cldt'd upon. thralrr rnrellna on lhe 26lh. TM orncers or the club

Thr Tht'lllO group It plan· ul'· !"'Flo, \'lcbe, pre.5ldtnl. nlnK an opt>n houac on S..lur· Kt'n Youni. •·le• pruldent. day nl~hl. Dcocrnbcr I lo un- Donn Drnnl•, ercrcl&rY·trl'as· Ytltl their n1•w born thtallr al urcr Biii Strn••IN ••ra.-ant· Hardrn Lake. There •Ill be 111rrn.1. a her •arlrlJ' ahow foaturtns Oolf and ba•l• lball ••rt th" l::lk~ Choru. a.nd alnr .. n. cho!M'nn thr t•o ml)or &pot\& and entrrtalnrra rrom Corur ror lh~ ,,, .... M t1111P. In aoll, d"Alrn .. lllrhScbool and NIJC a ptnson lllU&\ •In !!ny per

PollOY;lnJ the aho• lhN1' c•nl or bl• c:atcbca IO lrti.r. ... 111 b<1 sciwirc danclnc and Baahlball lrtt•!!i •lll boo relr"9bmtnla. Tht public I• a·,..rd..S accordloi to Ille ln'f!Ud and tbrre la nocball!•· quanN •:retrtll.

1 h<> nrsl production ol Ill<- The club lllf'mbers a,.. ~~n-aruon. TA~ Rata•alrr. le nine lo ••II pme procrams achl-dult'<l ror f'rlda,y and liat· u a rund ra111nc pr 1ttl. urda1 nlshla. December 7 and Th" 11111\ or ad•l•oni •Ill 8 and I~ and I ~. Thr "~" lif! rontrd on th• bullrUn lhcaln• la hic11lcd a rnll• and b<ahls In 11 .. hall by Mond&JI', a holf !Wll lhr Juncllon at No•rmb(.r Z6. St.drnt.ssbould ll81d1•n l.akr on th• rl1ht •Id• ch1•ck lo rr ,..ho lhrtr advt· or lh(' rood. aora art·

~~.,,,..~....,.~~~~~~ ~-,-~~~~~~

E11gi11eers H em· .\pt•,1kt•rs

Thr .. ivocr1c ; •"9 ,....,. n 'llUl'ioua •eo I elda •po.It• '° N!JC .-. ~,,..,, Gt o bo~..-r a• ,._ 9oo•'I ~ SoM • L.el• to r git• Cw

rw-geor. C~ o A.,... FOl"e1• ·~•DI'. C. f'. Ocii•. Te•oco Co. ""-C'horucol .,.~,,.. ... Joe .. Peon~ di1fr er ~,,.er ror ,.... tdol'to &.

1 ~of Roods. ~""""'°"' C h lie., or.•Hi.t,, ol 1" JC ••..den• chop'9•

o '""- A~rfcof\ AuoQCt0' ~ • Ertg ,...., ••

1'0fth Idaho Junior Collttu Ocklry, mrd:alllcal tncint'tr aiudtnt chapter oflhtt Amrrtcan for Tenco, Inc. dlacuased tbe AsaoclaUon or Ellctnee"' IH!ld ,.ork ol lbt m~hanlcaJ enc!· Ila nrat dl?ner mtteUnc or tht nttr. Jack Pt'anln1. Cl•U en­yor on NO\'embcr 6 at lhtt 1tnetr, dMcrt~ thr work or Boota •net saddle Co.!e. • clvtl en11neer In the State

The proi:ram con.~ISled or I Hlch•ay Oepartmenl. lalk by Carl Kru .. ,N. forest Sorman cos1ello pre:Jdent •UPt'l\1aoroflbeCoeurd'Al•n• of !l;IJC .'-Al::. pr~&lded and l\atlonal Forest.• bo upWned Dennla Okla, prosrar:: eb&lr­l ti. •ork al the forester. C. E. man, Introduced apcakt'rs.


Our Greatest Cardinal Boosters

• to: ~-"~." .. 'f:'a:. '• ~ .n."• ~;:; ~d.d:~is2~.: ~:::•;,;~::: , ~· P~·-y Qc:s•..,ti.roer~ Do-n Gu"'"'°/dsO". Y.,ory '°'""' UNJft#Wood.

College Booo Wi ll Tour High Schools

Llllo d lfl

Or. Hemtl Speaks For AAUW Ch~ter

Dr. Ft :. RlCban! I &1 Cot'Cr d'Al•ne Hlib Sebo ., wrre al><'Skert at a et!n1 oc :-.-~•ei:ber H ! the C t't:: d' Ale:>• Cblp,Ur Cf I~ Ac:t'rtCln .U..oclatJ n of Cnh•rsllJ' llo<Un. The •etl:i1 •a& b•ld a1 tbe bome f Mrs. 1.Jnn f 'red I\ lui Oii •

The topic of th«" dbcusalon .. .., "Y.llat Should a Younc Person Read?" Tbr apeabno uaDllned lh• quutlon Ir t , S)Olnt o! view ! P&!PJ:!I. c l· l•ce teachers. and lllcb acb tracb•r.o , lhe,- dlaeuaaed pa· rental. acbool. and PQ! ••morstilp or a •ounc per­-"" •• re.dine malenaL Buth ~peakers took tbt> pas!!loc t!al JOWIC peoplr sbould :ead core er ~ss •hat tbe,- wan: and be chea a Plttty fae band I~ ..... In• tbdr ""D readtns.

"'"· Celtoa Ill Because or \Ir•. Culton'a

lllnt"Sa. aubotllule ha>~ been sttured lor her clua..... Dr. Heard and Mra. B&k<r ue tactunc Ille Enc!Jab cllines and I.Ir. Dallu Ator Is tocl!-1nc lhe rducallon clus..,..

ol"d .::>.o-:--o Er4.~ T t..o~ "' ~ ... ~ .. or• pios1n9 ei.r.•rtd wos .J wJ 't:I ~ ,.,._ -..• ., ·~ 1"1« ,. ,, - .... ,._

One •ord e1preJ<1... 1111 J'•W's ! ~: ne• ch"C'rlead~no -PEPPY. Thrs• rour ~IL • t>nllllll f:Mtra, Pa111 Roarn· beaer. ~l•r, Ann llndrr•ood. and Do•n GunvaldsQn, ""' lh• !'o;IJC Cardinal che~rl•aden. r I tn .. 1~6Z·63 11chnol 1r1tr.

Mary \nn Undr,..ood Is thn nl" retumtn1 ch~Nl~adtir trom

I : '"''· \Ian Ann 1, rrom Sp k:uie, ,. hN~ ~ aitrnd<'I! Sh&d!e Rich School lh•r•. She .s caJonnc In f'ducation.

P'lay Rosenbt'rcrr 11 from Hllyde" Lake and craduated tr~:> Coeur d'Altne Hieb Scboc!. Po.tty 16 a •tr1 a•1d be ·se• o o.~. Sbe Is 1:11Jorln1 I: cducauon.

oa .. i: G4ndYaldaon ts rroa: Co4'11.r d"AltnP and cnulual<!d tr :n c eu: d'Alene Rich SCllool. 5he, to0. la maJodnc In rducatt>r.. Dawn ta also a 1w1rter WI th the band.

Dea"na Endrr a It onaJorlnc In b.-slnesa. Sh" 18 a frf8h· man fr> CO('ur d' ,\Jene. Dea:i.:a Is Ille other nalr of Is M

T e Cbfft ndt · a• llddlnc IO Uoe r~ aU:ta and • .,.la "'t:!cb •e•c n" 7ear. Ti:!a ;,.nr tbq a:o bnlnc C'&:dltul a emb em acroaa lb< ~k t : be •eats cam~ lap acd •tlte tnH aocka. Tbe are also cettl°' ,.lllte poo • poa:s •I ui r<d centers to che• r •Ub. TlltJ' •Ill UH thoa1 :nllnl:f to: tbe ftcht so~.

Thtse strl1 are worklns ••t:J' ho.rd lO ma.ltt up new. anapp1 cbttcrs and are hoptna lbal u ,..•"J' u possible wUI :urn out f JI a ... J thf: pmeos.

En91neer1119 Alut11nu• Wms A.word or U o( I '-""~ f 1t. rno111 ot

Ldabo 8':1'ull•ra clnt'Nini: student • bo!trred fr;Jm SIJC :>!\.,r ctaduallon, pl:a.ced second In the Student Paper Award co:ipetltton cl Ille Paclllc Sorthweal SecUoa or the Alllrrtean Society ol Acri· cultuml EDJ;lneer held In Spokall<'. f'01 pr.,srnled a paper on "The °""l~n and Conatnctton of an Iron Chelate Appllcalor."

Students are rtmlnded lhat lb.,re ,.Jll be clallot'a on th• Fr1d'-' followtnc Thanks· i:l>"tnc.


Libr«ry Dedication , College Open House Set For November 27

Oedknllon ofthu nc" collcac Ubrary Is schedu led ror Tu~s· du cvenln~. November ~;. O.•dlcnllon exerclsrs "Ill be· irtn at i 30 ln lhe 11.•m.

Tht dcdlc~tlon amker will bto Or. II. Waller Stl'llan- rro,.. the tinl•~rslty or Idaho. Tt,· Ubrar• •Ill be dedlcattd If> lhe memO<J' of Or . C. O. IW· dO•. •·bo ~sed •••1 last sprln~ wllllt' suvln1 as r ,.,,.. ld•nl of Nollh Idaho Junl~r coa ... ,.,. Special music ..-111 bt- presented by Ille coll•'e band and chorus wllh an orpn llOBllude by Connie Lien. F'ollowln~ the dedtcauon

exercises , on Idaho Cl'nt•n· n1n I documen11uy n Im "Ill bt> $hown, :iner "hlch lhelt' wlll be an open hou&e or all lactUUei; on lhe col IHt campus ror the public. Alter •lc,..lnc the 1111110 bulldlne». the public la Invited to a recepllon al the student union wblcb will be spons red by

taden1 bodJr.

Thanksgiving Dance Toright Is Sponsored By Phi Theta K~a

f veryane ts lnvlled lo nttend lh• annun I Thanksah1 na Dance •hlch "Ill be hbld from 8 30 to 11 ·30 1onlch1 In the Sludent Union. The dance. a11<>nsnrcd bJ the Della Kappa Cho~ter of Phi Thtla Kappa, Is secl-formal.

Tbe social cha.trrnan tor tbc dance Is Judy Anders n. and the cc=lttec head• are a.a lollo•s decorations, Dian<' Auaunson. refreshmenta, Shar· on O'Connell. music. Bruce Simon publlct~v, Jean \tone• chan. Patrons r« lht! allalr "'Ill be Mt. and \lrs. James Burn:.. Mr. and \I,,.. H. J. Rich<>. Or. and \lrs. James O'Connell . ond Mr. and ""'· Nol.a Anderson.

The reception cornmllte~ includes Cl.1dr Welle r. N«m cosiello, and ChcstN Park. Mu.a LO<etla Dunnlp.n I• th< adVls« rot Phi Thela Kappa.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (4) Nov 21, 1962

THE N.I.J.C. REVIEW , • .., ..... ~-..... Dwlot .... c.a.,. y..,

., .i-...J- ~ ...... "'" NORTH IDAHO JUNIOR COUEGE


E4•tot • • ••.•••••••••• JWT .A,,d.,..,. Pho1 ... .,i.on •••.••••••••. , • c;...14 Bean, P.•O. P....,_ C1rcvl•tton ~ .. , •••••••• ••••• o. .... o. ...... Altoft Kr...-i•• a.,,.,,"- .. ......... , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i?opt &.r; Re,ott•n Oolor-.1 Ceoliuy, J .. Me•hh. R.on••u• w...,."' G.ry­M1fltt. Eleft9 f•~•cii.1• .. Sh.'1• Jolwi10", Pott·• Do .. iri:.9,. 8.ct.:y )(,."' .. • LMI feir<:9'11 .. Jeer• Ho,., .,,. C..lMlft. Pe'­~bor. Joh" c.,.,. .•• Owt111 Oh:°" W o. ... Col.-.:~


•~o or. o. ut t • "'"''' : ..... ~ 1n t~ ht~ •ory cf 'llJC. A '"""" corlogo wmcn ""VO" aoo..• l•ll"!y )'90<i 090 "°' 1okonono111<!r g1on1 stop cheod by th> ocl::I, on o! ·~oo,,..... budding•. On Novembor 11, •he dc1e o! •I-. cled1co1 on, '"""" odd111ons will off1c1olly bo made o por• of lllJC. And on y las· yeor wo took on equally lmportcs-• ''"I> by 1J,., o:!d •"" of .,.,., S1uclon1 Union,

Now lho ql.l9Sl1on on•e< OS ID wt'lelfie< WO O!>P<IKIG" 'l'le>C! g1fls. I know we do. No•urolly the<" .,,iJ be or.,... s•u<!enh who do not 1h1nk before 1hoy write on •no chcms or •o!:>ltts n 1ho S1uclon1 Union or some equally 11.1ve1>rlo ine1ocd of em.,... 101nmont, but •""'5e people ore dof1n11oly rn •"9 m no< •t· ~ ne onsw"' 10 1h1s 1,,,. 1n simply 1h1nlung before''"' oc• and ·~n o 11no occord1ngly. Remember, 100, •ho• •here s .,..,.... orry ~of1r in d~-<Srrucuon.

CARDINALS HEED STUDEHT SUPPORT On (\.,c1•nibo1 l, •tw- NI.IC Cord1nols w1 beg•n •hor l<l62-63

........ rDOll 580>0! w11n 0 gome QI cn..n.y. As n o-r ~. rho begmn1ng of rne ~son will bt1ng 1ke usual p!ec 'or s•> dent support by 01tendonco or rhe games. •

Tho boys on 1ho 111om have wor~ed long, hard houn ·o pro­duce o N•nn•ng room 1ne newly-chosen ~leaders ho"9 speru o lo• cf """' wor~•ng on 1he c'-rs, ond ·he bonci ond drill -m ho.... boon p<OChC1ng so rhey con en""1o•n "' ·he home gomes. But thotse oro the groups who wi ll olwO)<S be o• 1ke game 1~ SUlll>Ofl OUR -m. The ...,J 1es1 of s•uden· ,,.. torc•sr ,.,(I bo 1no 1nd1v1duol ot1endonc<' ot rt. gotMS.

Thft Cardinal• will be r""'esenttng our set.col. Let .. 9C' 1:-rhind ,,. 11 and i... o 1 ~"' reoresen1 us 1n •kl! be·• poss•b o N<Jy··by w1nn1ngl

Little Bits by Elon• FreJrlchon

I lhlnk we'd belier clean oul our locker. ll'a nol e•en Tllankaglvlns ycl, I know. Du l lhat locl<erl ll's almost more than I can ta kc - and lolel1lnce la nbout t!l.Y bC$t lraJL

ll probabl)' would never have occurred to me - lbls locker cleanlnc Iden - except !or a couple or tbln1a that keep bappenlnc.

In the ftral place, t cao't open or close It b7 1117ael!. Theo Ann hu tO ~ there co belp me prop up lbe landslide. And alnct' our classu ue quite a bit dl!rerenl, tbat cao cet a bit u•kwanl. I mac, U I come tO school at 8:00 and she doesn'l ctl here UU JO: IS, I can't pul a"&J' 1117 coat Ull 10.IS.

Theo pottlnc the coata &W&J' crut• • new problem. Som~ bod1 hu to ~ lbt're to keep klcklnc lhe coata lo, wblle .. omebod1 else tM door at Just the rtchl apllt aecood. Othenrlae a sleue or some­tblnc ceta plncbed In the door and then Just TRY and set the doot OPt'n spin.

II bat reall7 set me lhlnldo1 '1Crlousl7 about cleanlns It out. though, were the applea on the boltOm. You know how applea smell aner lho1 all In lunch sacks on the bollOm of • locket, under a stack or books for three 01 rou1 weeks. And when this kid aame up tO me the other day and aaked If be could b111 some or m,y apple clde1 - "ell thoao opplea wUI Just have to eor

Ttouble Is. what else cao we eUmlnate besides the apples? M&J'be those lndu cenls with TerT.Y Carlberc's cams-till speech on them - or lbal box or napldns rrom the Club S&le - or I ml&hl lake home a rew or the lunch saw. N.l.J.C. Reviews, and sweat· em I've been storlnc lo there. And I oou.ld lake baak all 1117 ovenlue library books.

Bui that Just lakes aare or the stutr on tbe top shelf. 111'81 about all our stutr on lbe bottom? lle've reall.r got a pile lhett. becaun we cao stack tblop up (tom ~ noor to tbe coat boots. There are tbe apples and boots l\lld wo· brellas aod folders wltb ptpers !allin1 out and a Jar wltb a dead bee I.bat 1 was cot.oc to ciYe to Mr. £Tans (before It died) - and all the stu1f I doo'I know about. ~ U ellber doesn't smell or bBSo'I !alien out ro«ot.11.

I tear claoloc lbat bonoca patt wW take more of a coo­sumttoo tblo l'n cot. In tact, the •bole thine C&J' Just haTe IO wall until tbe end or the semeter. wbe11 out courses cbange ud we ~I dltrerent boots aod cao late bome all the ones we haTe 1.o Ibero DOW. I'm JOJll a!ltid I.hat If we dlsrurb one U:ilnc. we'll bltt an avalADcbe and we 'II never set aQYtblnc back In. And It would be •ery beaall7 to hen I.hat coniiom­eiaUon 111ac around lo tbe main hall from now UU Ja.0118.Q'.

Tom Holzernnd Bill Blesslo; have dared me 10 print their names Jn 1117 colwno.

The real essence or work la concenustlon.

C'Ol""'P'I ~ ..........

Of"IY tuOfeCTI s~tw •~;I,, ·~ oOou• to 11''7" ,~. ~· ""''"'•• ,.,,.,.. do nc.' "-' .c• v @~ •' ~ ..d'Jro ... ·~· ........... 0 ¢0 #99 """"91 '"°"; rco ,.. ~ .. can •• rorcet ll:r tboasands

or babies bom •lr.b ddc.:ml· ties throocl> tbe us• or Tia!· ldo...S...'

Do 100 't.oaw a r ud :ellelbe r dill!>Ol<!S or C&.Q(:Cr and cranbe."'llea 5:1.lbeat:ala and CDmOn. F"londaUoo and ""'otal bealr.b'

I •

Tbeae a:~ o:iiJ' a Ce• or tbc llall1 dlapulea COn!N~llQll Ibo road &lid D"" Admtnlat.t&Uoa aa ••ll .. ·~ DeP.nJ:enl or Aartcul111tr. )laQJ' or lb~• diaputn actoa111 ln.crt .,. uPOD YOUR CrMdom. Sacb an la&~ la cow In proareu for IM:e la ao• a pmp-1 to rtYlH rood and Dnlc Mt, s.c. 125, relartn1 to !ood a~le· llWIDta. Thia pro~I not onl1 woold deprt.. the coas11111t1 ct thit ae.:uaa17 laf'ormatloo DHded IA aiUJnc ao tat.flll· ,,.ct cbolce of !;JOd •llPl>IC· mn.t. bot It woul'1 also ei· clude all 't'\t:at:111aaad llllnmila - onl)' rroe u..o label but ll'om Ille p:odoct u •t'll.

Gordon S.,,.d cl.. "•""' lint yeat •l•ttrortlu oM tod10 jntrrvcrot rl'tl1 ' • ..,.,. ' ~q R • Ancsle,.aon and Terry B"rrl• o• rhey ot•

~~ .-•~rfON•tf'Odlo•

Tlleae !&ea.a 111&1 not el:oct roa dittCSl1 bet tbe.J aa1 e!· tee. J'llCll !lie:lda, artcbbors &lld/or relall•es. Therefor Uine lNDn -1 •try •ell d!ect TOO me,-. Ulu )'OU rea • Uu.

I a1Actrtl7 fnJ U1at •e abocld tale m~tto lime and dnoi. "'°"' lctueat lo theao matt..,s, ool o:iJ, t : oor o• n ~&ltlr bet for ou1 chlld1ena • u w<'lL R.amember I.bat tr eoou'b pe~le bad tabo mort IJl~-.11 and d.,.Okd more 11m ... thou.ands or b&bl~ 1a Europe _, bue ~eo apazed from deform!Uu.

Heiald Johnson


Tbe Spantab Club beld a cand.r sale oo 11 edJl .. da.r. Nonmber 7. Homemade cand.y was coolrlbated b7 club mem· ~rs. wbo a.lac root tuma selllnc lo the SOB r.broutbout tbe d&J.

Proceeds w lll So !at a oew clock Cor the SUB.

Tbe e•ent wu planned b7 F1oreoce Peek. Sue Dooaldsoa, and £1aM F"redtlcboo.

Your Officers

a:,,, z ~pt.e""" Our 1tudu1 bod7 atctetary

ror Ilda la Doc Zlmlllt'rman. Don wu bom In Aberdeen. S.D. lo l~I. He attended Kellon blcb school where he pad· uated In I 9S9.

Don now u... In Coear d' Altne. He ls a S®hOltlOnl and ls majorlnc In acc01.1nUna. H~ plaria to attend tho Univer­sity or Idaho aner complcUon or h!H ~ork at NLIC.

Don •&1• Lhal ho conaldera It an honor lo be e leclt<I IO the -lllOD O! lludent bod7 SOCIP.­tary and lbat be •Ill do hla very be•t to do bla Job IO th" eaU•fact1on of the colle1e.

Ho Addrou 'I'eAchttr' "Can rou she me ~

coin' Cett11bwa /ddtea?" Sllldlct "So. I doo't Ullck tbe7

a=bo-red the "'-ea In lbole da7a."


COU> DR. PEPPER n.. F. .. """1 p~.CJpp.r·


Century Skirts. SU'eaters

Blouses. Capris, Coats,

Car Coats. Suits, Accessories


Joining the start o! NIJC:'a ~•ect1onlc achool lhla rail .. !\rat l'~Dr l1111truct01 Is Oordon E. Bunllck.

\Ir. Burdick la a nau ·~ or Idaho, bt>lna born and ralud In Emmet, Idaho. Ills nl9t i.o 1ears or 1\11h achoo I were al Wiider. Idaho. llnd then M Joined lhe aervlce durlnc which Ume be finlabod hie/I achoo!. Aner !10 1eaza In the aen'lco SP11'ad between the Marin•. A""1 AJr Co111•. and Army Ground Fore•. bf! re­tired from aervlce to Aus· uat or thl• 1etr.

While In ~ military ho und•rtook lnllnlnc In radar, electronics. Uld ,111duat"CI from O.C.S. with a commls· alon. The last lhreo years ot hla c:&rHr In lhu mllltu1 he was an lnat.ructor or elec­tronlce and radar.

Ml. and lo!ra. Burdick reside lo Coeur d 'Alenro with thflr !our children· Jeri. Ga7lo Jo!rre7, and Ore1017. Illa bobbles hunUn1 and

ti.hln.:l:.;·------Mld-sem•ler padca will not

be malled IO the atudente. ln­dlvldua.l lnatruclOra ma.J POlll the pa.dee or tho1 ma1 be ob­tained b7 askln1. 5tudenla ni· celYlns below a "C" wlll !H> malled a wa.mtn1 slip.


RENT • SALES REPAI II o,.r..,, & T~n1 s..,,lru

llfTERSTATE TYPCWRITDI CO 417 SIM._,....._ A~ .... ~ 4.)All

SOUVENIR RECORDS ••Keep A Reca<d 01 It"

....... "'°"-' ... wn 226 sa--.. A.••


Woodcock's Drug Store C..~d e - S..nd• ..

P"ew-- p:• ori

tU N. f...,.~ SI c...., 4"AJ. ..


PJotOflC. N01"'•W-.. • ·.a•ta 100 H •TM ST•llU

Coc:u" o~At.c ... c., IOA HO

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (4) Nov 21, 1962

Here are Faculty Committees and Advisors AllhuuJh ~ <» 1 collta" clubs ha•·• not YN •el•ct•d

oftlcer:s ror th" vu:. t"" follO'l>lnc rncult• co:nllliur•s and ~po1111ors ;:it club!! bavo been named. Student "'If· !leers "lU ho> In lulu~ i.ssues or The R•" !cw. ttrre ~ th" faC'Ult) :a.s.slinm"nt.s

CutdAnc~ and SCholarslUp - '.lI. Mose: . ctmtmmn Ml~s YAtt!'s. \tr. Stoot. \tr. ,.lannon. ~r5. Stranahan. :.:r • .;.1c:Fa:1and, ~1r2' . Culton.

A.11sf'mbh - ~:r . £ ... ans, Mr&. Lanae. Mr.t.. Seat«. Dr. Prldd1·. l:L<B Cllbert.

0r1r11i.trun Comm111~e - Mr. )lcf°D.Iand. c\ .. u ~ Mr. Slon•. \ll~b Yal• \lr. Oakb.,rc.

F'ucullr Social C "'mltttt - \l:s. Finch. ct"1.rn&n Mr. Pov.en .. Mrs. B:a f';.

Stud,.nl Publtcollono - \lr. ll•odt, cha"llllln •1. Bur-dick, 'Ir. Oak!l<>".

S:'iEA - )Ir • Culton. Asst>et1t1>d o\onen Slul'f,.nth -Dr. fetz. Phi Theta KaPll" - Miss uunnli;an. r_nc,ni-1·ra Club - "r. MO!>N. chatrrtllln. \tr. \•.n~t.

Mr. Slrb•rt. Clrclr K <.iub - ~:r ••• t•bf'. S<lphomrA~ Ad1·I or - 'lr. llurn.,. J-ro~hrn:tn Advisor - "il:son. Fr<'n<h Club - ·.1rs. Bl~iall. Sr.nnl•h Club- Mr. McFerlaod. Hon,;• E c. Club - \I". Stronatmn. Vr-tPrnM Club - •tr. Kt·attnic. Damr.1> Club - s~·onsor lo~ ""lected b.Y men.berohlr Church Clul1J1 - Spon.<101" 10 bfo •elected b•· m•mbersh1p ,,,_ Chr lsllanilon IJI an ei omclo ml'mbN of nil com·

mlllel'• and ~P.,M<>red CTOUl>B ,. hlch have a111 school cnr1nt'lclfon15.

Maxine Nelson Heads N.u.c. REVlE". Co'"'""'•••· Id•""· "•d .• "•·~ ...... 21 , 1962 1~

College Dames Club; LI TT LE MAN ON CAMPUS Its Goal Is Service

The Dames Club hos a lunch· eon m,euns thf' !us: 'londll~ or ('ach month, In tho SU bulld!nt. omcers Jul'" ~.n ~le-ct~ prestd•1H, \tax!of" :.;.,t!=on. \·tee pres1d~nc. :\S:uy­lee HiPTUSlla 1tnd 1'1"'Ct~tary, ElalnP \'aadetr.ari<.

TllP bst m~tln~ was fiP••nt m discus<tn~ "AA)~ that thP club could l>fo hf':~rul to :her o: cantzaU000< oo the campu , and v. hat the l!M 1 !v r ~hi year .. ould bfo. A ·~,. or lhe -. orr.en !acult.) a:~-~rs • 1P be invited ; eaeh "'~·11n,­n1ce .. ll~ to ~·t 3cqtldJn:~ outside t~~ cl:l«rooms.

Re:reshm"'nts .. ttu~ :senf'd at the last rr.eeun;-: by J..n Mon&gha:: and ~!.:u.lnP SPl~on. The hosteSSftS tur thP !il":&:t a:~~tln~ ·~Ill bfo Helen \lom­nnd 001 th) \larR~"· .\hy n t brln• a und, .nd o.n l on the fun ilt the- next ... e11 .. i;"'

Tba human braln ll a won­dert'w tAlns-. It otaru wo~ I.he moment you wake up and doesn't stop unW )'OU ue call· c<I on In c1Lu.

Gary used to fiddle awful sour How do you pel"Suade a reluctant youngster that music is not "for sissies,.? Classroom teachers of the West, Alnska and Hawaii do so with the help of our Standard School Broadcast, which, by dramatizing music from symphony to jazz, adds a colorful dimension to learn· ing. Gary and 21h million other boys and girls hear this weekly radio program in their classrooms. Has it inspired in Gary a zest for the violin? Honestly, no. But he now thinks the trombone is "swell," and plays it with vigor. His parents credit I.his new interest to the

classroom music. Who knows how many children have discovered an exciting new world through this public service program? It has just started its 35th consecutive year, so we have served quite a few school generations. Tune in some Thursday. Adults enjoy the program, too.

Planning ahead to sen•e you better


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (4) Nov 21, 1962

New Librarians

NIJC't rw-o new day l/bt"o.1Jon1 hod r~ .,,.,,..,.,, cf eran ""1 ., .. ..,.. po•l­rloina In o Mw ''bra('y. Th•r or• Chorion,. "10,.n, '•''· o,,.., W ltok • 8oJ.;•r. rloht. 01 rl-.e dtoc"°"' dodt.

Mis. Cb.o.rlotte Hacen, •ho Ill c naUve or S.t. Paul. Minn· esotc, Is one or the two new daytime llbnulcns at NIJC.

Mrs. Hagen attended the College or St. Catherine In St. Paul. where sbe received a bachelor ol science depee ><Ith a m~or In llbrat)' sclenae and French. She was the librarian at Montana State Collece In Missoula ror t..-o 1ears before her marrla;e.

Coeur d'Alene has been the home ol \1111. llaRen and bet buabclnd, Dan. who owns the Vocue Cleaners ror the !Ast ten 1ears. They bnve three child""· James, who IS eleven, Mary Patriot.., olcht. and Charlotte Ann, l!Cleen montba.

Mrs. liagen sa Id she loves tho west, and Is laPP1 IO be back In llbrocy work nr ter an abaeDCt' or 13 years.

Speo••r Stresses Uu OJM..,ey .h A Tool

" The Care llnd Rllndlln& ol Money" was the topic a! 11 l:l!.lk by Mr. Pllul Franklin &t nn a.sscmbl,y or November H. Mr. Fronklln la an account oxecuUve with the SPOkane oroce or the largest brokera1e nrm Jn the world - Merrill, f...1nch, Pierce. Fenner. o.nd Smith .

He explained the lllnctlonlnJ or our economic s.rstem In whlah everyone t.s a clance IO participate. Re said tbat everyone shoUld save ten per cent or hl$ lncome to "pay hlmsell." Then this ten per cent could be Invested In a number or ways

Mr. Franklin SPOke of moner as a 1001. And be sa.ld It should be used as a tool - not Just put a way so we know n have It.


Mla, Wlllabelle ll&tH Is I~• second or our Cla1UJDe Ubn.z· lana. Sha I.a • uu.. 0 r SPOkane. where abe .U.Aded Lewis and Clark RJ&b Scbool.

Mia. B&J<er bu a bachelor or arts d~rtt rrom Eastern Viashlnston Sate Colace. a bachelor of science '1om U. Unlverslt:r or Idaho; and a m1tster of acleoce ltOtD the Unlveralty or Southern Call­fomla.

Mr. and Mrs. Balter have lived In Coeur d'Alene !or the pnst rour and one-ball rears aner movlnc here from Booaera Ferry. 8eCore llOlnl to Bon­ners FelT)', Mrs. Bilker bad been a teacher In Coeur d · Alone schools. Mr. Baker L!i the station "'eat !or tbe Spgkane tntcro.atlClll&l and Union Pacific Rallroad.

In addJtion to wor~ lo the library. Mrs. &ker ls teachlns one or M15. Cultoi's Enrll1b clusea while Mrs. Culton h; llJ.

Circle K Runs Ziegler For Slate Lt. Governor

The Circle K Club Is send· Ina fow delegates to tbe Pacltlc Northwest district convartlon of Circle K at ceotr&lla. Wn .. on !SOT. 17. Tbe purPOSe or the conveo· lion Is to orpnlze the district. Orrtcers ror 11* district nnd ror each state In tile district wW b<.! elected at tbe con­vention.

Runnln; ror Ui.uteMnl go.­emor at ldllho Is Antoo Zlt!c· ler. Anton Zterler, Normu Coste Uo, Randy Noland er, nnd Nont:r F1!ndar "'" tbe delesatcs IO the coD•eotloo. AttendJJIJ the convention with tbe deleptes wW be Ur. Riebe. the club's adrisor.


We nrve ti.em oll


Dunce Class tight Tums Out To Be Adventtre For Coed ll all beµn OD an ordlaary

Monday olchl. Tile onl)" tl1lni different was tbe !acl lbat I tad daiice c:laas 10n1s1i1.

Thi! bands OD the cl IC.I< •hoored 6:30. Molh~• was frantlcallJ trrtng to bany me lbrou&b dinner aad th' dlshu. ll'~ I don't know. .~r all. class didn't bedn until 7 p .....

At 6·SS and ZO attonds fat t!R toa<') I !ell bo~• !or th "ttu-!"1-all'" - three ctrla lO ucb boy.

0o lZ:1 •a:s. I plchd up a '" SS:ls - l.M ttae ~ ..... 1,r-bal

As I stepped on the ccceJ ... rater, lbe a~domuer showed a 111J~bl lnc::ease. AllNd I aa• a l'lulllcc red llcbt.

I pn:l7 Pill on tbe lmokea C•i. - 111111 an extra Cirl ill the 1'.rwit seat!, &lid slowed doorn IO ~o r.pb. I wtahed t1m1 the new arrhal woaldn'I ata1 too lace up !'.rant (ae,.en'a qui" a crowd.)

Tbe tl.u!Wla red Ucht turned out to be DOllWIS than a cop's cat.

Darn tllo se 1111• &1111'& r. TbQ sure part tl:leit In t~ oddest pl.aces - nct.1 lD Ille mldcUc o! the street. and • .,... be doloc? Ta tune to a fdend. no lea a. I t!Uok tt •as a rneod. aa tbi.1 •ere both collllDS out or a bar holdlnc bands and w....,.. tDi; matchlnc braceloi..

ll'ell, I wu la a "allsbt" ruab. ao I went around the cop cat - tba1 ia. balr or 1111 car weat. The e>tbe1 bait Joined fore• sltb tbe pollceman·a »ehlcli..

PbDAl.Da an explanalloD borne 1'U.n't LOO ,,,..,, out I told 1111 fo!U ~ tile reason I bit the car .. as a red Ucht blladed me. Dad. "bo Is quite a comlc. . "The f'laslWI& red Usht OD the car 70u bit blinded you•" "Of cours@." I aoswer· ed. .. Bow 'd :too caesa •" That dJd ll. be sure can tum off bis humor qulck.

ll'ell, we nnall,y made It to dance clllSs. Oor ca.r escaped with onl1 a few deots &Dd bruls@S. Upon enter!Dc tbe cm. we were sarpdud to see a lew more males tbao usual. We later IP&rned t!W botb cl.o.sses were Joined thb week.

Tbe enntnc rurned out pretty eood u most or tlli sot a male 11'\rtner for Ille dances.

I still c:a.n't ~re out, tbouch. •tu' nobod1 accepted m1 IDT!· lDUoD for n ride boa:e.


No. l One 099, hor burreted 1oos1 ond 1elly ..••..••.....•..•••••• 25: No. 2 Ono egg, crosp bacon, hosh bro"" porar...,s, bvn~..d r00$' & 11tlly , •• 75;

Fru11 Ju1<:93 15< orwi 2~

OPEN - 7 A. M.


!UJ.C. REVIEW, C-1 ol'At .... le\.o. .... 4.. t<o .... i... 21. 1962 t6

Auto Mechanics Check Engine

f1o,Td Freeland 1' onl• In bl~ third •eek at NJ.JC, but a.retld7 be •8Yll with •awha· els: "I lo•e II dowo horo.''

This ahould be hull· warmlnc LO th• mtn In auto mecban1ca, •bom 141. F'rHland 11 tea.:blnc.

Aaaoclated •Ith Floeland I.: V.yman. Dodn dealers or CoMlr d'Al•ne, Ml. ~'to•laod bu behlod him 29 1oau In aut.o techn!Que, lncludln• 18 Te&I• or shop e111enencto.

In V.'orld War 11 h~ urved In AmlJ' Ordinance Ith" mecl'An· lea! aer•lce branch or warfare) alld ..:ble•od th,. nanlt of captal.n.

Mr. Freeland txpreHed abound!nc enlhualaam tor tho callee" and tho vocallonal tralnl11& department. He be· Uena thal tbe ••luo or YOCll· Uonal tmlnlnc I• "lu1nl nc b.r dolnc" and be !lopes that lncrea.slnc use or tho fnPw) aiJto me<ihanlcs depullnont

.J •

A Cle1•t1r Cl<JSsic

will be mado In the l\Jtoro b.1 CDi!ur d'Alone's people. Ho la t•en hearU11 ID ravor or acco~lln( women In auto mcchanlc11 .

S..r.t Mt. FroolAnd "I el\Joy my contact with Ibo atudonta and reel thnt tMy are earno81. Their •chool ls very nno and should i... expanded morn and more,._·_·-------Homo Ee Clvb Dlnnor Scltoc/u/oc/ For Monc/oy

Plana aro belna made ror the nr,,t Home Economics Club dlnnor moo Ung, Monday, Novembttr 26.

Mr. f!ntoh, 1tudent union ma nacer, Dotty Carson, and Dave Coleman will epoak on the atudont union board con· venUon ln Euceno, Ororon which the1 atW!nded.

Tbe dinner will be prepared and aened by the homo eco· nomlc1 llrla. Diane Auatlnaon le aenoml ctaltman.


Yov11 to~c co rh;s shortcncd vtnion of th. favorite boy coot Ir's honchome ond the 'WOOl·mohoir clonic "'ubt low 1<m~ohn"•s. Yollll tke rhe low .tung bode belr, ovrl;ne >I rchng ond t"8 wonn lull p;le lining. FaYor;:e >hodM, s.zc• 8 to 18.

I. X. L. T 0 G G E R Y )II -·A•._ • COEUR o·AUNe. IOAHO • Plooee MOM"1 4-4546

Page 5: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (4) Nov 21, 1962

T a/e11 t For Cardi 11al (011 rier

Business Groos Have Wide Variety Of Jobs

Mlsa Dunnl111n ha, ~h<•11 lht ltrvlow slall .uca nn om of aradunl>' bu•lnr•s maJ<m. of NIJC. Som~ am Mtftndlni: <llhor coll•a•h and "'""'• h11vr lakrn po lttunn In »at· loua places.

In S!oo lllr, Washln~lon, 1•m• ployod by Uo~lnr Alrornri. IA lhu:rl OnllnllN or K<•ll"H· who ltt o ftttCrt.llDn, flnt Ort'sch~I of Pu~I l·ull•. "'"' I• u 11<-na1ru1•h~1. and Mra. Clro l fb111•un MlllN or t:••our d ' Ah•ne. "ho la u erc11·lar>o Alao In S<>alllr 111 Joye" lll~Klna or K•llnRa. v.ho I• a •l~no1,.phor ol IM Amrrlrnn Lesion Orner. l·Nn \101•1•l•·r a11d Ann Judd , both Iron Vra1l1ct'. MC' l<'Nl'lGU•'• ., lho lldrnlnlRlrcoUon Rutldln • al M•'C!lcn I 1.akt<. Theron ~nr (.'anadu, lh Ml o.lf


MODERN DRUG CENTER Pre••tlptloo Speciolrsh • Gift• A Spec1oll>

1101 N FCM11W. u() ' i


VAN'S CREAMERY, INC. lOI N. fo...1ti '"t,....t - PH()Nf / _...,. .,,


Debate Club formed At NJC; Plans For H.S. Debate Tourney

llerllnia "1• held Hc:ll Th.uradu, dullnE aeU•il.Y Pt:. 11. a ,,,,,. SU. Tb ·~ In· 1 re led 10 JalnJa~ ma1 c n· lac n ! th• dtbiiler 01

II:! t t"lub tmbt-r.

Fonner R•v1ew Etli1or W11u Sdto/ostrc Honot Ii Tiu: • •·r dlt¢r I tie !l;J IC. R '• • "' a ~tor at the Ccl'tr.:s LI

"~"'hl~t o. •os one or -16 rds namc.'Cl u seruor H nor

11' a. n. .. ""-rd ~ ba:.~ n uui..taadir:i,: scholuue

achle,eClent. hli;!I suad:uds ' ,.. ndw<"t let~a.

endallon fl" u :i ;ii.utncrs.






SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Ory Cleaners mo Pickup one! Oellvory

l07 Ft••' MOhoa .. \ 4ol5t 6

Girls' Service Club C.ts Hew Uniforms


Tbo> Oirl's Service Club bl-Id a candy sllle an November 16 w nus<' funds l<I bu1 •ests for the "~"' members. Th• uniform or the club Is Rle1 skirts. .,.hilt? blouse... and red vests.

The club !:I In c mree or Ptlttlns up the cards on th~ cbo.!rs ror assemblies. and teltphonlng Thwsday mornl 111t 10 remlnd lhe !'llJC i!ao:>ters or lhelr we~klJ luncheon meeting.

Compe1cnc:ce ts lhe best wespon !or meetlni; compe· tltlon.

COEUR D'ALENE STYLE SHOP · o..,,..,, . Foundotion> Sportswoar

Artcarved captures the romance of midnight

... the beauty of a precious star

MIDNIGHT STAR-for"' r\ f,.rluno trCinderdlo,,.ho find• h.-r. II •nl'-';;~·l '" 1hr• nf a 1t•rlit night. Th~ b<,a1111rull)' ~I '''" "~ facri. .. r lhi· \rloar>• I 'rr•llon uro d.-playc.I in a .... uin.: <•f nc,. am! luung m~gn1h.-rnr<'- ~o w.,nder \11J11igh1 °'" ...,loclcd b 1he ring""''&" of 1h~) ••r by 1lu• N•1inn4l Coll'tlr Que~"'·

\ou'll lo•e th<> ne"' dl"irgn. AnJ ynu'll trea•ure the foct th•1 it j, t:11.1de hv Artun ... J-thr narne which hh meant th• nnht on d1am.;nd. for than • t•enturv. Come in 4Jld .., . ._. the """ ~trdmght Stu and all 1h~ other' oword·" mnmg Ari car• ed dC!!igns. ., . ....... .



Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Page 6: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (4) Nov 21, 1962

Goi11g Up

BOWLING llednesd&Y Nl~ht Lua •t Tbursd.o ,, ht Lurne

Team Standtnr- Tek SI ndlasa 1. The Ten Pins Tbe AD.)'Udnis .. The Aristocrats Ke!l,y's B'>n 3. The Fra ntlc Four Gutte:s 4. Tiie Guti.r Bui;a Lushes. Inc. li. Laffin' Loners TM Speclal ~t 6. The Slat> Ucl•ts The Blc Four 7. The Pin Busters Krtrt-Klchrs-4 8. The IU1b Handicaps Rebels 9. The F0t:: Bo'a Canuclts

10. The flub Duba Tomcats Bowllni: SCor<'ll Tbe Fow Fir.ks

A\eracc Gcllerb&lls

I. ll"eller 157 -I-Hooks

2. Gill 160 so-sames

3. Slone 153 ~uanta .. Ellis 153 Ball-Babin

5. Hanr;.,n 152 AYe'1Je 6. lolar!IN 1•9 l, Bill Jacobaon 1;1

~: rufi~i 149 .. Rusg Tbompeon 164 149 3. Tom Palmtt 163

~- \later 147 •• All Goodale 15:! 10. P reston 141 5. Due Kellner 152

Daffy Definitions 1. J . Bubb HI LL#p - to uth• tho thound ot .. s. O'Connell 125

th lntht eAd of tho thou.nd or 3. S. Collltt 111 , th tn thpoaltln1t .. D. Dl1on 100

HOl"1'C - An oatsmobtlc- 5. s. l41•r 98

" Mon, that's a real working boll!"

For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 2414 N. Fov~ St. • 41f'Af•u

Ccrdinols Prepming For Season Opener At EWSC Derenmer 1

L '"'0.1.1 t""' '\.~ 1.Q& . ! tie c.:;i~ at~ 1n1 :I ml r<~a:Ulons r • ""' • HUC!!ICil)l!llC: apl:lsl Eulnn lra&blactol1 5'ale C° eie OD Decembe: tat ct.1"''· SallD­mace-. o"el!S!Ye, a::! def -sin drills L.,, am the 51;11114 •a ~l:tb ac-.h1t H ln 1hcl • alk~ pt to buln tbe s•aaa- l:i :lie •In col

•lllla::za lw,lea to l :>t.JTe tJ:;.s :rea:·• rtt ::! n: E'llSC 1:13 de!catlQC tbel: J\ cl b t1l1 u. Tbla will be Ids fust cbanee. s ue spill •llh tbn Cbe~ acbool lut 1eu.

All t~Ja 1 tor:r '°"' to preaa the ll ff Sla!Hfl ba ff net 11!l bl!oa picked. All Ct'mbN or tile lei= sbow lbry can bo conala~nl. Alao llacl lb&l Ibis 19&1°8 tOllCI b::i.a deplb mak .. a lbla ODlll lmpc.r• l.&:ll declalon a bard OllC.

SI oce l ld.s pm~ I.I I be 0i>enrr, no o°" bu &DJ ldoa wbo will win. II cook! be " cn'al ca...,, with NIJc•a Cina ball Club dolnJ Uldr beat. c;. la C s •• p.

C oodt-r-P.,.-1 ans--=-T w- o""""'=J C

City League Entries c ....

al: ce11 1meru1ed 111 J\" buett&U ahoald c~ t :~ ID'ID. 1oload&1s. 'lrednff­dllJll, and>J'a at S 30 Car ~~ctice. lf llllereal ls i:"eal ~oact. I• o ball Cl ta wlll t.. Cor=ed . •Ith Ibo S«acd 'all:JI ~mk'r the title .. Red Birds ...

B« b leaCIS w Ill SH acll II .n c~ r ~'Alnt-"• ctty LnCIM!. M In Ille t*ll, lhla leacue •Ill ir~•ldc keen oo petition C r SIJC ac;i::ad1. 11m1&u anno1111Ced alao •'a' iiOlla r Ill bl" n~-.S d "' t ' I:&

YELL LEA DER TRYOUTS Tr7out::. for "'ale 1ell l•·ad<!l'tl

and maaco1 will be hPld •D Frtda1. November 23. Th~ t17outa for 1•11 ludPr •Ill be held In fr· •nt of th" student bod.Y dutlns actt•lt1 period. The lllJl.SC41 will i.. choaeo b7 the membert1 or lhe atud~nt b<'anl L~d the chMrl .. adeni.

N t.J.C. R(Vl (W, C:-o .(At .... t.W.., 'llooj. , No-\.• 21. 1962 II


'"""' h Mt •••flt I f'ff ,,. ._ ,,. 91'\d - . ,. i'° !'\~ Oowo\ ,...,. (£wSC} to • '"• n. .... , .......... s,...,.,., .,.,_. - ~ ., .. , ~ ti. ..... 1. ""°' .. .,...,,.,., ..... ..,. 1111Kh trwW. .. 'lh "'9 f.nt , ..," ~·· (), n. •"'-• ••• of ,._ coYI ..hen ,.,, UJON• • •"-• • Co.c._, " • ill'!"~ .... •• fO'l"'f to •• "r• n.. co.K-frt ,.,. •Iii. I h.,. '° hut .. 4on't ~..., -"• ' rhe-J ha... I C91t•t ...,.

Hit • •"'.,. to • ..,. ~t ti.. • ..., 'let J'!l.e \no- • "•' ,S..., ~· ••Nie. 9"Y• •· ..- *• Mt,..,,_ewttor Nf n • .... .,.4 t to.o..w.,._aU""°"""'' ' h.1

_. ..... £'9SC. ..,, l.t'• &.,.Ii et fhit CMd\0

1 1169 of t~ C04"- ~t It _,. ,..., • 1 n- .,..,. ..., • • .. n1 a. .. , 1 £•SC"°'• .,,., ,...,,. s.... 9le -·· leu o l • t'1 ..,. t I ~ ~t ..Ital f It l1 u1? 0. • O ,,.. P"I te ~ "'re u ' I~-- aot If rli. ,._ s litw14 1o .. S."""4-, th.fl et ~. ,.., , ,._. ,._.,., ,...4 tyt.t ~· ~ moir.. !Mtci.1"• II ,., tJii,,. ,., .... lle4 •••"-•"!fl• Joi "9 , ...,., , ,... aNI ttunli. how rJw 1"lflft en~.,.._.. aut1 M., &.• n,..1 ,...., , ._I ey•Alo ~ (vu •or\ o ll t+.. ,.._, .... Th11

""''"'• a\eft1 • ttii...., 1 ... n , f...11 thot •• ho~ • p-.1 ...... .,.. 14-oy IN.- ..,\...; Oft; eft4 h ... to flMI..• t ~ I ...,. $o ..,,ft Of 'Off 1at' 1 ...

..,, -' ' ""'"'' 10llt , ...., Mo1llll tl't«I l•ttlo ef~ Oft yOUt ...,, w ill ...

.._, ~ reo-.Me41. Th,._ oliiout t i I

Oaet't f.or~t "°' .,.., to atrefld th• ~u i...t •leo ttt. ,., tolllu. Th• ct-. • • 1 ...... ..,.,. eN ,,;II ' ""' • •• ..., hotd to ,..\. the .. -, .,,4

•• _..,.,,. """I e"'ll •"l0)"4~t•

Poli tical Sciu co Clo~ H .. n Ecoo .. lc

Tbe Polit.a.I uclence Club held Ila fowtn meellnc Sovem· brr G. Tbero •aa a H r 1 lll>Od altendLDce and four memt.<o rs or lhe achoo! del:&le teem pvo a ~ro and con dl1c11ulon on economic communtttn YNSUS ror•lcn aid. At the end or lhe debll" a 1enera I dl1cua1ton ..... held.

c...,.1.1e Litt• Of

Hunting Equipment THE LIGHTHOUSE

SPORT/HG GOODS J05 5Mt-Mu A.,,. • MOha-i 4-5721 ....

Due to the mld ... omeator eum1 fallln& the •Hk or Nonmbor 19. lho neitmeeUna was POSll>Oned until Decem­ber • · Oueat epeatu at that moeuna wlll be Mr. Rudi Oruhn. fo rmer e1ecull ve 1ec­re11111 o r the Freedom Fl&btera In Spokane.

Cod brlnp men Into deep wute r11. not to drown the 111, bu t lo cleanse lbem .


EVERGREEN FLORAL A,.D GIFT SHOP ~ Ouet;ty • "d S.,.,.l«"

,....,. .. o~ • ..i •-it•~ .. •. .-1t 213 Shet.fMJl Av• .. • Coevr d"AJ.._.

OPEN WIDE and SAY A -H-H-H! Get that refreahinu ne!L' feeling with Coke!