Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (2) Oct 7, 1959

Yandt, Adams Are Elected New Class t'residents


~• 1Ln a .. ~vote aeG O\U n..t ,....,.... uppul1ttll tCJ.eft &acA I• .... ,C' ft~ & ~ .a.u­•fC'H l~ll t,;otur d AJCD•• WOQ

Ult wtln ot \1ce pr91deot or 111• atud<llt oody. ( CIUld>• ~t• IOr Ult <JUN. A.ttb.ur San• ., ... anu u .,no .tknWLZ. riec.•v· ,.., J\I ano \'Ot• rCIJpect.r"~l)•

Students Select SB , Class Officers Olu..J'tJU \IJUOO bOa.rO Ol fJC.c-a

• ... \lo"'" b)' \ Holal.elll. Uk VIU7 &lJCiD.k nom.a.aaWd ean~ ti1UAtlf, &nt.i C..c..b)' (.;tQW, &

.-n~.,.&D candiclatlf &ui ate u ... 11utn .C.Uoen.L&. ~ out oa top UI the

8Llpb01D0•• premomwu a-c-uun WU Jton \A.Deft, &a edUC&tlOG llJJlj,}Vr 1rom eoew- er A..Jcne. •blt

rtc.<lY.0 olJ \'Ota. Hll OPJ>O" nr,n~ ~ Sczuodt and YeU M...ur. •bn Z& and 21 '·01.a1 , ...

•pKU\'tlJ. JMll• M.&MJns -.,,.., ""Ph<>­

hi'->fl d&M vtce pruJdt.nt wu.h A \:fllU .., la tor Cl&Jr Ula.c:k, bcr ne:ate.-L compc:uwr, J 1 tor Item Scharlf, I~ for llal>· f'tt Ye.wt, and 12 tor CayttJru h,,. krna.nn.

Mnlyn Nf"wton \loU V<1t.cJ .. ,ponmorf't ClAA9 MCTC:ULt)' wn.n ;JJ taUot.a in her favor. ti&ndra Nyrf' and rauJ wern.t:c -irr• c iOM MCOoda wit.b ze: and ~ t'otff rnptcU\·cJ)' Na.ney rt.oa had JCf VC#lAlll

\\'•IJ7 u.:...n ~ a!tt.rma • the vt1lce '''' the oUic·t or fruoman tl&M prwsk1cnt Ha t1Mrnt c,,ppunent, .Paul PdUllCIO &ut H votta The t't'mAlntna vol• wt re ¢1vadod betwtcn J~n Ani.lrt• and Ed Oltvt-r.

O_.,vcrly won Utn offl•• of VIC• 11ruld•nt "' Ui. !r~"hm.M.11 du.t wllJ1 Ola hJ&hut numtHor ot vola rocewed by a.ny r•ndJd•t• f'7 Jac.k Scho1t• """ """"d wllh 21. and Kon t·arnt'J10, Tom )l&y, and Jt&lph

LAJfcrty """"°" lh• ulhtr 20 \Otta.

.~.,,. t~man c...._ H<"ttlal")'

Judy llf"'Uman ,..,, •• ..., n h.llrt., Mary l!tdc1in• won 3l, and llunnto ,. • ..,_., and i- Tran· 11Jlh1h1 ._..l.h received 2•

J- trur.-. ahow Lh&l lhti atu< bt,.Jy tum·41Ul to th~ po11• w1.1i "111 l'pU•>nally lood Lb.II )'•f

w1111 a llUI• n1or• than hall th• etudrnt batty \oUng, ft('('Ordlne lo atUlltnl botly J•~lduU , Juhn Ad•m• Mftn)' wrile·tlll wel'1" N'• tl\'td tor \tU10UI ortk'"8


Thfl £n1tnw1 a Club •l NlJl• htM a flJMUn1 Oct l anJ "'~ t rd ott1c~ra tor Ul• rnr Thfl n('W Jirftidftnt '9 Kenneth J .. ,. ton. U.. M<r<Ull')· ill Bill Tan· J;:t-n, \'tt• J',...cknt. Al RhuadM, a.nJ lt'MArer U \\'ayno N)N 1°h• &nstnttr'a Club t.a Opt'n tn all .. n11nwnn1 1tudi&:.l\l6-

0lhirr \&n~hl.atn we"* Kent llulln•r. Oob llarwOOd, and Oar)· 81e1nvau fur pl"O<lldont,'I OOC>dAl<. N<ll Flt.ulm· hw1... 4.1:\•I\• tChtnba.\1oi for llJJ'\'~l•ry; Uob CanS~r nm llfnnlnf, a.nd W&)"n• N),..., tor \lffl-rre-.IJdt"J\l and lrla.n•hlro Yuki. and L.arry OO<>dal• lor lrf'&•Ul"l.r

Night Claues Taught At NIJC

NIJC llcuo In addition to d&)·· Un..r cl.._.... a ec:hedult oC nllbt -.h'"'' t"....._ Tb.I.a,._,.. a"" cvurN tri "~ £.slate Ap­r"'""'1" ,..,u .,. ""'Cbt b}" Jll!I C.ri'1lt) and Joe Arutt. Thla ,•otu·- h&a • rrt111tnl cnrollmtftt. Of H

Mra. H C"ltn Brent hu lW() <l._ tn tallorlnlf h<ld at ntght •n lhf hon10 tt. room. an4\ haa • pt .. •nl tnrollmMt of :i

•tt• !otttll• Ya.••• tf*t"hu ~t SttJr•&la 1n bu•1n- eou......._

f 't1' lnl( ""'" "'" "'tudrnl lf~,..tnnvnt oftln-,.. •I NfJ( thl• fAll , N"\fl1'J \\rr., rltt1"'4 ta .. l .. prtuc trn t ot11to,.. ,,.,, f"rhlAJ . (~f" t'6lu.01n Ill l,.U for 1•IN'llou .. ,o,.) .) l_.rrt lo r"l«bl. fmn1 ron: d o \nn tooko1•latl , "''"'"flt fHHJ) M"Ctr f'laf"): .lf'Anr \ l •n ulna. -..-11lhuuw1rt· ,,.,.. pn• .. ldmt: .Jud, ""ptllman. lrr•t11ntt" .., .... ,, 1•r). ""' \ -"'ha.rt, ·de,,,.. flf'-ldrnt t K•lhl,.,.n f1rn\\0 'tud,....I l nl• btMLt-d

'""''~r· tll&c'k "'"· .,,~o \ <Sant, "'"'•l•·nt

Federal Funds For New S. U. Building Now A Possibility

Atlflr ell our tnr npo L. fr'uro lhf' ~c f'f1 m•nl, NUC h.a.1 nt.i" r.-., I\ t.J mot.- f'ncuura11n n•'4 a to lhf" C'ftl'< l thAl lhfl 1ovt-nrn1rnt \\lU alnwtl wrc-ly ttllot thr rolh•Rf\ • aum nr n1one)' tor thf't h'ilhlln~ oC • """'' •lo· tl~nl untnn hullrttng, GC"t"1rdln1 to \\'ATN'n 8hrpJk'rd Ntt.-cc·

A nf'\\ •tmh nl un1nn ft>t "hh h thtt col1rl'f'I 19 ukt.nK $1 JO OOd. ('l1UIJ 1n·•tl) C"nta,..:" thfl •tu.trnt Mf"\ h.""C" CaC"thUn •nd .. n•bt(' th• C"Q11~ to NPftOrt mureo ntfl'\U\ fl •ludfnt bott\ •• ll\ltlN \Ir lllwrl"'rd. "'"° .. 11J th•t thf' r&an• haJ JW1l Mj'un lo 1""1k tKip.tul w1Lhln the" t.•t CM' da\a,. aUtf'd that runnetri "'"'"toPm•nt..11 Mould \Akfl t'I•• f' "'lth'n •J'lrn>i.Unat'"h thrf'G ,,, ttl\lr \\:f'('ka.

Amona ulh, r plaMed im· rn.1\f'mt"nt• at NlJC ha1 "t>rcon t.h• f\&,nUn • ..-.t th• Un~ M lln arpru,tm•t..- <'t'Mlt ur $08 to th• rollc-1•. "\"<'OrdU\S to Mr Nht<l'J'i'rd Th"" Jul. "hll"h wa:.i. btllrkt •f'rN two )Mn ago at a ro•t ol •bout ft.000 to U.. CollifCf: no•. ln 1ta fta.iahlfld •t&l• (tn>\ tdit"a M.ff' ('Oll\ .-.nlc-nl park· •nc for th"' cara ot •t.udcDt. •ho att•nd ~1.JC.

8llU In tho pla~ la tlwo rroi-1 t o ..," up.. -<"amp homa Mi&r OW auto mtc h&nlca. • hlcll "°"' mu, h nt °'"" C'nll~ • ~"1tC4m •tara...- Lated Sb•pr--nt.

R.\lll() R£T1 Rt-' U... ~"ullno fro•h from ~·­

•ltn Lakt'. br,np Mr portable!' ra1hu t o f'Atlven lhtt ladlW )1\Uf\Ct" •Int'(\ theo r.cular nuUa In thti t<tuna• hu •PJ'llll~nUy atutu- 1ntu ,..ll..,.mtnl

1•r .. r nl.\ald \ And&. ...,,~bt•mo,.,.. c-J_..,.,. 1>,......I• 4Jrnt; Rfll tlul,1f'ln • ..,l udrftt 1 nl•lft hoard nlt"IU• tW"r; •>•''' fl&man.. .. tuJ.-nr ~"'1} '11 f".J1n-'1dt·nt; \\ •lh \dam .... ln-bnan r la ..... r,.,....l1lt-al ''"""' "' ""•"' ·,, n '"'" '""· Krilatt """'phomnf'f' t '"''"' ..,,,.,...t.,..,

l 0 New Members Pledged Into NIJC Phi Theta Club

,.. s t Tbf't.a Ka. t .I

.oc1"t). hdd a Tap U.J on Oct. ~ and p!f'CJ&~I l n n~ mem• ~ra: Th• ca.n.d.1datea tuc man· biruh1p and thctr majou are u f1,1Jkl,, • • • n An•lUllJn. 8.A Mari~ tlra)'. MN N.U Harma 11.8 Clmn. OUald )l•CSJ ~"' t- r•trJ'. J ~ • n • Mannine. II.A Ed ltuUI l"~ n.... E4 • \\ aync :-,... En s;\nHnllj; uura IUcrlard. C..A lAI s....., I'- A A Ed. lU>d Xonc) Tbompaoa. rr.X<d

Tlw Phi n.cta Kappa 11.u • capactly or •· m-.-0. lllAC• 11 .-.Iota or IJ>e I ~ <flit Kbolutlcall)" CIC lbo mrull mant Tbcrr att onl7 11 ....,,. bcora from tut }ar lll.UI alt~ U!.:~UC.

Th..., mrniben aDll Ulctr rn.aJOrs an UIU °""1WI&", li:l>CI· O<'C~, ('"r••ldcr1'. ravJ \\'_.. ntc l'rc--!>llld., ,,_.,.._,&mt r.: U.. i.x-.J dub and n&Uoaal lint '''*P.-dunl Of Phi ThR9 Kappe Jan• Yaodt, ll.A E4.. -rot&I')' Loula \lonnlzlc Heme &c. Hlalortan, Al~ ea­p~ .xial <llalrm&D. Bob Crttt1a. ~ lolArru> H~ Bua. Adm. L,y-"'-S KAry. B.A S4 '~ ~da. 8.A J- Sdlaatl. Hmne Ee. S4 and A­Hat• '" 8' \

II u.t.0\\ l:t:.' 0 '-"CE -.11 L.4' rn la M 1--r J

tor th«~ A WS t-R•ll•>" HD d&ntt Th• dat• bM bHn Mt u OC't :.• an&! \.be <Oll~ir· .,..,., la lh• ,,1ca.,. Tb.­d&nt< la frff and rr... ...,,.._,,. nutnt.a 'tto'lll be (ltff'nd .A 11 atu· d~nt.a lll'I' ln\1t~ •la.IC or date-

NIJC Custodian New At Job But likes It

..., to u.n thJ.9 Hr

" rm&1 C'b&~ Mr CllA I'" pdl t rm«! •..S at llanUun aJ>d CIO\-..J to Corur <f \ l<M at the start r .ummn to .... pn l.M momcntmu tu.k ot own· .., r cl""'1'UJll: and ,..pa1nn: of' ~boot ff~ Wt:rkM t r the RUSMD L04 l"ui;ll Lumt..r Cu. t..f ro ~ .,.... a.Del ala> f~

:-. .. .-i ci.,.,...u n..., nnt ~Kr

Chap,- ... - janltm' wort.. ar-d .br &&.111. '""E•o)t»od)' la ..a t.o i-ct &lmtc WW. lwre t&<Ult) &nd otudmta botL I 1:1.a-t lla4..,.,. ~

Kr Ol&ppoU.. wife. :-:c111e IMlpo blm dean U.. Kbool at mc1>ta. Tiie cu.ppdla i:a.-. -d&lq:tlter i..........._ wbo la -Mn SlaaDedr and Uva on l~tll all'Nt ~ rrom ~ Hanhnit $..:boQI_

Mr Cb&ppell la an "< ld·um•t'" "' t.llla a-. Ro wu bom In Spolc&no and "'.,.. up around Coeur <f Al•n•, ba.v..,. 11' t<I lwra tor o-.•r •o ,..,. Ha bobbl .. are lnmUft&' and I~.


Enrollment Hits 416; Education Dept. Has 122

Fl.r.w.I P.n. men1 nro r-" 1r • m:~~ att r -m

pl•~ mlb ~16 roi;ut<r<d. Thi. u app:roxnnateJr a 4 =-:- ln· C!"ftlM o\·u a year ai:o \\·hm m f'nroll~ at !'IJC \Ctual tt=ts: rauona Q, ett ('(iJU df'rsbly bt~bc-r and the O;) Cls;urC" rt>prt'­

!rnU an adj~tl.*'t1 figur~ A.ftl"r

dropoul9 •t l~ f'ntl of th~ th~wtoek d .. Adhnc Wif'r-..• tub· tnct.~.

Thu• fAll the-re are Zc>6 Crtah· mc-.n. 137 .-.ipbomorf'< Z9 llpt'("tAJ llUld.e.nta. &nd ~· 11H n ln \:OC•· tumaJ C'laael Thi• compc&.re• •ith Wt wi·a enrollmf'nt at :!10 US :6 and 36 l"ffP't'<"U\ely

\h·n •tu~UI outnumbrr "°"' en .!tUdcnt.a ~ to 130 or

n-.akc up Gr! ot tht" •ludml body ~ tall ;o of rOj;!O­

tnnu watt mat... tn it:.:-. :1 t'"(" ~ abo•'1n~ A Yt9t°Y ftin• teont dlatnbutkm p.AttC":m. Or the ::e ff'Ollh l53 ar. mtn.

t t~ 13; topbonu'lfa p, 4ln" meon. an4 au 24 \"\'M"Ational a1u• 1J.,nb arc mf!n \\·e>mf'1\ bUl•

umbC"r men. 18 to t1 In t.ho 111-woci•I •ludC"nt catcgt')ry

\•('1.:-atlonaJ drpartml"nt ~If ... •nUnn fttl Onf'-lhltd t.hla fatl, .and th .. .ophomor('! clua aho\\~t th~ ~.-... t~l crov-·th

Enmllmt"nl In tht" ~lu<aUon ~\lntnl cnnunuciii1 Ila rhc­n<>m•nal Inc,..... fmm IS In JP!.; to 108 In 1115q to 12! thl• ran. and now ln<lud.. •bout 30 of th• enu..,. atud•nt bc>d)"

~..,.t l&rtt.-t d•partm•nl la bu•I· ..,..._ ...ith ~ 1tuJmta. a nae or .Z& O\er lut taU Ens:tnffrw ••Ut· numbn.-d all othf'r atudC"nt1 two \""'""" ~ w1lb 7Z but lhn num 4

l><r •iroppod to M hut fllll and I ht'V uow number 52

9\C'helor ot ~tonc-t• tnmu .. mrnt doub1~ trom 1:? to 21 8o<h•lor or arta A'-> •hDW"" 11 r!J<o oa 41d tnrutry, which n•lll'­ly dnubll'd• hut fall to :?II uu. year

O.partmenta lo•1ng tnroll· "'"' l trom l- tall'• fliutt• an n1~nng. ham• ...,. ~ lndwltria1 IU'ta t which by more than .$0,... l, auto ~ and watchmalc1ni:., p,....,..,tal and p~ ounu.,; aadGlta ai.o droppod ..,__

A IJlbla .i.-tuc c!<otall..S com· !la"- by numbu and pc-,... ~· lo ,,,_... o.o P"C• 8 FlzlaJ !Abulatlona ala> ..,..""'

t.IM t.att that 38 matTl .. c:I v.·omen ll.n ... ~ thla /all In var·

r-ruc id&M.,...

Sue Casey Elected New A W S Prexv

\ • II"< UtlK ot ~ Amo· ~ " St-la tlft fkopt

:t• - Or. Feta p.....w..l untJJ IJic - pratlldent. a .... Caaq', wu •l«t.od. Bue th•n ptt.IC'eOded "1th UM nominatlona anti elecllon ol. Boanie LolJllty, '1c:e-p....S4mt. lrkll.,. Whl~ l•Y. MCttt.Vy; p,,.,,.. :-:owa.c­kJ. -1&.l cll&lrman..

TM AWS la opon IO all -. men lltllden ta and th• orncen or the dub urro all t.o part.let· fllll.e In the mootl.op and l'Uno· uona during th• ochool yoar.

Oollcg-e .iudenta .-em to ran Into three categorl .. : th< rl<h, lhf' hand.90mr, and the majority.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (2) Oct 7, 1959

STUDENTS waCOMa> BACK TO SCl-!OOl "'·"0' '"'' a... . °" 'Ii Jo '"'8Ca! i'rwvy•'.

So .. 0901! Boon v\lllU Notwo. iot000° lhc po,nt we ore l')U>g to "°"'rt o W.icom.! o~ the

dollftr""I l..1>9u119t,. ,.,.. ymboloc. of Ille var- bacl9.-our.a 0 NIJC >ludonh. Th .. vonety, ond tho iec£:.c; ol ~ 4!'!d gonorol ftoondhnou oro r .. '°" wliy the & oll o' I popct boliovo !hot oU tho no• atudenh w f.ncs t~ U.fO'l "9 NIJC mo<o ond more. Wo i:cnoi:ily hope yo.. • end OC}O bod you Wolcornol ond good ... <.1

MATURE STUDENTS ESPECIAi.LY WRCOME . Com.mont .br o Jody ro urn.1>9 ,o school ror tho ror.t tome

>1n<:0 hovon9 roi>od hor lom11)': Boforo I C4me lo NIJC. I thought 11>1! <t..00Ql1 wo:.-lc

ro•ont older people 901n9 lo thoor achool. Thi romor& wo> cortoonly In co>e ony otner

ol tho m1ddlci·o9od pilgr.m< boco 1n .chool t..,roor. ony rroas of such o m"'°"'°ploon, horo ore lho oct>:

No •ludonl of NIJC ho O•O< bMl! uiown to rr.enr ~ ti-.<. leo>I hov1n9 cloumote• om01>9 t~o older gene<o1-. ,,. - o ttw. oppo>1to. tho >ludont• hove olway~ lo..nd : uch contacts '" •n the. older> >l1muloton9 ono enio)ob o. Man ano ,..,.,,.,, . r., r ... vo been owoy from tho U..ltor of •cl>ool ood po·on•• 01 '"'All) )_,..,

who hove perhop> roo .. d the r O>o fonu 0$ OI pell ma ) )60 •

.. rn1n9 o living an tho b 11\C .,.orld hove =;;n p<~ IC4

lodge ond mony on•tghh which we "'"° ho• beoll <ehool o yoor or two ho.o I yet llod dovolopod

/\loo . ... c.onnol help b•I odm o !WA r u orlc: '° mony yoo,.. obWlll(o lrom tho ocoo

o woy> '° much hardor for them ol I t 'ion oro mo<O or lou in 1ho hobo! of 1udym9 T of rho roowrH wh1 NIJC llud h no­"cor1aly wolcomo older people 90 ng I

ENTHUSIASM EQUALS ACHIEVEMENT Mony o•O tho O•ompio wh ~h Neil ot "' o

d"''Y Uo ond which pro•o to 11 tho • o •• ot " fX'...., > CN190tnou an our ottomp • o occomplo.h O• pe • o

Eoc:h of u• hovo. ol one I me onothor, de·urm1ned 10 o::tu o •poc111c purposo. end hove F""uod lhot goal wi ... fldo•orro:i onthu•ioi.m. lhon .. o ho•o ... hod tno ro •• la grow - o d " ho' o wolchod with o <Orto in omount ot wondor in < r.9 Gd with prido.

Sf)O'o\,n9 on o broooot o .... e&. tt 1 obvio"'• :not ~ch o ::tt.JO·

lion cou d opply to .n1hlut on ond, wo or<! hoPf 1 lo rep;; lhot, in th" ipoc1t.c on1tonco, o ploO< lo our own Khoo~ ,..,,,.,,, 11 r; with rhor c,.,101n oMOunt ot wonder ond o 9ro .... n9 F' a tll41 wa .. otch tho onthu .um of the m.denl. onv lopo one! m broco tho whole oi ou 111 I tut.on, mo. ng 11 o l1von9 func ""' $p rited orgon:1:1hon. N w •uo n t. whO om ~ to 4'1 .:=" .. c

•ludOnl body, moy wonder ot tno comment en •l:o• :ee o thom to bo porloctly notmo • Howov0<. the s;;n.oo1 I o po mod c th ng .. h,ch moru it 1 or coo; no , om~.

occoro'n9 lo .. n1m - In" mo•e• rt on e en le bo _ J1iovod ond lo be worlod for. ! • not '?""lon-..Jy p;-e;er. •

Al NrJC o in very co~ or un vlltSlty • ..., tn<;.,., ,. 10 hoptt for, eipoct. olld ,..or1; "" en•-:roe>m n sdlOOI •-Thi> yoor, ,,.·th o uddon burs~ t "4 bfouomeo boie<e -· ,.., >hou d not undore-:ti=to I> ••"'°· Tho '"'"' o~ho. wt: ~ it opens for • - n- oq;.;o •onces. .cca-..sfd ·>ci>ool o ... iv· ol>CI moro r..,.ord:ru;i .. p<i<>er.c.n - = iO oc· De !.11-

upon ~ - o ·~ Iha per - i wo co;>Kt o... respon :; • e 1 ud<mt body member< to i:::ortcpo o • one COC'llhO.:'e t~ "~8 r.nctlOnl Tlio re uh of sl•-:ler.t e:;l " c;m •:ii. yeor ho'~ Deon so reword nq in """'Y o .poc:t of cole~ life tMo' we could ne' r°"'t montionong the oOVlC"

\', o do 1hn becou\CI our <Chcol llo now bocone " ::loce c w ;ch •ho •uden• ore ptouct o•.d o pix.a "n -~ch they GO!' e,,_ "fOY mony o.rlro-a.mculer ochv •;. - tho ""''°" be' ·9 tho• • " •Ml tho s•udonh hove modo 'I lno ·~ts be>nq •p"1tod. Wo hopo thot tho tudonh .. I "phold th s ..e .. <to"°"<d ·- •ho

0; o d ont nuo ta e•pren •h·s enthv\00.m ·,., odN tie.s.. - J. R.

IUTENDl:I> O. o .. · L Mra. t..o.nae •·•nl b&cl< thl.I

rummer to lhr t:nt\·erwtty of Ida.ho and received her M.utcT•• O.ii- ln odue&Uan. 01.hor Lhan Mr •tlllll INNJur 1.l llChool, aho cnJo,...S U.o lak• o.nd """'• ""'Imm"'&

:\ttf'aUon. ~1

Phi Th•t.a Kappa caJl'l own llnd M<>ua:;b a.oo Olucl•nu "' nu1ko up lu "top l"" - eotnl" quota. TM moro.J Of Ulla lllOry la

HAS 11(.'-,y bt."lDIE& Mr Suenkel trained .ocalon

11\U mmmer for ~ Na· t lono.1 ln ~ 11 oum111r.11 P"O•· lou. ho trl.lnod KIW!ra ror Oblo Maleh llr Slltnk•l truu>agt!d to &et hr~'o \l,ff.ka ot rot Uned lnto> hla 1>elledut• beCe>tt­ln.o: work at I.he JC.

'I'll• 1.<h''- I.I.IL baa -D i-1..r on I.I\• bulloUn -...i. wtlh. lb~ namw ot prot• a.nd IN llt-t.a for whom u...y..,.. -.....

A WS Officers Chosen For Year

Nat. Defense Act Loans Funds Are Available At NIJC

U mm and WOIDnJ

Tli1a Ck>-dopm<-a• la nllo.nt p-~~lo! ,;hu


Afl$ ~ 1'1~r.-t<d 1. pl "" for a lean aboula male• ap­pllcallon Uuvu(h lM laaut t1onal ~prD4'Jll.aUn Mr P....,, ~'l. of m.,.

ll la well wbm U,. '""1M a.nd UM- iiumcd ctUaw~ n....., lNtba but. bow mucb beUtt to dsrr..,... I.he LN\ho 1.l=dy w.. CO\ ttf'ld 'r ,-.t lb., IDU1lt. l\ld Ho~ )« n1


l1trtRSTATt TY1>twR1rur c o 4 f7 st..r~111 Awe • "'•"'• 4.JAl l


1 " "" 1 .. 'ou l•rkl. ~o4•1nl l'hn1mut.n. Thi" or cu l lno 1•Nn hit"" th~ lmtM'tu" trnd 1t-itdrr .. hlt• f n ,.,., .. 11olf"nl ... octaJ artalr"' dnrtnR th.- ) .. ,.,., ' "' ut,. r,-< f'UI r:"Ttt•nll"'J' lll T··~ u.rlou .. tlant1, ·~ 'luthrr·"' Un.~ tt\lt. tUl!I ''' 14' •hO\\ .

Comparative Fall Enrollments By Curricula l llA1 ·61! IOJ13-~ll 1050 90

!\o. So. .. !\n

n" hrh1r nt \rt. :.?0 1176 21 G~ :I~ • 1 10 2.88 12 B.00 21 ~ .. an II• DU d i t8Cl0 "' ll l II~ lfftlll ti)') 28!>0 121 2'• .1 .~ 2011'> s:. lllM ~ 12' II 001' 11 3,'\0 2.'• u

tu 2"" 11 l 2~ IQ 2l

·~ ,,,.2 Ill 1200 i.1 u

n 000 I 0 l~· : o~

l)tfttl•lf y 13 Pfl IU • 7~, ti; u

it t) o!1 ~6 d1..U I~ ll 111 2 ~b 10 Z"',t• ~ II

a IJ

3 t7 1(11) ()(1• 31ltl 10000•

Faculty Vacations Spent In Many Ways

4' I ll' lo UJlll" lh1

.,., ~¥• m whJL h f 11 utty n lfM n I lhr r •nrnrnrr

St-Hral lnlcr\'St"Y.•

r t t the •Untmt'r 11."a.A

paUIUng u.. - lnsld4: Hrr 9fJn and dau(hlf"r

.. th tlM! lnsldr, and h• p<d Will\ I.he ""Uldt'

.Mr Cluiallan.on ,. ... lM rift!:• adrr fld" hrtth wr,rtctnic CrnitJP­

J.lna Yatn fr.;m the businea p&'nt apt'r.l a bully .um· n -"Ing pa klnir ....S ~~ llllmir cA Mr ume- vdt.i

r ta y b<'-fc.rr ah~ lf'fl Lt

C'°"'r d' Alm• lo 1-l>

Tastes better because It's fresher

ta from

1flllii FRESH MILK

\Vtnchc-atrr. VI Shet t.aulbt '"" hrgh ..-hool 1n t.:111111 Ill prior to lhl• y•.r Br lhal ""• l•>11!hl In vonow I Jee bu•ln,,_ df"partmenC

New Library Booh \\'omen Qf Afodrrn fi&tolf"

by Yo11

2 Th< U!k· of 'nm• by h11r C'•lltomtu Str<d, by B<

I, A V lturlnorllon. by ll L<-wl.o and HarlcJ"""'d

~o Eal Wdl and Stay II by Key•.

11 ~ T.achor a11d atold. by l!.,...tal<a•





John O Nf"'\U\I.

PollUcal M~Nallf7

Kln!f c;.,.,l"C" VI by n~u.

A Klotory or Ttiougbl by RoD c~1 .. earth. by Btu ..... ~D>~y<lo,...... Vol Sttk t.M Fair LAMI )(.a)<cn.


Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (2) Oct 7, 1959

Students Crowd S. U For Friendship Tea

NIJC'S Re9is tror Hos New Assistont

1"ukt NlJC'• ha.rd wt,tk1ns r t"J1Jflrt1r. rww hu IOmC' morti nffdf'd h•lp In lhr 11fll< r )In. Jraa •tarm<tl\ l1 thfl nrv. otflt" u-uuinl M rw M•nn.Qn h.A•J ~n wqrkln« p.rl·Um• In th" o tftr• o r h,.r hu•band whO 11 IJv. Jrw•J dlr~<tur of \'r~&tlr,n•l f"tu t-aUon and I.a ntrA w11tkln• tuJJ·Um.- (or tbe r1»llr1r

Jk1 r &nd )(ra Marmon • .-hi, U\f• at Aflvf' r )J.ra.(h mt>Vt'4 hnr ( t'hnl &.tlll'! lhrff )' .. re •K"O Thf'ly h.a'1 dl·n• lra\rUns In tbl• .,... '"' H )'f"llr•. encf' Mr MA.rmon ll Ul.f! •rff ·~'Tllklf' of &rad~ •nd 1ndu1trl&I -.ndut-• ttNI In North Jtt•ht•

·" " •tannon N)• .ti• find# .,..kin tn thf'I tJffl("c "lnlf"frJtl·

nl( •n•I .,,,.,,.., th11 .. rlt'&AAnt f""""Plf"

t h•nctna 111~ q•x•V-. A I '"' l'fnff' , .,,._ rll on "hy ttu u• 111 ~J1h a "•allh 11t lcnO'tltnhtr in tmr Afllf"rican unH N•ltlN II.- u)'• • 11n1" t11tit 11 att1 full t1f kno-...JNJ~• thl'I trnhrnf'n btin-• a Uttlt1 iH arut UH .,. niir~re u1kt "''""' aw.y •ttd }c111.rw1,.t11:'• " ' v mu lal..- ..


tJt Sli!tun• " A•• COlUk D',,LLNl IDAHO



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Aleno Laundry

& Dry Cloeners IOI m.1 • MOl>.•I 4 H it

Fr.. Pidup • ...i De~.....,

Stop •t • ••

Louie's ln·N·Out Fe"'°"'

Poul Bunyon Bur9ers Everything To Go • . •

• S.lad He~ • Homb..r(Je"

= ~9• • Hot Ooq, • "-ch ~.e. • Sllole . Molh • Coll.. Mill • Cold Orin\ • Ice c - m Louio end Gery 0.mHher

H""-••f tO Wett • f City Ct•I•-

lh~ a t trmnon of lbJ, day. ' lcadf'-JU-. and IM'Ull~ aUkr find tt a \,.r, """''~ part 1of tar ~Ul.J ralf""ndat. Tbt" p!Mvr" abb\r ' bl""' ""°'""'" rrla'"" tn thr- ""ludrnl t n5on. ~hr" Ow T ... l .. hrhL

French Club Hos Selected Officers

Thf' J"ff'n1 J\ Ou.b, ·ruch ...u thr mf"rnbH' ot UM' r·r~neh ca.. aut•m~auaally bt'JonK to. b.WS a m• ... tln1 f'.rpt 30 and t>let:toN th.., tc..Ut'Nan~ c..fhcen tnann~

.... "*hl O«'<tary. ftu<ly """"· .. , truwtrr Jra~ M.annmc

trp.iorl#r Bob L.if"pt)ld ph->l ~raptu-r. lha Uuti Hc:.oprr. a<'TV 1n;: haJnnan t.a11ra U.lch&rd:.. n mu ct-.aJrman .8&Jl7 Bure>k~r • ranft!• ti,,,... •o. and &A> Lif':• PQ.ld. lll"lUla C,ayJr f'fl'l'JIOCl .on,; 14'ad« an1 !l&l'K'7 TbrlmJ*ID.. 1.aan111

)!any of 111- om "" port.aln lo t.M banqu<t •tilch "UJ bo hC'ld nrxt ~m,..1.-r Mr rndd; I- rm• h instnK'or wnU l•trr n111 1nalf' :rn"' .tu~La whom hf" •tll haY(" eNrnrd lo ~pc:ik I"' ,,.m h •rtd untltor11and It ¥.~IJ

lor UH oft C'tlOM o! pr.--.ickr.t arvl vltr 1 r llW"t1l. AnJ th" "UJ volf' UIMm t~ alodirrH•

TJ,, (lab V.1ah" t I tlUlDk lAll yto•t • >- rrnch tiutt tor thr $1 1o11 \\hhh U' t .rm•'I' •tub 1dt Jn th• uruury an 1 hvJ,,...• lo 1' a\'rt rnc.rfl /,,, n,-;.\ ),...,

1 hfl ~·rttn' h :lJus " al.cJ Ir 1trt11I to h•\1• thf'I llN •l•nc: .. 1 t ll• thre,, I"''""'"• J•aul """ ,,. 01111 Hrr1tt1tlt- IH1bi rt •n•I 11"1 \II Jr,htl.9fllt whu tun• hf'lpt'd 1 htt I· r1 ui h Club tr .. m L-h• flrw\ \'•· 1r• uf It• l'Jlih•lt·nc • Mi•• John111un who waa lh1 8 l1 1111rnu1:n •n•I .:1rl• I' E 1t*rh t•f la•t \rtat hAa •lttll•h \hUll"CI tlu 1t1t .. lhhl )Mf

l'lh t..rl•n1t C1rn1S) l(lh"h• n o( ~ 'h\C'lllO ~ Mt l hf' dub " t u111r1ltnll'ntat)' l-1X tof bon-bor "hh h tlh') •~ M\ lnlC fur t!W It

t 'lfHJOt"I

Prosbytorion Club Provides Broakfost

1 f"n. 1b\l•n•n l..,. 1b WW f'rt" br .. "~ l r J>l".V"

P'C"C u,.. m"11tM>n .,n bW'kla) O. l II Aflrr !he b.-kfut.. tti. 11\f'mlwn and pffta alt at-.. hn4~ chun:"h a.C"n'I~ l~Lhf'r

,,,. ,.,..,.b~~·rtan ('Jul>. •blch mHU "'"') F'rtJat" noon U\ ~ hom• ...-onoml<- ""°"" f'l&na lO ha'.. • ha \"ridt- IOOll. ,,,,, du.b rn...,ht'd • 5'. .. IM'N\l9 donatioll

"'"" lhe c-r " Al<M ~ .. ,. trrtan Cbutth tor dub• ao­thilk'9

without tilling

MANN BOTTLING CO. C..w1t ~'Al•••. •dat.o

Highbrow Recordings 81 Paul \\....Ui:


An'On n. U,_.f' ,.,_ I • :b. p.. &Ct' Uld t 11,rn :..o •r'.Jl and tt<X-•~ lt1'. me 11.-w r'°'tJrdmc humor b) P l)lllC"r ThJ.t ia a coUec-1 n t CU!nJC jdtU.fU NLlntd \\ ttl T or 11' a Jl rol "OC"i..rc :

Hrr faaal exp~ att .• .. ,.phi an1 rt•produc

thl'ouCftOUt the nocord.i~ •ua:­cn.tJnl: tor ('Xaft'ipl,,.. • !~.n! <A a M&rtlan • llD.qtna I.lo

M, ba - Mya. i. tn 'rlr.tta.J £hoc• ru t 1 nykm


hi' lrft

SNEA Plons Dinner At Hoppy Hour Club

:< .. ubtld nOd l Off n ~ ...... prcaldr o..n >' hr k ~,...._pnsula!l. UonJ\R

··~ _.-.rtary Kn H ~r tn ... Lln-r M"" 8ch&ert1 CWT~ camzc1\t.N Cl&1r &Wk ""4 JIM!) 5pdlm&IL

RC"ff'dh.mcftta Wlfft Mn"9id Iii u.. "t r~ a "'>rr, cood"' bra~~

l1w nut •.et.Lac aC U.. ::"SEA "1.ll ~ a 41c:wr mttUD,£

•1 Uw ·11&ppr "'*"' Oii Oct. :1 n.. ~ ... hleh lndudN .u tl:e - ... ,._ .... •t. "'1ll ....: $1:::. - pc.- All edll· ca11<m at.-u """ lnrtt..S..

An c ;._('<'Uthe com.mitt" men 'n.t;" .,. u h~ld cm Ort I T"rcacn1 ... ~,.. l- app.>lnl<od comml\1-th• "4\<'Tt.lllnl; and rnembcnhlp



FRENCH CLEANERS i; l"c• p and 0. """Y

1)0 N Fo ... r+ti- St • MO ...... 4 .Stl1

N I J C REYE.JW C..1i11, d AS.~•. 14•~. W ed,. Oc:t - 7, 195'

•••• ·-ThN"t" aU,...,.th, and flt"OmJl'N"n1 "onwn n:t.•mbr,... u t tht> .\\\..., art­pt<tot'PCI rr-:a.J~ to ...,.n .. ,,.. Mftf'.'f" at thl" ~L I rrtf'nfl..,btp ft"9 olud~ fl.·\nuld..._ ' llf" (&-..•h :LIH1 J C'"aftJ" ~fAnnlnC \\,.,.,. t ltr h.,..p11.-111, romm111 ..... fflr lh4" "4M"bl "1:fl&lr. ' Uor \.., ,,, .... IJf'ut Qf \\\ ... JUHi J uth anJ .lf"(\I\.'" ah' a.1"4 C'O-C"Clltur- ot Tflr R,.-,1r\\.

U.h r nlt mn.-,.... of t'4•mmill"°' \\rr.-: Cf"ntrrplttw- - u .. 1.,n T·'6~U .. l...aura Rl· ha"t... < arohn lbm1a11~ ~ Burokf'r. ~1Arl1• ' ' "'': f .ntrrt&Jnnvat - 'far9'n..- Ramum., ..l&IW' \ ·aadt • .Jud) Rr,-nokl ... ; ( ,..,...,._ur - ' l.a.r\ T•lhlrt \la\l"' Prtt>~ ,:..o._..,;&0 \\rf,c:ht .. l.A>rt'ft.I* t•mul C hff• • ,.,....m. and t~ - !\an(') 8 ro-n n, ~BJU") 'l"an<"n . ( ar'4 n· R.....J Unrl-:t. \\ an.a.n.l..rr; Cdoki~ - (,fort.a \1anl). •"',.."' t aln-h1loL Rt-ti\ •••l'l•.hun. ,,.._,., f'.Adln. ... , :,.andra "'h••nlrr. ' ' h \\ 1> .. trrh1nd \ t_.a"'" l•Ml>. Ruth :-.~oN~. G'f'ft'' lf'\f" b rU> 'All\ -l•"'"· .l•n• \ l\n•.11. ' "'"Ca .r~ . lldro Tont.-ll. Jud~ ~'.\· ..,.-,aji..._ 1 .... 11, ft.. , hard, Jun,.. \\ ra"·r. a--. I-Ulloa, '-'"'"" ' '\:lift.k

( .._,,,. \. .. 11t """'' \ aJ.,r r h•lt,.n~ Jud~ ' pc"llman. ' an• \ lin:"\n. \l•rtha ' "' 1l. ' bn ''• h.f'n:U Tf'rtt ' """ll..

LSA Or9onized; Set Meeting Dotes

. " \ "

HERBES CITY DRUG """ .. a...... .... .. .,. Ski-.-..

\\ \ LL\ . DRl' E-L\

Remember Our Special!




Your &~a Y•r<l• 9e Shop

IC1 N F...ti. S• • MO••• l ._.... COEUR D'ALENE. ID~O


Nip & Kurl Beouty Solon and School

l 11 <A A A ... • MO~•·I 4.SOSS ...... ............... . COEU- D'ALEN E. IDAHO




SUN. - MON .• rues. OCTOIE1t II . 19 . 10


~ P..U.. H MM Fruk .od Sir.Ly Winten




SUN .• MON. - TUES • OCTO&El l5 . U .11




••••••••••• •• ••• ••••••

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (2) Oct 7, 1959

Cardinal Baslcetball Candidates Get Call For Oct. 15 Turnout

Will Head Bowling ActivWes

B&akoUMt.ll at !'>'"UC t..n. Ort. 10 Squirt K .. Unc b ~ to put O<ll Wllal caD tor all lhaoe wbo an lnlclWled IA "an•l1 bukolba!L W tb = manr ,,.......,,, and lJ>p

r..11<11 '""" IMt 7e&r'1 -d, (;oar.ta KeallJSC ""~ to 1:2= a Mllrr aU-arvcmd ball thb comtni; k&8(G.

Coach K !Jee &llO otalftl thll w?>c.ev~r b bltornt"" .., rt~ on ll>P Col! tmm .-Id ('Oftt 1 ri . .. ~llt

'59 NIJC Graduates Are Now Teaching In N. Idaho Schools

Mam nt lh• 1t1•..1 from NIJC.,... """' le -"'II. In l'nld• «'hOOll In the &"-

Somo ur Lhf'm &rt lktte U..r nun\ Ja<quol and 0..rt ... JM! quot who Art 1,..rhtns; at ~plnl L&kr. Barbara &ui:hton ar h~r brolhcr, Bob Doucbt':'t. Vt

•rt• tra.chtn., tn C:Wur II Alrl\ Shlrl•Y C:lllalJ'I•. '""'·hlni; 1" Bonner Cl>unl)» E>·•lrn Halh I~ li'•l'hlnc tbr n ... 1 J:'T' al ll•Yd•n LAk• t..llllal' Rat• t('4C'hJnt: In Uir l<<"llCll".S: air C--4rmf'lll• R.-h·•£r tt"•rl:\tnc th«" fifth. "nd 81!1C;lh .,.._...,. Al f'T1nt ttwrr. •nd lt.1'! T\u·11rr 1,.., h h1~ at ~an~1pri1nt

Superior Student Program At NIJC Moy Be Continued If Students Show Interest


SHUMAN A~( Opu1 • .- .. ,~

1 o.,,. w .. ,



014. ' ( ....... .

••41 Yo.,,r t .. ,._. R.n.•

,,., ~t " •• ~ 14 • b4 ..

111 5._.,,.. • ., A•• • c .. "'' 'Alt••

For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

Lake City Lanes, Inc . ... .

··co Where The Crowd Goes·· TEEN-AGE ROCK 'N ROLL DANCES

Coeur d'Alene Teen Club l221f? Sherm•" Ave. - Coeur d'Alene

Wednesday - 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. TOP RECORDS BY K.V.N.1.

Friday and Saturday 8:30 to I I :30 LIVE BANDS

Also live Bands Every Saturday Night at KEUOGG - Union legion H1R - 8:30 to 11:30 SANDPOINT - Comm11nity H.n - 8:30 lo 11 :30 W All.ACE - Odd Fellows HaQ - 8:30 to t I :30

i=aculty Was Busy r- -n Xr C'ttrt_ ,. at ...

t~ a :-i&tkGaJ Sdr r f-Uon c....,... at M0t11&1:a St.&:,, Uni'<tnlly at >l1-ul&. 1:1• <lld JlllU>q• lO op.nd hll -k- \"1roCaUonJn~ In the

bc&,.111111 e111 t.r th .. l&Jt~· and tnid ng lo ..U...r b1111n- m&t• t .. ni u mayor of Coeur d Alen•.

1 t.wko Nlahlo. bet ll'r known u Tllkl, lfp<!nl ano~ awnmor Ilk" all wmm'""· workln&' ln '"" eort1< .. "' NUC mi. did .... <ctYf'I a. twro-week vacat.1oa.. whtcb at.. apt:it work nr D' hem• At llhr iloon't rt1-call lciatln~ al all.




SPORTS CENTER 301> Sherm&n Ave.

~t "9 G.ed'i Toil•c.c• NOYelti•• .__.., .. "" , .... , ... ,.,. c.1.

For Your

Hunting Equipme Yklt


Weddinq lnvil•ticm Office Suppl:•

Leader Publishing I 116 N Fo .. rt~ S1 MO>•..\ 4

Mr. Funk & Mr. Wagn "U. re U.lo mati.r o1 Good T ....... aid !.Ir. P'UnJr IO hlo MCrOUry, "'tab a de6.oldoo.~ ""'?' .... -u-... eu:n.ed ••• b7 U.. · · • artlon ol u.. rwt&tory ---- •• :· '"And add thlo," put In Mr. Wapallo. "T - : th• fanllty ol ••• appr9dalhlr th• beauuruJ ••• " "That,'' aid !.Ir. Funk, """'Pl It up. Air. W qQ&flo, will )'OU Join me Jn I Coe.Cola?'" "So rood In 111111 - • :· "And ••• lo ourh rood lMtlr' • .lilGff Of G000 TASJI ......... """•• •Yl'-'ty of n.. C--Colo ea.,_,,. .....


• •