  • 7/30/2019 The Law of Grace Attraction


    The Law


    Grace Attraction

  • 7/30/2019 The Law of Grace Attraction


    The Law

    of Grace Attraction


    Inspirational by

    Brian Sousa

    Written by Brian Sousa

    Produced by

  • 7/30/2019 The Law of Grace Attraction


    copyright 2013 by Brian Sousa.

    ISBN : Softcover 978-1-300-91411-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

    or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any

    information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the

    copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

  • 7/30/2019 The Law of Grace Attraction







    1. The Law Gave Way to Grace

    2. Let God Steer and Keep Your Foot on the Throttle

    3. Let God Be Your Strength

    4. Tame the Flesh

    5. The Priceless Life

    6. Look not unto Man

    7. What's All the Buzz About

    8. Detach From Worry

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    9. A Veil of Clouds

    10. Fuel for Life

    11. Spirit of Thanksgiving

    12. Transcending Illusion

    13. You Must Have Missed Something

    14. Fill My Cup

    15. You Are First Spirit

    16. The Kingdom Within

    17. Who Do You Think You Are?

    18. Behold a Great Perception

    19. Of Snow Flakes and Avalanches

    20. The Power of Small Things

    21. Jehovah Jireh

    22. Life is a Radio

    23. To shape or to be shaped

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    This is my humble offering to the inhabitants, of this realm in which we

    currently abide. Let these divine impartations of our Father inspire you as they did me.

    The voice of Jehovah is a state of "knowing" which emanates peace, harmony, love,

    clarity and understanding.

    "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be

    added unto you."

    - Matthew 6:33

    King James Version (KJV)

    "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,

    I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."- Revelation 3:20 - King James

    Version (KJV)

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    I would like to acknowledge the following: Thank you Jehovah Jireh (God

    our Provider) for imparting this inspiration at a much-needed time. Thank you Father,

    in the name of Jehovah Ropha (God our Healer), for being the physician who healeth

    me. I extend my thankfulness out to my lovely wife, Shannon, for her support in

    reading over these works; catching the same inspiration I have been enriched with. You

    have stayed up well beyond the twilight hours to lend your opinion. Donna "Mom"

    Turner and Terry Turner, thank you for your loving support of my life's endeavor. The

    inspirational chats really go a long way mother. To my brother, Joseph Knapp, keep

    spreading the gospel. The world needs to hear more praise and worship. Randy Davis,

    it is great to work with a man who brings inspirational compact disks to work. They are

    uplifting for sure. We have forgone a metamorphosis in the spirit. A big thanks goes

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    out to Pastor Mark Shell (the man on many of Randy's disks) for shedding light on true

    grace. It was inspiring to hear such wisdom; broken down into Texas terminology.

    Amen! Thank you Sousa family for your love and kindness which nurtured and pruned

    my mannerisms. To the DiMaio family, thank you for showing me how to be a man and

    sharing life skills which will remain forever. Lastly, thank you to Donald and Patricia

    Lambert for being great in-laws (who have extended your hand more than can be

    counted). My gratefulness radiates to all you for your help and support and

    encouragement in helping to make this creation of work possible.

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    (choose someone who is a member of your target audience, whom you trust to write


    #1 start with a 1-2 line summary/conclusion about your overview of the book.

    #2 back up the thesis with 3 or 4 more reasons, examples or pieces of supporting

    evidence for your claim

    #3 Keep in mind, this is as if you are telling someone with no knowledge of the subject

    or author about the book; in order to get them excited to read it.

    #4 arive at the intended point and remember...this is only the appetizer, get the

    imaginary friend in #3 to become HUNGRY for the main course.

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    As a born again Christian, many books have caught my attention, on the

    topic of faith. There have been various topics, which books shed conceptions upon, that

    I have either skimmed through or read. The information can be daunting at times; being

    that authors' ideas clash and so many forms of religion present their case frequently.

    Being spiritual is a new factor that has come into play as well. It is almost a fad of

    sorts; to show separation from the modern church. Some would even say that it is an

    embarrassment to be affiliated with Christianity (due to hypocrisy among certain

    bodies). Confusion is afoot, and so many remain stagnant in spirit (from fear of making

    the wrong move).

    The intent here is to inform others about the wisdom that the Holy Spirit has


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    imparted to me in the quiet times. I have been a student to the teachings of grace now

    for some time. Each moment has lead to a more fulfilled existence. Joy is abundant in

    each day, Stewardship to our fellow man is a labor of love and not one of a slave. Each

    new dawn brings choices to make. What do I choose to make out of my day? Most of

    my living years had been spent trying to seek wisdom from above; wishing to one day

    find myself in a position to be approved by the Holy of Holies. Fear was always in the

    back of the mind, and uncertainty followed relentlessly in pursuit. What changed, one

    may ask? That is too simple to summarize. Wisdom found its way to the door, and a

    willing subject welcomed her with open arms.

    Let this collection of impartations from above inspire you. Let them instil a

    legacy which can be passed down through generations. May curses be unyoked from

    families. Allow God to move freely. If your will is as his, all will be possible. Accept

    this gift as an invitation to discover your birthright. Make this day your victory!


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    Are you confused about your role on Earth? Many are. It seems every soul

    is in pursuit of a grander scheme. There must be a deeper meaning to our existence than

    to merely give Carbon a use. Have you ever wondered why the rich get richer and the

    poor are merely subjects to be utilized as cattle? Such disempowerment lays waste to

    the daily toilings of an individual. Can you really find peace in such an existence?

    Looking onward, there is hope! Each person has been commissioned to be

    great in God's Kingdom. Learn how to live a meaningful life in victory. Create your

    own worth. The Great I Am views you as priceless. Why then should you chose

    poverty. Walk with me a moment to learn about leaving a legacy worth remembering.

    Lastly, even among the chaos in our midst, peace can be found. Find out how to see a


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    different reality for yourself. Let's go on this journey together. It will be worth your


    The reason I decided to write such a book was really a whim of Holy

    inspiration. One day, I found myself buying notepads and new pens for no particular

    reason at all. A week later, a flood of knowledge hit as a title wave upon a wall of

    stone. Such excitement filled my being. It was then known that this had to be tendered

    into as many hands as possible. If this is my chance to be a candle within the world, let

    my wick be lit; allow all who seek refuge to use this little light of mine.

    The voice of God is a peaceful departure from the safety of ignorance. His

    truths repel all learnt knowledge which hinders growth. Such love creates way for

    fertile ground; his mercy made grace a reality for the undeserving. All who seek his

    face shall know him by these virtues. When a divine word befalls upon the patient, it is


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    then known that He is Emanuel (God with us).

    Learn to shed away the old to become a new creation in Christ. It is insanity

    to perform the same works which bear no fruit. Wait upon the serenity of Jehovah

    Tsidkenu (God our Righteousness) to make it known that you are made in his image. If

    this is the life you would love to obtain, and you would love to sprint and bound great

    leaps toward your full potential, then it's time for me to stop talking. Turn now to the

    divine council of Elohim, our unshakable God (who is everywhere). Prepare your hands

    to catch all the gifts you have been promised. Make this day your victory! Let's get



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    "The Law Gave Way to Grace"

    Chapter 1

    God has already granted mankind (to all who acknowledge him and his son)

    righteousness because Christ (his son) paid the ultimate price for ALL sins (past, present

    and future) by sacrificing his body to become a curse for mankind, so everyone else

    would not have to remain cursed. He was the purest and best sacrifice in the site of

    God. This had to be done to quench the law which was unable to be satisfied otherwise.

    People had sacrificed one Ram up until then to appease the law within one year of the

    slaughter. The perfect sacrifice of Christ's body and blood remains into infinity!

    Instead of a man facing years of sacrificing, to gain grace and favor (for a short time),

    the Lord, Christ, volunteered his life. He did this by going to court for humanity,

    receiving judgment as being guilty of sin, which was not his; receiving judgment as


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    being guilty of sin, which was not his; then serving everyone elses' death penalty (as

    people can not be tried twice for the same conviction and pay the same penalty twice/

    double jeopardy). He took the fall so civilization could become free from sin, iniquities

    and transgressions and all the weight that these things create for the world. They no

    longer have any bind on human kind; they are no longer able to disqualify individuals

    from heaven (after one awakens to their righteousness)! Now, people have the means to

    be the righteousness of the Father as Christ is the righteous of the Father. That makes

    the upright equal with Christ. All of this is true, once it is understood that by the

    shedding of Christ's flesh, and the spilling of his blood, for all sin, salvation had arrived.

    His resurrection, however, is the cornerstone of this faith.

    references: Ephesians 2:8, Acts 2:38, Ezekial 18:24, John 14:6 Romans 8:1-39,

    Galatians 2:20/ 3:13 Hebrews 13:8 and Revelations 12:11


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    "Let God Steer and Keep Your Foot on the Throttle!"

    Chapter 2

    There is no need for rationalization of anything. Once that, manifestation

    presents itself, requiring no human works to create them, one may begin to feel free of

    such a "Logical burden. Desire with your whole heart; with the highest intensity and

    do so often. God will work out the "how to." The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    gave man a lust to analyze (in place of God's role as our navigator). The main role is to

    choose a path righteously and let God guide future footsteps. Pride drives the need to

    rationalize. Wanting recognition for HOW they came to an answer, and for figuring

    HOW, the manifestation came about are both instances of ego and wanting to be

    praised. Such an emotion is unnecessary and foolish. The enlightened mind has no

    need for rationalization or human logic/ earthly understanding. Let God remain as pilot


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    and humanity as his passenger in this lifetime; surely, In doing so,one will arrive at the

    desired destination, safely.

    Furthermore, never try to control the timing or the route of receiving a

    desire. Outcomes will vary at times because God always knows of the greatest result for

    each desire. It may be thought that a certain thing is best, or a time of the day is optimal

    for fruition of such a blessing, but let it be known...God will not always agree. He

    understands when to act upon the best opportunity in order to bring about someone's

    perfect desire. A better outcome may be received than expected! Do not limit the

    Father, for, in doing so, one limits his or her self!

    references: Hebrews 11:6, John 14:28, Jeremiah 33:3, Proverbs 3:5-6/ 16:9, Psalm 37:4-

    7, Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 55:8-9 and Romans 8:28, 2 Peter, Ecclesiastes 2:26 3:9


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    "Not By Your Strength"

    Chapter 3

    Imagine man as an interface for the largest source of energy in the

    universe. God had created this interface in order to control/ direct the flow of such a

    power and in doing this, made it freely obtainable to the Righteous. For anyone, to try

    and make any sense out of why a human could attain such a privilege is not necessary.

    What matters most is HOW a being activates such an interface. A person must be

    willing in allowing this surge of the Father's being to flow freely through them (as a

    consenting vessel). To qualify one's self, it just needs to be understood that God has

    already qualified Humanity.

    references: 1 John 4:4/ 5:5, Revelations 2:26/ 3:21, John 15:1-27


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    "Tame the Flesh"

    Chapter 4

    The flesh is the natural adversary of the "righteous mindset." It is fueled by

    each being's historical period's (reverse-mirror life) dark manifestations and mantras

    created from ignorance, fear, anger, and misinformation. When any of these low

    vibrational thoughts makes themselves known in the midst of one's presence, greet such

    an illusion with rejection at the doorway. Will it be let it in to disempower a person's

    being, or will it receive rejection and become removed?

    The mind is a filing cabinet, and it holds beliefs passed down from family,

    friends, outsiders, and experiences it has gone through during its life cycle. Treat this

    solicitor as an unwelcome guest (one who does not regard the brain as a precious


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    holding cell). When it whispers its negativity into the chain of thought, proclaim, "I

    have heard what you have said...thank you for sharing, but I refuse to believe that!"

    With such authority, the mind becomes an iron gate in which THAT PERSON must

    allow trespass. If a thought enters, it will always be the gate keeper's fault (good or

    bad). Each citizen must take full responsibility for what manifests into his or her reality!

    Have an obsession and a ravenous hunger for righteousness and that which is the

    goodness of God. Be WHAT God is; yet never attempt to be WHO he is!

    Since the Righteous understand whom they are (What God is) in God, and

    through Christ (salvation through blood), they should be avid and eternally thankful to

    be all those things! Such things include Love, joy, peace, light, truth, acceptance,

    wisdom, life righteousness and all the great attributes of the Father. Say, "I Am_______

    (put any of God's attributes in the blank to claim that state of being), because he who is

    within is all these things, so the righteous are evidence of all God's attributes. When


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    anyone sees a son or daughter of Righteousness, they have seen the Father! They and

    their Father are one!!! It is not robbery to be equal with God (being WHAT he is).

    However, to believe equality with Whom he is, equates one with the Thinking of

    Luciferianism; in trying to think too highly of one's self.

    Now, contemplate the flesh. Such a part of humanity wishes to sever

    thoughts of Thanksgiving from its being. Flesh will seek a way to keep one's spirit

    close, to the "Origin Mindset" of ignorance. The flesh longs to stay upon the path of

    least resistance. To differentiate life lived in the ways of flesh, from the days carried out

    through virtue, it is time to create a new time-line. One's Before Christ (BC portion of

    their life) will be referred to as "BR" or "Before Righteousness was discovered." The

    AD portion of life will be referred to as "AR" or After Righteousness was discovered.

    The "AR" period of life should be celebrated daily! The flesh wants nothing more than

    for people to slide back into that old "BR" pattern of thought so they would not have to


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    feel any friction from change. In fact, it probably thinks it is fostering them from the

    unperceived by keeping citizens ignorant and "safe." It is a built in defense mechanism

    of the subconscious for survival (stemming from fear). As many realize, the flesh is a

    very low vibrational existence from which all originate. It is as Egypt to an Israelite!

    Righteousness is as the "Land of milk and honey to the Israelite"! Honorable citizens

    thrive now in the Kingdom of God!!!

    Lastly, Christ stated that we could be like he is and be able to do greater

    things than he ever did. To be as I AM means to be an impersonator of the values of

    God (Just as Christ did). Since the Righteous are God's children, they are a part of the

    second spot of the trinity (the Son). Christ was the first righteous man bold enough to

    declare his place next to the Father by stating, "I am the Son of God." For Jesus, it was

    his birthright to be called the Son of God since God had literally planted a supernatural

    seed to be the paternal father of Christ. In the Righteous' case, they must decree their


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    spot as "Sons or daughters of God" since man is not born in the same way (as to make

    him our paternal Father). In Jesus' case, the Teachers of Law could not wrap their logic

    around such a claim; still to this day, many could not handle it if one were to claim, "I

    am a son of God!" Embrace that rightful spot with Christ, at the right-hand-side of

    God's throne!

    references: John 20:17, Colossians 2:9/ 3:12, 1 Timothy 3:16, Philipians 2:6, Psalm

    82:6-7, John 10:30/ 10:38, 1 John 2:6, 1 Peter 2:21, John 13:13-17, Isaiah 14:12-15,

    Revelations 3:21-22, Psalm 110:1, Mark 16:19, 1 Peter 3:21-22, Luke 6:35, Matthew



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    "The Priceless Life"

    Chapter 5

    Once someone awakens to his or her birthright (Righteousness), all the gifts

    of God that were already loosed from Heaven (if he or she came into this world after

    Christ's sacrifice) will eventuate to make themselves clearer to the spirit. Before the

    realization of who a being is in the Father; through the salvation via Christ's blood, the

    darkness of ignorance does not allow mere commonalities to realize their birthright.

    They exist at a lower vibration (shame, apathy, anger and confusion) which offers no

    desire, hope, joy, peace or love. Once those individuals awaken to the Kingdom of God,

    an illumination can be seen; as well as one's birthright (limitless resource of the Father

    YHVH). At this stage, empowerment begins to fill the mind with the understanding "I

    AM unlimited"!!!


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    references: Romans 13:15, John 4:16, 2 CORINTHIANS 4:3, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 2

    Peter 1:4, 1 Corinthians 6:19/ 13:1-3, Genesis 27:1, John 14:12/ 17:24, Ephesians 3:16-

    21, Proverbs 4:5-7


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    "Look not unto Man"

    Chapter 6

    The majority of this world is in belief and support in the laws of physics,

    science and mysticism. That standpoint desires proof, evidence of things seen, approval

    from others, appreciation in order to move forward, acknowledgment of good works and

    mainly a need to feed emotional whims to feel loved or supported. This is all based on

    an individual trying to reconnect to their authoritative being...a spirit having a human

    experience. The lion's share of the world is living on the reverse side to the mirror; not

    surveying their actual personage. A small percentage of the world is capturing a true

    picture of their self by seeing a clear reflection through the "Kingdom of God". This is

    the unlimited life!


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    references: Colossians 2:8/ 2:20, Galatians 1:10/ 4:3, 1 Timothy 6:20, Proverbs 29:25,

    Romans 8:9/ 12:1-12, 1 Chorinthians 6:19 and Luke 17:20-21


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    "What's All the Buzz About"

    Chapter 7

    In the unlimited life, it is understood that God created everything out of

    matter, which constructs quarks, atoms, molecules and these attributes create the

    blueprint for all things of this planet and within this universe. Once one's authority is

    actualized, dominion and lordship over this physical plane (and mental plane), it

    becomes cognizant that the brain utilizes intense emotion to augment such energy,

    which manipulates reality (matter). That is why all things created by the old self leave

    an individual with a negative surplus of a mess to scour. Humanity was blind to its new

    creative power, so it imprisoned itself as a victim to its current reality; when, in fact,

    mankind was always creating such an animation, but doing so unconsciously.

    Victimization created actualities (lowly, vibrational, manifestations). Fears created


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    experiences, which supported the "Spirit of Fear." Dread lead to anger because little

    control was realized over the personal arena.

    references: Genesis 1:1, 1:26, John 1:1-3, Nehemiah 9:6, Isaiah 45:12, Hebrews 4:4,

    Psalm 86:13/ 107:14, Nahum 1:13, 1 John 4:18, Genesis 1:26, Psalm 8:4-8 and Hebrews



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    "Detach From Worry"

    Chapter 8

    In the Spirit, worry does not exist. Anguish causes pondering on the "hows"

    and "whens" in life. "How will the bills get paid"? "When will that check come in"?

    "When will kids listen"? Knowing that God's plan is ALWAYS best should relax the

    nerves a bit (as trials in life are inevitable). Being of righteous mind, one will surely

    pass THROUGH the gales of life. The depraved in spirit get caught up in the storms

    and abide there for bearing a lack of knowledge and understanding. God has given each

    of his children a boat which they may remain. Storms will arise now and then, but do

    not regard the wind and the clouds (the present life challenge). These things are merely

    illusions, which will test one's wisdom, knowledge, understanding and faith. The

    Righteous have an unmovable mindset (by the grace of God) which allows them to


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    ignore the chaos of life and only see that which they manifest in the "now" (God's

    promise). The Uprights' current state of mind will create their tomorrow and so forth.

    Instead of "hows" and "whens", be thankful for that personal connection with the Father

    (God also known as YHVH, ALHYM, AHYH)! He is the King of Kings and the Lord

    of lords; be grateful for that!!!

    references: John 14:27, Matthew 6:25-34, Ecclesiastes 11:4-5, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Romans

    8:28-31, 1 John 4:18, Isaiah 43:2, Malachi 4:2 (fear refers to highest respect)


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    "A Veil of Clouds"

    Chapter 9

    To elaborate on the topic of "clouds and wind" (as discussed within the text

    of the last chapter), let some details become clarified to the mind. As God's

    righteousness, understand a cloud to be an illusion which poses a challenge to a being;

    as a visible or known trial to be dealt with in a positive or a negative manner. The

    accompanying winds are merely the effects of those clouds and help to amplify the

    emotional impact of these perplexities/ illusions. How one processes, then how one

    deals with this "storm" (earthly trial), shall determine a being's earthly capacity (mental,

    spiritual, and physical).

    It is habitual for one to flow naively with fleshly thinking and to allow the


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    cloud to eclipse their very being (becoming the chief focus of their mind). Secondly, it

    is "earthly" for a person to consign such a storm the right to affect his or her emotional

    state to the point of anxiety, despair, depression or oppression. After is human to

    error. This is the "logical nature" of a storm; these are the expositions of the mortal

    mindset, plus the curses which consume such unwitting individuals.

    As Righteousness, a cloud is merely an illusional veil which limits one's

    view of a blessing. Where a "veil" hangs, it is certain that there lies a blessing, awaiting

    just behind it! The enemy knows that if he can dethrone someone's thinking from this

    understanding, and can cripple their perception, to see no gift, one's positive

    manifestation will cease to present itself in their midst. Such is the reason for the cloud.

    Moreover, when the Righteous, feel the "winds" (earthly emotional pressure), let he who

    walks with the Father decree peace, joy, love, wisdom and understanding in the midst of

    these trials, in order to calm the storm (as Christ did). After all, one's promise shall only


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    be met by the undeceived mind!

    references: Matthew 8:23-27, Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 34:17-20, Psalm 91:1-16,

    Nahum 1:7, James 1:2


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    "Spirit of Thanksgiving"

    Chapter 10

    To be in a "spirit of Thanksgiving" means to wake up, thank God for as

    many things as can be thought of (that come to mind), and to meditate upon the

    goodness that one feels (while thinking about these matters which the Father has

    provided). God is vast, and He is EVERYTHING awesome in and around this Earthly

    continuation!!! Utilize driving time, walks in a park, or alone time (to observe the

    beauty of nature's surroundings). If it is raining, thank him for all the positive aspects

    of precipitation (i.e.: "Thank you Father for this much-needed rain. Because of this rain,

    more harvests will spring forth. The rain breaks up the monotony of a range of dull

    days"!). If it is gusty, with a blue sky, proclaim something like, "Father, I love the way

    this breeze soothes me; as it lightly brushes my hair and skin. I feel peace and


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    tranquility in your presence. Such a beautiful sky could be only be thought of by your

    perfection my God. You are perfect. Thank you for loving me enough to share this

    experience. I love you Father!" Many things may be used in the mindset of

    Thanksgiving throughout a day. Each breath inhaled, steps taken, projects completed,

    health, time for loved ones and friends, talks over the phone, smiles from a stranger, and

    a good deed done or received are all examples of this. Green lights can remind people

    of God's faithfulness (or red lights could allow more time to reflect on the goodness of

    God). These are more ways to find God's favor in one's life. The possibilities are

    endless! Have fun finding new things to be grateful for in life. Peoples' pasts are full of

    these treasures. Each being's present life is a living testament of his or her goodness, and

    people have the authority to shape their future by being thankful for the "now."

    There is no need to close one's eyes while doing this; as long as they feel

    that inward joy from their thoughts and radiate that joy from within, their days will


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    remain fruitful! WHAT is thought about MOST of the day is WHAT someone

    becomes. All things come by what beings attract. People are only as joyful as they

    allow themselves to be! Create many more opportunities for thankful environments

    everywhere traveled. Not only is God an awesome God, but He is awesome in THIS

    PLACE! Since Yahweh lives within the upright, then wherever they go, He is in THAT

    PLACE! THIS PLACE is wherever someone is NOW! Where God is, it is HOLY

    GROUND! Mere men of the old testament who were under law would fall to their

    death or go blind by merely being in the presence of God's Holiness, and He has granted

    that privilege, for all mankind, to be his temple (the Righteous' body is like the ark of

    the covenant) as his host? Celebrate this joyous occasion! Be thankful that each step

    taken is Holy ground since he who is within the temple is greater than he who is in the

    world! Because God has called men and women to be his righteousness, Humanity may

    be forever in his presence! He has qualified the least of men to become righteousness!

    Thank you FATHER!!!


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    references: Philippians 4:4, Habakkuk 3:17-19, James 1:17, 1 Peter 1:8, Psalm 16:11,

    Psalm 34:1-22, Psalm 145:9, Acts 14:17, Luke 18:19, Romans 8:1, Nehemiah 8:10,

    Luke 10:20, Isaiah 49:13


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    "Fuel For Life"

    Chapter 11

    It is understood that being thankful for everything God does, within a life, is

    crucial for a fruitful existence. To expand upon thankfulness, why one is thankful is just

    as critical as the performance of the action. Get an understanding of this and the state of

    being grateful will seem more effortless.

    For as long as the church has been in existence, praise has been at the core

    of this institution. Many have ritualistically done the mundane act of "praising God"

    with their lips, yet never truly connecting with the Father. Such an action turns "praise"

    into a work and not an act of love toward the Almighty. The unrighteous know they

    should be grateful that Jesus Christ had died for their benefit, yet they shroud their


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    presence in the illusions of this world. The majority of such a person's thoughts center

    around the concerns, beliefs, worries and urges or lusts of the world. As can be clearly

    seen at this point, the MAJORITY of such a person's feelings determines the fruit of

    this tree (thoughts which became results). Understanding that this mindset is so full of

    man's nature, it will bring to light why this person has a hard time receiving the presence

    of God. It explains why they struggle in extolling the names of God with everything in

    his or her heart.

    From the perspective of the upright in Christ, the Father desires his

    childrens' obedience in uplifting his splendor and glory to him each day. Some have

    speculated that God is a narcissist of sorts because he loves to be worshiped. That could

    not be further from the truth. The righteous should understand that praise unto God is

    like fuel.


    Since God is within each of his hosts (those who have given God residence

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    within themself), then, when a host sends heartfelt praise, they are directly benefiting

    from the Lord of Host's glory! It is a cycle. Glory and exaltations which radiate from a

    being return to his or her Father (whos residence is within). Such splendor is an

    overflowing reservoir of abundance; it floods the host with blessing and joy that

    empowers the spirit and the physical body to endure and thrive within the Kingdom of

    the Almighty! Because he is so merciful, gracious and giving, he does not benefit from

    his own praise (besides the joy of blessing his children). His kingdom, as a whole,

    receives blessings.

    Next time praise exits a mouth, let it be understood that acknowledgment of

    his goodness is not to boost his ego, but it is a test of one's spirit to see how faithful they

    are to him. This commandment is to better his children. If a being is faithful to the

    great Almighty, imagine how much more faithful he will be to them. Praise simply

    exonerates this cycle and shows God one's harmony with his mind. Remember God


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    does not NEED this praise (since he is the creator of everything), but he demands it

    because it rectifies a man or woman's spirit; in essence, humanity needs to praise God

    the most. After all, earthly beings are the ones benefiting from this praise to the Lord of


    references: Galatians 5:22, John 15:11, Psalm 66:1-20, Psalm 100:1-5, Psalm 103:1-5,

    Psalm 147:1-20, Psalm 150:1-6, 2 Chronicles 30:21, Hebrews 13:15, Jude 1:25, 1 Peter

    1:3, Nehemiah 9:6, Zephaniah 3:17, Zephaniah 3:14


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    "Transcending Illusion"

    Chapter 12

    When an illusion of "the flesh" or from the collective negativity of a person's

    environment presents itself to them (mentally of physically), it is up to the persona to

    see if it affects them positively or negatively. The Righteous mindset can spin ANY

    event for the good of their marrow. Therefor, ANY result should be perceived as

    "neutral." It had to happen (even if undesired) in order to manifest, a greater apparition

    (birthed from righteous desire). A stolen car may seem negative until a better vehicle

    manifests itself into one's actuality through whatever means God has to deliver it

    (insurance claim, relative, friend, who cares how, etc.). Sometimes things may need to

    be destroyed, coveted, misplaced or forgotten in order for the blessing to blossom into

    reality. The ways of God may seem esoteric, but never limit him with free will. By


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    willing God to manifest a passion in a certain way or ways, it may not be in line with the

    Father's will, and an individual has just bound God's hands by employing oneself in their

    free will. A message was sent as well that they only want it THEIR WAY; show him a

    lack in faith; that they can figure out a much better way of arriving at the conclusion. A

    decrease in faith causes lack. By not caring about how it will come to pass, and by

    thanking him for allowing possession of it, a person has just willed it into their life. He

    gave the righteous a power that can limit or make life abundant. Chose wisely.

    references: Ecclesiastes 11:4-5, Isaiah 55:5-13, 2 Timothy 4:16-18 and 4:22, John 7:17,

    Deuteronomy 30:19, Isaiah 43:2


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    "You Must Have Missed Something"

    Chapter 13

    In the "BR" (reverse-mirror life) stage, religion or atheism taught many that

    humans can not possess any of God's gifts. Religion goes on to teach that there is some

    arduous path where man must work a lifetime to become righteous. After all of the

    effort, he or she may work toward trying to earn gifts from Heaven's gates. That

    mentality is of the adversary! He wants people to live in lack, despair, hopelessness and

    oppression. If he can convince others (through the Spirit of Religion) that no birthright

    exists, then he can postpone their awakening to who they are in Christ. The less

    harmonious one is and the more divided their thoughts become, the easier it is for Satan

    to keep them confused and complacent in their walk with God. The ignorant will have

    much less of an impact on Satan's kingdom of darkness than if they became awakened to


    Ch i t' t hi Th i ib ti ill b l th t th t th t

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    Christ's teachings. Their vibrations will be so low that they can not empower others to

    awaken to their true self in Christ (domino effect).

    Now, consider an individual's "AR" mindset (true Kingdom being). In this

    reality, there is understanding and imparted wisdom, which reveals, upon Christ's

    sacrifice, God was able to release all of humanity's gifts and blessings for people to

    attain freely upon one's will's approval of such gifts.

    Since the law was quenched, the locked door (locked to the unqualified and

    unrighteous) has to open for all who now awaken to their righteousness (that was just

    imparted) due to the salvation from all sin (past, present and future). If one understands

    his or her salvation through the blood of Christ; as long as they realize God has named

    them, "his righteousness", then all people hold entitlement (are made worthy) to the

    greatness of the Kingdom of Heaven!!! The Kingdom of God knows the upstanding


    inhabitants of the Earth as its residents and not as guests! There is No need to knock

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    inhabitants of the Earth as its residents, and not as guests! There is No need to knock,

    for his house is their home!!! Desire a thing and it shall find the seeker. Desire is a glue

    which shows that someone truly wishes to take possession of that gift or blessing. If a

    passion does not exist for it, then it was not needed.

    references: Ephesians 2:8-9, 2 Timothy 1:6-7 1 Peter 5:8, Joel 2:28, John 5:24, John

    15:5, Matthew 6:33/ 18:1-35, Matthew 25:21, Isaiah 61:7


    "Fill My Cup"

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    "Fill My Cup"

    Chapter 14

    Once a personality looks through their "AR" time-line (After

    Righteousness), One will find it beneficial to seek wisdom, understanding, knowledge

    and love at ALL times. Without love, wisdom is fruitless. Wisdom is making correct

    judgments or decisions and is gained through divine impartation and experiences.

    Knowledge is taught, learned, and it may be improved. One is aware of knowledge and

    confident in it for future use in a certain subject, in which he or she is comfortable.

    Knowledge is merely knowing about a thing, but without understanding of how to apply

    that knowledge, no action can be taken to utilize it. Wisdom is the proper use of applied

    knowledge and the ability to shed misconceptions. That is why a man appears wise

    when he uses knowledge properly. A fool can know EVERYTHING, yet do nothing.


    That in and of itself is folly

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    That, in and of itself, is folly.

    When a man living in his "BR" state of mind exists day to day, his head may

    be full of learned knowledge (of the world), but this means nothing as one will see.

    Imagine this man as a cup by which either knowledge or wisdom may fill it. Since he is

    currently in his "BR" mindset, most knowledge within the cup is likely fruitless. Such

    knowledge comes mainly from the mouths of Earthly philosophers, seekers of truth (the

    blind in darkness), serpents (false teachers) and the unrighteous. His cup is so full of

    knowledge that there is not much room for God's wisdom. The fool boasts about all he

    knows, but the wise man treasures each learned experience or impartation from the all-

    knowing (Adonai). It is up to the righteous to remove old beliefs and pour them out of

    the cup to make space for Godly wisdom. If a man becomes too full of this world

    (Earthly knowledge), then wisdom will run out of the cup and be of no use to him. Let

    humanity reflect on the ways of the "Law" vs the ways of "Grace." Ezekiel 18:24 is the


    old "BR" state of mind whereas Galatians 3:1-29 is the "AR" mindset of the Righteous.

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    old BR state of mind whereas Galatians 3:1 29 is the AR mindset of the Righteous.

    Visualize, for an instance, how teachable people are. The Pharisees and Sadducees are

    full of "Law." God's mercy (through Christ) leads the way to Grace; these teachers of

    law only see things as they have always known them to be. Their cups are so full of

    Law that there is no room for grace. To be wise, one must also be very teachable;

    willing to change their thoughts, learned and believed connotations and experiences in

    order to accommodate the true wisdom of the Father.

    references: 1 Corinthians 2:13, Ecclesiastes 1:17, Colossians 2:8, James 1:5, Proverbs

    8:11-12, Ephesians 1:17, Romans 6:6/ 7:1-25


    "You Are First Spirit"

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    You Are First Spirit

    Chapter 15

    In Righteousness, it is realized that a person is first spirit; then...he or she is

    body. This is exciting because the human spirit is unlimited in resources (unlimited

    access to the Father). Since the primary state of being is spirit, beings are able to utilize

    God's infinite resource as each man or woman is powerless without his breath. It is His

    power that courses through the upright in spirit to accomplish all things.

    The "BR" mind thinks they are first a body seeking a spiritual experience.

    Man longs to "feel" "connected" and is led by emotion, logic, teachings, suggestions,

    Earthly laws, experiences and beliefs. He is seeking what has already been bequeathed

    to him. Once he realizes that the "Adversary" is merely trying to keep him unaware of


    what is hiding in plain sight, it will be known not to ask God for an already gifted

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    g p g , y g

    blessing, but he will march to the gates of hell to demand his belongings that the

    darkness has hidden. Some men are only partially correct in saying, "There is light in

    darkness ("truth'" in darkness)." The "Light" in darkness is in reality, the hidden gift of

    God that rightfully belongs to the awakened Righteous. Once awakened to

    righteousness, they will retrieve their gifts from the darkness and recoup what already

    belongs to them. The darkness itself bears no "Light," but it can only hide "truth" from

    the seeker. Lucifer is Satan's current alter ego. He still wishes to be exalted upon the

    throne of God in heaven, yet, God demoted him to "Satan" when he fell from grace. To

    bolster his image, Satan teaches his followers (under the name "Lucifer") that he bears

    "Light", as well as the highest of virtues. Satan dubs his seekers of more light as owls in

    darkness; able to see in such a void (the "Illuminated ones" aka Illuminati).

    references: Galatians 3:3, Luke 11:35, JOB 2:1, MARK 4:14


    "The Kingdom Within"

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    Chapter 16

    God lives within all citizens who welcome him in, yet he lives in heaven. To

    the "BR" mind, God is somewhere in the heavens awaiting each prayer; to answer them

    whenever he so wishes (like a distant being). This is a much more detached way of

    looking at God and causes one to think there is no true chance of a relationship with

    such a God. This illusion casts doubt in the hearts of men that God is not always there

    for them because so many others need help. Do not be fooled by the deceptive whispers

    of the serpent. Satan stems his personification from his name "Adversary." This name-

    sake means the following:

    1. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; foe.

    2. a person, group, etc., that is an opponent in a contest; contestant.


    His goal is to disempower a being from awakening to the righteousness

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    which is rightfully theirs. That is the goal of his contest. Satan comes as a lion looking

    for them who he MAY devour; or, those who ALLOW him to feast. Once one

    understands how to activate it and how to believe on their righteousness, Satan is

    defeated in that person's life! In the "AR" (righteous) mindset, it is known that man is

    the temple of God and that each persona connects itself in that intimate way with the

    Father in Heaven. Being that he is the Omnipotent God of Heaven, this means that the

    Kingdom of God is within man. God resides in both places at one time; therefor heaven

    is within the righteous. Where God has residence, he has named it, "Holy Ground".

    That qualifies all people (as temples) to be Holy Ground. The mission here is to bring

    Heaven to Earth. That was what Jesus was doing in the form of a man. He portrayed the

    only vision of heaven and the only glimpse of his Father (in heaven) that became visual

    at that time. These were promises of things to come. Even Jesus proclaimed in John

    14:12, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have


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    for a reason. This is to signify that there are other "I Am" beings (small "g"

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    gods/creators) out there, but he is the "Great I Am" (big "G" God/Creator of little gods

    beneath his authority)! The Father is the unmovable Elohim, Alef Heh Yod Heh (Holy

    of Holies), Yod Heh Vah Heh (as in heaven so on Earth), Alef Lamid Heh Yod Mem

    (My priest and my staff of protection), El Elyon (Lord on High) and so much more. His

    names are countless, and each meaning praises the awesomeness of his being. God is so

    vast that he thinks not a thought, but is eternally conscious of all things at all times

    without ceasing. Amen!!!

    references: 2 Corinthians 6:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, ZECHARIAH 3:1, I PETER

    5:8, EPHESIANS 6:10, Amos 9:2,3, Jeremiah 23:23,24, Psalm 139:7,-12, Deuteronomy

    4:39, Joshua 2:11, Isaiah 66:1


    "Who Do You Think You Are?"

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    Chapter 17

    In the "mind of Christ," the word "impossible" is not uttered. This

    negativity brings lack and death; It offers nothing to the Kingdom. Such other words are

    "can't," "not" and "don't"; for these words focus on the adversarial-undesirables. They

    should be evacuated from one's being. In such a tradition of "lack," the "BR" mind will

    feel guilt for asking things of God. This holds a belief that if a certain thing contains

    any significant value or size, it may be too big of an order for God to deliver, or he may

    think it is unnecessary for someone to have. This belief alone is why so many black

    magick practitioners consort with demonic entities. They know God exists, yet they feel

    that God will not provide for them and that the darkness is more willing to deliver.

    Magick is the manipulation of energy using earthly spirits (which the Bible strongly


    forbids). These black magicians have no understanding that God will provide according

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    to the righteousness of your heart. Since they have not awakened to their righteousness

    and have not chosen a life of finding light ("truth") in darkness, they have forfeited their

    birthright in exchange for a chance to be in control of their own reality; it is done apart

    from God's divine help. They live by the laws of the Earth and elemental spirits and die

    by such laws. Oh How much easier it is to allow God to guide one's footsteps than for

    them to attempt the same process haphazardly.

    If a man thinks of his desire as "too big" for God, it causes a sense of shame

    and guilt; forever desiring it. There is no fervor or passion behind such a request; it is as

    if the desire is retracting back towards its conception and fleeing the presence of the

    originator. First of all...the Father who created the heavens and the Earth is unlimited in

    resource. Is one to say that a simple tool such as money or gold could be a burden for

    Jehovah Jireh (our God who provides)? YHVH moves mountains and yet people still


    believe God cannot provide a business, new vehicle or a college fund for their kids.

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    Who do people think they are? Such a belief is claiming that someone's desires are

    bigger than the Father! One should not think so highly of his or her self, for Lucifer felt

    he was greater than the Father of heaven. By limiting one's belief on how much money,

    he or she allows his or herself (his or her comfort level), one is limiting God via their

    will. One thousand, four hundred, twenty six billionaires possess a combined net worth

    of Five trillion, four hundred dollars. Family empires (worth anywhere from fifty

    billion dollars up to four hundred billion dollars) seized blessings of exorbitant wealth.

    These mortals thought it not impossible to acquire such fortunes; limitation was never a

    part of their mindsets. It is ludicrous to hold such a belief. Lastly, God does not

    consider the size of a desire, but measures the righteousness and pure intentions of the

    heart. The wicked (who have wealth on Earth) shall only prosper in their mortality, yet,

    they will lack in the hereafter. Why do people desire a thing? Is its attainment stemmed

    from any negative emotion such as fear, lack, anger or greed? If so, reevaluate the


    heart; for the Kingdom of God will not consider such a request. If a man seeks to amass

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    wealth for the sake of greed, pride, or fear of winter (future events), that shall be

    perceived as foolishness and folly in the sight of the Lord. Arrive at each desire with

    pure intention, love and gratitude for all one has, and the Kingdom shall be theirs!



    "Behold a Great Perception"

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    Chapter 18

    When looking at creation, God has so thoughtfully provided two types of

    perceptions to be had. The first is from the angle of the reverse-mirror. The flesh feels

    comfort in lower forms of vibrational thinking. Misery loves company, so

    naturally...that is the meat of such a perception. Everything around this mindset seems

    to be of a negative nature. Realistically, only 10 percent of the world may be corrupt;

    however, the fleshly being says, "This world is all evil! Darkness is everywhere.

    Everyone is murdering people now days." To the astute of spirit, such words are

    foolishness. Yes, the world is in darkness (as a whole), but, all darkness is not with

    wicked intent. The majority of this blackness should be labeled as, "ignorance".

    Truthfully, the majority of this planet is unaware of needed knowledge, wisdom and


    understanding of the kingdom of heaven. Such lack disables one from viewing this life

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    atop the premier vantage points. The void created, therein, delivers the monotony of a

    lackadaisical, fog filled ritual within such an existence; with no hope or aim in life. The

    righteous would note such a perception as one of "death." A good reason for this is the

    fact that one either speaks life or death into this reality. If things seem bleak or dark,

    with no hope, there is a great chance that the perception had, by such a mindset, would

    produce more of the same. Surroundings are the detrimental factor attributed to most of

    this world's ignorance. As a practice, any environment will predominantly drive the

    vehicle that is a person's thoughts. On any given day, lawlessness can be seen from the

    steps of a section-Eight doorway. The environment is in control here because the people

    in such an instance allow popular opinion, family, friends and media to shape their


    Awaken people of this existence! Arise to a higher perception of the Holy


    Spirit! With divine authority, take dominion over any environment in which one may

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    tread! This is the Godly perception of the Kingdom on high. Where precipitation falls

    and clouds become gray, the upright (in mind) see a life-force for all living things.

    Where sickness lies, the just shall celebrate the recovery. While a cripple struggles to

    take each step, the Godly see how grateful the man is to be able to take another step. It

    is better to be born a cripple and ignorant of mobility than it is to become crippled (and

    to miss movement). Such ignorance is not of darkness, but it is a gift. If the latter were

    to happen; however, celebration is in order, to praise God in the name of Jehovah Ropha

    (God our healer), for lifting one's body above all circumstances; in order to receive the

    full healing from the Father! When every light turns red as people approach them, the

    Righteous joyfully remember to use such time to glorify the Father for his greatness;

    they dwell in the glory of God on high. No Earthly thing may dictate to this mindset.

    The stream of consciousness here is a creative one. Creation in this reality is the first

    thought, felt, then realized. Remember how clear it is in the mirror life? One can see


    their self with clarity, and it is much easier for a being to achieve a desire (when they

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    empower the mind to reconnect to the living God within). The perception on this side of

    the fence is one of life! Such a tongue thirsts for ways of God and has a passion to gain

    knowledge, wisdom, understanding and love for the people within this world (not the

    ways of the world). This endeavor allows the righteous to maintain lordship over this

    earthly realm (through the power of YHVH)! This keeps one from living as a victim

    and sustains them as creative beings!



    "Of Snow Flakes and Avalanches"

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    Chapter 19

    While recollecting thoughts on the mind's gate (us being gatekeepers of all

    consciousness), a vision of snow flakes appeared. As far as the eye could see, soft,

    intricate snowflakes were gently caressing a mountain. Mild in appearance, this went on

    for many days and then weeks. What occurred sequentially was unforeseen. The

    innocence, that was a snow flake, became an atrocity, as an avalanche. How can one

    learn from this picture?

    Thoughts are as snow flakes. Each one sticks to a mountain (the mind).

    According to one's mindset, whatever we have thought about MOST of each day will

    determine the outcome of one's avalanche. For example, a person consistently feeling


    overrun by bills, family trifles, debt collectors calling, dreary days at the work-place and

    f th E h f hi fl k h h t i ti i h l l A

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    so forth. Each of his snow flakes has one characteristic in common...helplessness. As

    the flakes stack and pile onto that mountain, the inevitable has to arrive. His avalanche

    finally came to pass. On that day, he got into an auto accident (which left him with

    irreparable spinal injuries and an inability to perform). In summary, those thoughts lead

    to feelings, which turned to action and eventually produced results. Unfortunately for

    the man, this avalanche was the tipping point for his accumulation of snow flakes

    (helplessness). The mountain had amassed such a vast amount of snow (negativity) that

    the weight had to give way (as a result); to allow room for a future supply to accrue in

    its place.

    The flakes never cease to plummet, and they must land on each mountain,

    but it is up to each being as to what the final avalanche will produce. Will it yield feast

    or famine, debt or riches, decrease or increase? The type of flake produced is up to each


    person. Will negativity or "death" from others' tongues be welcome through the mind's

    gate or will positive and life building thoughts and words be ushered through the iron

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    gate, or will positive and life building thoughts and words be ushered through the iron

    gate and ravenously devoured at the table? It is time for the Righteous in Christ to

    prepare for the avalanche of blessings to come!



    The Power of Small Things

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    Chapter 20

    As mentioned in the last chapter, it is understood that small things

    accumulate into various outcomes. There is more to it than the mere size. A lesson is to

    be learned from the most minute happenstance. To elaborate on this concept, of small

    becomes obtuse, peer deeper into this matter.

    When the upright man or woman desires a thing with fervor, God hears and

    reacts in his timing. Part of the challenge at this point is for the person to be astute

    enough to spot the signs of the desire. Most times, the mind will only be vigilant for the

    end goal and forsake everything else. This causes one to revert back to human logic and

    rationalization. The flesh is quick to capitalize upon this misplaced view and default a


    being back to square one.

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    Just because someone can't see the end result doesn't mean the Father has

    forsaken the individual. Many times, Jehovah will distribute an hors d'oeuvre to see

    one's willingness for the main course. If someone desires to spend more time with

    family, there are signs to be aware of. A grandparent calls three weeks later to see about

    getting together for lunch. The grand daughter says she is really wore out and will have

    to do it another time. This was an example of the precursor to the main meal. God

    tested her desire; yet, it was met with resistance. This display clearly showed a lack of

    inclination toward extra family time. Why then should the Father provide more of the

    same for this woman?

    The same can go for a desire for monetary abundance. A man told God that

    he was ready for a windfall of prosperity to come his way. As he exits his car, in a


    parking lot), there lies a dollar. The man puts it in his pocket and goes about his life as

    usual. Little did the gentleman know, this was just one of a few courses God had in

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    usual. Little did the gentleman know, this was just one of a few courses God had in

    mind for the entire meal to come to completion. He didn't have gratitude for the bill

    which God had planted as a precursor to a new career of Fifty five thousand dollars per

    year. Each time a movement of God is ignored or shrugged off as insignificant, it is as

    if one has told the waiter, Take it back, I didn't order this! Again, free will has kept

    Jehovah's hands tied from further blessings in this arena. As being righteous, one must

    first be a great steward of the small things. If a man or woman can not be appreciative

    of such miniscule holdings, then how will they truly appreciate the larger gifts to


    When something tiny comes along and is in accordance with the larger goal,

    show gratitude for it and radiate thanksgiving for the beginning of the greater blessing!

    Become delighted in the hors d'oeuvres and stay keen to the hints of the Father!


    "Jehovah Jireh"

    Chapter 21

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    Chapter 21

    Anybody out there can teach of God's giving. So many times, God has

    made this clearly evident. When the Father poured out his blessings two thousand and

    thirteen years ago for all to retrieve; he makes himself known as "Jehovah Jireh" or "our

    God provides". He had to deliver these blessings because he had promised us all the

    things of the Kingdom. The Creator is a source of all things good, majestic and

    wondrous; that includes truth and abundance. He is faithful in all of his promises to the

    Righteous! If so, why are so many living in lack? The answer is clear. Firstly, the

    giver must make the gift readily available to the recipient. Secondly, the recipient must

    be aware that there is even a gift awaiting them in the first place. Thirdly, the recipient

    must actively make an effort to know the whereabouts of such a gift. Lastly, the


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    Use heavenly knowledge, wisdom and understanding to make a decree as lords of one's

    domain (by God's grace and power) that all gifts desired belong to the descendants of

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    the Almighty!!!

    Remember that the Father of heaven is an unlimited resource of living water

    and abundance of blessing. In the spirit of this thought, why are so many blinded by

    belief that the church would be lucky just to have the scraps of God? Why are curses

    raining upon the shoulders of the believer which create death and sickness? How is it

    that some teach that one will never be as righteous as the sandal and robe wearing

    disciples of old? These same teachers teach that humility means living in poverty, and

    lack is a way to show God he is loved. False prophets are alive and well. Words of

    death and destitution spew forth from their mouths. Curses shall maintain strongholds

    in the homes of those prophets as well as the residence of all who follow their ways!

    Look, not unto man, but unto the Great I AM!!! He has a feast prepared for his


    Children! Partake of the meat (not the crumbs). Thrive in the kingdom (not just getting

    by in a shack). Stop allowing the teachers of law to restrict your understanding of

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    higher teachings! If a man shall pour forth all his resource to bless his family, how

    much greater shall Yahweh bless his children? The kingdom shall always prosper; from

    now, unto forever. Amen!



    "Life is a Radio"

    Chapter 22

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    Since it is understood that all beings exist as spirits, let further clarity be

    made known to seekers of wisdom. Since the beginning of sin, man has tuned himself

    to the ways of the world (much like a radio). The earthly stations are vast and abundant

    in their selection of channels available. Living in darkness, one could only assume that

    those are the only channels (man made Philosophy and teachings of elemental spirits)

    created; that type of radio (current mindset) is the only type in existence. The serpent

    has yet again hidden another vital truth from the believers in Christ! The Creator exists

    on a whole other level. He vibrates at a much higher frequency than those vibrations of

    the Earth. Always consider this truth when seeking him. Using the tools, born of the

    flesh, shall yield inadequate results. Utilizing the radio (mind of Christ) of the Kingdom

    and seeking the channel (Holy teachings) of the Great I Am is the only way to become


    one with the Father. His channel remains constant and unwavering. Once found, let it

    be known that this channel shall remain concrete. Stay with this source, as it flows with

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    life and truth!

    The world seeks to manipulate their ideas of who and what God should be in

    order to suit his or her beliefs. These ideas are as fickle and various as the life cycle of a

    fly. Man strives to create God in many images as a way to mask shame, guilt,

    uncertainty and mainly sin. The less "bad" they feel, the more happy they become.

    There lies the reason for beings worshiping so many gods globally. It is a

    straightforward issue of not wanting to be wrong, or without hope, so, new hopes

    manifest via the "channels" of man. YHWH makes himself known as the "Potter" who

    shapes and molds clay; not man. One must mold themselves to the ways of the

    Almighty and understand that God is also known by "Elohim" (the unmovable rock). If

    only such philosophers were not shrouded in the void of darkness, they could see just


    how easy Righteousness is to obtain. Change the source to change a mind. Tune into

    the Kingdom and stray far from the falsities of the lost; for those teachings lead to death!

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    references: Lamentations 3:25


    To shape or to be shaped

    chapter 23

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    As God's Righteousness, one is called into the world as a light or a bearer of

    light. As a member of the Kingdom, there are two options to chose from when among

    The population. Firstly, when the upright are in the midst of darkness, they are to be

    the influence. It is up to God's kingdom to bring light to the shadows. Where there

    Is illumination, blackness may not reside (in the same space.) A candle's flame casts

    away darkness into the far corners of a room. With such a power, one is a very big

    Influence within the Earth.

    Secondly, once a righteous man or woman walks amongst the upright, that


    person becomes a support. As brothers and sisters in the Kingdom, it is their duty to

    help remind each other of the joy, peace, love and grace that God brings. Uplift one

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    help remind each other of the joy, peace, love and grace that God brings. Uplift one

    another to stay in a perpetual state of thanksgiving and abundance. The greatest part in

    such a fraternal and sororal setting is the collective influence upon the outer

    surroundings. It is just as the angels gather for more strength in battle. The brighter the

    flame, the more people will see its truth.

    In summation, become a backbone or a teacher to the unwitting who dwell

    in ignorance. Take on the missions of Christ in this modern day to further the Kingdom

    of the most high! Leave a legacy of truth, life and direction which others may emulate.

    Become the piece of heaven that others have been seeking for so long. Amen!



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    Adonai A latter Name of God meaning Lord

    AHYH - (considered the most holy name of God) Alef Heh Yod Heh, or God of the

    Righteous. Good examples were ones taken up with God before death: Melchizedek,

    Enoch, Elijah, Moses, etc the gods/ righteous ones.

    ALHYM - (used to address his Highness above men) Alef Lamid Heh Yod Mem, or

    Highest of High

    AR - After Righteousness (discovery of righteousness)

    BR - Before Righteousness - (before discovery of righteousness)

    Elohim a name for God meaning strong one or Creator

    Emanuel a name of God meaning God with us

    iniquities - Immoral or grossly unfair behavior

    Jehovah Jireh a name of God meaning our God who provides

    Jehovah Ropha a name or God meaning God our healer

    Jehovah Tsidkenu a name of God meaning God our righteousness

    Magick in the world of the occult, many authors and practitioners of the arts use

    this spelling to differentiate such practices from acts of staged magic. Adding the K

    implies a true implication of energy manipulation in place of mere illusion.

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    reverse-mirror life The period in life where someone is ignorant of righteousness

    Transgression - A violation of a law, command, or duty (with intent)

    Yahweh a latter name (extended form of YHWH) of God loosely meaning he who

    will be, is, and has been.

    YHVH - (shows God's power as equally powerful on Earth as it is in heaven) Yod Heh

    Vah Heh, or as above, so below