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The International E-Magazine on

Adolescent Health Nutrition and your Circulatory and Respiratory System

Food Tips your body will love p.8

February March 2013 Volume 2, Number 1

Cover story


your body




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Kirsch, Jacobo A01193083, Karelly Ramirez A01193497, Daniela Gonzalez A01193493, and Lorena Martínez A01193279. "The International E-magazine on Adolescent Health; Nutrition and your Circulatory and Respiratory System." The International E-magazine 6 Feb. 2013: 1-10. Web. 6 Feb. 2013.

Group 111 Team 3


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The International E-Magazine on

Adolescent Health Nutrition and your Circulatory and Respiratory System




Page 4: The International E-Magazine on Adolescent Health

January February 2013 Volume 1, Number 1


DISEASES IN THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Learn historical facts about diseases that affected the people in the Industrial Revolution. CALCULATING YOUR ACTIVE METABOLIC RATE Discovering our metabolic rate, and how many calories we need to consume using math and science. PROTECT YOUR BODY FROM CANCER Different carcinogens may be present in food you eat every day. FOOD TIPS YOUR BODY WILL LOVE We are going to give you some tips in order to check upon your diet VOCABULARY OF THE HUMAN BODY Learn the main parts of the body in Chinese. ENTREVISTA CON ESPECIALISTA Mira esta grandiosa entrevista en español, en donde un doctor explica su especialidad.





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Cholera Cholera was one of the striking diseases of the 19th century. During industrialization, many cities became overpopulated. There was little hygiene and sanitation, and sewage often came into contact with drinking water. Human feces contaminated this water, making it an ideal breeding ground for the cholera bacteria (Vibrio cholerae). People got the cholera infection by drinking this contaminated water, and suffered of diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting, and cramps. The victims of cholera were usually poor people, but rich people also got it. The epidemic cholera first appeared around 1831, and it killed thousands of people. Byssinosis People working in textile factories contracted normally byssinosis, a disease caused by inhaling dust cotton textile fibers that were in the air. Byssinosis is a lung disease that eventually provokes respiratory infections and respiratory distress. Because the workplaces were closed, wet, in bad conditions and poorly ventilated this disease proliferated. Leprosy The leprosy is a bacterial infection, which it is caused by the Mycobacterium bacteria, it is transmitted by respiration or physical contact, which leads to disfigurement. The lepry was extremely contagious; people who had the disease could

spread the problem with ease so they were obligated to wear a bell at all times to announce their arrival so people could avoid them. It is said that entire populations came to have leprosy. "Enfermedades Durante La Revolucion Industrial" 04 2011. 04 2011 Diseases in industrial cities in the Industrial Revolution ." historylearningsite. © 2000-2013 Web. 3 Mar 2013. "Open Collections Program: Contagion, Cholera Epidemics in the 19th Century ." ©2013 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Web. 3 Mar 2013.


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Active Metabolic Rate U S I N G t h e h e a l t h s c i e n c e A N D m a t h e m a t i c s

Then we proceeded to measure ourselves and write down our weight; Ana Sofia Gtz – 173 cm 68 kg (149 lbs) Marcela Abrego- 153cm 42kg (92 lbs) Karelly Rmz- 170cm 76kg (167 lbs) Mandy Otero- 165cm 58kg (127 lbs) When we were done calculated our BMI Ana Sofia- 68/ 173*2 = 22.7 Normal Marcela- 42/153*2= 17.9 Underweight Karelly- 76/170*2=26.6 Overweight Mandy= 58/165*2=22.1 Normal After getting our BMI and analyzing whether we were overweight, normal or underweight we found BMR Ana Sofia- (10 x 68) + (6.25 x 173) – (5 x 15) = 1525kcal Marcela- (10 x 42) + (6.25 x 153) – (5 x 16)= 1296 kcal Karelly- (10 x 76) + (6.25 x 170) – (5 x 16)= 1581kcal Mandy- (10 x 58) + (6.25 x 165) – (5 x 16)=1531kcal Knowing this we have come up with the following Menu’s Ana Sofia & Mandy (both normal) Breakfast - Bowl of cereal and chocolate milkshake or 2 scrambled eggs and a glass of milk Food- Meat and fish of choice, Veggies, Soup of choice, and small dessert (jello, small chocolate) Dinner- 1 scrambled egg and 1 tortilla or 3 quesadillas Marcela (underweight) Breakfast- Scrambled eggs and ham with a piece of bread and milk or bowl of oatmeal, fruit, milkshake and bread. Food- Meat and fish of choice, bread or tortillas, veggies and dessert.

Dinner- Scrambled eggs with bread or tortilla, and or small portion of meat with fruit as dessert. Karelly (overweight) Breakfast- apple and a glass of skim milk Food- Fish of choice and veggies Dinner- 2 quesadillas or a plate of fruit, Conclusion After doing these equations, we were shocked by our results. Especially since we thought (at least Marce and Karelly) had a ‘normal’ diet. After reading online we understood how we must burn as much or more calories than we eat in order to loose weight, and that’s why sometimes even though we diet and reduce our calorie intake we do not loose weight. Marce has agreed to check upon her calorie intake and research foods and different diets that might increase her weight. Karelly has agreed to reduce her calorie intake or increase the days she exercises per week and keeping a more balanced diet. Mandy and Ana Sofia are both happy with their results and will continue with their exercise routine and diet. MLA "Personalized Calorie Count." N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2013. "Food & Fitness Planner: Track Your Daily Calorie Intake and Calories Burned." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2013. "Basal Metabolic Rate : Calculators : Discovery Health." Basal Metabolic Rate : Calculators : Discovery Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.

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A carcinogen is a substance capable to produce cancer in humans after excessive usage or exposure, some of them are very obvious like being near too much time to some metals or chemicals, other type of cancers produce from the inside of your body like in the bone marrow, but some others that we produce to ourselves we are able to prevent if we are well informed. The cigarette is the addiction that causes the more deaths per year, but somehow people keep consuming it because they don’t know how bad the do to your body, causing irreparable damage and diseases with no cure. The smoke of tabacco found in a cigarette has more than 50 different carcinogens, come of the most common are the hydrogen cyanide, which is used to make chemical weapons, arsenicused in pesticides, and carbon monoxide found in car exhaust. All poisonous and can kill on their own. Nicotine of a cigarrette can affect your respiratory system in many ways first when the chemicals enter the mouth and trachea, it irritates them and leaves minor chemical burns as it travels down. This is the reason many people complain about sore throats and pain when they first began smoking giving them the “smokers voice” and later on producing lung cáncer. Moreover this chemicals affect your circulatory system as well, It can raise both your blood pressure and your heart rate as well as tighten your blood vessels avoiding the oxygen to pass throug important parts of your body. Other disseases include heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, nasal sinus cancer and asthma. For children, health risks include sudden infant death syndrome, middle ear infections and asthma and other various respiratory illnesses. Secondhand smoke has been causally associated with low birth weight, spontaneous abortion, cervical cancer and can cause cognitive and behavior problems.

With the eliminations of a horrible habit you eliminate as well so many deatfull disseases. Lilley, Stephen. "How Smoking Effects the Circulatory System." EHow. Demand Media, 06 Sept. 2009. Web. 04 Mar. 2013. Writer, Contributing. "How Does Smoking Affect the Respiratory System?" EHow. Demand Media, 28 Oct. 2008. Web. 04 Mar. 2013. Davis, Darren W., Roy Herbst, and James L. Abbruzzese. Antiangiogenic Cancer Therapy. Boca Raton: CRC, 2008. Print. Taktak, Azzam F. G., and Anthony C. Fisher. Outcome Prediction in Cancer. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. Print.


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Food tips A healthy diet is something that your body demands in order to keep your organs working properly and everything cleaned. We are going to give you some tips in order to check upon your diet and seek ways to improve your health.

Know your caloric intake Knowing how much calories your body should have in order to live or loose weight ( or whatever is your purpose) Once you know how many calories you should have, you can build up a diet that consists of foods that provide the needed nutrients within those calories.

Mix up your menu! Be sure to maintain a diet where there's alot of vegetables, fruits and proteins at the same time! This will ensure nutrients and vitamins from different sources. Having the right amount of fish,meat and veggies is necessary. Look for natural sugars! We know that saying no to Twinkies and other several desserts might be hard, however these foods are the ones that give you the biggest problems! Not only do they give you a big amount of extra weight but they're often stored in the body as horrible fat and do not even have any benefit other than quick lapses of energy. Look out for natural sugar in fruits, juices, pulps etc. These will give you an energy boost that provides different vitamins that will be used in your skin, or throughout body organs etc.

Rememember to eat your breakfast! Your metabolism plays a huge role in how your food is processed! In order to have a good metabolism you must 'fuel' it. If you do not eat a good breakfast your metabolism might slow down and make ir harder to loose weight for example. Having your breakfast is like giving the initial fuel for your metabolism and digestion process. Be sure to keep hydrated! A healthy diet does not only consist of food! Keeping your body full of the water it needs will make it and feel better! Your skin will be clearer and smoother due to the hydration. Having said that, we reccomend our readers to be aware of their diet! Remember to eat from various food groups and energy sources that will give you plenty of nutrients and proteins to fuel your body. Once you're good on the inside you'll feel and look terrific on the outside too.

"Healthy Eating & Diet." 15 Best Diet Tips Ever. Webmd, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013. What are n.p. & n.d.? | See in list | Edit citation "Healthy Eating." : Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet & Sticking to It. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. Rinzler, Carol Ann. Nutrition for Dummies. 4th ed. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub., 2006. Print.




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E n t r e v i s t a a e l D r . A m a r a n t e

El Doctor Amarante nos cuenta que estudio 26 años para poder llegar hasta donde esta, unos de los cuales los paso en Estados Unidos y que ah sido todo lo que el esperaba que seria, salvando vidas curando niños y evitando enfermedades. Nos cuenta que lo mejor de su trabajo es ser parte de ver a un ser vivo dar su primer respiro y estar presente cuanto abren los ojos por primera vez y la expresión de la madre de felicidad en su rostro al dar vida a alguien mas. Esta es una profesión muy difícil y de mucha dedicación pero te arrepientas de todo el tiempo que le pusiste puesto que los beneficios que te trae te llenan de satisfacción. Después de todo su arduo trabajo a logrado establecer una familia muy estable que conforma de 4 hijos y una esposa. Esta carrera es muy costosa de dinero y tiempo y nos cuenta que su materia favorita siempre a sido ciencias, que tiene que ver con el cuerpo y sus funcionamientos. Siempre a tenido inclinación hacia la medicina por el gusto de salvar vidas y curar enfermedades de los niños pues el cree que el futuro de nuestro país esta en ellos, y con niños sanos e inteligentes tendremos un mejor futuro. Todo el trabajo que puso en sus 26 años de estudio rindieron fruto pues todo lo que aprendió lo a puesto en practica en cada una de sus consultas, pero la experiencia le a dado mas practica que nada, también nos comenta que las enfermedades que mas se le presentan son gripa en invierno y en veranos se presentan muchos casos de deshidratación y que tomemos medidas preventivas ante estos. El doctor Amarante nos dice que no le hubiera gustado estudiar ninguna otra carrera que la de doctor es la mas satisfactoria que pudo haber escogido. Muy emocionado nos dice que a tenido encuentros con Dios que lo han vuelto ms

creyente en Él y esto a hecho que le guste mas su profesión Ahora cada vez que vayamos con nuestro doctor hay que recordar el gran trabajo que hacen al curarnos y al estar expuestos a tantos enfermedades y de todos modos ayudar a la comunidad a que superemos nuestras enfermedades. El trabajo que hacen los médicos es un trabajo extraordinario e inigualable y debemos darle la importancia que se merece ya que ellos son los que mantienen la salud y bienestar de toda la sociedad. “Aunque no tuve mucho tiempo libre para divertirme durante mis años de estudio, no me arrepiento de la carrera que e elegido, pues es muy grato al ver que haces bien tu trabajo y ayudas a la comunidad de manera indirecta” nos platica el Doctor especializado en pediatría dejándonos con un conocimiento mas amplio acerca de los doctores y su función en nuestra vida. Bibliografía "Pediatr-a." Pediatra. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <>. SU MEDICO: ¿Sabes Qué Hace Un Pediatra?----." --- SU MEDICO: ¿Sabes Qué Hace Un Pediatra?----. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <> "¿Qué Es Un Pediatra?" ¿Quà Es Un Pediatra? N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <>.


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