Page 1: Term 4 - Week 6 (B) 2014 · 10 November College 2 Formal Mrs Vicki Dodd 2014 Batlow Technology School Pioneer Street, BATLOW NSW 2730DATE Phone: (02) 6949 1208 Fax:(02) 69491666

10 November 2014

DATE Batlow Technology School Pioneer Street, BATLOW NSW 2730

Phone: (02) 6949 1208 Fax:(02) 69491666 Email:[email protected]

Term 4 - Week 6 (B)



Relieving Principal

Mrs Meagan Crelley

Assistant Principal

Mrs Vicki Dodd

Head Teachers

Mr Mark McDonell

Ms Amanda O’Loughlan


WHAT’S ON AT BTS Mondays – (every week)

School Banking

Wednesday 12/11/14

Principal’s Assembly at 10.48 am

Thursday 13/11/14

Kindergarten Orientation

(see dates elsewhere in this edition

of “Scoop”)

REMINDER Principal’s Assembly

Wednesday 12 November 2014

10.48 am in the school hall

Please note time change for the

Principal’s assembly

College 2 Formal Our College 2 students were farewelled from

Batlow Technology School at a formal dinner on

Thursday 30 October 2014. Parents and family members

gathered with staff to officially recognise the end of high

school education for these students.

We wish them all well in their future endeavours!

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Congratulations to all our 2014 award winners from last Thursday’s Presentation Night. It was

enormously rewarding to be able to acknowledge those students who set high expectations for

themselves and choose to value achievement. Many of our students received awards not just for

academic success but for exhibiting the values that we hold dear at Batlow Technology School.

These students are a credit to themselves, their parents and our school. I would also like to take this

opportunity to thank our 2014 School Leaders for their valuable contribution to our school and

congratulate our 2015 School Captains, Lilly Kirky, Rahul Pratap, Carter Ironside and John Kirkby.

I appreciate your desire to lead improvement and look forward to working with you all.

I would also like to thank Ms O’Loughlan and the Liberal Arts staff for their fantastic effort in

organising Presentation Night and our hardworking SASS staff for ensuring that the night was such a

success and to the Gould family for allowing us to beautify the stage area with their lovely plants.

I was also pleasantly surprised by the outstanding display of school uniform presented on the night.

Our students looked proud to be representatives of our school community. Clearly many secondary

students do have a school uniform. The staff and community would certainly like to see a more

consistent approach to the wearing of our school uniform, especially our secondary students, who

are role-models to the younger students who attend Batlow Technology School. Pride in one’s

appearance and the sense of belonging and unity that a uniform provides is not to be

underestimated or disregarded. A school uniform is also a great equaliser and removes the pressure

to be fashionable. But above all it looks so much better and is practical for the context of our


Today officially marks the beginning of our new school year. New classes, new learning, new

teachers and a chance to make a fresh start. If you know last year was not your best and you

acknowledge that you could make improvements in certain areas then I urge you to make those

changes. Do what you have to do! Like our 2014 award winners, set your standards high and as a

school community we should expect nothing less.

With the start of the new school year it is a good time to review what we expect from our students in

terms of behaviour. It should also be noted that it is the right of every student to learn and the right

of every teacher to teach. No-one has the right to interfere with this process. Batlow Technology

School’s Core Rules have been included so there is no uncertainty regarding what is expected.

Batlow Technology School’s Core Rules

All students are expected to: Attend every school day and be in class on time and prepared to learn.

Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school’s uniform policy.

Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from school.

Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following class rules,

speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.

Treat one another with dignity and respect.

Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social

behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.

The capacity to learn is a gift;

The ability to learn is a skill;

The willingness to learn is a choice.

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These rules ensure that all students and teachers are able to learn and teach in a safe, productive

and respectful environment geared toward promoting achievement. We all deserve that


Batlow Technology School is introducing an exciting new initiative to coincide with the start of our

new school year. To support our students and care for their wellbeing, we are introducing a whole

school 30 minute “Wellbeing” session, based on our HOW2Learn focus, on Wednesdays Week A.

Our secondary students will participate in stage groups led by their Year Adviser. Our primary

students will remain with their classmates and their teacher will deliver the program. This wellbeing

focus aims to offer information and strategies to assist our students in being self-aware and

proactive about their welfare and to create positive and considerate relationships within our school.

As a result, there will be changes to our secondary Wednesday bell times, our current assembly time

and whole school recess and lunch times (Wednesdays only). Each secondary lesson will be

shortened to 54 minutes. On Wednesdays Week B our normal Assemblies will continue just at an

earlier time. Assemblies will now commence at 10.48 am.

We hope that this initiative will support our students to be resilient when problems or issues arise and by encouraging them to be resourceful in order to problem-solve. We hope to create future citizens who are responsible in what they do and how they act and reflective of their choices and actions. We should all demonstrate reciprocity by helping and sharing with each other to make our learning environment the best that it can be. Happy New Year!

Meagan Crelley

Relieving Principal


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 9.00-10.00 9.00-10.00 9.00-9.54 9.00-10.00 9.00-10.00

2 10.00-11.00 10.00-11.00 9.54-10.48 10.00-11.00 10.00-11.00

Recess 11.00-11.25 11.00-11.25 Wellbeing Week A Assembly Week B 10.48-11.18

11.00-11.25 11.00-11.25

Recess 11.18-11.43

3 11.25-12.25 11.25-12.25 11.43-12.37 11.25-12.25 11.25-12.25

4 12.25-1.25 12.25-1.25 12.37-1.31 12.25-1.25 12.25-1.25

Lunch 1 1.25-1.50 Primary bell 1.40

1.25-1.50 Primary bell 1.40

1.31-1.56 Primary bell 1.46

1.25-1.50 Primary bell 1.40

1.25-1.50 Primary bell 1.40

Lunch 2 1.50-2.15 1.50-2.15 1.56-2.21 1.50-2.15 1.50-2.15

5 2.15-3.15 2.15-3.15 2.21-3.15 2.15-3.15 2.15-3.15


9.00 am until 11.30 am on Thursday 13,

Thursday 20 and Thursday 27 November 2014

9.00 am until 3.15 pm on Thursday 4 December 2014

and Thursday 11 December 2014

For further information please phone Batlow Technology School

6949 1208 or call into the office during school hours.

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Holly Casey-Patterson


Mackenzie Morton - Reciprocity for learning alone or sharing in learning with others

Ffion Simpson - Reflectiveness for being critically self-aware and responsive to feedback

Jim Howell - Resilience for working through difficulties when the pressure mounts

Ngakau Ranganui – Resourcefulness for using resources wisely and knowing what to do

when you do not know what to do

Isabelle Trueman - Responsibility for being accountable for individual and community actions

towards yourself, others and the environment

Daniel Shoemark- Reciprocity

Lachlan McCarthy - Reflectiveness

Holly Case - Patterson Resilience

Taylor Speechley - Resourcefulness

Angelus Simpson - Responsibility

Akira Speechley - Reciprocity

Kaila Jones-Lampe - Reflectiveness

Georgia Pate - Resilience

Kurt Stuenkel - Resourcefulness

Zachary McCarthy - Responsibility

Alexander Speechley - Reciprocity

Julie-Anne Cupitt - Reflectiveness

John Kirkby - Resilience

Tahlia Grant - Resourcefulness

Bree Bowman - Responsibility

Lilly Kirkby

HV Smith Award

Most outstanding student

Taila Hampton

Dux of College 2

Thursday 6 November


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Mercedes Walsh-Campbell - Reciprocity

Sophia Kirkby - Reflectiveness

James Tutt - Resilience

Emma Kynaston - Resourcefulness

Kate Kynaston - Responsibility

Jessica Whiting - Reciprocity

Hannah Collins - Reflectiveness

Dakota Armitstead - Hansen Resilience

Imigine Shoemark - Resourcefulness

Taylah Bowman - Responsibility

Jessica Boxsell - Reciprocity

Hayley Murrell - Reflectiveness

Emily Miller - Resilience

Taylor Casey - Resourcefulness

Lilly Kirkby - Responsibility


Year 7

Jai White - First in Mathematics and Computers, Most Consistent in PDHPE and Design and

Technology 2

Dylan Bates - First in English, LOTE, HSIE, Most Consistent in Math, Science, Art and


Connor Taylor - First in Science and Design and Technology 1, Most Consistent in LOTE

Luke Stuenkel - First in Design and Technology 1, Art and PDHPE, Most Consistent in

English, Design and Technology 1 and HSIE

First in Year 7 is Dylan Bates.

Year 8

Kate Kynaston - First in Mathematics, Design and Technology 1, equal first in Science, Most

Consistent in LOTE and Design and Technology 2

Edmund Blenkins - First in English and Agriculture

Emma Kynaston - First in LOTE, Design and Technology 2, HSIE, Music, equal first in

Science, Most Consistent in Mathematics, English and Design and Technology 1

Sophia Kirkby - First in PDHPE and Drama, Most Consistent in Music

James Tutt - Most Consistent in Science and Agriculture

Isabella Kirkby - Most Consistent in HSIE and Drama

Mercedes Walsh - Campbell- Most Consistent in PDHPE

First in Year 8 is Emma Kynaston

Year 9

Cody Flew - First in Mathematics and English, Most Consistent in PASS and Agriculture

Brianna McVean - First in English and LOTE

Page 6: Term 4 - Week 6 (B) 2014 · 10 November College 2 Formal Mrs Vicki Dodd 2014 Batlow Technology School Pioneer Street, BATLOW NSW 2730DATE Phone: (02) 6949 1208 Fax:(02) 69491666

Hannah Collins - First in Mathematics, PASS and Drama

Tessa Cross - First in Science and Agriculture

Taylah Bowman - First in HSIE and PDHPE, Most Consistent in Mathematics, Science,

Music and Drama

Jessica Whiting - First in Visual Arts and Music, Most Consistent in HSIE and PDHPE

Amy Glynn- First in Food Technology, Most Consistent in English

Georgia Whiley - First in HSIE, and Most Consistent in English

Jed McAlister - First in IT

Imigine Shoemark - Most Consistent in Mathematics and Food Technology

Aiden Larson - Most Consistent in LOTE

Breanna Flew - Most Consistent in HSIE

First in Year 9 is Hannah Collins

Year 10

Samantha Wilesmith - First in Mathematics

Cooper Smith - First in English and HSIE

Kelly Flew - First in English, PDHPE, PASS and Agriculture, Most Consistent in HSIE and


Dakota Armitstead Hansen - First in Mathematics, Science, HSIE, Visual Arts, Music and

Drama, Most Consistent in English

Connor Jeffrey - First in Food Technology and Most Consistent in Drama

Samuel Pearce - Most Consistent in Science, PDHPE and Agriculture

First in Year 10 is Dakota Armitstead-Hansen

College One

Rahul Pratap - First in Mathematics and Standard English, Most Consistent in Modern


Jessica Boxsel - First- First in General 2 Mathematics

Lilly Kirkby - First in Biology and Modern History, Most Consistent in Mathematics

Joshua Leonard-McLean - First in Industrial Technology- Metal and Most Consistent in

Standard English

Jessica Lesniak - First in Community and Family Studies and Most Consistent in Biology

Hayley Murrell - First in Drama and Most Consistent in General 2 Mathematics and Music

Clare Miller - First in Music

Emily Miller - Most Consistent in Community and Family Studies and Drama

College Two

Dylan Williams - First in Mathematics and Industrial Technology- Timber

Lara McLennan-Dye - First in General 2 Mathematics and Drama

Floyd Cross - First in Biology and Music

Thomas Mouat - First in Industrial Technology- Metal and Standard English

Taila Hampton - First in Community and Family Studies, Most Consistent in General 2

Mathematics and Community and Family Studies

Chloe Strong - First in Modern History and English Studies

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Gelske Vanderland - Most Consistent in Biology

Riley Williams - Most Consistent in Standard English

Taylor Casey - Most Consistent in Drama

Congratulations to the College One and College 2

TAFE Award for the completion of a Certificate 2 in Business - Clare Miller


2014 State Representatives:

Lilly Kirkby, Hannah Collins, Jack Gould and Luke Stuenkel

State Level Netball Team

Gelske Vanderland, Sjoukje Vanderland, Jessica Boxsell, Hayley Murrell, Lilly Kirkby, Sophia

Kirkby, Isabella Kirkby, Kaitlyn Harris and Hannah Collin

Winning house for 2014 - BOGONG

The Most Outstanding Primary Sportsperson - Jack Gould

The Junior Sportsperson of the year - Hannah Collins

The Senior Sportsperson of the year - Lilly Kirkby

The BK Medallion is given to a primary student who demonstrates

excellence in the classroom and on the sporting field - Jack Gould

The Pierre de Coubertin Award recognises secondary students who demonstrate academic

excellence and sporting prowess whilst exemplifying the Olympic values

Gelske Vanderland


The recipient of the Junior Welfare award for Determination - Aiden Larson

The recipient of the Senior Welfare award for Determination

Joshua Leonard-McLean

The Primary True Citizen award - Bree Bowman

The Batlow Technology P&C award for School Service - Dylan Bates

The Primary Quiet Achiever Award - Aiyana Ironside

The Martin Keenan Memorial Award for Secondary Quiet Achiever - Taila Hampton

Rueben F Scarf Award for Commitment - Hayley Murrell

Batlow Teacher’s Association Award for School Spirit

Primary - John Kirkby, Secondary - Taylor Casey


Primary Speech and Drama Award - Chloe-Kate Begg

Secondary Speech and Drama Award - Lara McLennan-Dye


Students who exhibits passion for learning and understanding in the areas of Heritage,

Societies and the Environment.

The Primary recipient of the Ian Giles Memorial Award - Atticus Blenkins

The Secondary recipient of the Ian Giles Memorial Award - Rahul Pratap

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For Musical Performance - Hayley Murrell


Most Outstanding Agriculture Student - Tessa Cross


Dedication to caring for the environment - James Tutt


Secondary student to encourage their study of Industrial Arts

Dylan Williams


John (Jack) Brown Award for English - Kelly Flew

John (Jack) Brown Award for Mathematics - Rahul Pratap


Australian Defence Force Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork awards

which are presented to students in College who demonstrate commitment

to their learning through consistent effort in academic, sporting and cultural


The College One recipient - Jessica Boxsell

The College Two recipient - Gelske Vanderland

Caltex All-Rounder Award for 2014 - Gelske Vanderland

The Batlow Fruit Co-operative Most Outstanding Primary Student

Ben Howell

Tumut Shire Council Award for first in Year six - Julie-Anne Cupitt.

The Tumut Shire Award for Academic Excellence in Year 12

Taila Hampton.


Presented to a student who consistently strives to achieve their best and

participates in all aspects of school life. The 2014 recipient of the

HV Smith Most Outstanding Student is Lilly Kirkby.

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The SRC held a Halloween Dress-up Day in conjunction with

“National Bandanna Day” on Friday 31 October 2014.

The day was well supported with students dressing up in a

variety of different Halloween costumes and wearing their

Bandannas with pride.

Well done to the SRC!

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YEAR 9/10 FOOD TECHNOLOGY The Year 9/10 Food Technology class had lots of fun

learning how to make sushi. Different fillings were

tried and the students loved eating the finished

product. Well done to the 9/10 students who all

worked as a team on this activity.

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL REPORT Congratulations Ben Howell on winning this year’s SRC mini ipad competition. On behalf of

the SRC thank you to parents, staff and the community for supporting this competition.

The SRC Halloween Dress up day was also a great success with many ‘spooky’ costumes

being worn on the day. Congratulations Dakota Armitstead-Hansen and Sharni-Leigh Gordon

on winning the best dressed prize from the SRC.

“National Bandanna Day” was also held on Friday 31 October 2014 and funds were collected

for this worthy cause.

Thank you to the parents, students and staff for their on-going support with SRC initiatives.

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We are in particular need of information for any students enrolling in 2015.

Could you please assist us by filling out this form and return it to Batlow Technology School office.

The children in your family who have not yet started school:

Child’s Name Name and address of parents

Child’s date of birth

Year of intended enrolment at BTS


Children in families known to you who may not have access to this form:

Child’s name Name and address of parents

Child’s date of birth

Year of intended enrolment at BTS

Thank you for your assistance Meagan Crelley Relieving Principal
