Page 1: Sunday, February 19, 2017 St. Peter the Apostle February 20 thru … · 2017. 2. 16. · Sunday, February 19, 2017 February

Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 20 thru February 26

Monday, February 20 Weekday

NO Mass at St. Peter

SP: NO Diabetes Class

SM: 7:00 pm Guild Meeting

President’s Day-Parish Offices Closed

Fr. Tom Gone Until March 1 Tuesday, February 21 St. Peter Damian

NO Mass at St. Mary

SP: 8:45 am Mary Devotions

SP: 5:30 pm Community Meal

SP: 6:00 pm 1st Reconciliation Class

SP: 7:00 pm RCIA Wednesday, February 22 The Chair of

St. Peter the Apostle

NO Mass at St. Peter

SP: 9-12 am Adoration

SP: 10:30 am Quilt Group Thursday, February 23 St. Polycarp

NO Mass at St. Peter

SP: 9:00 am – 9 pm Adoration Friday, February 24 Weekday

NO Mass

Sat., Feb. 25, Vigil: 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:15 PM Reconciliation at St. Peter

5:00 PM Mass at St. Peter: Healing for

Al Van Roekel

Sunday, Feb. 26, 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:30 AM SP: Rosary to end abortion

9:00 AM Mass at St. Peter: For the People

Children’s Liturgy Ages 4 to 2nd Grade

SP: Knights of Columbus Coffee & Rolls

11:00 Mass at St. Mary: + Richard Schmaus

Praying for Vocations

February 20 – February 26… Roman & Joy Horejsi

February 27 – March 5……...Roman & Joy Horejsi

E-Mail/Telephone Prayer Chain If you have a request for needed prayers for yourself, family or friends,

please call (SP) Diane Schmitz at 732-4638 or (SM) Theresa Keller at 237-2322

St. Peter’s Lectors: Please sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Space for the months of March, April & May. If there is anyone who would like to be a part of this ministry in our parish, please contact Mary Garlie at 218-366-1010 or [email protected]

St. Peter the Apostle LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: St. Peter’s

SATURDAY: February 25

5:00 P.M. Servers ………...…...Volunteers Needed

Lector..…………...............Sandy Aldrich

Accompanist …………...…..Amy Yerkes

Cantor …......................Laurie Conzemius

Usher Capt...........................Cathy Hensel

SUNDAY: February 26

9:00 A.M. Servers ………....…..Volunteers Needed

Lector …..................Knights of Columbus

Accompanist ………..............Amy Yerkes

Cantor …….................Cathryn Neumayer

Usher Capt…..……...............Ron Ahmann


Collection for February 11 & 12 Adult Envelopes ………………………………………....$ 4,570.50

Loose Plate ………………………………………………$ 233.81

Visitor Checks ………………………………………… ..$ 254.00

Other ……………………………………………...……...$ 1,442.00

Weekly Total ……………………………………….……$ 6,500.31

Building Fund……………………………………………$ 175.00

Haiti…………………………………………………….…$ 113.00

If you have any questions, please see Father Tom

‘Direct Deposit’ Sunday Offering ‘Direct Deposit’ is a safe and secure way to submit your Sunday

offering and support St. Peter’s during the many out of town weekends that families take! Contact Faye Wermerskirchen in the

parish office for information! Contributions using a credit card are also available.

Stewardship “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who

persecute you…” Matthew 5:44 Love your enemies, easier said than done, no doubt. But, remember, the foundation of stewardship is prayer. When we are in close communication with God, it opens our heart and it turns our attention away from “me” and moves it towards God and others. It allows us to have a little more empathy for “our enemy”. When we pray for others, even “our enemies”, maybe it softens their hearts as well.

Ministers of Holy Communion visit the Catholic

Residents of Heritage Living Center Complex and

Diamond Willow on Sunday Mornings.

February 19: Schmitz

February 26: Wagner

Care Age Facility: Deacon John Zinniel on Fridays

If you can help with Homebound Communion, please

call the Parish office at 732-5142.

St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus will meet March 5 after Mass

St. Peter’s Contribution statements are ready to be picked up in the Gathering Space. Thank you.

Page 2: Sunday, February 19, 2017 St. Peter the Apostle February 20 thru … · 2017. 2. 16. · Sunday, February 19, 2017 February

St. Mary’s – Two Inlets Ministries for Sunday, February 26

LECTOR Susan Wolters

COMM DIST Ann & Greg Lempola

Patti Stulich

ALTAR SERVER Danielle Pfeifer

USHERS Rose Higgins, Amber Sunram

GIFTS Joan Eischens

SACRISTAN Patti Stulich

St. Mary’s Collection, February 12 Adult Envelopes $975.00 Loose Plate $102.00

Total Collection $1,077.00

Direct Deposit is available at St. Mary’s. Contact Lynn for details.

NEW WEATHER POLICY FOR TUESDAYS For the remainder of the winter months Adoration is moved to Tuesdays, after Mass. (No First Fridays). If school is cancelled or delayed (2 hours) then Mass and Adoration are cancelled.

Soup and Sandwich Brunch-St. Mary’s will be having brunch the third Sunday of each month. The ladies serving today are: Colleen Nelson, Pam Scholz, Audrey Eischens, Lillian Schmaus, Danielle Folkers, and Julie Zilka.

Guild will meet, February 20 at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome.

Liturgical participation sign-up sheets for March 5 thru June 18 are in the back of the church. Please consider helping with any of these ministries. Perhaps you have taken a break from helping and can step in now. Take a moment to note your availability. Thank you for your dedication.

Mother’s Day Flowers -- Spring is really coming-we just have to be patient. Flying W is taking pre-orders for the Mother’s Day flowers. The flowers will be delivered on Mother’s Day in full bloom and ready to greet spring. All proceeds will go to the Haiti Project. Orders will be taken after Mass February 19. Contact Teresa at 218-255-1244 to place orders.

Please welcome Fr. Robert White from Food for the Poor who will be here February 25 & 26 while Fr. Tom is on vacation.

Welcome new parishoners at St. Peter’s, James & Teresa Reichwein and James & Margaret Harju

Valentine’s Supper

The Knights of Columbus from St. Peter’s, St.

Mary’s and Our Lady of the Pines will host a

Valentine’s Party for members, Sunday, February

19 at the West Forty Restaurant. Social hour

begins at 5 pm and Dinner is at 6 pm. All members

and their guest are invited.

Happy Birthday wishes to Jane Von Hagen who will be 97 years young on February 23rd. May God bless you on your special day.

Fr. Tom’s Desk I will be away from the parish from Feb. 20-28. My first destination is San Antonio TX for a priest conference at which I represent our diocese. Then I will fly over to San Diego CA to do a wedding and visit with my niece. I will arrive back in Park Rapids just in time to inaugurate the season of Lent on March 1, Ash Wednesday. Yes, friends, the season of Lent is upon us. The gospel reading on Ash Wednesday from Matthew always reminds us of the three pillars of the Christian life Jesus enjoins us to practice: fasting, almsgiving and prayer. FASTING/ABSTINENCE. Please be observant of the Catholic lenten practice of fasting and abstaining from meat. “I forgot” is not an excuse. This is a deliberate action of the heart. ALMSGIVING. Our parishes will once again use the month of March to join in raising funds for our local food shelves through Minnesota Food Share. BIBLE STUDY. I have chosen a bible study topic geared to the season of Lent - the study of the Book of Exodus. The forty days of lent mirror the forty years of the Israelites in the desert. What a great spiritual opportunity this will be in preparing for the most holy feast day of the year - Easter. Please sign up in the office. Many are familiar with the format of these sessions. DAILY MEDITATIONS. There is also a great online prayer experience being offered. FREE! The subject matter is from renowned author Matthew Kelly. For details on how to register for this opportunity please see the insert in the bulletin. It looks to be an exciting daily challenge to our spiritual lives.

Oil for Your Lamp

I have been reflecting on the “travel ban” that is in the news the past couple weeks. I understand what the President is hoping to accomplish and I cannot help but wonder how it relates to the scripture passage we hear from this week from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. If each of us is a temple that God dwells in, then are we not also each in some way accountable for tearing down those temples when we seek to limit the abilities of others? Are we too wise for our own good, or just fools to go along with what we hear? Fortunately God knows what is going to transpire with all of this and in His time it will all work out for the greater good. We ought to be rather thankful that God’s ways are not our ways, else God may put in place a travel ban, and we would all be stuck in this life and not admitted into eternal life. My thoughts are that we should consider donating a little bit of our lamp oil (of prayer) to help light the way and prohibit God from instituting his own travel ban against the foolish sinners who think we know what is best for our fellow human beings. “To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”

(Saint Theresa of Kolkata)

In the peace of Christ . . . Deacon John Zinniel

There will be a public commissioning of Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at the Masses on March 5th. Those of you who have received updated training are encouraged to come to one of the Masses that weekend to receive a special blessing. There is always room for more to join in. Please contact Deacon John and he will be happy to train you.

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Annette Haas Office: 732-5142 CELL NUMBER: 218-616-2404 My Email address is: [email protected]

THANK YOU to everyone who came to the Valentine Breakfast on Sunday! Thank you to the students and adults who helped with all of the chores! We will plan to do this on Mother’s Day again!!

CHANGE IN TIME FOR WEDNESDAY, FEBUARY 22! It will be movie night here at St. Peter’s. The movie is long so please be here before 6:00 so we can start early. I will have pizza and popcorn to eat and drinks during the movie. Parents are invited to attend also. We will be watching the movie, “For Greater Glory.”

Middle School Youth Rally – Sunday, March 19 for students grades 6-8. Please let me know if you plan to come and turn in the registration form so that transportation and chaperones can be arranged.

JP 2 Camp – grades 6-8 this year. The first week is full and there are a few remaining openings for the 2nd week. If you plan to attend, please register on line or turn your application in to me as soon as possible! Scholarships are available.

Steubenville Conference – students in grades 8-12. Please turn in your registrations. Scholarships are available.

Upcoming dates: 1st Reconciliation/Communion Classes 6:00-7:00pm, every Tuesday March 5 – 1:00 – 3:00 Hunger No More Food Packing March 19 – Middle School Youth Rally in Thief River Falls March 25 & 26 – Confirmation Retreat

HELP WANTED! Looking for a couple of good people who love elementary students. We need substitute teachers for our Wednesday morning classes. Please contact Annette Haas at 732-5142 if you are interested.

2017 Diocesan Annual Appeal If you have not already done so, please make your commitment, gift or pledge to the Diocesan Annual Appeal. St. Peter’s goal is $28,643 and St. Mary’s goal is $6,095. You may use an envelope and prayer card here at our parish or the one you have received at home. Fill out the pledge card completely. You may make a gift by check or cash, by credit card or automatic withdrawal from your checking account over the course of 12 months. Consider increasing your gift by 10% this year if you haven’t changed your gift for several years. For questions about online giving please contact Renee’ Tate at [email protected] or call toll free 1-800-297-8252. View the excellent DAA video at and consider making a sustaining gift.

Faith, Wellness, and You Currently there are over 119,000 men, women and children on the national transplant waiting list. 22 people die each day waiting for a transplant. By signing up to be an organ donor, you could save lives. Anyone, regardless of age or medical history can sign up to be a donor. The list of organs and tissues that can be successfully transplanted continues to grow. Organs, corneas, tissues, hands, face, blood stem cells, cord blood, bone marrow, blood and platelets can all be donated. There are two ways to sign up to be an organ donor. You can sign up online or in person at your local motor vehicle department. All you need is some identification information and your driver’s license or photo ID number. Did you know… you should be sure to let your family know you have registered as an organ donor so they can support your wishes? You can contact your parish nurses at: Diane: 218-255-1270 and Tiffany at 218-252-8227. Community Meal, Tuesday February 21. Help is needed to set up and clean up, and 10 pans of brownies/bars for dessert. Sign up sheet is in the Gathering Space. The support of the parish is very greatly appreciated.

Brendan Case presents “School of the Spirit” 2017 Lenten Mission of St. Michael’s in Mahnomen

& St. Joseph’s in Beaulieu

March 25 thru March 30.

All Sessions at St. Michael’s Church

Questions: 218-935-2503

Two Ways We Are Asked to Observe the Season of Lent

1. Observe the days of FAST which are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. (Ages 18 – 59) This means to refrain from eating and has been defined as that our three meals combined are less food than what we would normally consume at our largest meal of the day and no in-between snacking. One is also “exempt” from fasting due to medical conditions. If one is physically able to observe fasting that person should consider seriously doing it. 2. Observe the Fridays of Lent as days of ABSTINENCE. (Ages 14 – death) This is the custom of not eating meat (meat defined as the flesh of warm-blooded animals). Fish has always been a great substitute for meat. However one must contemplate whether crab, lobster and other expensive seafood really fulfill the intent of this discipline. Abstinence invites us to practice simplicity in our lives. There are many meatless meals that satisfy hunger.
