Page 1: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Streamlining Development Permitting

March 8, 2011

Board of County Commissioners

Page 2: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Immediate Action Plan Streamlining Task Forces

Regulatory Environmental

Summary – Next Steps

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

Page 3: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Immediate Action Plan Streamlining Task Forces

Regulatory Environmental

Summary – Next Steps

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

Page 4: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Time is Most Important Aspect for Customers Establish permitting services

Improve information flow

Improve development support services

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Issues Identified Multiple locations

Ownership of the process

Need for better customer guidance

Better access to information

Duplicated environmental permits

Customer access to the internet

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Recommended Action Plan Establish “one-stop” permitting Create clear permitting destination Clarify accountability Improve information flow Augment support activities Enhance customer outreach Accept approved wetland delineations Offer wi-fi service

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Establish “One-Stop” Permitting One location to visit

One location to submit applications

One location to ask questions

One location to receive results

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Establish “One-Stop” Permitting All permitting departments onsite Several departments already in place Additional representation by

• Utilities • Development Engineering • Stormwater Management • Environmental Protection • Code Enforcement • Orange County Health

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

One Stop


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Establish “One-Stop” Permitting Utilize existing staff Occupy available space in Zoning Divisions retain managerial authority Coordinated by Permitting Advocate

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Create Clear Permitting Destination Establish Permitting Services destination

for the customer Rebrand 1st floor of County

Administration Building Provide enhanced signage

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Clarify Accountability Designate a single person to guide

customers through the system• Establish Permitting Advocate

Empower individual staff to “own” the process• Cross-train staff to improve process


Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Improve Information Flow Establish Customer Assistance Team

Expand pre-application meetings

Create additional publications that explain permitting processes

Expand web presence

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Enhance Support Activities Digital public records on demand

Consolidate support activities where feasible

Cross-train support staff

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Enhance Customer Outreach Update “Building It Right” Program

Use Orange TV and local home improvement retailers

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Streamline Wetland Delineation Process State and local wetland delineation uses

same evaluation criteria

Accept state agency approved wetland delineation to reduce duplication

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Offer Wi-Fi Service Provide free wi-fi connection to

customers and public

First floor lobby

Allows customers to remain connected

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Summary By May 1st

Initiate “one-stop” permitting services Designate Permitting Advocate

By June 1st Establish customer assistance team Accept state wetland delineations Provide wi-fi access for customers

Immediate Action PlanImmediate Action Plan

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Online application submittal

Electronic plan submittal

Development information portal

Online project tracking

Development “dashboards”

Future ActivitiesFuture Activities

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Immediate Action Plan Streamlining Task Forces

Regulatory Environmental

Summary – Next Steps

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

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Support job growth and economic development by eliminating duplicative regulations, reducing process times and improving customer service

Regulatory Task Force Regulatory Task Force

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Membership Fifteen members Member appointments

Two by each Commissioner Three by Mayor

Suggested representation Citizens Small business owners Homebuilders Developers/contractors

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Private sector attorneys Private sector planning

consultants Private sector engineers

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Three Primary Areas of Review

1. Commercial permitting

2. Infill and redevelopment

3. Development review

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

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1. Commercial Permitting Vertical construction

New construction and alterations

For multifamily and non-residential projects

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

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2. Infill and Redevelopment Develop targeted review process

Evaluate incentives potential

Use brownfield designations

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

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3. Development Review

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Comprehensive Plan


Vested Rights


Road Agreem


School Concurrency/

Capacity Enhancement


Engineering Construction


Subdivision Plat PD-LUP


Change Determinati


Special Exception

PD Development Plan

Preliminary Subdivision


Planned Developm

ent Rezoning



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3. Development Review

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

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3. Development Review Process improvements

Committee review and streamlining

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

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3. Development Review – Processes Comprehensive Plan amendment Rezoning Planned Development Rezoning

PD Land Use Plan Preliminary Subdivision Plan Development Plan

Impact fee review Concurrency review Platting

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

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3. Development Review – Committees Development Review Committee Planning and Zoning Commission /

Local Planning Agency Board of Zoning Adjustment Road Agreement Committee Impact Fee Committee Concurrency Review


Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Page 30: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Task Force Process1. Initial Task Force meetings

2. Appoint subcommittees to address three areas of review

3. Review subcommittee progress

4. Develop findings and recommendations to report back to BCC

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Page 31: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Task Force Meetings1. Task Force mission, orientation, select

subcommittees members

2. Overview and initial issue discussion

3. Overview of code update

4. Invite members of the public to address the Task Force

5. Regular meetings to monitor subcommittee progress

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Page 32: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Task Force Subcommittees1. Introduction to processes

2. Solicit public input

3. Benchmarking analysis

4. Assess issues

5. Prioritize actions

6. Develop timeline for implementation

7. Develop recommendations for Task Force

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Page 33: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Prioritizing Actions1. Cost/benefit

2. Impact

3. Ease of implementation

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Higher Impact Lower Impact

Easy Complete first Complete later in year

DifficultTake initial steps,

schedule for completion

Review after other actions


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Task Force Review and finalize subcommittee

recommendations Develop prioritized list of changes Prepare implementation plan and timeline

Consolidate into Task Force Report Report to BCC

Regulatory Task ForceRegulatory Task Force

Action Item Assigned to Start Date

End Date


Expand cross training Planning 1-1-10 6-1-10 Complete

Update code Planning 1-1-10 12-31-11 Underway

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Immediate Action Plan Streamlining Task Forces

Regulatory Environmental

Summary – Next Steps

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

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Promote job growth and sustainable economic development to enhance community well-being by streamlining environmental related processes and customer service while ensuring our commitment to environmental stewardship.

Environmental Task ForceEnvironmental Task Force

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Nine members Home Builders Association Environmental community Private sector – planning consultant

or attorney Small business owner Citizen

Environmental Task ForceEnvironmental Task Force

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Primary programs of review Natural resources Solid waste Wastewater Air and petroleum

Environmental Task ForceEnvironmental Task Force

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Environmental Task ForceEnvironmental Task Force

Environmental Task Force



Agency Overlap / Delegation


Customer Service / Education

Staffing Levels


Page 40: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Task Force Review and finalize subcommittee

recommendations Develop prioritized list of changes Prepare implementation plan Assign implementation timeline

Consolidate into Task Force Report

Report to BCC

Environmental Task ForceEnvironmental Task Force

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Immediate Action Plan Streamlining Task Forces

Regulatory Environmental

Summary – Next Steps

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

Page 42: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Immediate Action Plan One-stop permitting Customer service improvements Wi-fi access Wetland delineations

Convene Task Forces Assign subcommittees Review development processes Bring recommendations to BCC

Summary – Next StepsSummary – Next Steps

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Immediate Action Plan May – June

Submit Regulatory Task Force nominations By March 18, 2011

BCC meeting to approve members March 29, 2011

Task Force work Six to 18 months

Summary – Next StepsSummary – Next Steps

Page 44: Streamlining Development Permitting March 8, 2011

Streamlining Development Permitting

March 8, 2011

Board of County Commissioners
