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Standardized Testing: Does It Contribute to

the Academic Achievement Gap?

James M. Thompson, PhD

Lancaster County School District

The State of the African American Male Conference

Third Annual Fall Conference – November 6, 2009

Closing the Achievement Gap: Student Achievement and Success

University of South Carolina Lancaster

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• Background

• Policy Implication

• Literature Review Academic Achievement Gap Stereotype Threat Theory

• Conclusion

• Q/A Session

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• Academic achievement gap is broad

• Narrowing the gap between various groups

• Social accountability African American men

• 12% of U.S. population• 41% of incarcerations (US Department of Justice,


• School accountability High drop out rate Failing to meet the needs of all students

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Policy Implication

• No Child Left Behind (2001) All students performing at the proficiency level Some students tend not to do well on

standardized tests No excuses

• Academic gap Who is to blame? Where is the solution? Will the gap ever narrow?

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Academic Achievement Gap

• Accountability is important for school systems to determine their current state and to make necessary improvements.

• In corporate America, companies are expected to meet its goals and objectives or increase the bottom line in order to satisfy stakeholders.

• In education, school systems are also held to high standards to meet adequate yearly progress according to NCLB.

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Academic Achievement Gap (cont.)

• The gap continues to plague African American students.

• According to a research study, African American students average reading scores on the 2004 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) was at least 22 points less than Caucasian students.

• The average math scores were at least 23 points less.

• Drop out rates 10.4% for African Americans compared to 6% for Caucasians

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Academic Achievement Gap (cont.)

• Placed into special education classes based on poor performance on standardized intelligence tests

• Larry P. v. Riles (1979) – California judge outlawed the use of IQ tests for placement purposes or academic tracking (Thernstrom & Thernstrom, 1999)

• Other ethnic groups of students were not given IQ tests to determine academic placements (Ornstein & Levine, 2006)

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Academic Achievement Gap (cont.)

• IQ tests has received fair amount of criticisms based on the racially and culturally bias nature.

• Students who do well on standardized tests have developed a set of skills.

• Some African American students are at a disadvantaged based on cultural and economic barriers (Thernstrom & Thernstrom, 1999).

• Placement in gifted and talented classes

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Stereotype Threat Theory

• According to Steele (1997), stereotype threat is “the event of a negative stereotype about a group to which one belongs becoming self-relevant, usually as a plausible interpretation for something one is doing, for an experience one is having, or for a situation one is in, that has relevance to one’s self-definition” (p. 616).

• For negative stereotype to have any threats toward African American students, it must first of all have some relevance to them.

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Stereotype Threat Theory (cont.)

• Some examples of negative stereotype threats regarding African American students: Not intellectual or inferior to other ethnic groups

• As a result, African American students Do not devote adequate effort to school. Believe academic success is a farfetched goal to


• Lack of response to education and ultimately resulting in school dropout

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Stereotype Threat Theory (cont.)

• Mayer and Hanges (2003) conducted a research study on the effects of stereotype threats on test achievement with 62 African American and 90 Caucasian undergraduates from a Mid-Atlantic university.

• 2 x 2 between subject design in which participants were informed they were taking a test to measure intelligence (stereotype threat variable) or perceptual ability (non-stereotype threat variable).

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Stereotype Threat Theory (cont.)

• Findings indicated that African American students “who are told a test is diagnostic of intelligence experience more stereotype threat related to that test” (p. 228).

• African American students are already defeated prior to entering into a testing center.

• On the contrary, Mayer and Hanges (2003) found African American students perform just as well as Caucasian students when they were informed that the questions were non-evaluative or non-threatening.

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Stereotype Threat Theory (cont.)

• Similarly, Steele (1997) found similar results when he informed African American students that they would have to take a standardized tests.

• When African American students were informed that the test was not going to measure intellectual abilities, they were just as intelligent as Caucasian students.

• It demonstrated that African American students were insecure and perceived the testing situation as a negative stereotype which overpowered their self-confidence.

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Social Alienation and Disidentification

• Some African American students equate being intelligent and studious as attempting to be white (Crawford, 2002; Viadero & Johnston, 2000)

• Not identifying with a school’s academic culture

• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need: love, nurture, support, encouragement, belonginess

• School climate, environment, and arrangement may not be inviting to parents.

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Social Alienation and Disidentification(cont.)• Some students excel in certain teachers’

classes but not in others; they feel out of place.

• Idolize in the athletic arena but not encourage to do excel in the classroom

• Negative teachers’ expectations for certain students to do well

• What happens when the academic field is leveled?

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Teachers: Things to Do

• Get off of your high horse

• Meet them where they are and bring them to where they need to be

• Teach to the standards and the rest will follow

• Integrate differentiated learning strategies into your lesson plans

• Avoid relying on the “one size fits all or the universal approach” in teaching

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Teachers: Things to Do

• Make all students feel welcome regardless of their background

• Avoid showing favoritism to certain students

• Establish and maintain a great rapport when your students’ parents as early as possible

• Have a special night to showcase your students’ work/portfolio

• Set high expectations for all students

• Never accept failure as an option (No ‘0’ Policy)

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Teachers: Things to Do

• Go above and beyond to let your students know that you care about them

• Be firm, fair, and consistent

• Encourage and build your students up

• Do not dumb down the curriculum


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• Gaining a greater insight and having more research regarding the impact of stereotype threat

• Using alternative methods for placement of students into special education programs

• Meeting students diverse learning needs by incorporating various instructional strategies

• Assisting students in their self-confidence and perspectives regarding educational attainment

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Crawford, Q. L. (2002). The attitudes of rural eight grade Black males toward academic learning and its impact on academic achievement. Doctoral Dissertation, South Carolina State University.

Mayer, D. M., & Hanges, P. J. (2003). Understanding the stereotype threat effect with “culture-free” tests: An examination of its mediators and measurement. Human Performance, 16(3), 207-230.

Ornstein, A. C., & Levine, D. U. (2006). Foundations of education (9th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Steele, C. M. (1997). A threat in the air: How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance. American Psychologist, 52, 613-629.

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References (cont.)

Thernstrom, A., & Thernstrom, S. (1999). Black progress. In C. H. Foreman, Jr. (Ed.), The African American predicament (pp. 29-44). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.

Viadero, D., & Johnston, R. C. (2000). Lifting minority achievement: Complex answers. The achievement gap. Education Week, 19(30).

US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Program. (2007). Prison and jail inmates at midyear 2006 (NCJ Publication No. 217675). Washington, DC: Author.

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Question and Answer Session

Contact Information

Dr. James M. Thompson

Email: [email protected]

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