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Page 1: Staff Events 2012

Newsletter Date

Volume 1, I s sue 1

Bukit Panjang Primary School

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Message from the Editor The year 2011 ended with a flurry of events for BPPS. The Staff got together to plan, play and party.

On School Planning day, the teachers were grouped according to the levels they would be teaching in 2012, and they discussed what the 21st Century School will be like. What are the competencies that the 21st Century learners (pupils and teachers) need to acquire?

End-of-Year News

The Events

Many events took place prior to the official close of the school year.

On Achievers’ Day, pupils and their parents as well as their teachers celebrated their respective achievement. The message that Mdm Ng sent out that day was that no doubt academic excellence is important and to be applauded, we must not forget that Character is uppermost in our education purpose.


End-of-Year News 1

Message from the Editor 1

Upcoming Events 1

The Events 1

OCA Nominees (2011) 2

More pictures 2

Planning Together 2

Playing Together 2

Partying Together 3

Farewell and Welcome 4

Some Light Moments 4

Are we cute or what? 4

The Staff engaged in Staff Bonding activities that brought out the tenacity and resilience of the staff.

We had a game of handball when we saw the teachers unleash their strong competitiveness urge, all friendly, of course, something we rarely see on normal days.

Next, we also had a mass workout where the staff put their best feet forward and reach for the sky.

It was really a fantastic feeling for all!

Pr incipa l : Mdm Ng Soh Hua

V ice-Pr incipa ls : Mrs Koh-Peck Seok Hoon

Mr Ng Buck Chwee

Upcoming Events

♦ CIP (cancelled) ♦ Annual Staff


♦ Photo-taking

Page 2: Staff Events 2012

OCA Nominees 2011

P6 teachers

More pictures

Planning Together

A shot of some of the

nominees of the OCA Award

Page 2 of 4 School Newsletter

Year News

“Next year, I’ll play too and I’ll get the gold medal, hee hee” quipped Mdm Ng on hearing hat nobody dared snatch the ball from Mrs Koh’s hands during the Handball


Page 3: Staff Events 2012

Mdm Ng with the Pharoah, the Puteri, the

Thai Princess and the Scottish lad.

The night was a huge success and it was all

due to the enthusiastic and sporting spirit

of the staff. It was a hilarious sight to

behold when the Pharoah had to seduce

the cool Cleopatra. The Trojan was out to

get the Cowboy, no matter what. And to end

it all the Red Indian and the Scottish Lad

collapsed out of sheer exhaustion.

With such excitement and enjoyment, we

can only look forward eagerly to next year.

Let’s work hard and play even harder in 2012!

Here are some of the exciting moments caught on camera. Enjoy!

The Annual Dinner was held at the Concorde Hotel on 24 November. The

theme was “Cultural Nite”. Boy! It was not just cultural, it was historical

too. The Roman Trojan was there, Cleopatra was there and she met up with

the Pharaoh. Wherefore art thou, Antony? The Red Indians came too, and

the cowboys added to the action. There were a few Nonyas and many Ranis.

Partying Together

Page 4: Staff Events 2012

Last but not least, we are cute or what?

Farewell and Welcome

We bade farewell to Mr Daniel

Ng, Ms Goh Chin Inn, Ms Wong

Lai Yoke, Mr Kwan Siew Tong,

Ms Srija, Ms Soo Bee Li , Mdm

Suhaily and Mr Chon Yik Mau.

We would like to wish them all

the best in their endeavours.

We also welcome Mrs Kristine


Bukit Panang Primary School

(estd 1932)


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