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Activities & Communications (Sr. Activities & Communications (Sr. Marilyn)Marilyn)Buildings & Grounds (Gary Specht)Buildings & Grounds (Gary Specht)Finance (Andy Kittelson)Finance (Andy Kittelson)Hmong Commission (Sr. Marilyn)Hmong Commission (Sr. Marilyn)Human Concerns (Karel Gulig)Human Concerns (Karel Gulig)Lifelong Faith Formation (Joe Lifelong Faith Formation (Joe Mukavitz/Barb Leonhardt)Mukavitz/Barb Leonhardt)Parish Council (Pete Pittner)Parish Council (Pete Pittner)Personnel (Pete Pittner)Personnel (Pete Pittner)Spiritual Life & Worship (Rochelle Spiritual Life & Worship (Rochelle Ross)Ross)Stewardship (Deacon Mike)Stewardship (Deacon Mike)Milwaukee Archdiocese (Gail Kraig)Milwaukee Archdiocese (Gail Kraig)

Page 3: ST. PETER CLAVER PARISH 2006-2010


STOCSTOC (Strengths, Trends, Opportunities, Challenges)(Strengths, Trends, Opportunities, Challenges)

VISIONING EVENTVISIONING EVENT (Parish of the new millennium)(Parish of the new millennium)

FUTURING EVENTFUTURING EVENT (What do we do well, what are our dreams)(What do we do well, what are our dreams)



Page 4: ST. PETER CLAVER PARISH 2006-2010


2006-20102006-2010 St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith. We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in

Christ.Christ. Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God. Of greatest importance is our spiritual bond with God, with one another and Of greatest importance is our spiritual bond with God, with one another and

with our visitors.with our visitors. We affirm the role of parents as first educators and evangelizers of their We affirm the role of parents as first educators and evangelizers of their

children in faith.children in faith. We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the

larger community.larger community. We are good and faithful stewards.We are good and faithful stewards.

Vision StatementVision Statement

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Of greatest importance is our spiritual Of greatest importance is our spiritual bond with God, with one another and bond with God, with one another and with our visitors. Therefore…with our visitors. Therefore…

We place our greatest value on the liturgy and commit We place our greatest value on the liturgy and commit ourselves to renewed regular attendance at weekly Mass ourselves to renewed regular attendance at weekly Mass and special liturgies.and special liturgies.

We recognize that it is through our Baptism we are united We recognize that it is through our Baptism we are united with Christ and one another Our new baptismal font will with Christ and one another Our new baptismal font will enhance the celebration of this sacrament for current and enhance the celebration of this sacrament for current and future generations.future generations.

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We affirm the role of parents as first We affirm the role of parents as first educators and evangelizers of their educators and evangelizers of their children in faith. Therefore…children in faith. Therefore… We cultivate the full involvement of our day school, We cultivate the full involvement of our day school,

religious education and youth ministry families in our parish religious education and youth ministry families in our parish worship, outreach and social activities.worship, outreach and social activities.

We encourage participation in lifelong faith formation We encourage participation in lifelong faith formation opportunities for parishioners of all age levels.opportunities for parishioners of all age levels.

We seek greater opportunities for youth and young adult We seek greater opportunities for youth and young adult involvement in parish life activities.involvement in parish life activities.

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We believe that spiritual life seeks expression We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger in good works that improve the larger community. Therefore…community. Therefore… We are a welcoming community, focused on reaching out to the young We are a welcoming community, focused on reaching out to the young

and disenfranchised.and disenfranchised. We honor and welcome the cultural diversity of our members, our We honor and welcome the cultural diversity of our members, our

neighborhood and community. neighborhood and community. We reach out to our aging population to better understand and provide We reach out to our aging population to better understand and provide

for their needs.for their needs. Our parish staff, council and committees use a variety of methods to Our parish staff, council and committees use a variety of methods to

increase communication with one another, parishioners and the wider increase communication with one another, parishioners and the wider

Our parish ministers to those in need through outreach programs, Our parish ministers to those in need through outreach programs, feeding the poor and ministering to the sick and grieving.feeding the poor and ministering to the sick and grieving.

Our parish council promotes and collaborates with the Sheboygan Our parish council promotes and collaborates with the Sheboygan Citywide Catholic Parishes Association, District 9, The Archdiocese of Citywide Catholic Parishes Association, District 9, The Archdiocese of Milwaukee and ecumenical partners.Milwaukee and ecumenical partners.

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We are good and faithful stewards. We are good and faithful stewards. Therefore…Therefore…

We evaluate all facilities to determine their condition, usage and need We evaluate all facilities to determine their condition, usage and need annually, with particular attention being paid to the creation of a parish annually, with particular attention being paid to the creation of a parish

Our facilities are handicapped accessible.Our facilities are handicapped accessible.

Our facilities are more accommodating for liturgical and social Our facilities are more accommodating for liturgical and social gatherings.gatherings.

Time & Talent: Our parish helps people recognize the gifts they have to Time & Talent: Our parish helps people recognize the gifts they have to offer and how to share them with the parishoffer and how to share them with the parish

Treasure: Our members give with gratitude and generosity to insure Treasure: Our members give with gratitude and generosity to insure our financial stability and growth. our financial stability and growth.

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Parish CouncilParish Council Activities & CommunicationsActivities & Communications Buildings & GroundsBuildings & Grounds Human ConcernsHuman Concerns Lifelong Faith FormationLifelong Faith Formation Spiritual Life & WorshipSpiritual Life & Worship StewardshipStewardship

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Vision 2010St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.

We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.

Parish Council

This section of the action plan was developed by the following:Committee Members

Peter PittnerStaff Member

Deacon Mike Burch

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Parish Council

Vision/Directional Statement: We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger community. We are good and faithful stewards.Goal: Our Parish Council promotes and collaborates with the Sheboygan Citywide Catholic Parishes Association, District 9, The Archdiocese of Milwaukee and ecumenical partners.Budget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 1


Action: Implement a written Strategic Plan

Outcome: Improve communication and provide vision for the parish to continue to grow in a positive


Strategic Planning Committeeand Parish Council


Year 1


Action: Improve formal communication with IC/SSCM in relation to continued and increased collaboration of South Side Parishes.

Outcome: Combining resources should Results in increased parishioner opportunity, greater efficiency and economy.

Parish Council A.

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Year 12006

Action: Engage council in strategic planning Implementation. Create a template for Commissions to report to Council including on this template how the Pastoral Plan (strategic Plan) has been addressed.

Outcome: Assure “buy-in” of all council members and have them work with committees in striving for the goals of the strategic plan. This will involve “active” reporting at all council meetings.

Strategic Planning CommitteeParish Council


Year 1-5


Action: Strategic Planning reporting to the Parish

Outcome: Greater and more effective communication on the direction of the Parish.

Parish Council Leadership A.

Year 1-5


Action: Support Citywide initiatives

Outcome: Add and maintain a Citywide page and/or link on the SPC website.

Parish Council A.

Page 13: ST. PETER CLAVER PARISH 2006-2010

St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.


This section of the action plan was developed by the following: Committee Members: Germaine Gruenke

Bruce Henry Angie Miller Mike Miller

Mary Schroeder Barbara Wagner

Mary Volk

Staff Member(s): Sr. Marilyn Brodd

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Activities & Communication Commission

Vision/Directional Statement: We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the___ larger community . Goal: We are a welcoming community, focused on reaching out to the young and disenfranchised.Budget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

A. Could be achieved within current budget. B Would need an additional $________ to realize this Objective/action • Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable GoalPerson(s)/Group(s)

ResponsibleBudget Impact

Year 12006

Action: 1. Recruit more members for the Committee and develop leadership for the committee. 2. Promote better communication Among tri-parish committees. Outcome: The group will be able to provide activities that bring the parish together.

Entire committee.Entire committee


Year 22007

Action: 1. Promote an alive parish through Social events and gatherings1.Introduce key parish members to theParish via the web site. Outcome:

Entire committee Several committee



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Year 32008

Action: Provide direction and resources to minister to the separated and divorced and grieving parishioners. Outcome: Welcome & provide support for those who feel separated from the Catholic Church.

Mary Volk & someone to be identified later.

Use resources already present in the

community, e.g. Hospital, & Catholic


B. $200 for training for leaders.

Year 42009

Action: To promote & celebrate the diversity within the parish by sponsoring gatherings to bring people together around foodOutcome: Greater harmony in the parish

Entire Committee


Year 52010

Action: Develop unique ways to promote socialization within the parish, such as couples dinner/dance, cook book, taste test.Outcome: Bring together new groups of people from the parish

Entire Committee


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Vision 2010St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.

We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.

Building and Grounds Comm.

This section of the action plan was developed by the following: Committee Members

Mark HayonDennis Heimerl

Tom TrillingTom ShircelGary SpechtBob Conto

Staff MemberTom Halbach

Others:Tom Binversie

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Building and Grounds

Vision/Directional Statement: We evaluate all facilities to determine their condition, usage, and need annually; with particular attention being paid to the creation of a parish center. And make our facilities more accommodating for Liturgical and Social Gatherings.Goal: Create a Parish Center and New Baptismal Font Budget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Year 12006

Action: Feasibility study of all Parish buildings and property

Outcome: Develop a plan to fit all our needs

Staff and Building and Grounds Committee

$5,000 to $8,000

Year 22007

Action: Develop plans for building needs and

raise needed funds; Obtain Archdiocesan Approval; Raise needed funds (Professional fundraiser) Outcome: Fundraising campaign with exact

costs for projects

Building and Grounds Comm.Finance Comm.Staff


Year 32008

Action: Start ConstructionOutcome:

Building & Grounds Comm.Finance Comm.Staff

2-3 million

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Year 32008


Year 52010


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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Buildings and Grounds

Vision/Directional Statement: Our Facilities are handicapped accessibleGoal: To make all of our buildings accessible to the handicappedBudget implications: List as many as apply to the goal. A.. Could be achieved within current budget. D. Objective requires consideration by Facilities Committee B.Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. E. Other Budgetary comments: Explain C. Would need an additional staff to realize this objective

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Building StudyOutcome:

Buildings and Grounds Comm.Staff


Year 22007

Action: Make existing building handicapped accessible Outcome:

Buildings and Grounds Comm.StaffFinance Comm.


Year 32008


Year 42009


Year 52010


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Vision 2010St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.

We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.

Human Concerns Commission

This section of the action plan was developed by the following: Committee Members

Karel GuligBarb AdamsJean PittnerRose Ross

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Human Concerns Commission & CommitteesVision/Directional Statement: Our parish staff, council, & committees use a variety of methods to increase communication with one another, parishioners and the wider community.Goal: We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger communityBudget impact:

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Goal requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments:

Measurable GoalPerson/Group Responsible

Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Rotate various Human Concerns information boards from Ministry Fair at entrances

Outcome: Raise awareness of many different Committees community can become Involved in.

All ministries


Year 22007

Action: Use bulletin to educate parishioners on distribution of Outreach Funds. Encourage other committees under HC to use bulletin & other forms of communication to increase parishioner awareness of activities they are involved in.

Outcome: Bring awareness of how SPC practices stewardship to others and what other committees are involved in. Increase involvement in discernment process and organizations to discern.

Human Concerns committee

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Year 32008

Action: Incorporate the monetary distribution of Outreach funds with quarterly statement to parishioners

Outcome: Bring awareness of how SPC practices stewardship to others and what other committees are involved in. Increased involvement in discernment process and organizations to discern.

Human Concerns committee

Year 42009

Action: Evaluate increased communication process

Outcome: Bring awareness of how SPC practices stewardship to others and what other committees are involved in. Increased involvement in discernment process and organizations to discern.

Human Concerns committee

Year 52010

Action: Evaluate increased communication process

Outcome: Bring awareness of how SPC practices stewardship to others and what other committees are involved in. Increased involvement in discernment process and organizations to discern.

Human Concerns committee

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Human Concerns CommissionVision/Directional Statement: Our Parish ministers to those in need through Outreach Programs, feeding the poor, and ministering to the sick & grieving Goal: To develop Human Concerns into a full time social justice and outreach position. We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger communityBudget impact:A.15,000.00 to 35,000.00

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $_35,000.00_ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Goal requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments:

Measurable Goal Person/Group Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Assess current ministry. What works well and what programs could be developed/added? Organize collaboration network of all Human Concerns sub committees.

Outcome: Raise awareness of social justice issues and advocacy. How can parish do more than $ or donations.

Parish staff and HC Committee


Year 22007

Action: Develop & start implementation of part –time HC position. Make parishioners aware of budget needs. (possible tri-Parish)

Outcome: Parishioners are excited about social justice and political issues & make commitment to budget needs

Parish Staff & HC committee $0.00

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Year 32008

Action: Develop Human Concerns Commission into a part time paid position. (possible tri-parish)

Outcome: Parishioners are aware of social & political issues. How they affect our choices in everyday life.

Parish Staff- Parish Director/ Administrator

A=$15,000.00 Amount depends on whether this position is a tri-parish position

Year 42009

Action: Implement part-time paid position as part of the staff. (possible tri-parish)

Outcome: Parishioners are aware of social & political issues. How they affect our choices in everyday life.

Parish Staff- Parish Director/ Administrator

A= $15,000.00 Amount depends on whether this position is a tri-parish position

Year 52010

Action: Evaluate part –time position. Is full time position needed?

Outcome: SPC is an evangelizing community Parish Staff- Parish Director/ Administrator

A/C= $15,000.00 to 35,000.00Amount depends on whether this position is a tri-parish position

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Emmaus MealsVision/Directional Statement: Our Parish ministers to those in need through Outreach programs, feeding the poor and ministering to the sick & grieving. Goal: Feed the hungry. We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger community Budget impact:

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Goal requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments:

Measurable Goal Person/Group Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Maintain current level of service for Emmaus Meal programOutcome: Continue to feed those in need

Emmaus Meal Committee & volunteers

Year 22007

Action: Raise awareness of parishioners to need for donations to keep program runningOutcome: Continue to feed those in need

Emmaus Meal Committee & volunteers $0.00

Year 32008

Action: Evaluate program to continue service levelsOutcome: Ensure those in need are being fed

Emmaus Meal Committee & volunteers

Year 42009

Action: Evaluate program to continue service levelsOutcome: Ensure those in need are being fed

Emmaus Meal Committee & volunteers

Year 52010

Action: Evaluate program to continue service levelsOutcome: Ensure those in need are being fed

Emmaus Meal Committee & volunteers

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Food PantryVision/Directional Statement: Our Parish ministers to those in need through Outreach programs, feeding the poor and ministering to the sick & grieving. Goal: Feed the hungry. We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger community.Budget impact:

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Goal requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments:

Measurable Goal Person/Group Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Develop volunteer base & access building availability to open food pantry 1 night per month.Outcome: Help feed the “working poor”. (Those who fall within poverty guidelines even though they are employed)

Food Pantry Ministers Committee set up to assess volunteer needs

Year 22007

Action: Implement opening of Food Pantry 1 night per month. Evaluate the need for more Food Pantry space/ equipment.Outcome: Food pantry open to those not able to attend during the day (working) hours. Additional families served

Food Pantry Ministers ??????Budget impact if more space is needed

Year 32008

Action: Evaluate plan- would opening another evening per month be needed: is volunteer base sufficientOutcome: Food pantry open to those not able to come during day (working) hours. Additional families served.

Food Pantry Ministers

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Year 4 2009

Action: Evaluate plan, families being served, volunteer base.Outcome: Food Pantry open to those not not able to come during the day (working) hours. Additional families served

Food Pantry Ministers

Year 5 2010

Action: Evaluate plan, families being served, volunteer baseOutcome: Food pantry open to those not able to come during day (working) hours. Additional families served.

Food Pantry Ministers

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Ministry of GrievingVision/Directional Statement: Our Parish ministers to those in need through Outreach Programs, feeding the poor, and ministering to the sick & grievingGoal: We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger communityBudget impact:

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Goal requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments:

Measurable Goal Person/Group Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Develop volunteer support group & training program to help families going through the grieving process

Outcome: Goals & services are developed to help ease grieving for parish family members in need

Planning group for ministry of grievingForm ad-hoc planning committee for volunteer bases and needs study


Year 22007

Action: Form planning committee necessary to expand services to Ministry of Grieving

Outcome: Services are evaluated- funeral meal, meals to the family for a period of time, cards, prayers, support group

Ministry of Grieving & planning groupAd hoc committee

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Year 5 2010

Action: Evaluate plan and services. Is plan working? Need more or less services? Is Volunteer base sufficient based on need?

Outcome: Supporting those families in need

Ministry of Grieving committee

Year 3 2008

Action: Implement plan and services

Outcome: Supporting those families in needMinistry of Grieving committee

Year 4 2009

Action: Evaluate plan and services. Is plan working? Need more or less services? Is volunteer base sufficient based on need?

Outcome: Supporting those families in need

Ministry of Grieving committee

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Ministry of Praise CommunicationVision/Directional Statement: Our parish staff, council, & committees use a variety of methods to communicateGoal: We believe that spiritual life seeks expression in good works that improve the larger communityBudget impact:

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Goal requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments:

Measurable Goal Person/Group Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Encourage staff, council, & committees to use prayer bulletin as source of prayer for their own ministries. Use the bulletin to inform parishioners of the Ministry of Praise and the “Phone Hotline” for immediate prayer. Participate in programs that might encourage more parishioners to join MOP

Outcome: Continuous prayer for all parish projects and goals.

Donna Renzelmann


Year 22007

Action: Same as above and evaluate use of prayer bulletin by other groups

Outcome: Continue as is or make changes based on evaluation.

Year 32008

Action: Same as above and evaluate use of prayer bulletin by other groups

Outcome: Continue as is or make changed based on evaluation

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Year 42009

Action: Same as above and evaluate use of prayer bulletin by other groups

Outcome: Continue as is or make changes based on evaluation.

Year 52010

Action: Same as above and evaluate use of prayer bulletin by other groups

Outcome: Continue as is or make changes based on evaluation.

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Vision 2010St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.

We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.

Homebound Ministry

This section of the action plan was developed by the following: Committee Members:

Staff Member: Sr. Marilyn Brodd

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Homebound Ministry Vision/Directional Statement: Our parish ministers to those in need. . . ministering to the sick Goal: Budget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $_600.00___ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: 1. Identify Homebound and nursing home/assisted living populations by eliciting names from family members via flyer and those already visiting nursing homes Outcome: Accurate identification of those needing ministry

2. Recruit additional homebound ministers via flyer and request at Mass.Outcome: Additional members in ministry

Sister Marilyn Brodd Cost of flyerCost of flyer

Year 22007

Action: Provide a workshop for new and current homebound ministers. Recruit chairperson for Homebound Ministry

Outcome: Ministers are prepared adequately for ministry and are nourished spiritually in the ministry

Sister Marilyn Brodd or diocesan personnel.


Year 32008

Action: Provide for a regular visitation schedule for priest or staff visitation to homebound. Outcome: Spiritual needs esp. anointing are provided for.

Sister Marilyn or new chair of homebound ministry

No cost.

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Year 42009

Action: Provide annual training for new homebound ministers and provide on-going supportive meetings for experienced ministers. Outcome: Ministers are better prepared for their important ministry to Homebound.

Diocesan Personnel or Chair of the Homebound Ministry Group


Year 52010

Action: Initiate a hospital visitation ministry at Memorial Hospital in order to provide for parishioners’ spiritual needs. Outcome: Parishioners’ spiritual needs will be met and there will be better tracking of persons who may need to go to a nursing facility or be homebound

Homebound Ministers 100.00 for

additional pixs and booklets

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Vision 2010St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.

We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.

Life Long Faith Formation Comm.

This section of the action plan was developed by the following: Committee Members:

Sue StrysickPat GramsBec. Hetue

Jodi ArmstrongStaff Member: Barb Leonhardt

Others : Joe Mukavitz ---Council

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Lifelong Faith Formation

Vision/Directional Statement: Goal: Faith Formation for “ALL” parishionersBudget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Develop a Christian Formation Committee

Outcome: Have this committee in place by June 2007

Christian Formation PlanningCommittee


Year 22007

Action: Develop a mission and purpose for the newly formed Christian formation Committee Outcome: Assessing present programming and determine future needs

Actual/New Christian Formation Committee


Year 32008

Action: Implement and support the existing and newly formed education programs Outcome: Evaluation and Communication of and with programs

Christian Formation Committee and program leaders

Possibly; depending on extent of new programs and personnel

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Year 42009

Action: Continue as above and explore looking at city-wide programs

Outcome: Successful evaluation and and integration of city-wide programming

Christian Formation Committee and some aspect of the city-wide planning committee


Year 52010

Action: Integration of city-wide programming

Outcome: same as above

Christian Formation CommitteeAnd city-wide


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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Lifelong Faith Formation

Vision/Directional Statement: Learning though EducationGoal: Creating the opportunities to learn activities for ALL agesBudget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $_200____ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Work with city-wide planning task Force on the future of Catholic School Education

Outcome: The plan will be implemented for 2007/2008 school year

City-wide planning committeePrincipalsSchool boards

Year 22007

Action: The Christian Formation committee should be looking at Adult Education (parish/city wide) to see if they are meeting the needs of all ages. (young adult to senior citizens) Outcome: Opportunity for growth

Christian Formation Comm.

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Year 42009


Year 52010


Year 32008

Action: Evaluate the Catechist formation that is offered city-wide

Outcome: Continuing education of all Catechists

Christian Formation Committee


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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Lifelong Faith Formation

Vision/Directional Statement: Learning through ActivitiesGoal: Creating the opportunities to learn through education for ALL agesBudget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

A. Could be achieved within current budget.B. Would need an additional $__300______ to realize this objective/action. C. Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. D. Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. E. Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Outcome:

Year 22007

Action: Establish awareness to the young Adult singles (18-35) of the city-wide programs and activities in the community and encourage participation

Outcome: Spiritual and social growth of these Adults

SPC Web pageNewspaperChurch bulletin

Year 32008

Action: Provide a family activity night (Advent / Lent) followed by a social

Outcome: positive learning experience for parent and child

CCA/RE parentsChristian Formation Committee


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Year 42009

Action: Look at opportunities for young couples with children to gather (speakers/programs/social / Catholic parenting)

Outcome: Opportunity to gather with other young couples

Christian Formation CommitteeParents


Year 52010


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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Lifelong Faith Formation

Vision/Directional Statement: Learning through WorshipGoal: Creating the opportunities to learn through worship for ALL AgesBudget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

A. Could be achieved within current budget.B. Would need an additional $75 to realize this objective/action. C. Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. D. Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. E. Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Creating more opportunities for Children’s Liturgy of the WordOutcome: Bringing parish children closer to The Word of God

DRE and parish Word facilitators


Year 22007


Year 32008

Action: Working with Prayer and Worship Committee to make the “Word” come alive for the teensOutcome: Increase mass attendance of our Youth

Prayer and worship committeeChristian Formation Committee

Year 42009


Year 52010


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Vision 2010St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.

We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.

Spiritual Life and Worship Comm.

This section of the action plan was developed by the following: Committee Members

Rochelle RossRose Ross

Marilyn RisbergRich Gulig

Peg MaitlandMildred JohnsonStaff Member(s)

Deacon Mike BurchBill Borgetti

OthersJeanne Zimmermann

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Spiritual Life and Worship

Vision/Directional Statement: Of greatest importance is our spiritual bond with God, with one another and with our visitorsGoal: We place our greatest value on the liturgy and commit ourselves to renewed regular attendance at weekly Mass and special LiturgiesBudget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Families of children in Day School, Religious Ed, and youth in Youth Ministry Program will be invited to Commit to weekly attendance, Especially those focused on Sacramental Preparation.

Outcome: 100% attendance by these families; Renewed annually

DRE, Catechists Principal, Faculty, Spiritual Life and Worship commission, and parents.


Year 22007

Action: Create a Sunday Night 6pm Liturgy

Outcome: Increase weekly Mass AttendanceSLW/ Staff/ Liturgical Ministers NONE

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Year 32008

Action: Focus on Formation for Liturgical Ministers

Outcome: Increased Spirituality among Liturgical Ministers SLW

2,000-3000(Speakers & materials)

Year 42009

Action: Support the hiring of a full time Youth Minister (probable Tri-Parish)

Outcome: Increase Youth involvement in Liturgy

YM/ Personnel/ RE/ Tri Parish committee

20,000 -30,000 Per parish (Salary & programs)

Year 52010

Action: Parish Mission, Focus on Eucharist / Worship

Outcome: Huge turn out—increase the understanding and Spirituality of the Eucharist SLW/ Staff/ Mission Committee

4,000-5,000(Mission leader and supplies)

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Spiritual Life and Worship

Vision/Directional Statement: Of greatest importance is our spiritual bond with God, with one another and with our visitorsGoal: We recognize that it is through our Baptism we are united with Christ and one another. Our new Baptismal Font will enhance the celebration of the sacrament for current and future generations.Budget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Create Ad Hoc Committee to study Our Liturgical Space, with emphasis on Baptismal Font, Gathering Space, Area for Funeral Visitation, Sanctuary and Sacristy and Handicapped accessibilityOutcome: gain knowledge of needs

SLW / RCIA / Staff / Building and Grounds


Year 22007

Action: Educate parishioners on need for and what the changes will beOutcome: informed parishioners

Same ????????

Year 32008

Action: Continue to work until work is complete. Reacessing goals yearly. Outcome:

Same ???????

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Year 42009

Action: SameOutcome:

Same ???????

Year 52010

Action: SameOutcome:

Same ????????

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Vision 2010St. Peter Claver Parish community is an evangelizing community of faith.

We hear God’s Word proclaimed, take it to heart and profess our belief in Christ.Together we invite and support one another in building up the Kingdom of God.

Stewardship Comm.

This section of the action plan was developed by the following: Committee Members

Barb WagnerMary Novak

Geralyn StieberRita LorierJim Bahar

Mary KrepskyStaff Member

Deacon Mike Burch

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: StewardshipVision/Directional Statement: We are good and faithful stewards.Goal: Time & Talent: Our parish helps people recognize the gifts they have to offer and how to share them with the parish.Budget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Encourage a format of prayer and faith sharing for all Committees and Commissions

Outcome: Committees/Commissions members will feel more comfortable and spontaneous in sharing their faith with others outside the group

Stewardship Commission None

Year 22007

Action: Educate parishioners about Stewardship symbols and beliefs various methods

Outcome: Greater understanding of parishioners leading to greater involvement.

Stewardship Commission and all Committees & Commissions


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Year 32008

Action: Sponsor a seminar and follow-up on Discerning Gifts Outcome: One hundred percent of participants would recognize at least one current/new gift

Stewardship Commission B=$1,500

Year 42009

Action: Sponsor a Ministry Fair

Outcome: Greater number of parishioners informed of ministries and more involved.

Stewardship Commission and all Committees & Commissions


Year 52010

Action: Hire Director of Stewardship & Evangelization—Tri-Parish (Full or Part time)Outcome: Greater organization & direction given to this critical area leading to greater growth and support of and for ministries and those involved in ministering.

Personnel Commission of all three parishes

B&C=$10,000 - $45,000 depending on other parishes involvement and full versus part timeD=office needed

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Ministry/Parish Life Component: Stewardship.Vision/Directional Statement: We are good and faithful stewards.Goal: Treasure: Our members give with gratitude and generosity to insure our financial stability and growth .Budget implications: List as many as apply to the goal.

•Could be achieved within current budget.•Would need an additional $________ to realize this objective/action. •Would need an additional staff to realize this objective. •Objective requires consideration by facilities committee. •Other budgetary comments: Explain

Measurable Goal Person(s)/Group(s) Responsible Budget Impact

Year 12006

Action: Eliminate envelope stands & ushers’ pole baskets and introduction of baskets to pass at offertory

Outcome: Deeper sense of Stewardship, personal responsibility and consistent giving with greater number of parishioners giving something.

Stewardship Commission & Ushers

B=$200 from liturgy for baskets

Year 22007

Action: Educating children on principles of Stewardship and refocus use of Children’s envelopes to include T, T, & T. Children encouraged to bring their envelope forward to place in a basket at the Altar while adult collection is taken.

Outcome: Children learn of total giving in context of worship

Stewardship Commission, DRE & CCA teachers

B= cost of envelopes

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Year 32008

Action: More focused promotion on concept of tithing & increase Outreach Funds by ½%

Outcome: Greater number of parishioners Taking steps toward tithing Including parish (example)

Stewardship Commission, Parish Director, Finance Commission

B=$500 for materialsB=increase Outreach $’s

Year 42009

Action: Keep building on giving & tithing. Increase Outreach another ½%

Outcome: Same as above Same as above

A=now budgetedB=increase Outreach

Year 52010

Action: Keep building on giving &tithing. Increase Outreach another ½%

Outcome: Same as above Same as above

A=now budgetedB=increase Outreach
