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Social Media for Social Good

Student Volunteer ConnectionsShawna Smith – DirectorKelsey Taylor – Community Relations CoordinatorMatthew Roberts - Webmaster

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I. IntroductionII.What is your mission and

audience with social media?III.Social Media PlatformsIV.Social Media Content StrategyV. Evaluating Social Media UseVI. Social Media Tools

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• What is social media for social good?

• What is the purpose of using social media?

• #1 Engage in conversation• #2 Spread your message

• Social media used to foster action for positive change

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+What is your message?

• Importance of vision, mission, values

• Brand consistency is key

• Social Media is like story telling

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+Who is your audience?

• Technographics: • Creators = bloggers• Critics = ex: “like,” “comment,” “troll” • Collectors = ex. Pinterest/ Tumblr • Joiners = active conversations • Spectators = look but rare interactions • Inactives = without internet or social media

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+Activity #1

It is time to work out the first part of your social media strategy!

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• Home Base

• Your information, your way

• People don't checkYellow Pages anymore...

Should you have a website for your initiative?spoiler alert: yes

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+Websites - Why bother?

• Why is a website better than just using a Facebook page?

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+Websites - What stands out?

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+Websites - Relation to Social Media?

An in-out process:

• Connect with your audience on Social Media.

• Drive them to your website.

• "Convert them"

• Send them back out on Social Media.

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+Websites - Relation to Social Media?

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• No money for a web designer?

• No Problemo there are


Pros• Free or

cheap.• No coding

required.*• Easy to

setup and update.

Cons• Not as much

design control.

• Locked into system.

• Potential privacy concerns.

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+ Websites - Caveat

!On Campus Organisatio


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• What should I use for my cause?

1)Personal Profile

2) Group

3) Page

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+Personal Profile

• Dedicate this profile to social good if that is your purpose.

• Organizational profile is breaking the Facebook rules.

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• Internal users

• It is for management • Notifications can be turned off

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+Page• Your public face; where you service people • You can use analytics • Has most functions of a personal profile

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+Tips for Facebook Use

• Show personality and people

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+• Tag people using the @ function

• Post on other pages

• Advertise vanity url: ex. /studentvolunteerconnections

• It is not a blog!

• Don’t cross-post

• Keep up the personal contact

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+• Post emotional content

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• Images are key!

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+ • Watch out for Edgerank!

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The ultimate icebreaker when used effectively

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DOs Don’ts

• Keep your tweets below 140 characters• 115 found to be best

• Tweet informative material like articles

• Tweet at a regular time in a consistent voice

• Make your feed human

• Use @svc_dosomuch

• Use a twitter application that extends your tweets with a link

• Tweet links without a good description of what it is for

• Spam your followers!

• Advertise your twitter using the full URL

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+Hashtags #

• Great way to organize your information

• Can get the attention of potential followers

• Awesome for live-tweeting

• Allows you to see who else is talking about the same stuff

• Provides keywords for followers if they want to learn more

• Connects your followers to each other to encourage discussion

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+Engagement and Interaction

• Retweet Retweet Retweet!

• Retweet other organizations that talk about the same issues

• Retweet people that are talking about you!

• Answer questions promptly

• Ask your followers questions and retweet good responses

• Take advantage of #FF

• Mention other groups in your posts using @username

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+Creating your Social Media Strategy• What platforms will you use?

• Who will be responsible for your social media?

• What is your specific goal?

• What specific content will you use?

• Hashtags, facebook tags, images, videos, quotes, articles, stories

• How will you engage your supporters and keep them engaged?

• Ask questions, encourage contributions from supporters, competitions

• What is your social media schedule?

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+Activity #2

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+Analytic Tools:

• Google Analytics

• Facebook Insights

• Twitonomy

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+Other Social Networks:

• LinkedIn

• Google Plus

• Youtube

• Pinterest

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+ Social Media Tools

Tools for managing Social Media.

• Hootsuite*

• Tweetdeck

• Hotot

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