
Social media and Crowd-sourcing for Emergency Management

Bronwyn Agrios

Esri Technical Marketing

Esri Disaster Response

• Support our users, partners and Esri personnel

• Types of requests:

– Software

– Data

– Technical Support

– Project Support

– Hardware

Live mapping for better situational awareness

Web Servers, Software, Coordination, Staff, Partner Mobilization

Live Streams

Volunteered Information

Community collaboration

Engaging the community and providing a hosted environment for spatial information collection


so·cial net·workA social structure made of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes," which are connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency

Traditional social networks

Curated past participle, past tense of cu·rateVerb: Select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).


Curated social networks

au·thor·i·ta·tiveAdjective: Trusted as being accurate or true; considered to be the best of its kind.


Authoritative GIS Content

Social networks + location can connect you with your neighbour

Geographic information in a geographic context

Show spatial information on a map

Accurate locations lead to good decisions (poor location accuracy does not)

Considering accuracy is key to good decision making

Always consider accuracy

Spatial analysis leads to better decision making

Spatial Analysis is Key

A couple of other key points…

Ask and you shall receive… Well…not really.

Filter content to get the maximize chance of useful results





Examining social media after an eventprovides additional source of documentation

AccuracyVerificationNaughty wordsPrivacyTerms of Use


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