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SMS Marketing

SMS is highly effective for reaching out to customers. SMS messages are likely to be opened within just five minutes of being received. This makes SMS great for appointment reminders, limited time contests and coupon promotions

SMS Marketingl The text messages that are sent to a phone are called

SMS messages. SMS is an acronym, which stands for “short message service”. These messages can be send phone to phone, or by a computer.

l Corporate professionals are finding they can reach a different clientele, with this type of advertising, than they could with older methods.Older methods of newspapers, televisions and radio, are competing with virtual competition. The new generation is into technology.

l The ordinary customer uses their phone for email, text messages,bills and many other things. Because messages are read within 4 minutes, companies are latching on to the attention they receive from potential customers.

SMS marketing

l Organisations mistakenly believe that mobile marketing requires heavy investment in apps and does not allow for personalised, targeted communication and lacks strong analysis to support ROI.

l The reality is that access to mobile communications is far easier than perceived and gaining access to mobile consumers (smartphone and non-smartphone) can be as simple as sending a personalised, targeted text message.

SMS marketing

l The means to instigate two-way SMS messaging between a company and their mobile users is essential to building a brand in households around the world provided consumer privacy is protected through legal requirements for opt-in.

Use of SMS marketing

A company can offer coupons and announce upcoming sales to the public. Companies can interact with the public and can actually talk back and forth. Customers get their needs met, companies have sales increased. Many consumers are now familiar with text from when using local services like dentists, garages or hairdressers.

Benefits of SMS marketing

1. It’s a direct, immediate channel SMS is one of the most immediate channels available; with a read rate of 97% within 15 minutes delivery, you can be reassured that your time critical messages will be read almost instantly. 2. You can use shortcodes to simplify response and build your database Have your customers make the first move by adding a shortcode or keyword to print collateral, advertisements and advertising boards as well as social media.

Benefits of SMS marketing3. You can learn more about your customers SMS is a great channel to get feedback from your customers via surveys. Research shows that on average 31% of consumers will respond to a survey via SMS with the average response time for users being just over 5 minutes. Meaning you can get great results in a short period of time.4. You can increase customer engagement Think of SMS as a way to enhance how your brand engages with your customers across the entire customer lifecycle.