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Page 1: Scuba Swatch

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Page 2: Scuba Swatch

There are over one hundred di f ferent species

o f Scuba Swatch on ear th . Endless var ia t ions

in shape, color , mater ia l and s ize can make

ident i fy ing each species a di f f icul t task. This

guide wi l l help you become famil iar wi th the

di f ferent species and may even introduce you

to a few you’d l ike to hunt a few you’d l ike to hunt down.

Page 3: Scuba Swatch

There are over one hundred di f ferent species

o f Scuba Swatch on ear th . Endless var ia t ions

in shape, color , mater ia l and s ize can make

ident i fy ing each species a di f f icul t task. This

guide wi l l help you become famil iar wi th the

di f ferent species and may even introduce you

to a few you’d l ike to hunt a few you’d l ike to hunt down.

Page 4: Scuba Swatch

Dolphin WhistlePorcopiscus sonas{ }

Page 5: Scuba Swatch

Size: Strap width- 21.00 mm Case diameter: 47.00 mm Notes: Bezel that displays dive time.Close cousin of the yellow-bodied Farfallion Gallio.

Dolphin WhistlePorcopiscus sonas

The Dolphin Whist le can be ident i f ied

by i ts br ight blue, rubbery skin wi th three

prominent black markings on the band. I t

can t ravel to depths o f up to 200 meters ,

a measurement recorded by i ts depth meter .

The Dolphin Whist le is nat ive to Switzer-

land, but can be found al l over the, but can be found al l over the world.

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King of TidesMaiestas aquarius

Size: Strap width- 7.00 mm Case diameter: 38.00 mm. Notes: Water resistant up to 200 meters. Hand colors are white with a glowing dot.

The King of Tides has a f lexible metal

s t rap and t ranslucent face wi th few dis t in-

guishing markings . I ts color ing consis ts

o f sof t pear l tones that a l low i t to remain

subt le in most environments . But descend

into murky waters or dark depths and the

King of Tides wi l l make i tsel f known by

glowing to help you keep t rack of t ime.

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Page 9: Scuba Swatch

The largest member o f the

Cyclopt ic family can be ident i f ied by

i ts red color ing and s ingle whi te s t r ipe

f lanking i ts face. The Cyclopt ic Large

has a durable Velcro body wi th s t rong

gr ipping capabi l i t ies . I t i s most o f ten

s ighted on divers , sur fers , swimmers

and those who are act ive in the water.

Size: Strap width: 17.00 mm Case diameter: 38.30 mm Notes: Water resistant up to 200 meters. Bezel that displays dive time.

Cycloptic LargeCycloptium magnus

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Page 11: Scuba Swatch

The Spine is easi ly ident i f iable in

the wi ld . I ts bold color ing and r idged

rubber body make i t s tand out in any

environment , even below the sur face of

the water. The Spine does not do wel l

hidden under s leeves or ly ing on night

s tands. Spines need f resh air and lo ts

o f water to f lour ish.

Size: Strap width- 17.00 mm Case diameter: 38.30 mm Notes: Water resistant up to 200 meters. Bezel that displays dive time.

SpineSpinae rugae

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Page 13: Scuba Swatch
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Each Scuba Swatch comes wi th a 2 year

warranty , so unl ike that goldf ish you bought

when you were younger , your new Scuba Swatch

won’ t die 10 minutes a f ter you br ing i t home.

Page 15: Scuba Swatch

Each Scuba Swatch comes wi th a 2 year

warranty , so unl ike that goldf ish you bought

when you were younger , your new Scuba Swatch

won’ t die 10 minutes a f ter you br ing i t home.