  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    Department of EducationDivision of City Schools

    Misamis St., Bago Bantay, QuezonCity

    Division Capacity BuildingCareer Guidance Program and Early RegistrationBatch 1 – District 1, 2 and 3

    C!""#$ B%ED C%REERG&'D%(CE PR"GR%))'(G

    Developed by: Philip V. Austria

    Guidance CounselorSan Francisco High School

    Presenter: Roseo . Caburian! "r.School Paper Adviser

    #alara High School

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    *+o nd a C%REER to -hich you are adapted.y nature, and then to -or/ hard at it, isa.out as near to a 0ormula 0or &CCE and!%PP'(E as the -orld provides "ne o0the 0ortunate aspects o0 this 0ormula is thatGR%(+ED that the R'G!+ C%REER has .een

    0ound, the hard -or/ ta/es care o0 itsel0 +hen the !%RD "R ' ("+ !%RD "Rat all4

    $)ar/ ullivan (orth-estern &niversity

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming



    % +raining (eeds%ssessment

    B 5ideo Clip atching on

    ho- to ma/e a careerchoice

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    Real Talk 

    1 !o- did you land in your current 6o.72 as it really your real careerchoice73 '0 you -ere not a teacher no-,-hat could you have .ecome7%0ter some thin/ time, discuss yourans-ers to the 8uestions usinground rally strategy -ith yourpeers at your ta.le

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    "n the 'mportance o0 CareerPlanning

    ith peers 0rom your station,mentally list do-n theimportance o0 career planning

    %ssign a to each personin your station

    "nce your gets called,

    .e ready to ta/e the longest listchallenge

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    'mportance o0 Career Planning

      Career a!ect theamount of money earnedand ho" it must or could#e spent.

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

    • Career a!ect friendships,lin$s and connections as

    one usually esta#lishesrelationships in the area of"or$.•  Career in%uence theattitudes and values of

    eo le.

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    'mportance o0 Career Planning

     Moral values can #e a!ected#y some occupations.

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

    •  Careers determine ho" much

    time is spent at "or$, "ithfamily and friends, for pursuit ofother interests, or for leisureactivities.•  Careers a!ect the $inds of

    institutions or organizations onecan "or$ in, the nature of the"or$, the type of "or$ingenvironment, and the levels ofresponsi#ility one might reach.

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    hat one9s careera:ects most is the

    development o0

    sel0$esteem andcondence

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    Current ituation


  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    % considera.le part o0 theunemployed population consists

    o0 educated -or/ers – the young ones

     >=2 or 111 ) o0 the total

    unemployed have reached orgraduated 0rom !'G! C!""#

    ource? @anuary 2A1= #a.or orce urvey Results,'nstitute 0or #a.or tudies, D"#E

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

    Current ituation

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    't ta/es a high school leaver upto 3 years to nd a rst 6o. and >years to nd a permanent -age

     6o. +he youth9s educational

    attainment, age, .ehavior

    to-ards 6o. searching, his 0amily,social net-or/, minimum -age,regulations and restrictions on

    employment are strong 0actorsinuencin their school$to$-or/

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgrammingchool$to$or/ +ransition

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    hat are the reasons -hy entry$level 6o.see/ers get re6ected andemployers have diculties in their

    recruitment process7Do a high ve -ith a person nearyou

    hare your ans-er hare -ithanother pair %t your ta.le,discuss the pro.a.le one

    reason -hy 6o.see/ers get

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    ecruitment and /iring

    Reasons -hy entry$level 6o.see/ers get re6ected andemployers have diculties in

    their recruitment process?1 #ac/ o0 competency o0 the


    2 EFpectation o0 high salary3 #ac/ o0 years o0 eFperience

    > #ac/ o0 license;certication

    = Pre0erence to -or/ .road

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    !uman Development PovertyReduction Ca.inet Cluster

    Career Guidance %dvocacy Program –identied as one o0 the convergentprograms on @o.$/ills )atching

    Enhanced the capa.ility andemploya.ility o0 0uture -or/ers

     +o improve the current Philippine9sran/ing in the +alent

    Competitive 'ndeF?H3rd among the 1A3 countries

    ource? Bureau o0 #ocal Employment

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    "n Gaps and Challenges

    ith peers in your 8uadrant,mentally list do-n the gaps andchallenges in human resource

    %ssign a to each personin your 8uadrant

    "nce your gets called,

    .e ready to ta/e the longest listchallenge

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    0aps and Challenges

    chool curriculum and 0acilitiesare unresponsive

    Poor communication s/ills o0

    students and graduates%cademe lac/s industry mentors

    0or training o0 school teachers

    and 0acultytudents and 6o.see/ers

    /no-ledge a.out career options

    is very limited

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


     +he neFt slides are purely matter$loading )aintain patience until the

    last slide

    't9s picture$ta/ing timeI


  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    District !omeroom %dvisers9

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    1ur Strategies.  Capacity Building

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

    B. Creation of a Careerdvocacy 2nit

    e. Career 0uidance Program 3C0P45mplementation

    d. Career 0uidance 6ee$ 

    f. S/S Early egistration

    C. School7#ased strategic plan

    S h l B d C G id

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    % Capacity Buildingchool !eads

    •enior !igh choolocal Person•Guidance

    Counselors• !omeroom %dvisers

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

    S h l B d C G id

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    B Creation o0 a Career

    %dvocacy &nit JC%&KChairman Jchool headsK

    •5ice Chairman JGuidanceCounselorsK•)em.ers J! 0ocal person,P+%;GC;%lumni %ssociationPresidents, G,

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    C chool$Based trategic Plan

    Date Program uggested %ctivities Resources

    ept 1H$1L

    DivisionCapacityBuilding 0orCGP

    DC MC

    ept 21$2=

    ept 21$"ct1A

    chool$Based CGPPlanning

    Creation ; trategicPlanning o0 C%& !omeroom %dvisers"rientation and +raining re 12;CGPmodules

    )appingCareer +ool/it;%dvocacy)aterialsEnvironmentalcanning



    Partner%genciesBusinessEsta.lishments• +rac/ andtrands to

    o:er•Re0erral to

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

    S h l B d C G id

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    Date Program Suggestedctivities


    ept 2N 'ntensicationo0 CGP"rientation

    District$-ide!omeroom %dvisersJc;o #G&K

    ept 2L$"ct 2

    ept 2Lept 2ept 3A"ct A1

    CareerGuidanceee/ Basics o0 $12

    )odule1)odule '')odule '''Career;chool airPep +al/ +rac/s and trands

    "rientationCareer Rally;ParadeCourse$mo$play

    CGP modulesPartnerchools


    "ct 3$11 Parent9sEngagement

    !R%, C%&

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    School-Based Career Guidance Programming

    1ct. +7+&


    etrieval of S/SPreference Slip8CE resultdiscussionS/S help des$ Career Coaching

    C2, /,0uidanceCounselors9:eacher

    S/S Preference

    Slip3nne; 4



    Early Registration#' Encoding"nline Registration

    ! RegistrationormJ%nneF 3K

    Date Program Suggestedctivities


    S h l B d C G id

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    D Career Guidance ProgramJCGPK 'mplementation

    1K )odule 1$ on a @ourney o0 el0$%-areness

    aK ession 1 JNA minutesK

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

    2K )odule 2$ EFamining theDestinations

    aKession 1 JNA minutesK.Kession 2 JNA minutesK3K )odule 3$ Charting

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    E ! Early Registration

    " 1$23 Early ! Registration%ll grade 1A students in < 2A1=$2A1N

    shall to their class adviser a dulyaccomplished ! Pre0erence lip JanneF

    2K +he class adviser shall register their

    students through the #' % detailedprocedural guide 0or the su.mission o0 the

    students9 pre0erences in the #' -ill .eavaila.le in the #' !elp Page .y "cto.er1

    School-Based Career GuidanceProgramming

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    E ! Early Registration

    !igh chool graduates prior to the 0ullimplementation o0 the to 12 Program,PEP+ and %OE passers, and otherlearners outside the 0ormal system,

    -ho opt to enter !, may register inany o0 the schools o:ering ! usingthe ! Registration orm J%nneF 3K

    ! Early Registration shall culminatenot later than " 23, 2A1=, and allsu.missions should not .e later than( N, 2A1=

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    )onitoring and Evaluation

    "rganied Career %dvocacy &nitchool$.ased Career %dvocacy


    Documentation o0 CareerGuidance Program JmodulesKimplementation, )apping,

    Parents Engagement, EtcCareer +ool it

    Documentation o0 the Career

    Guidance ee/

    S200ES:ED C:5

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    S200ES:ED C:558 025D580 0DE +) >E8ES 5

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming


    3Q2Q1 Par/ing #ot

     +hree things you are eFciteda.out 0or your advisees -ithregard to CGP

     +-o possi.le concerns that mayarise

    % thought you -ould li/e to share

    or a comment you9d li/e to ma/ea.out this presentation

  • 8/19/2019 School Based Career Guidance Programming
